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“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save

it”. By Robert Swan

To our course facilitator Dr. Recvir P. Ureta, to our ever handsome
and gorgeous resource speakers sir Johnel Jun M. Solomon and Ma’am
Gracia G. Palacios, to our participants and invited guests, ladies and
gentlemen a pleasant afternoon. Welcome to our free virtual seminar and
today we are gathered here to discuss a topic entitled "The Plastic Planet:
The long-term effect of microplastics in the Earth's Biosphere".
Before we begin this seminar, I would like to express my heartfelt
gratitude to all of you who sincerely committed to this event to make it a
success. This event would have been impossible without the support of
each and every one present here.
The Earth is apparently dying and the climate is continuously
changing caused by a blanket of pollutions. Microplastic is a huge concern
now a days because it is designed to last and as a result it takes a very
long time to breakdown. These microplastics contribute to the land waste
and it is said to be harmful and dangerous for human health.
This seminar is intended as an opportunity to learn and gain more
awareness about Microplastics, its effect to the environment and the
possible solutions to mitigate its effects in the environment.
After our seminar, there will be a question-and-answer session that will
served as a venue for exchanging of ideas. We could also utilize the chat
box for your comments, clarifications or insight.
So, sit back, relax and enjoy! Grab everything that you could grab. (pero
wag nyong iba-box!) Absorb everything that you could absorb, and use
every learning to help and save our mother earth. I welcome you all once
again to the Seminar and I hope that you will have a great time ahead.
Thank you and God bless us all!

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