Cams and Loci

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Construction of loci & Cams profiles

Basic geometry
Dividing a line into equal parts without measuring
i) Start with a line segment AB that we will divide up into say 5 equal parts.
ii) From point A, draw a line segment at an angle to the given line, and about the same
length. The exact length is not important.
iii) Set the compasses on A, and set its width to a bit less than one fifth of the length of
the new line and step the compasses along the line, marking off 5 arcs, labeled them
iv) Join point 5 to point B and draw lines parallel to line B-5 passing through points
4,3,2,1. The lines divide the given line segment AB in to 5 congruent parts.

Fig 4.1: Bisecting a line into equal parts

Dividing a circle into 12 equal parts compass method

Dividing a circle into 12 equal parts using a set-square

A circle can be divided into 12 equal parts using 30°-60°-90° set square as illustrated in Fig
4.2 and 8 parts using set square 45°-90°

Fig 4.2: Bisecting a circle into equal parts

Construction of loci
The locus of a point is the path traced by the point when it moves in accordance to specified
conditions. The plural of locus is loci
Common Loci
1. If a point moves in one plane so that its distance from a fixed point O is constant, then
its locus is a circle.
2. If a point P moves on one plane so that its perpendicular distance from a fixed point
line AB is constant , then its locus is a parallel line to AB.
3. If a point P moves on one plane so that it’s equidistant from two fixed points A and B,
then its locus is a straight line perpendicular to AB.
4. If a point P moves in one plane so that its distance from a fixed point C and its
perpendicular distance from a fixed line AB are always in the same ratio1:n where n
is a number greater than 1, then the locus of the point is an ellipse

Fig. 4.6: Common loci

Other types of loci considered are: cycloidal curves, involute curve and mechanisms.

Cycoidal Curves
Cycloidal curves are generated by the locus of a point, attached to a circle that rolls without
slip on a given path. If the circle rolls on a straight line a cycloid is formed, if it rolls on another
big circle epicycloid if formed whereas it rolls inside a bigger circle a hypoclycoid is formed. The
rolling circle is called the generating circle and the straight or curved path is called the ‘directing
line’ or ‘directing circle’.

Construction of a cycloid
These curves are used in teeth profiles of gear wheels for proper engagement of gear wheels
for proper engagement during proper transmission.
Suppose the radius R the generating circle is given
i) Draw the given circle of radius R with center C.
ii) Take one point P on the circumference of the circle. From point P draw a tangent PA
equal to 2πR mathematically. Draw parallel lines parallel to PA passing through points
11-1, 10-2, 9-3 etc as shown to meet line AB.

iii) Divide line CB into 12 equal parts. This can be achieved by dividing line PA into 12
equal parts and transmitting the points to the line CB (not shown)
iv) Imagine that the circle is rolling gradually over line PA.. Then, centre C will take a
new position at C1, and point P will rise up to the horizontal line 11-1, i.e. at a distance
R from C1 (i.e new position P1). Again when point P will move to C2 the point P
will touch the horizontal line 2-10, i.e. at a distance R from C2 (new position of P2).
Similarly we will get the remaining points (P3 ,…, P12, ) at a distance of radius R from
C3,…C12 i.e. on the horizontal line from 3-12 i.e C3 with 3, C4 with 4 and so on.
v) Through points P1, P2, P3, …and P12 draw a smooth curve (with French curve or
freehand), which is known as cycloid. All construction lines should remain faint

Fig. 4.7: Construction of a cycloid curve

Involute Curve
The involute is a curve traced out by the end of a piece of the thread, unwound or wound from
or to a cylinder, circle or a regular polygon. The thread must be kept tight at all times.

Construction of an involute
i) Draw the given circle of radius R with O as center
ii) Divide the circle into 12 equal parts using 30°/90° T-square
iii) Number the division-point into 1,2,3,…12 in clockwise direction
iv) Draw a tangent AB from the point 12 of the circle. The distance is equal to 2πR
(approximate in measurement) of the circumference of the circle.
v) Divide the line AB into 12 equal parts geometrically and number the points
vi) Draw tangent at the points of the circle i.e. at 1,2,3,…,11
vii) With compass, take a measurement of one small division at AB (i.e. A-1’)
viii) From the tangent at 1, cut the distance A-1’ to get the point P1. Similarly, from the
tangent at 2, cut the distance A-2’ (i.e. 2 small divisions) to get the point P2 . In a
similar manner, other P3,P4,…and P11, are obtained, and
ix) Through points P1, P2, P3, …and P12 draw a smooth curve (with French curve or
freehand), which is known as involute.

Fig. 4.8: Construction of an involute curve

A mechanism is a machine or part of a machine consisting of a system of moving parts. Any
rigid piece of the mechanism pivoted at the ends is called a link, arrangements of links , pivots and
slides are often used to convert circular motion into reciprocating or oscillating motion and vice

When designing a mechanism to perform a specific task, the loci of various points on the
mechanism must be drawn to determine the velocities, accelerations and the forces involved in the
motion produced. It is also necessary to study the movements of the links so that clearances may
be checked and safety guards or shields may be designed to protect the users of the machine.
Two very common types of mechanism are the slider-crank and the four-bar chain.

It is a simple mechanism in which the rotary motion is converted to linear motion or vice
versa. The figure shows a crank AB which rotates about A and is joined by the connecting rod BC
to the piston (slider) C which slides along the axis AC.
To plot the locus of a point P on the mechanism
i) Draw a circle of radius equal to the crank length and mark off say, twelve points
equal on its circumference. Number the points B1,B2….B12.
ii) Draw the axis AC through the center of the circle and the slider and with radius
equal to the length of the connecting rod BC, strike arcs from B1,B2,…B12 to intersect
AC at C1,C2,…C12.
iii) Join B1C1, B2C2,..B12 C12 to give the positions of the connecting rod BC for B12 to
give the positions of the connecting rod BC for twelve different positions of the
crank AB
iv) With the same centers B1,B2…B12, and radius BP, strike arcs to intersect B1C1,
B2C2,..B12 C12 at p1,p2,…p12.
v) Join points p1,p2,…p12 by a smooth curve .This is the locus of point P.
Note that the above procedure has been shown in Fig below up to point B7. The procedure can
be completed or the other points can be transmitted using construction instruments.

Fig. 4.8: Construction of slider crank mechanism

Four-bar chain
It’s a simple mechanism which consists of two cranks AB and CD joined by a rod BC. The
fourth link is between the two fixed pivots A and D.
To plot the locus of a point P
i) Draw a circle of radius AB with center A and another of radius DC with center D.
ii) Mark off, say, twelve equally spaced points on the circle of radius AB to correspond to
different positions of the crank AB. Number the points B1,B2..B12 as shown.
iii) With B1,B2..B12 as centers, strike arcs of radius equal to the length of the connecting rod
BC to intersect the circumference of the circle of radius DC at points C1,C2,…C12.
iv) Join to give the positions of the connecting rod BC for twelve different positions of the
crank AB.

v) Again with centers B1,,B2,,…,B12 strike arcs of radius BP to intersect B1,C1, B2C2, …
B12C12 at p1,p2,….p12.Join points p1 to p12 by a smooth curve. This is the locus of point

Fig. 4.8: Construction of four bar chain

Cams and Cam profiles
A cam is component which may rotate, oscillate or reciprocate and is shaped so that it imparts
motion to another component called a follower, which may reciprocate in a guide or oscillate about
a pivot.
Applications: internal combustion engines to operate valves, in packaging and printing
industries, in machine tools and in many other industrial applications etc.

Main types of cams

Wedge cam: Reciprocates horizontally and causes a follower which is in constant contact
with the cam profile, to reciprocate vertically in its guide.
Disc or plate cam: It is made of flat plate with an edge profile to transmit the required motion
to a follower
Face cam: In its flat face a rotary cam has a groove machine within which the roller follower
is constrained to move. Due to this positive motion of the follower there is no need for a restraining
Cylindrical Cam: In its curved surface, this rotary cam has a groove machined within which
the roller is constrained to move. The reciprocating positive motion of the follower is parallel to
the cam axis.
Cylindrical Cam: This cylindrical cam has its end machined to the required shape.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

Fig. 4.9: Types of cams: (i) Wedge cam, (ii) Disc cam, (iii) Face cam, (iv) Cylindrical Cam and (iv)End Cam

Main types of cam followers

There are three main types of followers: knife-edge, flat and roller
There are three types:
i) Knife edge follower

This has the advantage that it can follow any complicated cam profile. However it’s not often
used as it wears rapidly due to high pressures and sliding friction.
ii) The flat follower
This cannot be used for concave cam profiles. It wears slower than the knife edge follower
since the points of contact move across the surface of the follower according to the changing profile
of the cam.
iii) The roller follower line
This has the advantage that wear is minimized due to rolling rather than sliding friction. The
cam profile must not incorporate any concave forms with a radius smaller than the radius of the
The cam follower may have a reciprocating or oscillating motion and may be positioned in
line with the cam center or be offset.

Fig. 4.10: Types of cam followers

Types of follower motion

To design the follower of a rotary cam in order to impart a required motion to a follower, it’s
very convenient to draw first a displacement diagram. On this diagram, the linear displacement of
the follower is plotted vertically against angular displacement for a complete rotation of the cam.

Types of follower motion

There are three fundamental types of motion which may be imparted to followers:

Uniform velocity
The displacement diagram will be a straight sloping line as the displacement by proportional
to the angle turned through and equal angles turned through by the cam will produce equal
increments of rise or fall of the follower.

Fig. 4.12: Constant velocity/Uniform motion

Uniform acceleration and retardation

The uniform acceleration and retardation curves are parabolic in form.
To construct them:

i) Divide the rise of the follower and the angular displacement of the cam into the
same number of equal parts by points A,B…etc and a,b…etc.
ii) For the acceleration curve, draw construction lines radiating from the initial point
A to a,b…etc. and for the retardation draw construction line radiating from the final
point A to a,…etc.
iii) Mark point Pb where the line Ab intersects the vertical through B point Pb, Pc …etc.
will be required acceleration and retardation curves.

Fig. 4.13: Uniform acceleration

3. Simple harmonic motion(s.h.m)
This curve is a sine curve and it represents a motion similar to that of a swinging pendulum
in a clock.
To construct the s.h.m curve:
i) Draw a semicircle of diameter equal to the follower displacement. Divide it into
say six equal angular parts and project horizontal construction lines from the
intersection points thus obtained.
ii) Divide the cam displacement into the same number of equal parts (six) and project
iii) Join the corresponding points of intersection of the vertical and horizontal lines to
obtain the smooth s.h.m curve.

Fig. 4.14: Simple harmonic motion

Construction of Cam Profiles

Example 1- Knife edge follower
Cam specification: disc cam, minimum radius 40 mm; shaft diameter 35 mm; rotation
Displacement and motion:
0°-90°, rise of 30mm with uniform acceleration
90°-180°, rise of 30 mm with uniform retardation
180°-240°, dwell (no motion- rest)
240°-360°, fall with uniform velocity

To draw the cam profile:
i) Draw the follower displacement diagram, incorporating the cam minimum radius
which is the nearest approach of the follower to the center of the cam
ii) Draw two circles one of 40 mm cam minimum radius and the other 100mm cam
maximum radius (i.e the minimum cam radius plus the maximum follower
iii) .Draw radial lines at 30° intervals numbering them in the reverse direction to the
cam rotation. If extra accuracy is required, 15° or smaller intervals may be used as
shown in the 300°-360° interval.
Note: for construction purposes, the cam can be considered to be stationary while the follower
rotates in the reverse direction about the cam
iv) Transfer all vertical distances from the follower displacement diagram to the
corresponding radial lines measuring from the center.
v) With the help of a French curve, draw a smooth curve through the points obtained to
give the required cam profile.

Fig. 4.15: Knife edge follower

Example 2-Roller follower

Cam specification: as example 1(minimum radius is 40mm minus the roller radius; 40-
Displacement and motion :as example 1
Follower: 12mm diameter roller
To draw the cam profile:
i) To draw the locus of the roller center, which is an identical curve to the cam profile already
constructed for the knife edge follower in example 1
ii) With centers on this locus and radius 6mm draw a number of construction circles
representing the roller in various positions
iii) Draw the best tangential curve to these circles to give the required cam profile

Fig. 4.16: Roller follower

Example 3-flat follower

Cam specification: disc cam, minimum radius 46mm;shaft diameter38mm;rotation clockwise
Displacement and motion:
0°-180°, rise of 48mm with s.h.m
180°-360°, fall of 48mm with s.h.m
Follower: flat, with 30mm long contact surface
To draw the cam profile:
i) Draw the follower displacement Diagram F.D.D incorporating the minimum cam
ii) Draw two circles one of 46mm cam minimum radius and another of 94mm cam
maximum radius.
iii) Draw radial lines at 30°intervals labeling them anticlockwise
iv) Transfer all the follower distances from the follower displacement diagram to the
corresponding radial lines of the cam, measuring from the center
v) At each of the plotted points on the radial lines, draw a line 30mm long
perpendicular to and bisected by the radial lines to represent the fat contact surface
of the follower. These lines will be tangent to the cam profile
vi) Draw the best smooth curve to touch this tangents at the points of contact,
remembering that a flat follower can be used only where the flat profile is convex


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