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Red hat enterprise virtualization 3.

5 RH318

Workstation.podX.exmaple.com 172.25.X.9 student “client”

Rhevm. podX.exmaple.com 172.25.X.15 student “rhev manager”

Servera. podX.exmaple.com 172.25.X.10 student “first RHEV host”

Serverb. podX.exmaple.com 172.25.X.11 student “second RHEV host”

Classroom. podX.exmaple.com classroom utility server

Rht-vmctl commands

Start workstation machine :rht-vmctl start workstation

View “physical console” to log in and work with wrolstation machine:rht-vmctl view

Reset workstation machine to its state and restart virtual machine.:rht-vmctl reset

Set for the user’s GNOME desktop environment

i=$(grep ‘Language=’ /var/lib/AccountsService/users/$(USER)

sed ‘s/Language=//’)

if [ “$i” !=” ”] ;then

export =LANG=$i


Go around and make sure that all the second machines are turned off

Undo the change in PXE configuration

f0$ rht-config-rhevpxe --reverse

Make the qcow2 available

f0$ rht-config-rhevnested

Push the change to the student foundation systems

1.Red hat enterprise virtualzation overview

Virtualization on linux

Kernel-based virtual machine(KVM)

Intel :VT-x


[kiosk@foundation0 Desktop]$ grep --color -E'(vmx

svm)' /proc/cpuinfo

grep: invalid option -- '('

Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...

Try 'grep --help' for more information.

[kiosk@foundation0 Desktop]$ grep --color -E '(vmx

svm)' /proc/cpuinfo

flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36


[kiosk@foundation0 Desktop]$ grep --color -E 'nx' /proc/cpuinfo


Supported creatria:

[root@serverb ~]# egrep --color '(nx



lm)' /proc/cpuinfo


Virtual desktop server manager(VDSM)


User portal ,spice ,representation state transfer(rest).


2.installing ,configuring,and testing RHEV manager

Installin and testing rhev manager:

Red hat enterprise list entitlement provides red hat enterprise linux;

Red hat enterprise virtualtion provides virtualtion manager,rhev hypervisor,thel

host,rhev agent channels

Red hat enterprise application platform provide the supported release of the
application platform.





Configure RHEV :#engine-setup

Demonstration : installing and configuring the rhev

2.[root@rhevm ~]# wget http://classroom.example.com/materials/rhevm.repo -P


[root@rhevm ~]# yum repolist

3.[root@rhevm ~]# yum -y update

4.[root@rhevm ~]# yum -y install rhevm rhevm-dwh rhevm-reports

5. [root@rhevm ~]# scp /root/answers.txt student@workstation.pod0.example.com:

6 . [root@rhevm ~] service ovirt-engine status

7. [root@rhevm ~] showmount -e localhost

grep rhevisos

8. [kiosk@foundation0 Desktop]$firefox https://rhevm.pod0.example.com &

Automating rhev manager installation

First installation ,the –generate-answer flag needs to be passed:

#engine-setup --generate-answer=/root/answers.txt


#engine-setup –config-append=/root/answers.txt

Applying release updates

A list of locked packages can be found in /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/versionlock.list

Rhev manager updates by using engine-upgrade-check


#yum update –y engine-setup


Ptrctice :page37

Manageing users,roles,and permissions

Use engine-manage-domains command to bind to a directory service:

#engine-manage-domains add --domain=DOMAIN --user=USER --provider=PROVIDER


Directory users

User princpipal name(UPN),from user@admin,

Managing mutilelevel administration


1.Join to the example.com:

#engine-manage-domains add --domain=example.com –user=rhevadmin --provider=IPA

#service ovirt-engine restart

2.rhev instance is bound to the example.com

#engine-manage-domains list

3.gver the user rhevadmin the superuser perssion

admin@redhat ->configure ->system perssions ->add user->select superuser role.

4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 on page 49

Practice: page 52

Troubleshooting rhev manager

Firewall configuration

#cat /et c/ovirt-engine/iptables.example

Confirmin the system time

#service ntpd stop

#ntpdate classroom.example.com

#hwclock –w


#service ntpd start

Internal administrative account

1.log in as root omn the rhev-m linuex server.

2.user the engine-config –s AdminPassword=interactive to reset the internal

administrative password.

#engine-config –s AdminPassword=interactive

3. service ovirt-engine restart

#grep server /etc/ntp.conf

Retrieving rhev configuration values with rhev configuration tool;

Update a value ,the –s flag needs to be used.

#engine-config –s “UserDefinedVMproperties=macspoof=(true


Use engine-config –a to retrieve all existing values:


JBoss is restart and restart the ovirt-engine service:

#engine-config –g “AuditLogCleanupTime”

Pass a configuration file as an argument:

#engine-config –s PasswordEntry --admin-pass-file=/tmp/mypass


Page :59

Practice :page65

[root@rhevm ~]# engine-config -s UserSessionTimeOutInterval=60

[root@rhevm ~]# engine-config -g UserSessionTimeOutInterval

UserSessionTimeOutInterval: 60 version: general

[root@rhevm ~]# service ovirt-engine restart

Reading the log files

Grep to look for specific errors :

#grep ERROR /var/log/ovirt-engine/engie.log

Usging log collector

The command output will be saved in the /tmo/logcollector

Engine-log-collector [options] list [all,clusters,datacenters]

Engine-log-collector [options] collect

Options can be persistently specified by making changes to the

/etc/rhevm/logcollector.conf file.

#engine-log-collector list

Removing rhev manager:

1. shut down rhev-M and remove its configuration.


2.remoive the rhev manager and jboss software packages

#yum remove rhevm* vdsm-bootstrap *jboss* postgresql-server

3.remove all ovirt-engien directories and remove postgreSQL databases;

#rm –fr /etc/ovirt-engine/ /usr/share/ovirt-engine* /var/lib/pgsql/

4.clean up any NFS exports created during the rhev_m installation;

#vim /etc/exports

#service nfs reload

Practice :page 65
3.installing and configuring rhev Hypervisor hosts

Installing rhev hypervisor

Practice :page 80

Configure rhev hypervisor

Approve rhev hypervisor


Upgrading rhev hypervisor

1. install an updated hypervisor pachage on rhevm.podx.example.com

#yum –y install rhev-hypervisor7

2. in virtual machines tab of rhev-m web interface by right-clicking selecting shut


3. place your hypervisor in maintance mode by selecting the host from the
hosts,right-clicking the host,and choosing maintenance ,press ok

4. rhev-h host shows a status of maintenance,

note:waiting 300seconds ,you can find this in the /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine.log

#engine-config –s ServerRebootTimeout=90

#service ovirt-engine restart

Practice:upgrading RHEV hypervisor page89

Lab:page 94
4.creating RHEV data centers and clusters

Creating datacenters

The network container

The storge container

Reinitializing a datacenter


Creating clusters


Optimizing clusters

VIRTUAL machines

Migrating virtual machines in a cluster

Practice :creating clusters page123

Lab:creating rhev datacenters and clusters page125

5. creating and maintaining RHEV storage

creating storage domains




ISO domains:

7. [root@rhevm ~]# wget http://classroom.example.com/materials/rhel-server-7.1-


--2015-08-30 13:53:47-- http://classroom.example.com/materials/rhel-server-7.1-


[root@rhevm ~]# engine-iso-uploader -i iso0 upload rhel-server-7.1-x86_64-boot.iso

Please provide the REST API password for the admin@internal oVirt Engine user
(CTRL+D to abort):

Uploading, please wait...

the storage pool manager(SPM)

vitual disks

preparing NFS storage

preparing iscsi storage

practice :creating a data storage domain page 142

integrating storage with openstack

integrating the glance image service

clance current limitations

integrating the storage volume service

lab:creating and maintaining rhev storage page151

6. creating RHEV logcal networks

creating logical networks

logical networks

port mirroring

required networks ,optional net works,and virtual machine networks

managing system permissions for a network

demonstration:configuring network mac address pool

1.find rhev setting for mac address ranges:

#engine-config –l

grep –i mac

2.view the current settings:

#engine-config -g MacPoolRanges

3.DHCP server is configured to provide ip addresses to machines based on the mac

addressed ,student must hace the proper mac address range to get the proper Ip
addressed form their network

#engine-config –s MacPoolRanges=52:54:00:00:00:10-52:54:00:00:00:FF

#service ovirt-engine restart


Integrating networking with openstack

Openstack neutron as network provider

#engine-config --set KeystoneAuthUrl=http://:35357/v2.0/

Current limatations and future work

Lab:creating logical neworks page170

7.deploying RHEV virtual machines

Installing a new virtual server

Demonstration : installing a new red hat enterprise linux virtual machine

1.download the http://classroom.example.com/materials/small.cfg

2.connect the machine console ,use the spice client,install client and restart
firefox :

#yum –y install spice-xpi

3.log into rhev administration portal as user rhevadmin and password redhat

4.navigate to the virtual machines tab.

Practice :page183

Managing virtual machines

Starting and stopping virtual machines

Enditing a virtual machine

Remove virtual machines

Demonstration :managing virtual machines page186

Practice :managing virtual machines page189

Installing paravirtualized drivers and guest agents

Paravirtualized drivers

rhev-m guest agents

demonstration:add rhev-m guest agent to virtual machine

1.power on your rhel0 virtual machine by selecting it in the overview,right-click

selecting run from the menu.

2.log into virtual machine as root with a password of redhat

3.add the appropriate repository/channel/subscription to obtain the rhevm-guest-

agent-common package.

#wget http://classroom.example.com/materials/rheva.repo -P /etc/yum.repos.d/

4.list the repositories that were enabled.

#yum repolist

5.install the package on the system.

#yum –y install rhevm-guest-agent-common

6.reboot system and investigate VM information reported in the administration


Look at the network interfaces tab in the lower pane of the virtual machine,then
the subtab of guest agent data to view the information about the interface.

Selecting a console type for a virtual machine

Spice protocol
Lab :deploying rhev virtual machines page197
8.Manging VM snapshots and images

Creating and using image snapshots

Image management :snapshots


Demonstration :creating virtual machine snapshots

Demonstration :restoring virtual machine snaoshots

Demonstration :deleting virtual machine snapshots

Practice :creating and using image snapshots page 205

Sharing and editing images

Moving images between datacenters

Virtual machine format (OVF)

Exporting virtual machines

Importing virtual machines

Exporting virtual machines

Importing virtual machines

Editing virtual machine images with guestfish

Consider the following guestfish session:

#guestfish –I –selinux –w –a /exports/exp/EXPORT-UUID/images/VM-UUID/DISK-UUID

Demonstration :virtual machine exports and imports

Practice shring and editing images page 213

9.Automating Vm deployment

Templating process

Repid depolyments using templates

Kernel same-page merging (ksm)

Creating rhel vms with template images

Sealing redhat enterprise linux 6 for deployment

Sealing red hat enterprise linux 7 for deployment

Host names : #hostnamectl set-hostname “localhost”

Sealing with cirt-sysprep

Administrators can use the cirt-sysprep command to remove the machine-specific


#virt-sysprep –list-operations

Demonstration :sealing red hat enterprise linux 7 for deployment

Sealing for manual deployment

# yum –y install firstboot

#chkconfig firstboot on

#sed –I ‘s/^RUN_FIRSTBOOT=.*/RUN_FIRSTBOOT=YES/’ /etc/sysconfig/firstboot

#touch /etc/reconfigsys

Demonstration :creating a red hat enterprise linux 7 template

Creating a new redhat enterprise linux7 virtual server based on a template page228

Demonstration :creating a new redhat enterprise linux 7 virtual server based on a


Practice:creating rhel VMs with template images page 231

8.ping –c3

Windows VMs with template images

Sealing windows for deployment

Creating a windows template

Create a new windows cirtual desktop based on a template

Creating and mangaging pools


Creating pools

Demonstration :creating pools

Managing pools

Demonstration :editing a virtual pool

Practice :creating and managing pools page 245

Automating rhel deployment with cloudinit

1. ssh root@rhevm

2. [root@rhevm ~]# yum install


3. [root@rhevm share]# engine-image-uploader -e exp0 --name cloud-init upload rhel-

Please provide the REST API password for the admin@internal oVirt Engine user
(CTRL+D to abort):


Cloud-init overview

Virtual machines created based on templates

Virtual machine templates

Virtual machine pools

Demonstration:using cloud-init to initialize a virtuak machine

Practice:automating rhel deployment with cloud-init page 250

10.monitoring and reporting of RHEV

Monitoring rhev

Using the search bar

Demonstration :using the search bar

Demonstration:using tags

Practice :monitoring rhev with the search bar and tags page259

Generating reports

Report engine

The repository

Practice :generating reports page263


Lab :monitoring and reporting of rhev with ad hoc reports page264

11. advanced RHEV topics

Backing up and resoring rhev

Backing uo red hat enterprise virtualization mangager

1. Ssh root@rhevm

2. Stop the ovirt-engine-dwhd daemon:

[root@rhevm ~]# service ovirt-engine-dwhd stop

Stopping oVirt Engine Dataware House: [ OK ]

3. Create the full backup:

[root@rhevm ~]# engine-backup --scope=all --mode=backup --log=/root/backup.log --

Engine-backup command works in one of two basic modes:

#engine-backup –mode=backup

#engine-backuo –mode=restore

Demonstration : backing up red hat enterprise virtualization manager page272

1. from the desktop.exmple.com,open a shell ,and SSH into the rhev-m server:

#ssh root@rhevm.podX.example.com

2. before backing up,make sure to stop the ovirt-engine-dwhd deamon:

#service ovirt-engine-dwhd stop

3. once logged in ,run the following command to create a full backup:

#engine-backup –scope=all --mode=backup --log=/root/backup.log --file=/root/rhev-


4. the database are called engine and ovirt_engine_history for rhev-m ,and
rhevmreports for thev-m reports.

#engine-backup --scope=db --mode=backup --log=[file name] --file =[file name]

Restorying the red hat enterprise virtualization manager database

1. log onto eh manchine on which the red hat enterprise virulization manager is

2. Create empty database to which the database in the backup can be restored and
configure the postgresql service:

#service postgresql initdb

#service postgresql start

#chkconfig postgresql on

Run the following commands to enter the postgresql command line:

#service postgresql initdb

#su postgres


Run the following command to create a new user:

Postgres=#create role [user name ] with login encrypted password ‘[password]’;

Run the following command to create the new database:

Postgres=#create database [database name] owner [user name] template template0

encoding ‘UTF8’ lc_collate ‘en_US.UTF-8’ lc_ctype ‘en_UTF-8’;

Edit the /var/lib/psql/data/pg_hda.conf file as follows:

#service postgresql restart

3. restore the backuo using the engine-backuo command tiwh the –change-db-
credentials parameter to pass th credentials of the new database:

#engine-backuo –mode=restore –file=[file name] –log=[file name] –log=[file name] –

change-db-credentials –db-host=[databse location] –db-name=[database name] –db-
user=[user name] --db-password=[password]

4. configure the engine prompts:


5. engine databse and configuration file for the red hat enterprise vitualization
manager have been restored to the version in the backup;

rhev-m reinstallation

#service ovirt-engine stop

#yum remove rhevm rhevm rhevm-dwh rhevm-reports

#rm –rf /etc/pki/ovirt-engine

#rm –rf /etc/ovirt-engine

#yum –y install rhevm rhevm-dwh rhevm-reports

#engine-setup using the –config-append flag ,in order to user answer file,

#engine-setup –config-append=-/root/answers.txt

Practice backuping up and restoting rhev page 277

1. log onto the machine that red hat enterprise virtualization manager is installed

2. run the followindg command ,and the prompts to remove the configuration files
for and clean the databases associated with the manager:

3. restore the backup using the engine-backup command:

#engine-backup –mode=resotre –fille=[file name] –log=[file name]

4. engine-setup

creating a highly available rhev manager

setting up a highly available red hat enterprise virtualization manager

configuring the self-hosted engine

1. initiating hosted engine deployment:#josted-engine --depoly

2. configuring storage;

3. configuring the network

4. configuring the virtual machine

5. configuring the hosted engine:

6. reviewing configuration

7. creating hostedEngine-Vm

8. installing the virtual machine operating system

9. synchronizing the host and the virtual machine

10. installing the mangager

11. synchronizing the host and the mangager

12. shutting down HostedEngine-Vm

exploring application programming interfaces

rhev-M rest api

Using the rhev-m rest api tieh curl

Demonstration :communicating with the rest API pag291

Using VDSM hooks

12.installing and configuring RHEL hosts

Coverting rhel to be a rhev host

Demonstration:prepare a redhat enterprise linux host

1. first make sure x86_64 version of red hat enterprise

2. makr sure the lm,vm/svm and nx flags are in .proc/cpuinfo

3. subscribe the system to the redha enterprise virtualization management agent(V7

x86_64) channel on rhn

#wget http://classroom.example.com/materials/r

4. install the vdsm package using yum

#yum install –y vdsm

5. add an entry fir the rhev-m machine to /etc/host so the hypervisor can always
find the rhev-m machine

#echo ‘172.25.x.15 rhevm.podx.example.com rhevm’ >>/etc/hosts

6. disable the networkManager service

#systemctl stop NetworkManager

#systemctl disable NetworkManager

#systemctl enable network

7. 2 tcp port on the firewall if you need to.

#ssh root@serverb.podX.example.com

Demonstration :adding a red hat enterprise linux host to rhev-M

Removing a managed rhel host

Practice :converting rhel to be a rhev host

1. ssh into the server.podx.example.com system from the workstation terminal

windows as root

2. download the rhevh.repo from http://classroom.example.com /materials/rhevh.repo

#wget http://cassroom.example.com/materials/rhevh.repo -P /etc/yum.repos.d/

3. install the vdsm package

#yum –y install vdsm

4. make sure that your redhat enterprise linux

#cd /usr/share/libvirt/

#mv cpu_map.xml cpu_map.xml-orig

#wget http://classroom.example.com/materials/cpu_map.xml

5. make sure add an entry for your rhevm machine to /etc/hosts

#echo “172.25.X.15 rhevm.podX.example.com rhevm” >> /etc/hosts

6. make certain that NetworkManager is disabled

#systemctl stop NetworkManager

#systemctl disable NetworkManager

#systemctl start nerwork

#systemctl enable network

7. back in the rhev-M gui ,navigate to the hosts

8. rhem-m will now install and configure package on your machine .

9. once your new hypervisor has joined ,wait until the stauts has changed to up and
the SPM column has gone from contending to normal
13. migration VMs and congfiguring high availability

manually migrate a virtual machine

automate migration with cluster policy

configure high availability and live migration

migrating a virtual machine

automating migration

congfiguring high availability

migrating Vms and cnfigring high availability

migrating sda virtual machine

running a virtual machine on a single host

virtual machine migration

demonstration :migrate a virtual machine page315

practice :migrating a virtual machine page317

automating migration

automated migration and cluster policy

prerequisites for live migration apply;there must be at least one active host in
the cluster suite.

Demonstration :setting cluster policy and host maintenance mode page 319

Practice:moving host into maintenance mode page321

Configuring high availability

Virtual machine high availability

Demonstration :confifuring high availability

Practice:configuring high availability page327

14.comprehensive review

Practice: about unit test

Installation review

1. verify hardware requirements of engine and host systems.

egrep --color '(nx



lm)' /proc/cpuinfo

2. Subscribe the RHEV-M machine to the appropriate channels

Firefox: http://classroom.example.com/materials/rhevm.repo

name=Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager for RHEL 6





name=Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Hypervisor for RHEL 6





name=Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Hypervisor for RHEL 7





name=Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6 Supplementary





name=Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization JBoss EAP 6.2



[root@rhevm ~]# yum repolist

3. Install the rhevm ,rhevm-dwh,and rhevm-reports pakages

[root@rhevm ~]# yum -y update

[root@rhevm ~]# yum -y install rhevm rhevm-dwh rhevm-reports

4. Configure RHEV-M with engine-setup and engine-config

Install rhev-M
[root@rhevm ~]# engine-setup --generate-answer=/root/answers.txt


Application mode : both

Update Firewall : False

Host FQDN : rhevm.pod0.example.com

Engine database name : engine

Engine database secured connection : False

Engine database host : localhost

Engine database user name : engine

Engine database host name validation : False

Engine database port : 5432

Engine installation : True

NFS setup : True

PKI organization : pod0.example.com

NFS mount point : /exports/rhevisos

NFS export ACL : rhevm.pod0.example.com(rw)

Configure local Engine database : True

Set application as default page : True

Configure Apache SSL : True

DWH installation : True

DWH database name : ovirt_engine_history

DWH database secured connection : False

DWH database host : localhost

DWH database user name : ovirt_engine_history

DWH database host name validation : False

DWH database port : 5432

Configure local DWH database : True

Reports installation : True

Reports database name : ovirt_engine_reports

Reports database secured connection : False

Reports database host : localhost

Reports database user name : ovirt_engine_reports

Reports database host name validation : False

Reports database port : 5432

Configure local Reports database : True

Engine Host FQDN : rhevm.pod0.example.com

Configure WebSocket Proxy : True

5. Bind to and authentication domain using engine-manage-domains

Add rhevm to example.com domain:

[root@rhevm ~]# engine-manage-domains add --domain=example.com --user=rhevadmin --


[root@rhevm ~]# service ovirt-engine restart

Stopping oVirt Engine: [ OK ]

Starting oVirt Engine: [ OK ]

[root@rhevm ~]# engine-manage-domains list

Domain: example.com

User name: rhevadmin@EXAMPLE.COM

Manage Domains completed successfully

6. Configure your web browerser(if needed).


7. Configure a datecenter

8. Configure a cluster

9. Install,config,and approve a RHEV-H hypervisor host

10. Configure the NFS exports on rhevm

[root@rhevm ~]# grep vdsm /etc/passwd

vdsm:x:36:36:Node Virtualization Manager:/:/sbin/nologin

11. Create a data domain

12. Create an export domain

13. Create and populate and ISO domain

[root@rhevm ~]# wget http://classroom.example.com/materials/rhel-server-7.1-x86_64-

[root@rhevm ~]# engine-iso-uploader -i iso0 upload rhel-server-7.1-x86_64-boot.iso

14. Create a Vm network

15. Install a virtual machine

[root@rhevm ~]# engine-config -s MacPoolRanges=52:54:00:00:00:10-52:54:00:00:00:FF

[root@rhevm ~]# service ovirt-engine restart


1. upgrade a rhev-h hypersior host to the latest available.

[root@rhevm ~]# yum -y install rhev-hypervisor7

2. Create a snapshot of the rhelX VM

3. Export the rhelX Vm image,then modify /etc/issue with guestfish by appending a


Testing guesfish

Import the resulting image and test that the edit succeeded.

4. create a template called rhel71-server based on a new ,sealed Vm called rhelX-


#rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/*-persistent-*.rules

#sed –i ‘/^HWADDR=/d’ /etc/sysyconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*

# rm -f /etc/ssh/moduli /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*

# hostnamectl set-hostname "localhost"

# rm -f /etc/sysconfig/rhn/ssytemid

5. create and test a pool using the following vlauses:

name; description; Number of Vms; Based on Template;

6.create search bookmark named important events that displays events with a
serverity above normal sorted by time

7.save a Vm inventory report as a pdf


8. create and test a bakup.

#Ssh root@rhevm

# Stop the ovirt-engine-dwhd daemon:

[root@rhevm ~]# service ovirt-engine-dwhd stop

Stopping oVirt Engine Dataware House: [ OK ]

#[root@rhevm ~]# engine-backup --scope=all --mode=backup --log=/root/rhevm-

backup.log --file=/root/rhevm-backup.tar

# [root@rhevm ~]# engine-backup --mode=restore --log=/root/rhevm-restore.log -


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