Chapter One Mis

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1.1 Background to the Study

Computers are seen to have the potential to make a significant contribution to the teaching,

learning, and schools administration. An extensive amount of investment that has gone into

introducing information and communication technology (ICT) into schools including hardware,

software, networking, and staff development. It has made a commensurate impact on school

performance and effectiveness (Condie et al., 2017).

Information Technology (IT) is the use of computers to create, process, store, retrieve, and

exchange all kinds of electronic data and information (Daintith, John, ed. 2009). IT is typically

used within the context of business operations as opposed to personal or entertainment

technologies. Information Technology forms part of information and communications

technology (ICT). An information technology system (IT system) is generally an information

system, a communications system, or, more specifically speaking, a computer system including

all hardware, software, and peripheral equipment operated by a limited group of IT users. It’s the

application of technology to solve business or organizational problems on a broad scale. No

matter the role, a member of an IT department works with others to solve technology problems,

both big and small.

The use of information technology in educational management has rapidly increased due to its

efficiency and effectiveness. School managers who used to spend large amount of time in

solving complex allocation problems (e.g., staff allocation, resource allocation, timetabling) and

monitoring the school operations have now better options due to enhanced technology.

Information technologies facilitate the decentralization of work tasks and their coordination in an

interactive network of communication in real time (Castells, 2016). They allow for greater

flexibility and networking that emphasizes interdependence, interaction, and constant adaptation

to an ever-changing environment (Castells, 2011).

(Beynon-Davies, Business information systems, Second Edition, 2013) Says that ICT systems

mainly designed to assist and help different aspects of an information system. Therefore, there is a

relationship between ICT systems and Management information systems which are all part of

organizations. ICT is used to enhance business processes in so many ways and can do a lot of


If you consume information in your daily life, such as reading a blog online, an information

system was involved in processing and delivering that information. Information systems are

sets of interconnected components that collect, process and store raw data that is subsequently

delivered to users as information. For example, 0's and 1's in a binary code are raw data

converted into text and images. Information system is a generic term that includes a wide

variety of different information systems. A management information system is a type of

information system used in business and commerce to improve the productivity of workers

and management.

A management information system, or MIS, is one of any type of computerized information

systems used in business organizations. The components of an MIS are essentially the same as

all other information systems. An effective MIS generates information that informs users

about a business's current situation and the probable reasons for it.

Waston (2017) describes management information system (MIS) as ‘an organizational method of

providing past, present and projected information related to internal operations and external

intelligence. It supports the planning, control and operation functions of an organization by

furnishing uniform information in the proper time frame to assist the decision makers’.

Telem (2019) defines MIS as ‘a management information system designed to match the

structure, management task, instructional processes, and special needs of the school’.

Management information systems (MIS) are being used by schools to support a range of

administrative activities including attendance monitoring, assessment records, reporting,

financial management, and resource and staff allocation.

O’Brien (2019) referred MIS as ‘a term given to the discipline focused on the integration of

computer systems with the aims and objectives of an organization’. Based on the foregoing

definitions, MIS refers to a system that uses the information required by the organization’s

management at every level in making operational, tactical, and strategic decisions. Its main

objective is to design and implement procedures, processes, and routines that provide suitably

detailed reports in an accurate, consistent, and timely manner.

MIS plays a vital role in the area of decision making as it can monitor by itself disturbances in a

system, determine a course of action and take action to get the system in control. It is also

relevant in non-programmed decisions as it provides support by supplying information for the

search, the analysis, the evaluation and the choice and implementation process of decision

making (Obi, 2013). (Visscher 1996) believes that MIS can provide administrators and teachers

with the information required for informed planning, policy-making, and evaluation. Gurr (2000)

claimed that MIS have changed school management in the areas of leadership, decision making,

workload, human resource management, communication, responsibility, and planning. These

systems can assist the school manager in determining the aims of the school, formulating

strategic plans, distributing resources, and evaluating staff performance as well as organizational

success (Telem & Buvitski, 1995; Telem, 1999).

These systems have the ability to provide its users the processed information, analytical models,

real-time updates and hypothetical scenarios to assist their decision making process. Many

significant factors such as continuous developments in information technologies, information

exchange, increasing expectations of the society, modern managing perceptions and applications

cause organizations all over the world to develop new applications in order to survive (Demir,

2013). Because of their priority in modern societies, Information Technologies have reached a

state of high priority in education, too.

Recently, contributions of information technologies to education have been among the mostly

emphasized subjects (Webber, 2013; Flanagan & Jacopsen, 2013; Selwood, 2010, Pelgrum,

2011; Yuen, Law&Wong, 2013). Every country aims to provide their citizens with the most

contemporary education in line with their financial efficiency. For this reason, big investment

plans about the use of information systems have been put into action all over the world (Yuen,

Law&Wong, 2013; Pelgrum, 2011).

Telem (2019) defines school management information systems as “a management information

system designed to match the structure, management task, instructional processes and special

needs of the school”. As for a broad definition, contributions of the information systems to

schools can be defined as making programs more effective, making the teaching process and the

changes in learning environment professional, enabling teachers to exchange their experiences in

a more systematic way, working in teams, determining the needs of the students (Gurr, 2010;

Pegler, 2012), supporting the school managers and other staff in doing their duties, developing

their performances, effectiveness and efficiencies (Telem&Buvitski, 2015).

The Management Information System shows that communication is needed to carry out the

managerial functions and for linking the organizations with its external environment.

Management Information System provides communication link that makes the activities and

responsibilities surrounding management or managers possible. This research sought to find out

the influence of management information systems on school administration in Enugu State. By

knowing the impact would correct the situation in management information systems and make

the most of all these systems and to correct mistake, if any, and then be able to update and

improve the performance of management in school administration in Enugu State. Information is

an indispensable instrument in the management of any organization. Management of School

system are required to frequently update their records, personnel records, research records and

financial management records. These essential records could be effectively managed with the use

of functional management information system. The operational level of providing School system

with management information system (MIS) and relevant information for effective decision

making required constant electricity supply to ensure a maximum and efficient communication

of the academic system. More so, available management information system (MIS) materials are

properly utilized towards effective productivity if there are qualified and experienced MIS


Being at the beginning stage of the School Management Information Systems, computerization

of the school management is the basic subject of today’s school management. Principals have

started to make use of Management information systems in increasing daily management staffs

(May, 2013). Generally speaking, the reasons to use information systems can be stated as

increasing effectiveness at work by processing information, increasing managerial effectiveness

by meeting the need for information and gaining superiority in competitions by directing

strategies (Yuen, Law&Wong, 2013). School management information systems aim to provide

support for the managing and educational activities of the school managers by processing


In other words, school management information systems increase effectiveness and efficiency by

saving time and facilitating development of alternative solutions for sophisticated problems

(Vissher & Wild, 2017; Pegler, 2012). Management Information systems support not only

information process but also innovations (Haag, Cummings & Dawkings, 2018; Bellum, 2013).

As being adaptable to changes, these systems are helpful to cope with the demands for change.

Therefore, school management information systems improve the adaptation of the school to the

environment. They enable the school to comprehend and define inner and outer information

transfer. Thereby, school management both meets the demands and expectations of its inner

(teacher, student) and outer members; and ensures that school activities are arranged accurately

and on time (Pegler, 2012). Introduction of school management information systems to schools

have caused significant changes in roles and working styles of managers (Telem, 2019).

School management information systems have changed school management in the areas of

leadership, decision making, workload, human resource management, communication,

responsibility and planning (Gurr, 2010).

Strategically school management information systems help the manager in determining the aims

of the school, making long term plans, distributing resources, and forming educational methods

of future, determining performances of teachers and success of the school (Telem&Buvitski,

2015; Telem, 2011). In this way, school management information systems can also be used as a

tool to initiate and use educational leadership of the manager (Telem, 2019).

As we can see School Management information systems have changed the roles of school

managers (Pegler, 2012) and have changed their methods of working (Christopher, 2013). One of

these is to develop a database that includes information on student registration and family,

discontinuity, grades, staff and classes, and course information. These are just a step of school

information systems. Other parts of information systems are management of school library,

finance, fixtures, school schedule planning, standard reports sent to higher levels of school

administration, etc. These are simple data processing activities that increase efficiency of school

management (Pegler, 2012). Moreover, use and analysis of information at schools will not only

make managers realize what should be done in order to develop student performances, but also

will ensure success in accomplishing these changes. When managers use data, they will start to

realize innovation efforts on this issue (Christopher, 2013).

Researches in various countries confirm that school management information systems increase

organizational and managerial effectiveness. After studies done with American school managers,

Hedberg, Harper, Bloch and College (2012) stated that efficiency has increased in decision

making at schools where school management information systems are used.

Several surveys have been designed in recent years to gather information on the extent to which

schools are developing the capacity to integrate ICT into learning, teaching, and management

processes. A steady increase in the number of computers and other technologies over time has

been evident in the literature, with most schools achieving the baseline targets for computer-to-

pupil ratios (Condie et al., 2007). This finding, to a degree, masks considerable variation within

and across schools with regard to regular access to reliable technologies and broadband

connectivity (Condie et al., 2007).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

There has been a lot of concern for Nigerian schools to have efficient, adequate storage, flow and

use of information. If there is adequate access of relevant information about the School system,

there will be positive effect on the effectiveness of management in decision making process.

Preliminary investigations carried out by researchers in School system in Enugu State seem to

suggest that schools experience administrative problems which have to do with proper record

management and ineffective communicational related issues. One wonders what factors are

responsible for these problems on the part of academic. Therefore, it is on this backdrop that the

researcher intends to find out the influence of management information system on the School

administration management in Enugu State, Nigeria.

1.3 Purpose of the Study.

The general purpose of this study is to determine;

1. The influence of Management Information System in school administration in Enugu

Education Zone.

2. The availability of Technological infrastructure for implementation of MIS in schools in

Enugu State.

3. Influence of technology infrastructure for implementation of Management Information

System in school administration in Enugu State based on school type.

4. Influence of technology infrastructure on the implementation of MIS in school

administration based on location.

1.4 Significance of the Study

This study is significant in a number of ways; to School Administration Management system in

Enugu in particular, Enugu State Education Management Board in general and to other

researchers that might love to take such research topic.

To the Enugu State Education Management Board it will guide the as to the know the kind of

Management Information System that will be effective in their day to day activities. This study

will explicitly detail more info on School Administration Management system in Enugu thus

identifying their strength and weaknesses of their existing Management Information System and

take corrective actions. Finally it will be a vital document for professionals in the IT field

regarding the design and implementation of Management Information System for Enugu State

Education Management Board. It will also help to identify the challenges in utilization of

Management Information System in teaching and learning. This study enables the institution to

employ pragmatic measures to correct the loopholes in teaching and learning with Management

Information System. It will guide and act as a reference material to support other researchers

who would like to make further studies into this field.

1.5 Research Questions

1. What are the factors influencing implementation of Management Information System in

school administration in Enugu Education Zone?

2. What is the availability of technology infrastructure for Implementation of Management

Information System in school administration in Enugu Education Zone

3. What is the influence of technology infrastructure on the implementation of Management

Information System in school administration in Enugu State based on gender?

4. What is the influence of technology infrastructure on implementation of MIS in school

administration based on location?

1.6 Research Hypotheses

The following null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study and were tested at0.05 level of


1. There is no significant difference in the mean responses of students in rural and urban

schools on factors influencing implementation of Management Information System in

school administration in Enugu State.

2. There is no significant difference in the mean responses of students on availability of

technology infrastructure based on location, school type.

3. There is no significant difference in the mean responses of students in rural & urban

schools influence of technology infrastructure on the implementation of Management

Information System in school administration in Enugu State.

4. There is no significant difference between the mean responses on of male and female

students on the influence of technology infrastructure on implementation of MIS in

school administration.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study covers the influence of management information system on the School

administration management in Enugu state. The Study will be carried out in the three public

schools in Enugu Education Zone. The Management Information System used by administrators

of institutions in Enugu State covering seven data management components namely: objectives

of an effective MIS, Data collection procedures, Data processing and analysis methods, Data

publication methods, Data dissemination methods, and feedback mechanisms.

The researcher encounters some constrain which limited the scope of the study;

a) Availability of Research Material: The research material available to the researcher is

insufficient, thereby limiting the study       

b) Time: The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider coverage as the

researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study.

c) Organizational privacy: Limited Access to the selected auditing firm makes it difficult to get

all the necessary and required information concerning the activities

1.8 Definition of Terms:

Management information system: management information system refers to the processing of

information through computers and other intelligent devices to manage and support managerial

decisions within an organization.

Administration: the process or activity of running a business, organization, etc.

Influence: the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of

someone or something, or the effect itself.

School: An institution for educating children.

Location: a position or site occupied or available for occupancy or marked by some

distinguishing feature

School Type: There are three main types of school – state (funded by the Government and run

by local authorities), academies (funded by government but not run by local authorities) and

independent or private schools (funded by parents and run independently).



2.0 Introduction

This chapter presents review of related literature under the following sub-heading:

conceptual framework, theoretical framework, review of empirical studies and summary

of literature review.

Conceptual Framework

 Information, Information Systems (IS), Management Information System (MIS)

 Characteristics of Effective MIS

 Educational Management of MIS

 Role of Management Information System and in Decision Making

 Importance of MIS

 School Administration Management

Theoretical Framework

 Systems Theory by Von Bertalanffy (1973)

 Theory of Management by Objectives (MBO) by Peter Drucker (1954)
 Scientific Management Theory by Fredrick Winslow Taylor (1911)
 Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by Fred. Davies (1989)
Review of Related Empirical Studies
 factors influencing implementation of Management Information System in school
 effects of technology infrastructure on the implementation of Management Information
System in school administration
 Impact of MIS and academic performance in school administration.
Summary of Literature Review

2.1 Conceptual Framework

Concept of Information

Information can be said to be a stream of data that have been processed to the form that makes

sense to its users. Succinctly put, information is organized data that has meaning. Information

between people and within and outside an organization to achieve organizational goals cannot be

over-emphasized. Oguta (2019) observes that the concept of information in an organization is

more complex and difficult than its fragment uses. As further elucidated by Oguta (2019),

information is made up of facts giving knowledge relating to a specific event or situation which

may stand as basis for job performance and decision -making. Equally, Alabi (2019) stressed that

information has to do with knowledge acquired and result when data are organized or analyzed

in some meaningful ways or convenient form understood by the recipient for easy job

performance and decision-making. In institutions such as universities, effective job performance

and decision-making cannot be achieved if a wellplanned and well organized system of

information is not put in place (Fashiku, 2018). Relevant information increases knowledge,

reduces uncertainty and satisfies intended purpose (Fashiku, 2018). As observed by Saad (2010),

good information to be relevant for a purpose, sufficiently accurate, complete and arising from a

reliable source, communicated to the right person in time and which is detailed enough for user’s

comprehension is crucial in staff job performance. Dan-Isa (2011) stated that in any institution,

the administration should evaluate any information received on its quality for improved

performance. In the same vain, Stator and Grudints (2013) elucidated that good information

should be accurate, quantitative, verifiable, accessible, precise free from bias, timely clear,

appropriate and comprehensive.

Concept of Information Systems (IS)

The best system is one that provides useful information and user interaction at all levels. An

information system is a collection of activities, procedures, methods, technology and peoples that

are organized to get the valuable related data and information. This system must also be able to

store this information until it is required by the user. It should be capable of data processing and

responding to its end user by providing the answers to all set of queries.

Information systems should best interacts and communicates with the end user in order to

provide the accurate required information (Knight & Silk, 2010). Therefore IS is a set of

components which interact to produce information, which include hardware, software, data,

procedures, and people, whereas these components can be found in every information system

(Kroenke, 2017). The main elements of IS consist of hardware, software, data, procedures, and

people. Hardware refers to computers, storage disks, keyboards, and communication devices

while software is relevant to word-processing programs. Data or information is included texts,

words, sentences, and paragraphs in reports. Furthermore, procedures refer to the methods for

using the program and involved activities. The last element is people. The important role of the

five components is that IS is not only computers, programs, and communication devices, but it

also focuses on the assembly of hardware, software, data, procedures, and people; in other

words, information system means a system of communication between people (Kroenke, 2017;

Davies, 2019). Moreover, Gurbaxani and Whang (2018) claimed that there are many roles of

information systems in an organisation, for example to increase an operation’s efficiency, to

process business transactions, to provide decision support, to monitor and evaluate employees’

performance, and to maintain documentation and communication channels.

Management Information System (MIS)

Kumar (2016) and Gabriel (2012), respectively converged in opinions that defining management

information systems would first require splitting the subject into three facets of: Management,

Information and Systems respectively. Accordingly, Kumar (2016), defined management as the

process through which planning, organizing, initiating and controlling of operations within

business is carried out. Similarly, management was defined as the process that deals with

methods and techniques of efficiently and effectively using organization’s resources to achieve

set results (Ottih, 2014). In furtherance, information refers to stream of data that have been

processed to the form that it makes sense to its users. Succinctly put, information is organized

data that has meaning. On the other hand, system is an assemblage of different but interrelated

and interdependent parts that functions as a whole to achieve common interest (Gabriel, 2013), a

set of elements joined together for a common objective (Kumar, 2016). Judging from these

views, it is arguable that every system comprises parts, are interrelated and interconnected;

becomes one entity and consequently pursues common goal. Drawing from the foregoing, it

seemingly appears that defining MIS is now a simple task, but that is not exactly so. Lucey

(2015) averred that there is no universally accepted definition of MIS and those that exist reflects

the emphasis and prejudices of the particular scholar that offers it. However, the subject has

attracted the following definitions: an integrated system of providing information to support

operations management and decision making functions in an organization (Ajayi and Omirin,

2017). In their own views, MIS is basically concerned with the process of collecting, processing,

storing and transmitting relevant information to support decision making in any organizations

(Laudon and Laudon, 2017); a system to convert data from internal and external sources into

information; and to communicate that information in an appropriate form to managers at all

levels, in all functions to enable them make timely and effective decisions for planning, directing

and controlling the activities for which they are responsible (Bee and Bee, 2019).

Another useful definition emanates from Walter J. Kennevan (See Ottih, 2015) who in an

international conference defined MIS as: an organized method of providing past, present and

projection Information relating to internal operations and external intelligence, It supports the

planning, control and operational functions of an organization By furnishing uniform information

in a proper time frame to assist the decision making process….. Judging from these definitions,

several points of convergence are inherent:-

 MIS involves data collection from any available source, processing and eventual usage.

 Such data are collected on past, present or expected future events from within and outside

the organization.

 It is made available to those that require them at the right time and right place.

 It ultimately supports decision making process.

However, the success of MIS in any organization has a lot to do with its design. Developing an

effective MIS involves the efforts of managers as well as those of specialists. The specialist is

saddled with provision of technical expertise. More so, functional specialist must be involved to

offer relevant ideas concerning their specialty. For example, an accountant should be part of

accounting information systems, likewise marketers, and human resource experts and so on. MIS

development also requires knowledge from several disciplines. It draws from such wide and

growing range of concepts and techniques to function properly. To have a good and useful MIS,

adequate knowledge of the interactions and relationships among these fields is sine qua non. It is

important to note that the MIS of any organization can be subdivided in sub systems that are the

functional parts of the organization.

Professor Robert J. Of Carew school of business, Arizona state university (2010). explain the

objectives of management information systems as the provision of information to all levels

management at the most appropriate time at an acceptable level of accuracy and at an

economical cost, such information is used in the decision making process for modifying the state

of system by taking appropriate action. An essential requirement of MIS is feedback which is the

process of communicating a system measured output to control system which generates effective

control system, normally a manager in respect of business system. It is these factors which allow

the state of a system to be modified.

Characteristics of Effective MIS

In literature, there are many characteristics discussed for an effective MIS system (Cassidy and

Creswell, 2017). Some of them are listed below:

 MIS system should be composed of integrated sub systems with the ability of forward

and backward looking systems.

 MIS system should be capable of planning and controlling the clearly defined business


 MIS system should be capable of generating the reports that can help the management at

all level in planning and controlling all of their current and expected business activities.

 MIS system should be able to retrieve the information about the operations control at

appropriate time and should allow the transactional data processing.

 For the timely response, MIS system should have the batch processing as well as

interactive operational modes.

 In order to store the data that is being frequently accessed, MIS system should use all of

the data protection procedures that can assure to authorize user in more protective way.

Role of Management Information Systems in Decision Making

Efficient organizations require established systems to enable them to make the best possible

decisions in the situations they are likely to meet. Thus an organizational information system

should collect data, analyze and present this as useful information that can be retrieved as the

basis of expert knowledge at the point of decision. Once decisions are made they must be passed

on to those who implement them, carried out, and the success or failure of the operation

monitored. Increasingly decisions can be automatically implemented using the technology, thus

enabling organizational objectives to be achieved with maximum efficiency (Tansey, 2013).

Decision making is one of the main functions of management at all levels of managerial and

supervisorial works in organizations even in everyday life of human. In organizations, top

managers direct team or group by decision making and strategic planning, while people at the

lower levels make daily decisions on the bases of assigned tasks. As a result, information needs

to differ according to levels. For this reason, management information systems do not only

support top managers in implementing strategic decisions but enable middle managers to access

information for their repetitive or daily decisions (Momeni, 2011). Accordingly, MIS is not only

for senior staff members in tertiary institutions but also those at the grass root including students.

Educational Management of MIS

The revolution in the information and communication technologies (ICTs) has greatly influenced

the life style of whole world. Over the past several years, ICT infrastructure is considered as a

symbol for a country's development. In every way of life, there is a vital role of these

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) by all means to improve the quality,

standardizing the different stakeholders' role and imparting the operating procedures (Ed

Crowley, 2013). In all this competitive ICTs equipped educational institutes there is much more

than the quality education that is expected by the students. Students need quality service in all of

the required information that is required by them. In order to present their day to day problems,

students’ needs environment that can facilitate them in every way. Different higher educational

institutes are continuously striving to achieve this target. For example when a student require his

transcripts after courses finalization then it can take more than a month time when there is

conventional system installed in educational institutes. It can take more time because of the

limited number of acting staff members that are dealing with the results and transcripts issuing

process. There are many other daily issues that can arise every day and this limited number of

staff will not be able to prompt instantaneously to all of the students. In order to handle such

hectic routine universities used to employee more employees but as it’s known that increasing

manpower can never solve the problem so another solution is required that can cope up with all

such issues. There are many activities that cannot be handled with simple processing applications

and they are also much time consuming but these are simple processes like admission,

registration, conduction of examination, keeping track of the employees and students and

managing both employees and students accounts (Marlon Pierce et all, 2012). In order to manage

thousands of its students and employees the best effective way is to use the information and

communication technologies in more efficient way. In literature, there are many definitions and

descriptions about the EMIS systems as its being developed over the past several years (EPRD,

2017). Educational management system is a formalized collection of the operational procedures,

processes and mutual agreement that are integrated in such a way that it can produce useful

information and data for the educational institutes and all of related entities like teachers,

students and other management at all levels. All of the data relevant to the concerned entities is

aggregated, collected and organized, managed and processed which is then disseminated across

the organization and is used by the concerned authorities and management at all levels to take the

beneficial decisions for the educational institutes (EPRD, 2010). EMIS contains all of the

relevant information that is required by the educational managers at all levels to support all of

their activities. EMIS systems always responds to the consumers for the affective information

and serves the needs of end users, therefore it can be said that these information systems are

serving on the basis of demand response methodology. In order to get the maximum benefits out

of this information system it is very much necessary that the process chain of information

management and in the transaction between the end users' demand of information and the system

response of information delivery, all of the statistics must be updated and reviewed properly. If

this whole chain of information management is not properly maintained then there will be no

meaningful information from the data aggregation and processing. The system integration is also

much important in EMIS to get the best possible outcome from the system because if there will

be any problem with the system integration it will results in irrelevant information delivery that

will make whole EMIS as an irrelevant system.

Role of Management Information System

The role of the MIS in an organization can be compared to the role of heart in the body. The

information is the blood and MIS is the heart. In the body the heart plays the role of supplying

pure blood to all the elements of the body including the brain. The heart work faster and supplies

more blood when needed. It regulates and controls the incoming impure blood, processed it and

sends it to the destination in the quantity needed. It fulfills the needs of blood supply to human

body in normal course and also in crisis. The MIS plays exactly the same role in the

organization. The system ensures that an appropriate data is collected from the various sources,

processed and send further to all the needy destinations. The system is expected to fulfill the

information needs of an individual, a group of individuals, the management functionaries: the

managers and top management. Here are some of the important roles of the MIS:

 The MIS satisfies the diverse needs through variety of systems such as query system,

analysis system, modeling system and decision support system.

 The MIS helps in strategic planning, management control, operational control and

transaction processing.

 The MIS helps in the clerical personal in the transaction processing and answers the

queries on the data pertaining to the transaction, the status of a particular record and

reference on a variety of documents. The MIS helps the junior management personnel by

providing the operational data for planning, scheduling and control , and helps them

further in decision-making at the operation level to correct an out of control situation.

 The MIS helps the middle management in short term planning, target setting and

controlling the business functions. It is supported by the use of the management tools of

planning and control. The MIS helps the top level management in goal setting, strategic

planning and evolving the business plans and their implementation.

 The MIS plays the role of information generation, communication, problem identification

and helps in the process of decision-making.

 The MIS, therefore, plays a vital role in the management, administration and operation of

an organization.

Importance of MIS

It goes without saying that all managerial functions are performed through decision-making; for

taking rational decision, timely and reliable information is essential and is procured through a

logical and well-structured method of information collecting, processing and disseminating to

decision makers. Such a method in the field of management is widely known as MIS. In today’s

world of ever increasing complexities of business as well as business organization, in order to

service and grow , must have a properly planned, analyzed, designed and maintained MIS so that

it provides timely, reliable and useful information to enable the management to take speedy and

rational decisions. MIS has assumed all the more important role in today’s environment because

a manager has to take decisions under two main challenges: First, because of the liberalization

and globalization, in which organizations are required to compete not locally but globally, a

manager has to take quick decisions, otherwise his business will be taken away by his

competitors. This has further enhanced the necessity for such a system. Second, in this

information age wherein information is doubling up every two or three years, a manager has to

process a large voluminous data; failing which he may end up taking a strong decision that may

prove to be very costly to the company.

School Administration Management

School administration involves the management of all school operations, from creating a

safe learning environment to managing the school budget. To further define school

administration, one needs to consider the different areas of school administration and who

performs these school administrative duties.

School administrators are the professionals who, as a whole, carry out these different

administrative tasks that keep a school running smoothly. At elementary, middle, and high

schools, school administration is typically led by a principal and, depending on the school,

may also include assistant principals, instructional coordinators, athletic directors, and

other support staff. School administrators could also be superintendents, who help oversee

multiple schools in a district.

Administration is a social process which is design to ensure the cooperation, participation,

interaction, and involvement of human, financial and materials resources in other to

achieve organizational objectives. It is the total process through which appropriate human

and materials resources are made available and effective for accomplishing the purpose of

an enterprise. According to the national policy on education (2004) the success of any

system is hinged on proper planning, efficient administration and adequate financing.

Nwankwo (1987) described it as careful and systematic arrangements and use of resources

(human and material), situation and opportunity for the achievement of the specific

objectives of a given organization. Petermode (1999) described administration as

performance of executive duties, the carrying out of policies or decision to fulfill a

purpose and the control of day-to-day running of an organization.

Management is a process of planning, organizing, directing, and coordinating resources in order

to achieve certain goals and objectives. Adesina (1990) simply defined management as the

organization and mobilization of all human and material resources in a particular system for the

achievement of identified objectives in the system.

Similarities between management and administration

1. Both concept are concern with organization

2. Both involves processes of achieving organizational goals

3. Organization is an aspect of management (administrators arrange resources while

mangers implement resources through planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, etc)

as such they perform complimentary role.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

Theories to be looked into this research work are;

 Systems Theory by Von Bertalanffy (1973-2019)

 Theory of Management by Objectives (MBO) by Peter Drucker (1954-1975)

 Scientific Management Theory by Fredrick Winslow Taylor (1911 – 1965)

 Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by Fred. Davies (1989 – till date)

Systems Theory

Systems Theory was propounded by Von Bertalanffy(1973). Systems theory recognizes the parts

or departments of an organization such as the university and the interactions of the various

departments. This concept of interrelated subsystems suggests that the MIS consists of many

interrelated components working together to achieve the goals of the university. These

components must recognize each other and their impact on one another in producing information

for making decisions. Thus, the MIS data Model should be based on the interdependence of the

components MIS objectives, data collection, data analysis and processing, data publications, data

dissemination, decision-making areas and feedback mechanisms.

Theory of Management by Objectives (MBO)

This theory was propounded by Drucker(1954). Management by Objectives (MBO) is a process

of defining objectives within an organization, that management and employees agree to the

objectives and understand what they need to do in the organization. It is a systematic and

organized approach that allows management to focus on achievable issues. The essence of MBO

is participative goal setting, choosing course of action, and decisionmaking. University staff will

have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities and how their activities including

decision- making relate to the achievement of the university goal. Once the objectives are agreed

upon the other components of the data model will be more appropriately determined by

administrators and MIS staff.

Scientific Management Theory

The theory was propounded by (Taylor, 1911).

Scientific Management Theory which states that an analytical approach be used in managing

activities by optimizing efficiency and productivity through measurement and control. The

Theory is concerned with a rational approach to management, in which productivity and

performance are calculated in concrete terms. In this regard, there is a spirit of hearty co-

operation between workers and management to ensure that work would be carried out in

accordance with scientifically devised procedures.University administrators should utilize

scientifically devised procedures in making decisions by using data / information from the MIS

Units to base their decisions rather than a reactive and haphazard approach in decision–making.

Such data/information must have been generated organized using procedures such as models.

Technology Acceptance Model

The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is an information systems theory that explains how

users come to accept and use a technology such as MIS. TAM was first proposed by Davis

(1989) in his Doctorial thesis at the MIT Sloan School of Management. The model suggests that

when users are presented with a new technology like MIS, a number of factors influence their

decision about how and when they will use it. Notably, perceived usefulness (PU) which is the

degree to which a person believes that using a particular system like MIS would enhance his or

her job performance; and perceived ease-of-use (PEU) which is the degree to which a person

believes that using a particular system like MIS would be free from effort .TAM proposes that

perceived ease- of- use and perceived usefulness of technology such as MIS are predictors of

user attitude towards using the technology, subsequent behavioral intentions and actual usage.

TAM is an intention-based model developed specifically for explaining and/or predicting user

acceptance of computer technology such as MIS.

In this study, the MIS is a system that makes use of computer technology in accomplishing its

mission of delivering information / data to university administrators for making decisions.The

degrees to which the school administrators believe that using the MIS will improve their work

performances as well as how effortless they view MIS usage are important to the overall

utilization of MIS in decision-making process in Enugu State, Nigeria . Both are distinct factors

influencing the school administrators’ attitude towards using MIS and which determines their

behavioral intentions to use MIS. Therefore, for effective usage of MIS for decision- making

process in Enugu state,

The theoretical framework for the study is Systems theory, scientific management theory,

Management by objectives and Technology Acceptance Model were explained in relation to the

study. System theory supports the interdependence of the different components working together

to achieve the goals of the model and the utilization of the components of MIS in providing

information for decisionmaking in the universities. Theory of Management by Objectives

focuses on achieving goals and on participatory decision-making process where the interest and

views of all are utilized modeling the MIS. The Scientific Management Theory supports the use

of scientifically devised procedures such as MIS for providing accurate and reliable information

for decisionmaking in the School Management in Enugu State. Technology Acceptance Model

points out that the development of MIS based on the opinions and inputs of administrators and

MIS experts will give rise to MIS that is easy to use for enhanced productivity.

2.3 Empirical Review

Factors influencing implementation MIS in school administration

Munene, Namusonge&Iravo(2014) carried out a study onFactors Affecting the Implementation

ofManagement Information System inSelected Financial Cooperatives in Nairobi. Management

Information System (MIS),Information System (IS) and InformationTechnology Management

(ITM) overtimehave been used in different forms just likeInformation Technology

Management(ITM) that concerns the operation andorganization of information technology,while

Management Information System(MIS) provides information which is neededto manage

organizations efficiently andeffectively; and involves people, technologyand information. The

main purpose of thisstudy was to examine the factors affectingimplementation of MIS in selected

financialcooperatives in Nairobi. The study sought to find out the effect of training,

cost,infrastructure and regulations on theimplementation of MIS. The study alsointended to

explore the strategies that couldbe adopted to enhance effectiveimplementation of MIS in

theseorganizations. The theories for this studywere; Technology Acceptance Model(TAM)

which deals with behavior element,that is, what makes someone to act withoutlimitation as well

as Unified Theory ofAcceptance and use of Technology(UTAUT), which was introduced to fill

themissing gaps in TAM. The study employedsurvey study as its research design with atarget

population of five (5) organizationsfrom a total population of 52. The sampleconsisted of one

hundred and four (104)support staff and five (5) senior staffmembers from the selected

organizations.The sampling design was simple randomsampling procedure which was used

toselect the support staff, however, seniormanagers were selected using purposivesampling

technique. Structuredquestionnaire was the main researchinstrument used to solicit data from

thesupport staff, as well as an interview methodthat was used to collect data from

seniormanagers of respective organizations. Thecollected data were analyzed quantitativelyby

descriptive and inferential statistics. Thestudy revealed that the factors: training,

cost,infrastructure and regulations affected theimplementation of MIS in selected

financialcooperatives in Nairobi. The studyrecommends favorable regulations foreffective

implementation of ManagementInformation System in organizations such asprovision of internet

bundles and loweringof prices. However, further research couldbe on ineffectiveness of

MISimplementations, extend of legal provisionsduring its implementation and challengesthat

affect the organization outputs.

Shuddha andSalahuddin(2017) carried out a study on Factors Influencing Implementation

ofManagement Information Systems in Organizations. A proper implementation of Management

Information Systems (MIS) can improve an organization'sperformance, productivity, and work

efficiently. Three factors are vital in the successful implementation of MIS.These are

organization factors, technology factors and management factors. There are several other factors

butthese three are the most important ones according to observation. All other factors can be

incorporated into thesethree factors. These three main factors work in an integrated and

coordinated way. There are several otherimportant sub-factors in each of these three areas. These

are also discussed in this paper. ManagementInformation Systems (MIS) play a vital role in

decision-making process. Managers can improve theirdecision-making process with the

successful execution of Information Systems. Our main goal in this paper is todetermine the

factors and make discussions on them. How they affect in the successful implementation of MIS

isalso discussed here.

Effects of technology infrastructure on the implementation of Management Information

Systemin school administration

Hussainiand GarbaShamb(2020) carried out a study on Effect of Management Information

System on the Routineof Academic Librarians in Federal University of TechnologyMinna

Library.Specifically, three objectives guided the study such as the availability of management

information system facilities, the impacts of management information system to academic

librarians and the challenges of management information system. It adopted a descriptive survey

design and had a population of 30 academic librarians in Federal University of Technology

Minna Library. The study purposively used the whole population of academic librarians in

Federal University of Technology Minna Library. Thirty copies of the questionnaire were

distributed with twenty-six (26) returned; representing a return rate of 86%. The data collected

were analyzed using percentages. The findings of the study revealed that there are management

information system facilities in Federal University of Technology Minna library, management

information system is helping the academic librarians in the smooth running of university library

records and for decision making, the challenges of management information system being faced

by academic librarians in Federal University of Technology Minna library are lack of basic ICT

skills, inadequate power supply, lack of management involvement in the design of MIS, low data

concentration, lack of management support and inadequate ICT professionals. The study

recommended that attention should be given to management information system for effective

records keeping and efficient decision making. There is the need to have an effective

management information system in place for prompt decision making and for effective records

keeping by the academic librarians, the challenges facing management information system

should be looked into and solve once and for all so that Federal University of Technology Minna

Library will have an effective and reliable management information system for decision making

and records keeping in the library.

Opeke and Madukoma (2013) carried out a study on Information Use and Job Performance of

Senior Non-Academic Staff in Nigerian universities. A survey design was employed to carry out

the study. The population of the study comprised of 112 approved Universities in Nigeria.

Multistage sampling technique was used to select 27 universities that took part in the study. A

total 1,804 Senior Non-academic Staff was the sample size of the study. Structured questionnaire

was used for data collection. Out of 1,804 questionnaires distributed, 1,270 were completed and

returned. Descriptive statistics such as frequency count, mean, standard deviation and correlation

were used to present the data. The study established that information sources used by senior non-

academic staff in Nigerian Universities were mostly online (internet, e-mail, CD-ROMS etc),

print materials, policy papers, and Subordinates in the office. It also found that being in

possession of information helped the staff to contribute meaningfully in performing their work

effectively. The study concluded that information use had positive relationship with job

performance of senior nonacademic staff in Nigerian universities. The study is related to the

present study as both studies are on information acquisition and use in MIS in Nigerian

universities. The studies differed in the research methodologies employed to carry out the

studies. The study utilized survey research design only while the present study used the t-test

statistic to collect information and verify the hypotheses respectively.

Momoh and Abdulsalam (2014) investigated Information Management Efficiency in Universities

in Northern Nigeria. A survey design was employed to carry out the study. The study used

multistage sampling technique to select 15 Universities drawn from a population of 44

Universities across the three geo-political zones in the Northern Nigeria, on the basis of ratio 1:

3: 1 in each stratum of Federal, State and Private universities respectively. The study used

questionnaire with interview guide to elicit data from the two groups of respondents; Information

providers’ and information users’. A total of 300 copies of questionnaire were administered in

the 15 sampled universities, 20 copies of questionnaire per university. Data were analyzed with

descriptive statistics, Pearson chi-square and onesample-test statistics. The study found that

information resources are not efficiently managed, because the universities were found deficient

in terms of generating timely information, poor utilization of MIS capacity and high cost of

generating pieces of information. The study also observed that the views of the technical staff

and information users in the universities are the same on information management. The study

examined information management efficiency in Nigerian universities while the present study

focused on how the influence of MIS so far in school administration in Enugu state, thereby

knowing if MIS influence has really played a positive impact or not. Both studies differed on the

research methodologies used in each of the studies.

Alabi (2010) investigated The Utilization of Management Information Systems (MIS)

Equipment in Federal and State Universities in Nigeria. Specifically, the study assessed the

adequacy of available Management Information Systems (MIS) equipment and their utilization

by students, lecturers, and senior administrative staff of federal and state universities in Nigeria.

Two Universities, one Federal and one State university were sampled for the study. The sample

comprised of 250 lecturers, 50 senior administrative staff and 100 students. Questionnaire

supported by direct observation schedule and unstructured interviews were used to gather

relevant data. The results showed inadequacy of MIS equipment (facilities) with slightly higher

adequacy in federal universities. The study also found that the use of Management Information

Systems (MIS) equipment did not conform to the prescribed roles of lecturers and senior

administrative staff. Both studies are related as they are on facilities of MIS for decision-making

in both federal and state universities in Nigeria.

Odeh (2014) investigated the Utilization of the Management Information Systems (MIS) in

Nigerian federal Universities. The study examined the use of Management Information Systems

(MIS), identified the caliber of personnel who have access to it, ascertained the training

opportunities available for the staff, identified the benefits and the problems of using

Management Information Systems (MIS) and offered suggestions on improving MIS use in the

universities. The study was guided by six (6) research questions. The questionnaire was used to

elicit information from the respondents made up of Management Information Systems (MIS)

Directors, programme analysts and chief Information Officers from the six universities obtained

from the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. The study revealed that, most federal universities

adequately use MIS, lack of sufficient funds constrains the development of MIS project and the

Management Information Systems (MIS) use was restricted to top management and principal

Officers of the universities. The two studies are related as both studies are on the use of MIS for

decisionmaking in Nigerian universities.

Ajayi and Omirin (2017) investigated The Use of Management Information Systems (MIS) in

Decision-making on Long-term planning, Short term planning and Budgeting in the South-West

Nigerian Universities. The study used descriptive survey research design. Data were collected

through questionnaire from a sample of 600 subjects consisting of 400 academic staff and 201

senior administrative staff obtained through stratified random sampling technique. Data were

analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, means, standard deviation and t-test. The study

revealed that Management Information Systems (MIS) was not adequately used in decision-

making process on long-term planning, short-term planning and budgeting. It also showed that

there was no significance difference between federal and state universities in terms of the use of

Management Information Systems (MIS) for decision-making on long-term and short-term

planning. There was significant difference in the use of Management Information Systems (MIS)

for decision-making on budgeting between Federal and State universities in favour of federal

universities. The two studies are related as both studies concerned the use of MIS in decision-

making in the universities. The studies differed on the focus and research methodologies used to

carry out the studies.

Ebuara and Mbon (2012) investigated Management Information Systems (MIS) and Institutional

Effectiveness of Universities in South-South Geo-Political Zone of Nigeria. The researchers

formulated three research hypotheses to guide the study. Ex-post-facto design was adopted for

the study. The population consisted of 6,000 staff from four universities in the zone. The study

adopted the purposive sampling technique to draw a sample of 414 staff of the Universities. A

researcher-developed questionnaire, ‘Management Information Systems Usage, and Universities

Effectiveness Assessment Scale (MISUUEAS) were used to elicit information for the study. The

instrument was a 30-item questionnaire on a four-point likert-type scale that measured the

respondents’ responses. The instrument was face-validated by experts in the department of

Mathematics/ statistics, University of Calabar. The reliability of the instrument was confirmed

through a trial test to ensure appropriateness of the instrument in measuring the variables. The

data obtained were analyzed using the Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The

findings of the study revealed that there is a relationship between Management Information

Systems (MIS) and institutional effectiveness of the universities in terms of examination

conducts, students’ record keeping, staff appraisal and library services. Based on the findings,

the study concluded that the use of Management Information Systems (MIS) influences

institutional effectiveness of the universities. Both studies are related as they focus on the use

MIS and decision-making process, thus improving universities’ effectiveness. The studies

differed in the research methodologies used to carry out the studies.

Al-Zahrani (2010) investigated The Role of MIS in decision making during crises at the

Directorate General of Border Guard in Saudi Arabia. The study used the descriptive survey

research design. Data were collected from a sample of 350 respondents consisting of officers

holding administrative positions and senior Heading Units of the Border Guard. Data collected

were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, Means and Chi square. The results revealed

that MIS was adequately used in decision – making during Crises at the Directorate General of

Border Guard in Saudi Arabia. Both studies are survey research studies using means to reach

consensus. They differed in the use of chi-square in verifying the null hypotheses the study and t-

test for the present study.

In a study, byAbdukareem, Alabi, Fashiku, and Akinnubi (2012), sought to find the relationship

between the Use of Management Information Systems (MIS) and Senior Staff Job Performance

in Polytechnics in Kwara state, Nigeria. Three hundred and twenty (320) respondents were

selected using random sampling from two Polytechnics in Kwara state. These were, Kwara State

Polytechnics, Ilorin and Federal Polytechnic, Offa. The sample was made up of 201 academic

staff and 120 senior non-academic staff from the institutions. Researcher-designed instruments,

tagged: ‘Management Information Systems Questionnaire’ (MISQ) and ‘Job Performance

Appraisal Questionnaire’ (JPAQ) were used to elicit information from the respondents. The data

were analyzed using frequency counts and percentages to answer the research questions raised,

while Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient was used to test the hypotheses

formulated at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that senior staff in the

Polytechnics in Kwara state made effective use of MIS. There was significant relationship

between the use of MIS and Senior staff Job Performance in the institutions. The studies are

related as both are on MIS use in tertiary institutions. The studies differed as the present study is

a Delphi study for modeling MIS. In the present study t-test was used to verify the hypotheses

while this study used the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Co-efficient to test the


Al-Dhmour (2010) carried out a study on the valuation of the Roles of Management Information

Systems (MIS) in administrative decision-making at the University of Jordan. The study used a

survey method to elicit responses from the respondents. The population of the study consisted of

350 managers in the University of Jordan. Through purposive sampling, a sample of 275

managers was selected. A researcher-made questionnaire, consisting of 34 items was used. A

total of 275copis of questionnaires were distributed and 238 questionnaire were collected back.

A total of 37 questionnaires were found to be incomplete and were not included in the analysis.

Data were analyzed using descriptive statistic such as frequency and percentage. The Pearson

Product moment Correlation was used to measure the significance of linear bivariate between the

independent and dependent variables. The study found relationship between MIS and the quality

of information for administrative decision-making. The study concluded that MIS and quality

information has direct positive influence on administrative decision-making in the universities.

Both studies are related as both of them are concerned with using MIS for decision-making

process in universities. The studies differed in the research methods used. While the study used

the survey method only the present study used the Delphi technique to elicit responses from the


Impact of MIS and academic performance in school administration

Madiha and Shah (2013) carried out a study on Impact of management information systems

(MIS) on school administration. The use of information technology in educational management

has rapidly increased due to its efficiency and effectiveness. In the initial stages of its

development, management information systems (MIS) main purpose and usage was to improve

the efficiency of school office activities. It was used to store student and personnel data. The

most concern was being focused on data entry and collation, rather than upon data transfer or

analysis. The value of management information was recognized during its integration stages.

Overall review of literature highlighted positive impact of MIS on school administration and

management including better accessibility to information, more efficient administration, higher

utilization of school resources, reduction in workload, better time management, and

improvement in the quality of reports. A number of inhibitors to MIS use are evident in the

literature; foremost among these are lack of time, lack of confidence or skills, lack of training,

lack of senior management support, and lack of technical support. MIS can provide

administrators and teachers with the information required for informed planning, policy-making,

and evaluation. MIS have changed school management in the areas of leadership, decision

making, workload, human resource management, communication, responsibility, and planning.

These systems can assist the school manager in determining the aims of the school, formulating

strategic plans, distributing resources, and evaluating staff performance as well as organizational

success.The study is related to the present study as both studies are on information acquisition

and influence ofMIS in School administration in Enugu State.

Abdul and Khan(2016) carried out a study onImpact of Management Information System on the

Performanceof the Organization (Profitability, Innovation, and Growth). The present study

investigates the impact of management information system on the performance of

theorganization by analyzing 31 different organizations of Pakistan. Primary data was collected

by using a sampling technique 201 respondents were selected randomly from these 31

organizations through a structured questionnaire.The response rate is 100%. The objective of this

study is to show how management information system givespositive impact on the performance

of the organization and how it can increase the profitability, innovation, andgrowth of the

organization. Regression and correlation test is applied to measure relationship between

variables.Results show that there is positive relationship between performance of the

organization and managementinformation system.

2.4 Summary of Literature Review

Information was defined as data that have been processed into a form that is meaningful to the

recipient and of real or perceived value with current or prospective decisions. Information is

maintained through a set of information management processes which supports the universities

and is symmetrical with the universities activities. Decisionmaking is a management process of

diagnosis and resolution of a problem or an issue. Decisions could be achieved in the universities

through the use of Decision-Support Systems (DSS). DSS are computer based MIS to aid

decision makers in the universities by providing vital, accurate and reliable information.

MIS is a system designed to provide the vital and reliable information needed by university

administrators for effective decision-making in the universities. MIS plays vital roles in decision-

making in the universities such as, providing the vital information, real-time updates of

information, ensuring multitasks, providing record-keeping and allowing quick access to

information. The constraints of MIS utilization in the universities include inadequate experts,

poor funding, low management and users’ support, low computer literacy among the users ,lack

of customized software and lack of data management MIS Model peculiar to the universities

which is the basis for this study. Data model is an abstract framework that provides the details of

information to be stored, documents, and organizes data for communication between functional

and technical people. Modeling is the building of frameworks that contain important concepts,

processes and relations to achieve an objective. Model development involves literature review,

instrument development, data collection and analysis. Relevant theories to the study were

reviewed. Systems Theory supports the interdependence of the different components of the MIS

Model. Theory of Management by Objectives which sees data model as objectives-oriented and

the development of MIS data Model as process where the interests and views of experts and

administrators are utilized. The Scientific Management Theory supports the use of scientifically

devised procedure such as modeling for data management required for decision-making rather

than a reactive and haphazard approach. The technology Acceptance Model supports the MIS

data Model based on opinions of users, and which will engender positive attitude of the

administrators to use the model.

Some studies carried out on MIS utilization in decision-making in higher institutions, model

developments in education both in Nigeria and other places as well as empirical studies using

Delphi technique were reviewed. Gaps, however exist as no studies to the best knowledge of the

researcher has been done on the Deep Influenceof MIS on administrators of school management

in Enugu State.



This chapter deals with the method adopted in carrying out this study. It is laid out

under the following sub-heading. Research design, Population of the study, area of the

study, sample and sampling technique, instrument for data collection, validity of the

instrument, reliability of the instrument, method of data collection and method of data


3.1 Research Design

The design of this study is descriptive survey design. Ofor (2014) stated that this design

possesses a great relevance of adoption when a researcher intends to describe the

condition, that already exist and intend to determine reasons for their prevalence through

the use of questionnaire for data collection from part of a population. The study used

survey research design because it sought the opinions of the respondents on the influence

of management information system on the School administration management in Enugu

State, Nigeria.

3.2 Area of the Study

The area of this study was Enugu state. Enugu state has six education zones under the Post

Primary Schools Management Board (PPSMB). The six education zones are Enugu,

Agbani, Awgu, Ansukka, Obollo-afor and Udi. Enugu statecomprises of 17 Local

Government Areas which includes Aninri, Awgu, Enugu East, Enugu North, Enugu

South, Ezeagu, Igbo Etiti, Igbo Eze North, Igbo Eze South, Isi Uzo, Nkanu East,

Nkanu West, Nsukka, Oji River, Udenu,Udi,Uzo-Uwani;. It is a metropolitan zone with

people with from different part of the State and beyond as residents the numerical strength

of the schools under the state is as follows commendable in 2020/2021 academic session.

The statistical strength of the state is as follows. Enugu Education zone has 292 public

secondary schools with about 12,666 teacher’ssources PPSMB Enugu. This area was

selected because ofthe it’s position in the state if quality education is obtained at the basic

level in this state it will cut across other state in the Nigeria.

3.3 Population of the Study

Population of the study comprised of 12,666 teacher’sin the 292 public secondary
schools in Enugu state (Source: PPSMB, statistics unit, 2022).

The detail of the target population is given on table 3.1.

3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique

The sample was 396teacher’s determined through Taro Yamen statistical method of

determine sample size. Sampling was done using balloting. Three school were selected

from each of the zone through Probability sampling method of simple random sampling

technique of balloting to produce 18 schools. 22staffwill be drawn from each of the 18

schools to produce 396 who served as the sample for the study.

3.5 Instrument of Data Collection

The researcher use structured questionnaire in collection of data. The questionnaire was

designed by the researcher based on the review of related literature and guided by the

research questions. The instrument consist of two parts. Part 1 was designed for

demographic data of the respondents, while part 2 contained a total of - items structured

into four sections (A,B,C,) according to the research questions. Section A has - items will

be used in collecting data to analyses the factors influencing implementation of

Management Information System in school administration in Enugu State. Section B

comprises of - items that will be used to collect data concerning the effects of technology

infrastructure on the implementation ofManagement Information System in school

administration in Enugu State. Section C has – items will be used in collection of data for

the relationship between impact of MIS and academic performance in school

administration in Enugu State. These will be used in analyzing influence of management

information system on the School administration management in Enugu State, Nigeria,

The response options of strongly agreed (SA) agreed (A) strongly disagreed (SD) disagree

(D) will be used. The value of the response options the real limits of the mean will be

used. Therefore, any item with mean between 4.00-3.50 will be regarded as strongly

agreed 3.49-2.50 agreed 2.49-1.50 strongly disagreed 1.49-1.00 disagreed. Any mean

above the criterion mean of 2.50 was regarded as agreed while any item below 2.50 was

regarded as disagreed. These items were structured to provide answers to the research

question formulated for the study.

3.6 Validation of Instrument

The instrument will be face validated by three experts. Two persons in Biology education

department and one person in measurement & evaluation from Michael Okpara University

of Agriculture, Umudike to determine its adequacy, appropriateness for the study and

content. The advice and criticism of these experts, their wonderful correction will be used

in the modification of the instrument.

3.7 Reliability of the Instrument

A test-retest method was used to establish the reliability of the instruments. The

instrument was administered on students in Agbani Education Zone and administered two

weeks later on them and data closely related to the data collected in Agbani Education

Zone was obtained. The result was analyzed using Spearman Rank Order. The co-efficient

was 0.89 which indicate that the instrument was reliable.

3.8 Method of Data Collection

A total of 306 copies of the questionnaire were administered to the respondents with the

help of five research assistants briefed by researcher on the content of the questionnaire

and its administration to ensure that the questionnaire is properly administered, filled and

retrieved. The instrument will be retrieved immediately after they have been properly

filled by the respondents to avoid bias and respondents who were not able to complete the

questionnaire items on the spot will be followed up through phone calls to ascertain when

to return for collection within one week.

3.9 Method of Data Analysis

The data collected from the respondents were analyzed using the weighted mean and

standard deviation. The mean was used to answer the research questions while standard

deviation was used to check the closeness of their responses. The t-test was used to test all

the null hypotheses at .05 level of significance and at the appropriate degree of freedom.

Decision Rule: The decision rule was based on the principle of lower and upper limit of

the mean, thus;

Strongly Agree (SA) 3.50-4.00

Agree (A) 2.50-3.49
Disagree (D) 1.50-2.49
Strongly Disagree (SD) 1.00-1.49
The null hypothesis was significant where the probability value was less equal to .05

significant level at appropriate degree of freedom, otherwise the null hypothesis was not



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