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This project, design and implementation of a computerized visa processing information

system for the UK visa seeker is carried out. It is based on how you can get losts of information

about necessary service, from advice on how to apply for a visa, to news about immigration

policy changes.

For example a UK visa is the overseas arm of Britain’s integrated border management. They

have visa offices in 160 locations throughout the world. The largest handles 300,000

applications a year; the smallest less than 10. They issue visas to 80% of those who apply and

stop only those who are a significant immigration risk to the UK. They process over 90% of

straightforward applications within 24 hours.

Recently a new mission statement explains how UK visas will deliver the border

objectives set by the parent department, the home office and foreign and common wealth office;

to achieve a balance between managing travel and migration and preventing illegal immigration

policy changes.

With over a billion people on the move today and an estimated two-thirds of the world’s

population requiring a visa to facilitate international travel, the need for more efficient and cost-

effective visa processing has moved to the forefront of many national agendas. Without such

access to safe, orderly and regular channels for migration and mobility, governments would

witness an increased trend towards irregular migration, which is neither in the interest of

migrants nor States. When governments invest more in facilitating regular migration pathways

and enhanced mobility channels, such migration fosters growth and development for all.

A visa is an official document that allows the bearer to legally enter a foreign country. The visa

is usually stamped or glued into the bearer’s passport. There are several different types of visas,

each of which afford the bearer different rights in the host country. Traditional visas can either

be stamped or glued into your passport. If your visa is glued into your passport, it is usually a

small document that includes your name, passport number, place of birth, reason for travel and

expiration date. Stamped visas typically have less information on them. They usually only have

the destination and date from which the visa is valid and official instructions stating how many

days the visa is valid for. Software design and implementation is the stage in the software

engineering process at which an executable software system is developed. Software design and

implementation activities are invariably inter-leaved.

– Software design is a creative activity in which you identify software components and

their relationships, based on a customer’s requirements.

– Implementation is the process of realizing the design as a program.

The Visa Information System (VIS) (consolidated version) allows Schengen States to exchange

visa data. It consists of a central IT system and of a communication infrastructure that links this

central system to national systems. VIS connects consulates in non-EU countries and all external

border crossing points of Schengen States. It processes data and decisions relating to applications

for short-stay visas to visit, or to transit through, the Schengen Area. The system can perform

biometric matching, primarily of fingerprints, for identification and verification purposes

The Purpose of VIS is;

1. Facilitating checks and the issuance of visas: VIS enables border guards to verify that a

person presenting a visa is its rightful holder and to identify persons found on the

Schengen territory with no or fraudulent documents. Using biometric data to confirm a

visa holder's identity allows for faster, more accurate and more secure checks. The

system also facilitates the visa issuance process, particularly for frequent travelers.

2. Fighting abuses: While the very large majority of visa holders follow the rules, abuses

can also take place. For instance, VIS will help in fighting and preventing fraudulent

behaviors, such as "visa shopping" (i.e. the practice of making further visa applications to

other EU States when a first application has been rejected).

3. Protecting travelers: Biometric technology enables the detection of travelers using

another person's travel documents and protects travelers from identity theft.

4. Helping with asylum applications: VIS makes it easier to determine which EU State is

responsible for examining an asylum application and to examine such applications.

5. Enhancing security: VIS assists in preventing, detecting and investigating terrorist

offences and other serious criminal offences.

Competent visa authorities may consult the VIS for the purpose of examining applications and

decisions related thereto. The authorities responsible for carrying out checks at external borders

and within the national territories have access to search the VIS for the purpose of verifying the

identity of the person, the authenticity of the visa or whether the person meets the requirements

for entering, staying in or residing within the national territories. Asylum authorities only have

access to search the VIS for the purpose of determining the EU State responsible for the

examination of an asylum application. In specific cases, national authorities and Europol may

request access to data entered into the VIS for the purposes of preventing, detecting and

investigating terrorist and criminal offences.

A UK visa is the overseas arm of Britain’s integrated border management. They have visa

offices in 160 locations throughout the world. The largest handles 300,000 applications a year;

the smallest less than 10. They issue visas to 80% of those who apply and stop only those who

are a significant immigration risk to the UK. They process over 90% of straightforward

applications within 24 hours.

Recently a new mission statement explains how UK visas will deliver the border

objectives set by the parent department, the home office and foreign and common wealth office;

to achieve a balance between managing travel and migration and preventing illegal immigration.

The main goals of the UK visa office are:

 to bring communities together

 to improve Britain’s competitiveness as a destination for travel, trade, migration and


 to prevent immigration abuse

 to deliver for money

 to earn public confidence

The research is used to process their visa and store all the details regarding the passport

holder. It will handle all type of visas, and very much concentrate in UK visa processing. It

will generate all possible reports, which are need by Consulate. It is a Client Server Project,

Administrator can be able to create many no of users and the users are called as Customers.

Administrator will describe the utilities accessed by a Customer.


The traditional methods of issuing and renewing visa do not augur well with the embassy since it

is characterize by the following shortfalls.

1. Corruption- There are some corrupt practices in the embassy due to the physical

handling of finance for passport transaction.

2. Time- Getting a passport in embassy is a real challenge and it’s not a good story to

tell. It lingers through week getting a new passport or even renewing one.

3 Convenience- embassy office across the nation and abroad may not always be


In UK visa processing information system the problems we are facing are;

i. Bankruptcy Attorney e.g. consumer present their case at legal match by through

extensive client acquisition and market outreach efforts our legal match will assists

thousands of visitors every day seeking help with their legal issues. In some areas

consumers can also reach us by phone so new bankruptcy legislation may make it harder

to find an attorney.

ii. Another problem in visa processing into system is the privacy and security problems ie

using illegal or fraud visa to go to overseas.

iii. Health (tuberculosis) screening is another problem in visa processing system since it

valid for larger than six months in certain countries now require a certificate to show that

they are free from infections tuberculosis (TB) before that person will travel to overseas.

The Government announced on 21 July 2005 its intention is to implement the first phase

of an overseas screening programme for TB for people applying to enter the UK for

more than 6 months in four year strategy earlier this year. The

benefit of the programmed is that successful applicants will benefit on arrival in the UK as they

will not need to be referred to the port medical inspector before being allowed to enter the


1.3 Motivation

I was motivated to embark on this research with a view to designing and implementation of

computerized visa processing information system for the UK visa seeker that would the keeping

of record of the passering licenses in UK.

1.4 Aims and Objective of the Study

UK visas began life as the joint entry clearance unit (JECU) in June 2000. it was established

jointly by the foreign and common wealth officer and the home office to manage the UK’s entry

clearance (visa) operation.

Visa or entry clearance applications are processed by entry clearance officers in UK embassies,

high commissions and consulates abroad, collectively known as UK missions. UK visas work

closely with the immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) of the Home office, the

Government department responsible for immigration policy and dealing with applications from

people already in the UK to extend their stay; or to change their immigration status. UK visas

reports to a joint management board of senior foreign and common wealth (FCD) and Home

office officials and to ministers in both departments.


The UK purpose of study in visa processing system is to achieve the following

Diplomatic mission.

 A Diplomatic Mission is the office of a country’s diplomatic representative in the

capital city of another country.

 Diplomatic Mission are established in accordance with the erovisions of the Vienna

convention on Diplomatic relations 1961.

 Diplomatic Mission of a common wealth country in another common wealth country

is called a “High commission”

 The head of mission is called “High commissioner”.

 A diplomatic mission in any foreign (i.e. non-common wealth) country is called an

Embassy and the head of mission is called Ambassador’

 High commissions and Embassies perform the same functions and have the same


The good management of our diplomatic mission is essential to the success of their work.

1.6 Significance of the study

Specifically the study covers such areas like how UK visas will deliver the border objectives set

by our parent department, such as the home office and the foreign common wealth office in order

to achieve a balance between managing people’s travel and migration, and also preventing illegal

immigration. In this study new computerized system is produced/designed after the critical

analysis of the existing system of British embassy and visa processing information system.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is the UK embassy operation and is concerned with the intention

to improve. Britain’s competitiveness as a destination for travel, trade, immigration and

investment and to bring communities together. Specifically the study covers such areas like how

UK visas will deliver the border objectives set by our parent department, such as the home office

and the foreign common wealth office in order to achieve a balance between managing people’s

travel and migration, and also preventing illegal immigration. In this study new computerized

system is produced / designed after the critical analysis of the existing system of British embassy

and visa processing information system it is intended for only UK embassy abroad.

1.8 Organization of the work

Chapter one contains introductory aspect of the study, like the background of the study, The

Purpose of visa is, statement of the problem, objective of the study, purpose of the study,

significance of the study, organization of the work and definition of terms. Chapter two contains

the review of the related literature Chapter three deals with the research methodology and system


The design consideration, design architecture, it is plain showing how information associated

with a given research problem should be collected and analyzed. Chapter four contains details of

the system design, implementation and testing of the new system. Chapter five contains the

summary, conclusion and recommendations.


VISA: It is a stamp or mark put in your passport by officials of a foreign country that

gives you permission to enter pass through or leave their country.

EMBASSY:- It is a building in which a group of official led by an ambassador work in order to

represent their government in a foreign country e.g. American embassy in London.

HIGH COMMISSIONER:- It is a person who is sent by one commonwealth country to live in

another, in order to protect the interests of their own country

IMMIGRATION:- It is the process of coming to live permanently in a country that is not your


COMMON-WEALTH:- It is an organization consisting of the United Kingdom and most of

the countries that used to be part of the British Empire.


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