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Vol. IX, No. 34, 6 th Waning of Kason 1384 ME Friday, 20 May 2022

Five-Point Road Map of the State Administration Council

1. The Union Election Commission will be reconstituted and its mandated tasks, including the scrutiny of voter lists, shall be implemented in accordance
with the law.
2. Effective measures will be taken with added momentum to prevent and manage the COVID-19 pandemic.
3. Actions will be taken to ensure the speedy recovery of businesses from the impact of COVID-19.
4. Emphasis will be placed on achieving enduring peace for the entire nation in line with the agreements set out in the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement.
5. Upon accomplishing the provisions of the state of emergency, free and fair multiparty democratic elections will be held in line with the 2008 Constitution,
and further work will be undertaken to hand over State duties to the winning party in accordance with democratic standards.

Many opportunities will come out for the nation in shaping

Nay Pyi Taw as a green city, clean city and smart city:
Senior General

State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing addresses the meeting on the development of Nay Pyi Taw Council Area in Nay Pyi Taw on 19
May 2022.

A The area is facilitated by 32

s Nay Pyi Taw Coun- on the development of Nay Pyi Paunglaung (Sittoung River),
cil Area is a location Taw Council Area at the SAC Ngalaik Creek and Hsinthe
for agricultural and Chairman Office in Nay Pyi Creek with fertile soil. Hence, dams and lakes in addition to
veterinarian universities as Taw yesterday afternoon. agriculture and livestock farms
well as offices of ministries, In his speech, the Senior can be done successfully. So, Paunglaung (Sittoung River),
it is necessary to do produc-
tion based on agriculture and
General noted that Nay Pyi
Taw Council Area is located
the University of Agriculture,
University of Veterinarian
Ngalaik Creek and Hsinthe Creek
livestock farms as models, on 2,724 square miles of land, Science and the University of with fertile soil. Hence, agriculture
said Chairman of the State
Administration Council Prime
more than 320,000 acres of
which are cultivable lands.
Forestry were moved to Nay
Pyi Taw.
and livestock farms can be done
Minister Senior General Min The area is facilitated by 32 successfully.
Aung Hlaing at the meeting dams and lakes in addition to SEE PAGE-3



Myanmar Peace delegation led by RCSS/ 151 Myanmar MoU Mon State’s
delegation attends SSA Chairman arrives in Nay migrant workers in third frozen fish export
19th SOMRI Pyi Taw upon SAC Chairman’s batch sent to work in to China
meeting online invitation Thailand suspends
20 MAY 2022

Re-invitation for basic education staff who are absent from duty
THE State Administration Council is implementing nine objectives, including a social goal of national health and higher education, and is working hard to restore
education to the next generation of young people in order to develop the nation's human resources.
For the education of the new generation, basic education schools across the country were reopened on 1-11-2021, and higher education universities/colleges were
reopened on 12-5-2022. Basic education schools for the 2022-2023 Academic Year will be reopened on 2-6-2022.
Basic education is very important in the education of the new generation of young people who will be the leaders of the future. So those students can learn fully
and to make the teachers/students ratio balance, experienced teachers are needed.
In order to resume their teaching duties for the next generations, teachers and educators who have been away from their duties due to intimidation, participation
in peaceful protest, or worry, and teachers and educators who have been prosecuted under staff discipline are informed to report to the relevant Township Education
Offices where the schools are located or the nearest Township Education Offices in their current area of residence to file an appeal voluntarily by 31-5-2022.
Among the basic education staff who are absent from duty due to various reasons, those who are absent without leave due to various reasons, those under the
investigation, and those who file an appeal, shall be considered as unpaid leave for the period of non-duty and will be re-employed except for those who have commit-
ted serious crimes.
State Administration Council
Information Team

Myanmar delegation attends 19th SOMRI meeting online

A Myanmar delegation led by Di-
rector-General of the Myanma
Radio and Television of the Min-
istry of Information U Ye Naing
participated in the 19th ASEAN
Senior Officials Responsible for
Information and its related meet-
ings-19th SOMRI hosted by the
current Chair Thailand yesterday
The SOMRI meetings are
held annually with the aim of
strengthening mutual under-
standing and trust between the
member countries through the
The Myanmar delegation virtually participates in the 19th SOMRI meeting yesterday.
ASEAN Regional Information
Service. Senior Information Of-
ficials from the ASEAN coun- ficials’ Meeting on Information: reports. The meeting also dis- tion of ASEAN Communications proved at the ASEAN Information
tries, department officials from SOMRI Working Group on In- cussed the latest developments Strategic Plan No. 2 (ASEAN Ministers’ Meeting, reviewing the
Thailand and officials from the formation, Media and Training, in the ASEAN Strategic Plan for Communication Master Plan II).  process and adding suggestions
ASEAN Secretariat attended it. WG-IMT, SOMRI Working Group Information and Media 2016-2025 At the meeting, reviewing were done. It is reported that Viet
At the meeting, represent- on Content and Production, WG- and the state of cooperation in the the decisions and current pro- Nam will host the 20th ASEAN
atives from the countries cur- CP, and SOMRI Working Group field of information and communi- cesses of the relevant ASEAN Senior Officials Responsible for
rently chairing the three working on ASEAN Digital Broadcasting, cation in the ASEAN information meetings, planning joint projects Information and its related meet-
groups of the ASEAN Senior Of- WG-ADB, presented the meeting sector, including the implementa- for the future, reports being ap- ings in 2023. — MNA

Five million syringes donated by China arrive in Yangon

FIVE million sets of syring- ond batch of 5 million sets of
es donated by the People’s syringes arrived yesterday.
Republic of China arrived in The remaining doses and
Yangon yesterday and were the syringes will continue to
received by officials from the arrive in Yangon on 28 and 29
Yangon Region. May.
Of 10 million doses of Sino- The newly arrived sy-
pharm COVID-19 vaccines and ringes were transported to
13.056 million sets of syringes the Central Vaccine Storage
donated again by China, five of the Department of Public
million doses and two million Health located on Mindhamma
sets of syringes arrived in Street in Mayangon Township
Yangon on 18 May. The sec- by vehicle. — GNLM

Crates of five million syringes arrive at Yangon International Airport.

4 new cases of COVID-19 reported on 19 May, total figure rises to 613,186

MYANMAR’S COVID-19 positive cases rose to 613,186 after 4 new cases were reported on 19 May 2022 according to the Ministry of Health. Among these confirmed cases,
592,159 have been discharged from hospitals. Death toll stands at 19,434 without more casualties.—MNA
20 MAY 2022

Tatmadaw will implement harmoniously with the people for

national politics
WE, soldiers, always have to safeguard our three main national causes: Non-disintegration of the Union, Non-disintegration of the National Solidarity, Perpetuation
of National Sovereignty as a national duty for the Union in which lives over 100 ethnic people. National affairs mean safeguarding national interests, and religion,
religion, traditional culture and customs. Let the nation be led by any political system or any government, as our national policy, Tatmadaw has to maintain the
Three Main National Causes concerning all nationalities. I would like to urge that Tatmadaw will implement harmoniously with the people for national politics.

(Excerpt from the speech made by Chairman of the State Administration Council Commander in Chief of Defence Services Senior General
Maha Thray Sithu Min Aung Hlaing at the passing out parade of the 8th intake of Graduate Female Cadet Course on 22 December 2021)

Many opportunities will come out for the nation in shaping

Nay Pyi Taw as a green city, clean city and smart city:
Senior General
FROM PAGE-1 farms can produce bio-ferti- opportunities to efficiently uti-
He said that as Nay Pyi lizers in order to contribute to Many opportunities will come out lize the labour, adding efforts
Taw Council Area is the loca-
tion for agricultural and veter-
agricultural tasks.
Chairman of Nay Pyi Taw
for the nation in shaping Nay Pyi must be made to systematical-
ly conserve watershed forests
inarian universities as well as Council Dr Maung Maung Taw as a green city, clean city and for ensuring better climatic
offices of ministries, it is nec- Naing, Union Ministers U Tin conditions and sharing of wa-
essary to do production based Htut Oo and U Hla Moe, Lt-Gen smart city. Hence, efforts must be ter with users under the good
on agriculture and livestock
farms as models. River water
Than Tun Oo and Command-
er of Nay Pyi Taw Command
made to the improvement of ag- management. If so, agriculture
and livestock farms in Nay Pyi
pumping stations can contrib- Maj-Gen Zaw Hein reported riculture and livestock farming Taw can successfully produce
ute to a sufficient supply of
water to farmlands in summer.
on land utilization in Nay Pyi
Taw Council Area, undertaking
through better management and their products, he said.
The Senior General
Hence, cultivable lands must and production of agriculture various ways ... stressed the need for cottage
be systematically improved to and livestock farms, the inflow industries to make domestic
carry out agricultural tasks, of water to dams and supply of crops as dried food to be man-
he added. agricultural water, formation among the main crops such obtained from the agricultur- ufactured as value-added prod-
The Senior General point- of agricultural farmers’ coop- as maize, beans and edible oil al produce, it will ensure the ucts for export purposes. The
ed out that the national vision erative societies for system- is grown in the Nay Pyi Taw sufficiency of feedstuffs for the government will help SME in-
of the nation is to ensure the atically undertaking agricul- area, efforts must be made for livestock farms. dustries develop. Many oppor-
prosperity of the country and ture tasks and manufacturing increasing its per-acre yield. He continued to say that tunities will come out for the
the sufficiency of food. If live- tasks, operation of small-scale Local farmers need to grow officials need to supervise the nation in shaping Nay Pyi Taw
stock tasks can be carried out industries, and implementa- crops to meet the target per- systematic undertakings of ag- as a green city, clean city and
systematically, livestock prod- tion of river water pumping acre yield set by the State. Of- riculture and livestock farms smart city. Hence, efforts must
ucts can be produced to meet stations for irrigating crops ficials need to fulfil the needs under discipline on the allot- be made to the improvement
the local demand as well as sell in mixed cropping and double of quality strains of crops, fer- ted lands. If emphasis can be of agriculture and livestock
it to other regions and states. cropping patterns. tilizers and natural fertilizers placed on benefiting the farm- farming through better man-
The Senior General stressed In his response, the Sen- for the farmers in respective ers and increasing production, agement and various ways, the
that waste from the livestock ior General said that if paddy sectors. As feedstuff can be the country will have many job Senior General said. —MNA

MoI Deputy Minister inspects Kawthoung IPRD

DEPUTY Minister for Infor- tions.
mation U Ye Tint inspected the Then, he met the assistant
MRTV retransmission station director of the District Office
in Kawthoung Township on and staff, departmental heads,
Wednesday and gave instruc- and those in charge of retrans-
tions regarding the security and mission stations of Bokpyin,
successive broadcasting while Khamaukgyi, Pyigyimandaing
meeting with the staff. and Karathuri towns. The deputy
He also visited the District minister stressed the need to
Public Library of Kawthoung conduct educating programmes
IPRD yesterday and instruct- for the young people, cooperate
ed officials and staff to conduct with departments concerned
measures in order to raise the with school enrolments, and pro-
number of readers and develop vide timely news to the public
the awareness of public rela- and other matters. –MNA

The MoI deputy minister meets Kawthoung IPRD officials and staff.
20 MAY 2022

SAC Information Team holds 14th press conference

THE 14th press conference of rate stability, implementation of
the State Administration Coun- financial policy for local price
cil’s Information Team was held stability, measures to ensure
yesterday afternoon at the Min- adequate finance and easy fi-
istry of Information under the nancial support in the banking
COVID-19 rules and regulations. sector, and action plans not to
Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, lead- hit highest prices in the local
er of the Information Team, U gold market and not to trade
Khin Maung Oo, member of the at higher prices than normal,
Union Election Commission, rumours of business persons,
members of the Information government’s activities to lead
Team, representatives from var- to the right ways as it found a
ious ministries, officials from the violation of rules in political,
Tatmadaw Information Team, economic and administrative
invitees and reporters from local sectors and some conduct be-
and foreign media attended the yond the procedures through
conference. the PowerPoint presentations.
First, the Team Leader of Then, UEC member U Khin
the Information Team explained The fourteenth press conference in action. Maung Oo clarified the prepara-
the State Administration Coun- tions for the multiparty democ-
cil’s practical steps, during its key decision-makers; the good- hidden matters, proper preven- for teachers, books and station- racy general election, compiling
government, to strengthen the will of the seven EAOs that have tive measures as they directly eries for KG, Grade-1 to Grade of voter lists, inspections of po-
multi-party democracy that is signed the NCA and three EAOs insult the religion of the majority 11 including school uniforms for litical parties and further work
the will of the people and for the that have not signed the NCA groups and effective actions if primary school students, re-invi- plans.
benefit of the people, to bring yet, which will attend the peace people inform their threats and tation for education staff who are Afterwards, the officials an-
about practical and effective talk for the people and the inter- violent attacks on the monks. absent from duty via the state- swered the questions raised by
implementation of peace, the ests of the region is recognized He also explained the activ- owned media starting 16 May the media outlets.
invitation of the Chairman of and respected by the people who ities of the government for the 2022 as the experienced teach- The attendees to the event
the State Administration Coun- want peace; the leaders of the education sector to complete ers are needed to improve the observed the documentary pho-
cil himself to all ethnic armed 10 ethnic armed organizations KG+9 education (middle) for education of new generations, tos of the activities of the gov-
organizations-EAOs to meet for who will attend the peace talks every citizen as one-third of the new appointment of basic ernment in peace, education,
an honest discussion so that all are the only ones who can make the total population complete education teachers, reopening of political and financial sectors
ethnic people can enjoy peace decisions on their behalf, and the the middle school education ac- universities/degree colleges/col- including the activities of UEC.
and development. talks will start on 20 May. cording to the 2014 Census and leges on 12 May 2022, students’ The press conference of the
He explained that the head He also highlighted the 2019 Census, school enrollment attendance and education pro- SAC Information Team will be
of state himself would meet di- murder cases of PDF terror- period from 26 May to 1 June motion activities in Chin State. held twice every month starting
rectly with each of the EAOs at ists targeting monks, the aims for 2022-2023 Academic Year, He then extensively clarified May and the full interview and
a rare and opportune time in the of terrorist organizations and reopening of basic education the efforts of the Central Bank the holding of the press confer-
Myanmar peace process, paving unscrupulous persons for cut- schools on 2 June, distribution of of Myanmar to ensure financial ence will further be published,
the way for a frank meeting of ting off the source of Sasana and school textbooks, manual guides stability, financial and exchange it is reported. — MNA

Peace delegation led by RCSS/SSA Chairman arrives in Nay Pyi Taw upon
SAC Chairman’s invitation
STATE Administration Council (2) in Tachilek Township of eastern
Chairman Prime Minister Senior Shan State, officials of Tachilek Sta-
General Min Aung Hlaing on 22 April tion, departmental officials, political
invited the ethnic armed groups to organizations and the residents who
peace talks to end armed conflicts want State stability and development
across the nation. According to the supported them by holding the sign-
invitation, a peace delegation led by boards bearing “We agree with the
RCSS/SSA Chairman U Ywad Serk peace talks. Durable peace is the
arrived at Nay Pyi Taw Military Air- true desire of the entire people. We
port yesterday. National Solidarity agree with the peace talks of the State
and Peace-Making Negotiate Com- Administration Council” along the
mittee members, officials and ethnic Pyidaungsu Road to the airport.
people of the Cultural Department The peace delegation led by
welcomed them. Chairman U Ywad Serk of RCSS/SSA
When the delegation arrived at arrived in Nay Pyi Taw via Kengtung
the Myanmar-Thai Friendship Bridge Airport. — MNA

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20 MAY 2022

SAC Information Team Leader reiterates there is enough

State reserve oil to prevent fuel shortage
THERE is enough State reserve The Denko Petrol Station
oil to prevent fuel shortage, said has submitted their difficulties to
Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, Informa- the Director-General of the De-
tion Team Leader of the State partment of Petroleum Products
Administration Council and Dep- Supervision and Inspection De-
uty Minister for Information, at partment on 17 May, saying that
the 14th press conference. Octane 92 Ron and 95 Ron are in
“State has reserved oil for short in supply and that they will
energy security. There is a cer- suspend their sales temporarily
tain amount of fuel that can meet if 95 Ron is out of sale in their 38
regular fuel needs. As for oil, the petrol stations in Yangon and
price will remain high to some Mandalay regions.
extent due to rising global oil Yesterday morning, the
prices. I would like to say we Myanmar Fuel Oil Importers
have sufficient State reserve and Distributors Association
oil,” he reaffirmed. The price of announced that MT Beluga Pa-
Octane has risen between K30 cific tanker which carries 16,400
and K100 per litre, according to tonnes of fuel oil, MT Yu Hai tank-
the comparison of the prices be- er which carries 17,200 tonnes
SAC Information Team Leader Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun clarifies fuel oil issue at the 14th press conference.
tween 18 and 19 May. of fuel oil, MT Yu Dang tanker
“As 90 per cent of domestic which carries 18,200 tonnes of
consumption of oil is imported, and fuel prices have changed sale/retail prices are being an- contact numbers to report any fuel oil, and Aberlour tanker
changes in global oil prices have a lot, and it has risen by more nounced in the daily newspapers inconvenience in buying fuel,” which carries 20,000 tonnes of
a huge impact on the domestic than $20 per barrel between 1 so that business people do not said officials from the Ministry fuel oil, were being unloaded at
price; The prices of global oil to 19 May; the reasonable whole- manipulate the prices, including of Energy. the ports. — TWA/GNLM

151 Myanmar MoU migrant workers in Electricity bill overcharges can

third batch sent to work in Thailand be checked at relevant township
Ltd, respectively. When accepting
the MoU workers, the Thai Cus-
EPDs: SAC Information Team
toms will restrict the goods and AN official from the Ministry of tem,” said U Maung Nge, a res-
services. The announcement of Electric Power and the Minis- ident in Kyauktada Township.
conditions for tax collection has try of Energy said that the peo- The AMI system reduces
been announced at the respec- ple can go to relevant township non-technical losses, provides
tive border camps for Myanmar electricity offices to inspect if meter readings from the con-
migrant workers. The restricted there are any overcharges in trol server in a short period,
goods and the conditions for tax the bill by taking the receipt, at easy issuance of billing and
collection when accepting MoU the 14th press conference of the charges with barcode, online
workers of the Thai Customs De- State Administration Council’s bill payment, and it is a system
partment have been announced Information Team. that the consumer can check
The third batch of MoU migrant Workers are welcomed at the Thai- at the respective border camps “If there are overcharges, by mobile phone. As it is better
Myanmar Friendship Bridge (2).
for Myanmar migrant workers, you can go to the township elec- than the reading-by-staff meth-
THE third batch of 151 Myanmar (2) and were welcomed by the and officials at the border camp tricity office. As some meters od, most townships in Yangon
workers was sent to Thailand un- officials from the Office of the La- are working together to make are read by machine and some are implementing this system.
der the MoU system to work for bour Attaché and Thai depart- sure that the Myanmar migrant are read by the staff them- — TWA/GNLM
three Thai companies on 19 May, mental officials. Of 151 workers, workers are not harmed. The first selves, so there are many or
according to the Office of the La- 92 people will work for the Fuji- batch of 287 workers was accept- fewer errors,” the official said.
bour Attaché. kura Electronics (Thailand) Co. ed from Thailand on 10 May and Despite the daily power
The workers were allowed Ltd, 29 people for Thai Chin Fu the second batch of 301 workers outages, most consumers are
to enter Thailand via the Myan- Enterprise Co. Ltd, and 30 for the was sent to Thailand on 11 May. experiencing fixed bill charg-
mar-Thailand Friendship Bridge Samakee Concrete Product Co. — TWA/GNLM es every month. “There are
months that the bill charges
are the same; it seems like they
More than 600 tonnes of shrimp exported in April are charging with estimation;
If the bill is K35,000 this month,
ACCORDING to the Depart- regular trade and 68.649 tonnes Region. Shrimps are farmed in it is the same for next month;
ment of Fisheries, more than 600 through land borders. During 8,377.78 acres, transported to Sometimes we don’t see that
tonnes of shrimp were exported the previous mini-budget peri- Yangon and thereby they are the meter is read, and when
in April, the first month of the od within six months, 7,572.992 exported abroad. Myanmar is the bill arrives, it seems higher
2022-2023 Financial Year (FY). tonnes of shrimp worth $33.492 providing fish, shrimp and oth- than it should be; There are not
A total of 610.49 tonnes worth million were exported. er seafood to over 40 countries, many townships where meters
US$ 2.735 million were export- Most shrimps come from including China and Thailand. are read with a computer sys-
ed, 541.841 tonnes through the Rakhine State and Taninthayi — TWA/GNLM
20 MAY 2022

MoC facilitates daily imports of essential

Announcement of the resumption of Tourist
Visa service on Online e-Visa System
anti-COVID-19 equipment
THE Ministry of Commerce A total of 95,000 sets of PPEs It is reported that the
1. The Ministry of Immigration and Population resumed the oversees the importation of were imported by a company via Ministry of Commerce is co-
Online e-Visa services on 1 April 2022 for business visa necessary medical supplies the Myanmar International Port ordinating with relevant de-
applications to facilitate the entry of foreign investors and anti-COVID-19 devices yesterday. partments to prevent COV-
and businessmen to Myanmar. Moreover, commercial critical to the COVID-19 pre- Officials from relevant ID-19, and contact persons
International Flights operations are allowed to operate vention, control and treatment departments cooperate to fa- for enquiries can be reached
in accordance with the COVID-19 rules and regulations activities through trading cilitate and expedite standard through the Ministry’s Web-
of the Ministry of Health, and therefore, the number of posts, international airports operating procedures for the site –
foreign visitors to Myanmar has been increasing. and seaports. import process. — MNA

2. With an aim to develop tourism sector and to have a

harmonized tourism with the neighboring countries,
e-Visa (Tourist) applications will be allowed and accepted
Myanmar COVID-19 Vaccination
from 15 May 2022.
Electronic Certificate officially
3. Requirements for the application of Online e-Visa
(Tourist) will be available at the Ministry’s website
recognized at ASEAN Single QR Code
Verification Portal
Ministry of Immigration and Population
issued by Myanmar can be scanned
and retrieved from any mobile phone
or tablet, so the certificate holders
can easily verify the completion of
CRIME NEWS the vaccination and confirm the date
and type of vaccines.
Moreover, Myanmar makes
illegal timbers, animal feeds, efforts to receive recognition from
ASEAN member countries on the
cement, business equipment, vaccination records and the COV-
ID-19 Vaccination Electronic Cer-
home appliances and tificate issued via https://c19vc.moh.

unregistered vehicles seized was recognized officially at
ASEAN Single QR Code Verifica-
tion Portal during the 15th ASEAN
SUPERVISED by the Anti-Ille- captured K12,201,400 worth of HEALTH MINISTERS MEETING
gal Trade Steering Committee, home appliances that were not held in Indonesia on 14 and 15 May
efforts are being made to take declared in the Import Decla- 2022.
effective action against illegal ration on 18 May. The action Therefore, the travellers to for-
trades across the country. was taken under the Customs eign countries from Myanmar verify
On 17 May, the on-duty in- Law. the COVID-19 Vaccination Electronic
spection team under the man- Afterwards, on 18 May, Certificate can be verified at https://
agement of the Kayin State the team led by the Bago ASEAN Cov-
Anti-Illegal Trade Eradication Township Customs Depart- id-19 Vaccine Certificate Single Ver-
Special Task Force conducted ment carried out inspections ification Portal starting 15-5-2022.
inspections at the Kawkareik between Nyaungkhashay and —MNA
(Tadakyoe) Checkpoint in Kay- Waw townships. They captured
in State. They seized 1,670 bags foodstuffs and animal feed-
of illegal cement that showed stuff at the estimated value
no official documents at an esti- of K1,500,000 from a vehicle
mated value of K16,700,000 and (approximately K10 million).
four six-wheel trucks, which The action was taken under
carried those illegal items, at the Customs Law.
an estimated value of K111 On 19 May, the team led by
million. The action was taken Bago Region Forest Depart-
under the Customs Law. ment seized 22.3251 tonnes
Similarly, on 18 May, the of K2,166,803 worth of illegal
inspection team of the Thanl- timbers in Yedashe Township THE Ministry of Health collects the data
win Bridge checkpoint confis- and action was taken under the on COVID-19 vaccination processes, super-
cated K1,570,000 worth of the Forest Law. vises the vaccine coverage and distribution
second-hand mobiles from a On the same day, Police and grants vaccination records and also
vehicle heading to Mandalay confiscated three unregistered developed the Vaccination Management
from Myawady and action was vehicles in Monywa Township at Information System-VMIS across the na-
taken under the Customs Law. an estimated value of K5,500,000 tion with the participation of ministries
In addition, the Hteed- and opened a case file under the concerned in July 2021.
an Port container terminal Export/ Import Law. The COVID-19 Vaccination Electron-
checkpoint captured K9,439,000 Therefore, 20 arrests at an ic Certificate was also issued online for
worth of business equipment estimated value of K170,077,203 those travelling abroad at the ministry’s
that was not declared in the were made on 17, 18 and 19 website starting
Import Declaration on 17 May. May, according to the Anti-Ille- 7-4-2022.
At the Myanmar Industrial Port gal Trade Steering committee. The QR Code contained in the COV-
container terminal checkpoint — MNA ID-19 Vaccination Electronic Certificate
20 MAY 2022

Mon State’s frozen fish export to China suspends

AS China’s coronavirus cases re- markets were suspended and the
surge in the recent months, Mon trade will slow down more than
State’s frozen fish export which expected, according to the Na-
solely relied on the China mar- tional Enlightenment Institute.
ket is sluggish, according to the Approximately 180 metric
Mawlamyine Commodity Centre. tons of fish are sent to foreign
“Fish produced in Mon State markets every year. China ac-
is highly consumed in China. counts for 90 per cent of Mon
Small size Hilsa and mackerel State’s fish exports.
fish can be exported to Malaysia. The exports of frozen fish
However, the export volume to from Mon State have been drop-
Malaysia is pretty low as they ping for two consecutive years,
purchase only one container load resulting in the stockpile of frozen
of fish once in three months. Nor- fish in cold storage in Mon State.
mally, Myanmar ships about 3-4 “We have sufficient inventory
containers of fish to China every of fish in cold storage as export is
month. China’s market consti- slow-moving and China’s demand
tutes over 90 per cent of Mon falls,” said a cold storage opera-
State’s fish export,” an exporter tor. There are 14 fishing blocks
elaborated. in Mon State. Over 1,500 inshore
China is stepping up virus Fishery workers are seen at the production line. and offshore fishing vessels are
rules and regulations on freight engaged in the fishing industry.
and it disrupted the supply chain.  do not dare to take a risk during “Some traders shipped fro- Mon State’s fish export sec- Inshore and offshore fishing
China has banned cross-bor- the lockdown period and strict zen fish in the pre-Thingyan pe- tor has collapsed since the coro- businesses are thriving in Mon
der trade through some border virus policy.  riod. Yet, I don’t think they have navirus outbreak in 2020. The State as it has coastal areas. The
posts between Myanmar and The traders are facing been placed in the market. They export market is hard to raise fishing business plays a role that
China since October 2020. The barriers such as an increase in still cannot be withdrawn from its head again.  drives the economic growth in
frozen fish is shipped under a cold transportation costs and trade the containers or they might be At present, mainland Chi- Mon State, the Mawlamyine
chain via a sea trade. The traders impediments due to the height- in cold storages at the moment,” na is battling the lockdown. It Commodity Centre stated. —
from both Myanmar and China ened coronavirus measures.  said an exporter.  is about two months since the GNLM

CMP raw materials import Rice export prices to China flat

THE export price of rice to China exports. The number of trucks to his opinion.
soars to $306 mln in April is neither rising nor declining at China through the Kyinsankyawt China shut down all the
present, said U Min Thein, vice- border post drastically dropped checkpoints linking to the Muse
IMPORTS of raw materials driving up exports. Myan- chair of Muse Rice Wholesale from 400 to 30 for now. border amidst the COVID-19 pan-
by CMP (cut-make-pack) mar’s manufacturing sector Depot. This being so, the volume demic. Of the checkpoints, Kyin-
businesses have jumped to is largely concentrated in The profit condition is de- of rice and broken rice export sankyawt has resumed trading
US$306.33 million between garments and textiles pro- pending on the short-haul truck- plunges from 60,000 to 4,000 bags activity from 26 November on a
1 April and 6 May in the cur- duced on the Cutting, Mak- ing cost as the price remains un- per day, he stressed. trial run. Myanmar daily delivers
rent financial year 2022-2023, ing, and Packing basis, and it changed, he added. The permit of the driver-sub- rubber, green gram, chilli pepper,
which reflects a significant contributes to the country’s “The price is stable in China. stitution system slashes trans- onion, mango and other food com-
increase of $217 million com- GDP to a certain extent.  Thuka rice variety fetches 140 port costs. However, it will take modities to China through the
pared with the year-ago peri- Myanmar mainly exports Yuan in Ruili (Shweli), while the time to return to trade normality Kyinsankyawt post.
od, according to the Ministry CMP garments to markets price of broken rice is around 120 on the Muse border, U Min Thein Myanmar has opened five
of Commerce.  in Japan and Europe, along Yuan. If the short-haul trucking continued. border trade zones with China
The figures rose from with the Republic of Korea, service costs are higher, the profit “We need to carefully consid- – Muse, Lweje, Kampaiti, Chin-
$89 million registered dur- China, and the US. will decrease. If the trucking cost er the market condition. When shwehaw and Kengtung. The ma-
ing the year-ago period, the The export value of CMP is going cheap, the profit will be China eases the COVID rules this jority of the trade is carried out
Commerce Ministry’s data garments was only $850 mil- higher,” he elaborated. year, the number of trucks en- through the Muse land border,
indicated. lion in the 2015-2016FY, but Before 16 May 2022, China gaged in cross-border trade will the Ministry of Commerce’s data
The industry is returning it has tripled over the past banned Myanmar trucks to enter increase,” U Min Thein shared indicated. — NN/GNLM
to normal after the COVID-19 two FYs. In the 2016-2017FY, their side because of the corona-
vaccination programme for about $2 billion was earned virus protocol. Myanmar goods
the workers, as per the HIS from exports of CMP gar- can be exported to China through
Markit’s September report. ments. The figure increased the Kyinsankyawt border with
Exports of garments to an estimated $2.5 billion the use of a Chinese short-haul
manufactured under the in the 2017-2018FY and $2.2 trucking service.
cut-make-pack (CMP) sys- billion in the 2018 mini-budget As a result of this, the cost
tem were valued at US$3.6 period (from April to Septem- of Chinese short-haul trucking
billion in the last FY2020-2021, ber). It tremendously grew to tremendously rose to K10 million
according to data from the $4.6 billion in the 2018-2019FY per truck, whereas the trucking
Myanmar Customs Depart- and $4.8 billion in the 2019- was worth only K700,000-800,000
ment. 2020FY, according to the when Myanmar truckers were
The garment sector is Commerce Ministry. — KK/ allowed to enter China, U Min
among the prioritized sectors GNLM Thein continued.
Myanmar sees a big slump in Bags are filled up with export rice at one rice mill.
20 MAY 2022

Try hard in
Kason: the month of the festival of pouring water on the Bodhi tree
learning with By Dr Khin Maung Nyunt

relentless efforts (Maha Saddhamma Jotika Dhaja,

branch was ceremonially planted
at Anuradha City by the Lan-
kan king himself. The Bodhi tree
he brought back seeds of Maha
Bodhi Tree, drawings of Maha
Zedi, Lawha Pathada Pyatthat,
cinct of Kyauktaw Gyi Image,
Mandalay. They were brought
from Buddhagaya and planted
formance of this rite on the full
moon day of Kason. Lawka Byu
Har or Inyone Sardan a famous
that grew out of it came to be and many sacred relics which there by King Mindon. Treatise on Court Ceremonies

IS time to resume the new academic year for students of ASON (May) is the sec- Kason is an auspicious known as Dakhina Sakha (South- he gave to the king. Other plant- The planting of the Bodhi and Festivals complied by Min-
basic education and higher education. The resumption of ond month in the Myan- month for the Buddhists because ern Branch) Bodhi Tree. As all ers of the Maha Bodhi tree were tree in Myanmar continues in ister Thiri Uzana of Inwa Period,
teaching will be reactive in the school environs. mar calendar. It is the of its full-moon day, which is re- Buddhas attained enlightenment King Uzana of the Pinya dynasty, modern times. There is a place described how the King and his
The learning society in Myanmar is constituted of students, hottest month of Myanmar's ligiously important. Four major under big shady trees and major who planted it in A.D 1340; King near Monywa in Upper Myan- court participated in the rite of
teachers, parents and teaching infrastructures. It is necessary to summer. As the sun reaches the events in the life of Lard Gauta- events in the last life of Gautama Narapati and King Maha Thiha mar where one thousand Bodhi water-pouring at the Bodhi Tree
fulfil the needs of learning societies in advance for the convenience Tropic of Cancer, its rays fall di- ma Buddha took place on the full- Buddha took place in the forests, Thura of the Inwa dynasty, both saplings had been planted, and and the festivities that followed
of students and teachers in daily work. Indeed, it is responsible rectly on Myanmar, drying up moon day of Kason when Lord devotees regard such trees and of whom sent their envoys to this place came to be known as it.
for local authorities to manage the improvement of the learning water in lakes, ponds, streams Dipankaya Buddha gave divine forests as sacred, and they re- Sri Lanka in A.D 1442 and A.D “One thousand Bodhi trees” (Bo- But the Kason festival is
societies in Myanmar. and rivers, and reducing Myan- prophesy to the hermit Thumeda spect them. Weithabu Buddha 1468, respectively and the en- dhi Ta Htaung). In the precinct not confined to the Court. It is
Regularly, the result of the examination was announced for the mar soil to an almost parched that the hermit would become became enlightened under the voys brought home saplings of of Shwedagon are the Bodhi a public event in which peoples
basic education students in the land. Evaporation generates Lord Gautama Buddha. Second- Sal tree (Pentacme Siamensis). Bodhi Tree; King Dhamma Zedi trees the one at the northwest from all walks of life take part.
fourth week of April. Then, the more heat causing perspiration ly, it was on the full-moon day of Kakusanda Buddha became en- of Mon dynasty who planted in corner was planted on the day In every Buddhist house, there
The ring of the basic education schools open in and loss of Saline water in the Kason in the Maha Sakarit year lightened under the Kokko tree A.D 1471 the seed of Maha Bo- of the attainment of Myanmar is the family altar with a Bud-
early June. Significantly, vari- human body. Hence there are of 68 that babe Prince Siddhartha (Albizzia lebbek), Konagamana dhi Tree from Sri Lanka on a independence, 4th January 1948. dha image, and on it are placed
bell has been ous universities, degree col- two Myanmar rhymes to de- was born to Queen Maha Maya. Buddha under the Yethahpan hillock now called Bodhi hill in Next to it on the right is the Bo- three pots called Nyaung Ye Oh
leges, colleges and institutes scribe this weather. wefcl;a&ukef Thirdly, it was on the full-moon tree (Ficus glomerata), Kass- the northwest of Shwedagon Pa- dhi tree planted in 1905. Both (pots in which water and flowers
beaten for all in the higher education sector uqkefa&cef; “In Tagu water is day of Kason in the Maha Sakarit apa Buddha under the Banyan goda, Yangon; King Bodawpaya were brought from Buddhagaya. are placed as a religious offer-
resume their operations in May diminished, but in Kason wa- year of 103 that Prince Siddhar- tree (Ficus indica) and Gautama of Konbaung dynasty who sent There is another Bodhi tree at ing) dedicated to the Buddha,
students. They are 2022. ter is dried” uqkef? e,kefaqGUaqGU tha (Bodhisatta), after six ardu- Buddha under the Bodhi tree (Fi- to India a party of scholars in the southeast corner (Tuesday Dhamma (Teachings) and Sang-
Teachers are playing ckef“In Kason and Nayon, the ous years of practising austerity cus religiosa). Indeed, the trees A.D 1800 to study Maha Bodhi Direction) with a brick platform ha (Pure disciple). There is an
responsible for a key role in academic mat- heat is unbearable”. But rain as a recluse became enlightened under which Buddhas attained Tree at Buddhagaya. On their around it. It was planted by Head old Myanmar greeting, “I pray

shouldering the ters. Hence, the government

arranges the appointment of
is not totally absent this month.
Occasionally rainclouds would
and thus became Lord Gautama
Buddha. Fourthly, it was on the
‘Omniscience’ are called Maha
Bodhi Tree. Bodhi is a Pali word
return, they brought back de-
scriptions and drawings of the
monk Meidet Sayadaw. It is at
this tree that the ceremony of
for your health and happiness
by offering Thabye (Eugenia)
duties of the State more teachers to be deployed gather to let down some show- full-moon day of Kason in the meaning ‘Knowing’ or ‘perceiv- Sacred Tree, and two saplings pouring water on Kason full- sprigs to the Buddha and pour-
at the schools which need the ers, or sometimes unexpected Maha Sakarit year of 148 that ing’. Maha Bodhi tree is classi- of it presented by its caretaker. moon day takes place annually. ing water on the Banyan tree!”
in the future. To number of teachers to reach storms should arise, bringing Lord Gautama Buddha entered fied as a kind of Paribawga Ceti The saplings were ceremonially The rite of pouring water Many Myanmar folk rhymes and
the full organizational setup. If pre-Monsoon downpours reliev- Parinibbana (Demise). Because in which Paribawga or priestly planted by the King himself in on the Bodhi tree began on the songs describe the Kason festi-
be able to do so, so, they will dutifully teach their ing all beings of intense heat. of these four great landmarks in utensils used by the Buddhas the precinct of Mingun Pagoda; date of the arrival of its seeds val. These are the pieces of evi-
pupils for sharing educational The natural environment has the Buddha’s life, the full-moon were enshrined. So this tree King Bagyidaw his successor and saplings in Myanmar. The dence to prove that it is a public
all students in the knowledge. turned fully green, and among day of Kason is regarded by all is regarded as sacred. The act planted in the south-west of his earliest mention of this rite was festival. One noted court poet
On one hand, efforts are the flowers that bloom in this Buddhists as the most auspi- of pouring water on the Maha place the saplings which his en- found in the Bagan inscription and Minister of the Konbaung
two strata need to being made to turn out quali- month Saga (Champak Miche- cious and fourfold blessed. In Hindu Brahmanism arrived some big shady trees in which lit- Bodhi Tree is the expression of voys brought from Buddhagaya of A.D 1201, known as “Thingyi Period named Letwethondara
fied tutors and demonstrators lia), a fragrant yellow flower is Myanmar, the full-moon day of here, it brought many Hindu de- tle idols of Yokka-soe are housed piety and respect shown to the in A.D 1834: and King Mindon, Nyaung Ok” stone inscription. composed a ratu verse while he
try hard to become for the higher education sector traditionally marked as the flow- Kason is a public holiday as it ities, including tree god. Hindu and worshipped, and believers Buddhas.
the outstanding in order to appoint them to re-
spective higher education insti-
er of the month. It is the flower of
a kind of timber tree that grows
is marked as Buddha Day. Reli-
gious functions are held on this
Brahmans revere the Bodhi tree
because they believe that it is
are scared of chopping trees with
such shrines.
Maha Bodhi trees found in
the precincts of pagodas and
ones on whom tutions. Only when the faculty wild in the Mt Popa area, which day, such as recitation of Parit- one of the abodes of Vishnu, the In spite of the tradition of monasteries all over Myanmar
members are qualified will they is its habitat. In the astrological tas, administering of moral pre- Maha Deva. Yokka-soe appears tree worship, the rite of pouring are those grown out of seeds
the State and the thoroughly share their wider cycle of seasons, Kason id Vrish- cepts by monks and visiting pa- quite often in Myanmar fables water on the Bodhi tree is entire- or saplings brought from Bud-
knowledge with learners. Con- abha (Taurus) with the figure godas and shrines by devotees to and folk tales. Even in the Ja- ly Buddhistic in origin and not dhagaya in India or Sri Lanka
people can rely. sequently, these institutions of Bull as its zodiacal sign. At pay homage and do charity work. takas, we find that the tree god connected with animism. by Myanmar envoys, monks, or
will produce qualified univer- night in the firmament, appear In other Buddhist countries, this plays no small role. In the last There are references in personages in different periods
sity students in the future. astride the moon Witha Kha, the day is called Vesak Day, which is life of the Lord Buddha, there Buddhist literature pertaining to of Myanmar history. Seeds or
Truly, students from both the basic and higher education sec- asterism of 14 stars in Libra re- celebrated by Buddhists by doing was one incident that proved the the worship of the Bodhi tree in saplings of the Maha Bodhi Tree
tors should complete their respective learning. Otherwise, not only sembling a drum circle. religious work such as the monks dominance of tree worship at the lifetime of the Lord Buddha. were religious objects sent with
students and parents but the State would face losses. It would be a The word ‘Kason’, according chanting Suttas (discourses) and that time. While the Bodhisatta In the Kalinga Jataka of the 13th Buddha’s relics to Myanmar
loss of workable forces for the State as well as individual citizens. to philologists, is a combination devotees visiting shrines to pray. (the Buddha-to-be) was seated Nipata, which forms a portion of kings by rajas of Sri Lanka. Some
Hence, the government is responsible for the creation of a happy of two words, ‘Ka’ and ‘Son’, ‘Ka’ In Myanmar, the tradition- in meditation under a banyan Tipidaka, there is mention of the Myanmar kings despatched re-
learning society for students. Such a society will create initiatives, means water and ‘Son’ means al festival of pouring water on tree, Sujata, the daughter of a planting of a Bodhi tree by Shin ligious missions to Buddhagaya
critical thinking, innovation, creativity, new ideas and wonderful to pour, and so Kason means the Bodhi tree is held in Kason. rich man of Senani village, came Ananda, the disciple of the Bud- and Kandy to do religious work
skills for the students. If so, a new generation of students will be ‘to pour water’. But Pali schol- Tree worship was one of the to offer to the Bodhisatta some dha. How Shin Ananda induced there, and they brought back
ready to polish the image of the State and the citizens through their ars say that this word is derived prehistoric beliefs, and it was rice boiled in concentrated milk King K--ala and his people to seeds and saplings. The earliest
advanced work capacity. If so, they will be excellent intellectuals and from the Pali word ‘Kachina’, quite prevalent in Stone Ages. she had specially prepared. She pay homage to the Bodhi tree historical evidence of planting
intelligentsia for the nation in the future. meaning ‘water shortage’. It is Later, it was passed down to brought it there to offer to the was described in it. There was Bodhi trees in Myanmar was second last Myanmar king who Later, Saw Hla Win Paya stone was in exile at the Meza Hill near
The ring of the bell has been beaten for all students. They are the month of water shortage due early civilizations. Myanmar in- Guardian god of that tree as a the story of Bhikkhuni Sangha found in the reign of King Nara- received two saplings sent by Sri inscription of A.D 1291, and one Katha. In the second stanza, he
responsible for shouldering the duties of the State in the future. To be to extremely hot weather. Both digenous races have the custom special thanks-giving as her re- Sumitta, daughter of King Aso- pati Sithu (A.D 1173-1210) of the Lankan monks in A.D 1860, and Ka-chin song of the Pinya Period described the Kason Nyaung Ye
able to do so, all students in the two strata need to try hard to become interpretations are plausible as of worshipping a tree god (The quest to have a son which she ka being sent out to Sri Lanka Bagan dynasty. It was in his time he planted them at Bodhi-kon, had mention of the pouring of festival as he saw it in the local
the outstanding ones on whom the State and the people can rely. the former implies the supply of guardian spirit of tree) called had made at the foot of that tree, as a missionary with a south- that one Myanmar monk named south of his palace, Mandalay. water at the Banyan tree. My- village.
water and the latter the demand ‘Yokka-soe’, who is believed to had been fulfilled. Even today in ern branch of the Maha Bodhi Ashin Kassapa Maha Thera went There are also four Bodhi anmar chronicles and literature
for it. be benevolent to humans. When Myanmar, we see little shrines at Tree at Buddhagaya. The sacred to Sri Lanka, and on his return, trees at four corners of the pre- have accounts of the royal per- SEE PAGE-10
20 MAY 2022

Reference wholesale prices for Union territory, Nay Pyi Taw, Yangon
and Mandalay and reference retail prices for cities of regions and states
20-5-2022 Kyat/ Litre

Nay Pyi Taw



(Retail Price)







92 Ron 2,115 2,160 2,155 2,120 2,160 2,180 2,165 2,145 2,240 2,255 2,150 2,160 2,195 2,195 2,200 2,415 2,430

95 Ron 2,185 2,235 2,230 2,195 2,230 2,255 2,240 2,215 2,310 2,325 2,225 2,240 2,265 2,265 2,270 2,490 2,605

HSD (500 ppm) 2,080 2,125 2,120 2,085 2,125 2,145 2,140 2,110 2,225 2,220 2,115 2,125 2,160 2,160 2,165 2,380 2,690

HSD (50 ppm) 2,105 2,155 2,150 2,115 2,150 2,175 2,170 2,140 2,255 2,250 2,145 2,155 2,190 2,190 2,190 2,410 2,725

HSD (10 ppm) 2,105 2,155 2,150 2,115 2,150 2,175 2,170 2,140 2,255 2,250 2,145 2,155 2,190 2,190 2,190 2,410 2,725

Fuel (Wholesale Price) Yangon Mandalay

Remarks: (1) It’s calculation is based on MOPS price.
92 Ron 2,012 2,086
95 Ron 2,082 2,157 (2) If people are not satisfied with purchase of fuel, they may safely send complaints
to telephone numbers of the committee as follows: -
HSD (500 ppm) 1,978 2,047
HSD (50 ppm) 2,006 2,075 067-409881 and 09-699611116, 067-411129, 09-440433533
HSD (10 ppm) 2,006 2,075
Fuel Import, Storage and Distribution Supervisory Committee

Public Notification Public Notification

THE Illegal Trade Eradication Steering Committee was reconstituted under the THE Illegal Trade Eradication Steering Committee was reconstituted under the
State Administration Council’s Order No 366/2021 dated 10.12.2021, and action is State Administration Council’s Order No 366/2021 dated 10.12.2021, and action
being taken effectively against illegal trade under the law. is being taken effectively against illegal trade under the law.
The following telephone numbers, fax and email address can be reached to Regarding the “request for money from departmental organizations in
safely report information in connection with illegal trade. conducting trade”, the following numbers can be reached to safely report such
Auto telephone number - 067 409 883 information.
Mobile phone - 09 404339969 Auto telephone number - 067 409 881
Fax - 067 409 886 Mobile phone - 09 699611116
Email address - Fax - 067 409 887
Email address -
Illegal Trade Eradication Steering Committee Illegal Trade Eradication Steering Committee

Kason: the month of the festival of pouring water on the Bodhi tree
FROM PAGE-9 and Shwe Kyet Yet Pagoda in Lord Buddha follow one after is a Bodhi Tree. Mirthful proces- tles from nearby dry ponds and
and near Mandalay and other fa- another. Then begins the pour- sions of village maidens in their lakes to places where there is
The first few lines run as mous pagodas with Bodhi trees. ing of water at the foot of the best are seen skillfully balancing abundant water. This merit is
follows. The ceremony takes place early Bodhi Tree. Organized groups on their heads water pots as they regarded as a life-saving act of
ပွခ ဲ ါညောင်ရေ၊ သွနး် မြဲပေတည်း၊ in the morning or in the evening. composed mostly of damsels wend their way with measured charity.
ု သဒ္ဓါ၊ ထုးံ စဉ်လာဖြင့် The ceremony held at the south- come in by turn and pour water, steps to the sacred Bodhi tree to In ecological parlance Ka-
မဲဇာရပ်သ၊ူ တောင်းဆုယသ ူ ည်။ east corner of the Shwedagon singing hymns. The highlights of perform the water pouring rite. son festival of watering trees
At the Nyaung-Ye Festival pagoda precinct is traditional the occasion that create a festive Behind them follow a party of and saving fishes may be taken
Meza people are all devout and grand. Brilliant pageant- atmosphere are the feast and en- joyful village youths playing wind as a sort of public activity in the
Duly fall in prayer and pour ry proceeds the procession of tertainment. Light refreshments and percussion instruments to preservation of the natural en-
Water to the banyan tree. colourfully dressed participants are served gratis to all, and mu- produce sonorous music. It pro- vironment.
Today the best places to carrying pots of water and Euge- sic, song and dance performed vides a social occasion for young
watch the ceremony of watering na sprigs and flowers. Chanting by amateurs and merry-makers people to meet each other. Demise: The ultimate
on Bo tree during the month of of Paritta and administering of keep up the festive mood. On this occasion of the Ka- passing away of Buddhas and
Kason and participate in it are moral precepts by monks, a brief In the countryside Kason son festival, it is the customary Person of Supreme Saintliness
Shwedagon Pagoda precinct, explanation of the rite, and reci- festival is held at the village pa- practice of Myanmar Buddhists (arahantā)
Yangon, Bawdikone Pagoda tation of Pali poems praising the goda or monastery where there to remove the fishes and tur-
20 MAY 2022

Chinese oral COVID-19 drug effective

against Omicron variant: study
SCIENTISTS have found in a to 24 March. the control group had an average
study that China’s oral COVID-19 Among the participants who time of 11.13 days, according to
nucleoside drug VV116 can short- received standard treatment, 60 the study. It also reported a total
en the viral shedding time by two patients received VV116 and 76 of nine mild adverse events in the
to three days in the treatment of patients did not, according to the VV116 group, seven of which were
patients infected with the Omi- study published on Wednesday in mild liver function abnormalities.
cron variant of the virus. the journal Emerging Microbes All events were resolved without
The researchers from Fudan & Infections. The researchers intervention. VV116 is a safe, ef-
University conducted an open, found that those in the treatment fective oral antiviral drug, show-
prospective cohort study to evalu- group, who received VV116 within ing an improved performance
ate the safety and effectiveness of 5 days of their first positive test, during the early onset of Omicron Nurses prepare drugs for patients at the emergency centre of Ruijin
VV116 in 136 patients hospitalized had an average viral shedding infection, the researchers said.— Hospital in east China’s Shanghai, 1 April 2022.   PHOTO: XINHUA/
with the Omicron variant from 8 time of 8.56 days, while those in Xinhua YUAN QU

Pandemic school closures could NEWS IN BRIEF

inflict lasting economic toll: IMF Chinese port city near N. Korea beefs up
Covid controls
lender said in a report.
IMF economists observed A key Chinese port city near the border with North Korea has
that current students will make launched regular Covid-19 testing for all 7.5 million inhabitants
up nearly 40 per cent of the as its isolated neighbour grapples with a spiralling outbreak.
working-age population in G20 China has stuck to a hardline, zero-Covid approach that
economies for decades to come. has left the capital Beijing under a mosaic of restrictions and
“While much is still un- confined most of the 25 million residents of Shanghai to their
known, our simulations show homes for weeks.
that, once all such students Across the border, impoverished, nuclear-armed North
are in the labor market, gross Korea has announced more than 1.7 million infections since
domestic product for advanced last week, putting Chinese authorities on edge. Officials in
G20 economies could be as Dalian — a port around 300 kilometres (190 miles) from North
much as three percent lower Korea — implemented a regular testing policy on Tuesday for all
The UK, Ireland, Germany, Denmark and some northern Italian in the long run,” the report residents after logging a handful of cases in recent days.—AFP
regions have shut schools for several weeks amid a rise in coronavirus
Poorest households suf-
SCHOOL closures during the ed in lower academic levels fered the worst learning loss- Courier companies in Beijing strengthen
pandemic have set back chil- in India, Germany, the United es, and their prospects stand disinfection measures amid COVID-19
dren’s learning in many G20 Kingdom, Brazil and the United to be “particularly diminished,
countries and could have a States, where many institutions further widening income ine-
long-lasting negative impact on were closed for more than a quality”, the IMF said. COURIER companies in Beijing have strengthened disinfection
GDP in advanced economies, year. If learning loss from the measures to make sure the safety of their employees and cus-
the IMF said Tuesday. “If these learning losses pandemic goes unaddressed, it tomers amid a resurgence of COVID-19.
Recent assessments of aren’t addressed, affected stu- could result in lifetime income They conduct thorough disinfection of service venues,
schoolchildren show that wide- dents could experience a life- losses of 1.5 to 10 per cent for delivery equipment and parcels, so that Beijing residents can
spread virtual learning during time of depressed earnings,” residents of G20 nations, the rest assured when fetching parcels.—Xinhua
the Covid-19 pandemic result- the Washington-based crisis IMF estimates.—AFP

UK’s healthcare ‘dangerously reliant’

on China for medical supplies
BRITAIN’S National Health This analysis by Robert Clark curity Act’ warning that “China
Service (NHS) is “dangerously and Dr Richard Norrie finds 1 in could switch off medical supplies”
reliant” on China for medical sup- 6 products contained on the Gov- in future foreign policy spats.
plies, said a report published by ernment’s “Disaster Relief List” Robert Clark and Richard
British think tank Civitas after are sourced from China. Norries uncovered the true ex-
studying Chinese-manufactured In the last year the UK gov- tent of NHS reliance on China: “37
goods in NHS supply chains. ernment has spent over £6.2 bil- per cent of testing and diagnostic
This revelation was made in lion to keep the NHS going with items used to detect dangerous
a report titled “China’s presence Chinese manufactured medical viruses. A quarter (24 per cent) Graffiti depicting the logo of Britain’s National Health Service (NHS)
and a rainbow, in an outpouring of love and thanks to NHS staff and
in NHS supply chains: Why we supplies - a figure that has trebled of all medical consumables such key workers involved in treating COVID-19 patients, is pictured on the
need to protect our health service in less than a year. The report as oxygen, needles and syringes. gates to a closed-down pub in Pontefract, northern England on 3 April
from future threat.” calls for an emergency ‘NHS Se- —ANI 2020.   PHOTO: AFP/FILE
20 MAY 2022

UN urges Ukraine grain release, World Bank pledges extra $12 bn

THE UN warned Wednesday “threatens to tip tens of millions from both countries, pushing up
that a growing global food cri- of people over the edge into food prices for food and fuel, especial-
sis could last years if it goes insecurity”. ly in developing nations.
unchecked, as the World Bank He said what could follow Before the invasion in Feb-
announced an additional $12 would be “malnutrition, mass ruary, Ukraine was seen as the
billion in funding to mitigate its hunger and famine, in a crisis world’s bread basket, exporting
“devastating effects.” that could last for years”, as he 4.5 million tonnes of agricultural
Food insecurity is soaring and others urged Russia to re- produce per month through its
due to warming temperatures, lease Ukrainian grain exports. ports — 12 per cent of the plan-
the coronavirus pandemic and Russia and Ukraine alone et’s wheat, 15 per cent of its corn
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, produce 30 per cent of the global and half of its sunflower oil.
which has led to critical short- wheat supply. But with the ports of Odes-
ages of grains and fertilizer. Moscow ’s invasion of sa, Chornomorsk and others cut
At a major United Nations Ukraine and international eco- off from the world by Russian
meeting in New York on global nomic sanctions on Russia have warships, the supply can only The United Nations has called a meeting to deal with the worsening
food security, Secretary-General disrupted supplies of fertilizer, travel on congested land routes global food crisis, exacerbated by the war in Ukraine as well as India’s
Antonio Guterres said the war wheat and other commodities that are far less efficient.—AFP ban on wheat exports.  PHOTO: AFP/FILE

China re-emerges as bitcoin mining World Economic Forum

hub: study to tackle geo-economic
slumped in mid-2021 after Bei-
challenges in Davos
jing launched a crackdown on
bitcoin mining projects. THE World Economic Forum ly 2,500 leaders and experts
“However, the trend quickly (WEF) announced on Wednes- from around the globe, in a
reversed as Chinese miners be- day that its 2022 Annual Meet- bid to “reconnect, exchange
gan to relocate operations,” the ing will focus on the unprec- insights, gain fresh perspec-
paper added. edented global challenges tives and advance solutions.”
China now accounts for governments are currently “The Annual Meeting is
more than 21 per cent of mining facing, including post-pan- the first summit to bring global
output, according to the Cam- demic recovery, the Ukraine leaders together in this new
bridge researchers who exam- crisis and climate change. situation characterized by an
ined data from September 2021 The meeting, called “His- emerging multipolar world as
to January 2022. tory at a Turning Point: Gov- a result of the pandemic and
Bitcoin mining can involve hundreds of computers working together to
The US meanwhile rep- ernment Policies and Busi- war,” said Klaus Schwab, the
try to guess the solution to cryptographic puzzles.   PHOTO: AFP
resented almost 40 per cent of ness Strategies,” will be held WEF’s founder and executive
BITCOIN miners, who create number two China, according activity. in Davos, Switzerland, on 22-26 chairman.
the world’s most popular cryp- to researchers from Cambridge Bitcoins are “mined” by May. “The fact that nearly 2,500
tocurrency, are active again in University. solving puzzles using powerful After a two-year hiatus leaders from politics, business
China despite Beijing’s ban on “In China, following a sud- computers that consume enor- due to the COVID-19 pandem- civil society and media are
the energy-intensive activity, an den uptick in covert mining mous amounts of electricity. ic, followed by the Ukraine cri- coming together in person
academic study found Tuesday. operations … the country has The miners do so in the hope sis and other geo-economic demonstrates the need for
The United States howev- re-emerged as a major mining they will receive new bitcoins for challenges, the meeting is tak- a trusted, informal and ac-
er remains the biggest country hub,” the research paper said. validating transaction data.— ing place at a crucial point in tion-oriented global platform
for bitcoin mining followed by Chinese activity had AFP time, the WEF said. to confront the issues in a cri-
It will bring together near- sis-driven world.”—AFP

Global economic growth dragged down by

spillover from Ukraine crisis
THE global economy is predicted a humanitarian crisis in Europe, disrupting financial systems and
to expand by only 3.1 per cent rising food and commodity pric- exacerbating extreme vulnerabil-
this year, down from the 4.0 per es, and exacerbating inflationary ities for the developing world,”
cent projected in January, largely pressures. With sharp increases said UN Secretary-General An-
due to Russia’s special military in food and energy prices, global tonio Guterres. “We need quick
operation in Ukraine, according inflation is projected to reach 6.7 and decisive action to ensure a
to UN’s latest World Economic per cent this year, more than dou- steady flow of food and energy
Situation and Prospects (WESP) ble the average of 2.9 per cent dur- in open markets, by lifting export
report, launched on Wednesday. ing the period from 2010 to 2020. restrictions, allocating surpluses
The World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting 2022 will take place
As the mid-year forecast “The war in Ukraine — in and reserves to those who need
in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland from 22-26 May 2022. A general view
shows, the conflict has disrupt- all its dimensions — is setting in them, and addressing food price shows the town of Davos, eastern Switzerland, the venue of the
ed the fragile economic recovery motion a crisis that is also dev- increases to calm market volatil- annual World Economic Forum (WEF).   PHOTO: / MEDINA/AFP/
from the pandemic, resulting in astating global energy markets, ity,” he added.—Xinhua FILE
20 MAY 2022


Qatar to invest an extra US$5 bln in Spain

QATAR on Wednesday Pedro Sanchez said during ed for 4.4 per cent of
said it plans to invest an a business meeting with Spain’s total gas imports
additional $5 billion in the Qatari delegation. in April and the Spanish
Spain on the second day “It is a gesture of government hopes to in-
of a state visit by its emir, confidence in the Span- crease this share.
Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad ish economy and Span- European states are
Al-Thani. ish businesses which will increasingly looking to oth-
“The volume of invest- strengthen bilateral ties,” er sources of natural gas
ments agreed upon with he said ahead of afternoon as they try to wean them-
the Spanish side amounts talks with the emir. selves off dependence on
to $5 billion in various sec- Before the pandemic, Russia, with LNG easily
tors,” said Qatari Foreign Qatari investment in Spain shipped by boat from coun-
Minister Mohammed bin stood at 2.67 billion euros tries such as Qatar and the
Abdulrahman Al-Thani in ($2.8 billion), the Spanish United States.
a statement tweeted by his government said, making After Madrid, the Qa-
ministry. it the country’s 24th big- tari leader will continue
Neither side gave a gest investor. To date, Qatari funding has been notably invested in several sectors: civil aviation, his tour of Europe, visiting
timetable for the invest- To date, Qatari fund- construction, energy and communications. A picture shows the Ras Laffan Industrial City, Germany, Britain, Slovenia
ment, which amounts to ing has been notably in- Qatar’s principal site for production of liquefied natural gas and gas-to-liquid, administrated and Switzerland, where he
by Qatar Petroleum, some 80 kilometres (50 miles) north of the capital Doha, on 6 February
some 4.75 billion euros, nor vested in several sectors: will attend the World Eco-
did they say which sectors civil aviation, construction, nomic Forum in the moun-
would benefit. energy and communica- Wednesday sign around following Russia’s invasion ral gas (LNG), is currently tain resort of Davos which
“Qatar will invest tions. a dozen commercial con- of Ukraine. Spain’s fifth-largest suppli- runs from 22-26 May.
close to five billion euros According to a Span- tracts, notably concerning Qatar, one of the er after the United States, Qatar will host the
in our country in the com- ish government source, energy as Madrid seeks to world’s three biggest ex- Algeria, Nigeria and Egypt. World Cup later this
ing years,” Prime Minister the two sides will on diversify its gas supplies porters of liquified natu- The country account- year.— AFP

Indians feel pinch as inflation soars CLAIMS DAY NOTICE

INFLATION continues to (WPI) rose 15.08 per cent (petrol, diesel, LPG and lowest level against the
Consignees of cargo carried on M.V MCC
climb in India as people in April, a three-decade CNG) and food prices all US dollar. On Tuesday, the
SHENZHEN VOY.NO. (217W) are hereby notified that
feel the pinch, driving an high, up from 14.55 per surging. Indian currency hit a new the vessel will be arriving on 20-5-2022 and cargo will
increase in savings amid cent in March. The Indian govern- record-low at 77.69 after be discharged into the premises of MITT/MIP where it
forecasts of further spikes In April, the Consum- ment is taking measures it depreciated by 14 paise will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject
in food prices and other er Price Index (CPI) was to ensure food supplies against the US dollar, to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
essential items. 7.79 per cent, the highest and no hoarding of essen- Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
mainly due to persistent
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
in eight years, compared tial food items to check foreign fund outflows and declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
WPI THREE-DECADE with 6.95 per cent the pre- rising inflation. The fed- elevated global crude oil from the Vessel.
HIGH vious month and 4.23 per eral government has prices. The currency had No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
According to the lat- cent in April last year. curbed wheat exports as previously breached the the Claims Day.
est data released by the The cost of living is one such major measure. 77-mark against the US Phone No: 2301928
Shipping Agency Department
federal government, the rising in India, with bank The value of the Indian dollar in March for the Myanma Port Authority
Wholesale Price Index loan interest rates, fuel Rupee has fallen to its first time ever.—Xinhua Agent For:


China’s satellite navigation industry output hits
469 billion yuan
THE total output value of issued by the Global Nav-
China’s satellite naviga- igation Satellite System
tion and location servic- and Location Based Ser-
es industry reached 469 vice Association of China.
billion yuan (about 69.6 Applications of the
billion US dollars) in 2021, homegrown BeiDou Nav-
up 16.3 per cent from the igation Satellite System
previous year, according have been widely intro-
to an industry white paper duced into business fields
released on Wednesday. and daily life, said Sun Visitors view a model of China’s Beidou Navigation Satellite
China remained the Zhongliang, deputy head System at the 20th China Beijing International High-tech
Expo in Beijing, 31 July 2020.   PHOTO: XINHUA
top source of international of the association, adding
satellite navigation patent that mass consumption Sun highlighted BeiDou positioning chip
applications last year, with has become one of the bike-sharing services, say- has reached 5 million in
a total of 98,000 applica- major sectors for BeiDou ing the number of shared over 450 cities across the
tions, said the white paper applications. bicycles equipped with a country.— Xinhua
20 MAY 2022

S. Korea’s intelligence agency says N. Korea ready for nuclear test

SOUTH Korea’s intelligence NIS said in the briefing with the refused to receive humanitarian
agency said Thursday that North lawmakers. aid from South Korea. South Ko-
Korea is ready to conduct another Amid the high probability of rean President Yoon Suk Yeol’s
nuclear test, according to law- a North Korean nuclear test or administration has shown read-
makers on the National Assem- missile launch during US Pres- iness to provide medical support
bly’s Intelligence Committee. ident Joe Biden’s visit to Seoul to North Korea despite escalated
“Preparations for a nucle- later this week, South Korea’s tension on the Korean Peninsula
ar test are now complete and presidential office said Wednes- after rounds of missile launches
(Pyongyang) is looking for the day the South Korean and US by Pyongyang. North Korea on
right timing,” one of the lawmak- leaders have a “plan B” ready to Thursday reported more than
ers said after the briefing by the command the combined forces 262,270 cases of what it refers to
National Intelligence Service. of the two countries should any as “fever” and one more death
South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol’s administration has shown Despite the rapid spread major provocation occur. in the 24 hours through 6 pm
readiness to provide medical support to North Korea despite escalated of the coronavirus in the North, During Thursday’s briefing, Wednesday, as suspected coro-
tension on the Korean Peninsula after rounds of missile launches by signs of preparations for a missile the NIS also said that North Ko- navirus cases continue to spread
Pyongyang.  PHOTO: AFP launch were also detected, the rea appears to have unofficially rapidly.— Kyodo


LATEST DEVELOPMENTS 1,730 Ukrainian soldiers surrendered

Here are the latest developments in the war in Ukraine: at Azovstal since Monday: Russia
Russia to close Moscow offices of Canadian broad- RUSSIA’S defence ministry said Ukraine’s defence ministry Russian and Moscow-backed
caster Thursday that 1,730 Ukrainian said Monday the fighters had separatists’ control and that a
RUSSIA said Wednesday it was closing the Moscow offices of the soldiers had surrendered this been evacuated through human- further “exchange procedure”
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in retaliation for Ottawa’s week at the besieged Azovstal itarian corridors to areas under would take place later.—AFP
banning of Russian state media outlet RT. steel plant in Ukraine’s port city
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau slammed the decision, saying of Mariupol.
“responsible journalism, sharing what’s actually going on with “Over the past 24 hours, 771
citizens, is a deep threat to Vladimir Putin”. militants of the Azov nationalist
Canada in March formally banned RT and RT France from regiment surrendered,” the min-
its airwaves, saying their programming was “not consistent with istry said in its daily briefing on
Canadian broadcasting standards”. the conflict. “In total, since 16
RT and state-controlled outlet Sputnik have been blocked May 1,730 militants have surren-
in most Western countries since Russia’s military offensive in dered, including 80 wounded.”
Ukraine, accused of spreading propaganda. “A decision was made Russia’s military said 265
to take retaliatory measures in connection with Canada’s actions, fighters, 51 of whom were seri-
in this case to close the Moscow offices of Canadian television ously wounded, “laid down their
and radio broadcasting company CBC,” Russian foreign ministry arms”.
spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said. Those in need of medical
Zakharova said Canada’s ban on RT had been “Russophobic” assistance were sent to a hos-
and that the CBC had become “propaganda noise”. “Any alter- pital in the town of Novoazovsk, Russian servicemen patrol the destroyed part of the Ilyich Iron and
native view is declared to be Kremlin disinformation,” she said. which is controlled by pro-Russia Steel Works in Ukraine’s port city of Mariupol on 18 May 2022, amid the
separatists, it added. ongoing Russian military action in Ukraine.   PHOTO:AFP
EU floats idea of massive aid to rebuild Ukraine
TOP EU officials on Wednesday urged member states to be
ambitious in helping Ukraine rebuild after the war, including
through possible joint borrowing to cover the massive costs.
US reopens embassy in Kyiv after closure
With the war still raging, the extent of Ukraine’s reconstruc-
tion needs is not known, but the European Commission, the
forced by war
EU’s executive arm, believes the damage already done is
already in the hundreds of billions of euros (dollars). THE United States reopened tary of State Antony Blinken said Ukraine.
To help pay for this, officials are floating a repeat of the its embassy in Kyiv Wednesday in a statement. The United States has not
EU’s post-pandemic recovery fund, the 800 billion euros ($840 after closing it for three months “We stand proudly with, and had a permanent Senate-con-
billion) in fiscal stimulus that is being financed by common due to the Russian invasion of continue to support, the govern- firmed envoy to Ukraine since
debt among the EU’s 27 member states. The fund, officially Ukraine, the State Department ment and people of Ukraine as 2019, when former president
known as Next Generation EU, overcame deep reticence by said. they defend their country from Donald Trump removed Ambas-
so-called “frugal” member states such as the Netherlands “The Ukrainian people, with the Kremlin’s brutal war of ag- sador Marie Yovanovitch from
and Denmark to come into being. “There is a time, sooner our security assistance, have gression.” her post.
or later, when we will have to look at funding on a European defended their homeland in the Late Wednesday evening, She would later be a key
scale as we did for Covid,” said Commission Vice-President face of Russia’s unconscionable the US Senate also confirmed witness in Trump’s first im-
Frans Timmermans, at a news conference in Brussels. invasion, and, as a result, the Bridget Brink, a career for- peachment trial, which revolved
SOURCE: AFP Stars and Stripes are flying over eign service officer, to be the around his withholding of mili-
the embassy once again,” Secre- country’s new ambassador to tary aid to Ukraine.—AFP
20 MAY 2022

Myanmar team miss bronze Zin May Htet wins silver medal in women’s
medal in SEA Games 20km walking race in SEA Games 31
Women’s Futsal
THE final day matches of the mar team were scored by May
SEA Games Women’s Futsal Thet Paing in 9 minutes, Nan
were continued in Viet Nam May Thazin in the 16th minute,
on 19 May and Myanmar team and Yun Mi Mi Lwin in the 20th
missed out on the medal. minute. However, in the second
The team Myanmar com- half, Malaysia scored two goals
peted against the Malaysian back and the match ended in a
team in the last match and if three-goal draw.
they win, they can get third In the gold medal match,
place, but they missed the Thailand beat Viet Nam 2-0.
medal due to the draw. At the end of the group Myanmar’s Track and Field Athlete
The Myanmar team, which stage, the Thai team won the Zin May Htet is seen with the silver
medal.  PHOTO: MAF
has a goal difference from the gold medal with nine points.
Malaysian team, played hard Viet Nam won the silver medal THE women’s SEA Games track in the women’s 20km walking peted in the women’s walking
because it needed to win. with six points. The Malaysian and field event continued on 19 race with a record of 1 hour, 52 event, was satisfied with fifth
At the beginning of the team won the bronze medal by May, with Zin May Htet winning minutes and 34 seconds. place.
match, the Malaysia team one point. a silver medal in the women’s The Vietnamese player won The SEA Games track and
took the lead, but Myanmar Although Myanmar got 20-kilometre walking race. the gold medal with a record of field event was over, with the
reacted with a counterattack one point, it was at the bottom The Myanmar team com- 1 hour, 48 minutes, and 10 sec- Myanmar team winning two sil-
and scored three goals in the of the table with a goal differ- peted in the men’s and women’s onds while the Thai player won ver medals and Khin Mar Sae
first half. ence from Malaysia. — Ko Nyi 20-kilometre events yesterday. the bronze medal in 1 hour, 56 winning silver in the women’s
The goals for the Myan- Lay/GNLM Myanmar female athlete Zin minutes and 07 seconds. 10,000-metre race. — Ko Nyi Lay/
May Htet won the silver medal Than Than Soe, who com- GNLM

Myanmar Volleyball Team to play for 5th place after missing semifinals
THE group stage of the SEA Games national place in Group A, while the Thai team took first
volleyball tournament ended on 18 May, with the place and the Cambodian team won second place
Myanmar team missing out on the semifinals and in Group B to reach the semifinals. Myanmar, the
only playing for the fifth place. Myanmar missed third-place team in Group A, qualified for the 5th/6th
out on the semifinals after losing 3-0 to host Viet place, while the bottom of the group, Malaysia and
Nam in the semifinals. The men’s Volleyball tour- the Philippines, played in the play-offs for the 5th/6th
nament was divided into two groups with Indonesia place. Myanmar and the Philippines will play in
winning first place and Viet Nam bagging second the 5th-place match today. —Ko Nyi Lay/GNLM

Myanmar team reach Final in SEA Games billiards doubles event

THE Myanmar team reached the final of the match, 100-96 points in the second match, and 100-
Myanmar team players
(white) try to clear the 31st SEA Games Billiards Doubles semifinals 66 points in the third match. Singaporean Billiard
ball against Malaysia on 19 May. In the semifinals, Myanmar defeated players Peter Gilchrist and Yi Wei Pan beat Thai
team players during the Viet Nam by three matches whereas Singapore Billiard stars in the semifinals to advance to the
third-place match of the beat Thailand 3-2. Pauk Sa and Min Si Thu Tun final. Singapore will take on the Myanmar team
SEA Games women’s
were part of the Myanmar team and made it to today in the final. The Myanmar Billiards Team
futsal event on 19 May
2022.  PHOTO: MFF the finals. has won a gold medal in the individual billiards
Myanmar beat Viet Nam by 100-24 in the first competition. — Ko Nyi Lay/GNLM

Viet Nam meets Thailand in SEA Games Men’s Football Final

THAILAND and Viet Nam teams advance Hosts Viet Nam and Malaysia, who
to the Final of the SEA Games Men’s Foot- were unbeaten in the group stages, also had
ball tournament on 19 May. In the semifi- a tough match, with a goalless draw until
nals, Thailand beat Indonesia 1-0 whereas the full 90 minutes of regular time.
the host Viet Nam beat Malaysia 1-0. It was The winning goal for Viet Nam was
a close match between the two teams, so scored by Nguyen Thi in the 110th minute
both teams played hard and the match was of the extra time. Malaysia will play the
reciprocal. The Thai team won with a single third-place match against the Indonesia
goal in injury time near the end of the match. team while Thai will play against host Viet
Wiratti scored the only winning goal for Nam for the gold medal on 22 May. — Ko
the Thai team in the 90+4 minute. Nyi Lay/GNLM

A Viet Nam player (red) poises to control the ball against Malaysian players during their semifinal
match of the SEA Games Men’s Football Tournament held on 19 May 2022.   PHOTO: VFF
UN urges Ukraine
grain release, World
Bank pledges extra
$12 bn

Republic of the Union of Myanmar

State Administration Council
Nine Objectives
1. Political affairs (b) To develop a stable market economy and promote international inves tment
(a) To build a Union based on democracy and federalism, through a disciplined in order to enhance the economic development of the entire National people.
and genuine multiparty democratic system that is fair and just. (c) To promote and support local businesses to create employment opportu-
(b) To emphasize the achievement of enduring peace for the entire nation in nities and increase domestic production.
line with the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). 3. Social affairs
(c) To continue implementing the principle of peaceful co-existence among (a) To ensure a strong and dynamic Union spirit, the genuine spirit of patriot-
countries through an independent, active and non-aligned foreign policy. ism.
2. Economic affairs (b) To respect and promote the customs and traditions of all National peoples
(a) To enhance production based on agriculture and livestock through modern and preserve and safeguard their cultural heritage and national charac-
techniques and strengthen all-round development in other sectors of the teristics.
economy. (c) To enhance the health, fitness and education quality of the entire nation.

Myanmar Sepak Takraw team bags one gold and one bronze
whereas Judo team win two silver medals in SEA Games 31
THE 31 st South-East Asian The men’s team (Regu) won
Games, hosted by Viet Nam, is the bronze medal at the same
being held at stadiums in various time. Myanmar, Malaysia, Thai-
cities. Myanmar won the seventh land and Viet Nam competed in
gold medals in the women’s dou- the women’s 20-kilometre walk-
bles (Regu) with a 2-1 win over ing race final, and Ma Zin May
host Viet Nam at the Hoang Mai Htet won the silver medal for
Stadium in Hanoi, yesterday af- Myanmar.
ternoon. In the women’s Judo event at
the Hoai Duc Stadium in Hanoi,
Ma Chu Myat Noe Wai and Ma
Nweni Pwint Hlaing won sil-
ver medals in the women’s
individual -57kg and -63kg
Judo event. Lin in the -80kg and Maung Kyaw party enjoyed and supported the
Next, Myanmar won Min Naing in the -87kg Taekwon- Myanmar teams’ participation in
a bronze medal in the do Men’s attack event won the Track and Field, Weightlifting, Vo-
Men’s Doubles 1000-metre bronze medal each. vinam and Sepak Takraw events.
Canoeing event. Likewise, Ma Zin Mar Myanmar is ranked 7th in the
Ma Daisy Juliet won the Khaing won the bronze medal in ASEAN with a total of 39 medals,
silver medal in Taekwondo -65kg Vovinam event at Soc Son winning seven golds, 12 silvers
(-49kg) event at Tay Ho Sta- Stadium. and 20 bronzes. —MNA
dium while Maung Htet Zaw The Union minister and

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