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Balance Sheet
July 7, 2018


Current Assets
Cash on Hand $ 1,667.18
Checking Account 73,262.75
Accounts Receivable 95,242.81
VAT Return Account 231,199.66
Purchaser Account 152,890.48
Vat Recevable 934,318.81
Withholding Receivables 59,620.46
Retension Receivable 132,348.39

Total Current Assets 1,680,550.54

Property and Equipment

Truck 1,280,000.00
Pick-Up Car 280,000.00
Mixer 69,391.31
Water Pump-1 8,000.00
Water Pump -2 10,434.78
Vibrator 12,173.91
Computer 4,173.91
Accum. Depreciation - Truck (860,569.60)
Accum. Depreciation - Pick Up (206,599.68)
Accum. Depreciation - Mixer (47,110.80)
Accum. Depreciation - W.Pump 1 (3,904.00)
Accum. Depreciation - W.Pump 2 (5,092.17)
Accum. Depreciation - Vibrater (5,940.42)
Accum. Depreciation - Computer (1,826.21)

Total Property and Equipment 533,131.03

Other Assets

Total Other Assets 0.00

06/10/2022 at 10:00:38 Unaudited - For Management Purposes Only

Total Assets $ 2,213,681.57


Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable $ 55,000.00
Advace Income Payables 244,344.45
Deductions Payable 3,002.50
Deduction Pyable-org 2,530.00
Dedution payble. empl 1,610.00
Withholding Tax Payable 6,849.99

Total Current Liabilities 313,336.94

Long-Term Liabilities

Total Long-Term Liabilities 0.00

Total Liabilities 313,336.94

Retained Earnings 1,570,248.47
Net Income 330,096.16

Total Capital 1,900,344.63

Total Liabilities & Capital $ 2,213,681.57

06/10/2022 at 10:00:38 Unaudited - For Management Purposes Only

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