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Adiel Joy P.

Calsa (BSN2 – Travelbee B)

End Term Laboratory Activity 1

A. Kindly answer the following questions? (20 pts)

1) What does it mean to be a leader?

To be a leader means that you have the passion to lead and take full responsibility of
guiding your team into reaching your collective goal. Not only that, a leader is someone who
is able to share their passion, inspire, and motivate their members. A leader must be able to
give direction, set appropriate goals, and acknowledge mistakes and achievement and must
continue to be someone who can lead the group into making their vision possible. Although
a leader has the power and authority, they should not just simply direct and command their
members but rather, be on the ground with them and work with them as well.

2) What are the qualities that you expect a leader to have?

A good leader must have several particular qualities that would enable them to lead the
team or group well. A leader must have a vision as this would enable them to see the big
picture of what the group is actually doing so that they would have a clear foresight of their
goal. This would also help so that they could actually stay motivated as they know their
purpose and goal. A good leader should also have strategic and critical thinking because
this would help the group make sound and rational decisions. This would also allow them to
pinpoint their strengths, and weaknesses, and how to work on them. It’s also important that
they must have interpersonal communication because communication is very vital in a
group or a team. As a leader, they should know how to actually interact and talk with their
members and it’s important because the members should be comfortable enough to voice
out their opinions or say in the matters with the leader. A leader should also be ready to
hear out their members and actually consider them. Most importantly, a leader should be
responsible. A leader should know how to take responsibility not only to serve as an
example to the members but also because they are the one who is in charge of making the
final say in everything. Patience is also one of the qualities that a leader must have because
this role is very demanding, may it be in time, energy, effort, and skills. Other qualities that I
expect a leader to have would be empathy, loyalty, and confidence. Most importantly, a
leader must be competent because as it is a very demanding role, they should have what it
takes for it. Having enough knowledge and expertise about the work will not only increase
the confidence of the group, but would also help them in making good decisions.

3) Do you think having someone to take on the leadership role is necessary?

From how I see it, having someone take on the role of a leader is vital because it would
allow someone to actually oversee the whole group and the task. It is also really helpful that
someone is acting like the captain of the ship because the group would have someone who
will direct and guide them towards the goal. It’s also necessary because a leader is helpful
in inspiring the group and motivating them. Having someone as a leader would also be good
because it means that there is someone who initiates action and helps the group divide the
work. Lastly, the group can achieve good coordination and synchronization when someone
is leading the team.
B. Define the following and compare it to the one discuss in lecture video. (20 pts)

1) Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership is defined as a leadership approach that causes a change

in individuals and social systems. Basically, it is a kind of leadership style that can inspire
positive changes in those who follow. Simply, it is a leadership style in which leaders
encourage, inspire, and motivate the members to innovate and create change that will help
grow and shape the future success of the group. Compared to the ones mentioned in the
discussion, this kind of leadership focuses more on the leader and how it affects the

2) Transactional Leadership

In transactional leadership, rewards and punishments are contingent upon the

performance of the followers because, in this type of leadership, the leader is someone who
values order and structure. It is defined by control, organization, and short-term planning.
Therefore, transactional leadership is a style of leadership in which leaders promote
compliance by followers through both rewards and punishments. In comparison to those that
were discussed, this one focuses more on the consequences based on the actions or
performance of the members and in a way. In a way, it is somehow similar to the Laissez-
Faire Leadership but this one has rewards/punishments awaiting due to the outcomes or
performance of the members.

3) Coach Style Leadership

Coach Style Leadership, sometimes known as Coaching Leadership, is one

characterized by collaboration, support, and guidance. Some resources consider this type of
leadership as a “relatively new” one. It is a style that involves recognizing team members'
strengths, weaknesses, and motivations to help each individual improve. The coaching
leadership style focuses on 360-degree feedback, communication, and on helping people
develop themselves. What makes this different and unique from the ones discussed is that
the leader actually serves as a “mentor” or a “coach” that guides the team for the better and
helps them improve in certain areas.

4) Bureaucratic Leadership

Bureaucratic leadership can be defined as a system of management that follows a

hierarchy where official duties are fixed. It is a leadership style that favors rigid structures to
enact efficient systems and calculability. This type of leadership, compared to other types,
puts more value and importance in hierarchy or positions in terms of tasks and

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