II. Applications Exercise: Students Full Name: Rosa Ricardo Tine

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Inglês Técnico II

Students full name: Rosa Ricardo Tine

II. Applications Exercise

a) Cristina and Marcos are walking in the mountains. If the words in brackets () are
incorrect, cross them out and rewrite them. If they’re correct, put a tick.

Marcos: (We’re getting)____ lost. What shall we do?

Cristina: (we did) We made a mistake an hour ago. We took the wrong road.

Marcos: (I’ve got) _________ a headache, and (I’m making) _I’m doing more and more tired.

Cristina: Try not to worry. (I got) ___I have___ some aspirin in my bag.

Marcos: It’s cold! (Do you have) __ ______ an extra jumper?

Cristina: I think we’ll have to stop for the night. (it’s getting) it’s becoming__dark.

Marcos: What do you mean? (We haven’t done) _________a tent!

Cristina: Try to stay calm. (we’ll make) ___________a fire and (we’ll have got) _______a

Marcos: I suppose you’re going (to make) ____To do___the shopping!

Cristina: We’re OK. (I’ve got) __________some tea and pasta in my bag.

Marcos: What if it rains?

Cristina: Stop worrying! I’ve got a job for you (to make) __To do___ Go and find some wood.

Marcos: I want (to have got) _____________ a rest first!

Cristina: Now (you’re making) ________________me angry. Let’s go get on with it.
b) Laura is talking to her doctor. Insert the missing words from the box.

It (3x) gets Put Ran Out In Down

I’m worried about my husband. He gets up very late. He never wants to go Out. You can’t stay
all your life In , can you, doctor? If the TV is on when our friends come round, he doesn’t turn
off. Last Saturday we out of milk. When our reached the supermarket, he said to me: “I don’t
like your hat. Take off! Put away!” That’s strange thing to say, Doctor. I’m getting more and
more worried. I don’t think I can up with the situation much longer. When I try talk to him, he
just says: “Calm! I’m alright.” What shall I do?

c) Look at this conversation. Make it more natural by rewriting some of it. Use the
passive forms and someone.

Ana: Well, we watched this TV programme about moving to Spain, and we decide to go.
Someone has packed our bags. We’re ready to leave!

Celia: We wouldn’t leave England, would we, Joao? (1) Someone decorated our house last
moth. It looks beautiful. and (2) Someone is designing a summer house for the garden.

Jorge: (3) But someone also stole car last week. Perhaps Spain is a good idea, after all.

Celia: Anyway, I hope you two know what you’re doing! Our neighbours went to France, and
when they go there (4) someone hadn’t build new house! So, they bought an old farmhouse
instead. It was only after (5) someone repaired the windows and (6) someone mended the roof
that they were happy. It took a long time.

Manuel: (7) Well, someone has made our decision. (8) Someone booked our flight yesterday.
(9) Someone is selling our house next month. We’re on our way.

Example: Our bags have been packed

1. Our house ______was decorated last month____________
2. And a summer house ___is being designed_________
3. But our car ______was stolen last week_______
4. Their new house __________________
5. Their windows __________________
6. And the roof ___________________
7. Well, our decision __have been made____________
8. Our flight _____have been booked_______________
9. Our house ___is being sold_________________

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