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59 Egypt.J.Chem. Vol. 62, No. 4. pp.

751 - 766 (2019)

Egyptian Journal of Chemistry

Sustainable Biocomposite Its Manufaturing Processes and

Munmun Priyadarsini, Trinath Biswal*, Subhasmita Dash
Department of Chemistry, VSS University of Technology, Burla-768018, Odisha,

T HE biocomposite materials which serve for present nation or civilization without affecting
our future generation is called as sustainable biocomposite i.e., it does not affect our
environment and save our environment from toxic and hazardous effect. The sources and
production of the raw materials, material Processing, the service-life of the product and
waste management should be evaluated in terms of energy, chemical consumption, emissions
of gaseous materials, toxicology upon use and disposal of a biocomposite are considered as
sustainable bio-composites. This can be formed by different manufacturing process like
filament winding, lay up method, extrusion moulding, Injection moulding, compression
moulding, Resin transfer moulding, Sheet moulding compound etc. Sustainable biocomposite
has several advantages like light weight, high specific stiffness, high strength, low electrical
conductivity, easily bondable, good fatigue resistance, internal energy storage and release, low
thermal expansion, easily moulded to complex and design flexibility etc. These biocomposites
have huge applications in several fields like in the field of domestic sector, building materials,
aerospace industry, circuit boards and automobile applications. It supports our sustainable
environment by using natural fibres like jute, hemp, sisal, knead, flax etc. which is the cause of
biodegradation and can also be used in the industrial scale. It not only saves our environment
but also made our life easier and more comfortable.

Keywords: Bio composites, Sustainable bio composites, Green Polymer, Natural fibres, Bio
Introduction processes, its consequences of designing and
applications of sustainable bio-composites. This
Nowadays the whole world is in an alarming
satisfies the following requirements:
situation due to addition of huge amount of non-
• In the manufacturing process the renewable
biodegradable polymeric materials and composites and recycled resources are utilized.
in our environment which not only threaten us but • The synthetic management and processes
also threaten existence of life within the universe having effective energy are to be considered.
and degrades the quality of the soil and reduces • During any phases of their life cycle and their
the soil fertility and production efficiency. Hence, use, no hazardous environmental materials or
scientists are searching for a new material, which toxicological effects should arise.
is biodegradable and environmental friendly. To • Sustainable bio-composite should be
save our earth from dangerous non-biodegradable measured by the exposure in the direction
polymeric material and composites, alternative of degradation, which includes abiotic
materials known as bio- composites should be properties like water adsorption, thermal
and photochemical oxidation by creation of
considered which not only saves our problem but
biofilm by biodegradation. [1]
also it is environmental friendly.
The composite consists of two phases. First
In this paper, we are discussing recyclable

*Corresponding author e-mail:

Received 29/8/2018; Accepted 20/12/2018
DOI: 10.21608/EJCHEM.2018.4669.1440
©2019 National Information and Documentation Center (NIDOC)

one is the base phase or matrix phase of the Classification of bio-composite materials
compound which is regarded as matrix whereas Biodegradable polymer is mixed with
other constituents are discussed as reinforcing biodegradable fillers called as bio-fibres and causes
material or fillers and the composites are classified the formation of bio-composite. The term bio-
as following. composite has three main assemblies as follows:
(a) Bio composites -1 : The renewable

Fig. 1. (Classification of composite).

properties undergo several processes to form raw Inclusive scarcity and challenges for improving
materials. sustainability. [3]
(b) Bio composites -2 : These are carried out Sustainable bio -composites materials are
by taking bio composites-1 where the waste may made from biopolymers and this bio-composites
be accomplished economically i.e. by the process which is the reverse of traditional synthetic
of composting, biomethanation, recycling etc. polymers composites secured by several raw
(c) Bio composite -3 : In this method there is the materials usage of inorganic synthetic fibres of
applications of biocomposite-2 which undergoes low eco-toxicity and biodegradability. The design
sequential processes and the conversion of raw of sustainable bio composites is addressed in this
material to the finishing product are found suitable review by applying resource consequences, where
for environment and finally are formed. [2] chemical modifications are done for the case of
matrix material by emphasising the chemistry
Sustainable biocomposite point of view. To form product and processing
This term is described by “the energetic and of materials by life cycle management or by
dynamic life style of human being that is treated LCA (life cycle assessment) studies (Fig- 2) are
carefully, but it cannot work together for the supportive method for production, convention and
capability to come across their own needs for the waste materials are managed for evaluation
of environmental influences. [4] Sustainability
future generation”. The key contents having more
inferences should also be recognized by including
significance are suggested by Commission of rare tools selection, the artificial routes by
European by the establishment of sustainability, component designing, consumption through
are: (i) The change of climate; (ii) Passage of lifecycle and then finally the study of waste
Sustainable material; (iii) Sustainability depletion management process in polymeric materials. The
by fabrication; (iv) Natural resources management word like “biodegradable”, “bio-composite”,
and maintenance; (v) Regarding strength issue in “sustainable biocompatible”, “green bio-based
community (vi) Demography relocation and (vii) composite”, “renewable”, “environmentally
friendly”, “eco-friendly”, and “biopolymers” are
Egypt.J.Chem. 62, No. 4 (2019)

Fig. 2. Life Cycle of Sustainable Bio-composite.

related with the sustainable bio- composites and and biopolymer reinforced synthetic fibres are
green bio-composite materials. not ecologically sociable. The biopolymers that
1. Natural fibres are reinforcing by non- are reinforced by natural fibres are categorised
biodegradable fuel established polymeric as “green bio-composites” which are globally
material. sustainable. The term is described as biodegradable
2. Biologically active polymers are strengthened bio-composites if the polymer having the matrix
by naturally occurring fibres. is biodegradable that contains bio-based and
3. Biopolymers highlighting by manmade glass petroleum-based of two dissimilar kinds.
fibres. [5]
Fibres reinforced with the matrix material
The composites may be described as green are derived through sustainable resources, which
bio-composite materials which are sustainable impactless toxic and hazardous influence on
and at least one of the components is from natural environment. The term ‘natural fibre composites’
resources. Natural fibres which are formed by are considered by taking the composites from
the reinforcement of petroleum derived polymer natural fibres as reinforcing materials. “Hybrid”

Fig. 3. Schematic representation of bio-based life cycle.

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biocomposites are formed by the grouping of material is used as the base phase. [7]
more than one fibre inside the polymeric matrix
atmosphere. Bio-composite resulting from Constituents of Sustainable Composite
these assets have attractive properties like easily During fabrication process of sustainable
recyclable, biodegradable, compostable, with composites the natural fibres are used as
appropriate sustainably viable are regarded to be reinforcing material which is in the discontinuous
ecologically bio-based yields. For the appreciation phase over the continuous phase of biodegradable
of bio- based life cycle is posturized by a diagram polymeric materials. It brings the applied load,
regarding the bio-based term is given in Fig. 3. [6] stress and updates better mechanical properties
that include tenacity, hardness and high value of
Green Polymer load bearing capacity. The base phase provides
Nowadays to save our environment and strength and challenging properties of the
protection of fossil materials present in the nature sustainable composites whereas the discontinuous
we require the appropriate modern design and phase provides the properties of the composites
development of new generated biodegradable and on combining these two phases the stress of
polymeric materials and composites. The load applied is transferred and is distributed in
composites design should be made from bio these two phases. [8]
materials or biomass and is said to be as green
composite. To save our earth from the toxic effect Reinforcing Bio-Fibres
of polymeric materials and plastic nowadays this Bio-fibres are renewable fibres that can
green bio-composite materials is an advanced be obtained from plants, animals and mineral
research material in many countries of the world. resources and can be used as reinforcing materials
The materials are said to be green materials if in manufacturing process of green composite
these are biodegradable, renewable and also in the same way as the synthetic fibres. The
environmental friendly in nature. The major classification of bio-fibres based on their origin is
properties and attraction of the sustainable shown in Table 1.
composite are due to it is fully biodegradability, Natural fibers
environmentally suitable and sustainable in The resources collected from plants, animals
every respect. It has good polishness properties,
and some minerals are used to manufacture
light weight and durable, therefore can be used
natural fibers. Classification is shown in Fig. 4.
for manufacturing of many machinery parts
and automobile parts. Due to light weight it The primary evidence for human utilizing the fiber
mostly used in aerospace engineering and after material are wool, coloured fibers of flax, which is
completion of its life cycle these materials are obtained by using fibers is the prehistorically cave
readily biodegraded and converted into compost of the Republic of Georgia. [9]
by suitable micro-organism without damaging our
Plant Fibers
environment. Nowadays there is a challenge to
Natural fibers from plant origin are divided
prepare, design and production of polymer based
into two categories i.e. primary fibers and
sustainable bio-composite in which the polymeric

TABLE 1. Classification of bio-fibres based on their origin.

Bio-fibers Examples

a) Wool/hair-sheep, camel, rabbit hair, yak, horse hair

Animal fiber
b) Silk-mulberry silk. coarse silk

Mineral fiber Asbestos, wollastonite

a) Wood fiber-hardwood, softwood

b) Non-wood
Stalk fiber-bamboo, wheat, rice, grass, barley, corn, maize
Plant fiber Fruit fiber-coconut
Seed fiber-cotton, oil palm, alfalfa
Leaf fiber-sisal, banana, palm, pineapple, henequen
Bastfiber-hemp, jute, banana, flax, kenafsugarecane
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secondary fibers depending upon its utility. The The composite which is completely
primary plants fibers are those fibers in which the biodegradable or recyclable and manufactured
fiber content is more. [10] These are mainly jute, from renewable natural resources such as
hemp, kenaf, sisal and the secondary plant fiber natural fibres and natural resins are considered
contains less percentages of polymeric material as green composite or more appropriately said
and these are mainly oil palm, coir. Comparison to be as sustainable composites. The two major
between synthetic fiber and natural fiber are components of green composite are
shown in Table 2. 1. Biodegradable matrix resin
2. Fibers from natural resources
Green composite

Fig. 4. Schematics representation of classification of natural fibers.

TABLE 2. Distinction between synthetic fibers and natural fiber.

Sources Synthetic fibers Natural fibers

Renewability Non-renewable Renewable
Resource Infinite Limited
CO2 neutral No Yes
Bio-degradability Bio-degradable Non-biodegradable
Recyclability Moderate Good
Nature of abrasiveness High Low
Mechanical property High Moderate
Thermally sensitive Low High
Moisture sensitive High Low
Density High Low
Consumption of energy High Low
Cost Higher than natural fibre Lower
Toxicity Toxic Non-toxic

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The traditional composites are many hazardous 2. There are several advantages of soy-protein
environmental impacts and to overcome these new linked with traditional polymer based on
eco-friendly bio-composites are manufactured petroleum. It is used in the artifacts of
from waste material and plant resources and computer, wrapping and in case of auto inner
commonly known as green composite. For panels.
manufacture of this composite, the materials like 3. This resin has mechanical properties almost
natural organic fibres, wood flour and fibres of equivalent to the epoxy resins. These SPC
low cost are used which have more dimensional resins are revised and strengthened by highly
stability and also high modulous of elasticity. strengthen liquid crystalline (LC) fibers
The green composites have different industrial made from cellulosic to construct ‘advanced
applications, but it has some drawbacks such as green composites’. By using E-glass the
these are mainly ductile, less dimensional stability same modified resins were reinforced to
and also less processability. The green composite fabricate composites. Fully bio-degradable,
when combines with plant fibre it forms natural environment-friendly green composites were
bio-composites. A number of bio based fibres are fabricated by using ramie fibers and SPC
used in manufacturing of green composite, which resin whose mechanical properties were
are classified into two categories i.e. wood fibres studied. [12]
and non-wood fibres. The different natural fibres
used for manufacturing green composites are flax, Cellulose-Based green Nano-composites
kenaf, jute, sisal, hemp, coconut fibre, bamboo 1. Cellulose is a crystalline, high molecular mass
fibre, pineapple fibre and rani fiber. polymer and infusible in nature. Due to this
infusibility, highly valuable ester of cellulose
Bio-polyester based green composites and ethers of cellulose are transferred to its
1. Advanced bio-polyester based composites by-products. Cellulose acetate is used in high
have higher strength than green composites. capacity requests from fibers to flicks during
PHBV are certainly taking place by eco- the process of injection moulding.
friendly polymers obtaining from an inclusive 2. Now day’s bio -nanocomposites are
range of microbes. PHBV polymers have the industrialized by cellulosic materials because
major relating properties with traditional of good thermal and mechanical properties.
thermoplastic i.e the mechanical properties Green nano-composites manufactured
of PP and PE. PHBV polymers characterise by using cellulose acetate have good
biodegradable polymers of new groups, their inflammable characteristics which are again
applications are limited due to their high amplified by adding Suitable plasticizer. [13]
cost. [11] 3. In current days, the development of
2. Combination of fibers or fillers can not only biodegradable composites by using plant
create them reasonable but also undergoes origin is known as “green” composites. In
progress in their mechanical properties. “green” composites, some natural fibers are
Fillers are used in case of clay, CaCO3 and combined with resin of biodegradability
PHBV resins belongings are altered by property like PLA and starch.
fiber made of wood. Cellulose fibres have 4. Natural fibers, like cotton, jute are obtained
biodegradable fillers, which is not only from plant or animal foundations having
delivered reinforcement for PHBVs but also absence of several appearances in synthetic
retain recyclability advantages. fibers. Five different arrangements of fiber
include: (1) stem fibers (2) leaf fibers (3)
Green composites based on soy-protein resin seed-hair fibers (4) core, pith or stick fibers
1. The materials are available commercially by (5) all other plant fibers not included above.
soy protein resin which is not much exclusive Examples of stem fibers are jute, flax, hemp,
and are available substantially in the world. kenaf, ramie, roselle and urena. Leaf fibers
The bio-decomposable resins like PLA, PHA include banana, sisal, henequen, abaca,
etc. are hydrophobic in nature and cannot pineapple, cantala, caroa, Mauritius and
bind with fibers obtained from plant and soy phormium. [14].
based resins and are associated with polar
groups having good connection to them and Polylactic acid based bio-composite
undergo the production of composites of 1. PLA is obtained from lactic acid and is a
respectable mechanical assets. thermoplastic polymer. It is used for the

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formation of decomposable materials, like plants are categorised into two kinds as
bags and cups made up of plastic in which short fiber and long fiber. These are known
PLA is used as a matrix phase for the formation by taking their aspect ratio; if l/d >100, it
of biodegradable and eco-friendly composites. becomes long fibers achieved by producing
2. PLA is inelastic in behaviour and addition high amount of composites from origins
of triacetin is established as plasticizers to of plant for several applications and if l/d
expand the impact strength in the composites < 100 is short fibers and is obtained from
of flax or PLA. plant origins that undergoes the formation of
3. The power and strength of composites are composites reinforcing of natural fiber.
50% improved in comparison to composite 3. Several advantages of natural fibers are good
of polypropylene and is applicable in mechanical properties, higher strength, cost
automotive boards. effective and better thermal stability. Due to
explicit modulus of natural fibers, it is found
Hybrid Composites to be better than fibers made of glass or glass
The composite in which a number of different fiber. [20]
kinds of fibres or fillers used as reinforcing 4. The composites of natural fibers having
material in a single matrix phase is called as substantial prospective in the market
hybrid composite. If the fibres or materials are of construction as well as automobile
from natural resources then it is said to be as industry. Hemi -cellulose is accountable for
bio-hybrid composites. The properties of hybrid biologically compostable, immersion through
composites generally depend upon the amount moisture and also thermally degradable.
of fibre materials used, length of fibres, aspect Ligninfibers when contact with UV lights
ratio, orientation, bonding in between fibre and it undergoes degradation but it is generally
matrix, the arrangement of fibre within the matrix thermally stable.
phase. Strength of the hybrid composite mainly
depends upon the failure strain of the fibres used Factors Influencingprocessing of sustainable
during the manufacturing of the composite [15]. Biocomposite
The hybrid composites are designed by mixing The problems arising in the processing of
a synthetic fibre and a natural fibre in a matrix sustainable biocomposites having natural fibres
phase or may also the combination of two natural are hydrophilic and hygroscopic in nature, which
fibres or bio fibres in a single matrix phase. The is regarded by reinforcing the natural fiber. At low
hybrid composite if hybridised with glass fibre temperature and high glass transition temperature
then the mechanical properties of the prepared bio the natural fibre composites are tested by using
hybrid composite is enhanced [16]. The oil palm limits of polymer as resin in matrix for sustainable
fibres if hybridized with glass fibres during the composites. [21]
manufacturing of the composite, then their tensile
strength and young’s modulus of elasticity was The fibres having hydrophilic and hygroscopic
changed .The negative effect was also observed in nature have lower compatibility with
in the young’s modulus of elasticity whereas hydrophobic polymer matrix, which is the reason
positive effect was observed for elongation at the of reinforcing of natural fibre polymer composites.
break point of the hybrid composite. By addition Interfacial adhesion of fibre or matrix needs
of glass fibres as one of the reinforcing material, development by using fibre in composites and
the impact strength of hybrid composite is again other limitations is the high moisture absorbing
increased [17, 18]. capacity of fibres in sustainable composites.
In composites swelling occurs in fibres due to
Bio-degradable polymers the moisture, which disturbs the stability of the
1. Natural fibers are described as bio-based composite. During processing of sustainable
fibers derived from sources of vegetable and composites, existence of moisture converted into
animal origin. Plant fibers like cotton, hemp, water vapour which causes some difficulties in
jute etc. and fibers based on protein are silk, injection moulding process.[22]
wool etc. Depending upon the constituents
natural fibers are termed into three kinds: Manufacturing Processes of Sustainable
seed hair i.e. cotton, leaf fibersi.e abaca, sisal Biocomposites
and bastfibersi.e jute, hemp. [19] Hand Laminating Process
2. Depending on the reinforcement, fibers from  This method is more flexible and low
capital outlay found in moulds and equipment.
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For obtaining composite of big size and multipart products are formed.
shape product hand laminating process is used. In  It involves the application of a well-
this method sailing craft, motor boats and canoes ordered resin layer, ‘coat associated with gel’, in a

Fig. 5. Hand laminating process.

mould that can cover by the releasing instrument a ribbed roller is used. Safety equipment is used
to form easier release of the completed elements. due to the VOCs emission.

When gel coat ones solidified, reinforcement  To confirm impregnation of the

and other resin coatings are functionalise for reinforcement, a ribbed roller is used. Safety
achievement of wideness. By the applications of equipment is used due to the VOCs emission.
resin to confirm impregnation of the reinforcement,  Base resin are mixed with catalysts are

Fig. 6. Spray up process.

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applicable in brushing and pouring.[23] bodies, Truck, fairings, bath tubs, small boats etc.
Spray-up Process Filament winding Process
 Both resin and fibres are delivered  Resin bath are used to feed the
together into the mould in spray up process. continuous fibre strands. The attachment of resin
Filaments of continuous reinforcing are sliced bath and fibre fed found in a criss-crossing heat.
by an entity of chopper into short length, then The achievement of comparative speed in case
passed into the mould surface through a stream of navigating head and the alternation speed of
of catalysts. the previous and twisting angle are preferably
observed. The applications of this are the
 The applications of this method are construction of pipes, pressure vessels, rocket
lightly loaded structural panel e.g. Caravan

Fig. 7. The filament winding process

motors and gas bottles etc. fabrication process of Polymer matrix composites
of long product of constant cross-section.
Pultrusion Process
 Filaments of uninterrupted fibres are Vacuum bag
fed by heater die through resin bath that preserves  Both resin and reinforcing materials are
the resin. allowed in the techniques of hand laminating to a
 This is a useful method for the formation mould. Then laminate is covered by a release film
of long beams and other continuous sections. and a rubber bag and is fixed to the edges of the
 Pultrution is automatic, highly productive mould which is placed over the laminate. The air

Fig. 8. Pultrution process

Egypt.J.Chem. 62, No. 4 (2019)

can be evacuated in the space between the bag and of the fibres external hand rolling is required.
the laminate so that the atmospheric pressure is  The variation found in vacuum bag
applied over the surface of the composite, serving is regarded as mould of pressure bag in which
alliances of the laminate and impregnation of the pressure of positive amount are added than the
fibre by the resin. To confirm the full penetration pressure found in atmosphere, that undergoes well

Fig. 9. Vacuum bag

association and fraction of high volume fiber are hydraulic presses.

obtained. [24]  The mould is loaded by dry
reinforcement and resins are discharged on the
Compression moulding process
upper part. Then mould undergoes closing by
 The fibers having good dispersion
the application of pressure, resins are scattered
and impregnation by the resin are achieved by
causing reinforcement impregnation. When the
using high pressures in rigid moulds attached in
resin once becomes hard, then there is the release

Fig. 10. Compression moulding process.

of pressure then the removal of component from Pre-pregs
the mould is observed.  SMC (Sheet Moulding Compound):
First sheet is formed by combined mixture of
Resin transfer moulding process (RTM) fibre, resin, fillers & catalyst, which forms the
 This process is related with the cold final product by compression moulding.
pressing, in which the reinforcing of load is taken  DMC (Dough Moulding Compound):
in a batch mould. Dough is formed by mixing of fiber, resin, fillers
 The resin is pumped into the mould and catalyst. Catalyst is activated by heat so the
before the closing of mould through injection dough can be kept for some time before needed.
ports. [25] Product formed by compression moulding or
injection moulding. [26]
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Fig. 11. Resin transfer moulding.

SMC Junction box DMC Conduit box

(Source: British Plastics Federation) (Source: British Plastics Federation)
Fig. 12. SMC and DMC.
Compounding and extrusion for the injection moulding process.
 Extrusion process used from food  Now manufacturers offer equipment
industries to metals industries. for fabricating wood-plastic composite (WPC)
 Extrusion used in blend fibre with plastic product.
(and additives) which can be extruded and pellet
are formed. These pellets are used as the feedstock

Fig. 13. Schematic diagram of extruder.

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 Injection moulding process Application of Sustainable Bio-composites

 In closed mould molten polymer or fibre 1. In automobile industry
blend is forced. The sustainable bio composites are used
 The mould is “split” so that the polymer to manufacture lighter, more fuel efficient and
or blend becomes cooled and solidified, then safer automobiles part like automobile engines,
mould undergoes opening then injection moulded bodies, cylinder, pistons, connecting rod, bearing
part can be removed. [27].
materials are made by sustainable bio-composite.

Fig. 14. Schamatic diagram of Injection Moulding.

2. In aerospace industry 6. Flax fiber-reinforcing applications of

Sustainable bio composites are used in the composites
aerospace industry to manufacture aircraft parts It shows almost same performance as the
because of light weight. The materials like fiber glass fiber-reinforced is used the
glass, carbon fiber, carbon epoxy and aramid development of structural components having
fibers are used for the manufacturing of different less cost. These composites used as raw materials
parts of aircrafts like appliances of jet, turbine for subdivision panel of an incomplete auxiliary
edges of turbine, cutting edge of compressor, of wood. Flax fibers composites like flax mat
airfoil surface, fly wheels, appliance inlet and foam are manufactured which are used for
entrances, propeller craft in airliners, airplane conventional wood structures in buildings.
spread assemblies.
7. Flax Application
3. Natural fiber composite applications This fiber is commonly known as linsed, and it
Used in organizational applications where the is a membrane of the plant genus linum, which is a
properties like cost effective, moderate strength is fiber crop bio- material and widely cultivated in the
necessary. E-glass, car glasses are made from this cooler regions of our globe. Flax based composites
composite materials. Mercedes, Audi and fords are mostly used for manufacturing of bed sheets,
are manufactured in Germany by natural fibers table cloth and undergarments. Nowadays highly
composites. developed sustainable materials are prepared by
using flax fiber as reinforcing material. The flax
4. Coir fiber-reinforced composites
fibers are low cost and show several specific
essential mechanical properties and nontoxic in
It is also used in domestic sector for making
nature. The bio- composite materials and hybrid
of sofa bed, seat cover, some other automotive
composites are prepared using flax fibers by
taking thermo plastic, thermosetting resin and bio
5.Kenaf fiber-reinforced composite degradable polymers as matrix phase shows better
applications mechanical properties. Flax based composites
These are used in housing project because are nowdays used as household textile, material
of better fire retardant property, light weight and for interior furnishing of houses and also wall
are cost effective. Hybrid kenaf fiber composites decorating and covering material. This composite
show potential applications in the essential parts don’t deformed easily, retain its color and also
of car like profuse grins. [28] luster for a longer period of time. It is used for

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manufacturing of tarpaulin, driving belts, soil 11.Banana fiber-reinforced composite

cloths and fishing net, partly reduces the marine applications
pollution load. Since it has good water proofing The composite of epoxy resin reinforced
characteristics, therefore it is used for fabrication with banana fiber is applicable in designing and
of roofing material. Flax bio- composites are fabrication of modern table of multipurpose use
generally hygroscopic, permeable to air and and telephone stand. The composite prepared by
bioactive in nature, the textiles manufactured from reinforcing banana fiber is used for household
it may be widely used in medicine packaging, furniture application and nowadays it is going to
manufacturing of combined bandages, a special replace wood, conventional plastics, metallic and
surgical thread. It shows fire retardant properties non-metallic materials used for manufacturing of
and is applicable for manufacturing of heat furniture and treated as good furniture material.
insulating material and can be used successfully [33]
as construction materials. [29]
12. Jute fiber bioactive materials application
8. Curaua fiber-reinforcing applications of The composite prepared from jute fiber and
composites chitosan or alginate shows permanent bioactive
The caraua fiber composites are widely properties. These composites show anti-bacterial
applicable in manufacturing of different properties towards E.coli and S.Aureus bacteria.
automobile parts and it is one of the step towards Therefore more promising application of jute fiber
sustainability of automobile industry. It is more is the manufacturing of food packaging materials.
economical, eco-friendly, reduces the pollution
[34, 35]
load due to automobile industry and also highly
beneficial to our society. [30] It is used for the manufacturing of jute mat,
9. Hemp fiber-reinforced composite composite doors and windows, door frames,
applications fishing boats, natural fiber boats for recreation
By taking thermoplastic polymeric material as and tourism because of good electrical insulation,
matrix with hemp fiber as reinforcing material, the corrosion resistance and high fire retardant
composite prepared is commercially comparable properties [36]. In addition to that, the major
with the glass fiber reinforced composite. The disadvantages of jute fibre are less compatibility
emission of CO2 is potentially reduced by using between hydrophobic matrix phase of polymer
hemp fiber reinforced composite in automobile with the hydrophilic reinforcing phase of the fibre,
sector instead of glass fiber composite. If we which creates a weak interface and causes poor
compared the properties and application of hybrid mechanical properties of the composite material.
glass fiber composite and hemp fiber reinforced Another disadvantage is more water absorption
composite for manufacturing of pipe, then it was capacity and poor thermal stability [37, 38, 39].
found that the cost of production is reduced about 13. Oil palm fiber-reinforced composite
20% and the weight is reduced about 23% in case applications
of hemp fiber composite[31]. Nowadays due to rapid population growth
10.Sisal fiber-reinforced composite application and deforestation, the forest coverage area from
The hybrid polymer composite made by our globe gradually decreased, which resulted
using sisal and glass fiber or sisal and silk fiber the acute shortage of wood. The researchers are
as reinforcing material shows better chemical now searching a new material which serves as
resistance, for which it is used for the manufacture the alternative of wood. The oil palm reinforced
of water and chemical storage tanks. The polymer composite is one of the best alternative for
composite of sisal and kapok fiber are used in low manufacturing of plywood and can be used as
housing projects and also for the manufacture of alternative of wood [40].
components for interior designing of automobiles. 14.Rice husk-reinforced composite applications
It is also applicable in orthopedic both internal The composite prepared by reinforcing rice
fixation and external fixation of the fractured rusk by using high density polyethylene matrix
bone and replaces the conventional metals such by injection moulding process is used suitably
as stainless steel, zirconium. The composite of for preparing window frames and also designing
polypropylene matrix reinforced with sisal fiber hollow instruments in low cost.[41]
has several applications and replaces glass fiber
composites. [32]

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15.Bamboo fiber-reinforced composite Although sustainable bio-composites supports

applications environmental performance but still it has some
The bamboo trees are widely available in major disadvantages by using it in operational
different parts of the world, and bamboo fiber submissions. Hence investigation is required
is a low cost natural fiber which is stable under for designing sustainable bio-composite and
different environmental conditions. The polymer green composites materials by enhancing its
composite prepared by reinforcing bamboo functionality, stability, processability and service
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