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Student ID: 2020-BMCS-006 Section: A Name: Syed Zoubaid Tahami

Department: Telecommunication Engineering Program: BMCS

Assignment 1
MCS-112T Computer System Organization

Announced date: 01-03-2021 Due Date: 26-03-2021 Total Marks = 04

Marks Obtained =
Teacher Name: Engr. Noreen Akram

Sr. No Course Learning Outcomes PLOs Blooms

CLO_1 Explain the fundamental organization of computer systems, PLO_1 C2
CPU, memory unit and Input/Outputs and the relations (Engineering (Understanding)
between its main components Knowledge)

Text Book: William Stallings, “Computer Organization & Architecture”, Prentice Hall, 10th
Edition 2016

Question # 01: Explain the main four functions of a computer.

Question # 02: Explain the key characteristics of a computer family.
Question #03: Explain Moore’s Law.

Answer # (1):-
Function Of Computer:
The main four function of computer are as follows:-
1. Data storage:
In this function of computer, data after processing it transferred to memory to get store in it.
2. Data processing:
In this function of computer, processor performs some arithmetic, logical operations on data and
give output.
3. Control:
In this function of computer, it manages the data and also secure it as well.
4. Data movement:
In this function of computer, data will be moved to the memory register.

Answer # (2):-
The key characteristics of a computer family are:
 Similar instruction set: The exact same set of machine instructions are supported on all
members of the family. Thus, a program that executes on one machine will also execute on
any other. In some cases, the lower end of the family has an instruction set that is a subset
of that of the top end of the family. This means that programs can move up but can’t move
 Similar operation system: The same basic operating system is available for all family
members. In some cases, additional features are added is the higher-end members.
 Increasing speed: The rate of instruction execution increases in going from lower to higher
family members.
 Increasing number of I/O ports: In going from lower to higher family members.
 Increasing memory size: In going from lower to higher family members.
 Increasing cost: In going from lower to higher family members.
Answer # (3):-
Moore’s Law:
“The number of transistors on a microchip doubles about every two years, though the cost of
computer is halved”
The main consequences of Moore’s Law are as follow:
 Number of transistors on a chip will double every year.
 Since 1970’s development has slowed a little.
 Cost of a chip has remained almost unchanged.
 Higher packing density means shorter electrical paths, giving higher performance.
 Smaller size gives increased flexibility.
 Reduced power and cooling requirements.
 Fewer interconnections increases reliability compared to soldered connections.

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