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International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition

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Nutrition and health or nutrients and health?

Francesco Visioli, Franca Marangoni, Andrea Poli, Andrea Ghiselli & Daniela

To cite this article: Francesco Visioli, Franca Marangoni, Andrea Poli, Andrea Ghiselli & Daniela
Martini (2022) Nutrition and health or nutrients and health?, International Journal of Food Sciences
and Nutrition, 73:2, 141-148, DOI: 10.1080/09637486.2021.1937958

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Published online: 21 Jun 2021.

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2022, VOL. 73, NO. 2, 141–148


Nutrition and health or nutrients and health?

Francesco Visiolia,b , Franca Marangonic , Andrea Polic, Andrea Ghisellid and Daniela Martinie
Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Padova, Padova, Italy; bIMDEA-Food, Madrid, Spain; cNutrition Foundation of Italy,
Milan, Italy; dItalian Society of Food Science and Nutrition, Rome, Italy; eDepartment of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences
(DeFENS), Universita degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy


Diet is an important contributor to human health and public health bodies are issuing guidelines Received 19 May 2021
aimed at favouring healthy food choices. The aim of our paper is to discuss the aspects underly- Revised 31 May 2021
ing the concept of nutrient profiles, that is, defining levels of energy, some macronutrients, or Accepted 31 May 2021
salt which should not be exceeded in individual foods, according to the available evidence, to
help in understanding to what extent such approach may actually be useful for improving nutri- Nutrient profiles; public
tion and quality of life of European consumers. We list several pitfalls and oversimplifications of health; diet; food;
the current approaches to nutrient profiling and of the dichotomic classification of foods into regulations
“healthy” and “unhealthy” products. In view of the current “Facilitating healthier food choices –
establishing nutrient profiles” EU initiative, we believe that further debate among all stakeholders
is warranted and must consider all the limitations outlined in this paper.

Introduction (Stenmark et al. 2016; National Academies of

The importance of diet in the maintenance of human Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2020).
In this context, the European Commission high-
health is supported by a large body of evidence:
lights the role that food processors, food service oper-
according to the latest results from the ongoing
ators, and retailers can play in contributing to
Global Burden of Disease Study, one in five deaths in
the world, mainly from cardiovascular diseases and improving consumers’ dietary choices via ameliorating
cancers, can be attributed to an unhealthy diet (The the nutritional characteristics of the food they produce
Global Burden of Disease Diet Collaborators 2019). or sell. Therefore, the European Commission will seek
This is why the prevention of diet-related non-com- (i) commitments from food companies and organiza-
municable diseases has become one of the main global tions to take concrete actions on the health and sus-
objectives of health policies, aimed at creating healthy tainability of their products, and (ii) opportunities to
environments and empowering people to choose facilitate the shift to healthier diets and stimulate
healthy foods. product reformulation. This set of strategies includes
Among them, the Farm-to-Fork Strategy is one of the setting up of a system of nutrient profiles, to
the key pillars of the European Green Deal restrict the promotion of foods high in fat, sugar, and
(Purnhagen et al. 2021; The European Commission salt, and in perspective to become the reference for
2020), aiming also at developing a fair, healthy, and nutritional information to the general population,
environmentally-friendly food system, in turn boost- which should be achieved by Q4 2022. In fact, the
ing the transition to a more sustainable food environ- development of a nutrient profile model as a common
ment. This transition would be difficult to achieve tool for use or adaption by the Member States across
without a shift in people’s diets, considering the cur- Europe (on a voluntary basis and taking into account
rent double burden of malnutrition/overnutrition – national conditions and peculiarities) has since been
with a growing rate of overweight and obesity – and identified as a key activity in the European Food and
undernutrition, with million people still suffering Nutrition Action Plan 2015–2020, for the purposes of
from stunting and 20% of food being wasted restricting the marketing to children of foods with

CONTACT Francesco Visioli Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Padova, Viale G. Colombo 5, Padova
35121, Italy
ß 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

possible unfavourable nutritional effects (WHO cholesterol levels and, hence, the risk of cardiovascular
Regional Office for Europe 2014). diseases), and of sodium, the high intake of which
Whether such a strategy can effectively impact not may lead to increased blood pressure and eventually
only on consumers’ choices but also, above all, on to an increased risk of stroke and other cardiovascular
their health, is still a matter of debate and should disorders (The Global Burden of Disease Diet
probably undergo a thorough evaluation process. Collaborators 2019).
Interestingly, in 2008 the definition of nutrient pro- The scientific literature on nutrition and health of
files has been addressed by the experts of the the last decade, on the other hand, strongly supports a
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), who critic- different approach based on the priority of promoting
ally evaluated the theoretical bases of the nutrient pro- the consumption of favourable nutrients such as vita-
file system, concluding that this approach has a mins, minerals, and fibre (The Food and Agriculture
number of inherent weaknesses, which need to be Organization of the United Nations 2007) and to rec-
carefully considered (The EFSA Panel on Dietetic ommend the consumption of specific food groups,
Products, Nutrition, and Allergies 2008). The whole such as fruit and vegetables (Yip et al. 2019), whole-
proposed system must in any case take adequate con- grain (Zhang et al. 2018), legumes (Viguiliouk et al.
sideration of the large body of evidence that has 2019), and nuts (de Souza et al. 2020), which have
emerged in recent years about the impact of nutrition, been associated with protective and beneficial effects
including both nutrient intake and food consumption, on human health if included in appropriate dietary
on human health, without neglecting aspects related patterns, rather than limiting nutrient consumption
to consumer science and public health. with possible adverse effects.
The aim of this paper is to discuss the aspects This is very relevant, because nutrient profiles and,
underlying the concept of nutrient profiles (i.e., defin- as a consequence, some of the most popular labelling
ing levels of energy, some macronutrients, or salt systems proposed to provide additional nutritional
which should not be exceeded in individual foods) information on the front-of-pack of food products,
(Drewnowski et al. 2021), according to the available are, conversely, based on setting limits aimed at
evidence, to help in understanding to what extent reducing the intake of such untoward nutrients.
such approach may actually be useful for improving High consumption of many of the aforementioned
nutrition and quality of life of European consumers. salubrious foods is typical of the Mediterranean diet
(Martini and Bes-Restrollo 2020), which is a plant-
based dietary pattern characterised by high amounts
The framework: positive vs. negative nutrition
of fruit and vegetables, cereal-based foods (consumed
The role of evidence-based information in the com- preferably as wholegrain), with a moderate amount of
munication of food and health information to the animal foods, and olive oil as the preferred source of
consumer has been recognised by all international fats (Russo et al. 2021; Visioli et al. 2018). The
organisations which have taken a position on this Mediterranean diet has been shown to exert the stron-
issue. Even the European Commission Regulation gest beneficial effect on anthropometric parameters
1924/2006 (The European Parliament 2006), promot- and cardiometabolic risk factors (Esposito et al. 2015;
ing nutrient profiles as a criterion to regulate the use Dinu et al. 2020) and has been associated with a
of nutrition or health claims for food products, clari- reduced risk of overall mortality and of developing
fies that principles underlying nutrient profiles should several chronic diseases (Bonaccio et al. 2018; Soltani
consider scientific evidence relative to the relationship et al. 2019; Dinu et al. 2021).
between diet, nutrition and health as well as dietary These beneficial effects can be attributed to the set
recommendations and public health considerations. of foods that are consumed in adequate amounts – in
Such evidence is rapidly evolving, and new con- terms of serving size and frequency of consumption –
cepts to be used as the framework of new recommen- in this diet and, in turn, to their manifold compo-
dations are emerging in recent years. nents such as fibre, vitamins and minerals, but also to
Traditionally, nutrition sciences have focussed on a plethora of bioactive compounds like (poly)phenols,
the health risks associated with the consumption of that positively act through several mechanisms,
excessive amounts of energy (leading, especially if including protection from low-grade inflammation
combined with a sedentary lifestyle, to overweight, (Calder et al. 2017) and modulation of the gut micro-
obesity, and their sequalae such as type 2 diabetes), of biota (Shortt et al. 2018), further explaining the health
fats (particularly saturated fats that increase plasma benefits of the Mediterranean diet (Wang et al. 2021).

The relationship between a nutrition more focussed independent groups of experts (see as an example
on foods to be consumed, rather than on foods/ O’Donnell et al. 2020). A recent Cochrane review
nutrients to be avoided (for sake of simplicity: (Graudal et al. 2020) also showed that the reduction
“positive nutrition”) and the Mediterranean diet needs of sodium consumption to low or very low intakes is
to be discussed in detail. It is, in fact, worth under- effective in reducing blood pressure in hypertensive
scoring how the Mediterranean diet, largely consid- subjects, but much less in healthy (normotensive) sub-
ered by the scientific community as the reference jects. According to the cited ongoing revision, more-
dietary model because of its manifold actions (Godos over, the reduction of blood pressure among
et al. 2017), is a specific example of the prevalence of hypertensive patients, was not associated with a sig-
“positive” (more cereals, more fruit and vegetables, nificant effect on cardiovascular events or on all-cause
more fish, etc.) on “negative” messages (less meat, less mortality. Thus, based on the current debate, it
whole milk and dairy products), none of which con- appears to be quite complex to set shared limits for
cerns individual nutrients (Bach-Faig et al. 2011). sodium intake for the overall population; the ongoing
Many of the studies assessing the specific contribution randomised clinical trials may, in the near future, help
of the various dietary components to the association clarify this issue.
between the favourable health effects of the The role of saturated fats on health, and particu-
Mediterranean pattern (generally assessed by scoring larly cardiovascular risk, needs in a similar way to be
systems) (Eleftheriou et al. 2018) have confirmed this reconsidered based on the conclusions of various
hypothesis and concluded that the final protective groups of experts (see as an example Astrup et al.
effect is determined above all by the consumption of 2020). According to at least three metanalyses (Siri-
vegetables, fruit, legumes, nuts, sources of fibre Tarino et al. 2010; de Souza et al. 2015; Zhu et al.
(Mente et al. 2009). The PREDIMED study, a rando- 2019), increasing intakes of saturated fatty acids are
mised and controlled primary prevention study con- not associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular
ducted in a Spanish cohort and comparing the effect effects and/or all-cause mortality. Based on these
on cardiovascular mortality of a low-fat diet (control observations, the authors formally asked for a
arm) with diets supplemented with either extra virgin reassessment of current restrictive policies suggested
olive oil or nuts (intervention arms), found that, in by guidelines, which “are not aligned with the current
both intervention arms, cardiovascular events over evidence base” and may potentially lead to unfavour-
time were significantly reduced as compared to the able consequences (Astrup et al. 2020). In this case,
control arm (Estruch et al. 2018). In short, even if the the specific recommendation is to distinguish the dif-
control diet was characterised by a food pattern with ferent sources of saturated fats by, e.g., differentiating
a lower lipid content, which would imply (according milk and dairy products from other foods. This will
to standard systems that penalise the fat content of be cumbersome in the current nutrient profil-
foods) a more favourable nutritional profiling than ing systems.
those included in the two intervention diets, cardio- The limitation of added sugar consumption to less
vascular mortality decreased significantly more in the than 10% of total calories (or even 5%, according to a
latter as compared with the former (Estruch et al. more restrictive version), on the other hand, was for-
2018). These data strongly support the view that the malised in 2015 in a WHO document, which contains
nutritional characteristics of diet rather than compli- the textual statement that such recommendation is
ance with nutrient profiles dictate their overall based on low or very low to moderate quality evi-
health effects. dence from studies specifically referring to the cario-
The increasing evidence about the importance of genic risk related to these intakes of sugars (in the
consuming adequate amounts of “positive foods” is absence of proper oral hygiene or adequate fluorin-
mirrored by the growing debate about the real effect, ation) (WHO 2015). Thus, as with sodium, it appears
on human health, of reducing individual-specific difficult, based on the inconclusive available evidence,
nutrients, namely salt, total and/or saturated fats, or to identify and to set shared limits for sugar intake
sugars, which are included in the nutrient profiling valid for the whole population.
systems, of which they actually represent the theoret- In light of this ongoing scientific debate, the
ical basis. description of the food by means of a nutritional pro-
The role of salt, for example, is undergoing an, as file defined on the basis of arbitrary cut-off levels for
yet not completed, process of critical revision based nutrients appears even weaker. Moreover, it is worth
on the available literature performed by leading and observing that one nutrient can be critical, or even

noxious, for specific groups of the population, but not consume, to build adequate food patterns, and to
for others, and that there is large inter-individual vari- understand the contribution or importance of each
ability in response to nutrient intakes and dietary pat- food to the energy and nutrient content of a diet
terns due to several factors such as metabolism, (Schwingshackl et al. 2020; Hemrich 2020).
genetic characteristics, and microbiota (Zeevi et al. At first, food labels can be used as a (in)formation
2015; Ramos-Lopez et al. 2021). tool, as long as they include all the necessary charac-
In this context, the emerging concept that “one size teristics and are able to transmit proper data to the
does not fit all” has led to the development of new consumer. On the other hand, both institutional and
disciplines such as personalised nutrition, that uses regulatory documents reaffirm the centrality of educa-
information on groups with shared characteristics or tion to allow the general population to make healthy
on individuals, respectively, to develop targeted nutri- food choices and consume each food product as part
tional advice for the dietary management of specific of an overall healthy diet, in terms of both caloric
vulnerable groups, such as people with specific dis- intake, macro- and micro-micronutrients, as opposed
eases, or pregnant, or older adults, but also for the to a system of nutrient profiling of the single product
development of more effective tailored interventions (U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department
for improving public health at the individual level of Health and Human Services 2020).
(Ramos-Lopez et al. 2021).
Last but not least, our knowledge of the physio-
Nutrient profiling in the food regulation
logical and health effects of a food item cannot ignore
its actual levels of consumption. While it is true that It may be useful, with regard to such issues, to recon-
the intake of excessive amounts of sugar, fat, and salt sider the context and the needs which promoted the
can contribute to cardiovascular risk and, more gener- birth and the definition of nutritional profiles.
ally, to poor health, it is also true that these amounts The issue of nutrient profiling was first proposed
should be defined not only in terms of concentrations by Regulation (EC) 1924/2006, to establish the condi-
of the nutrients in the individual food (as nutrient tions of use of nutrition or health claims for foods or
profiles usually do) but also on the basis of the size of food categories, by classifying them on the basis of
the unit of consumption (portion) and on the conse- predefined threshold levels of specific nutrients (essen-
quent absolute amount consumed in a day or in even tially salt, total and/or saturated fat, sugar) (Flynn
longer time frames. One notable example is dark 2012). The stated aim was (and still is) to avoid that
chocolate, which is rich in saturated fats and sugars nutrition or health claims can mask the overall nutri-
and has a high energy density. However, it is con- tional status of a food product, possibly misleading
sumed in small amounts (smaller than the 100 g pro- consumers looking for healthy options.
posed by most nutrient profiling systems), and it can However, several profiling systems have been devel-
contribute, according to accumulated literature, to the oped worldwide, by both governments and other
intake of specific (poly)phenolic compounds, i.e., fla- organisations, with a variety of applications, such as
vanols with potentially interesting favourable health defining criteria for regulating/self-regulating not only
effects (Khawaja et al. 2011; Visioli et al. 2009). marketing but also advertising to children or to pro-
Indeed, such consumption would be penalised by a mote innovation and the reformulation of food prod-
nutrient profiling system defining limits of specific ucts to make them healthier. Algorithm-based profile
nutrients, especially sugars and fat which cannot be models have been proposed in Australia, Ireland, New
exceeded per 100 g of food products. In a similar way, Zealand, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom and
a moderate cheese intake, which is not associated with the United States.
untoward health effects according to a recent metanal- In the European region, the UK and its Food
ysis, would be strongly discouraged by a classical Standards Agency (FSA) have been the regulatory
profiling system due to the usually high content in body most active in this area. The first nutritional
salt and saturated fats in these foods (Chen 2017). profile was the UK Coronary Prevention Group
In such a complex and rapidly evolving context, Banding Scheme (Rayner et al. 2004), which was fol-
both education and dissemination of correct informa- lowed by the Swedish Green Keyhole scheme,
tion on nutrition and health, rather than a simple but launched in 1989 (Larsson et al. 1999). In 2005, the
possibly inaccurate system of classification based on first FSA conclusions were published (Rayner et al.
food profiling, are crucial to help people make 2005): a system based on scores was developed where
informed choices in relation to the food they scores are assigned on the grounds of the nutritional

content of a food item or a beverage. Worth noting, into account the impact on the consumer’s psychology
nutrients are assessed on a per 100 g basis to define and behaviour of actions that could reasonably seem
and limit the multifaceted issue of recommended por- healthy, such as the product reformulation with
tion size. decrease of fat, salt and sugar. Multiple pieces of evi-
Other systems have been proposed over the years. dence in the literature show that perceptions about
Noteworthy examples include the American Heart healthiness or “fatteningness” of foods may bias esti-
Association Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations mations of caloric content (Carels et al. 2006), with
(Lichtenstein et al. 2006); Canada’s food guide subsequent overconsumption (Cleeren et al. 2016).
(Katamay et al. 2007; Health Canada 2019); Tripartite Consumers translate health claims as incentives to
(Scarborough et al. 2007); The Centre for Science in purchase (and this is well known by marketing man-
the Public Interest’s Guidelines (U.S. Department of agers) and increase consumption.
Agriculture and U.S. Department of Health and Moreover, the offer of so-called healthy references,
Human Services 2020); The EFSA Scientific Opinion lightened or in some way fortified or modified in
published in 2008 (The EFSA Panel on Dietetic terms of nutritional composition, has been constantly
Products, Nutrition, and Allergies 2008); and growing in the last 20 or 30 years, but it would not
FoodProfile (Visioli et al. 2007). seem to have been actually useful in the fight against
Some guidelines, e.g., the American and Canadian obesity, which indeed is constantly increasing, despite
ones, do not employ algorithms to classify individual the increase in sales of light products or products
food items and, rather, provide general advice on how with other nutrition claims or with health claims.
to optimise the overall diet. A tripartite classification Another point raised by the EFSA experts concerns
(preferably, middle road, exceptionally) was generated, the differences in patterns of food consumption
based on the nutritional quality of products and indi- among the various European countries, also deter-
cating favourable and less favourable choices within mined by different traditions and food culture, that
the separate subgroups (Quinio et al. 2007). make it difficult to define common principles of nutri-
The general approach of nutrient profiling was crit- tional evaluation. Therefore, the critical dietary habits,
ically evaluated in 2008 by experts convened by the on which the profile system should necessarily be
EFSA (The EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, based to impact the overall diet, would be different
Nutrition, and Allergies 2008) who mainly found “an from country to country. The effects of adopting a
inherent difficulty in seeking to apply to individual unique profiling system throughout the European
food products nutrient intake recommendations that Union could, therefore, be positive in some countries
are established for the overall diet”. These conclusions and negative in others. Likewise, a system which – on
appear to be still valid today, even in the light of both average – may appear to work well at the population
the scientific literature published on this topic in the level may work poorly at the individual level: the
subsequent years and the nutritional guidelines aforementioned concept of “one size fits all”, on
defined by scientific, governmental, and international which the idea of nutrient profiling is based is
organisations. unlikely to be efficacious because it does not consider
The main criticism is the fact that the human diet the metabolic interindividual differences.
is composed of multiple food items, with different Finally, due to great differences among the various
characteristics and compositions. Therefore, it does food categories, it would be probably necessary to
not appear necessary (and might be perhaps counter- adopt specific profiling systems for each individual
productive) that each food is intrinsically “balanced” category, to avoid an approximate system. For
in its nutrient composition, which is at the heart of instance, the same sodium limit could not be adopted
the nutrient profile system. On the contrary, there is a for cheeses or foods based on processed meats and
need to focus on the combination of the various foods products based on vegetables and derivatives. Such an
that compose the dietary pattern, which is the one approach would create a very complex system, which
that needs to be overall balanced. would also be difficult to implement and authenticate.
In addition to this, two major considerations Moreover, as mentioned above, policies aimed at
should be made: the first is that many foods, for penalising foods with marked fat and sugar content,
example olive oil, are usually consumed in small for example through front-of-pack warning labelling
quantities due to their composition and a profiling schemes, and/or limiting the possibility of accessing
system could wrongly (and uselessly) penalise them; nutritional claims, etc. conflict with the previously dis-
the second consideration is that we must always take cussed evolution of the scientific literature. A large

body of recent research suggests that dietary policies The approaches involving the definition of nutrient
focussing on the promotion of dietary components for profiles have merits, namely the intention to trigger
which current intake is less than optimal might have a both attention and choices of consumers on healthier
greater effect than those targeted on sugar and fat, diet and lifestyle; however, actual health benefits
highlighting the need for comprehensive food system related to the possibility to distinguish overall
interventions (The Global Burden of Disease Diet “healthy” from “unhealthy” products are, at present,
Collaborators 2019). Nutrient profiles favour lower based on uncertain science.
consumptions of foods with purported unhealthy In view of the current “Facilitating healthier food
compositional characteristics which is supposed to choices – establishing nutrient profiles” EU initiative,
drive consumption of other ones with more favour- we believe that further debate among all stakeholders
able features. This strategy will, however, be much less is warranted and must consider all the limitations out-
effective than the direct promotion of foods with bet- lined in this paper.
ter nutritional composition.
Nutrient profiles of individual food products, add-
Disclosure statement
itionally, are not in line with Reference Intakes –
which have been defined for energy, macronutrients, AP and FM are the Chairman and Head of Research,
vitamins and minerals – on which the regulation of respectively, of NFI – Nutrition Foundation of Italy, a non-
profit organisation partially supported by Italian and non-
the use of information on the nutritional and health Italian Food Companies. FV, AG, and DM declare no con-
effects of foods to the consumer is based (The EFSA flict of interest associated with this publication.
Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition, and Allergies
2008, 2009). The expression of the energy, macro and
micronutrient levels in relation to the relevant refer- ORCID
ence values defined for the general population allows Francesco Visioli
comparing the nutritional values of different foods Franca Marangoni
Daniela Martini
and can help convey the relative meaning of any indi-
vidual product in the context of diet.
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