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Across the country, Rite Aid workers say:

'Don't balance your books on our backs!'

ite Aid workers and union activists from seven states will converge in Harrisburg on Thursday, June 23 to protest the company's unfair labor practices and management's efforts to impose unaffordable health care costs on employees.

harassment, retaliation and surveillance.

Rite Aid resorted to breaking the law in Ohio as part of a nation-wide effort to convince workers to move into a much more expensive company health Nationwide solidarity growing insurance plan. Many Last April, striking Rite Aid workers from Cleveland, OH met with employees from Rite Aid's distribution center in Rite Aid retail Lancaster, CA to share strategies and build stronger employees are paid support for each other. such low wages that -The union rally will if they accepted the company's plan -- they take place immediately before Rite Aid's annual stockholders meeting. Dozens of Rite would be forced to rely on public medical services to meet their health care needs. Aid workers will attend the meeting. Workers at six Cleveland-area Rite Aid stores -- members of UFCW Local 880 -- have been on strike since March 14. After nearly a year of fruitless contract negotiations, workers were forced to strike after the NLRB found probable cause that Rite Aid management committed dozens of unfair labor practices, violating members' rights with illegal threats, Ohio is hardly unique. Rite Aid workers in California, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Washington and West Virginia also are standing up against similar cost-shifting proposals that would force workers to pay unaffordable health insurance premiums or go without coverage.

Join the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO to Tell Rite Aid:

"Cutting our Health Care is a Sick Idea Especially at a National Drug Store Chain!" 9:15 AM Thursday, June 23
Meet at the PA AFL-CIO, 319 Market St.
We will then march to a short rally at the Hilton Hotel, One North 2nd St., Harrisburg

For more information visit or call (617) 803-0799

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