19.1 - Sheet Composition

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GREY EDGE Location: Mumbai- Goregaon

Certificate Course in Revit Architecture Department: Training

Rev No: 0.00
(Complete with V Ray)


1. Creating Sheet:
- View tab > Sheet composition panel > Sheet
- >>Select the default sheet available or click on Load family > Go to Library > Title block
folder > select the sheet needed > OK

2. Placing Views:
- View tab > Sheet composition panel > Place view
- >>To place the view on the sheet > Drag and drop the view on the sheet or click on
place view > select the view from the list > click on add view to sheet.
- >>To rotate the view > select the view > click on rotation on sheet in option bar > 90°
clockwise or counterclockwise.
- >>To activate view or to go in model space > double click on the view or select the view
and click on activate view in the ribbon.
- >>To activate the paper space > go to View tab > sheet composition panel > viewports
> deactivate view or double click anywhere outside the view.

3. View title:
- The view title is placed with the view, to move it select it and move it.
- >>To adjust the view title line > select the view title > click on the view > the grip
enables and we can drag it to adjust the line as needed.

4. Placing a view in parts:

- To place a view in two or more parts > go to the view > right click on the view in project
browser > duplicate as a dependent > Repeat it again to create one more duplicate >
Crop both the views in two distinct parts > Now place both the views in two sheets > Go
to the original view > click on match line and create a matchline at the cropped part >
now place view reference on the original view to show the placement of both views in
two sheets > Change the target view in the ribbon if needed.

5. Guide Grid:
- This creates a guide which helps us to align the views on the sheet.
- Click on this command > name the grid > select it change the spacing as needed. Align
the views as needed. To hide the guide grid, go to properties change guide grid to

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© Grey Edge. All rights reserved.
This document is confidential. Unauthorised use, reproduction, display or distribution is strictly prohibited. RA-GE-ATC-03
GREY EDGE Location: Mumbai- Goregaon
Certificate Course in Revit Architecture Department: Training
Rev No: 0.00
(Complete with V Ray)

6. Sheet Issues/Revisions:
- View tab > Sheet composition panel > Sheet Issues/Revisions
- >>Click on add > specify numbering, date, description, Issued to and Issued by > move
the revisions as needed > Click on OK
- >>Now go to the view where revisions are to be added > Go to the annotate tab > detail
panel > revision cloud > select the sequence in the instance property and create the
cloud. Tag the cloud.
- >>The revision is added in the table of the sheet where the view is added.
- >>To add the revisions in the table for which the clouds are not created, Go to the sheet
> Instance property > Revisions on sheet > click on☑ shown in revision schedule.

7. Creating Sheet Family:

- To create a custom title block family > Go to file tab > new > title block > select the
sheet size > open.
- >>Go to create tab > detail panel > lines > use the draw tools to create the layout as
- >>Go to create tab > text panel > text and place all the text on the left > Select the text
> edit type > duplicate > change the properties.
- >>Go to create tab > text panel > label > place the label on the right > select the
parameter from the left and add them as needed.
- >>To add a logo image > Go to Insert tab > Import panel > Image > Select the image and
place it wherever needed.
- >>To add a revision table > Click on view tab > create panel > revision schedule > select
revision sequence > click on remove parameter > rename the headers > Go to
properties > change the category to revision schedule > click on appearance > change
height to user defined.
- >>Go to the sheet > drag and drop the revision schedule in the sheet
- >>Save the family and Load into the project.

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© Grey Edge. All rights reserved.
This document is confidential. Unauthorised use, reproduction, display or distribution is strictly prohibited. RA-GE-ATC-03

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