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Version: 2.0.

Attendance, Timesheet & Invoicing (ATI) FAQ

1 Timesheet Filling
• Not able to login to iTime
Ans: iTime is SSO enabled. Kindly login to iTime page. For Contractor’s login click here.

• Where to fill timesheet?

Ans: Timesheet is to be filled in iTime only. The Planning is to be done by Project Manager in
respective project execution system i.e. Compass. Employee should be assigned task so that
he/she can fill timesheet in iTime.

As per the new policy, Timesheet vs Attendance validation is applicable for LTI India based
employees only. Employees can submit their timesheet based on following condition.

Attendance, Timesheet & Invoicing (ATI) FAQ

▪ Timesheet Efforts < Attendance Efforts

▪ Timesheet Efforts = Attendance Efforts

Timesheet can be approved by Reporting Manager (IRM) only if:

▪ Timesheet Efforts < Attendance Efforts
▪ Timesheet Efforts = Attendance Efforts

• Not able to see the Project in iTime.

Ans: Kindly check with your PM if you were allocated to that project. If allocated, check if
project is created in Compass or not. There should be some percentage allocations for Primary
PM also, else he won’t be able to see the project in any of the systems.

• PM is not able to see the Project in iTime.

Ans: The PM should have actual allocation for that Billing Project in iManage. The Allocation
can be 1% also, but there must be some allocation, without this PM won’t be able to see the
project in iTime.

• Not able to see the task in iTime.

Ans: By default, no task will be created in iTime.
Project Managers should do the planning in Compass / iTime for the team members to fill the
timesheet in iTime.

User should have active allocation in respective projects to see the task in iTime. Project
Managers should do the planning for the team members to fill the timesheet.
If PM has not done any planning for resources, the users can create the Non-Project Activity
to fill the timesheet. For RA Small and Support projects, resources can create Project level
planning in directly in iTime.

Steps to Add Non-Project task:

1. Login into the iTime
2. Click on the “+” icon to Add new task.

Attendance, Timesheet & Invoicing (ATI) FAQ

3. A pop-up window will be displayed, to fill the task details. Once the details are filled select
the task start date, end date and click on “Save” button.

4. Now Task is created, user can fill the timesheet accordingly.

Attendance, Timesheet & Invoicing (ATI) FAQ

• Explain Attendance Type

Ans: Teamnet (LTI location door swipe hrs.)
o Total LTI - Difference of First In & Last Out
o Total ODC - Difference of ODC First In & Last Out
o Net ODC - Sum of Inside ODC difference of each IN & OUT

• How Attendance Type derived?

Ans: Attendance Type displayed as per Attendance rule defined in iManage against the project.
a. Employee allocated into the single project, then rule derived based on parameter
defined in the iManage project. Refer the below table project parameters defined
in iManage and attendance type derived (Refer Attendance Type column).

R u le # P r oject ID Tim esheet Rule At tendance R ule At tendance Type

1 1001-01 100% ODC Total ODC Total ODC
2 1001-02 100% ODC Net ODC Net ODC
3 1001-07 Non ODC Total LTI Total LTI
4 1001-08 Project Specific Total LTI Total LTI
5 1001-10 Project Specific Total ODC Total ODC
6 1001-11 Project Specific NET ODC NET ODC
b. Employee having multiple allocation, based on the Attendance type arrived on each
project with below given precedence rule table attendance type arrived.
Sl.No Multi-Allocation with Attendance Rule Combination Final Attendance Rule
1 Total ODC Net ODC Total LTI Total LTI
2 Total ODC Net ODC Total LTI
3 Total ODC Total LTI Total LTI

Attendance, Timesheet & Invoicing (ATI) FAQ

4 Net ODC Total LTI Total LTI

Note: If No rule set for the project in iManage then Attendance rule "Total LTI" defauted the project

• How to add task under Project Efforts?

Ans: Users cannot create task under projects. Project Manager (PM) has to do the Planning in
Compass/iTime, so that team members can fill the timesheet against that task.

PS: RA Small and Support projects, resources can create Project level planning in directly in
iTime. Click on the “+” icon against the allocated Project ID and select as Project Activity task.

• Not able to edit the timesheet.

Ans: Timesheet can be blocked for below reasons:
1. Once the timesheet is submitted to approval, if cannot be edited/modified. IRM has to reject
those days so that user can do the modification.
2. Timesheet has to be filled week wise. If timesheet is not submitted on weekly basis; then on
2nd working day of next Week, Timesheet will be blocked.

• Where I can see my pending timesheet?

Ans: Click on Timesheet Request tab i.e. 2 nd icon on the left-hand side.
In this page you can see the status of timesheet. Whether timesheet is pending or sent for

Click on Timesheet

Attendance, Timesheet & Invoicing (ATI) FAQ

• To whom my timesheet will be submitted/Routed to?

Ans: Your timesheet will be submitted/ Routed to your Immediate Reporting Manager (IRM).
On Approval Request page you can see your IRM (Timesheet Approver) name.

Now no old timesheet approval and reopen request will be sent to New IRM, Requests will be
sent to respective IRMs marked during that period. IRM History is maintained. Request will be
sent to new IRM from the effective date of IRM change.

By Click on History, you can check the IRM history.

Attendance, Timesheet & Invoicing (ATI) FAQ

• Why my timesheet is blocked? How to unlock/Reopen it?

Ans: Timesheet is baselined/locked week wise. If timesheet is not submitted on weekly basis;
then on 2nd day of next Week, Timesheet for previous week will be blocked.
Now no need to create ticket on ServiceNow or send any mails to help desk. Users can enable
timesheet themselves. Using “Request Timesheet Reopen” option, timesheet can be enabled.
1. For Previous month timesheet can raise reopen request only till 10th of current month.
2. From 11th of Current month, Employees can raise timesheet reopen request only for
current month.
To enable timesheet for previous month, kindly raise incident on https://ltiintprod.service- under IT-Applications -> iTime -> Select Operational Category and attach
provide BU head/ KDM’s Approval.

• Why my timesheet is showing in different colours? What does it mean?

Ans: The different colours are used to show the timesheet status. The status is as below:
Green: Timesheet approved by the IRM (Immediate Reporting Manager).
Grey: Timesheet is partially approved. For E.g. If timesheet is approved for Project Efforts and
Non-Project Efforts are not approved, then the status will be Partially Approved.
Blue: Timesheet is routed and sent to IRM (Immediate Reporting Manager) for approval.
Yellow: Timesheet Hrs are rejected by the IRM (Immediate Reporting Manager).
Red: Entire timesheet for that day is rejected by the IRM (Immediate Reporting Manager).

Note: For Hrs rejected timesheet, efforts can be resubmitted by the users.

• Why unable to submit my timesheets to Approval?

Ans: Timesheet can be submitted to Reporting Manager (IRM) only if:
▪ Timesheet Efforts < Attendance Efforts
▪ Timesheet Efforts = Attendance Efforts
Refer Bell (Non-Compliant) & Tick (Compliant) icon in below image

Attendance, Timesheet & Invoicing (ATI) FAQ

• Where to enter efforts? I am getting many fields to fill efforts.

Ans: For TNM projects, the different Rates comes from the project Contract. If your contact
has 2 rates so you will be able to see the 2 fields to fill timesheet.

E.g. If a contact has 3 rates i.e. Standard Hrs, Special Hrs and Over Time, then you will be able
to see 3 rates while entering the timesheet. If no rates are selected in Contract, then by default
Standard rate will appear to fill timesheet. Kindly fill your timesheet under correct rate, that
same Hrs will be sent for Billing.

• How to fill timesheet for 24*7 projects?

24*7 Timesheet:

All Associates working for 24*7 Projects have to fill their timesheet for all 7 Days.
5 days under “Project Efforts” and 2 (Week-off) days under “Non-Project Efforts”.

For E.g. If user is working on 24*7 Projects and off days are Tue-wed. Then he/she has to fill timesheet for
those off days (Tue-Wed) under non-project activity, named as “24*7 week off” and rest and rest days’
timesheet under project efforts.

Steps to Create Week-Off task:

1. Click on “+” Icon.

2. Select the below values from the drop-
down list.
C ategory: Independent Activity
Activity: 24*7 Shift
Sub-Activity: Week-Off
Task Name: Week-Off
From Date: Task start date
To Date: Task end date
Planned Hrs: Enter the planned Hrs.

3. Now task will be crated as “Week-off” where efforts can be filled and send for approval.
2 Timesheet Approval
• Not able to see timesheet for approval
Ans: After the user submit the timesheet for approval, it will go to the Immediate Reporting
Manager (IRM) for the approval. Kindly check if you the IRM for those users, then only
submitted/routed timesheet will come for approval.

• Immediate Reporting Manager (IRM) is not displayed correctly?

Ans: Kindly connect with your Immediate Reporting Manager (IRM) for the clarification.

• How to approve timesheet?

Ans: Click on the 3 rd icon i.e. Timesheet Approval. On right hand side topmost corner Timesheet
icon will be displayed. Click on this icon and timesheet request will be displayed for approval.

Note: For Hrs rejected timesheet, efforts can be resubmitted by the users. If timesheet is day
rejected, then timesheet is not editable.

• How to check the detailed Timesheet submitted by the Associates/Resources?

Ans: Click on the 3 rd icon i.e. Timesheet Approval. Click on Report Tab.
Attendance, Timesheet & Invoicing (ATI) FAQ

Set the below details in that pop-up window.

PSNO: Select PSNO.
From Date: Report Start Date.
To Date: Report End Date.
Type: Daywise Booking/Daywise Detailed Booking

Once all the details are filled, Click on “View” button. Below is the sample output for the
daywise timesheet data filled by the users.

Export Excel: To download Report in Excel Format.

Attendance, Timesheet & Invoicing (ATI) FAQ

3 Timesheet Reopen
Using this feature timesheet for previous and current month can be enabled.
This is 2 stage process.
1. User has to request to reopen the timesheet. Click on “Request Reopen Timesheet”,
Select the date and reason to reopen and send it to your Project Manager.

2. Once the request is sent, it will come to Project Manager to approve the request. Once
the request is approved user will be able to fill the timesheet for backdate.

Attendance, Timesheet & Invoicing (ATI) FAQ

4 Attendance regularization from iTime

Employee’s Attendance Hrs captured in decimal format. It contains both, swiped Hrs. +
Regularized Hrs. Attendance record for will be displayed a day after.

1. C lick on the date for which Attendance Regularization is to be done.

2. B elow Pop-up screen will be displayed to regularize the attendance Hrs. Fill the required details and click
on “Submit” button.

Once the details are filled, details attendance data will be displayed.
The maximum attendance CAP hours will be 18 hours, this includes (Swipe Hours + Regularization
multiple times). Regularization can be done for multiple categories.

Attendance, Timesheet & Invoicing (ATI) FAQ

Now Regularized Hrs. will be displayed on the Attendance bar and Regularization request will be
sent to Reporting Manager for approval.

Attendance, Timesheet & Invoicing (ATI) FAQ

5 TNM Projects Max Standard Hours Restriction

Now timesheet can be filled only upto13 hrs. (Offshore) /10 hrs. (Onsite) as max standard hrs.
for a day for TNM projects.
1. This feature will allow to fill up to max. 13/10 hrs. under project task for a day.
2. Employee can book extra efforts under other rate buckets up to sum of max 24 hrs./day.
3. If Project have only Standard Hrs bucket, then KDM can allow to fill more than 13/10
hrs. under standard hrs./day.
4. KDM will go to Standard Hours configuration window and select the Month, Project &
Employee to allow more than max standard cap hrs.
Process 1: User login with Max Cap. Hrs Restriction
1. User login screen, where Max std cap hrs. is applicable.

2. If user tries to fill more that 10 Hrs under standrd hrs. bucket then system will thorw warning
message “Standard Efforts entered should not be more than 10 Hrs per day”(onsite employee).

Attendance, Timesheet & Invoicing (ATI) FAQ

Process 2: Max. Std cap hrs. extension (KDM login)

1. KDM will go to Reports->Standard Hrs configuration.

2. KDM will go to Standard Hrs Extenstion screen and select the resources to enable the max cap
hrs. By selecting the Month, Project ID and Resource for whom the Max. cap hours to be
enabled. Give the reason and Click on submit. Users are allowed to select multiple days in single

Attendance, Timesheet & Invoicing (ATI) FAQ

3. Max. Cap Hrs extenstion request is approved.

Process 3: For Resource, When Max. Cap Std Hrs are allowed.

Attendance, Timesheet & Invoicing (ATI) FAQ

6 Chatbot
Get your iTime queries resolved on iTime Chatbot. No need to Raise ticket or mail to Support
team. Dedicated user support 24*7.

Attendance, Timesheet & Invoicing (ATI) FAQ

7 Billing/Invoicing
• For which projects, billing can be done in iTime?
Ans: Only for T&M projects, billing is to be done in iTime. For other types of Projects, billing is
to be done in iManage.

• Who can do the billing? I am not able to see the billing option in iTime.
Ans: Only APM/PM/PMO has the access to do the Billing in iTime. Before doing the billing
process, APM/PM/PMO should check the below points:

1) User should be allocated to Project as “Billable” Resource ( ONBI, OFBI, COBI), not billing for
“Buffer” resources (OFBF, ONBF).
2) Whether timesheet efforts are filled into correct rate or not?
3) User has routed the timesheet to IRM (Immediate Reporting Manager) for approval.
4) IRM (Immediate Reporting Manager) should approve the timesheet so data will be
available for billing.
5) If the data is already sent for billing, system won’t show you any user data for billing.
6) If hours are rejected from HANA, then APM/PM/PMO has to again send the data with

• I’m the APM/PM/PMO for project, but that project is not coming in Dropdown list.
Ans: The APM/PM/PMO should have actual allocation for that Billing Project in iManage. The
Allocation can be 1% also, but there must be some allocation, without this APM/PM/PMO
won’t be able to see the project under billing dropdown list.


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