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Self Reflection

For my film festival project, I did an ironic PSA about pollution.

Originally it was supposed to be shot in school with actors in the theatre
shop but problems arose and I ended up having to shoot it at home. The
final project ended up taking place in my house starring my friends. It
began with shots of three friends doing things with masks on. Later they
watch a news broadcast announcing that the pandemic was over. They
take their masks off and they do the exact same things this time without
their masks. Another broadcast comes on announcing masks have to be
worn again, this time because of pollution.
For pre-production, I was responsible for making a pitch and a shot
sheet. For the pitch, I created a slide show presenting my ideas such as the
setting and who would be in it. I was also required to create a shot sheet of
each individual shot. The shot sheet ended up changing a lot when I filmed
at home but it wasn’t that difficult to make the changes. I made a production
calendar with all the dates I planned to shoot but that also ended up
changing once I decided to film at home. Originally I planned to make a
sign but ended up doing a news broadcast instead. I thought it would be
more creative and fun to make.
During the production phase, you shoot all your material. At this point,
you should have planned all your shots and have your actors and any
props ready. During pre-production, I had asked the theatre shop to act for
me. I remember having trouble with the camera because we couldn’t find
the right piece to screw the camera on tightly to the tripod so I ended up
having to hold the camera on the tripod so it didn’t shake. While filming I
came to the realization that I might not be able to film the students without
masks because of school rules. I ended up being right and was unable to
use the footage I shot. I decided to shoot at home where the school rules
didn’t apply. I asked my friends to come over and shoot with me and they
agreed and I shot all my footage over winter break.
During post-production, you are responsible for editing the final
product, finding music for your project, getting the proper release forms,
and creating and adding any visual effects. This phase I had the most
trouble with. For some reason, I couldn't log in to edit share so I had to
always use the same computer which sometimes conflicted with othr
people using that computer. Sometimes adobe would stop working and I
would have to shut down the computer which became pretty frustrating.
Adobe also had to be updated which took up sometime. It also took me a
while to find appropriate music that fit my piece but was eventually able to
pick one. I just had to be patient and get throught it.
My favortie part of prodoction was prodoction. I enjoyed filiming wth
ym friends and they made it enjoyable. They chimed in with ideas and
helped give ideas. They were also cooperative so everything ran smoothly.
Creating the news cast was also fun. I recruited my dad to do a
newscasters voice and gve him a script to read from. I then filmed a
random news broadcast and put the voice over my dad did over it. The final
product came out.
My strengths include working well with each other and giving
instruction. I am cooperative and easy-going so I work well with others and
I'm good at directing people. To improve even more on my strengths I can
learn more directing terms and just work more with people. Some of my
weaknesses and things I struggle with are editing and time management.
I'm not really good with computers and struggled with adobe. I also lack
motivation and have trouble managing time. To help with this I can practice
adobe to get more comfortable using it and set reminders to motivate
myself to do my work.
I think I met my program objective. My video did change in the
process but the main idea was kept and was able to get my point across. It
was meant for a younger audience and I think it translates well and is not
meant to be taken too seriously. I did have frustrating moments but enjoyed
lots of parts of it as well.

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