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Blocks that prevent language learning

Learning a new language is a complicated process and like any other

challenge, obstacles will arise. Every new language learner struggles at
some point in their journey to fluency. When speaking about difficulties in
learning and teaching foreign language different authors use different
terminology. Some of them speak about mistakes, misbehaviour,
troubles, difficulties and so on.

I think we can roughly categorise blocks in two major types. The first
type is teacher’s blocks. Regarding blocks that could appear from the
teacher’s side most of the authors pay attention to the following. Lack of
self-discipline, fears of working with different students, managing stress,
anger and other emotions. Also, I could mention blocks that are
connected with previous experience and teacher’s deformation. To
overcome this troubles teacher needs to be a strong-motivated person
able to struggle with his/her blocks.

As for students and there is much more information to think of. In a list
there are such huge themes as age, motivation, level of knowledge,
previous learning experience and influence of mother tongue.

Lack of self confidence

Self-confidence is one of the most essential factors that determines

learners’ willingness to participate in the classroom activities. The
students who lack of confidence are usually found to be extremely fearful
and timid, moving away from expressing their opinions and even unable
to utter a complete meaningful sentence in class.

What should be carefully considered is how to help students to build and

strengthen their confidence when they learn the second language.

Lack of practice opportunities

Another challenge to learning a new language is a lack of opportunity to
practice. The easiest way to learn a new language is to immerse yourself
in it.

Hearing language all day and having to communicate in the language to

do everyday activities trains our brain more quickly.
Fear of speaking with strangers/fluent speakers

Since nothing can replace practicing a new language with someone else
in conversation, it’s pretty hard to avoid speaking with strangers when
we are practicing. So, a fear of speaking with strangers can be a huge
obstacle for new language learners.

Loss of motivation

No matter how excited we are at the beginning, it’s inevitable to

encounter loss of motivation at some point of time in our journey. Every
long-term project that takes some effort requires staying motivated to get
through the most difficult parts.

Expecting it to be easy

The final obstacle to mention here is the expectation that learning a new
language will be easy. If one goes into this learning experience
expecting to pick up quickly and get frustrated when it doesn’t happen
that way.

It is important to work upon the positive attitude of grown-up students, to

show them the advantages of leaning language now, when they exactly
know where they will use it and what for do, they need it. Teacher may
use different arguments to confront with lack of self-confidence.

It’s far not all the blocks and not all the ways of overcoming them but I
think that student’s blocks and the blocks of a teacher are deeply
connected. And if a teacher has strong blocks in teaching s/he will face
with lack of motivation and self-confidence from his/her students.
Connecting with other teachers, observation feedback, realistic
understanding of the own level and own abilities may be very useful.

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