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Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

‘Deviation’ are a new boy band who are already experiencing success. They
recently took part in a national television talent competition and achieved quite
a following. They didn’t win the competition – that was won by a singing dog in
an apron – but they received a great deal of exposure and established a large
teenage fan base, especially among the ladies, who fell for the boys’ good looks
and hook-laden harmonies.

The band was rushed into the studio where the boys recorded their rst album
of self-penned songs, which was a smash hit, despite the boys’ inexperience at
song-writing. Many critics were less than kind, saying that the lead singer
sounded like ‘a cat with a sore throat’ and ‘completely out of tune’. Ignoring
this and other criticism about their inability to play any instruments, the band
recently completed its rst world tour, playing to sell-out audiences. Whether
the audience bought tickets based on the quality of the music, or because of the
boys’ looks is debatable, but one thing is certain – they are now millionaires
and need never work again. Some would argue, upon hearing their music, that
this might be a good career option…

a)  What is the name of the band?

b)  How did they come to the public’s attention?

c) In Paragraph 1, how can you tell that the writer thinks their success was
lucky? Use a quotation and then explain it.

d) In Paragraph 2, how you can tell that the writer does not like the band? Pick
out a quotation and explain it.



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