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Training Report on Rural experience,

On-Campus, Off- Campus Learning and Industrial Attachment

A Project is Submitted To

I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University

In partial Fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science (Honours)
in Agriculture

Submitted by: Sachindeep Singh

University roll: 1832794

Department of Agriculture

Khalsa College of Engineering and Technology,

Amritsar, 143001


I hereby declare the project report which is being presented in the RURAL EXPERIENCE,
department of agriculture at Khalsa College of Engineering and Technology, Amritsar under
project work carried out by me under the esteemed guidance of PROF. CHANPREET
HIMANI SHARMA and. The information and data given in the report is authentic to best of
my knowledge. It is my original work, has not been submitted and will not be submitted to
any other university for the award of any degree.


University Roll no: 1832794 H.O.D. (Agriculture department)

This is to certify that the project entitled ―TRAINING ON RURAL EXPERIENCE, ON
ATTACHMENT is submitted by SACHINDEEP SINGH (1832794) in fulfilment of the
requirement for the award of Bachelor of Agriculture degree at Khalsa College of
Management and Technology, Amritsar is an authentic work carried out by her under my
supervision and guidance.

Dr. Sandeep Devgan (H.O.D.)

Agriculture Department

KCET, Amritsar

Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to Director Dr. Manju Bala who gave me a
golden opportunity to do this wonderful project, by which I came to know so many things. I
am really thankful to them.

I Shall be thankful to the H.O.D. Sandeep Devgan and other teachers for supporting me
in this programme.

I am very much thankful to almighty God for blessing with such wisdom. Secondly, I
would like to place on record my deep sense of gratitude to Ms chanpreet Kaur,
department of agriculture, Khalsa College of Management and Technology (K.C.M.T.),
Amritsar for their generous guidance, help and useful suggestions.

I would like to thank my parents, friends and siblings who helped me alot in
finalizing this within the limited time frame.

Table of contents

Chapter no. Name of the chapter Page no.

1. Introduction 1
2. Rural experience
2.1 Janian

2.2 Jagdev Kalan

2.3 Loharka Kalan

2.4 Dhand

2.5 Mianpur

3. On campus
3.1 Crop cultivation

3.2 Jam Preparation

3.3 Jaggery preparation

4. Industrial attachment
4.1 Verka Milk Plant
4.2 Sugar Mill

4.3 Organic Farm

5. Off campus Training

5.1 Wetland training

5.2 Hydroponics

5.3 Organic farming

5.4 Nursery Raising

6. Conclusion

Agriculture training programs allow you to gain an inside glimpse at what life is like on a
farm! Through our Agriculture Training Program, you will have the opportunity to not only
work outside on the farm but inside the family home as well!
Practical work was generally effective in getting students to do what is intended with physical
objects but much less effective in getting them to use the intended scientific ideas to guide
their actions and reflect upon the data they collect. In our training the following things are
included. The training is divided into two parts on campus and off campus.

The On-Campus learning program will give a trainer the opportunity to gain hands-on
experience during the planting, growing, and harvest seasons and to learn the latest in
Fertilizer, pesticides, and herbicide application. Many of our field crop training programs will
include the opportunity to use farm power machinery and some of the latest farming
technologies, and may include learning about field crops, protection decisions, weed
identification, marketing of field crops, farm machinery, harvesting, drying of field crops. In
the curriculum for undergraduate degree programs, all the courses have practical content
which also include laboratory exercise Rural Experience. Work experience includes physical
or mental effort exerted for a purposeful activity that include training, observation and
practice, experience and personal involvement. The rural work experience is basic for
developing a graduate‘s competence in functioning as an effective researcher for extension
professionals in the transfer of technology to farmers.

Furthermore, we completed our Off-Campus Training at Bhagat Puran Singh Farm of Zero
Budget Natural farming and Agriculture Research Centre. At the centre we were given the
training of Organic Farming, Wetland Cultivation, Hydroponics and Nursery Raising. Apart
from these trainings we became aware with many things which boosted our general
knowledge. Overall it was a great experience.

Rural experience was a part of our training wherein we visited various nearby villages and
interacted with the farmers. We were guided by our professors in charge during the visits. It
was quite informative and fun part of our training as we were able to explore the things
practically and also we became familiar with the problems the farmers face during farming.
We interacted with five farmers from each village. A brief glimpse of this training is as given

Review and Literature

 Abedullah, et al., (2009). revealed that credit supply improved the income of livestock
growers more than 100% and it is clearly defining the role of credit in livestock
sector. It not only helps to enlarge the economies of size but also helps to increase the
productivity of livestock sector from the available resources. The role of family labor
is found to be even morecritical than credit. Hence, expansion in livestock sector
could help to absorb the unemployed and untrained rural labor at their door steps
which could help to mitigate the migration process of untrained rural labor towards

 In 2017, Zhou et al reported the thermotolerance of Luffa acutangula seedlings and

their physical stress to heat. The study was carried out to identify the thermotolerance
of Luffa acutangula thirty-two varieties were screened, and the physiological response
to heat stress with different heat resistance, such as WB121(tolerant), WB105
(susceptible) and YL8(intermediate). From the results it was known that among 32
luffa varieties 3 species were heat –tolerant, 4heat-susceptible, and 25 intermediate
varieties. The relative conductivity (RS), the contents of malondialdehyde (MDA) and
soluble sugar (SC) in three varieties gradually increased with the prolongation of heat

 Nangare S. P. and Kulkarni R. S. (2012) has analysed energy utilisation measures

through energy audit in sugar industry power plant through its performance in overall
efficiency, cogeneration by utilizing measure as the input feed air. It has been
observed that around 40 to 50% extra feed air removes 10 to 13% of energy from
boilers and influences on boiler efficiency. They have concluded that 10% of total
electricity generation can be enriched by correction in extra air as an ultimate measure
in the efficiency improvement of power plant.

 Narasimha Rao G. R. and Nagarajan M. (2012) has discussed on energy efficiency in

Indian sugar industries with reference to the comparison of specific energy
consumption of energy inefficient and energy efficient sugar plants with reference to
the major energy consuming equipments/sections. They revealed that tremendous
scope has been exists for improving energy efficiency. Specific Energy consumption
can be reduced to the tune of 22kWh to 26kWh/tonne by incorporating various energy
efficient equipment's like, VFD, energy efficient transmission gears, pumps and
motors, etc. Improving energy efficiency in sugar industries gives the opportunity to
generate and export more power from their co-generation plant.

 In 2017, Singh et al studied the heterosis for quantative traits and mineral contents in
ridge gourd. From the study it is evident that ridge guord contains Calcium,
Potassium, Iron, Zinc and Manganese.

 Saleemmaleekh et el (2013) : With the advancement in technology, the world around

us inevery part of our life getting automated. The manual procedures are being
replaced by these automated systems, since they are with energy efficient and
consume less labor work. This paper proposes the advantages of having Wireless
Sensor Network technology in Indian Agricultural sector, which shows the path to the

rural farmers to replace some of their traditional techniques. Here, multiple
environmental data such as Humidity, Soil moisture, Soil pH etc. are collected by a
set of wireless sensor nodes and applied as input to the Peripheral Interface Controller
(PIC). The data is checked continuously by PIC controller and a set of control actions
like Irrigation, Soil fertility check etc. are made if they exceed threshold level. After
every activity, an evidence message is sent through SMS via GSM modem to the
 Snehal et al (2014) : By considering various situations of climatologically phenomena
affecting local weather conditions in various parts of the world. These weather
conditions have a direct effect on crop yield. Various researches have been done
exploring the connections between large-scale climatologically phenomena and crop
yield. Artificial neural networks have been demonstrated to be powerful tools for
modeling and prediction, to increase their effectiveness. Crop prediction methodology
is used to predict the suitable crop by sensing various parameter of soil and also
parameter related to atmosphere. Parameters like type of soil,
 Shabnam Sikandar Mahat, Dr.Pallavi P. Jamsandekar, Dr. K.M.Nalavade, (2013)In
many countries, information and communication technology (ICT) has a clear impact
othe development of educational curricula. The absence of a formal and established
ICcurriculum leads to an ambiguous situation, because there is nevertheless an
observablepolicy towards the adoption of ICT in education. This policy fosters the
integration of ICTin teaching and learning processes, but builds on the professional
attitude and willingnessof the individuals.

Chapter: 2- Rural Experience

S.No Villages Marks Obtained Maximum Marks Remarks

1. Janian

2. Jagdev Kalan

3. Loharka Kalan

4. Dhand

5. Mianpur

Prof. Dilkiranpreet Singh Dr. Sandeep Devgan (H.O.D.)

Assistant Professor (Agriculture Department)
(KCET, Amritsar)

Ms. Himani Sharma

Department of Agriculture



 To get acquaintance & get confidence of the farmer and to give a courtesy call
 To discuss individual problem
 To find out problems, which he is not aware.
 To obtain or give more information
 To teach skills

Village 1: Janian
a) 1st Farmer
Name: S.Joginder Singh
Age: 65
Qualification: 10th
Farming area: 30 acres
Crops Grown: Wheat, Paddy, Berseem,Rice
Livestock: 1 cow
Tractor 2 Zero drill 1
Trolley 1 Disc Harrow 1
Main occupation: Farming, Private employment

Figure 2.1.1
b) 2 Farmer
Name: S.Shamsher Singh
Age: 38
Qualification: 10+2
Farming Area: 10 acres
Crops Grown: Wheat, Paddy, Maize
Livestock: 4 cows
Main occupation: Farming
Tractor 2 Zero drill 1
Trolley 1

Picture 2.1.2

Figure 2.1.2

c) 3rd Farmer

Name: S.Jasbir Singh

Age: 66
Qualification: 8th
Farming area: 1 acres
Crops grown: Wheat, paddy,
Livestock: 2 cow
Main occupation: Farming
Machinery: None

Figure 2.1.3

d) 4th Farmer:

Name: S.Lakhwinder Singh

Age: 68
Qualification: 10+2
Farming area: 4 acre
Crops grown: Wheat, Mustard, Paddy
Livestock: 1 buffalo
Main occupation: Farming
Machinery: None

Figure 2.1.4

e) 5th Farmer:

Name: S.Bhagwant Singh

Age: 77
Qualification: 10+2
Farming area: 7 acres
Crops Grown: Wheat, Paddy
Livestock: 3 cows, 2 Baffalo
Main occupation: Farming
Tractor 1

Trolley 1

Disc Harrow 1

Figure 2.1.5

Village 2: Jagdev Kalan
a) 1st Farmer:
Name: S.Harbhans Singh
Age: 75
Qualification: 10+2
Farming area: 18 acre
Crops grown: Wheat, Paddy, Bajra, Maize
Livestock: 5 cows
Main occupation: Farming
Machinery: none

Figure 2.2.1

b) 2nd Farmer:
Name: S Nachattar Singh
Age: 69
Qualification: 10th
Farming area: 12 acre
Crops grown: Wheat, Paddy, Mustard, Pea
Livestock: 2 cows, 1 goat and 3 Goat
Main occupation: Farming, Dairy Farming
Machinery: None

Figure 2.2.2

c) 3rd Farmer:
Name: S.Jograj Singh
Age: 40
Qualification: 10+2
Farming area: 15 acre
Crops grown: Wheat, Paddy, Fodder crops
Livestock: 4 cows
Main occupation: Farming and dairy farming
Tractor 2 Rotavator 1
Trolley 1 Disc harrow 1

Figure 2.2.3

d) 4th Farmer:
Name: S.Jaswant Singh
Age: 70
Qualification: Half Matric
Farming area: 16 acre
Crops grown: Wheat, Paddy
Livestock: 4 cows, 1Bull, 2 Baffalo
Main occupation: Farming and Dairy farming
Machinery: None

Figure 2.2.4

e) 5th Farmer:
Name: S.Kuldeep Singh
Age: 68
Qualification: 8th
Farming area: 8 acres
Crops grown: Wheat, Paddy, Fodder crops
Livestock: 3 cows
Main occupation: Farming and Dairy
Machinery: None

Figure 2.2.5

Village 3: Loharka Kalan

a) 1st Farmer:
Name: S.Samsher Singh
Age: 41
Qualification: 10+2
Farming area: 13 acres
Crops grown: Wheat, Paddy
Livestock: 1 cow
Main occupation: Farming and Teaching
Tractor 1 Leveller 1 Disc Harrow 1
Trolley 1 Rotavator 1

Figure 2.3.1

b) 2nd Farmer:
Name: S.Satnam Singh
Age: 35
Qualification: 10+2
Farming area: 15 acres
Crops grown: Wheat, Paddy, Fodder crops
Livestock: 20 cows
Main occupation: Farming and Dairy Farming
Tractor 1 Trolley 1

Figure 2.3.2

c) 3rd Farmer:
Name: S.Gurjant Singh
Age: 78
Qualification: Illitrate
Farming area: 10 acres
Crops grown: Wheat and fodder crops
Livestock: 2 cows
Main occupation: Farming
Machinery: None

Figure 2.3.3
d) 4 Farmer:
Name: S.Karnail Singh
Age: 40
Qualification: 10+2
Farming area: 13 acres
Crops grown: Wheat and Paddy
Livestock: 2 cows, 8 Goat, 6 Baffalo
Main occupation: Farming, Dairy Farming
Machinery: None

Figure 2.3.4

e) 5th Farmer:

Name: S.Dilbag Singh

Age: 52
Qualification: 10+2
Farming area: 16 acres
Crops grown: Wheat and Paddy
Livestock: 4 cows
Main occupation: Farming and Teaching
Machinery: None

Figure 2.3.5

Village 4: Dhand
a) 1st Farmer :
Name: S.Sukhbir Singh
Age: 48
Qualification: 10th
Farming area: 8 acres
Crops grown: Wheat, Paddy and vegetable crops
Livestock: None
Main occupation: Farming and Employment in Corporate Bank
Tractor 1
Rotavator 1
Harrow 1

Figure 2.4.1

b) 2nd Farmer:
Name: S.Tarlochan Singh
Age: 52
Qualification: B.A
Farming area: 8 acres
Crops grown: Given on lease
Livestock: None
Main occupation: Private employment and Contract Farming
Machinery: None

Figure 2.4.2

c) 3rd Farmer:
Name:S. Sukhwant Singh
Age: 63
Qualification: 10th
Farming area: 4 acres
Crops grown: Wheat, Paddy and Fodder crops
Livestock: 6 cows
Main occupation: Farming and Dairy
Machinery: None
Tractor 1 Trollery 1 Disc harrow 1

Figure 2.4.3

d) 4th Farmer:
Name: S. Surjit Singh
Age: 71
Qualification: 10
Farming area: 13 acres
Crops grown: Wheat, Fodder crops
Livestock: 8 cows, 3 Goat
Main occupation: Farming and Retired in Indian Army
MachineS.ry: None

Figure 2.4.4

e) 5th Farmer:
Name:S.Satnam Singh
Age: 54
Qualification: 10th
Crops grown: Wheat and paddy
Livestock: 8 Baffalo
Main occupation: Farming and Dairy
Tractor 1
Trolley 1

Figure 2.4.5

Chapter 2.5- Village 5: Mianpur
a) 1st Farmer:
Name: S.Dalbir Singh
Age: 60
Qualification: 6th
Farming area: 4 acres
Crops grown: Wheat and Paddy
Livestock: 4 cows
Main occupation: Farming
Machinery: None

Figure 2.5.1

b) 2nd Farmer:
Name:S. Kundan Singh
Age: 46
Qualification: 10+2
Farming area: 6 acres
Crops grown: Wheat and Paddy
Livestock: 2 cows and 1 buffalo
Main occupation: Farming and Government job
Tractor 1 Trolley 1 Rotavator 1

Figure 2.5.2

c) 3rd Farmer:
Name: S.Avtar Singh
Age: 58
Qualification: Graduation
Farming area: 12 acres
Crops grown: Wheat and Paddy
Livestock: None
Main occupation: Farming and Private Job
Tractor 1 Trolley 1

Figure 2.5.3
d) 4 Farmer:
Name: S. Kulwinder Singh
Age: 46
Qualification: 10+2
Farming area: 4 acres
Crops grown: Wheat, paddy and fodder crops
Livestock: 3 cows
Main occupation: Farming
Tractor 1 Trolley 1

Figure 2.5.4

e) 5th Farmer:
Name: S.Baljinder Singh
Age: 39
Qualification: 10+2
Farming area: 20 acres
Crops grown: Wheat and paddy
Cow 6
Buffalo 3
Bull 1

Main occupation: Farming and Dairy


Tractor 1
Trolley 1
Rotavator 1

Figure 2.5.5
Some Problems faced by the farmers:
As we visited above mentioned villages most common problems which farmers face
are as follows:
1. Irregular supply of electricity.
2. Most of the farmers are illiterate.
3. In some villages like Janian the farmers face drainage problems.
4. Farmers do not get proper subsidies
5. Lack of marketing facilities.

Solutions for the problems of the Farmers:
1. Government must take proper measures for the supply of regular electricity in the
2. Extension officers must visit the villages regularly and interact with the farmers.
3. The village sarpanch must take initiatives to solve the problems like drainage.
4. Government must provide regular subsidies so that the farmers can use their
equipments in a way that can improve their farming yields (transportation of the
straw to the market instead of burning it on the field).

Proper market near the villages must be set up so that the farmers need not to travel much.

Chapter: 3- On Campus Training Trainings Marks Maximum Remarks

Obtained Marks

1. Brinjal Cultivation

2. Chilli Cultivation

3. Mint Cultivation

4. Jaggery Preparation

5. Jam Preparation

Prof. Himani Sharma Dr. Sandeep Devgan

Assistant Professor (H.O.D. Agriculture Department)

KCET, Amritsar KCET, Amritsar

Brinjal Cultivation

Figure No 3.1.1

Brinjal is one of the most common tropical vegetables grown in India.. A large number of
cultivars differing in size, shape and colour of fruits are grown in India. Immature fruits are
used in curries and a variety of dishes are prepared out of brinjal. Fruits are moderate sources
of vitamins and minerals like phosphorous, calcium and iron and nutritive value varies from
variety to variety.
Brinjal is a warm season crop and requires a long warm growing season. It is very susceptible
to frost. A daily mean temperature of 13-21degrees C is most favourable for its successful
production. The growth of the crop is severely affected when temperature falls below 17
degree Celsius. It can be successfully grown as a rainy season and summer season crop and
can be grown at an elevation of 1200m above the sea level.

Season - June – July
Season - October – November
Season - February – March
Brinjal is a hardy crop and is cultivated under a wide range of soils. Since a long duration
crop with high yield, well -drained and fertile soil is preferred for the crop. Crops grown in

sandy soils yield early and those grown in clayey soils yield more. Ideal pH for cultivation of
crop is 5.5 - 6.6.
Seed rate:
On an average 370 - 500 g seed is required for raising required seedlings for one ha land.
Seed treatment:
 Seed treatment with Trichoderma viridae / T. harzianum @ 2g /100 g of seeds to
prevent seed and soil borne infection of fungal diseases. Or
 Treat the seeds with (Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5%) DS @ 1.5g or (Carbendazim
1.0g + Thiram 1.5g)/ kg of seeds.
Brinjal seeds are sown on nursery beds to raise seedlings for transplanting in the field. Raised
beds are necessary to avoid problem of water logging in heavy soils. In sandy soils, however,
sowing can be taken up in flat beds. Raised beds of size 7.2 x 1.2 m and 10-15 cm in height
are prepared. Thus, ten such beds are sufficient to raise seedlings for planting one hectare
area. About 70cm distance is kept between two beds to carry out operations of watering,
weeding, etc. Sowing should be done thinly in lines spaced at 5-7 cm distance. Seeds are
sown at a depth of 2-3 cm and covered with a fine layer of soil followed by light watering by
water can. The beds should then be covered with dry straw or grass or sugarcane leaves to
maintain required temperature and moisture. The watering should be done by water can as
per the need till germination is completed.
Land Preparation

Figure No 3.1.2

The field is ploughed to fine tilth by giving four to five ploughing with a sufficient interval
between two ploughing. Planking should be done for proper levelling. The field is then
divided into beds and channels. Well-decomposed FYM is thoroughly incorporated at the
time of land preparation.
Spacing depends upon the type of variety grown and the season of planting. Normally the
long fruited varieties are transplanted at 60 x 45 cm, the round varieties at 75 x 60 cm and
high yielding varieties at 90 x 90 cm spacing. Seedlings are transplanted in furrows in light
soils and on side of the ridges in case of heavy soils. A pre-soaking irrigation is given 3-4
days prior to transplanting. At the time of transplanting, the roots of the seedlings should be
dipped in a solution of Bavistin (2g/litre of water). Transplanting should preferably be done
in the evening.
Manure and fertilizers
The fertilizer dose depends upon the fertility of soil and amount of organic manure applied to
the crop. For a good yield, 15-20 tonnes of well-decomposed FYM is incorporated into the
Generally, application of 150 kg N, 100 kg P2O5 and 50 kg K2O is recommended for
optimum yield. Half dose of N 25 2 and full dose of P and K is given at the time of planting.
The balance half of N is given in 3 equal split doses.


Figure No 3.1.3

Continuous supply of moisture should be maintained around the root zone of the plant. A
light irrigation is given on the first and third day after transplanting. Thereafter irrigation is
given at an interval of 8-10 days during winter and 5-6 days during summer.
Intercultural Operations
The field should be kept weed-free, especially in the initial stage of plant growth, as weeds
compete with the crop and reduce the yield drastically. Frequent shallow cultivation should
be done at regular interval so as to keep the field free from weeds and to facilitate soil
aeration and proper root development.
Plant protection
Pests: Pests Fruit and shoot borer, jassids, Epilachna beetle and mites are the major pests.
Diseases: Diseases Bacterial wilt Fusarian wilt, Phomopsis blight, little leaf, mosaic and
damping off are the major diseases.

IPM practices
 Always prepare raised nursery beds about 10 cm above ground level for good
drainage to avoid damping off etc.
 Cover the nursery beds with polythene sheet of 45 gauge (0.45 mm) thickness for
three weeks during June for soil solarisation which will help in reducing the soil borne
insects, diseases like bacterial wilt and nematodes. However, care should be taken that
sufficient moisture is present in the soil for its solarisation.
 Mix 250 gm of fungal antagonist Trichoderma viride in 3 kg of FYM and leave for
about seven days for enrichment of culture. After 7 days mix in the soil in a bed of 3
sq. m.


Figure No 3.1.4

The fruits become ready for first picking in about 120-130 days of seed sowing depending on
the variety.
Depending on variety and season the average yield of brinjal varies from 20-30 t/
Chilli Cultivation

Figure No 3.1.5

Chilli is one of the most valuable spice crop. India is the largest producer consumer and
exporter of Chilli cultivating in the area of 775 thousand hectares with 1492 metric tons
production (2014-15 estimates) contributing about 40 % of the World‘s chilli production. In
India Andhra Pradesh is the leading state in Chilli production followed by Karnataka, West
Bengal and Odisha.
Chilli belongs to the genus Capsicum under Solanaceae family. Five species of Capsicum are
under cultivation, through number of wild species have been identified recently. In India,
only two species viz. Capsicum annum and Capsicum frutescens are known and most of the
cultivated varieties belong to the species Capsicum annum.

Climate: Chillies are grown in both tropical and sub-tropical regions from sea level to
2000m attitude. It grows well in warm and humid climate and a temperature of 20-25ºC. The
crop is killed by freezing temperatures and frost. A warm and humid climate favours growth
while warm and dry weather enhances fruit maturity. It is found to be grown successfully as a
rainfed crop in areas receiving an annual rainfall of 850-1200mm. Low soil moisture during

blossom development and fruit formation causes bud, blossom and fruit drop. Excessive
rainfall is detrimental to the crop and leads to poor fruit set, defoliation and rotting of plants.
High temperature and dry winds are injurious to plants and lead to flower drop. A day length
of 9-10 hrs light stimulates plant growth and increases productivity by 20-24% besides
improving the quality of capsicum.

Soil: Chillies are found to grow in a variety of soils provided they are well drained well
aerated and rich in organic matter. In ill drained soils, the plants shed their leaves and turn
sickly and fruit drop takesplace due to waterlogging condition. It can be grown successfully
in sandy loam soil provided adequate irrigation and manuring are carriedout. Black soils are
also suitable for rainfed crop. An Ideal soil for chilli is light loamy or sandy loam rich in lime
and inorganic matter. Strongly acidic and alkaline soils are not suitable for chilli growing.
Chilli can be grown in saline soil but seed germination, vigour of plants are affected by
salinity. The optimum soil pH for this crop is 6.0 to 7.0. In acid soil liming will be beneficial.

Field (Tillage) preparation : The field is prepared by giving 4 to 5 ploughings followed

by harrowing and planting is done to get fine tilth. Compost or FYM @ 15-20 t/ha should be
spread and mixed well in the soil at least 15-20 days before sowing. At the last ploughing
Aldrim or Heftaf @ 10-15 kg/ac should be applied to the soil to protect the crop from white
ants and other soil pests. In the rainy season ridge & furrow system or raised beds should be
made specially in heavy rainfall areas to avoid water stagnation. For irrigated crops ridge and
furrows are made. The field can also be divided into small plots for convenience of
transplanting / sowing and irrigation.
Seed Rate:
Direct sowing : 1.5 to 2.0 kg seed/ha.
Through seedlings : 800 to 1000 g/ha
Hybrids : 350 – 400 g/ha
Seed Treatment:
150g Trisodium orthophosphate /kg seed to protect from viral diseases.
To protect from sapsucking insects – 8.0 g Imidachloprid / kg seed.
To protect from seed borne diseases – 3.0 g/kg seed of Captan / Thiran / Mancozeb.
Nursery Raising:

Well drained, elevated and fertile areas in open sun light is selected for nursery and that
should be ploughed to get fine tilth. The nursery bed should be prepared with a size of 6m
length, 10m width and 15cm height. Well decomposed FYM/Compost @ 20-25kg/bed is
applied before 20-25 days of sowing. About 250 kg N PK (15:15:15) fertilizer mixture should
be incorporated along with 5-6g furadon or phorate granules on each bed. The seeds are sown
thinly preferably in lines spaced 5cm apart and well decomposed compost in powder form
along with fine, friable soil is sprinkled over the seed about 1.0cm thick.
Time of sowing in nursery: May – June for rainfed
Sept – Oct for irrigated crop.
Planting : 6 week old seedlings are preferred for transplanting in the mainfield. Time :
Kharif – July – Aug
Rabi – Oct-Nov

Figure No 3.1.6

For rainfed crop : 56x15cm @ one seedlings per hill

For irrigated crop: 56x56 (or) 60x60cm (or) 90x60cm @ two seedlings / till Panting can also
be done on bunds.
Nutrient Management :
Chilli needs a judicious application of manures and fertilizers since it is a long growing
season crop. Application of FYM @ 20t/ha or growing a green manure crop and
incorporating the same in soil increases yield.

For rainfed crop :

60kg N – 40kg P2O5 – 50Kg K2O / ha. The whole of FYM, Phosphorus and half N and K2O
should be applied in the last ploughing before transplanting and the rest of N and K2O is
applied as top dressing two months after transplanting.
For irrigated crop: 100 Kg N – 60kg P2O5 – 75 kg K2O / ha. Entire dose of Phosphorus
+ Half N and Potash are applied as basal in the last ploughing. The remaining dose of N and
Potash applied as top dressing in two equal split doses at one month interval after
transplanting. Foliar application of Urea @ 2% is beneficial for this crop when raised under
rainfed conditions.
Use of growth regulators :
Flower and fruit drop is a serious problem in chilli and it depends on high temperature, low
soil moisture, shading and light intensity. This can be controlled By foliar spraying of
Planofix (NAA – Naphthalene Acetic Acid) @ 20 to 40 ppm (20-40 mg / L) twice with 15
days interval or 2, 4-D (2,4-Dichloro Phenoxy Acetic Acid) @ 2 to 4 ppm at flower bud
initiation stage reduces flower drop and increases fruit set and yield. Application of Ethrel or
Ethephon @ 300 pp foliar spray increases fruit set and yield.

Irrigation Regular irrigation is an important factor for the successful production of

chilli crop. The first irrigation is given at the time of transplanting and the subsequent
irrigations are given once in a week or 10 days depending on the weather and soil
moisture condition. In light soils irrigation is given at 10-12 days intervals, in black
cotton soils at 3 week intervals and in summer at 5 to 6 days interval. After every
harvest irrigation is given. Flowering and fruit formation are the critical stages for
moisture. Scheduling of irrigation is done at IW / CPE ratio of 0.6

Figure No 3.1.7

Intercultivation & Weeding :

Figure No 3.1.8
Interculture is necessary to keep the field free from weeds, which apart from robbing the crop
nutrients, harbour insects and diseases. Frequent shallow cultivation should be done at regular
intervals. Application of weedicides for controlling weeds is found effective. Alachlor
(Lasso) 50 E.C @ 2.0 lit / ha as pre-planting spray along with one hand weeding (or) TOK-E-
25 @ 2.0 lit/ha with one hand weeding are effective in weed control. In South India,
Fluchloralin @ 1.0 L a.i/ha in 500 Lit. of water sprayed on the soil just before panting
followed by irrigation controls the weeds.
Inter Cropping & Crop rotation:
Under rainfed conditions chilli is successfully rotated with jowar, ragi, cotton, groundnut and
castor and as an irrigated crop it is grown in rotation with sugarcane, turmeric, beams, maize
or with vegetables. Brinjal, tomato and potato are not recommended for rotation. It can also
be inter cropped with ginger, cucurbits, okra and onion. In some places chillies are also
grown as mixed crop in irrigated conditions.

Pests and Disease Management:

1) Chilli Thrips (Scritothrips dosalis):
Common pest which affects the crop throughout the life cycle. The nymphs and adults infest
tender leaves and feed on the sap causing leaf curling. Severe infestation leads to heavy
curling of leaves, stunted crop growth and damage of buds and flowers. Thrips also cause
transmission of leaf curl virus.

1.Thrips can be effectively controlled by spraying carbaryl @ 3.0g (or) Phosalone @ 3ml or
Dimethoate (Rogor – 30EC) or Monocrotophos @ 1.5 ml or Acephate @ 1.5g or Spinosad @
0.25ml per lit of water.
2.Fipranil 0.3%G @ 8kg/ac applied to soil at 15 and 45 days after transplanting.
3.As a preventive measure – seed treatment is done with Imidachloprid
10 to 15 q/ha dry pods – in rainfed conditions.
20-25 q/ha dry pods – in irrigated conditions.
Chillies are perishable having 70-80% moisture content but for safe storage, moisture should
10%. The chillies are dried under the sun on cement floor (tarpalene sheets) for a period of
10-15 days depending on weather conditions. Excessive delay in drying resuts in growth of
microflora and subsequent loss in quality. Commercially it is dried at about 54ºC for 2 to 3
days. The dried fruits can be transported or stored in gunny bags.
Chillies are sold in fresh condition soon after picking. Green chillies may be kept under good
condition for about 40 days at 32ºF and 95% R.H. The dried chillies can be stored in dry
places or ware houses or stores safely for 5 to 6 months or more when they are well protected
from insect pests.

Equipment / Implements used at different crop stages

Figure No 3.1.10

1.Field Preparation
a.Country plough / MB plough – To plough to field to get fine tilth.
b.Harrows : To break the clods exposed after ploughing.
c.To level the field uniformly.
2.Intercultivation :
a.for weeding : Khurpis, row weeders are used to remove the weeds.
3. Plant Protection:
Sprayers: used for spraying insecticides and fungicides to control pests and diseases.
4.Harvesting : Sickles are used to cut the crop.
Drying :
On commercial scale, mechanical driers are used in case of chillies

Mint Cultivation

Figure No 3.1.11

Mints belong to the genus Mentha, in the family Labiatae (Lamiaceae) which includes other
commonly grown essential oil-yielding plants such as basil, sage, rosemary, marjoram,
lavender, pennyroyal and thyme. Within the genus Mentha there are several commercially
grown species, varying in their major chemical content, aroma and end use. Their oils and
derived aroma compounds are traded world-wide.
There are four species of Mentha: Mentha arvensis, Mentha piperita, Mentha spicata and
Mentha citrata
 Mentha arvensis (Japanese mint)

 M.piperita (Peppermint)
 M.spicata (Spearmint)
 M.citrata (Bergam

For the past four decades, mints are commercially cultivated in India.

Climatic requirements:
It can be cultivated both in tropical and sub-tropical areas. The mean temperature between
20-400 C during major part of the growing period and rainfall between 100- 110 cm. (light
showers at planting stage and ample sunshine at the time of harvesting) is ideal for its

Well drained loam or sandy loam soils rich in organic matter having pH between 6 and 8.2
are ideally suited for its cultivation. It can also be cultivated on both red and black soil. In
case of acidic soil having pH less than 5.5, liming is recommended.
Land Preparation:
Two or three ploughings followed by planking are necessary to get a fine seedbed. The field
should be free from stubbles and weeds.
Seed Rate:
Mints are propagated through the creeping stolons or suckers. In the case of peppermint and
bergamot mint, even runners are planted. Stolen are obtained from the previous year‘s
planting. A hectare of well-established mint, on an average, provides enough planting
material for ten hectares. About 400 kg stolons are required for planting one hectare of land.
The best time for obtaining stolons is during the months of December and January.

Figure No 3.1.12
The stolons are cut into small pieces (7-10 cm) and planted in shallow furrows about 7-10 cm
deep with a row-to-row distance of 45-60 cm, manually or mechanically. While planting on
ridges, the stolons are planted half-way down on the inner sides of the ridges. The plot is
irrigated immediately after planting.
Fertilizer Application: Generally, nitrogenous fertilizers @ 80-120 kg P and K at 50 kg P2O5
and 40 kg K2O/ha is required for a good crop of mint.
Mentha requires frequent but light irrigations. Irrigate at 10 days interval till the end of March
and at five or six days interval till the onset of the monsoon. During the rainy season, irrigate
according to the need.
Harvesting and Yield:
The crop should preferably be harvested at the flower initiation stage. If the lower leaves of
the plants turn yellow and start shedding, harvesting may be done earlier. Two cuttings can
be taken, first in June and the second in September. The yield of the crop is 100-125 quintals
per acre of fresh herbs which contains 0.5 to 0.75% oil.
A good crop of mint can give as high a yield as 48 t/ha of fresh herb. However, the average
yield of mints from three cuttings is 20-25 t/ha. The fresh herb contains 0.4% oil.


Jaggery (Gur): Manufacturing of Jaggery is from sugar cane followed by clarification and
concentration process. It is Un centrifuged sugar (i.e. without separation of molasses) with
minimum sucrose 70 to 80% by mass. It is also called as Gur.

Main steps in jaggery making process:

1. Extraction of Juice
2. Clarification of juice
3. Concentration of juice

Extraction of Juice: Generally three roller mills used for juice extraction. It is driven by
electrical motor or diesel engine. This extraction of juice is in the range of 60 to 70%. After
extraction of juice, suspended matters are removed by cotton cloth or finr mesh screen.

Clarification of juice:

Figure No 3.3.2
a) The sugar juice contains colloidal matter, inorganic salts, fiber, various nitrogenous
substances, lipids, gums, wax organic acid, inorganic acid, pectin etc. All these impurities
removed totally or partially in this clarification process.
b) In the clarification process generally used two types of clarificants are used they are
Organic Clarificants and Inorganic Clarificants. In organic clarificants are form vegetable
origin like Bendi, Sulkali and Doela. Inorganic clarificants used like Lime, Hydrous Power
and super phosphate.
Concentration of juice:
After clarification completed by vigorous boiling, temperature of boiling mass is around 110
formed then it is transferred rectangular boxes or Bucket shape boxes as per requirement.
This mass is allowed to cool for solid form.
Composition and specification of Jaggery (Gur):

Figure No 3.3.3

a) It contains all the nutrients and substances present in cane juice. The nutrient value of
jaggery is slightly higher than that of crystalline sugar because it contains all constituents
which are normally separated in molasses in manufacturing of sugar.
b) Recovery of jaggery in the range from 8 to 12% that depending upon the total solids in
Specifications of Jaggery: Characteristic Grade 1 Grade 2

1. Sucrose % by mass( Min) 80 70
2. Reducing Sugars% by mass (max) 10 20

3. Moisture % by mass ( max ) 5 7

4. Water Solubility % by mass (max) 1.5 2

5. Sulphited Ash % (max) 3.5 5

6. Ash Insoluble in dilute HCL % by 0.3 0.3
mass (max)
7. Sulphur Dioxide In PPM 5 5

Storage of jaggery:
Jaggery is consumed throughout the year in daily regular practice. The jaggery detoriates
faster in monsoon season when relative humidity is more than 70%. During this season gur
absorbs moisture from the atmosphere and becomes viscous and dark colour. Hence jaggery
blocks packed in gunny bags along with water proof sheet.
Organic Jaggery making Process: In Manufacturing of organic Jaggery taking care
from growing of sugar cane. In sugar cane cultivation maximum used only natural organic
fertilizers like cow dung. The difference between organic and commercial jaggery making is
mainly in clarification process.

3.4: Jam Preparation

Figure No 3.3.4
On May 16, 2022 our college faculties guided us about the preparation of jam as a part of our
training. Our training in charge, who guided us about the preparation of jam, were Prof.
Dilkiranpreet Singh and Prof. Gurpreet Sidhu. We prepared apple jam. After the preparation
we enjoyed the jam with bread. A brief glimpse about the preparation is as given below:


Apple jam is a gelled product made by boiling crushed apples with sugar and water. Apples
contains pectin which is a natural gelling agent, thus it makes the apples desirable to be
converted into jams. The best time to manufacture jam is October to November. Many
preservative are added to jam for preventing its spoilage. We used citric acid as a
preservative. We prepared the jam in the following way:


1. Apples 2 sugar 3. Knives 4. Container 5. slotted spoon 6. lemo


1. Selection of fresh and disease free fruits: Select the fresh fruits which are disease

Figure 3.4.1

2. Washing: Wash all the fruits and the utensils to be used in the preparation.
3. Peeling of apples: After washing the fruits peel off all the apples with the help of
4. Cutting of apples: Cut the apples into pieces after peeling

Figure 3.4.2
5. Crush the pieces: The cut pieces are crushed with the help of grater or chop them
into small pieces.
6. Add some water: To these crushed apples add some water to make them soft.
7. Cooking of the Apples: These crushed apples are then cooked till it boil, then add
sugar according to the quantity of the apples. Stir the mixture at regular intervals.
8. Adding citric acid: At last add few drops of citric acid( lemon) and stir the mixture.
9. Jam is ready to be served !

Figure 3.4.3

Points to ponder:

1. Not more than one serving of jam should be taken in a day.

2. Apple jam is high in calories, thus healthier non calorie sweetners must be used
instead of sugar. This reduces the calorific value of jam and is also beneficial for
diabetic people.
3. Apple has cholesterol lowering properties. It also prevents constipation and
strengthens the digestive system.
4. It reduces the risk of cancer.
5. Apple is rich source of anti- oxidants and also boosts up the immune system.
6. Apples are rich source of minerals like phosphorous, calcium and potassium which
controls the blood pressure of the body.

Chapter: 4- Industrial Attachment Visits Marks Maximum Remarks

Obtained Marks

1. Verka Milk Plant, Amritsar

2. Sugar Mill, Batala

3. Organic Farm, Dheerkot

4. Kisan Mela, Jandiala Guru

Prof. Himani Sharma Dr. Sandeep Devgan

Assistant Professor H.O.D. (Agriculture Department)

Visit to Verka milk plant Amritsar

It was a great opportunity for me to enhance knowledge by working as trainee in milk plant.
It was a good chance for me to learn about processing of milk and production of various by
products of milk at large level.

I would like to express special thanks to agri department of our college for providing us such
a good oppotunity Experimental Learning in Bachelor Degree of Agriculture. Khalsa College
of engineering and technology , department of Agriculture has an industrial training visit to
Verka Milk Plant on 22 feb 2022 ,encourage by our supportive Director Mam Dr. Manju
Bala .They provide us a great opportunity to visit a informative industry for improving the
training knowledge. The students were guided by Assistant Manager Mr. Ravinder Singh
and Ms. Aditi about productions process of milk thought
And also how milk plant provide benefits to small and large milk producers by value addition
and marketing of produce.Our HOD Ms.Chanpreet Kaur give us a great guidance about all
objectives and purpose of visit.The visit incharge was Ms.Gurpreet Kaur . She is very lenient
and sincere for everything that we done during visit.

Figure No 4.1.1


The Plant was established in 1980 by The Punjab Dairy Development Corporation.
The Punjab Dairy Development Corp. and Milked are the two Government dairy
which are running pay rolled to each other. In 1982 both these organizations submerged into
one which is now named as .
MILKFED. In the beginning the capacity of the plant was 1,00,000 liters per day and
the number of workers was only 700. The products manufactured initially were liquid
ghee and cheese. Paneer production started in 1990 and curd production started in 1997.
The Plant has introduced ISO-9002 quality Management System to ensure highest
products with built in safety to the consumers. Milk Plant, Mohali is located at District Ropar
in Punjab. It is located on National Highway No. 21, joining Chandigarh with Ropar,
Jalandhar and Amritsar. It is situated in Phase-VI Industrial area, Mohali at a distance
of about 8km.from Chandigarh. There is a great advantage as it is directly transportation and
allied facilities.

Verka milk handling capacity

Milk handling capacity:- 6 lakhs litres per day. Production of market milk: 2.5 lakh litres per
day. Production of butter: 13000 Kg per day. Production of ghee: 14 MT per day. Production
of powder: 30 MT per day. Production of paneer: 400-450 Kg per day. Production of kheer:
200 Kg per day. Production of milk cake: 30-40 Kg per day. Production of dahi: 1400 Kg per
day. Production of lassi: 3000 Kg per day

Different section in Verka

In the plant there are three main labs:-

1. . Dock lab
2. . Quality control lab
3. . Microbiology lab

1. Dock lab
In dock lab raw material, pasteurized milk, butter milk, skim milk, are checked the
chemical quality.

Various test are performed over the milk in this lab

Acidity test
Fat and SNF test
MBRT test
Adulteration test

Acidity test
Bacteria that normally develop in raw milk produce more or less of lactic acid. In the
acidity test the acid is neutralised with sodium hydroxide and the amount of alkaline
is measured. From this, the percentage of lactic acid can be calculated.

Fat and SNF test

1. Fat and snf test can be determined Fat and SNF test
2. Fat and snf test can be determined using Gerber‘s method or using a milcoscan.

3. Milcoscan is the lastest technology machine for scanning of milk and using infra red rays
to analyze the milk for fat , SNF.

2. Quality control test

1. The Q.C lab sensory evaluation of milk and milk product is done, in which there is testing
of shelf life.
2. A check is put over cleanliness of dairy equipment and overall sanitization of plant
3 The products produced in the plant are checked for their quality and self life before they are
sent to the market.

3.Milk processing section

Figure No 4.1.2

1. Raw milk received in balances tank from chilling centres at village level.
2. The milk is filtered with the help of filters to remove any unwanted materials from it.
3. Raw milk is sent into chillers for chilling at low temperature about 4 C.
4. The chilled milk is sent into storage tanks, where it is stored for further processing.
5. The milk is then put into pasteurizers from the stored tank.
6 The pasteurized milk is then filled into cream separators which separate the milk from the
8. After removing cream the milk is prepared into different requirements i.e. the fat and SNF.
9. The cream extracted is also used from butter production.
10. After making milk of different types it is sent into filling and packaging section.


Figure No 4.1.3
The term ―Pasteurisation‖, ―Pasteurised‖ and similar terms shall be taken to refer to the
process of heating every particle of milk of different classes to at least 63ᵒC and holding at
such temperature continuously for at least 30 minutes or heating it to at least 71.5ᵒC and
holding at such temperature continuously for at least 15 seconds or an approved temperature
time combination that will serve to give a negative Phosphatase Test.

A. Cream pasteurizer:
It is a plate exchange type of pasteurizer specialty designed to pasteurize cream at 90c
for 15 second. Then cream is pumped to the storage tank , from here cream is sent to
the balance tank when milk is obtained . Milk after regeneration 1 passes to cream
separator. The cream from cream separator goes to cream pasteurize & from cream
pasteurize to cream storage tank where as the skim milk diverted to pasteurizer
Fat in cream = 35 -40 %

Separator efficiency = 70%

B. Homogenizer:

Homogenization is the process of making stable emulsion of milk and serum by
mechanical treatments. It is referred to as process of forcing the milk through
homogenize with the object of subdividing the fat globules.
Homogenization chooses is 60- 70c

Pre pack section:

To protect contamination retard or prevent losses of milk products have to be
properly packed . In the plant liquid milk is filled in the pouches made of LDPE. It
can be sealed at 150c the packing is done by automatic fill & seal machine called pre
pack machine capacity of machine is 3000 pouches .
Film specification:
Package material: LDPE

Film width: 323 mm

Film thickness: 55 microns

Crating and dispatch:

Poly packs are arranged in plastic crates systematically and loaded on to trucks for dispatch
to different milk sales outlets.

Figure No 4.1.5


The packed milk is stored in cold storage rooms at temperature below 5c. It is cooled
by using ammonia. Form here it is dispatched according to demand to the various
station generally in local and regional markets

Store for milk cold store

2. Curd: It is obtained by adding culture (natural or artificial) into heated

Fats -3% and SNF-10%

Heat milk at
90degree Celsius

Cool at 45degree
Ce lsius

Put culture

Put culture Dahi in

cu psw

Seal cups

Incubation room

Cold store

3. Powder plant: Two types of milk are prepared in the verka milk plant.
That are

a. Whole milk powder

b. Skimmed milk powder,


Certified products: yes, the product of company is certified by FSSAI (Food Safety and
Standards Authority of India), the authority has main focus on the development of Science-
based Food Standards for articles of food and food products and to regulate their
manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import to ensure availability of safe and
wholesome food for human consumption. 1


Laboratory testified: yes, the industry has laboratory and milk quality first checked in
laboratory then it will be accepted by the milk plant mostly called lab as a dock lab. InRMRD
section milk is received in cans and vans are put on the conveyor belts. Here each can is
properly smelled and mixed with plunger.

Treatment facility for water disposal: yes, they have water treatment disposal facility
where they try to treat waste water and make it chemical free so that it can be used for
irrigation purpose than they transform this water into canal behind the plant. Water treatment
is used to optimize most water-based industrial processes, such as heating, cooling,
processing, cleaning, and rinsing so that operating costs and risks are reduced. ...

Boiler feed water treatment systems.

Cooling tower water treatment systems.

Wastewater treatment systems.

The technologies selected and in what order they appear in each water treatment system will
vary depending on the contaminants that need to be removed, but it is possible to narrow
down what you might see in these four common industrial treatment systems. The following
is a breakdown of what might be included in a typical water treatment system.

Heat treatment of milk

Heat treatment may be classified as:

 pasteurization
 sterilization (in bottle)
 UHT (ultra-high-temperature) treatment integrated with aseptic packing.

Pasteurization HTST (high-temperature short-time - heating at 72°C for 15 seconds) fulfils

the following main objectives:

 to safeguard public health by destroying all pathogenic bacteria

 to extend the keeping quality of liquid milk by destroying most of the milk-souring
 to ensure a product with a good keeping quality.

Sterilization (in bottle) is the term applied to a heat treatment process which has a bactericidal
effect greater than pasteurization. Although it does not result in sterility, it gives the
processed milk a longer shelf life. This is achieved partly by using a more severe heat
treatment (about 110°C for 20–30 min) and partly by applying the treatment after the bottle is
filled and sealed which eliminates the risk of contamination during packaging.

SEPARATION: The Milk is separated from cream and cream less milk is received. Then
milk is used for further processing and packaging

Milk Fat Standardization/Decreaming

Separation of skim milk (about 0.05% fat) and cream (35-40% fat) Based on the fact that
cream has lower density than skim milk Centrifugal separators are generally used today
Standardization of fat content:

PACKAGING: Processed Milk is pumped to the packaging plant where milk is packed in
various sizes for final distribution to the end user.

Modern trend is to use mechanical pouch packing machines instead of pneumatic type
packaging machines.

Crating and dispatch:

Poly packs are arranged in plastic crates systematically and loaded on to trucks for dispatch
to different milk sales outlets.

Verka Institutional Pack


Milkfed has formulated company specifications for its milk and milk products to Provide
standard and quality of products to consumers.

1. Milk 2.Ghee 3.Cheese 4.Ice cream 5. Curd 6.Butter 7.Milk powder 8.kheer 9.Raseela


Verka Flavoured Milk is very popular among the people. The Verka Flavoured Milk
is available in different flavors such as Coffee, Butter Scotch, Elichi, Kesar. Verka Flavoured
Milks are made without using any harmful chemical or preservative so that they are safe to
drink. These milks have the shelf life of 6 months.

• Milk: It is pouch packed milk. It may be used as such or for milk-based preparation.
It shall be kept under refrigerated conditions. It packed in half liters Pouch. Its length
of shelf life is 48 hours under refrigerated conditions. It is sold around Pathankot,
Jammu, batala areas. Special distribution control is needed, under refrigerated
condition if transported to very long distance.

 About Verka Gold: Verka Full Cream Milk is pasteurized and hygienically packed
in advanced milk processing plants through milk pouch filling machines. Verka Gold
meets the requisite FSSAI standards.

Due to its high cream content, Verka Gold is ideal for direct consumption .

Figure No 4.1.6

Packing: Verka Gold is available in convenient packing of 500 ml, 1000 ml & newly
launched 1500ml across all major markets of Punjab, HP& Delhi. Verka Gold‘s 6 litter
institutional/bulk pack is also available which is ideal for Halwais, hostels, functions etc.

Nutritional information Per 100ml

Energy Value (kcal) 87

Total Fat (g) 6.0
Saturated fat (g) 3.8
Trans Fat (g) 0.0
Cholesterol (mg) 14.4
Total carbohydrate (g) 5.10
Added Sugar(g) 0.0
Protein (g) 3.15
Minerals (g) 0.7

Composition – MILK SNF (min): 9%MILK FAT (min): 6%

About Verka Shakti: Verka Standard Milk is pasteurized and hygienically packed in
advanced milk processing plants through milk pouch filling machines. Verka Shakti meets
the requisite FSSAI standards. Due to its balanced cream content, Verka Shakti is ideal for
direct consumption and preparing rich tea, coffee, dahi, Khoa, Ghee, Lassi, paneer, sweets

Figure No 4.1.7

Packing: Verka Slimmer‘s is available in convenient packing of 200ml, 500 ml & 1000ml
across all major markets of Punjab, HP & Delhi. Verka Slimmer‘s 6 liter institutional/bulk
pack is also available which is ideal for Halwais, hostels, functions etc.

Nutritional value Per 100ml

Energy Value (kcal) 72

Total Fat (g) 4.5

Saturated fat (g) 2.9

Trans Fat (g) 0.0

Cholesterol (mg) 10.8

Total carbohydrate (g) 4.8

Added Sugar(g) 0.0

Protein (g) 3.0

Minerals (g) 0.7

6 27.0

Added Vitamin D2 (min.) mcg 0.5

Composition – MILK SNF (min): 9.0%

MILK FAT (min): 1.5%


This is one-month training for getting industrial experience so that we are able to understand
industrial world, the whole experience I gained through this industrial attachment was great
and I want to thanks faculty of Khalsa college Amritsar to give me chance to attend this
industrial attachment. As I have explained everything about the industry now while
concluding all this, I want say one thing that verka milk plant Amritsar is need some more
improvement to corner the market for business, they have six chilling station but only three of
them are operational and collecting milk for industry but there is need to focus more on
procurement and generating demand so that demand supply cycle could run smoothly. There
are some other companies such as AMUL are cornering market in India even in Punjab so
there is increasing of marke


Figure No 4.2.1

The Sugar Industry in India occupies a distinct position in the economic and the social fabric
of the economy. It plays a pivotal role especially in the Upliftment of the rural economy.
Nearly 70 percent of the country‘s Population is dependent on agriculture and a very
significant portion of its National income comes from agriculture. Therefore, development of
the Agricultural sector becomes necessary which can develop the rural Economy. Hence, it
becomes necessary to develop agro-based industries. The processing of agricultural produce,
particularly sugarcane, has a Strategic place in the rural economy. It makes the commodity
acceptable to The consumers and serves as a source of income for the producers and Thus,
plays a vital role in the upliftment of rural economy..

Major steps of sugar mill

•Cane receiving and unloading

Sugarcane receiving and unloading

Figure No 4.2.2

Cane receiving and unloading

The crop arrives at the sugar mill in trucks. A big mechanical arm lifts the sugarcane from the
trucks and throws on a conveyor belt.
Cane Preparation
Cutting and shredding of the sugarcane is done to prepare it for the juice extraction.
Juice extraction by milling is the process of squeezing the juice from the cane under a set mill
using high pressure between heavy iron rollers. Those mills can have from 3 up to 6 rolls;
every set of mills is called a tandem mill or mill train. To improve the milling extraction
efficiency, imbibition water is added at each mill. Hot water is poured over the cane just
before it enters the last mill in the milling train and is recirculated up to reach the first mill.
The juice squeezed from this cane is low in sugar concentration and is pumped to the
preceding mill and poured onto the cane just before it enters the rollers; the juice from this
mill is the same way pumped back up the milling train. Mixed juice (that is to say cane juice
mixed with the water introduced at the last mill) is withdrawn from the first and second mills
and is sent for further processing.

Juice Clarification
Sugar cane juice has a pH of about 4.0 to 4.5 which is quite acidic. Calcium hydroxide, also
known as milk of lime or lime water, is added to the cane juice to adjust its pH to 7. The lime
helps to prevent sucrose's decay into glucose and fructose. The limed juice is then heated to a
temperature above its boiling point. The superheated limed juice is then allowed to flash to its
saturation temperature. This process precipitates impurities which get held up in the calcium
carbonate crystals.
Juice Evaporating
The clarified juice is concentrated in a multiple-effect evaporator to make syrup of about 50
percent sucrose by weight.

Crystallization and centrifuging
This syrup is further concentrated under vacuum in a vacuum boiling pan until it becomes
supersaturated, finely ground sugar crystals suspended in alcohol are introduced into the
vacuum pan as seed crystals around which sucrose is deposited and these crystals then grow
in size until they are ready to be discharged (typically about 1 millimeter (0.039 in)) A
number of boiling schemes are possible; the most commonly used boiling scheme is the
three- boiling scheme. This method boils the sugar liquors in three stages, called A-, B and C.
After the evaporation process, the sugar crystals are spoiled. Using a steam heater for drying
the sugar crystals. Fig - Sugar dryer
Refining and Grading
Refining processes is filtering the crystals of sugar and removing other suspended material
Sugar grading on the basis of Crystal size.
L –grade sugar.
M-grade sugar.
S- grade sugar.
Packing and storage
•Packing the sugar on the basis of sugar grading.
•Packing material differs in grade or quality.
•Packing materials are dependent on transportation such as import or export. Sugars are
packed in moisture proof bags.
•Filling the bags of the same quantity.
•Store the bags well-conditioned and hold on the wooden frame b

Electrical Energy in Sugar mill produce

The remaining fibrous solids, called bagasse, are burned for fuel in the mill's steam boilers.
These boilers produce high-pressure steam, which is passed through a turbine to generate
electrical energy (cogeneration). The exhaust steam from the turbine is passed through the
multiple effect evaporator station and used to heat vacuum pans in the crystallization stage as
well as for other heating purposes in the sugar mill.


Figure No 4.3.1

Pingalwara is officially registered as the All India Pingalwara Charitable Society under the
Act 1960, Reg. No. 130. Since the death of Bhagat Puran Singh in 1992, it is headed by Dr.
Inderjit Kaur who is a physician by training and also runs a private maternity clinic
in Sangrur, Punjab.
Pingalwara has started a silent and constructive revolution to save the environment, to
regenerate farmer – friendly micro organism, to bring back soil productivity, to re-establish
ecological balance by practically doing Natural Farming in its 32 Acre Farm

Khalsa College of engineering and technology department of Agriculture provide us a great

opportunity to visit the Bhagat Puran Singh farm of natural farming for improving the
training knowledge.
Students were guided by Rajbir Singh trustee, All India Pingalwara Charitable Society,
Amritsar. The visit in charge was HOD Chanpreet Kaur and Dilkiranpreet Singh, give us all
guidance about objective and purpose of visit.


Figure No 4.3.2

The concepts of organic agriculture were developed in the early 1900s by Sir Albert Howard,
F.H. King, Rudolf Steiner, and others who believed that the use of animal manures (often
made into compost), cover crops, crop rotation, and biologically based pest controls resulted
in a better farming system.

Howard, having worked in India as an agricultural researcher, gained much inspiration from
the traditional and sustainable farming practices he encountered there and advocated for their
adoption in the West
Pingalwara has set up its own Zero Budget Natural Farm at Dheerkot near Jandiala Guru,
Amritsar and at village Bangawali in Distt Sangrur. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers and
pesticide has manifested itself in Cancer, female fetal loss, adverse effects on reproductive
health. These farms are demonstration farms where cultivation is done without use of any
pesticide. Results of Zero Budget Cultivation can be seen in these farms. The production in
this farm has doubled after adopting this technique. The farm at Dheerekot has got so popular
that each day group of farmers, Agro scientists and research workers visit this farm.

Rajbir Singh trustee, All India Pingalwara Charitable Society, Amritsar, intervenes and calls
her name and she does not shy away from showing her skill of opening the gate on her own
and coming to her master.


Figure 4.3.3 Components of Organic Farming

Major components of organic farming are crop rotation, maintenance and enhancement of
soil fertility through biological nitrogen fixation, addition of organic manure and use of soil
microorganisms, crop residues, bio-pesticide, biogas slurry, waste etc. Vermiculture has
become a major component in biological farming, which is found to be effective in enhancing
the soil fertility and producing large numbers of horticultural crops in a sustainable manner.

Advantages of organic farming

• Farmers can reduce their production costs because they do not need to buy expensive
chemicals and fertilizers.

• Healthier farm workers.

• In the long term , organic farms save energy and protect the environment.

• It can slow down global warming.

• Fewer residues in food.

• More animals and plants can live in the same place in a natural way. This is called

Disadvantages of organic farming

• Organic food is more expensive because farmers do not get as much out of their land as
conventional farmers do. Organic products may cost up to 40% more.

• Production cost is higher than farmers need.

• Organic farming cannot produce enough food for e whole population.

• Marketing is not efficient as produce is in less amount.

• It can be more labour-intensive

• Time-consuming: Significant amounts of time and energy are required to execute the
detailed methods and techniques that are required for a farm to be called an organic farm.

Agarwood – also known as eaglewood, gaharu, aloeswood - is a resinous, fragrant and highly
valuable heartwood produced by natural farming for many usefull purpose.The trees are
large evergreens native to South East Asia. They grow in a wide range of soils and mature
very quickly, producing flowers and seeds as early as 4 years old. Agarwood has a
widespread and varied use going back thousands of years including for incense and medicinal

Dr Rajbir Singh introduce us about benefits of tulsi for human and environmental health
.Throughout India, Tulsi is considered ―The Queen Of Herbs‖ and is revered as a sacred plant
infused with healing power. Traditionally grown in an earthen pot in every family home or
garden, Tulsi‘s remarkable life-enhancing qualities, noted repeatedly in ancient Indian
scriptures dating back 5,000 years are now here for you to fully enjoy.

 Helps You Relax – Reduces Stress

 Strengthens the Immune System
 Abundant in Antioxidants
 Keeps You Going – Boosts Stamina
 Improves Digestion & Metabolism
 Helps You Fight Illness, Cough & Cold
 Anti Aging
 Uplifts Mood
 Anti Jet Lag
Why is ORGANIC INDIA Tulsi Special?

The ORGANIC INDIA Tulsi line is one of the first product range of its kind in the market.
These blends have been carefully formulated from three particular types of Tulsi: Rama,
Krishna and Vana for their unique and complementary health benefits.

ORGANIC INDIA Tulsi is grown under the strictest standards for organic cultivation on
small traditional farms. It is dried at low temperatures, blended and packaged in our modern
hygienic facilities, following strict International Organic Production Standards that ensure the
maximum freshness, flavour and health benefits. ORGANIC INDIA is the world‘s first and
largest producer of organic Tulsi.

Multiple cropping systems:

Global population and food demand are expected to increase considerably in the future.
Solutions to feeding and nourishing the world‘s growing population include increasing access
to food, reducing food waste, and producing more food while minimizing the negative
impacts of food production on the environment.

A way to grow more food on the same piece of land is for farmers to practice multiple
cropping, defined as growing multiple crops sequentially, within a year. Multiple cropping
can increase production and income and has additional benefits—increased crop diversity,
improved functioning of agricultural systems,


Figure No 4.3.4
Organic mulches are those natural origin materials produce Bhagat Puran Singh Farm , which
can decompose naturally, like agricultural wastes which are used as mulch, such as bark
chips, grass clippings, wheat or paddy straw, plant leaves, compost, rice hulls, and sawdust,
etc. It decays over time and it increase the water holding capacity of soil.13 It also provides
the soil with nutrients as it breaks down.

Bark: These are good mulch materials because they contain more moisture and retains this
moisture for longer periods and helps in the supply of moisture to the growing crop. It is
commonly used for vegetation and landscaping,

Dry Leaves : Leaves are beneficial for soil it contributes nutrients when used as mulch. It is
widely used in natural forest areas and where trees are plentiful. Dry leaves are the easily and
abundantly available and it makes a better mulch if it composted. However, dry leaves are not
easily available in the spring season,.

 Straw: Straw is ideal for mulching because it is easily applying infield, stays in place and
reflects sunlight which helps to bear fruit in some vegetables. It is used as winter
protection and as a summer mulch in vegetable fields.

JEEVAMRUT: -Jeevamrit is liquid organic manure popularly used as means of organic

farming. It is considered to be an excellent source of 'natural carbon', 'biomass', 'Nitrogen',
'Phosphorous' 'Potassium' and lot of other micro nutrients required for the crops. ‗Jeevamrit‘
word comprises of two different words: „Jeevan‟ which means Life and „Amrit‟ means
medicinal potion

Figure 4.3.5 Jeev Amru

• Cow dung: - 15-22 kg
• Cow urine: - 16-21 litres
• Gram flour: - 2 kg
• Jaggery: - 2 kg
• Virgin soil: - 0.5-1kg
• Water: - 200 litres
• Container
• Bamboo stick

1. Fill 200ltrs of water in drum.
2. Add 15-20kg cow dung and 15-20ltr cow urine and mix it properly.
3. Then add 2kg gram flour and 2 kg jaggery into the mixture.
4. Add 0.5-1kg virgin soil into it and fill the drum with water.
5. Keep the mixture and cover with cotton cloth and keep under the shade.

Dairy Farming:

Figure No 4.3.6

Pingalwara has own dairy farm and which have more than 100 cows of different breeds, The
wastage of cows also be helpful of agriculture land to increase the yield


Figure 4.3.7 Vermi Composting

It is a method of composting using earthworms. Earthworms speed up the composting

process, aerate the organic material and enhance the finished compost with nutrients and
enzymes from their digestive tracts. Vermi composting allows you to create compost round
the year, indoor during the winter and outdoor during the summer. Earthworm soil cast are in
nature i.e. N, Mg, Ca, K, P and organic matter

Nursery of Plants:

Pingalwara has developed own nursery where over 60,000 saplings are distributed free of
cost ever year.During tree plantation, trees are planted in Schools, colleges, hospitals etc

Horticulture Farming:
Pingalwara has promote the horticulture farming and also be planted many different types of
fruit plants in pingalwara,

Organic Sugarcane farming

Organic farming is basically a holistic management system which promotes and improves the
health of agro-ecosystem related to biodiversity, nutrient biocycles, soil microbial and bio-
chemical activities. It emphasizes management practices involving substantial use of organic
manures, green manuring and management of pests and diseases through the use of
nonsynthetic pesticides and practices. Thus, organic farming prohibits the use of harmful
chemicals and promotes the use of renewable organic resources to maintain the soil
productivity and to control the crop diseases and pests (Government of India, 2001). The
beneficial effects of organic farming on human health, wildlife, domestic animals, and
environment are impressive. Although organic farming is gaining importance in recent years,
increasing agricultural production is a vital national concern. The excessive sucking of water
from these wells has led to declining of water table by more than 4 metres over the past

decade in several places in the districts of Jalgaon, Ahmednagar, and Aurangabad. This has
significantly enhanced the number of wells oing dry over the years.


The organic farming in general, and OSF in particular, is still not highly prevalent in
Maharashtra and its adoption is not uniform across the districts. However, the study district
Jalgaon is an important organic sugarcanegrowing district and it is the only district in the
state that has the largest number of ―certified‖ organic sugarcane farmers. Moreover, the
district is also facing the problems of water scarcity and sustainability due to sugarcane
cultivation. A sample of 60 farmers (30 certified organic sugarcane growing and 30 inorganic
sugarcane growing) was selected from the district. As the organic sugarcane is being
cultivated by a few farmers in few villages in each taluka, purposive sampling technique was
applied for selection of organic sugarcane growing farmers


Organic farming yields more nutritious and safe food. The popularity of organic food is
growing dramatically as consumer seeks the organic foods that are thought to be healthier and
safer. Thus, organic food perhaps ensures food safety from farm to plate.

Chapter: 5- Off Campus Training Trainings Marks Maximum Remarks

Obtained Marks

1. Wetland Cultivation

2. Hydroponics

3. Organic Farming

4. Nursery Raising

Prof. Himani Sharma Dr. Sandeep Devgan

Assistant Professor H.O.D. (Agriculture Department)

5.1 Wetlands

Figure No 5.1.1

What is a Wetland?
A wetland is an area where water covers the soil, or is present either at or near the surface of
the soil all year or for varying periods of time during the year, including during the growing
season. Water largely determines how the soil develops and the types of plant and animal
communities living in and on the soil. Wetlands may support both aquatic and land species.
The prolonged presence of water creates conditions that favor the growth of specially adapted
plants and promotes the development of characteristic wetland soils.

Wetlands vary widely because of regional and local differences in soils, topography, climate,
water, vegetation and other factors, including human disturbance. Indeed, wetlands are found
from the tundra to the tropics and on every continent except Antarctica. Two general
categories of wetlands are recognized: coastal wetlands and inland wetlands

Types of Wetlands
MARSHES are wetlands dominated by soft-stemmed vegetation. They are sometimes
saturated, flooded, or ponded with water and characterized by grasses adapted to wet soil
conditions. Marshes are further characterized as tidal marshes and non-tidal marshes.

Tidal (coastal) marshes occur along coastlines and are influenced by tides and often by
freshwater from runoff, rivers, or ground water. Salt marshes are the most common types of
tidal marshes and are characterized by salt tolerant plants. Salt marshes have one of the
highest rates of productivity among wetland ecosystems because of the inflow of nutrients
from surface and/or tidal water. Tidal freshwater marshes are located upstream of estuaries.

Tides influence water levels but the water is fresh. The lack of salt stress allows a greater
diversity of plants to thrive. Cattail,

SWAMPS are wetlands dominated by trees and other woody plants. Swamps occur in either
freshwater or saltwater floodplains. They are characterized by very wet soils during the
growing season and standing water during certain times of the year. Well-known swamps
include Georgia‘s Okefenokee Swamp and Virginia‘s Great Dismal Swamp.

BOGS are freshwater wetlands characterized by spongy peat deposits, evergreen trees and
shrubs, and a floor covered by a thick carpet of sphagnum moss. These systems, whose only
water source is rainwater, are usually found in glaciated areas, often in old glacial lakes, of
the northern United States.

FENS are freshwater peat-forming wetlands covered mostly by grasses, sedges, reeds, and
wildflowers. Like bogs, most fens formed when glaciers retreated. Unlike bogs, fens receive
water from streams and groundwater in addition to precipitation. With an increased rate of
water exchange, fens are less acidic than bogs and thus more nutrient-rich. Fens are often
near bogs and over time will likely become bogs.

VERNAL POOLS, also called VERNAL PONDS, are temporary woodland pools that
provide habitat for distinctive plants and animals. Vernal ponds themselves are generally less
than 40 yards in diameter and no more than 4 feet deep, although they receive water from a
larger surrounding landscape. Named from vernalis, the Latin word for spring, vernal ponds
are formed seasonally in shallow ground depressions from spring snowmelt, precipitation,
and rising water tables.

ponds to feed on egg masses, while snakes and raccoons may feed on tadpoles and frogs.
Birds like the green heron and red-shouldered hawk also visit ponds to feed.

PRAIRIE POTHOLES are found in the grasslands of North Dakota and South Dakota.
Prairie potholes develop when snowmelt, rain and groundwater fill the pockmarks left on the
landscape by glaciers. Some prairie pothole marshes are temporary, while others may be
essentially permanent. Here a pattern of rough concentric circles develops. Submerged and
floating aquatic plants take over the deeper water in the middle of the pothole while bulrushes
and cattails grow closer to shore. Wet, sedge-rich marshes lie next to the upland.

Why are Wetlands Important?

Wetlands are some of the most biologically productive natural ecosystems in the world,
comparable to tropical rain forests and coral reefs in their productivity and the diversity of
species they support. Aquatic plant life flourishes in the nutrient-rich environment, and
energy converted by the plants is passed up the food chain to fish, waterfowl, and other
wildlife and to us as well. In addition to the biological productivity of wetlands, an acre of
wetland can store 1–1.5 million gallons of floodwater.

Functions of a Wetland
Long regarded as wastelands, wetlands are now recognized as important features in the
landscape that provide numerous beneficial services for people and for fish and wildlife. For
example, wetlands naturally protect and improve water quality, provide fish and wildlife
habitats, store floodwaters, and maintain surface water flow during dry periods. These
beneficial services, considered valuable to societies worldwide, are the result of the inherent
and unique natural characteristics of wetlands.

Wetland functions include:

 Absorption and storage of flood waters and ground water recharge in dry periods

 Protection of coastlines from high energy open ocean waves

 Slowing of water velocity so sediments may settle out thereby improving water quality

 Filtering and removal of excess nutrients and toxins by wetland soils and plants

 Providing nurseries for juveniles of many aquatic species including most commercially
harvested fish

 Providing habitat for many upland species such as raccoons and deer as well as habitat for
sensitive wetland dependent species like salamanders

 Stop-over and resting sites for migratory birds as well as waterfowl habitat. In fact, up to
one-half of North American bird species nest or feed in wetlands

Value of Wetlands to Humans

Alternately, the value of a wetland is an estimate of the importance or worth of one or more
of its functions to society. For example, a value can be determined by the revenue generated
from the sale of fish that depend on the wetland, by the tourist dollars associated with the
wetland, or by public support for protecting fish and wildlife. Although large-scale benefits
of functions can be valued, determining the value of individual wetlands is difficult because
they differ widely and do not all perform the same functions or perform functions equally

What is Wetland Restoration?

Maintaining only 15% of the land area of a watershed in wetlands can reduce flooding peaks
by as much as 60%. The damage sustained by the Gulf Coast during Hurricane Katrina could
have been less severe if more wetlands along the coast and Mississippi delta had been in
place. Because natural wetlands are so effective at removing pollutants from water that flows
through them, engineers and scientists construct systems that replicate some of the functions
of natural wetlands.

Three Important Components of a Wetland
All wetlands share three important characteristics: hydric soils, hydrophytic plants, and a
hydroperiod. Note that this is all about water!

Hydric soils

Hydric soils are saturated for a long enough period (seasonally or permanently) during the
growing season that oxygen levels become very low and result in anaerobic conditions in the
upper soil layers.:

 The distinctive ―rotten egg‖ smell of hydrogen sulfide gas associated with anaerobic

 Dark soil colors especially grays, greens, and blacks

 Mottling of red and/or black from mineral concentrations.

 And water! Soils may squish underfoot, mire tires, readily form a ball, ooze through
fingers, or show standing water in holes

Hydrophytic plants

―Hydrophytic‖ literally means water-loving. These plants employ various adaptations for
survival in a waterlogged and anaerobic environment. Upland plants typically absorb oxygen
through roots. Wetland plants are unable to do this so they have developed fascinating
alternatives to obtain and transport oxygen. Adaptations of these hydrophytic plants include:

 Stems and roots containing hollow tubes (aerenchyma) for oxygen transport as well as
physical support. Aerenchyma are found in rushes, sedges, and grasses. Cattails
provide a great example.

Wetland hydro period

Hydro period refers to the pattern of water levels in any one particular wetland. Wetland
water levels may vary daily, seasonally, or more irregularly. Alternately, wetlands may be
permanently wet. In any case, the hydro period is a defining feature of each wetland. It is the
presence of water at or near the soil surface that causes the soil saturation and anaerobic
conditions that favor the hydro phytic vegetation.

5.2- Hydroponics

Figure No 5.2.1

―HYDROPONICS‖ is the growing of plants in a liquid nutrient solution
with or without the use of artificial media. Commonly used mediums include expanded
clay, coir, perlite,

vermiculite, brick shards, polystyrene packing peanuts and wood fiber.

Hydroponics has been recognized as a viable method of producing vegetables (tomatoes,

lettuce, cucumbers and peppers) as well as ornamental crops such as herbs, roses, freesia and
foliage plants.


 It can be used in places where in-ground agriculture or gardening is not possible (for
example, dry desert areas or cold climate regions).
 More complete control of nutrient content, pH and growing environment.
 Lower water and nutrient costs associated with water and nutrient recycling.
 Faster growth due to more available oxygen in root area.
 Elimination or reduction of soil related insects, fungi and bacteria.
 Much higher crop yields.
 No weeding or cultivation required.
 Crop rotation/fallowing is not necessary.
 Transplant shock is reduced.


 Initial and operational costs are higher than soil culture.

 Skill and knowledge are needed to operate properly.
 Some diseases like Fusarium and Verticillium can spread quickly through the

Growing Systems
Hydroponic systems can either be liquid or aggregate. Liquid systems have no supporting
medium for the plant roots, whereas, aggregate systems have a solid medium of support.

Hydroponic systems are further categorized as open (once the nutrient solution is delivered
to the plant roots, it is not reused) or closed (surplus solution is recovered, replenished, and

Liquid Hydroponic System: They are closed systems.

• Nutrient Film Technique (NFT): Plants are placed in a polyethylene tube that has slits cut
in the plastic for the roots to be inserted. Nutrient solution is pumped through this tube.

• Floating Hydroponics: Plants are grown on a floating raft of expanded plastic.

• Aeroponics: Plant roots remain suspended in an enclosed growing chamber, where they
are sprayed with a mist of nutrient solution at short intervals, usually every few minutes.

Aggregate Hydroponic System: Open system:

• Rockwool Culture: It is the most widely used medium in hydroponics. Rockwool is

ground-up basalt rock that is heated then spun into threads making wool. It is very light and is
often sold in cubes. Rockwool can hold water and retain sufficient air space (at least 18
percent) to promote optimum root growth.

These system are further categorized into:

1. passive systems

2. active systems

1. Passive systems use a wick and growing media with very high capillary action.
This allows water to be drawn to the plant roots. The Wick System is by far the simplest
type of hydroponic system.

2. Active systems work by actively passing a nutrient solution over your plants roots.
Examples include:

Drip Systems are probably the most widely used type of hydroponic system in the world. A
timer controls a submersed pump. The timer turns the pump on and nutrient solution is
dripped onto the base of each plant by a small drip line

4). NFT Systems have a constant flow of nutrient solution, so no timer is required for the
submersible pump .

The Aeroponic System is probably the most high-tech type of hydroponic gardening. A
timer controls the nutrient pump much like other types of hydroponic systems, except the
aeroponic system needs a short cycle timer that runs the pump for a few seconds every couple
of minutes

Nutrient Management Techniques

The major disadvantage of a closed system is the difficulty of nutrient management.
Four main techniques are commonly utilized.

Technique 1

Water addition, pH and electrical conductivity (EC) control are all automatic. The pH is a
measure of the acidity of the substrate and controls the availability of mineral nutrients;
whereas, the EC gives an estimate of the nutrient content.

The recommended pH for hydroponic culture is between 5.0 and 6.0 because overall
availability of nutrients is optimized at a slightly acidic pH, and the EC level should be 1.5 to
3 dS m-1.

Technique 2

The water makeup of the holding tank is automatic, usu-ally by float valve, i.e. the tank level
is held steady. Here both water and nutrients are being taken, but only water is being
replaced. Therefore, the EC will fall until the tank solution is brought up to strength by
nutrient addition. The EC is periodi-cally checked and adjusted to the required value by
adding nutrient to the tank by hand. The pH is adjusted if necessary by adding acid (dilute
sulfuric acid) to lower the pH or an alkali (dilute sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution) to
raise the pH.

Technique 3

The holding tank is partly or completely run down then refilled as a batch by adding water
and/or nutrient. The impor-tant aspect of this technique is that the effects of the addition are

Technique 4

The holding tank is partly or completely run down then refilled using a standard strength
nutrient solution. However, the resultant EC in the system is not checked or adjusted. This
technique can lead to disaster.

Nutrient Solutions for Hydroponics
Commercial hydroponic growers need a more accurate control of the components in
a nutrient solution to achieve commercial success. Numerous ‗recipes‘ for hydroponic
solutions are available. Many use different combinations of chemicals to reach similar total
final compositions

Soil versus Hydroponics

There is no physiological difference between plants grown hydroponically and
those grown in soil. In soil, both the organic and inorganic components must be decomposed
into inorganic elements before they are available to the plant.

Nutrition and Hydroponics

There is no conclusive evidence that produce grown hydroponically are more nutritious
or healthier than produce grown by any other method, although some small studies indi-cate
that it may be possible. Many countries, such as Holland, do not differentiate whether the
produce has been grown by hydroponics or by any other methods; they just concentrate on
the quality of the produce. Produce quality is more likely to remain consistent in hydroponic
systems, as plants are often less stressed than in other systems.

Hydroponics in the Home Garden

For the hobbyist, hydroponics is a highly technical special-ized form of agriculture that has
an ever expanding application to everyday use. At the same time, home hydroponic gardens
have become so simple that people without a green thumb can be successful in growing
flowers and vegetables in their homes. Many of the advantages of commercial hydroponics
also apply to the home and hobby gardeners.

Planning Commercial Hydroponics

Hydroponic systems are only one of the options available when you are considering whether
to grow a crop. Planning for a commercial business should, therefore, follow the normal
sequence for considering any horticultural enterprise. Don‘t overlook soil growing. You
need a worthwhile reason to use a hydroponic system instead of soil. If you do
choose to go with hydroponics, you should evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of
each type of production system for your crop of interest. For short term crops such as
lettuce, the common choice is recirculating NFT or flood and drain gravel channels. For
longer term crops or those very vulnerable to root disease, the common choice is
nonrecirculating, media-based systems.

5.3- Organic Farming

Figure No 5.3.1

Organic agriculture follows the principles and logic of a living organism, in which all
elements (soil, plant, farm animals, insects, the farmer and local conditions) are closely
linked to each other. This is accomplished by using, where possible, agronomic, biological
and mechanical methods, following the principles of these interactions, using natural
ecosystem as a model.

According with the Guidelines of Organically Food Produce of the Codex Alimentarius
(2007), an organic production system is designed to:

 Enhance biological diversity within the whole system;

 Increase soil biological activity;

 Maintain long-term soil fertility;

 Recycle wastes of plant and animal origin in order to return nutrients to the soil, thus
minimizing the use of non-renewable resources;

 Rely on renewable resources in locally organized agricultural systems;

 Promote the healthy use of soil, water and air as well as minimize all forms of pollution that
may result from agricultural practices;

 Promote the careful processing methods agricultural products in order to maintain the
organic integrity and vital qualities of the product at all stages;

 Become established on any existing farm through a period of conversion, the appropriate
length of which is determined by site-specific factors such as the history of the land, and type
of crops and livestock to be produced.

According with IFOAM (2002), the organic agriculture practices are based on the following

 Principle of health: the role of organic agriculture, whether in farming, processing,

distribution, or consumption, is to sustain and enhance the health of ecosystems and
organisms from the smallest in the soil to human beings. In view of this, it should avoid the
use of fertilizers, pesticides, animal drugs and food additives that may have adverse health

 Principle of ecology: organic agriculture should be based on living ecological systems and
cycles, work with them, emulate them and help sustaining them. Organic management must
be adapted to local conditions, ecology, culture and scale. The reduction of inputs by reuse,
recycle and the efficient management of materials and energy will contribute to improve
environmental quality and will conserve resources.

appropriate technologies and rejecting unpredictable ones, such as genetic engineering.

The organic agriculture techniques are known to be by:

 Improving soil structure and fertility through the use of crop rotations, organic manure,
mulches and the use of fodder legumes for adding nitrogen to the soil fertility cycle.

 Prevention of soil erosion and compaction by protecting the soil planting mixed and relay

 Recycling the nutrients by using crop residues (straws, stovers and other non-edible parts)
either directly as compost and mulch or through livestock as farmyard manure.

 Using renewable energies, by integration of livestock, tree crops and on farm forestry into
the system. This adds income through organic meat, eggs and dairy products, as well as
draught animal power. Tree crops and on-farm forestry integrated into the system provide
food, income, fuel and wood.

Organic farming appears to generate 30% more employment in rural areas and labor achieves
higher returns per unit of labor input. By using local resources better, organic agriculture
facilitates smallholders‘ access to markets and thus income generation; and relocalizes food
production in market-marginalized areas.

Guarantee Systems (PGS) are recognized as substitute to third part certification (e.g. India,
Brazil, Pacific islands).

5.4- Nursery Raising

Figure No 5.4.1

It is an area, in which new saplings are raised and nourished until they are ready for sale or
transplanting at a permanent place in a field. Raising of seedlings in a nursery is important for
various reasons.

Importance of nursery

• It is possible to grow and maintain a large number of plants per unit area.

• Small and expensive hybrid seeds can be raised more effectively due to better care and

• When seeds are sown in seedbeds, their germination percentage increases and the vigour of
the seedlings also improves.

• Better and uniform crop growth can be obtained in the main field by selecting vigorous and
healthy seedlings.

• Off-season sowing of seeds becomes possible, which ultimately results in fetching more

• The seed requirement of nursery raised crops is less as compared to direct seed sowing of
the same crop due to better management.

• Sowing seeds in a nursery allows additional time for doing preparatory tillage in the main
plot. Harvesting of the previous crop can also be prolonged, if needed.

• Management of insect-pests, diseases and weeds is easy in a nursery.

Selection of the nursery site:
Several factors are responsible for the selection of a suitable nursery site. Some important
considerations are as follows:

1. Location

A nursery must be located in a pollution-free environment—away from brick kilns, smoke-

emitting industries and rough motorised roads as dirt and dust settle on plants, covering the
foliage, which not only reduces the photosynthetic efficiency of plants but also gives them a
dull look. It must be ensured that the nursery site gets adequate sunlight. However, care must
be taken that the plants are protected against severe heat.

2. Topography of land

The topography of land at the nursery site must be even. If it is undulating, it must be
levelled. In hilly areas, it may be divided into levelled terraces.

3. Soil:

The soil must preferably be loam or sandy loam with large quantity of organic matter. The
pH of the soil must be near neutral (6.5–7.5). It must have adequate water retention capacity
and aeration.

4. Water

The quality of water used in a nursery is important for the growth of plants. Saline and
polluted water must not be used. It must be ensured that there is adequate water supply for
irrigation. Besides, the nursery must be located near a water source so that there is no water
scarcity at any time in the course of raising plants.

5. Drainage

The nursery site must have adequate drainage facility and be free from waterlogging. Water
must not stagnate at any time.

6. Transportation

The nursery site must be accessible by road. It must not be far from potential markets so that
there is no damage to the seedlings during transportation.

7. Labour

As nursery work is labour-intensive, the nursery site must have enough number of labourers.

8. Protection from animals

The nursery area must be protected by enclosures so as to prevent damage to the plants by
stray animals.

9. Market needs and size

Market plays an important role in the success of nursery business. Various type of inputs like
seeds, fertilisers, pesticides, fungicides, plant growth regulators, poly bags, agricultural
implements, different type of spare parts and other miscellaneous items required in the
nursery must be available in the nearby market. The nursery must be located near the city or
an area from where people can purchase the plants. Alternatively, a mechanism to explore
domestic and international markets must also be worked out for the success of nursery

Types of nursery
Nurseries are classified on the basis of duration, plants produced and structures used.

1. On the basis of duration

a) Temporary nursery

This type of nursery is developed only to fulfil seasonal requirements or a targeted project.
Such a nursery is, usually, small in size and is set up for a short period after which it is
abandoned. Temporary nurseries are mostly used for raising seedlings of vegetables and
flower crops. Such nurseries are found near the main planting area.


 It is constructed for a short period and is small in size.

 Intensive manuring and fertilisation is not necessary in such a nursery as it is
constructed at a site rich in humus.
 As it is located near a planting site, the distance between the nursery and the actual
planting site is less.
 No major transportation is required, and if any, the cost is less.
 Special supervision is not required in the maintenance of such a nursery. However,
security aspects must be taken care of.


 Mortality or injury due to shock of lifting and transportation of seedlings is negligible

due to less distance between the nursery and actual planting site.
 Initial investment in a temporary nursery is less as compared to a permanent one.

Disadvantage: Because of its temporary nature, basic facilities like irrigation may not be
adequate. Therefore, special arrangements need to be made in order to keep the plants and
seedlings in healthy condition.

b) Permanent nursery:

In this type of a nursery, the plants are nourished and kept for a longer period of time till
they are sold out or planted permanently in a field. The area covered under such a nursery

is larger than a temporary nursery and it has all features that are required in a permanent

Some of the important cultural operations carried out in the permanent nursery throughout the
year are as follows:

 It requires a large area and must be well connected by road.

 Such type of a nursery requires intensive management and supervision.
 High initial cost is involved in the establishment of such a nursery.
 Permanent nursery comprises office, store, mother blocks, nursery beds, protected
structures, irrigation source, electricity, transportation facilities, packing yard,
manure, cattle and machinery shed.


 Greater range of planting stocks, such as seedlings, grafted plant, budded plants,
layers, rooted cuttings, etc., are available.
 Being permanent in nature, it becomes a perpetual source for the supply of planting
material for many years.
 Being concentrated at one place, its supervision and management is better due to the
availability permanent staff.
 The initial production cost is reasonable but profits go up in the long run.


 The initial investment cost is high.

 The transportation cost is more.
 Such a nursery needs intensive labour management.
 It must be backed by a large market for the sale of plants and seedlings.
 It requires skilled human resource round the year.

On the basis of plants produced

a) Ornamental nursery

Seedlings, rootstock and scion material of ornamental plants are raised and conserved for
further use in such a nursery. It includes mother blocks of ornamental plants, which are used
in layering, as well as, producing scion material for budding and grafting. The raised and flat
beds of the nursery are occupied by seedlings of various annuals, perennials and rootstocks of
ornamentals. A separate block of the nursery consists of vegetative and reproductive phase of
bulb and tuber crops. Vegetable nursery

Planting material like seedlings of vegetables, rooted cuttings (asparagus and sweet potato),
rhizomes (ginger), tubers (potato) and bulbs (onion and garlic) are raised and conserved in
such a nursery.

b) Fruit plant nursery

In this nursery, seedlings and cuttings of rootstocks, budded plants, grafts, layers and cuttings
of fruit trees, such as mango, lychee, ber, bael, guava, sapota, etc., are raised and conserved.
This nursery has mother blocks of different fruit crops, which are used as scion material.

c) Forest nursery

Different species of trees and climbers planted in forests and used in ‗social forestry‘, for
example plantation along roads, gram panchayat land, gardens, etc., are mostly propagated by
seeds. In short, social forestry refers to forests or plantations set up by communities and
tribes. Rootstock of different forest plant species and mother plants are raised in a forest
nursery. Seedlings of big trees like margosa, gulmohar, amaltas, kanchan, tamarind, amla
(gooseberry), oak, eucalyptus, etc., are commonly found in a forest nursery.

On the basis of structure used

a) Open field nursery: Such a nursery is established in open areas without any permanent
structure. Usually, raised, flat or sunken seedbeds are prepared. These are vulnerable
to natural environmental conditions.
b) Poly-tunnel: The nursery is covered with a plastic film or sheet to form a tunnel. It is
miniature structure, which produces greenhouse-like effect. Besides not being
expensive, it is easy to construct and dismantle. The seedlings are protected from
cold, wind, storm, rain and frost. Due to modified conditions, there is better
germination and plant growth.
c) Greenhouse or poly-house: It is a framed structure covered by poly-film or shade-net
so that the plants can grow under partially or completely modified environment. Such
structures are ventilated and may have temperature and humidity controlling devices.
The seedlings are raised inside the structure on raised beds or in plug-trays, and also
for hardening of tissue cultural plants.

Nursery bed
It refers to a land, which is made free from weeds, stumps, stones, pebbles, etc., and is used
for sowing of seeds to raise seedlings and multiplication of different species of plants through
asexual means.

Preparation of the nursery bed

Nursery beds can be prepared in three different ways.

1. Sunken bed

• The soil of the seedbed needs to be sterilised by soil solarisation or with chemicals to avoid
contamination by pests and diseases.

• The soil of the nursery bed is thoroughly mixed with rotten farmyard manure.

• This type of nursery bed is prepared in dry and windy areas.

• In dry areas, the bed is kept 10−15 cm below the ground level, which helps in conserving

• Sunken bed facilitates the deposition of irrigation water or rainwater for a longer time.

• In case of water scarcity, this type of bed helps to conserve the moisture.

• Level bed

• The soil of the seedbed must be sterilised by soil solarisation or with chemicals to avoid
contamination by pests and diseases.

• After soil preparation, the recommended dose of manure and fertilisers is mixed in the
nursery bed.

• For efficient management, the whole area is divided into uniform size of small beds.

• Usually, a flat bed is 1-metre wide and has length according to the slope of the field.

• Irrigation channels are prepared between the rows of the beds through which each bed is
connected. These also act as drainage channels in case of heavy rain or excess irrigation.

• Such a bed is prepared during non-rainy season (summer and winter) so that there is no

• Adequate drainage provision is made and preference for sandy or sandy loam soil is given
when preparing a flat bed.

2. Raised bed

• Such a nursery bed is prepared during the rainy season.

• The land is levelled and made free of weeds, stumps, stones, pebbles, etc.

• The soil of the nursery bed is thoroughly mixed with 5−10 kg per sqm rotten farmyard

• This type of bed is prepared about 15 cm high from the ground level. The width is kept at
1−1.5 m and length 3−5 m. This enables adequate drainage during rains and checks water

• A space of 3−4 cm is left between two beds in order to carry out cultural practices

Precautions to be taken during the preparation of nursery bed

A nursery bed needs to be prepared carefully so that uniform and healthy seedlings are
obtained for planting. The following precautions must be taken while preparing a nursery

• The nursery bed is, generally, used to germinate sown seeds or for rooting of cuttings
planted in the soil. Besides nutrition, sufficient moisture and aeration are important factors
that affect seedling growth.

Soil treatment
Soil or any planting medium used in the nursery may be contaminated by various pests. The
presence of pests in the medium causes huge losses to the crop in the nursery, and the
infection caused by the pests may be carried to the field through seedlings or adhering
medium on the roots. It is, therefore, advocated that the medium used for the nursery must be
free from infections. The different methods adopted for soil treatment are as follows.

Soil solarisation
It is an environment-friendly method to control soil-borne plant pathogens, including
bacteria, fungi, nematodes, insect-pests and weeds. Solar energy increases the temperature of
the soil, which helps control various soil-borne pathogens. The most appropriate time for soil
solarisation is May−June when the temperature reaches 47 oC or above. This treatment
causes physical, chemical and biological changes in the soil.

• Dig soil at a site where seedbeds are to be prepared.

• Remove all weeds, stumps, stones, pebbles, etc., from the soil.

• Crush the clods and bring it to fine tilth.

• Level the plot for preparing seedbeds.

• Irrigate the site thoroughly and cover it with a black polythene film of 200 gauge for 5–6
weeks during summer as wet soil conducts heat better than dry soil and makes soil organisms
vulnerable to being killed by heat generation..

• The nursery bed may be prepared at the treated site or soil may be used for filling pots or
poly bags.

Formalin solution treatment

• Formalin solution is used to sterilise the soil. It is prepared by adding 2.5 ml commercial
grade formaldehyde per litre of water and the soil is drenched @ 45 litre of solution per m2 to
saturate the top soil surface up to a depth of 15–20 cm.

• The drenched area is covered with a polythene sheet of 200 gauge so that the fumes of
formalin penetrate into the soil to kill the pathogens.

• If poly-house, soil is treated with formalin, the doors and side covers of the poly-house must
be opened to allow formaldehyde gas to escape.

• The bed is kept open for 7–10 days prior to seed sowing. It must be ensured that there are
no fumes of formaldehyde gas prior to seed sowing.

Soil treatment by fungicide

• Fungicides like captan or thiram @ 5 g/m2 are used to control soil-borne pathogens.

• These fungicides can also be used as soil drench by preparing a solution of 2.5−3 per cent
and drenching @ 4−5 litre/m2.

Soil treatment by insecticide

• Insecticide, such as chloropyriphos @ 2 ml/litre of water is applied to a depth of 15−20 cm

in the soil to kill insects, including ants, white ants and their eggs, nematodes, etc.

Use of bio-agents

• Certain biological agents like trichoderma are used to control soil-borne pathogens.

• Bio-agents @ 10–25 g/m2 are mixed in the soil, and after 2–3 days, the seeds are sown.

Seed treatment
To keep the seeds free from pathogens, fungicides like captan, thiram or carbandazim are
applied @ 2.5−3 g/kg seed, and mixed thoroughly in the seeds to disinfect the surface of the
entire seed lot.

Off- Campus Training Certificate

 Personally meeting to the farmers.Hand to hand rural experience by team.
 Knowledge provided by Dr. Rajbir Singh.
 Information gather from sugar mill staff.
 Sugar mill process.
technology-of- brinjal
 https://www.bhagat puran singh pingalwar organic
 https://www.package practice of chilli cultivation
 https://www.package practice of mint cultivation


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