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self fulfilment

increased income

increased control

self actualization

goal orientation


possible sources of finance

to ascertain viability

possible cost attached to the business

owners/ investors- to provide goods/services of high quality and at reasonable prices
To make a profit

communities- provides employment for the business

creating jobs
providing goods and services to satisfy citizens
as proof of activity- which can be used in the future as a record that such
transactions didn't take place.

the government may require proper documentation- from a firm to satisfy

requirements for their taxation and auditing process.

this is a special type of invoice sent by a supplier at the request of a

prospective purchaser.

a requisition form helps to control the movement of the stock. it informs

the organization of how the stock is used and by whom they are used.
marine insurance

comprehensive policy
third party motor insurance

insurance- deals with compensation for the loss of property in events such as natural
disasters and vehicle accidents.

assurance- on the other hand, refers to the events that must happen such as death.
car insurance

medical insurance
the progress and activities used by the business to build a positive image in
the minds of it's customer's. It is a very cost effective way of gaining free


media relations

to give the poor education

taste- includes preference for how a product looks, sounds, feel or is
experienced in other ways

brand loyalty- many consumers prefer well-established brands.

quality- most people prefer a high-quality product. this may be one which lasts
longer, easier to use, is safe or has high performance engineer.
government- making laws relating to the environment, road safety and health of the
population and ensuring that laws to protect consumers are followed

ombudsman- investigates complaints of loss and damages from the public and
make recommendations to correct wrongdoing of state agencies.
is the process of how goods and services are managed and
transported to their final destination.

the process to plan the flow of goods and services from the supplier to

bill of lading represents the title of goods while in transit and the receipt of goods

airway bill is used in the transportation by air and description of packages,

shippers address.
allows consumers to have access to a variety of goods and services

improve the ability of firms to supply markets

provide valuable raw materials and capital inputs for the transformation process of
Spoilage- goods may spoil in transport when handling facilities are poor and
there is insufficient packaging, goods can be damaged.

Misdirection of goods- this can happen when goods are poorly labelled or the
paperwork is adequate, they can be sent to the wrong location
to promote economic development in the region
to foster regional trade and the removal of barriers

employment of labor
factors of production

an investment in the form of controlling ownership in a business in one country by an

entity based in another country.
increase capital
helps reduce the unemployment rate

helps remove the balance of payment

increases government's revenue through taxation

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