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aL ae) ae USC coho, in fompenent elass. 7 ls = haan is 4o be intiotizal tir vil» ° Should be laity @onfigquration classes 5 fnidicates that all @Bean Mm) Eniftalized + a] @eontoiler + @ ResponsePody — it eltmites the need te annofote every seq. handling mo oF: fon Srtreller class «tt @ Respeme Rody - ~ Used f SmAify the creation of RESThul Geb services. JE Dieabie] — 4 oft anton figurotion {in spriuy boot : a 2 m 7 a [PResponeBady] —> wed 40 send deta back to the place brn ahore the 9 aa ® genesated, (CRequests oly] = opplicable fo handles MO oF spring controllers — a Getmapptug = ahmillan do tts [ERequestrrappreg] — fe map req. to perteular corrraller @aebmapplug lax it © Transactenaf] — b provide tansactonel Suppost. JB Medel hate] > saves data Inside of cux decal v which came $M clicet side, used 40 extract values fom URE 4 fo extrach query pavometes fyvm URT» Fring hoot "vest api |—> SB ts spring Framework medule. which provides RAD feahrre ce —7SB is an extra Jayer ontop of SP which intemally Uses SF oly + ee =r 4 sat | 4 hy 2 FP Hhis extral dayes of SR —> adv: oF SB over SER Beer taret ot of replacement for SPS —> [RAVI OF E6 TSE over SF] —» ; Is rhe ip! we have imported én ous parj 3 Starker [Org] —> rrultiple depmencies we have. impor — J for each dependenry— we need to specify fox each dependents 5 jame + version. i, (We need te check versions of multife dependentes for compactibility ») Starker Pots stasler versian here we need toy | = check whether all dependencies ave Coropackble er not J her we will uly dewnlead-/- Specify Stovter's yeasien 5 # wtih autemattally dewmlond dependencies, THEI used fo veduce. maven confyuratien in Portexmds for our appl” tt oi tes MAY the continuation on basis of starles & provides wequive dependencies. — stevler fs 4 gup of dependencies 4 starter wot dake care of alt dependencies Compochibility wtth other dopentencias , AatoCoofiguratian | —> cn basis of Starkey port, sp will wenkfy heb poe see ngetao > Hy config. wequired by our aglhY i wilh Configure. ca cuckormah call, os saviors Standalone, Appin —> e4- Spring Slater. aerate — aetna - cha =z Same as in Spring tvc 4 hex also jn sq, we atll have Web gator web opp!” — sping MVC (sFy—> ae. spedfies xm! files ¥ within it we a Dispatcher Sewlet, ViewRescloes-» Cemponeit Sonning. Bes egacassetereed|to| Configure: anit thing» © [Embedied Sener ]—> a4 maana Jnbuill somes yh ous Prject + Tomeak Sener manully 2° paverto configuyes Y 6p comes with fnbulld sewe™- We dort need fo add 7 confige > ence 1 server manly ea arto t Bee Caetale server 1681) * = @ Ney @ Jetty O Undertoo Gp x > Gan we change defalt sewer tn 5B 3 —> Yes in pomax” yaar’ jar Ble con be easily deployed in tomcat sewers => deployment fs very ent a ee : . @ [Aehetrs] ey 68 provides & concept of aachvectos + {2 Elles = DS Ketuatos. — using this ve con get info about our appr, (Pomuclion —/_ 3 48 FD How fs heblih of our oppl”S © Heo meng obj get cmated 3 Hilized /consumed 2 tes mach memory *5 } & vow many Htreads ave running 9 i [ Jhis Hind of tnfo we need to knoe tn. producer, ens app!hs © \pn) > = Because of otove fechrras, we con cxecte 4 web appl” in sa very easily § quickly. =r 66 supposts RAD —? Yhat's Why We 504 SB supports Raptd Appl” Develepmed, ” a t ©, spateg appl helps In lexy initltzation ef sping appl. Aftes enabsi Iniftolixattion , beans axe treated as pox the requivemead rather thay ia <_< in dersiug th appl? stastup, which results in Faster exeatten of appl", taher is ie Ini(tzation i ic i(zatien Inq eeb appl", some web- related beans ar net iniltatized ee t wn hrTP req is vecteved, oH each db. © Create separele Tava pkg for each db ((u ame base pkg) r P] © Crete configuration classy -for bolts do- || © Create entity alasses for each dbs by repository class also. Vd eae! ee => | Zh ftle {yom angular | have cotated multiple urls -» which wtll Map Cnfrlter mes MT 3- nett // localhost: 2022 / Policy 5 of 58, pottey-URe | ls | } es UL data—> will get saved in login:compehtmd —» once the usey click on Submit budton Cafter entesiug ‘data) » onSubmitg m of angulay wilt get Called —> in this MC) > checkLogin mc) —> that uses entered data goes In the form of user object jin checklagin mc) ——> that vetimns a passed slg Ais mogul | User entered data lite username § passaard for login page wilt get saved th user object in angular . Th angular user obj fupe 1s Observable hut to_spriug bast fo send th to apring boot + we are converting fts type te Gon) user (Stiug.) — [neers // local host 3022./ Lega] we cere colttug this unt in angular Atak folflegia (Post mapplig -*/ legis’) mc) ef Centaller in angulon, shale ag the_api—4u“Frombeud—ir— backed » ae ’ cae : # aa vEC) mM ——> UE—+ after entertag data + clicking aubmmit button —y onSubmt Sheek login C)m —- this te calttug the api fyorn angular of backeudy 6 Peesed tha tsex olf oF Tsom type (ahich contatns all data) te the MaSpe me) Of fertroller.o Wotng © RequestBody — we are extracting post type datal Uses) i TH wit convest Json Cusex)—> lute Java Oby (user) this Is done by serialization « J T+ wit deserialize Toon olf ito Java Obj (uses). mi " Se DS ait (tuk that data sends by angular 4o user object v Tn loginCntolles we ore checking Show userName fassworsd Is coxrect/net Jb. we are calltuy so Combrottesz—9 era Zz rehern ResponseE wtify. okC)+ bey (user) _ f L HF vehens uses obj login Uses) m oF Sealee ( by passiug Uses Pass a5 a é 079) here combol goes te dho class — et ‘ ] Set @hether Userty & Pass is deo Yehrans uses obj pom db te seroice Cattor checkiug in $) Bort endeay Pes Sewice rehisns uses obf to Confroftey Sant MAN ee 4o angular When toeeliek ofp. dao layer — ewe have () which exten ds TPA Repository < Users GBrfrtler setuwns usey oby IU goes fo ang ular then set of Uegic wttt get executed . ‘ Serialiaus Se Insesittveform , Uses ame vans from uses class « me Varah aera teil > IE het y egaee Untemoty TPA ott! generate, i Select opemmtion cg Td ay : t - o eh Policylist button Toliey Controlien’s 4 esp. method of @tretMappiug C* /gerau't) wll get called, Inagngular. Service En» Teplemeted class 2 4 getAll Poltaye) m afl get called + Using repositury chioct we Salted Freed ANC) m_ of Spsug TPA m TH wt ffud out ell objects of our Peliay ym db Y hrs Teable ( a collection of foltcies) —7 service —rliRtreliew we are rehrming list of felides fp He ay v “3 than priutiug logic Is GI get executed” from angular, Tose: AddPolfery button —> aengulay will call stiuq beot apf —> contoller «fll go Bo lee, /eavert) of PoliyCortolles —7 Atl data thet usex entered ostappiug C* wi came to feliey arg. ustug @ Resquesttiody —? we called savepeliey() m of Semice layer —> repo. save ( relic) rm of Spiug TRA will qatlet 7 then data get saved tute db. —7 control vill go fo Sesvice, back fo Combvlles Po PReR eeada policy oby 4 UF elle: <> Fevgentea leno ilay eu this object Kamp = [ Spake Bost —> Argules J 4e send data/ob} drm spriuq brot to angular we Use— _PesponseEntity . ok Us bedy ( _tbj/data) 5 Predefined class » an hen client tt the urd then sag Http 729 ( put/PosT/GET/ POT) will First cane 4e user tuterfore. Le. sein anguley 5 jn angulor oe have catled specific mc) of Controller's urd 505 per the type of weq ~ specific mc) of Specific confrelles ttl Get called: ey- httpt// localhost: aang /folcy 5 Pelingerénllens mes urd hich have @ PostMapriag C7peliy *)} ae a #50 the req- ire angular object (ahicheonfains al cate’) «ill get converted / fenstfened Into Java object in S18 using I50N5 then Sa0a-eentrol./reqert wilt + then tn Specific. Contnaltes ,.2e eatled Service dayen’s mC)» in which we have called vepositery (Spring JPA'S) specific mC)—akich vehisns sesponse, be (after Processing 27) ie. vehrins processed Java obj to Sewita—> from Serite to Controller —r then from Controller te again angular using — Respometrdify.¢4)- body ohj/Ata/aespenss) { (intone) wr to cltent sides a ror argu Here Spetng IPA. 1S ~espenstle to orcas /persit data, bet” cave. obj allie! db, (set of interferes olth no tenplemedation.) using -findByCd m. Grane appi?-lve have cneaded MSH web senptes by fellootug tts nudes (expat). + ap Servite layer — poosied sewkes tke - © Poliey B Neminee 8 doimtag @ Payment / Transection

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