Topic Name Spring Boot Frameworks Rest API Singleton Design Pattern Factory Design Pattern

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Topic Name

Spring Boot frameworks

Rest API

Singleton design Pattern

Factory design pattern

what is @SpringBootApplication

Difference between @RestController & @Controller

Difference between @RequestMapping and @GetMapping

What is difference between Spring and spring boot?

what is @pathvariable

what is postmapping and getmapping

difference between rest and soap

We have spring but why we use springboot

If u r using the springboot, how restController will get to know from which class it should

How to handle exceptions in Spring Boot?

How to write RestfulAPI?

How to create custom query in Spring boot in repository interface and how to show that
data on our page

How to update information in our table in spring boot

Post and put difference

@ qualifier annotation

How to disable auto configuration in spring

Spring, spring boot advantage

Spring boot annotation

Restcontroller and controller diff

List out the annotations we use to connect with hibernate.

How rest authentication is checked

@queryparam and @requestparam

@responsebody @requestmapping

Spring boot features

Can we change the port number of server in spring boot

What is @springbootapplication annotation?

If we want xml output in spring boot app then what to do in controller class?
What are key components of Springboot?

What is Client-side load balancing in Spring Boot and how does it works

Auto configurations how does it works

What does spring boot works

What annotations are there used in SpringBoot and SpringMVC

How u handle authentication n exceptional handling in Spring Boot n Spring MVC


Name some of the annotations n its use n functionality



Exception in spring boot

How Spring boot project works (flow form main run method)

what is the use of profile in spring boot

What is spring boot context path?

Which repository you have used

http methods in spring boot

Explain repository at DAO layer

Login validation and authentication

How do you achieve basic authentication security

Differences between spring and springboot

How u handle authentication n exceptional handling in Spring Boot n Spring MVC


What is rest api?



Difference between @enable and @springbootApplication?

How to resolve log4j vulnerability


Starters in Springboot

Difference between http and HTTPS

how to create maven project into Spring Boot

What is difference between http and tsl

Spring boot Rest API program

What is profiling
Differnce between Spring Boot and Spring MVC

How to Add dependencies

How to use map in lamba function

What are springboot controllers?

Dependency injection

what is springboot actuator?

What is springboot initialiser?

How to create springbean and how to configure it?

Difference between Repository and Controller

Annotations in Spring boot

Have you create your own repository

How to exclude any Spring Configuration/Beans from being scanned

Difference between CRUD and JPA Repositories.

What is request body and response body

Types of controller

If we are using get method can we use @responsebody

Get put post patch delete methods

Spring boot architecture

what is @ Bean ,return type of bean



Few questions from the spring boot annotation


have you done any json object formating

@SpringBootApplication annotation

What is JPA

@Qualifier, @bean, @componentscan, @Restcontroller, @controller,

what is need of service in spring boot

how to send mail in spring boot

Step for design Rest API in Spring Boot

request and response in json

difference between query and path param

what is 500, 401, error code

Diff between @SpringBoot Application and@Enableautoconfiguration

When to use@EnableAutoConfiguration

What are properties we used in spring boot and where mentioned

what is REST api?

What Type Of Rest API You Created ( Not get, update, etc methods)

Tell What you know about SOAP

what is spring boot

what is rest api

what is controller in spring boot

@spring boot application

Advantage of spring boot


diff bet @qualifier and @required




what is restful webservices

what is URI

what are other restful webservices

what is soap

write code for restcontroller

annotations springboot

Transansaction annotation

how to secure springboot

if have maven java project want springboot into that. What is first step?

What is @autowired

what is @configuration

what are the JPA repository

How you Test RestApi

what is @transient vs @temporal

.@Entity annotation

How to expose web services

What is method validation in spring boot

what is difference between @inject and @autowired annotation

which method is more preferable post and get while login into system.

HTTP Method & Status codes

How to create rest API services

one scenario on singleton and prototype bean in case of has-a relationship

spring boot advantages

Different ways of starting spring boot application

spring boot profile

spring boot default things like connection, dependency etc

what changes u make for file use in UAT server

Disadvantage of springboot

What r ways to create spring boot project?

Diff path variable and query parameter

What r the dependency u used Upto now.. Explain?

Qualifier annotation

What are different server present in spring boot?

what is spring boot CLI?

Spring data-jpa properties?

what are idempotent methods of rest Api?

Annotations used in hibernate and spring boot?

what is application. properties file and application.yml file.

What is profile in SpringBoot? How to select profile?

what is repository layer ? which methods are present in repository layer?

What is devtool dependency

Component and controller annotation we can replace or not

How to build in pom. Xml

Different classes used in REST API

how you authorized the user?

why we use @pathvariable in json


can we add static pages on servlet ?

.how you will manage transection in spring ?

what are stereotype annotations ?

how do we change browser for execution ?

how do we add jars externally in spring boot

how do you integrate spring with hibernate ?

diff betn properties file and map ?

which tag takes care for all stereo type annotations ?

how can you manage users in application ?

Can we replace the embedded TomCat server in SpringBoot? If Yes then How?

We use repository annotation in service class then what will happen.

what is pkg for spring boot annotation?

Which status code tell that user is not Authorised?

Put Post And Patch method?

How will I get JSON response in Spring boot?

What is datasource?

Design using annotations @path variable & @Request param

What about post or put which method you prefer ? why why are you saying that is their
any specific reason ? Answer: Idempotent

What is the difference between the @component and @Bean?

@transactional annotation

What is requestMapping responseBody and RequestBody used for ?

diff between port number and server

If u r using the springboot, how restController will get to know from which class it should

How to create custom query in Spring boot in repository interface and how to show that
data on our page

How to update information in our table in spring boot

Can we use two servers in same spring boot program

Can we use dependency injection in simple java programe

How u save values in database in spring boot?

How you manage spring security

how to read properties from

How internally communication Angular And RestAPI.

how to change environment in spring

Spring Boot Annotation & rest API Flow

What is factory

What is factory design patterns?

singleton design pattern

what is static class and how to use in design patten like single tone design pattern

Singleton class

Have you heard Abstract Factory design Pattern?

Adaptor Pattern?

Observer design pattern?

Builder design pattern

Singleton class

What is Factory Design Pattern?

Have you heard Abstract Factory design Pattern?

Singleton Pattern?

What are design pattern you know ? can you explain it?

why we use factory design pattern, under which category it is,

what is singleton design pattern , how many classes required

code for Singleton design pattern

Design patterns and types

ATM machine working on which design pattern

which design pattern you have used in your project?

create singleton design pattern.

create factory design pattern

Why we create obj of singleton class

Why we use private constructor in singleton?

how many ways we break singleton pattern?

What is Singleton class how can we create a singleton class?

Which core java Concept used in factory design pattern?

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