Nasa Pitch 1

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Interview: Nat

weather/ news: Nat

Visual aid: Jami
B-roll: Jami

Nat: For my NASA Hunch Project, I will be creating informational segments about climate
change and how NASA is involved in solving the problem. I will do this by creating a 15-20
second interview, with rapid questions and answers. I will do this with someone knowledgeable
about the topic. I will also create a short weather segment, using the green screen we have in
class. With these segments, I will explain what cli;mate change is, how it affects the earth, and
what we can do.

Jami: My part in the project will include going out and filming b roll that will help explain what
climate change and gather b roll for the interview. I will be responsible for filming the interview
and giving direction. We will be implementing a small commercial break which I will be handling
and creating. The commercial break will involve information about climate change. Me and my
patent Natile will put our projects together to create one final product.

Space exploration helps solve Climate Change because it allows for us to step back and see
the problem as a whole.

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