Practical Research 2: QUARTER 2-MODULE 4: Understanding Data and Ways To Systematically Collect Data

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HUMSS 12-3


QUARTER 2-MODULE 4: Understanding Data and Ways to Systematically

Collect Data

What I Know

1. D
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. D
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. C
10. A
11. C
12. B
13. D
14. D
15. A
What’s More

Activity 2: Quantitative Research Designs Summary

Research Design Goal How variable is

handled or manipulated
1. Descriptive A descriptive research seeks to describe a Variables are not
phenomenon and its characteristics. This modified in a descriptive
study is primarily focused with what study, as we leant before.
happened rather than how or why They are observed as
something happened. they happen, and then the
relationships between
factors are examined.
2. Correlational Correlational study seeks to uncover Correlational study is
correlations between variable and to distinguished by the fact
forecast future events based on current that neither variable is
information manipulated. It makes no
difference how or where
the variables are
3. Ex post facto The researcher studies the dependent The researcher cannot
variable (the fact or effect) retrospectively directly change the
to uncover potential causes and independent variable (S)
correlations between the dependent (that is, the cause in an
variable and one or more independent ex-post facto study since
factors. he or she guesses the
cause based on the
dependent variable) (that
is, the effect).
4. Quasi- A quasi-experimental design seeks to The researchers in quasi-
experimental establish a causal relationship between an experimental study do
independent and dependent variable. A neither alter or control an
quasi-experiment, unlike a true independent variable, nor
experiment, does not rely on random do they assign
assignment. Subjects are instead assigned individuals to groups at
to groups based on non-random criteria. random.
5. Experimental The experimental research design goal’s is They control other
to prove the existence of a cause-and- variables by holding the
effect link between two variables. independent variable
constant while
manipulating the
independent variable.
Activity 3: Choose the Appropriate Research Design

1. Relationship between Academic Stressors and Learning Preferences of Senior High

School Students

Quantitative Research Design: Correlational Research

Explanation: Correlational research is appropriate for the first title because it focuses on
determining the relationship between two variables, which in the case of title #1 are academic
stressors and learning preferences.

2. Reading Electronic Learning Materials as a Support for Vocabulary of Grade 1 Pupils

Quantitative Research Design: Descriptive Research

Explanation: According to the title, the study aims to identify the types of support provided by
electronic learning materials to the vocabulary of Grade 1 students. Descriptive research answers
the question "what is" and is used to describe the characteristics of variables being studied,
which in the case of the given title are the supporting characteristics of electronic learning
materials to Grade-1 vocabulary.

3. Impact of the Implementation of COVID-19 Health Protocols in Supermarkets on

Consumer Behaviors

Quantitative Research Design: Descriptive Research

Explanation: Descriptive research is appropriate because it intends to describe the characteristics

or conditions of variables being studied, which can be measured simply as a COVID-19 protocol
Impact. The variables mentioned in the titles can be measured using survey data.

4. Effects of Morning Exercise on the Health Anxiety Level of Senior Citizens

Quantitative Research Design: Descriptive Research

Explanation: Descriptive research is appropriate because it intends to describe the characteristics

or conditions of variables being studied that can be measured solely as a result of AM exercise.
The variables mentioned in the titles can be measured using survey data.
5. Measuring the Gadgets Usage of Children at Home during COVID-19 Community

Quantitative Research Design: Descriptive Research

Explanation: Descriptive research is appropriate because it aims to describe the characteristics or

conditions of variables being studied that can be measured simply as a measure of gadget use.
The variables mentioned in the titles can be measured using survey data.

6. Level of Academic Achievement of Senior High Schools in Different Learning


Quantitative Research Design: Quasi-Experimental

Explanation: It is possible to use a quasi-experimental design to investigate the impact or effect

of an intervention on target respondents. According to the title, the students' level of learning
achievement can be measured through the use of various learning modalities that serve as forms
of intervention.

7. Effects of Story Telling on Quality of Sleep of Children

Quantitative Research Design: Descriptive Research

Explanation: Descriptive research is appropriate because it intends to describe the characteristics

or conditions of variables being studied that can be measured simply as a story telling effect on
sleep quality. The variables mentioned in the titles can be measured using survey data.
What I Have Learned

1. This time, I have learned that quantitative research design….

Quantitative research design is intended to discover how many people think, act, or feel in a
particular way. Quantitative projects use large sample sizes, focusing on the quantity of
responses rather than the more focused or emotional insight that qualitative research seeks. 

2. How do you know the specific quantitative research design applied in a research study?

The overall strategy you choose to integrate the various components of the study in a coherent
and logical manner, ensuring that you will effectively address the research problem; it serves as
the blueprint for data collection, measurement, and analysis.
What I Can Do
Choose your Appropriate Research Design

Research Design:

Lesson 2: Sampling Procedure and the Sample

What’s New
You are almost finished cooking the favorite meal of the family. In order to check if it tastes
good and ready for serving, what will you do?
I will….

I'll taste the food by transferring some of it and placing it on a plate or saucer, then tasting some
to determine whether it's good or not. After I've tasted it on my own, I'll ask a family member to
taste it and let me know if it's already good. I'll serve the meal and then call my family to start
eating together. However, If the meal tastes bad, I'll make some changes to improve it, then
separate some of it and taste it again, ask a family member to assess the taste again, and so on
until it tastes good. I'll keep adjusting the recipe until it tastes good. And when it's truly ready, I'll
call my family and we'll all eat together.

What’s More
Activity 1. Determine the Sampling Procedure

Sample Situation Sampling Justification

1. Alex’s target population for Sample random Because Alex included all
his study are the employees of sampling employees as participants,
hotels in Mindanao. Since there which is a sampling random
are too many employees in these procedure a method of
establishments, he randomly selecting individuals in which
selected ten hotels. And then he all members of the accessible
considered all employees as population are given an equal
participants in his study. chance to be selected.
2. Dianne wants to know if the new Systematic Because Dianne simply chose
learning modalities in the first sampling every sixth name on her list,
semester affects the academic similar to systematic
performance of senior high sampling, where the
students in her school and procedure is as simple as
selected every 6th name to be selecting samples from every
part of her study. nth of the chosen population
until a desired total number of
sample size is reached.
3. Faye wants to survey al the Stratified random Faye divided the population
parents in Cagayan De Oro who sampling into groups because she
opt to enroll their elementary wanted to survey all the
children to an online class. All in parents but only had 450 from
all there 26,000 parents. Faye the target population.
decided to have 450 from the
target population.
Activity 2. Search the design and sampling procedure

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

 Title of the A quantitative study of The Impact of Social social media and
Research staff nurses' attitudes, Media on the Academic academic
Study knowledge, and Development of School performance of
experience in Students student
prioritizing comfort
measures in the care of
the dying patient in an
acute hospital setting.
 Research descriptive design Experimental research Descriptive
Design design research design
 Characteristi The current aims to determine the Investigate the
cs of international literature effect of social media impact of social
Population on end-of-life care was on academic media on academic
reviewed using the key performance of performance of
themes of identifying Egypt's younger students at the
the dying phase, generation University of
comfort care, and Lagos.
symptom control for the
dying patient to
investigate international
perspectives on end-of-
life care.
 Sampling simple random sample Stratified research Stratified research
Procedure sampling sampling
 Sample Size 200 staff nurses 110 male and female 378 students
students aged 12-19
 Source https:// https://
librar www.researchgate. www.research
y/support/subjects/nursi net/publication/273770
ngmidwifery/assets/Gen 86 /
er al%20Research 1_The_Impact_of_Soci 273765340_social_
%20Pr oposal_1.pdf al media_and_academ
_Media_on_the_Acade i
mi c_performance_of_
c_Development_of_Sch st udents
o ol_Students
What I have Learned

1. What do I know about the population and sample of the study?

I understand that the population refers to the entire group from which the researcher wishes to
draw conclusions. while the sample of the study is the specific group from which the research
will collect data

2. I have learned that when determining the sample size of the study….

The smaller the effect size that can be detected, the larger the sample size. The sample size is
always less than the total population size, and it is also critical for obtaining accurate, statistically
significant results and successfully completing your study.

3. Now I know that sampling procedures involve….

Selecting a subset of a population to test hypotheses about the entire population; also used to
select the number of participants, interviews, or work samples to be used in the assessment
What I Can Do
Describes your Sampling Procedure and Sample

1. Size of Population
2. The method used to determine
sample size (include computation if
3. Sample Size for the Study
4. Sampling Procedure to be employed
(explain the steps)
5. Who will be your respondents?

LESSON 3: Research Instrument, Validity and Reliability

Activity 1. Let’s talk
Questions to analyze:

1. Why is it necessary to use the right tools for a particular task?

Through using the appropriate instrument you can easily gather a complete and more
reliable data that could answer the research problems and disprove or approve the
hypothesis of the study.

2. What will happen if research instruments are not prepared carefully?

The lack of preparedness could cause delays in gathering data and can compromise the
internal validity of the study, producing misleading results, which are therefore unable to
answer the research question originally formulated.

Activity 2. Let’s read

Guide Questions:

1. What do you think must have been done to avoid the said situation?

In conducting such contest it is necessary to prepare a criteria for judging and each of
the judges must be provided with rating sheets. After the scores are collected, they should
have a sheet of paper for the tallies of the scores. This will enable them to choose a
deserving group with the best performance.

2. What can you say about the result of investigation?

From the scenario given, I can tell that the results of the contest wasn’t fair due to the
fact that it was based on personal bias of the judges and not by the performances shown
by the contenders. The organizers were unprepared and the results was clearly lack of
basis that makes the contestants questioned the validity of the contest.

3. How will you relate the scenario to the conduct of a quantitative research study?

Before organizing an event they have decided to choose a specific contest. It will be
participated by group of students in every section within that school. To test the contenders,
each of them are required to perform and show their moves in front of the crowd and judges.
While they are performing, the judges are rating their performance based on criteria given.
The tallies of scores recorded at the rating sheets will measure which will be the winner in
that particular contest. The same goes to research. Before conducting a study we need to
clarify our research topic and objectives. Then select respondents based on characteristics
that fits for the study. Now that you already have a sample, you need to test the variables to
attain the objectives and to answer the research problems. Through out the implementation,
the treatment will be applied to the sample. Afterwards, the measurement is typically done by
developing an instrument, which can be a questionnaire, an examination, an interview, an
observation schedule, etc. Those medium will be given and answered by the sample to
generate results that could help in answering the research problem of the study.


Activity 1. Quality and Rate the Instrument

Source: Trochim, W. M. (2022) The Effects of a Supported Employment Program on

Psychosocial Indicators for Persons with Severe Mental Illness.

Retrieved from:

Sample Instrument (provide Questionnaire

a title of the instrument if
Purpose of the Research The instrument’s primary purpose was to evaluate the effect
Instrument: of a supported employment program on psychosocial
indicators for people with severe mental illness. It involves
quantitative tests done digitally to identify certain scenarios
that occur in the environment.
Number of Items: 10 Scale Used: Likert Scale
Criteria for Evaluation of Rating Justification

Concise 5 The questions have avoided unnecessary words and

much simpler ones which aids its readers to focus
only on the fundamental information and its
Sequential 3 Several questions were not arranged in a logical
order; some of the complex ones were written and
placed on the first three parts of the query.
Valid and Reliable 5 The measure data was consistent and accurate since
it was supported with background evidenced and
have adopted the research instrument utilized by
the previous studies.
Easily Tabulated 5 The researcher himself have made sure that the
independent and dependent variables, as well as the
research questions are established, and clearly
Activity 2. Search and Evaluate the Instrument

Title of the Research Level of Management Practices Micro Business Enterprises Awareness
Study of Micro and Small Businesses on Government Support and
in Ilocos Norte Challenges Encountered : Basis for
Sustainable Business Model
Type of Research Questionnaire Questionnaire
Way of Developing the There are two sets of The first part determined the level of
Instrument questionnaires that were awareness on government’s support
prepared. Set 1 was used for the available to micro business enterprises,
samples of business owners. Set and the last part encompassed the level
2 was used for the employees of of challenges encountered by micro
the businesses. business enterprises.

The questionnaire for the

business owners consisted of
three parts. Part 1 elicited
personal and business profile
age, gender, civil status,
educational attainment,
seminars attended, membership
to organizations, years of
existence, business form, type of
business, number of workers,
start-up capital, and source of
capital art II provided the
management practices such as
human resources, financial
management and marketing
management. Part III elicited
information about
entrepreneurial competencies.

The second set of questionnaire

for the micro-business
employees likewise consisted of
2 parts art 1 supplied on the
assessment of the employees of
The first part determined the
level of awareness on
government’s support available
to micro business enterprises,
and the last part encompassed
the level of challenges
encountered by micro business
enterprises. The management
practices of their organization
along human resources,
financial management and
marketing management. The
2nd part provided for the
assessment of the employees
along the entrepreneurial
competencies of the business
Scale Used 5-Point Likert Scale 4-Point Likert Scale
How the validity of the To assure its validity the We can tell that the questionnaire used
instrument was researcher prepared the items in is reliable because this measurement
established? the questionnaires. However procedure is stable or produces the
some of the items of the same (or nearly the same) results when
questionnaires were patterned same individuals and conditions are
from the questionnaires of used.
dissertations conducted by
Ancheta(2004), Velasco
(2003),Moreno (2001), Tagay
(2003), and Parilla (2009)
likewise as for the personal
entrepreneurial competencies
questionnaire, it was adapted to
the questionnaire of Professor
McClleland and Mcber

How the reliability of the Since the questionnaire contains It establish validity as it gives the same
instrument was greater number of items which people both of our questionnaire and
established? means the more reliable the test one that measures something similar.
will be.

Source Parilla, E. (2019) Level of Berja, J. (2021). Micro Business

Management Practices of Micro Enterprises Awareness On
and Small Businesses in Ilocos Government Support And Challenges
Norte Retrieved from Encountered: Basis For Sustainable Business Model Retrieved from:
publication/314450279_Level_ https://www.globalscientificjournal.
of_Management_Practices_of_ com/researchpaper/Micro_Business_
Micro_and_Small_Businesses_ Enterprises_Awareness_on_
in_Ilocos_N Government_Support_and_


1.Why is it important to have good research instrument?

The conclusions derived in a research study are only as good as the data gathered. A
poorly designed instrument will produce inaccurate data, which will lead to incorrect
conclusions. As a result, the most important aspect of conducting a high-quality research
study is developing a good instrument.

2.Differentiate validity and reliability. Explain how they complement each other to make a good
research instrument.

The extent to which a research instrument measures what it is designed to measure is

referred to as its validity. When repeated measurements are taken, reliability refers to the degree
to which the scale produces consistent results. A reliable instrument is one that is valid. A valid
instrument does not have to be a reliable one.

LESSON 4: Research Intervention

Group exposed in usual condition Group exposed in special condition

 
Usual Tutorial Program Special Tutorial Program

How is the research intervention conducted in this study?

 The research intervention was applied in this particular study since the two groups of
participants were exposed to varying environments. One of the groups is involved in a
usual condition of the tutorial program. On one hand, the other group was given a
special tutorial program. This instance shows that they clearly have received different
forms of treatment which would aid the researcher/s to recognize the effects or
consequences that could happen to their subjects.


Activity 1. Determine the Research Intervention Procedure

Title of the Research Study Reading Comprehension Research:
Implications for Practice and Policy
Research Intervention Conducted Instruction on reading

Procedure Used in Control Group Ten weeks without new treatment (regular
instructions only).

Procedure Used in Experimental Group Ten weeks of instruction on reading with a

new technique.
Title of the Research Study A Quantitative Research on the Significant
Effect of Social Media Addiction Among
Young People in Turkey.
Research Intervention Conducted Utilization of Social Media

Procedure Used in Control Group Approximately 50 students are not exposed

on social media, for five (5) successive days.

Research Intervention Conducted Nearly 50 learners are involved in particular

social media platforms, for five (5)
consecutive day.


1.What I know about research intervention?

Research interventions are strategies and processes designed to assess the change in a
situation or individual following a systematic modification (diet, therapeutic technique, etc.)
or to compare the effects of one type of intervention program to those of another. The most
common type of intervention research is experimentation, but clinical trials and qualitative
studies may also be used.

2.I have learned that when describing the research intervention…

the researchers must initially write the background information regarding the study. This
would become their introductory paragraph that will explain the relevance of the intervention
to the investigation conducted. Secondly, they should also describe the differences and
similarities between the experimental and control group. State what will happen and what
will not in both groups to be able to clearly illustrate the parameters of the research groups.
Subsequently, describe the procedures of the intervention. In particular, researchers should
describe how will the experimental group will receive or experience the condition. It includes
how will the intervention happen to achieve the desired result of the study. Lastly, explain
the basis of procedures. The reason for choosing the intervention and process should be clear
and concrete. The researchers must explain why the procedures are necessary. In addition,
the theoretical and conceptual basis for choosing the procedures should be presented to
establish its validity.

LESSON 5: Planning Data Collection


Activity 1: What’s the Procedure

Based on the gathering procedure cited, I can predict that the research design of the study
was either descriptive or correlational. It shows the usual flow of the research study if these two
kinds of design were used. Aside from that, it is impossible to become ex post facto neither
experimental or quasi experimental, since they don’t use questionnaires instead they measure the
effects of the treatment to the respondents.


Activity 2: Arrange your Steps

3 The respondents will have a chance to have a look at the performance tasks.
1 Each of the participants will be interviewed for individual filling out of the personal
background of media literacy information.
6 The researcher will meet the participants eight times in four-month data gathering
9 The participants will answer the learning activity sheets (LAS) after practicing the
new approach.
5 The data collection in each group will be supervised by two experienced Information
Technology teachers to ensure proper implementation of the intervention.
4 The participants will read example situations about media literacy that are not
familiar to them.
7 The new approach in assessing the performance tasks of learners will be
2 The list of performance tasks and assessment tools will be prepared.
8 The media literacy summative test will be administered after the implementation of
the new approach in assessing performance tasks.
10 The tests results will be encoded for summary and will be analyzed.


1. This time, I have learned that quantitative data…………

collected using different techniques are research data that appears to be measurable in the
numerical form. Since it is categorized and numbered accordingly, then it can be quantified
during analysis.

2. Techniques in quantitative data gathering help to……….

ensure accurate information which will lead to good quality research outcomes. It enables a
person or organization to answer relevant questions, evaluate outcomes and make predictions
about future probabilities and trends. Survey, observation, and experiment are standardized to
minimize or control possible bias.

3. In planning my data gathering procedure, I need to consider………

the different techniques such as observation, survey, and experiment. If I want to gather
information about a certain condition using my senses, then I am using observation. But, if it is
done through interview or a questionnaire, it is clearly a survey. On the other hand, experiment
can be used if I want to measure the effects of the treatment or intervention. In the collection of
data, we have to be systematic. If data are collected haphazardly, it will be difficult to answer
our research questions conclusively.



•Develop a questionnaire

•Identify the potential respondents of the study asked on their characteristics

•Determine the sample size through Heuristics and apply stratified random sampling to identify
the specific participants included in the study.

•Formally ask permission to each respondents If by chance that 18 years old or below is/are
included, then the researcher will ask for parent’s consent.

Pilot the research instrument.


•Give clear instructions to the respondents and allow them to ask concerns if they don’t fully
understand the explanation.

•Administer the questionnaire to the respondents.

•Collect their responses.

•Consolidate the data gathered and summarize it in a tabular form.

•Analyze the summarized data corresponding to the research questions.


Data Collection Procedure

At first, the researcher will develop a questionnaire. Next, she will identify the potential
respondents of the study based on their characteristics. Then, she will determine the sample
size through Heuristics and select the actual participants in the study by using stratified
random sampling. After having a fixed sample size, she will formally ask permission to each
of them. If by chance that 18 years old or below is/are included, then the researcher will ask
for parent’s consent Before proceeding on conducting the survey, she will pilot the research
instrument. Next, the researcher will give clear instructions to the respondents and allow
them to ask concerns if they don’t fully understand the explanation Then, she can now
administer the questionnaire to the respondents. After collecting their responses, she will
consolidate the data gathered and summarize it in a tabular form. Finally, she can now begin
to analyze the summarize data corresponding to the research questions.

Lesson 6: Planning Data Analysis

What’s New
Activity 1: Statistics Recall

Terms Definition of Description Purpose of Function

Data Individual pieces of factual Used as a pattern for analysis.
information recorded and
used for analysis.
Frequency Refers to the number of times Provides a visual
the value occurs in the data. representation for the
distribution of observations
within a particular test.
Percentage A relative value indicating A powerful way to compare
the hundredth parts of any samples with different
quantity. numbers of observations.
Mean It summarizes an entire Measures the center of a
dataset with a single number certain numerical data set.
representing the data's center
point or typical value.
Standard Deviation A measure of the amount of To measure the dispersion of
variation or dispersion of a a dataset relative to its mean.
set of values.

Table A way of presenting Its main purpose is to present

statistical data through a all the information available
systematic arrangement of the on a certain problem in one
numbers describing some place for easy reference and
mass phenomenon or process. they are usually placed in the
appendices of reports.
Figure It is defined as the particular To present data in an
amount expressed as a illustrative format, which
number, especially a statistic. clearly communicates the
results in an interpretable
manner, in which patterns can
be emphasized.
Parametric Test Refers to those that make To make inferences from the
assumptions about the sample statistic to the
parameters of the population population parameter through
distribution from which the sampling distributions.
sample is drawn.
Non-Parametric Test This does not assume It is used when particular data
anything about the underlying isn't normal. Therefore, the
distribution. key is to figure out if
normally distributed data are
Correlation Pertains to any statistical Used to test relationships
relationship, whether causal between quantitative
or not, between two random variables or categorical
variables or bivariate data. variables.
Regression A statistical method that A statistical technique that is
attempts to determine the used to evaluate the
strength and character of the relationship between two or
relationship between one more variables.
dependent variable and a
series of other variables.

What’s More
Activity 2. Step by step analysis

Step To Do

Pre-process Identify the types of variables, research question, hypothesis, and scale of

1 Define your questions

2 Set clear measurement priorities

3 Collect the data

4 Analyze the data gathered

5 Interpret result

Activity 3. Choose the Appropriate Statistical Test

1.) Relationship between Academic Stressors and Learning Preferences of Senior High
School Students

Statistical Test/s: T-test

Explanation: This statistical test will allow the researchers to be able to determine what
significant difference the two variables (academic stressors and learning preferences)
have which influences the Senior High School students.

2.) Reading Electronic Learning Materials as a Support for Vocabulary of Grade 1 Pupils

Statistical Test/s: Wilcoxon-signed rank test

Explanation: The statistical test would certainly help the researchers themselves to
discern the vocabulary capacity of grade 1 pupils in a way of conducting a paired
difference test of repeated measurements on a single sample to assess whether their mean
ranks differ.

3.) Impact of the Implementation of COVID-19 Health Protocols in Supermarkets on

Consumer Behaviors

Statistical Test/s: Regression

Explanation: This kind of analysis aids the researchers to estimate the relationship
between the dependent variable (consumer behaviors) and one independent variable
(COVID-19 Health Protocols).

4.) Effects of Morning Exercise on the Health Anxiety Level of Senior Citizens

Statistical Test/s: Regression

Explanation: Like what was stated in the previous number, this type of statistical test
will enable them to figure out the relationship between the dependent variable (anxiety
level of senior citizens) and one independent variable (morning exercises)

5.) Measuring the Gadgets Usage of Children at Home during Quarantine

Statistical Test/s: Wilcoxon-signed rank test

Explanation: Similar to the second one, this test is capable of measuring the sample
population's gadget usage by administering investigation gauging the specific time they

What I Have Learned

1. This time, I have learned that quantitative research and statistics…….

are methods that emphasize objective measurements and the rigid mathematical, or numerical
analysis of data collected through polls, questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating pre-
existing statistical data using computational techniques. Further, they focus on gathering
variational data and generalizing it across groups of people to explain a particular phenomenon.

2. The factors to consider before planning the data analysis of the research study are…...

the scale, whether it be interval, ratio, nominal or ordinal; the sample size (fewer or greater than
30 participants per group); and the distribution of data (e.g normal distribution).

3. How do you know the specific statistical test to be used in a research study?

Based on what I have understood, in order to determine which specific statistical test to use, we
initially need to know whether data provided meets the certain assumptions, as well as the types
of variables that we’re dealing with.

What I Can Do
Plan Data Analysis Using Statistics and Hypothesis Testing

Research Questions Statistical Tests Purpose

Lesson 7: Presenting Research Methodology

What’s More
Activity 1. Personal Work Evaluation
5- Very Good, 4- Good, 3- Fair, 2- Poor, 1- Needs Improvement

Indicator Self- Rating

1.) Research Design 4
Type and Definition were presented, and rational is discussed.
2.) Sampling Procedure and Sample 5
Population and samples are described and sampling procedure
is clear and relevant.
3.) Research Instrument, and its Validity and Reliability 3
Basis of decision is explained, instrument is well described, and
its validity and reliability were clearly presented.
4.) Data Gathering Procedure 4
Protocols were clear , and steps in gathering are well stated.
5.) Data Analysis 4
Basis and explanations are clearly discussed.
Total Rating 20

Activity 2. Reflection

1. What is your highest and lowest rating? What are your reasons for giving yourself such

I gave my highest rating in sampling procedure and sample because I easily identified the
sample size that I needed in my study through following the given approaches such as heuristics,
formula, g power, etc. I am also confident that the samples are fairly representative since I
applied Stratified random sampling which don’t favor certain members.

I gave my lowest rating in research instrument. Although I try to make sure that my research
instrument are valid and reliable, there is still a little doubt if it consistently measure what it is
intended to measure. I am not even sure if I am able to include all the possible questions needed
to clearly answer the research problems. I can tell it is not poorly constructed and lack of content
It’s just not that 100% reliable but can be considered as almost.

2. Overall, do you think you are ready for presentation of your research paper? Explain your

In terms of presenting the research methodology, I think I am prepared and equiped. Before I
made each of the subtopics, I make sure that I am knowledgeable on the approaches and
techniques provided in the module and use them as a basis in creating an effective research
methodology. When it comes to presenting the whole research paper, I admit that I am not yet
ready because I haven’t yet analyze the gathered data which means I still can’t conclude
anything or basically I may not be able to answer the research problems for now, as well as
approve or disprove my hypothesis. I am just on the part of the research study, where I am just
planning for data analysis. But, sooner or later I will be able to accomplish it all and review all of
the parts of it That’s where I can tell that I am fully ready to present my research paper to the
panelists and to my co-researchers.

What I Have Learned

1. What are the new learning you have gained from this module in terms of skills, content, and
attitude in identifying and stating the research problem?

As I go deep into the informations cited in the module, I have gained a lot of learnings. It
develops my analytical skills by analyzing situations to figure out the problem that needs to be
answered. I became more aware of not just creating research problems but learning how to be
well-defined and precise in making it to generate an accurate, valid, and reliable instruments
used in making conclusions. It tests my honesty and dedication in constructing the problem as it
requires to only include what you observe and desires to know.

2. How will you improve your research writing skills in quantitative research?

A snapshot of research writing is given, from presenting a research question in context of

current knowledge to interpreting your findings. In other words, moving from general to specific,
then specific to general. It's important to be a careful and intentional writer. It's not about writing,
it's about readability. It should clearly communicate the meaning to readers by always keeping
their needs in mind. You are responsible for writing a clear research topic with attainable
research objectives and problems that needs to be answer at the end of the study. And of course,
don’t forget to use punctuation marks and proper grammar By considering those things, I can
improve my writing skills and assure that I can accomplish effective quantitative research papers.

1. A 6. C 11. A
2. D 7. A 12. B
3. C 8. A 13. A
4. C 9. C 14. D
5. B 10. B 15. B

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