Right Brain - Left Brain Puzzles

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Screening Puzzles

1. Draw the Ace, King, Queen, and Jack of each suit in the
empty boxes so that:
• No card value appears twice in any row, column, or long
diagonal; and
• No suit appears twice in any row, column, or long
2. Given that scales A and B balance perfectly, how many red
balls are needed to balance scale C?

ANSWER: ______
3. There is only one place in which Pattern A can be found in
the grid. The pattern may be rotated, but not reflected. Can
you find it? (Outline the answer in heavy marks.)

Pattern A
4. What comes next in this sequence?


ANSWER: _______
5. Which domino (a, b, c, or d) should fill the empty space?

ANSWER: ________
6. The number 1,899,740 appears just once in this number-
search grid, and it occurs in a straight line, running either
backward or forward in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal
direction. Can you find it? (Outline the answer in heavy
7. What is the missing shape:
Circle, Hexagon, Square, Triangle?

ANSWER: _________________
8. Each block is equal to the sum of the 2 numbers beneath it.
Fill in the rectangles with all the missing numbers.
9. This magic mirror reflects strangely. Match each lamp to its
correct (although misplaced and somewhat distorted) in the
mirror. Draw a line to connect the original lamp’s letter with
the mirror version.

A ____
B ____
C ____
D ____
E ____
F ____
G ____
10. During Men’s Week, 4 guys each went on a shopping trip,
and each time one of the guys forget to buy a needed item
(surprise!). Use the grid to enter information provided in the
clues, apply logic to deduce the missing information, and
answer the question: What item did Joe forget to buy?
(Put an “X” in the boxes that are not correct, and a check mark in those that are
correct. For example, if you figure out Ron didn’t spend $20, “X” marks the

1. Ron forgot to buy detergent.

2. The guy who spent $50 is either Elliott or the one who forgot to buy milk.
3. Marty spent $30.
4. Elliott spent $10 less than the guy who forgot to buy coffee.


$20 $30 $40 $50 Bread Coffee Detergent Milk








ANSWER: ___________________
When the shape below is folded to form a cube, which one of
the following cubes (a, b, c, d, or e) is the result?

ANSWER: _________
Can you crack the safe? First decide which FOUR of the following 14
statements given are FALSE. Then shade out the areas on the
combination lock that are labeled with the letters of those FALSE
statements. (Example: If you think statement A is false, shade out
area A.) The remaining “lit” segments will reveal the digital
combination. (Feel free to use a calculator.)

A. There are a dozen dozens in a gross.

B. 39 is a prime number.
C. 111 x 111 = 12,321.
D. 50 divided 0.5 equals 25.
E. One cubic yard has 46,656 cubic inches.
F. The positive square root of 121 is 11.
G. (1/2) x (2/3) x (3/4) x (4/5) = 1/5
H. There are 1,440 minutes in a day.
I. If the digits of a whole number add up to 9, the number is divisible by 9.
J. “Threescore years and ten” equals 70 years.
K. If P x Q = Q, then P must be 1.
L. If two angles in a triangle are 36 and 54, the third angle is a right angle.
M. In Roman numerals, I + V + X + L + C + D + M = 1,666.
N. The cube root of 5 is 225.

ANSWER: The two-digit code is: ________


1. 2. 8

3. 4. E

5. C 6.

7. Circle 8.

9. 10. Milk
B=7 $20 $30 $40 $50 Bread Coffee Detergent Milk

C=4 Ron X X √ X X X √ X


Joe X X X √ X X X √
E=2 X
Marty X √ X X X √ X
F=1 X
Elliott √ X X X √ X X

Bread √ X X X

Coffee X √ X X

Detergent X X √ X

Milk X X X √
1. A

2. 64. Correct versions of false statements:

B. 39 is not a prime number (divisible by 13)
D. 50 divided by 0.5 = 100
K. If P x Q = Q, then P can be 1 OR Q can be zero.
N. The cube of 5 is 125

1. (Logic and deduction)

2. 8. One blue ball = 3 yellow balls, so 2 red balls also weigh as much as 3 yellow balls. 2 red
balls = 1 blue ball. Thus 8 red balls are needed to balance scale C.

3. Just ‘cuz. Deal with it.

4. E. Looking across the line of circles, the top left quarter alternates star/diamond; the top
right quarter alternates circle with dot/circle; the bottom left quarter alternates white
dot/black dot/dot with line, and the bottom right quarter alternates 1 line/2 lines/3 lines
horizontally, and 3 lines/2 lines/1 line vertically.

5. C. The total number of dots increases by 2 each time.

6. It just is. Again, deal with it.

7. Circle. Each row and column, across and down, has 13 corners.

8. Just the way it is. It’s math. Don’t argue.

9. Match the (fuzzy) height and width of the lamp shades and bases.

10. Logic puzzle

a. The givens (check marks) are that Ron forgot detergent (Clue 1) and that Marty spent $30
(Clue 3).

b. Since per Clue 2 the Milk-Forgetting Guy is either Elliott or the guy who spent $50 (the
MOST) and because per Clue 4 Elliott spent LESS than someone, Elliott can’t be the guy who
forgot the milk. Therefore Milk-Forgetting Guy spent $50.

c. Since Marty spent $30, he didn’t spend $50 and thus is not Milk-Forgetting Guy.

d. Since Coffee-Forgetting Guy did not spend $50, and because Elliott spent $10 less than
Coffee-Forgetting Guy but did not spend $30, Elliott did not spend $40. Therefore Elliott spent
$20, and Coffee-Forgetting Guy spent $30, which means Marty forgot the coffee. That leaves
Elliott as Bread-Forgetting Guy.

e. That leaves only Joe as Milk-Forgetter.

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