Film Festival Shot List - Sheet1

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EXT. Day 1 WS
(Present) Empty town MUSIC that has clock ticking with it *look up hans zimmer work in interstellar*

EXT. Day 2 WS
Empty street

EXT. Day 3 WS
Empty parking lot

EXT. Day 4 WS
Empty field

EXT. Day 5 WS
Front of house

EXT. Day 6 WS
Front view from house

INT. Day 5 MS
(Past) Sol sleeping in her bed MUSIC stops. NATS

INT. Day 7 MS
Sol's mother calling her from downstairs (shot of face)

INT. Day 8 CU
Sol sleeping ... (then transition)

INT. Day 9 CU
(Present) Sol waking up looking exhausted and sad

Sol gets up from her bed INT. Day 10 WS

Sol, in her dining room, opening one window INT. Day 11 MS

Sol, in her living room, opening another window INT. Day 12 MS
Sol opening front door and closing it behind her INT. Day 13 MS
Sol opening a second door INT. Day 14 MS
Sol in the door frame EXT. Day 15 WS
Sol looking around at the empty town EXT. Day 16 MCU
Sol seeing something odd EXT. Day 17 CU
Shot of the box EXT. Day 18 QUICK ZOOM
She walks down her steps EXT. Day 19 MS
Looks left then looks right EXT. Day 20 CU
Walks forward a little and looks at box again EXT. Day 21 CU
She walks toward the box EXT. Day 22 WS
She opens the box cautiously EXT. Day 23 MCU
Shot of Sol looking into box EXT. Day 24 CAM faces UP
Shot inside box with the letter EXT. Day 25 CAM faces DN
Letter EXT. Day 26 CU
Sol looks up around her again EXT. Day 27 WS
Letter EXT. Day 28 CU
She closes it and puts it back in the box EXT. Day 29 MS
She picks the box up and walks back to the house EXT. Day 30 WS
Shot of evening sky EXT. EVENING 31
Sol sits at her table with a pen in hand INT. EVENING 32 MCU
She begins to write INT. EVENING 33 MCU
Shot of letter she is writing INT.. EVENING 34 CU
Sol finishes washing her dishes INT. EVENING 35 MS
She enters the dining room again while drying hands w paper tw. INT. EVENING 36 MCU
She walks towards the letter and puts it back in the box INT.. EVENING 37 MS
She puts the box back where she found it EXT. EVENING 38 WS
Now in her pajamas, she brushes her wet hair in the mirror INT. EVENING 39 MS
She walks to her desk and sits down INT.. EVENING 40 MS
Shot of family picture INT. EVENING 41 CU
She pulls out a diary and pen from the drawer INT. EVENING 42 MS
She begins to write INT. EVENING 43 CU
She gets up to use the bathroom INT. Night 44
As she walks to the bathroom and passes the front foor, she walks backw. INT. Night 45 MS
She opens the door and peaks through INT. Night 46 MCU
Shot of Mickie looking in the box EXT. Night 47 WS
"HEY!" EXT. Night 48 MS
Shot of Mickie jumping up from shock and running INT. Night 49 WS
"HEY! STOP! PLEASE!" as Sol runs down the stairs INT. Night 50 WS
Mickie runs EXT. Night 51 ACTION SHOT
Sol runs after EXT. Night 52 ACTION SHOT
Mickie runs but Sol passes her up INT. Night 53 Dolly Out
(CAM behind Mickie's head) Sol stands in front of Mickie INT. Night 54 MS
“Why are you running away from me? Who are you?” EXT. Night 55 MCU
“I’m sorry..........” EXT. Night 56 OTS
They both look down at Mickie's hands INT. Night 57 2-SHOT
The paper is crumbled and she unclenches it and reads it INT. Night 58 CU
Mickie reads it silently EXT. Night 59 2-SHOt
"Yeah I don't know........" EXT. Night 60 OTS
"Where are you staying......." INT. Night 61 OTS
"I've been staying at some house........." INT. Night 62 OTS
"I mean I have no one........" EXT. Night 63 OTS
EXT. Night 64 2-SHOt
Mickie is hesitant INT. Night 65 OTS
"Okay I'll look around" INT. Night 66 MS

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