Primus World Building Lore

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A fantastical world that contains multiple and infinite realms separated by vast planar dimensional
boundaries; each realm is ever changing and has developed differently and has its own unique qualities.

A world of that contains all manner of mythical creatures, from weak goblins to fearsome dragons. It is
ruled by those that have reached the level of primordial entities that can only be described as ULTIMATE


Racial skills

These are skills that every beast of that particular race has. They are acquired at the moment of birth or
when a creature evolves into that particular race. For example the racial skill;

Ice Dragon Constitution [Ice Dragon breath, Ice Dragon scales, Ice Dragon magic, Draconic knowledge,
Ice Dragon body, Ice affinity, Dragon fear].

Acquired skills

These are skills one can acquire through special actions like learning or practicing. Although they can be
obtained by anyone, how easily one can obtain them may be affected by their race. Are the only skills
that level, start from low level proficiency, and then one can have a breakthrough in a particular skill to
have it ascend to Exalted (EX). When a skill reaches EX, one obtains a special unique Ability from it and
even if multiple people receive Abilities with the same name from a skill breakthrough, how the Ability
functions will be fundamentally different and only unique to them.

Extrinsic skills

These are special skills similar to racial skills but most can be acquired if the right conditions are met.

Primordial Soul skills

These are skills that only one individual has, they are an expression of their soul. These skills are able to
interfere with how the laws of existence operate; they are ultimate and unique so only one of such skill
can exist at a time. Skills of this class may not be shared or copied. They are gained when one reaches
primordial level. Are able surpass Domains.

An aspect of the universe that one has absolute understanding and is above all when that particular
aspect is at play. Domains allow one to easily establish new fundamental and universal rules when that
aspect is concerned. For example if the holder of the Darkness domain is completely erased from
existence, they will automatically revive whenever there is darkness of any form, so as long they hold
that domain they are Darkness incarnate. In summary one can do virtually anything when it comes to the
concept of their Domains.


Normal grade

Advanced grade

Epic grade

Legendary grade

Mythical grade










Primordial Emperor


Magical energy

There are infinite types of Magics in the each having vast potential e.g. Elemental magic (fire, earth, air,
water, light, darkness, sand [earth + air], and ice [air + water], and many more combinations…)

Ki energy
Spiritual energy





When one clears certain conditions they can obtain a tittle, and these tittles grant particular abilities and
benefits to the holder.


NOTE; not all their abilities are shown as there are a vast number of them

Primordial Dragon Emperor Minerva

“As soon as she appears a story is at its end, you can’t run from her because nothing really lasts
forever, everything ends and she is the END, as soon as she closes the book the story is over’’, random
erased Infinite Higher Dimensional Entity

NAME Minerva Exodus

RACE Apocalypse Dragon
TITTLES The Second Primordial, End of all Paths’, EX level
Universal Mage
EVOLUTION STAGE Primordial Emperor
RACIAL SKILLS Apocalypse Dragon Constitution
AQUIRED EX SKILLS Magic abilities[Time magic EX, Space magic EX,
NOTE: (Skills lower than EX not shown because Elemental magic EX , Void magic EX, Creation &
they are too numerous). Destruction magic EX, Summoning magic EX,
Also skills gained from ultimate skills not included Corruption magic EX, Abyss magic EX, Chaos magic
EX, Black magic EX, White magic EX, Wish magic
EX, Nature magic EX, Information magic EX,
Extra skills[ Weapons mastery EX, Universal
negative alignment immunity EX, Puppetry EX,
Chakra mastery EX, Magic mastery EX]

Craft skills [Alchemy EX, Woodworking EX,

Blacksmithing EX, Weaving EX, Advanced Sciences
and Engineering EX]
EXTRINSIC SKILLS True Immortal, Parallel existence, Transformation
Domain, Energy affinity, Space Transversal, 13
DOMAINS Time, Light, Darkness, Dragon, Book
MYTHICAL GRADE EQUIPMENT Weapons and armour [ The Staff of Yggdrasil, The
Ender Sword, ]

Tools and accessories [The Akashic Library of

infinite Grimores and Spell books, The Philosophers
Stone, The Spirit Source Crown]


Primordial Wolf beast Emperor Silus

NAME Silus Greyback

RACE Divine Wolf Fenrir
TITTLES World devouring wolf, Emperor of martial arts
EVOLUTION STAGE Primordial Emperor
RACIAL SKILLS Divine Wolf Constitution
AQUIRED EX SKILLS Magic [ Time magic EX, Space magic EX, Elemental
magic EX , Void magic EX, Creation & Destruction
magic EX, Summoning magic EX, Chaos magic EX,
Black magic EX, Information magic EX]

Weapons mastered[
Martial arts

Extra skills [ Weapons mastery EX, Martial arts EX,

Universal Combat mastery EX, Ki mastery EX,
Spiritual energy mastery EX, Miasma mastery EX,
Chakra mastery EX, Haki mastery EX, Universal
negative alignment immunity EX]

Craft skills [ Blacksmithing EX, Cooking EX]

True Adaptation, Transformation Domain, Infinite
Realm Stomach, Time affinity, True Immortal,
Timeless existence, Unlimited Transformations
PRIMORDIAL SOUL SKILL Devour, Predate and Assimilate
DOMAINS War, Space, Void, Hunting
MYTHICAL GRADE EQUIPMENT Primordial soul skill equipment forms

Primordial Nine tailed beast Emperor Salvos

NAME Salvos Netherfox

RACE Platinum Nine Tailed Fox
TITTLES One who outruns time,
EVOLUTION STAGE Primordial Emperor
RACIAL SKILLS Platinum Nine Tailed Fox Constitution, Fox fire
AQUIRED EX SKILLS Magic abilities [Illusion magic EX, Space magic EX,
Elemental magic EX , Void magic EX, Creation &
Destruction magic EX, Summoning magic EX, White
magic EX, Chaos magic EX, Black magic EX,
Information Magic EX]

Weapons mastered[
Martial arts
Ancient Yokai

Extra skills [ Magic mastery EX, Yokai mastery EX,

Weapons mastery EX, Martial arts EX, Spiritual
Energy mastery EX, Universal negative alignment
immunity EX, Miasma mastery EX]

Craft skills [ Origami EX, Enchanting EX, Cooking

EX, Potion making EX, Stoneworking EX,
Woodworking EX]
EXTRINSIC SKILLS Infinite Beast tails, Infinite Existence, Soul
Manipulation, Soul affinity, Time Transversal,
Transformation Domain, True Immortal
PRIMORDIAL SOUL SKILL Fiction and reality reversal
DOMAIN Illusion, Entertainment, Reality, Shadows, Speed,
MYTHICAL GRADE EQUIPMENT Weapons and armour [ The Destruction and
Creation Flame Fan, The Space-Time Robe, The
Dimension Cutter Dagger]

Items and accessories [The Soul Stone, The Ability

Mirror, The Mind Ring]



Primordial Fairy Emperor Laverty

NAME Laverty khaos
RACE Eternal fairy
TITTLES The Dark Fairy Empress
EVOLUTION STAGE Primordial Emperor
RACIAL SKILLS Eternal fairy constitution, Fairy World
AQUIRED EX SKILLS Magic [Wish magic EX, Nature magic EX, Time
magic EX, Space magic EX, Elemental magic EX ,
Void magic EX, Creation & Destruction magic EX,
Summoning magic EX, Chaos magic EX, White
magic EX, Corruption magic EX, Information magic

Extra skills [ Weapons mastery EX, Martial arts EX,

Spiritual Energy mastery EX, Ki mastery EX,
Universal negative alignment immunity EX]

Craft skills [ Blacksmithing EX, Enchanting EX,

Cooking EX, Botany EX, Woodworking EX, Potion
making EX, Accessory crafting EX, Weaving EX,
Runecrafting EX, Gem crafting EX, Advanced
Sciences and Engineering EX]
EXTRINSIC SKILLS God of Crafts, True Immortal, Eternal Existence,
Creation affinity, Transformation Domain, Tinkerer,
The Primal 7 Summon, Labyrinth Creation
PRIMORDIAL SOUL SKILL Absolute Wish granting
DOMAIN Dream, Nature, Elemental, Imagination,
Corruption, Abyss, Eternity
MYTHICAL GRADE EQUIPMENT Weapons and armour [13 Beast Evolving Blades,
Eternal Heaven and Earth Devouring Armour]

Tools and accessories [The Orb of Negative

Concepts , The fountain of Chakra, The Divine
Spark of Creation ,
Workshop of Universal Mythical Crafter]


Primordial Vampire Emperor Draculas

NAME Draculas Bloodriver

RACE True Blood Ancestor
TITTLES The World Creator
EVOLUTION STAGE Primordial Emperor
RACIAL SKILLS True Blood Ancestor Constitution, Blood World
AQUIRED EX SKILLS Magic [ Nature magic EX, Time magic EX, Space
magic EX, Elemental magic EX , Void magic EX,
Creation & Destruction magic EX, Summoning
magic EX, Chaos magic EX, White magic EX,
Corruption magic EX, Abyss magic EX, Black magic
EX, Information magic EX]

Extra skills [ Weapons mastery EX, Martial arts EX,

Spiritual Energy mastery EX, Ki mastery EX,
Universal negative alignment immunity EX]

Craft skills [ Blacksmithing EX, Enchanting EX,

Cooking EX, Potion making EX, Accessory crafting
EXTRINSIC SKILLS Abyss affinity, True Immortal, Transformation
Domain, Absolute Ascended existence, Dark Matter
PRIMORDIAL SOUL SKILL Mythic World Keeper (Magic World, Ki world,
Chakra world, Abyss world…..)
DOMAIN Blood, Myth, Consumption, Stars, Rebirth
MYTHICAL GRADE EQUIPMENT Weapons and armour [ Spear of Infinite Abyssal
Darkness, Elder One Armour]

Tools and accessories [The Tree of Souls, The

Crown of Life, Death and Reincarnation]


Phoenix lord Fern

NAME Fern Flamespawn
RACE Dark Celestial Phoenix
TITTLES The First flame, The Beast of Escalation
EVOLUTION STAGE Primordial Emperor
RACIAL SKILLS Dark Celestial Phoenix Constitution, Flame
AQUIRED SKILLS Magic [Time magic EX, Space magic EX, Elemental
magic EX , Void magic EX, Creation & Destruction
magic EX, Nature magic EX, Summoning magic EX,
Flame magic EX, Chaos magic EX, Black magic EX,
White magic EX, Information magic EX]

Extra skills [ Weapons mastery EX, Martial arts EX,

Unarmed Combat mastery EX, Ki mastery EX,
Universal negative alignment immunity EX]

Craft skills [ Enchanting EX, Cooking EX, Potion

making EX, Accessory crafting EX, Runecrafting EX]
EXTRINSIC SKILLS Fires of creation and destruction, Transformation
Domain, Life affinity, True Immortal, Escalation
PRIMORDIAL SOUL SKILL Undying Flames of Perfection Kalytera
[Every time your flames burn you become a better
version of yourself, current abilities get stronger
and you even acquire better abilities. Your flame is
always burning.]
DOMAIN Fire , Flame, Creation, Life, Entropy, Immortality,
MYTHICAL GRADE EQUIPMENT Weapons and armour [The Blade Armoury of the
Apocalypse, The robes of Undeath]
Tools and accessories [The Crown of Darkness,
The Ring of Stagnation, Library of Death]

Primordial Mermaid Emperor Lapis

NAME Lapis Blackwater

RACE Deep Ocean Mermaid Empress
TITTLES The Larker of the Deep
EVOLUTION STAGE Primordial Emperor
RACIAL SKILLS Deep Ocean Mermaid Empress Constitution, Water
AQUIRED SKILLS Magic [Abyss magic EX, Nature magic EX, Time
magic EX, Space magic EX, Elemental magic EX ,
Void magic EX, Creation & Destruction magic EX,
Summoning magic EX, Chaos magic EX, White
magic EX, Black magic EX, Information magic EX]

Extra skills [ Weapons mastery EX, Martial arts EX,

Spiritual Energy mastery EX, Ki mastery EX, Chakra
mastery EX, Universal negative alignment
immunity EX]

Craft skills [Enchanting EX, Alchemy EX, Potion

making EX, Accessory crafting EX, Runecrafting EX,
Gem crafting EX]
EXTRINSIC SKILLS True Immortal, Transformation Domain,
Conceptual existence, Destruction affinity, Wave
manipulation, Myriad Energy Source Wellspring ,
The Beast Unit Creation, The Infinite Shadow
Armoury, The Void Realm Authority
PRIMORDIAL SOUL SKILL Primordial Universe Soul (Negative & Positive
DOMAIN Ocean, Fear, Gravity, Destruction, War

Primordial Behemoth Emperor Kashrus

NAME Kashrus Deeprot

RACE Red Abyss Behemoth
TITTLES The Summon Emperor
EVOLUTION STAGE Primordial Emperor
RACIAL SKILLS Red Abyss Behemoth Constitution, Abyss Aura
AQUIRED EX SKILLS Magic [Barrier magic EX, Nature magic EX, Time
Note; SSUUR Skills= EX level magic EX, Space magic EX, Elemental magic EX ,
Void magic EX, Creation & Destruction magic EX,
Summoning magic EX, Chaos magic EX, Black
magic EX, Information magic EX]

Extra skills [ Weapons mastery EX, Martial arts EX,

Spiritual Energy mastery EX, Ki mastery EX,
Universal negative alignment immunity EX]
Craft skills [ Blacksmithing EX, Enchanting EX,
Alchemy EX, Potion making EX, Cooking EX,
Accessory crafting EX, Runecrafting EX]

SSUUR Skills [……..]

EXTRINSIC SKILLS Domination, Chaos affinity, True Immortal,
Transformation Domain, Vector manipulation, The
72 Eldritch Seals
PRIMORDIAL SOUL SKILL Unlimited Gacha Emperor
[One can Gacha summon possibly any Acquired
and Extra skills, Domains, Equipment and
Subordinate Units, it all depends on one’s own

SSUUR Subordinate units = Primordial Emperor

DOMAIN Luck, Wisdom, Theft ,Food, Shadows,
Transformation, Fate
SSUUR Domains [………..]

Primordial Hydra Emperor Echidna

NAME Echidna Sefron
RACE Dark Void Hydra
TITTLES The Void Serpent
EVOLUTION STAGE Primordial Emperor
RACIAL SKILLS Dark Void Hydra Constitution, Void Creation
AQUIRED SKILLS Magic [ Nature magic EX, Time magic EX, Space
magic EX, Elemental magic EX , Void magic EX,
Creation & Destruction magic EX, Summoning
magic EX, Chaos magic EX, White magic EX, Black
magic EX, Information magic EX]

Extra skills [ Weapons mastery EX, Martial arts

EX, Spiritual Energy mastery EX, , Haki mastery
EX, Ki mastery EX, Universal negative alignment
immunity EX]

Craft skills [ Blacksmithing EX, Enchanting EX,

Runecrafting EX, Botany EX, Woodworking EX,
Potion making EX]

EXTRINSIC SKILLS True Immortal, Transformation Domain, Nuclear,

Infinite True Doppelganger, Unlimited Existence
Can use any and every Skill or/and Ability that
exists provided it is not an Ultimate skill
DOMAIN Regeneration, Poison, Mind, Wind
MYTHICAL GRADE EQUIPMENT Weapons and armour [ The Mythical Tale
Armoury, The Infinite Evolution Robes,]

Tools and accessories [The Tome of Old Ones,

The Universe Space Ring]


Primordial Insect Emperor Dues

NAME Dues Ex
RACE Divine Void Insect
TITTLES Infinite Eyed God
EVOLUTION STAGE Primordial Emperor
RACIAL SKILLS Divine Void Insect Constitution, Insect Domination
AQUIRED SKILLS Magic [ Mimic magic EX, Time magic EX, Space
magic EX, Illusion magic EX, Elemental magic EX ,
Void magic EX, Creation & Destruction magic EX,
Summoning magic EX, Chaos magic EX, Black
magic EX, White Magic EX, Information magic EX]

Extra skills[ Weapons mastery EX , Haki mastery

EX, Martial arts EX, Spiritual Energy mastery EX,
Universal negative alignment immunity EX]

Craft skills [ Blacksmithing EX, Enchanting EX,

Alchemy EX, Advanced Sciences and Engineering

EXTRA SLILLS True Immortal, Transformation Domain, Spiritual

energy affinity, Divine existence, Nuclear Forces
ULTIMATE SKILLS Multiverse Soul eyes (Evil eyes, Reincarnation
eyes, Divine eyes, Mystic eyes, etc……..)
DOMAIN Information, Insects, , Adventure, Evolution
MYTHICAL GRADE EQUIPMENT Weapons and armour [ The Reincarnation Wheel,
The Infinite Aspect Armour]

Tools and accessories [The Book of the13 steps,

The Treasure House of Infinite Mythical Keys]


Primordial Slime Emperor Rimuru

NAME Rimuru Endless
RACE Ultimate Emperor Slime
TITTLES The First Slime, The Endless Primordial Ooze, The
First Primordial Emperor
EVOLUTION STAGE Primordial Emperor
RACIAL SKILLS Ultimate Emperor Slime Constitution, Crushing
AQUIRED EX SKILLS Magic [Particle Magic EX, Nature magic EX, Time
magic EX, Space magic EX, Elemental magic EX ,
Void magic EX, Creation & Destruction magic EX,
Mind magic EX, Summoning magic EX, Chaos
magic EX, White magic EX, Information magic EX]

Extra skills[ Weapons mastery EX, Martial arts EX,

Spiritual Energy mastery EX, Chakra mastery EX,
Haki mastery EX, Universal negative alignment
immunity EX]

Craft skills [ Blacksmithing EX, Enchanting EX,

Advanced Sciences and Engineering EX, Alchemy
EX, Potion making EX
Accessory crafting EX, Runecrafting EX]
EXTRINSIC SKILLS Chaos affinity, True Immortal, Transformation
Domain , Endless existence, Information
Delirium/Sapience, Destiny/Freedom,
Dream/Reality, Despair/Ecstasy,
DOMAIN Absorption, Slime ,Adaptation, Multiplication
MYTHICAL GRADE EQUIPMENT Weapons and armour [ The Aspect Sword]

Tools and accessories [The Outer God Mask]


Primordial Oni Emperor Rem

NAME Rem Naraka+
RACE Cascading Chaos Oni
TITTLES The Original Sin, The Virtuous One
EVOLUTION STAGE Primordial Emperor
RACIAL SKILLS Cascading Chaos Oni constitution, Intimidating
AQUIRED EX SKILLS Magic [Clone magic EX, Nature magic EX, Time
magic EX, Space magic EX, Elemental magic EX ,
Void magic EX, Creation & Destruction magic EX,
Summoning magic EX, Chaos magic EX, Life magic
EX, Death magic EX, Information magic EX,, Illusion
magic EX, Mind magic EX]

Extra skills[Weapons mastery EX, Magic mastery

EX, Martial arts EX, Spiritual Energy mastery EX, Ki
mastery EX, Universal negative alignment
immunity EX]

Craft skills [Blacksmithing EX, Enchanting EX,

Cooking EX, Accessory crafting EX, Alchemy EX,,
Runecrafting EX, Gem crafting EX]
EXTRINSIC SKILLS Deathless existence, Physical Constant
manipulation, 9 forms, Ki affinity, True Immortal,
Transformation Domain
PRIMORDIAL SOUL SKILL The Original Nine Sins (Gluttony/Abstinence,
Pride/Humility, Envy/Kindness, Greed/Charity,
Sloth/Diligence, Lust/Chastity, Wrath/Patience,
Melancholy/Joy, Vaingl0ry/Modesty)
DOMAINS Emotion, Equipment, Doorways, Death, Chaos,
ARMNAMENTS, The Robes of Mythical Beasts]

Tools and accessories [The True Abyss Crown, The

Time Necklace, Orb of Entropy, The Copy]


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