TKT Module 1 Part 2 Test

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For questions 1 – 5, match the statements about first and second language learning with the
categories listed A, B and C.

Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet.

You will need to use some of the options more than once.


A L1 learning

B L2 learning in the classroom

C Both

Statements about the first and second language learning

1. There is always a strong social need for the learner to acquire the language.

2. It is necessary to process information you’ve heard.

3. Acquisition of the language always happens together with cognitive development.

4. The language isn’t always an essential skill in the learner’s life.

5. Many learner’s fail to become proficient users.

For questions 6 – 10, match the teacher’s comments with the types of mistake listed A, B and C.

Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet.

You will need to use some of the options more than once.

Types of mistake

A developmental errors

B L1 interference

C slips

Teacher’s comments

6. It’s natural for all beginners to say things like I goed home instead of I went home.
7. Even though his level of English was good, the student was so excited yesterday that he made
several mistakes which he wouldn’t normally make.

8. This advanced student still has problems distinguishing between /s/ and /ʃ/. /s/ doesn’t exist in
his language.

9. After we’d done the unit on comparatives using more several students started saying more

10. This intermediate level student did the written exercises on irregular verbs perfectly but she
said cutted when she recorded the exercises. She was probably just a bit nervous.

For questions 11 – 16, match the classroom activities with the strategies for motivating learners
listed A – G.

Mark the correct letter (A – G) on your answer sheet.

There is one extra option which you do not need to use.

Classroom activities

11. At the start of the class, the teacher writes on the board what she hopes the learners will
achieve in the lesson.

12. The teacher introduces a new topic by using situations from the learners’ own lives.

13. The teacher gives only positive feedback on language used in an activity.

14. Students A and B exchange information in order to complete a text.

15. The teacher finds out how and when the learners like to be corrected.

16. The teacher shows the learners how to use the self-access centre.

Strategies for motivating learners

A. Ask learners about their learning preferences.

B. Build up learner´s confidence in their abilities.

C. Personalise lessons.

D. Make sure that learners understand instructions.

E. Encourage learner autonomy.

F. Make the learning aims clear to learners.

G. Give learners a reason for communicating with one another.

For questions 17 – 22, match the needs of each group with the most suitable type of course
listed A – G.

Mark the correct letter (A – G) on your answer sheet.

There is one extra option which you do not need to use.

Groups of students

17. These young adults need a range of study skills before going to a British university.

18. These adult beginners are going on holiday, and need to learn how to communicate in an
English-speaking environment.

19. This group of young children have a short attention span; their parents want them to learn
English while having some fun.

20. These business people need to meet and work with people from other countries at
international conferences.

21. These secretaries and receptionists want to focus on vocabulary and skills which are useful for
them in their work.

22. These scientists need to keep up-to-date with the latest developments in their subjects.

Types of courses

A. a course focusing on basic language skills for everyday situations.

B. a course focusing on listening and note-taking, and writing academic essays.

C. a course based on role-plays and situations, such as greeting visitors and telephoning clients.

D. an activity-based course with lots of games, songs and stories.

E. a course based on grammar revision and written practice.

F. an oral skills course based on cross-cultural material.

G. an online course in which students read texts on specific topics and answer detailed
comprehension questions.

For questions 23 – 27, match the learners’ preferences with the learning styles listed A, B and C.

Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet.

You will need to use some of the options more than once.

Learning styles

A. visual

B. auditory

C. kinaesthetic
Learners’ preferences

23. I like it when the teacher gives me a card with a word or phrase on and I have to act it out for
the rest of the class to guess the word.

24. I enjoy putting new vocabulary into a table or diagram. It helps me to remember words.

25. If we find a new word while we’re reading, the teacher often writes it on the board. But I
always ask her to say it too and I repeat it a couple of times.

26. Sometimes we cover our eyes and the teacher asks us to pick an object out of a bag. Then we
have to try to describe it. It’s a really good way of learning.

27. I collect magazines and cut out the photos I like. They’re very useful for getting ideas for telling

For questions 28 – 32, match the things the teacher does with the ways in which the students
are motivated listed A – F.

Mark the correct letter (A - F) on your answer sheet.

There is one extra option which you do not need to use.

Ways students are motivated

A. This makes students feel that the course is well organised.

B. Students feel more comfortable talking about what they know best – themselves!

C. Students like to hear they have done well.

D. Using their imagination can help students to get more involved in their fluency work.

E. Students often like “being the teacher” and explaining things to other students.

F. I find this allows me to keep students’ attention by quickly changing the pace of the lesson.

Things the teacher does

28. I sometimes get my students to choose a general interest topic to research and give mini-
presentations on.

29. I connect some of the texts and speaking topics in the coursebook to my students and their

30. I have some favourite “five-minute” fun activities ready for whenever I need them.

31. I tell my students each week that they’re going to study.

32. I use drama and role-play in the classroom.

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