Weather and Climate

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1. air mass, n phr a large area of air that has nearly повітряна маса
A northerly flow will bring an the same temperature and
air mass of arctic origin over the humidity at any height
2. arctic, adj /'ɑːktɪk/ 1) extremely cold 1) дуже холодний,
1) The North of England has суворий, крижаний
been experiencing arctic
conditions these past few days.
2) No trees grow in the Arctic 2) relating to the Arctic 2) арктичний, північний,
regions. полярний
4. climate, n /'klaɪmǝt/ the typical weather conditions in клімат
Mexico is renowned for its hot a particular area
climate and spicy food.
5. climate change, n phr a permanent change in weather зміна клімату
The President called for urgent conditions
action on climate change.
6. equable, adj /'ekwəbǝl/ equable weather is neither too помірний
Let’s go to a place with a hot nor too cold
pleasant, equable climate.
7. global warming, n phr /'gləʊbǝl a general increase in world глобальне потепління
wɔːmɪŋ/ temperatures caused by
It has not been conclusively increased amounts of carbon
established that global warming dioxide around the Earth
is entirely man-made.
8. harsh, adj /hɑːʃ/ harsh conditions are difficult to суворий, різкий (про
They encountered harsh live in and very uncomfortable погоду, клімат)
Canadian winters.
9. insular, adj /'ɪnsjʊlə/ relating to or like an island острівний
Britain is an insular country.
10. maritime, adj /'mærɪtaɪm/ near the sea relating to the sea or приморський, морський
The temperature change in ships
winter is less pronounced in
maritime areas.
11. mild, adj /maɪld/ fairly warm м’який
We had an exceptionally mild
winter last year.
12. moderate, adj /'mɒdǝrǝt/ not very hot or very cold, very помірний
September should be rain free, fast or very slow etc
with moderate temperatures.
13. oceanic, adj /ˌəʊʃɪ'ænɪk/ relating to the ocean океанський, океанічний
Many oceanic islands are
14. spell, n /spel/ a period of a particular kind of проміжок часу, період
A sunny day was a welcome activity, weather, illness etc,
change after a spell of rains. usually a short period
15. temperate, adj /'tempǝrǝt/ a type of weather or a part of the помірний
The weather here continues to be world that is never very hot or
temperate. very cold
16. temperate (climatic) zone, n one of the two parts of the Earth зона помірного клімату
phr that are north and south of the
Its distribution ranges from the tropics
tropics to the warmer areas of
the temperate zone of both
17. weather, n /'weðə/ the temperature and other погода
What’s the weather like today? conditions such as sun, rain, and
18. weather forecast, n phr a statement of what the weather прогноз погоди
/'weðə 'fɔːkɑːst/ is likely to be for the next day or
According to the weather few days, usually broadcast on
forecast, it’s going to stay hot television or radio or printed in a
for the rest of the week.
20. above zero, adj phr the temperature shown by the вище нуля; плюсова
The temperature is 10° above mark higher than the zero mark температура
zero. on a thermometer
21. average temperature, n phr typical and usual temperature середня температура
July is the hottest month in
London with an average
temperature of 19°C.
22. below zero, adj phr the temperature shown by the нижче нуля; мінусова
It’s supposed to fall below zero mark lower than the zero mark температура
tonight. on a thermometer
23. temperature, n /'temprɪtʃə/ a measure of how hot or cold a температура
The temperature in New York place or thing is
dropped to minus 10 degrees last
Not Quite Settled Weather
25. changeable, adj /'tʃeɪndʒəb(ǝ)l/ likely to change or changing мінлива
The British weather is very often
26. settled, adj /'setld/ remaining the same, and not постійнa, незміннa,
We can finally enjoy fine settled likely to change стійкa погода
27. uncertain, adj /ʌn'sɜːtn/ not clear, definite неясна, мінлива
The weather outside is
28. unpredictable, adj changing a lot so it is impossible непередбачуваний
/ˌʌnprɪ'dɪktəb(ə)l/ to know what will happen
Britain is well known for its
unpredictable weather.
29. unsettled, adj /ʌn'setld/ changing a lot in a short period нестійка погода
The weather has been very of time
unsettled lately.
30. variable, adj /'vɛərɪəb(ǝ)l/ likely to change often мінлива, непостійна,
Expect variable cloudiness and нестійка
fog tomorrow.

Bright and Clear Weather

32. bright, adj /braɪt/ if the weather is bright, the sun is яскравий, блискучий,
The weather was bright and shining and there is a lot of light світлий
33. clear, adj /klɪə/ 1) clean and fresh, without 1) ясний, чистий,
1) It was a clear June morning. clouds or mist прозорий
clear, v /klɪə/ 2) if the weather, sky, mist etc 2) очищати, щезати (про
2) The haze usually clears by clears, it becomes better and туман), прояснюватися
there is more sun
35. fair, adj /fɛə/ weather that is fair is pleasant ясний, сонячний,
It should be generally fair and and not windy, rainy etc сприятливий
warm for the next few days.
36. fine, adj /faɪn/ bright and not rainy ясний, гарний, сухий
If the weather is fine tomorrow (про погоду)
we’ll go out.
37. gorgeous, adj /'ɡɔːdʒəs/ = extremely pleasant or enjoyable чудовий, чудесний,
marvellous, adj /'mɑː(r)vələs/ = розкішний, дивовижний
splendid, adj
Sandy beaches, guaranteed
gorgeous weather and an
equally warm local welcome
make it one of the finest holiday
38. lovely, adj /'lʌvlɪ/ used to emphasize how good гарний, чарівний
What a lovely day! something (the weather) is
39. shooting star, n phr a meteor that makes a line of метеор, падаюча зірка
She wonders whether it’s a light as it falls through the sky
shooting star or someone’s
lantern far away.
40. starlit, adj /'stɑːlɪt/ made brighter by light from the зоряний, освітленими
It was a clear starlit night. stars зірками
41. starry, adj /'stɑːrɪ/ a starry sky or night is one where зоряний
The sky was starry. a lot of stars can be seen in the
42. sunshine, n /'sʌnʃaɪn/ the light and heat that come from (яскраве) сонячне світло,
We had three days of spring the sun when there is no cloud гарна, сонячна погода
43. wonderful, adj /'wʌndəf(ǝ)l/ making you feel very happy дивовижний, дивний,
The weather was wonderful the разючий, чудовий
whole time we were in Spain.

Abominable Weather
45. abominable, adj /ə'bɒmɪnəb(ǝ)l/ extremely unpleasant or of very огидний, мерзенний
The weather’s been abominable bad quality противний, бридкий,
all week. жахливий
46. dismal, adj /'dɪzmǝl/ very bad; in the way that makes гнітючий, який давить,
It was a grey, dismal November you feel very unhappy and похмурий, темний,
afternoon. hopeless сумний
47. dull, adj /dʌl/ not bright and with lots of clouds хмурий, неясний,
Outside the weather was hazy похмурий (про погоду)
and dull.
48. foul, adj /faʊl/ foul weather is very unpleasant, буряний, вітряний,
Always carry foul weather gear with rain, snow, or wind паскудний (про погоду)
when you go out walking.
49. gloomy, adj /'ɡluːmɪ/ dark, especially in a way that похмурий
What gloomy weather we’re makes you feel sad
50. leaden, adj /'ledn/ a leaden sky or sea is dark grey свинцевий, сірий
Yesterday the sky was leaden. in colour
51. nasty, adj /'nɑːstɪ/ nasty weather is extremely огидний, мерзенний
It’s pretty nasty outside – they’re unpleasant
expecting more rain.
52. overcast, adj /ˌəʊvə'kɑːst/ dark with clouds вкритий хмарами,
The sky was overcast and a light похмурий (про небо)
rain began to fall.
53. rotten, adj (infml) /'rɒtn/ very bad поганий, огидний,
We are in for a spell of rotten кепський
54. veil, v to hide or cover something so затягувати; закривати
The sky has veiled itself with that you cannot see it clearly or
clouds. understand it
55. wretched, adj /'retʃɪd/ extremely bad or unpleasant противний, нестерпний,
I was shocked by today’s огидний, мерзенний
wretched weather.

Crisp and Chilly

57. chilly, adj /'tʃɪlɪ/ cold enough to make you feel холодний, прохолодний
The days are still warm but the uncomfortable
evenings are getting chilly.
58. cold, adj /kəʊld/ with a low temperature or a холодний
The day was bitterly cold. temperature that is lower than
59. cool, adj /kuːl/ low in temperature, but not cold, прохолодний
The evening air was cool. often in a way that feels pleasant
60. crisp, adj /krɪsp/ cold and dry свіжий (про повітря),
The air was fresh and crisp. такий, що бадьорить
61. freezing, adj /'friːzɪŋ/ extremely cold крижаний, холодний
Close the window – it’s freezing
in here.
62. icy, adj /'aɪsɪ/ 1) extremely cold 1) крижаний, дуже
1) Cold icy winds swept under холодний
the gaps of cottage doors
rattling them fiercely.
2) Icy roads caused several 2) covered in ice 2) покритий льодом,
minor accidents yesterday. кригою; який
складається з льоду
64. nippy, adj (infml) /'nɪpɪ/ weather that is nippy is slightly морозний; різкий (про
It’s a bit nippy out there. cold вітер)
65. wintry, adj /'wɪntrɪ/ cold or typical of winter зимовий, морозний,
Outside it was a cold wintry day, холодний, крижаний
but Anne felt safe and warm
inside by the fire.

Blazing and Boiling

67. blazing, adj /'bleɪzɪŋ/ extremely hot яскраво палаючий,
We stood for hours in the blazing спекотний, обпалюючий

68. boiling (hot), adj /'bɔɪlɪŋ/ = extremely hot in an unpleasant спекотний, задушливий
baking, adj /'beɪkɪŋ/= or uncomfortable way
sweltering /'swelt(ə)rɪŋ/
We don’t usually have such
boiling hot weather.
69. close, adj /kləʊs/ (BrE) uncomfortably warm because задушливий, спертий
The weather that night was hot there seems to be no air
and close, with a hint of thunder
in the distance.
70. hot, adj /hɒt/ very high in temperature гарячий, жаркий,
It’s so hot in here. Can I open пекучий, спекотний
the window?
71. scorching, adj /'skɔːtʃɪŋ/ extremely hot обпікаючий, пекучий,
It was scorching hot inside the палючий
72. stifling, adj /'staɪflɪŋ/ a room or weather that is stifling задушливий
I can’t bear this stifling is very hot and uncomfortable,
humidity. so that it seems difficult to
73. torrid, adj /'tɒrɪd/ extremely hot жаркий, спекотний, що
It was the torrid desert sun. обпалює, пекучий
74. warm, adj /wɔːm/ slightly hot, especially in a теплий
I hope we get some warm pleasant way
weather soon.
Damp and Humid
76. damp, adj /dæmp/ slightly wet, often in an вологий, сирий,
It was a damp, misty morning. unpleasant way мрячний, туманний
77. humid, adj /'hjuːmɪd/ hot and wet in a way that makes вологий
Tokyo is extremely humid in you feel uncomfortable
78. humidity, n /hjuː'mɪdɪtɪ/ a measurement of how much вологість, вогкість;
The temperature is almost 80ºF, water there is in the air ступінь вологості
and the humidity 35%. (повітря)
79. muggy, adj (infml) /'mʌɡɪ/ muggy weather is unpleasantly сирий/ теплий (про
It was a warm muggy afternoon, warm and the air seems wet погоду); задушливий,
and it looked like it would rain. важкий (про повітря)
80. sultry, adj /'sʌltrɪ/ weather that is sultry is hot with пекучий, задушливий
Before the rain, the air had air that feels wet
become heavy and sultry.
81. wet, adj used to describe weather or мокрий; вологий, сирий;
We’ve had wet weather all week. periods of time when rain falls дощовий

83. deluge, n /'deljuːdʒ/ a very large amount of rain or злива; потоп, повінь
It’s a real deluge outside. water
84. drizzle, n /'drɪzǝl/ 1) rain in very small, light drops 1) дрібний дощик,
1) A light drizzle had started by мжичка
the time we left.
drizzle, v /'drɪzǝl/ 2) to rain in small light drops 2) мрячити
2) The rain isn’t too bad – it’s
only drizzling.
86. downpour, n /'daʊnpɔː/ a lot of rain that falls in a short злива
He was walking home from the time
office when the heavens erupted
in a downpour.
87. hail, n /heɪl/ frozen rain drops which fall as град
Hail the size of golf balls fell in hard balls of ice
Andrews, Texas.
88. hailstone, n /'heɪlstəʊn/ a small ball of ice that falls like градина
A shower of rain drove down rain
upon us, each drop stinging like
a hailstone.
89. occasional, adj /ə'keɪʒ(ǝ)nəl/ happening sometimes but not який трапляється, має
There was an occasional rain in often or regularly місце час від часу;
the middle of the day. несподіваний
90. pelt, v /pelt/ if rain or snow is pelting or is лити (дощ); стукати,
You can’t go out – it’s pelting pelting down, it comes down тарабанити (про дощ)
down. quickly in large amounts
91. pour (down), v /pɔː daʊn / to rain heavily without stopping лити
It poured all night.
92. precipitation, n /prɪˌsɪpɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n/ rain, snow etc that falls on the опади; випадання опадів
In the last four days, we’ve had ground, or the amount of rain,
three inches of precipitation. snow etc that falls
93. puddle, n /'pʌdl/ a small pool of liquid, especially калюжа
Children splashed through the rain water
94. rain, n (also v) /reɪn/ water that falls in small drops дощ
I like walking in the rain from clouds in the sky
95. shower, n /'ʃaʊə/ 1) a short period of rain or snow 1) злива; рясне
1) Tonight there’s a 50% chance випадання (дощу, снігу,
of showers. граду)
shower, v /'ʃaʊə/ 2) to fall down or come out in a 2) литися зливою, бути
2) It’s been showering with rain shower сильним (про град, сніг),
all morning. сипатися (градом),
97. steady, adj /'stedɪ/ continuing or developing постійний
The rain was steady the whole gradually or without stopping,
night. and not likely to change
98. torrent, n /'tɒrənt/ a large amount of water that is стрімкий потік
The rain comes down in torrents. moving quickly
99. torrential rain, n phr /tə'renʃǝl/ very heavy rain проливний дощ
The wind howled about her
(ship), the torrential rain beat
loudly upon her, but except for a
slight rocking the ship lay quiet.

101. lightning, n /'laɪtnɪŋ/ a powerful flash of light in the блискавка
Two farm workers were struck sky caused by electricity and
by lightning. usually followed by thunder
102. lightning bolt, n = bolt of a flash of lightning in the sky спалах блискавки
lightning, n phr = flash of
lightning, n phr
She saw a bolt of lightning strike
a young tree by the roadside.
103. thunder, n /'θʌndə/ the loud noise that you hear грім
Suddenly there was a great during a storm, usually after a
crash of thunder. flash of lightning
104. thunderbolt, n /'θʌndəˌbəʊlt/ a flash of lightning and the удар блискавки, який
When the bizarre characters of sound of thunder together супроводжується громом
our village experience
thunderbolts and lightning, they
imagine it is the end of the
105. thunderstorm, n /'θʌndəstɔːm/ a storm with thunder and гроза
Around 3 p.m. the dark clouds of lightning
the thunderstorm rolled in.
Snow and Frost
107. black ice, n a thin transparent layer of new кірка льоду (тонка)
There were hazardous ice on a road or similar surface
conditions caused by black ice
on the road and a lorry toppled
on to its side yesterday morning.
108. fluffy, adj /'flʌfɪ/ very light and soft to touch пухнастий, м’який
The snow was soft and fluffy.
109. frost, n /frɒst/ a weather condition in which the мороз
We have been experiencing three air temperature falls below the
continuous nights of hard/ heavy freezing point of water,
especially outside at night
110. frosty, adj /ˈfrɒstɪ/ 1) cold enough to produce frost 1) морозний; холодний,
1) The frosty air stung my крижаний
2) When we woke up we saw 2) covered with frost 2) укритий інеєм
frosty trees in the garden.
112. glacier, n /'ɡlæsɪə/ a large mass of ice which moves льодовик
Enormous white bears came slowly down a mountain valley
roaring across the glaciers.
113. hoarfrost, n /'hɔːfrɒst/ = (white) a thin white layer of ice that іній
frost, n looks like powder and forms on
The grass and trees were white things outside when the weather
with frost. is very cold
114. icicle, n /'aɪsɪkǝl/ a long thin pointed piece of ice бурулька
In fact, icicles occur when water hanging from a roof or other
cascades over the edge of the surface
115. melt, v /melt/ if something solid melts or if танути
It was warmer now, and the heat melts it, it becomes liquid
snow was beginning to melt.
116. permafrost, n /'pɜːməfrɒst/ a layer of soil that is always вічна мерзлота
Most of Mars seems to be frozen in countries where it is
covered with a layer of very cold
117. severe, adj / sɪ'vɪə/ severe weather is very bad and сильний (про мороз),
Severe frost locked the river. very extreme (very hot, dry, cold суворий, холодний (про
etc) погоду, клімат)
118. sleet, n /sliːt/ (also v) a mixture of snow and rain мокрий сніг;
We couldn’t see anything дощ зі снігом
because of the sleet and snow.
119. slippery, adj /'slɪpǝrɪ/ a slippery surface, object etc is слизький
Take care, the steps are slippery. difficult to move on or to hold
because it is smooth, wet, or
covered in something such as ice
or oil
120. slush, n /slʌʃ/ partly melted snow талий сніг, рідка грязь,
Everything had melted into сльота
brown slush within a few hours.
121. snowdrift, n /'snəʊˌdrɪft/ a deep mass of snow formed by замет, кучугура, сніжний
In some places, snowdrifts the wind замет
covered doors and windows so
completely that people had to be
dug out by more fortunate
122. snowflake, n /'snəʊfleɪk/ a small soft flat piece of frozen сніжинка
In the yellow light from the shed water that falls as snow
windows the snowflakes looked
123. thaw, n /θɔː/ (also v) a period of warm weather during відлига, танення
The thaw begins in March. which snow and ice melt
125. biting, adj /'baɪtɪŋ/ a biting wind is unpleasantly пронизуючий,
A biting wind blew down from cold ущипливий, колючий
the hills.
126. blustery, adj /'blʌstǝrɪ/ very windy (дуже) вітряний
It was a cold and blustery day.
127. breeze, n /briːz/ a gentle wind (легкий) вітерець, бриз
A cool breeze blew in off the sea.
128. fierce, adj /fɪəs/ fierce cold, heat, or weather is лютий, жорстокий,
It was one of the region’s much colder, hotter etc than шалений, сильний
fiercest storms in years. usual
129. fitful, adj /'fɪtfǝl/ = intermittent, not regular, and starting and поривчастий,
adj /ˌɪntə'mɪt(ə)nt/ stopping often переривчастий
A fitful wind was blowing from
the East
130. gale, n /ɡeɪl/ a very strong wind сильний вітер, шторм
The fence was blown down in the
gale last night.
131. gust, n = flurry, n (of a sudden strong wind; a sudden порив (вітру); шквал
wind/rain/snow) /'flʌrɪ/ (AE) burst of something such as rain,
A sudden gust of wind blew his sound, or emotion
umbrella inside out.
132. piercing, adj /'pɪəsɪŋ/ a piercing wind is very cold пронизуючий,
We felt icy piercing wind on our пронизливий
133. rough, adj /rʌf/ (of the weather or the sea)
різкий, рвучкий (про
The wind is rough today. having strong winds or big
вітер), бурхливий (про
waves море), суворий (про
134. sharp, adj /ʃɑːp/ a very cold wind or a severe сильний, різкий
A sharp wind blew across the frost
135. wind, n /wɪnd/ moving air, especially when it вітер
The wind blew from the moves strongly or quickly in a
northeast. current
136. windy, adj /'wɪndɪ/ if it is windy, there is a lot of вітряний
It’s too windy for a picnic. wind
138. dense, adj /dens/ difficult to see or walk through густий, щільний
It was difficult to drive in the or breathe in
dense fog.
139. fog, n /fɒɡ/ cloudy air near the ground which густий туман; імла, дим
Dense fog is making driving is difficult to see through або пил, що стоять у
conditions difficult on many повітрі
140. foggy, adj /'fɒɡɪ/ full of fog or covered with fog туманний, темний,
It happened one foggy day in імлистий
141. haze, n /heɪz/ smoke, dust, or mist in the air легкий туман, імла
In the morning it looks like a which is difficult to see through
smoky haze is hanging over the
142. mist, n /mɪst/ thin fog produced by very small (легкий) туман,
We could just see the outline of drops of water collecting in the серпанок, імла
the house through the mist. air just above an area of ground
or water
143. misty, adj /'mɪstɪ/ misty weather is weather with a туманний
It was a gray and misty spring lot of mist
144. smog, n /smɒɡ/ polluted air that is a mixture of смог, туман з димом
On 75 days the smog was so bad smoke and fog
that schoolchildren were advised
to stay indoors.


146. avalanche, n /'ævəlɑːntʃ/ a large mass of snow, ice, and лавина, сніговий обвал
Two skiers were killed in the rocks that falls down the side of
avalanche. a mountain
147. blizzard, n /'blɪzəd/ = a heavy fall of snow that is заметіль, (сніжна) буря,
snowstorm, n blown by strong winds хуртовина, хурделиця
Roads were closed due to severe
148. cyclone, n /'saɪkləʊn/ a very strong wind that moves циклон
The north and south winds met very fast in a circle
where the house stood, and made
it the exact centre of the cyclone.
149. devastating, adj /'devəsteɪtɪŋ/ badly damaging or destroying спустошливий,
Acid rain has a devastating something руйнівний, жахливий,
effect on the forest. нестерпний
150. disastrous, adj /dɪ'zɑːstrəs/ very bad, or ending in failure тяжкий, згубний,
Climate change could have страшний, жахливий
disastrous effects on Earth.
151. drought, n /draʊt/ a long period of dry weather посуха, посушливість,
A severe drought has caused when there is not enough water сухість (клімату)
most of the corn crop to fail. for plants and animals to live
152. earthquake, n /'ɜːθkweɪk/ a sudden shaking of the earth’s землетрус
In 1906 an earthquake destroyed surface that often causes a lot of
much of San Francisco. damage
153. flood, n /flʌd/ (also v) = deluge, a very large amount of water that повінь, повідь, розлив,
n /'deljuːʤ/ covers an area that is usually dry розлиття
The river is in flood again.
154. hurricane, n /'hʌrɪkən/ a violent storm with extremely ураган, тропічний
In 1842 six ships were at anchor strong winds and heavy rain циклон
in Funchal Bay when a
hurricane blew them all on to the
155. eye of the hurricane, n phr = the area of calm in the centre of “око урагану”
eye of the storm, n phr a tornado, hurricane, or cyclone
It is calm and peaceful in the eye
of the storm.
156. rainbow, n /'reɪnbəʊ/ a large curve of different colours веселка
No rainbow could compare with that can appear in the sky when
moonbow. there is both sun and rain
157. sandstorm, n /'sændstɔːm/ a strong wind carrying clouds of піщана бура
The sand is filling the air with a sand with it, especially in a
choking dust that becomes a desert
blinding sandstorm when the
wind stirs.
158. simoom, n /sɪ'muːm/ = samiel, n a hot, dry, dust-laden wind самум
/'seɪmɪəl/ blowing in the desert, especially
Stephen’s heart had withered up in Arabia
like a flower of the desert that
feels the simoom coming from
159. tidal wave, n /'taɪdl weɪv/ a very large wave that causes a приливно-відливна
Then the tide turned, slowly at lot of damage when it hits the хвиля
first, but consolidating into land
something close to a tidal wave.
160. tornado, n /tɔː'neɪdəʊ/ an extremely violent storm смерч, торнадо, ураган
A tornado destroyed twelve consisting of air that spins very
homes in Ashport, Tennessee quickly and causes a lot of
161. tsunami, n /tsʊ'nɑːmɪ/ an unusually large sea wave цунамі
No one knows the height of the produced by a seaquake or
tsunami caused by this eruption. undersea volcanic eruption
162. typhoon, n /taɪ'fuːn/ a very violent tropical storm тайфун
The 169,000-ton vessel went
down during a typhoon in the
South China Sea.
163. volcanic eruption, n if a volcano erupts, it explodes виверження (вулкана,
phr /vɒl'kænɪk ɪ'rʌpʃ(ǝ)n/ and sends smoke, fire, and rock лави)
A new island, created by a into the sky
volcanic eruption off Japan’s
coast, is here to stay – for now at

165. eclipse n /ɪ'klɪps/ an occasion when the sun or the затемнення
On Wednesday there will be a moon cannot be seen, because
total/ partial eclipse of the sun. the Earth is passing directly
between the moon and the sun,
or because the moon is passing
directly between the Earth and
the sun
166. equinox, n /'iːkwɪnɒks/ one of the two times in a year рівнодення
The equinox had surely passed when night and day are of equal
already, and perhaps the solstice length
was approaching.
167. solstice, n /'sɒlstɪs/ either of the two occasions in the сонцестояння
We can experience either year (in the middle of the
summer or winter solstice. summer or winter) when the sun
is directly above either the
furthest point north or the
furthest point south of the
169. evaporate, v /ɪ'væpəreɪt/ to cause a liquid to change to a випаровувати,
Plants keep cool during the gas, especially by heating перетворювати в пару;
summer by evaporating water випаровуватися
from their leaves.
170. evaporation, n /ɪˌvæpə'reɪʃǝn/ the process of changing from a випаровування
If to simply flood the surface of liquid to a gas, or a change from
the fields the immense quantities a liquid to a gas
of water is wasted by
171. tide, n /taɪd/ the rise and fall of the sea that морський прилив, відлив
You can only see the beach when happens twice every day
the tide is out.
172. water cycle, n /'saɪk(ə)l/ the way that water is taken up кругообіг води
The goal was to educate the next from the sea, rivers, soil, etc and
generation on the vital role the then comes back down as rain or
water cycle plays in nature.
174. bloom, v (also n) /bluːm/ when a flower blooms, it opens цвісти, давати квіти,
These flowers will bloom all or is open, and when a plant or розцвітати; бути в
through the summer. tree blooms it produces flowers розквіті (про квіти)
The apple trees are in full
175. blossom, v /'blɒs(ǝ)m/ (also n) when a tree or plant blossoms, it цвісти; розцвітати;
The cherry tree is beginning to produces flowers before розпускатися (про
blossom. producing fruit that can be eaten дерева)
The cherry tree was in blossom.
176. bud, n /bʌd/ a young tightly rolled up flower брунька, бутон
The plant has buds but no or leaf before it opens
flowers yet.
177. conifer, n /'kɒnɪfə/ a type of tree that produces хвойне дерево
Many of these conifer cones and whose leaves do not
plantations are approaching fall off in winter
maturity and are due to be
178. meadow, n /'medəʊ/ a field with wild grass and луг, луки
There was a path through the flowers
meadow to the village.
179. migratory birds, having the characteristic of перелітні птахи
adj /'maɪɡreɪt(ǝ)rɪ/ moving regularly to another
Swallows are migratory birds. place
180. nature, n /'neɪtʃə/ (but natural, the physical world including all природа; світ
adj /'nætʃ(ə)rəl/) living things as well as the land
We had an opportunity to enjoy and the seas
the beauty of nature in Alaska.
181. puny, adj /'pjuːnɪ/ small, thin and weak маленький, слабкий,
The tree has already produced a кволий
few puny leaves.
182. revive, v /rɪ'vaɪv/ to come or bring something back відроджуватися
It’s spring, the revival of nature. to life, health, existence, or use
183. terrain, n /te'reɪn/ an area of land, usually one that територія, район;
The car handles particularly has a particular physical feature місцевість
well on rough terrain.
185. abundance, n /ə'bʌndəns/ a large quantity of something велика кількість,
Autumn is a season of fruit надлишок, ряснота,
abundance. достаток
186. crop, n /krɒp/ 1) a plant grown for food, 1) культура (с/г)
1) The main crops grown for usually on a farm
export are coffee and rice.
2) Last year we had a bumper 2) an amount of crops grown in a 2) урожай
crop of strawberries. particular year
188. harvest, n /'hɑːvɪst/ (also v) 1) the time when crops are 1) жнива; збір (плодів)
1) How many extra hands will gathered from the fields, or the час збирання врожаю
we need to help with the act of gathering them
2) Poor harvests increased food 2) the amount of a crop that is 2) урожай; плоди
prices. collected
190. Indian summer, n phr /'ɪndɪən a period of unseasonably warm, золота осінь; “бабине
sʌmə/ dry weather that sometimes літо”
Indian summer was perhaps so- occurs in autumn
called because it was first noted
in regions inhabited by Native
191. ripe, adj /raɪp/ ripe fruit or crops are fully спілий, зрілий, дозрілий
Don’t pick the apples until grown and ready to eat
they’re really ripe.
193. be chilled/ frozen to the to be extremely cold промерзнути до кісток
marrow, v phr (кісткового мозку)
After an hour on the mountain,
we were chilled to the marrow.
194. It’s raining cats and dogs! = something that you say when it дощ л’є, як із відра
It’s raining pitchforks (and is raining heavily
hammer handles).
Take an umbrella. It’s raining
pitchforks and hammer handles
out there!
195. not to have a dry stitch on, v to be thoroughly wet through промокнути до нитки
phr one’s clothing to the skin
The first large drops had
touched our garments; one
minute more and we didn’t have
a dry stitch on us.
196. soaked to the bone, adj phr wet clear through one’s clothing промоклий наскрізь
I was caught in the rain and got to the skin
soaked to the skin.
197. soaking wet, adj phr = dripping very wet промоклий наскрізь
wet, adj phr
I’ve washed my hair and it’s still
soaking wet.
198. (teeth) chatter with cold, v phr if your teeth chatter, they knock клацати (зуби від холоду)
I could hardly talk, my teeth together repeatedly because you
were chattering with cold so are very cold (or frightened)

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