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Lacrimal apparatus

Submitted by :- Govind Rao

UID :- 19 BML1005
Lacrimal apparatus
The lacrimal apparatus is the physiological
system containing the orbital structures for tear
production and drainage.
It consists of:-

(1)The lacrimal gland, which secretes the tears,

and its excretory ducts, which convey the fluid to
the surface of the human eye; it is a serous gland
located in lacrimal fossa. It is a j-shaped gland;
(2). The lacrimal canaliculi, the lacrimal sac,
and the nasolacrimal duct, by which the fluid is
conveyed into the cavity of the nose, emptying
anterioinferiorly to the inferior nasal conchae
from the nasolacrimal duct
(3). The innervation of the lacrimal apparatus
involves both the a sympathetic supply through
the carotid plexus of nerves around the internal
carotid artery, and parasympathetically from
the lacrimal nucleus of the facial nerve.
The blood supply to the lacrimal gland is provided
by the ophthalmic artery with its branch - the
lacrimal artery, while the venous blood is drained
from this region via the superior ophthalmic vein.
The lacrimal system is made up of a secretory
system, which produces tears, and an excretory
system, which drains the tears. The lacrimal gland
is primarily responsible for producing emotional or
reflexive tears. As tears are produced, some fluid
evaporates between blinks, and some is drained
through the lacrimal punctum. The tears that are
drained through the punctum will eventually be
drained through the nose. Any excess fluid that did
not go into the punctum will fall over the eyelid,
which produces tears that are cried.
Thank you

Reference :-principles of anatomy & physiology

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