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Interview Tasks

CELTA course
Interview Tasks

You have 20 minutes to complete sections A and B before the interview. Please review the points in
Section C. You will be asked questions about this section during the interview.

The four-week Cambridge CELTA is an intensive course and demanding, both physically and
mentally. It requires long hours of preparation, planning and research for the teaching practice and the
written assignments.

Please sign below to indicate that you understand this and are able and willing to undertake the course
if offered a place.



© The British Council, New Delhi 2014

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
Interview Tasks

Section A: Live Writing Task

Write about 120 words on each the topics below using paragraphs and full sentences (avoid notes,
bullet points etc)

 What is it about language teaching that interests you?

 What strengths/ skills/ knowledge do you bring to this teacher training course?
 What do you think might be your possible weaknesses or areas for development?

© The British Council, New Delhi 2014

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
Interview Tasks

Section B: Learner Errors

The following sentences are typical mistakes made by students. Can you identify the type of error,
make the correction and comment on possible reasons for the error?

1. She’s having a brother.

2. You like Kerala, isn’t it?

3. The manager explained me the problem.

4. I’m used to live in a tropical climate.

5. If you came early, we would have got the tickets.

6. They went to airport to meet their friends.

7. When she got to the airport, she realised that she left her handbag in a taxi.

8. Teacher did not explain the grammar point clearly.

9. He’s made few new friends now and goes out more.

10. I’m a teacher since 10 years.

Section C: Practical Teaching Ideas

Imagine that you are about to teach the following language items – grammar, vocabulary or functions -
from your pre-interview tasks. Be ready to demonstrate your ideas of how to teach any one of the

1. He stopped to call her back.

He stopped calling her back.

2. Any one of these pair of words:


3. I’m afraid I am not satisfied with the service, or

You could’ve fed the cat

Useful Tips:
- Think about how you would illustrate the meaning of the item in the classroom. eg matching
definition, example, visuals, situational context, mime, timelines, etc.

© The British Council, New Delhi 2014

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
Interview Tasks

- What aspects of pronunciation will you need to highlight? eg any sounds, contractions, weak
forms, etc.
- What grammar points or rules of form will you need to cover? eg parts of speech, type of
structure, verb tense, etc.

Section D: Discussion Questions – Teaching and Learning Issues

a)We should not teach students a British or any particular accent, but only improve their
pronunciation. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Is there a difference between ‘accent’
and ‘pronunciation’?

b) Do you think it is important to correct students’ errors on the spot during a group discussion

c) What are the benefits of having learners work in pairs of groups in class?

c) What are the benefits of being observed by your tutors and by your fellow CELTA trainees? How
do you think you will feel being observed and receiving and giving feedback?

d) Should we use translation in the classroom to teach English? Why or why not?

e) What are the main differences between teaching adults and teaching children?

f) How would you establish and maintain rapport with a group of adult learners?

© The British Council, New Delhi 2014

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

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