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First published in 1975 by CHAPTER I: REINCARNATION AND KARMA

Samuel Weiser, Inc. I What We Know About Reincarnation I
P O. Box 612 II The Law of Karma L7
York Beach, Maine 03910-0612 III Life Under Karmic Law


08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
3t 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23
I The fime Link 22
Copyright @ 1975 Martin Schulman II The South Node B
A.ll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or III The South Node-Your Achilles Heel %
transmitted in any form or by any means, elecrronic or mechanical, IV The North Node
including photocopying, recording, or by any inforrnation storage and
retrieval system, withour permission in writing from Samuel W'eiser, CHAPTER III: THE NODES IN THE SIGNS n
Inc. Reviewers may quote brief passages. Aries
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 83-104490 32
ISBN 0-87728-288-9
Printed in the United States of America Libra
The paper used in this publication mecrs rhe minimum requiremenrs Sagittarius
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l6 KARMIC ASTROLOGY Reincarnation and Karma 17

From all the cases that I have dealt with, indica_ As a man soweth
tions show that those qualities, for good or bad, that deceived, God is not mocked
so shall he reap." Those who laugh must learn to cry
bear the least amount of integration with the rest
the present rife are residue from a past incarnation.of so that those who cry can learn to laugh' With every
Think of every question about yourself that you have tearandsmileasyouco*eclosertomeetingself'
new karma is created for your future'
never been able to answer. Where do the answers lie?
The soul continually expands its consciousness
through its scope of experience until it is ultimately
- THE LAW OF KARMA no longer necessary for it to reincarnate into a phys-
Sir Isaac Newton once \u.ote that ,,For every ac- ical body. Before birth your soul chooses the souls
who will become your parents' It defines the religion
tion there is an equal and opposite reaction.,, The Uv wtricn you will live. It selects the neiShborhood in
great master Buddha teaches us that you will be born and reared and ultimately pro-
are what
you think, having become what you thought.,, *ii.n
tn es_ grams into iuxtaposition all the life experiences that
sence both of these statements are sayinE the same alley which
thing-that for every cause there is an effect. Iou will go through, including eaeh blind
the path of truth'
you will run down until you discover
Therein lies the Law of Karma.
As your footsteps through life grow lighter' so does
-Every thought you have impresses itserf into the
substance of universal matter *h"ru it will ultimateiy
you, farmic weight. Yet this process of meeting self
manifest as an effect in the physical world. Sometimei
lannot be rushed for if one stands on tiptoes one is
the effect may occur a few moments after the source Man is constantly seeking his way home, and he
and then we can readily see how thought and effect defines his state ol happiness by his assuredness of
are linked together, much the same as throwing a his footing on that path. Wherever man is going he is
rock into a lake and watching the ripples go out. guI going nome, and his karmic lessons are his roadmap
other times the effects go out yeari after the .o-pt"t" with stop signs, obstacles and detours that he
and it becomes more difficult to see the ,"fationst
"urr", in order to bring his soul to the state
between the two. And yet always one season follows
ip -orl or.r.ome
another. Always summer follows spring. atways
of perfection where it can again become one with Pure
ttre Spirit.
right foot follows the left. Never .u, man be going
somewhere without coming from somewhere." PART III LIFE UNDER KARMIC LAW
Each day is the outgrowth of the day before, as to_ -
day is the sappling for tomorrow's tree. Each thought In his book Sayings of Yogananda the great mys-
is an outgrowth of the thought that precedes it, as ea-ch tic explains reincarnation and karma with these words:
life is another concentric ring in ih" t."" "Master, I am conscious only of the present life'
life. In each incarnation, whatever you do,ofwherever
Why have I no conscious recollections of previous in-
you go, whatever you think, aU you do is
meet yourselfi carnations and no foreknowledge of a future existence"
And every life experience is io help you refine this
a disciple inquired.
self, constantly evolving it to a more perfect expres_ The Master answered, "Life is like a great chain
sion of your soul.
Such is the law of Karma.
in the ocean of God. When a portion of the chain is
small part'
puff"a out of the waters' you see only that
From the Bible we are given the words, ..Be not -ft are hidden' In this incarna-
Uegin"ing and the end
Reincarnation and Karma 19
tion you,re viewing only one link in
past and the future, though the chain of life, the equal; however, they have all come out of last year's
invisilfe, remain ;,fi; class unequal. Within a few weeks, some students will
deeps of God. He reveals their secrets
tune with Him.,, to who are in have torn notebooks, lost lunch boxes and no home-
Although most of us have no conscious work done, while others will be engaged in extra-
of- former lives, we recollection
not only living the effects of curricular projects which will bring them higher
all we have caused in those lives but it is ttrose- grades and a great deal of learning and growth during
causes that initiate us to be born r"O the current school term. When the year is over the
\INEeLIALt same story repeats. Because the students were not
We must not confuse the beliei that ..all
created equal," with the thought that ..all men are equal at the beginning they are less equal at the end.
born equal.,, We know that u ltifO- born ;; ;;; The teaeher looking objectively at the class can see
defect could not possibly expecl -ih" with a birth the different levels that each student is reaehing.
or opportunities as a child born without one. style tife The beginning of the school year is much like the
born in a ghetto could not u*pu.i ttre A ;fild beginning of life; always unequal at the start and al-
as a child born on a country estate.
,a*e experiences ways filled with different future lessons for each sep-
that the concept that all men areWhile ,u'Oo-i"o* arate individual.
-u1 created equal is What's good for the goose is not necessarily good
true insofar as referring to a soul entity in
his original creation, wliat he-rrraoes wittr tfrat equafiiy for the gander. As your eyes roam the green valleys
from then on as he moves from life to of your neighbor's yard, God smiles and says:
life i,
his own choice and free wiff. Naturally "o*if"t"ii "Ah, but I have something better in store for you
with this will determine the levels tt fri,what he does though you find it not if you try to master your
soul reaches
as well as when he reaches them. "t neighbor's lessons."
Two different individuals confronted Although we all live under the same karmic law,
events or circumstances handle themselves with the same we each stand on a different rung of the ladder to
one running away from the event am"r"ntiy; perfection. Each step is a different growth phase, the
anA the oth;; ;;;il;
and rising with it to its highest karmic possibility. most important of which is the one we are about to
The first individual has to ."[""i tt.
event again and take. But always it will be in terms of all the steps we
again while the second individ-ual is
reaay to move on have already taken to get us to the height on the ladder
to new lessons. As the days pass int
montns and years
where we now stand. Each of the steps behind us is a
and lifetim€s, the second individual past incarnation and in every life we are making sure
will be rising into
higher levels of karma more rapidly
while the first that all parts of the ladder below us are firm and
individual could very.easily be Aealing steady. It is more hazardous to race up a shaky ladder
basic elementat karmic lessons fr;;; with the same than to struggle on the lower rungs while we make
eternity of life_
them secure.
. Visualize if you will children in a school class at
the beginning of the school term. Tfrly
new books, new clothes, sharpeneJ pencits ail start with
lunchboxes. They all come inio nclass and new
tfr* seemingly
r!= Ml
Z7 -I =-t

Yolume I
ln A Series By



York Beach, Maine




It is generally accepted in the astrological com-

munity tJaay that the Nodes of theyour Moon represent
ttre miior key towards understanding life as part
astrologers believe that the
oi-" .ortinuai thread. Many rest of the chart'
N;e.;-il;lA- more importanie than the
To a qualified experf a knowledge of the Sun' Moon and
Nodal positions can reveal the entire life of the individ-
At one level these Nodes reveal the track that your
soul is running on in the current life, while the rest of
in. notot"opJ adds additional information as to how
you to make the journey' It i9 through the Nodes
ihat Western astrology is now able to make its first
inroads into relating this divine science to the Hindu
concept of reincarnation.
The Nodes represent the cause' and effect relation-
ships by which you lead your life' They are the differ-
en." U"i*een mundane and spiritual astrology'
Here we find our first clues as to why the rest of
ths chart is manifesting the way it is. The personality
and life of the individual have little meaning if
not seen
within a larger context. The Nodes place the individual
on his stairway to heaven insofar as they define the
karmic lessons he has chosen to take on for this new life'
inerefore his trials and tribulations begin to have
The Nodes in The
Now the individual is so frightened by the memory
of having the rug constanily puuea out from under his Each day seems to be filled with new emergencies'
feet that he deverops a defensive attitude towara until one ciisis Uuitt upon another creates such a tur-
who offer him regenerative advice. In past inearna- aii moil of eonflict that the individual is reduced to yet his

tions he literally went through the fires oi hell most very basic struggle for survival' He doesn't
to burn know the art of moderation or how to take things at
away his false values. Now instead of falling nact
the remains of Scorpio still within him, he must buil- on f ace value for he still believes
that others always
through Taurus a new set of substantial values have an ulterior motive. Inside he feels that he must
to ii;; constantly escape from punishment, and in his escapes
Nearly all with these Nodes have at one time he leaves behind him a tornado-like shambles of all he
touehed the force of Witchcraft, and so in the once held dear. At times he sees others turning on him'
current he stop long enough to understand that
life there is to be a rude awakening about any ,"*uin_ but rarely does
Whether he is still acting out his past
ing residue of the lower Self. he is the cause.
rn past incarnations, this individuar also had to incarnations in Scorpio or advancing through Taurus
with a powerful sex drive which kept throwing himdeal his fixed stubbornness is very much a part of his in-
off grained way of doing things.
balance. As a result, he is used to ieeking grutifi."tion
through all sorts of relationships whicU uftimately He will make much growth when he is able to see
eome destructive to the personal ego. Then, confused
il_ the actions of others as reflections of his own sub-
and embittered by all he sees toppling around him,
is almost glad to aid in the destruction of whatever From Past incarnations he has bec:ome accustomed
little remains. to attuhing himself to a peculiar brand of intensity'
Most of the conditions in this life are stil controlled whichwhennotallowedtoexpressitself,turnsto
from his subconscious level, buried deeply below the pain of
anger. He has been deeply scarred with the
Uelng hurt, and now like a wounded animal can
serutinizing eyes of society. He may appear jovial be
friendly, while he is in fact planning some mysterious aeadly to any who represent the slightest threat'
adventure of intrigue inside. the l,ower levels of consciousness, individuals with
The chart must be studied carefully to see just theseNodescanpursuetheirpreywithapersonal
far the soul has come out of Scorpio before i..u""t" vendetta.Thenwhenthepiecesfall,theyappeartobe
interpretation can be given. For those already "n closer the innocent victims, while they are in fact the care-
to Taurus, the violent churning of Scorpio is purpose_ fully planned victors'
fully avoided at all costs. For those just barely ort of Due to the intense emotion constantly seeking ex-
Scorpio the internal revolutions a.e still going on. pression, a variety of creative outlets are needed'
Planets conjunct either Node wil pulr the inaiiiauat
Sexual desire must be transmuted into Divine Love'
toward that Node and literally force him to live
it in the current life.
through All embittering conditions from past incarnations must
For all with these Nodes the past residue of revolu_ be dropped from the consciousness until the new seed
tion is of such powerful intensity that there is of peace is discovered. The Seorpio South Node must
be some after-effect spilling over into theirbound to burn the bridges of the past and resolve to benefit
life relationships with family members and close loved from the lessons of Lot's wife: "Never to look back!"
ones. Through the Taurus North Node he must learn not
to dissipate or waste in valueless areas all the power
KARMIC ASTROLOGY Ilrr: Nodes in The Signs 33
that flows through him. His greatest
this life occur when- throu*fr-rir? achievements in ,rttitude makes it difficult for him to be a fair judge
love for the earth tre Uvei- A*elopment of a great ol hls own actions. As such his life is excessive' He is
glimpses of the source on, i" starts to appreciate :,lill attracted to the natural existence without formali-
of his unfailing supply and
support. For lifetimes he lrr.s and will go far out of his way to avoid having any
has misused his energy, his
drives and his oesires, regr;;"t;."1f ltstrictions imPosed on him.
all the oppressions and afflictiJn. atone against He is used to being a free spirit and desperately
Now through the sen-sitive i_r.lrrions ifrut affect mankind. lries to retain his sense of liberty at all costs' Whether
North Node he is to be U.orghi of his Taurus rrrarried or not, the soul memory of his bachelor-like
the abundance in. tte uniueis;";r";o ,o"rn" awareness that ;rttitude makes it impossible for others to get too close
atways have what he needs-;;; grear that he wilt
Io him.
learn to distinguish tfr" aifiur"r.""O"r*uu, needs it. He must Believing that actions speak louder than words' he
want and need, for although tre -may the words makes his present life a kaleidoscope of rushed activity'
able to realize what he *rrt",;; not always
is at every moment
be lle always tries to do too many things at a time,
surrounded by alt he needs! spreading himseif so thin that he keeps losing sight of
As he reaches for his Taurus any central life theme.
reaching at last for stability. North Node, he is In past incarnations he functioned on great reser-
he has ever felt
ff"""un stop chasing all voirs of nervous energy. Yet, for all his activities, he
",1:i1"9 'i ri, r""i,g arr that is now of-
fered to him. Ultimately, fr"-i, has not yet learned how to focus his attention in any one
Je"iined in this life to
reach a state of contentment
as itre seetning volcanoes
area. In this life he is still seeking expediency and
of Scorpio melt into.the blue
.ri.ii"*",.rs of harmony finding himself forever the victim of short cuts that
in Taurus-where the nefru"a'Cuu,"_, have to be rePeated.
his btessine. Trulv this is tt,"-t.uriliion Buddha left Unaccustomed to all the demands of society he
from tifetimes
of war into a garaen of peace. tries to shirk responsibility. He feels that if he can just
The house position of the
South Node indicates the clear away all the business at hand as quickly as pos-
area in life where sible, he will then experience the freedom that society
pionic battres ;;;, TJ is trying to take away from him. And so, most of his
;"fiX'"...*, ffiiff ",rf ,jH,jTJ-
sition of the North trloAe show.-tt."u.."
in life where time is spent trying to free himself. What he doesn't
the new awareness.of trust realize is that each action creates an equal and opposite
""""' can ultimately
replace the underlying "rJ
st.rgsi;r. reaction. As a result he is actually making himself
more imprisoned than before.
GE MINI NOR TH NOD Always his nature is somewhat primitive' If he is
selfish, it is done innocently. If he steps on others'
toes, it is because he is unaware they are there' Al-
Here the individual receives ways he seems to miss the obvious, blissfully ignorant
society. His soul has come an invitation to join of the immediate circumstances around him' When it
incarnation residue of wildness.-ar", life with a past
this comes to social graces, he is so inexperienced that he
accustomed to appreciating result, he is un_ appears to be the proverbial "bull in the china shop'"
the poinior view of others. .In the current life, he is learning how to mix with
The karmic conrinuation of
u- ;;;r;g setf_righteous
the society he is benefitting from' Yet, still fearful
34 KARMTc AsrRot,ocy The Nodes in The Signs 35

of the reactions of people, he lives his life on the rim thought unimportant, but in this life is necessary for
of the wheel, occasionally darting into the center of the his very survival.
hub only to run back out again. While his body cries out for sports, nature and the
His past life experiences with people were lacking primitive life, his mind will eventually lead him toward
in the areas of cooperation, sociability and tact. Now ^a
study of words, language and a reflection of his self-
he is striving to reach sophistication. He doesn,t yet so that he starts to become a more human-
know how to see a clear reflection of himself for he ""r.ior,
istic part of the culture he lives in'
doesn't understand that there are two sides to the same ffe is like the wild stallion desperately tryingex- to
coin. Through his Gemini North Node, he will now un_ fight being tamed, and yet wondering what the
dergo experiences which will force him to see both pJrience -igt t be like. In the midst of this seeming
sides of every issue. paraaox he is a messenger of the lower and higher
In this life, he is destined to learn what the world minds to all who come in contact with him' His
looks like through the eyes of others. Before he can incarnations brought him to a natural understanding of
understand why people seem not to listen to him, he theuniverse.Nowhismissionisnotonlyforhimself,
must first put himself in their place. Ultimately he will but also to spread his understanding to the myriads of
come to realize that au the negative qualities he has people that iun through his life' Herein lies the mys-
been attaching to others are things he does not under_
stand in himself.
ii.^i ,"uron for his eternal restlessness' He has much
to say and much ground to cover!
Sometimes he is a shouter in a library. No matter The house position of the South Node shows the area
how sophisticated he pretends to be, he has so much in life where past incarnation residue still pulls him
past life residue of crudeness in him that it is bound toward a desire to be a free spirit' The house
to seep through at the most inopportune moments. of the Gemii North Node indicates the doorway through
This embarrasses him so much that he becomes de which he must walk in order to experience the advan-
termined to polish himself by paying attention to his tages of the civilized humanistic culture he is destined
mannerisms, habits, public behavior and particularly to join.
his mode of speaking.
Through his Gemini North Node, he will spend most
of this life's energy learning how to be adept at the
art of communication. He now feels the need to educate
himself, so that he can establish an identity in society. Here the soul enters the current life with much
At one time in the current life he will be faced with inner pride. The individual finds it difficult to under-
the conflict of whether to live in the city (Gemini) or the standwhyothersdonotshowhimthestrongrespect
county (Sagittarius). While his basic nature for so he has been accustomed to in past incarnations' As a
many lifetimes would feel more comfortable in a coun_ result, prestige and the pursuit of dignity continue to
be the motivators of all actions.
try setting, he can learn much by adapting himself to Some with these Nodes will even marry to achieve
the new experience of coping with city life.
the social status of the subconscious Capricorn mem-
Through his Gemini North Node, he must learn ory.
diplomatically to respect the rights of others if he is ,In past incarnations this soul worked hard for rec-
to help preserve a society which in prior lives he ognition. Without losing self-respect, he would have
First House
Second House 63
Third House 65
Fourth House trl
Fifth House 70
Sixth House 73
Seventh House 76
Eighth House 79
Ninth House 82
Tenth House 86 CHAPTER ONE
Eleventh House 89
ConJunctions to the South
Conjunetions to the lgortn frloae 90
Mutual Reception 100 The mystique of reincarnation has been for een-
Conjunctions to Both Nodes 100 turies a subject of fascinati'on to the curious mind.
From almost the beginning of time man has enter-
Squares to the Nodes
tained the possibility that life is one continuous thread,
Ttines to the South Node with the process of birth and death only phases
Trines to the North Node 101
t02 moving from one stage of existence into another" All
life is change and all change is life, but life eternal is
CHAPTER VI: 1AMPLE CIIART what the ancient masters promised and within this
Edgar Cayce 103
realm of eternal life everything changes yet nothing
Robert Redford 104
Christine Jorgenson lW
What is the reality of man's existence? Is it his
Martin Luther King 110
physical life, his deeds, the principles he stands for, or
Paramahansa yogananda 113
is there something yet more subtle that creates and
Mahatma Gandhi tt7
re-creates human life?
Our senses can easily deceive us, for at this very
ALLEGORY moment you believe that the page you are reading is
real. But the truth of reality exists throughout the
APPENDIX: North Node postions 128
eternal mansions of time and space. There was a time
tg50_2000 A.D. l2s)
when this page was not and there will be a time in the
future when it will cease to exist. You can measure
the page with a ruler and find that it is not smaller nor
larger than a number which man has invented. Yet
neither time nor space can show the full truth of the
The Astrology of Beincarnation 23

#El'lf,#Jtr";,,:rffi,rerated chapters in the

srorv For some the South Node can be limiting, while
The individr:l]:.ilions;" for others whose past foundations are firm and large
apart from the wortd
is instead an imporjalt pa-rt-oi-Jorra bur it can be just the factor which brings the present life
Ii#,""ff il,iH
its ultimaie- "i, n1]
evolution. Every-

soul which
to a fruition of achievement.
As an ineoming president enters the White House to
,;;;;;; upon begin his new life there, so the possibilities of his
the wortd rre nas helped;;;;;;".'" an improvement in achievements will be hampered or aided by all he has
Always man wants to thought, said and done during his past record in Con-
turns to historv,for the know why. And always
,nriu""*on*the he gress. You are president of your current incarnation
assumption that
but your karmic record in Congress is the eoncrete
;'ff'L:l-Hil'X'l:-j +;;*;;""1osition or trre rvooes steps upon which you stand or the stilts below your
e. vrn
ru t ur
past, he starts
riXi ffi,, ::IJ:l }l: wobbly feet.
.to.r""i-_oie-;d"; of continuity
f,*Jr#-es aoout warking into ACHILLES HEEL
The Nodes are actrrally points
one pullins toward the of soul magnetism, The potentially weakest spot in any horoscope is
past' The process wtrjcfr futrire-;;;r;u coming from the the South Node for it represents the footsteps we have
two into a median of *"- orii riiu i, to blend these left behind us. Regardless of the paths we have taken
that his present incarnation
1,1nn11"r, ir" ,n. individual. so this South Node trail leaves us open to karmic residue
tion from the past to the is *
a .r,
symbol of his transi_ from behind. We constantly look to the future and
frd;": rarely stop to examine the effects of all we have
PART il _ THE SOUTH NODE created until such effects loom ahead of us in our
path. Nevertheless, the tracks we have made are still
?he South Node is.symbolic there, symbolizing the habits of lifetimes, and so for
of man,s past. It is not
symbolic of one nast incarn;;;;il;"rather many they point the way to the most observable path
a eombina- of least resistance. In fact an individual's most nega-
,tix;*Hr,s,i|;:r, attitudes "rJllousr,ts from every tive traits are those which for hundreds or thousands
,t" J,i""accumulated unresolved "if;; of years he has allowed to continue brewing within
The most deeory ingrained his soul. He keeps trying to piece together the frag-
behavior patterns are
ti'" p"oi"i'-oi;;i,';"nith to ments of his deeply-rooted past in the hope that they
l,. flH:"l;:'# or hurdreds will form the foundation blocks of his future.
is ri-t'tre- ril;,fi ffT' n,*'"rt.- ir,.."
d: #'"::'J,",,L, alter sreafly Too often the past itself involves the individual in a
the baranc.
- oi ,o il;J':,-'::11'lllg l, type of curious fascination, hypnotizing him back into
'* ;
ro" tr,i s ie-a old methods of behavior, whereupon he forgets the
as the
t" q* J,"t: .lr,,,H, iiif #fl ,ri.|Jf;
comfortabre,^r:*iir-rf nir"o"l,i in whose ways reason for delving into his past and makes his reliving
rrre- r,lr.t r," builds ro" it the actual purpose of his existence rather than the
onty means to the end he originally desired. The South Node
tre tras crear"ii"i**.lan rest upon tt fornartiJo
" can be quicksand; safe enough to look back into as long
as no physical steps are taken in that direction. One
36 KARMICAsTRoLocy The Nodes in The Signs 37

been the original ham, going far

out of his way to
attract attention. At timei ttris woutO He will turn weakness in others to his own advantage'
posing undue punishment upon even mean im_ Wherever there are loopholes in the law, he can find
himserr if he knew ways to squeeze through. So intent is he on managing
others were observing. Now he wourd
know how burdened he has been
rike the worrd to att he sees around him that his entire current life be-
,o inrt others can see comes a personal crusade to prove his worthy capa-
him as a martyr.
He continues to make his work harder bilities.
tually is, never seeming quite able to than it ac_ In--past incarnations, his soul learned the att of
life responsinitities and obligations.
meeting u"co-plishment. In order to do this, there was little
Since he is always living in the past, regard developed for others. Now through the Cancer
of- bringing the consciousness of att hishepast has a habit North Node, he must learn how to give nourishment as
with him into the present. lfris mates burdens weII as receive it. Many with these Nodes experience
much heavier than it need be.
his present life strong family burdens so that they may come to know
the emotional needs of others.
is IT oneinthing
. failure he has not yet learned to tolerate
himself. He is *jipru.ti"ed at actually Sexually, the soul is learning how to take on the
himself physically or feminine role in this life. The karmic transition is from
avoid copinc with situations in"-otiorally
ill in order to coldness to warmth-from age to youth' Many with
whieh he expects to feel these Nodes appear to grow younger as each year in
He sees the world their life passes.
through an attitude of self_right_ Rigid Capricorn attitudes are dropped one by one'
eousnessj whereby the actions
condoned but often condemned.
of others are .ur-"iy tne individual finds new security in relating his emo-
self, however, for
He keeps this to him_ tions more honestly. In this life he must learn how to
]t- would au-ug"-nis sense of per_ apologize sincerely when he is wrong, as well as not
sonal esteem should others tnoui ttrat he has been to seeX advantage over others when he is right' Even-
fitting them into his secretly devised tually he will see that all of his depressions, fears and
caste system.
In prior lives he was highly opinionated worries are no more than part of a self-created martyr
ly resistant to taking aavice tirat wout<t and strong_
affect him complex which bears little relation to current life cir-
personally. Now he still
believes that one,s personal
t* .lt strictly a private matter. --He
must slowly learn how to divorce himself from
all things which relate direcily toConsequenfly
an insatiable need to manage everything around him'
the "Wall of China.,, It would be futile he builds In this life he will go through a chain of experi-
to try to break in for at the s[;;te;t personal for anyone ences which will slowly open up his Cancerian sensi-
cism, he starts adding more bricks
to the wall.
criti_ tivities. Eventually, he will start to value nature more
Lifetimes of materialism make him than money, emotion more than power' and new
placing himself wherever there
an opportunist, growth rather than the collecting of dead wood ! When
gained. At the same time
is to be
iomething the changes start to occur, he will be brought out of
he is ,,penry wise and pound
foolish," for he is known ; L Jil.gj the cold of winter into the bright sunlight of early
em_otional bursts of extravagance.
in the midst of summer. But he must develop a totally new emotional
he sees aAvantasi, fre wiU turn cold response pattern if he is to adjust to the new direction
culating and cal_ in which his soul is destined to go'
so that no weakness within himself
vent the attainment of a goal he has will pre_ Tlishighestachievementinthislifeisnourishing
his sights on. others. To reach this, he must do much work on himself'

10 KARMIC ASTROLOGY Reincarnation and Karma 11

It was creative thought that gave birth to

the page wereentombedwiththeirmostcherishedpossessions
in terms of focusing energy for lts physical existencl. ,o tt ut they might be comfortable along their future
Thought will create more pages and when everj i" inoiu ror many vears bodies were cremated
page ceases to exist,-lry h;i.
the thought of pages will create so that the soul could rise on the ashes up to Brahma'
still more. More recently, Indian bodies are left as food for the
A beautiful architectural design is only as real as birdswiththefullandcompleteunderstandingthat
the thought that created it, for ui oru point in time
and the physical shell itself is only the temple that houses
space the symbolic structure will cease to exist, yet tne sout. They seem to know that the same thought
the thought that creates architecture will continue ior thatcreatedsuchatemplewouldcreatenewtemples
eternity. The seer Nostradamus wrote many phys_ as a soul needs them.
ical pages most of which are now burned or tost. iet The American Indian knew much about eternal
the thoughts of those pages are very much alive. life. The battle between the Sioux and General Custer's
is the substance of eternal life. l.oop, at Litfle Big Horn indicates that life after death
The thought of you is the real you; not the you as is not only a possibility but a fact' The celebrated
seen by relatives, friends and neighbors. Th; real Sioux medicine man, Sitting Bull, was known to
you is not your physical body for it could projection
never u.""pi sess unusual powers. He practiced astral
that its effects end at the boundaries of skin. regutatty, as well as displaying all the other talents
Time was not when you did not exist and time will that one would ascribe to a medium'
never come when you will cease to exist. But parts
of At the time of the battle of Little Big Horn' Sitting
will change for during your eternal life you are Bull was actually a great distanceprophecy away "making
going through an everlasting transformation i. your medicine," but it was his accurate of the
soul journeys upward toward perfection. him his highest honors.
details ol the battle that earned
We can see such changes in the simple beauty
of a In the years that followed Sitting Bull discussedFrom the
nature story. Two caterpillars were friends and spent Custer incident only with Ns tribal war chiefs'
much of their time together. One day one of the them we have the most fascinating recolleetions of how
pillars died, whereupon his true and loyal friend "iter_ this great Indian mystic went in darkness to the site
a quiet grief-stricken vigil near the body of hisbegan -de_
of the battlefield so that he could make medicine beside
parted loved one. After many days of sadness
the cater_ the fallen body of Custer. It was then that the spirit
pillar looked up to find a butterfly staring at him. of the departed general manifested to him and for a
]]YnV do you cry?,, asked the butterfly. short time words were exchanged'
"Because I have lost my friend,,, replied the cater_ Custer warned Sitting Bull that a treacherous act
by a white man against him would take place witNnit
Then in all his splendor and beauty the butterfly fitt""n years. He would have no foreknowledge of
proudly answered,
"But I am your friend.,, This would be an opening of a play yet to be acted'
To the caterpillar reincarnation was difficult to
understand,but to the butterfly it was a fact for he "The white man would cover the earth and neither
you nor I nor the Great Spirit Himself can stop the
transcended one physical form into another, never
losing the true essence of himself in the process. infiltration and bloodshed that will follow' We are but
one act in the play and we have done as we were told'
In ancient Egypt the bodies of departed souls fn tess than fifteen years we will both be on the same
24 KARMICASTROLOGY Reincarnation 25
The AstrologY of
step into the South Node is almost Nodal position
the individual in certain to immerse on in spite of all obstacles' In fact' this
.reliving memories from i; uk*; treasure-filled cornucopia reaping one benefit
which it may well "o-pi"rr"a
take v""rr-rrJ a stepping
other people to pull him Uaek-
the help of many after another as each obstacle is turned into
It is interesting to note that man,s curiosity stone of future growth.
which is tv*Uolizes ttre highest area of expression be to be
one of his most formidable must in-
est enemy, for
assets can-otalso be his great_ reached in the current life and therefore
tiny flashba"f.s his South Node i"iprlt"a by the highest qualities of the sign and house
seep through to 11 his conscious minA his own irr"ti""Ui" lonely
curiosity makes him turn in which it is placed. The new experiences seem footing'
go backwards to of
; iittt as the individual is tests of courage areHe
unsure his
seek more. In order to come ".ouna--"oA to
to iuff-i"r*s with his past,
he seeks more tfran ,. _t"ff".tr"f ,oor, .o."t to realize that if his
understanding. fu ,"L"oingful, they must be faced alone at the core
Desiring to feel intuitively,_-.;i;;;' emotionalty, see, of his being where eactr new adventure
finds him as the
touch and perceive the reaiiy
; hi, past, he inadver_ single character of his own unique experience' Tl'
tently makes it the reality of tris p""r"nt
Here without knowing it h; tras f"r, of it all creates a peculiar fascination in the
himself backwards into anotnei suaAenty thrown individual. proverbial
he has reprogrammed tiril ,on". In essence Always he sees it in front of him like the
.ornprili, uut .".*t used to make the donkey walk' yet every time
so subfle that he doesn,t notice the shift is possibilities
he thinks he reaches it, its higher
ii, become
of those close to him bring il ;j; sensitivitiesthe admonitions
.ririUtu to him, demanding still more footsteps'
awareness that his--functional the But
behavior is somehow in_ tests, and more of a desire to go forward' man
appropriate to the life he is in learns to shed his
South Node is to be used as tfr"
here ana now. Thus the cannot reach his North Node until he
*"**y bank of grades past for his past represents the shackles of his karmic
already rived through, but uri"rr--irr".. prob-
planetary conjunctions to ii, are strong prison. The new cycte of the North Node is a new
trr"-lniividual is to move Iem heretofore unconfronted' It is man's discontent
ahead, forever drawing on ti, p"J,-ll,
*itf, tn" old and decaying ways of hisand past' coupled
no, dwelling in
the exploration
*itt ti, great desire for discovery
of his higher potential in the future'
PART IV _ THE NORTH NODE With each step closer he starts to feel better
himself. His life takes on new meaning as he experi-
The North Node is the symbol
resents a new exnerience is yet the future. It rep_ possibilities he had never eonsidered' But man
,niii"a. For the in_ "*",
does not achieve his North Node until after
he rises
dividuar, this is the new cycre
to which he is rooking to ttre highest karmic levels of his South Node' He
forward. Carrying with it ifi habits
and as yet
"ppr"rr"rrrions of the *rii r."* to gr;; up gracefullv theanegative
:i9.o*. nevertheless-
position -untried -magnetic
"*o"iiin."r, this Nodal and memories which no longer serve useful
has in his life. He must be willing to walk where he feels
pulling the soul towards it, " .ori-or. allure,
frtuiu g"orrtfr. there are no footstePs before him'
There is Divine p_rovidence
The most u*"ring feature about the North Node
in trying something is
new, and here the individual
his efforts. At the very deepest .""uiu". much help for thathowevermuchmanachievesit,thereisalways
feets a sense of direction.
tevets- of his being he *o.u to go-as it truly represents his everlasting up-
Hi;;;";; to tive spurs him ward spiral towards God'
38 KARMIC AsTRoLoGY The Nodes in The Signs
until he becomes a natural cornucopia of spiritual food come more goal-oriented rather than following
his ac-
his energies' The inter-
to those who are hungry. The more he is able to fill customed tendency to dissipate
people, the more happiness he will feel himself. He thing is that while he continues to think he needs
should see that God also favors those who stand and "riing to answer his questions, he rarely takes their
wait, and that His highest blessing is especially re_ "in.*
The friends that he does have will be from all
served for those who seek nothing for themselves but walks
to be available as His constant servant. In past lives of life. In a sense this increases his scope for they
bring to him now the awarenesses that he
this soul was able to benefit greaily by receiving. earned in
Now he is here to give. former incarnations.
Once determination takes root' there is
The house which contains the South Node shows the no stopping
area in life in which the bowl of abundance is overfull. the path towards success for he does not like to settle
given to the future' In
The house which contains the North Node symbolizes tor ieconO best. Much thought is
the empty bowls of others waiting for food. factheisusedtolivingthere'untilonedayhemakes
,,today is yesterday's tomorrow"
itre reatization that
LEO NORTH NODE-AQUARTUS SOUTH NODE and that nothing will exist in the future
that is not cre-
ated now!
The Leo North Node symbolizes a struggle with He is not the easiest of people to understand'
the will. In this incarnation the individual is learning he wiII do anything to retain and emphasize his own
to develop strength within himself. Conditions force .enr" of individualit"y. In past incarnations he developed
him to stand alone, very often with the absence of a detachment from the majority of the world'he
takes pride
shoulders to lean on. He eventually learns that if his him to feel free to go his own way' Now
life is to be better it must be created by himself. But as much for
in being unique ,rI diff"t"nt, caring not rules he has
before he can build any such creations he must over_ ine traaitions of society as for whatever
come his lackadaisical carefree attitude. set uP for himself.
He still continues a pastJife tendency to spend too His main difficulty in this life is a lack of control'
power into use-
much time feeling sorry for himself at his lack of Without discipline he can generate his
friends when he feels they are needed most. Somehow Iess projects, until he realizes that nobody
will stand
in moments of stress, others always seem to be absent. over him with a whiP.
Long periods of loneliness, isolation and in many cases If he builds on bast-Iife knowledge' he has a great
a good part of the time spent as a hermit are not un_ ability to do someihing for the human race for he is
for the good of
common. capable of depersonaUzing his actions
Ultimately, when the mind is made up, there is all mankind.
little that can sway this individual from his destiny. Many with these Nodes live a rags to riches life'
He must learn that his isolation is a self-imposCd the big change coming after the tendency to overlook
prerequisite for gathering strength. Very capable of isturnedintoanabilitytooversee!Theirgreatest
strong leadership in this life, he must learn to over- amazementoccurswhentheydiscoverprior-lifetal-
they had'
come all doubts within the self. ents in themselves that they never thought
The continuance of his past-life desires for friend- Happiness is reached once principles are found to
principles must
ships actually weaken him, as they do litfle to build deaicate the life to. Furthermore' these
his individual confidence. He must learn how to be- be unshakable so that the individual feels he is creat-
12 KARMIC ASTROLOGY Itr:incarnation and Karma

side. The white man sees only white and the day will 'l'he skeptic would discount much of this as the
come when he will try to extinguish all men who are product of an unbalanced mind, but on too many oc-
not white from the face of the earth. Know in your ,';,sions the proof of other life forms is so substantial
heart that I speak truth, for you and I were once llrat even the most critical mind must stop and wonder'
brothers and will be brothers again. Be relieved of I'irrticularly in the instances where medical and scien-
your burden, for man is an angry wolf stalking and tltic explanations fail, the process of eternal life can be
tracking down his prey from the beginning of time to ,.,"., not only as plausible, but in fact as the only logical
the ends of all time but you and I are more than men r.xplanation.
We know that babies are born with definite
as men know men. Go now and be with your people. per-
They need you more now than before. I will be with sonalities which they exhibit as early as their first
you many times when you light your pipe at night and days in the hospital nursery' Very often these
I will be with you in your final hour as you are here atiiies are quite distinct, displaying unique character-
with me now.",t istics, unexplainably contrary to their traceable hered-
When the conversation had ended Sitting Bull ity.
covered the face of the dead General with the silk In India there have been cases on record of children
handkerchief that Custer had once presented to him. capable of speaking foreign dialects other than those
During his remaining years Sitting Bull remem_ wtrich their own familes have taught them'
bered his night with General Custer and on several In one case a young Indian girl started screaming
occasions spoke about it with close tribesmen. Four_ to her mother, "You're-not my mother'" This persisted
teen years and seven months later this amazing proph_ for some time until the family decided to seek pro-
ecy was fulfilled as Sitting Bull was assassinated by fessionalhelp.Ateamofdoctors,psychologistsand
government agents at Standing Rock. parapsychotogists was brought in to determine the
causes- for the child's seemingly irrational
?hree days after he was slain while peacefully behavior'
sleeping in his cabin, a group of Sioux Indians return- Upon much questioning the girl explained that these
ing frorn a social gathering saw him appear in the hills, wlre not her parents, and the house in which they were
Iived in
in much the same manner as the reappearance of Jesus. Iiving ,"u, ,roi her hottse' She insisted that she
This amazing incident can be folklore no more than a yellow house on a hill in another town' and that in
the millions of pages written throughout the world of was hidden
hei bedroom in that house a cache of money
similar such incidents. Appearances in spirit form perfectly
under a floor board. She described the house
have been reported since the beginning of time through_ and upon taking everybody there led them to the up-
out every nation and indiscriminately in all parts of stairs bedroom wherl raising the floor board' she
the globe. Man hears voices, receives messages, sees tookoutthecacheofmoney.Beforegoingtothehouse
spirit forms and in some instances even experiences she had even described the curtains' home fixtures
contact with his former lives. and the man who was living there'
In the duration of time the house was painted' but
it had been yellow in the past just as she had claimed'
The man who resided there had lost his wife' It be-
'As this page was being written, the entire room became filled with the cameanestablishedfactthatthisgirlwasthereincar-
spirit of sitting Bull. For over an hour I was pulled into
trance while he nationofhisdeceasedspouse'whenboththegirland
telepathed to mc these exact words spoken to him a century ago. her former-life husband recognized each other' Ulti-



Here the soul is learning the lessons of self-con-

sciousness on the most elemental levels' Experiences
in prior incarnations did not permit the Self to form as
a iingular identity. No',v the individual is paying the
price for the indecisiveness of his former lives as well
is learning how to rise out of his confusion by develop-
ing "one-mindedness."
Highly susceptible to flattery, he goes far out of
his way to do the things he believes will please others,
but because he has not yet himself gone through ego
identification, he becomes confused as to what course
of action to take. Always trying to balance those around
him, he finds himself to be the eternal referee between
two or more opposing ideas, people, or conditions'
Standing in the middle, he assumes the role of the
buffer trying desperately to bring harmony to both
sides at the same time. From moment to moment
and day to day, he seesaws from one side to the other,
hoping that he will never be required to take a definite
stand !
In prior lives he iudged his happiness by the suc-
eesses or failures of those close to him' Now he con-
tinues to identify his life through others. His confidence
can easily be shattered for he hardly yet knows who
The Nodes in ltre Signs 4l
ing something solid. will then identify his life in
the size of the he could never live without people for he thrives on
::iiH.* has attached him-
their admiration of his achievements. He believes in
Disturbed bv. the scattered flrm justice, and yet he is quick to pardon once people
which remind iim or_ ;;"";# activities of others
plst have admitted they are wrong. He is never one to
feels the strong neeO- io- incarnations. h;
,"" fif"^*iring alonSl a directed
strike when a person is down. The sense of fair play
course towards a specified has become such a part of his soul that although he
so"i.-i;ir, he
his complete independ"r"".-ar'Jresuft, wants to retain feels he should be more competitive, it makes him un-
ficurt to toterate he finds it dif-
j3"-r, ;i;*ii,ir.i,,
do, they will find nim constanfly style. When thev
comfortable to be part of any competition which involves
testing limits. foul play.
Things which wouldn't have bothered him in past
::,.[:",,t!]il'TTi:!!1r*,""'","r:"T"-i*i$,1"T,rff incarnations suddenly become important as he starts
and equatitv. rn .u"."ni- ti[; 1":T: to dig into life rather than disassociate from it. AI-
!gbe on ilr..;#Io
the opportunity to #; individuat is given though it is his present life karma to apply his Uranian
by others he may express his that unhampered
intrinsic ingenuity through practical and traditional Leonian
now is to show ne^on1! ,s tr"*uov"nrr, beliefs. His job outlets, he still struggles to maintain his unique char-
as he may choose, the o, as powerfullv
overcome its -
burdens. His
*"til;;;il,r,-ir* ;;d,;,I acter.
with this position spend the later years of
s.u"t"J achievements oc_ Some
cur after he has their life alone. Others who are married still hold onto
service or numanitJ.urrendered his personal will to ttre
such a strong streak of independence that they tend
There is no question but to keep other family members on the periphery of their
that this is good
material so tong
.as the id;;il;. past_tifeleadership
sense of fairness is never
;;lrtd This individual The house position of the South Node indicates the
::l]bl".o.f..T"ryng revotutionarv .t"og", in whar is area where past-life needs for originality and freedom
once estabtished tra.dition. was
are still seeking expression.
Ire l"s i#Ii, rr.t and always
amazed and fascina,:.d o, The house position of the North Node shows the
reach. At the same time, "ii th";;sibitities man can
peopte pirying their t" ir-rfi"rOed when he sees area through which all the chart energy can be focused
setf-i;G;'iilitations, for well into a new shining ereation of substantial size and
experien"" worth, a gift of generosity to the world. Truly these
ff l-:ffiihe "i-iJri's';;;".uu up bv one's are the Nodes of the "inventor."
He aspires to stand tall and not be ridiculed for
White his caoabititie.
;;;rsi;,Jl"ro to express.
*.rrr, to"l??u*ril'ou"r, The object here is crystallization. The individual
him is not too iar below the rest of has to overcome past life superstitions which now im-
of his past{ife attraetions,fr"'rlrt"... The continuation pede his growth and see clearly the truth of all things
keep throwine him.. off theto-*orilotary fascinations before him. Prior tendencies to be dependent on others
;rr.k;";;king it difficutt
for him now to see the ."""-oiril'L#'serr as well as to swim in the self-pity of non-achievement
clearty. And are strong obstacles to be dealt with and surpassed
::tl""ffi:l:l "#'iT ;:$hli ;' #i "uli ",,. ", th; ;;i; in the current life.
Though he may at times strongly
wish to be alone,
The individual must make every attempt not to
allow himself to become bewildered amidst the maze
The Nodes irt The Signs 45
He is highly critical of others
falling short of when he sees them This individual is starting to make things work on
.tl" oglr"";"i;l;;,
capable of reaching. frc tras -llarnhe knows they are the earth plane. In past lives he developed an intuitive
tical use the esselce of his ,rn to to put into prac_ understanding of the nature by which man and ma-
ways vaguery felt. but has iA"r, which he has al_ chine function, but now he is confronted with putting
To the extent trrat ttris--JJniiiur,'he to verbarize. this knowledge to use, rather than daydreaming about
stood. In times feers misunder- some future far-off moment when all his dreams
9f lu"-a rr"- IrJv"ishes for others
help him, yet he teets thai
it ,l,irar,, to might come true. He must be careful to make all times
such help. rnstead, h" k";;r';;;;rs be fair to ask for the present as well as all places here; for only through
depth, silentty n:rinF thrt;"y out people with living in the here and now is he able to funnel into
him wiu ilo
t, i"["*'ii, Jronr"*r.
can see throueh crystalline form the vast reservoirs of essences which
"u"" "norir,
Constanily seeking warmth i, others, he has accumulated through all his lifetimes.
stone cotd when
.r;;;;, oi he turns He is to become the focusing lens on a form pro-
dividuals. one of^in,the or crude in_ jector which contains millions upon millions of blurred
trre mosi"U"i"rirrr "o""r.
things about the
Pisces South Node- is ttrat-as"* negatives. Yet through his North Node he is capable of
forded the opporty:ily to. a"u"irJ"rorgiveness go by he is af_ refining each one so that ultimately no knowledge he
hurt him in trris-iire as werr as for ail has ever acquired will be wasted. In effect, this is a
,,H:ryl:*ave in past rather frugal Node position. Here also the mind and
These Nodes represent life become as a machine, with all the separate parts
the ilusion and the..""f. the clouds and the sunshine,
forming an integral part of the whole. When any part
state, this individuat uuunlrrit".o_", some better of the life is not functioning properly, it must be im-
other people suffer so much. to tearn whv mediately repaired or discarded.
goes far out of his untif fr"- l;; ,hrr,-iil
way at the rist< of hurting The life is geared to striving to raise efficiency and
help any and all who suffer. himself to order out of the sea of the Piscean whirlpool. Much
His current Uf1 karma is to
strive prior life work was spent in renunciation. Now only
and perfection in himself. for purification vague memories remain. In this life, the individual
*frif" ,rj..ating with genile_
ness weakness in,.:1h.""_1 This
b;;;;; him his biggest must learn to
display the perfected ideals he has
lesson-self discioline! ge achieved through giving up all but his appreciation of
must-i"ain cruarty when to
,rn, when to ,r,Jir'r?i'and the Divine Essence.
fjJff ;lr". when to auer
The house position of the South Node indicates the
He must not overlook details area in which a past incarnation reached Cosmic Un-
Piscean tack of attention -o"il, for it is often the derstanding. The house position of the North Node
miss the claritv ot
to iirut
"i" "rrrus him to
unaerst#;;; shows the area through which crystallization can now
developing a clelr perspective ,, seeking. By bring that understanding into material reality.
ro excess trrai -u.rr*ht
fre fan- start to avoid the
rre ,,",
If he is to be happy, his life must This Nodal position requires much learning about
service rather than secreily be dedicated to self-sacrifice and the needs of other people. All the
his past sorrows. uis bffit wishi;; others to drown lifetimes of work spent on building self-confidence and
-"-' " au is never to
doubt rhe purity of his
objiltiru;. esteem must now be transferred to others. The Libra
North Node keeps the individual from adding to his
46 KARI\,IIC AsTRoLocy 'l'he Nodes in The Signs 47

sense of self-identity any further. impatiently

strong ego influencing hii current
He must guard against The Martian quality of the South Node at each
tiie actions. pushes him in new- directions'
-he Upon arrival
His long standing me_first attitude now brings finds the gossamer cloud of
sharp and painful experiences as he is learning him tlestination, however,
and is surprised to
lessons of eooperation. He must slow
the Libra in the middle of the seesaw'
down and make seethatthegoalwasnotagoalatall,norwasthedes-
sure that all he works for is meaningful, in and confused,
riage and close partnershipi ;;-;;il his mar_ tination the end ot lt " :ouriey. Puzzled the circum-
as all
tions with others. He has'to tearn to tat<e his rela_ ;r;-;iil in the middle, irying to evaluate
the sharp wiu point the way towards his
edges out of his life and start to- batance. stances which n" nip"s-e'a
center road seems less attractive to him, While the next successful driii' yet each. goal' each. ltb-i-
only path he can have towards happiness.
it is siiU ine
;i"* ;;;h sprint ot'*nnittg and striving brings
him to

- ultimatery he must learn itr" very subile lesson -tt""t exhaustion he makes the
Libra-the half-waY Point!
that his strong pioneering inaiviauaiism isn,t actuaily FinaIIy, out of half of the journey
meant for himself at all, but rather to
equip him better u-uring realization that the second the karmic lesson
th3l he can provide others witn a more harmonious involves other people' He is to learnto share' something
life. Many individuals with theie woOes have a ten- that he is not ,fot'u' tnUf he learns on his efforts'
dency to be contrary. The experience
of listening to always comes up to put the brakes that winning
other people is a new one which they find objection"abie Eventually ne is Urougit to tn"- realization
than the
when they feel it hampers their forwaid
motion. or losing ttre gamJ it *otn less important
In past incarna-tions, progress was all important, fairness with which it is Played
and getting there firsr wai pirt Many individuals *iit' it'"tu Nodes are highly opin-
tive Arien drive. This cairies of th; highly competi_ ionated u, ,",uli of or bigoted pastJife a'tti-
closed-mindedness which the Lilra
ou", into a definite tudes. Now it" is timl ior the shoe to be worn on the other
Nortn Node will ul_ are painful blows
timately open, showing to the inairiduaf foot. Much of the tut*nt life's eventsguard against becom-
the other side
of the coin which tre trlO nuu.. U"iorJ tnougnt to the ego' The individuat has to
ins embittered as;;-;;;; manv oJ nit
was im_ own wants and
portant enough to recognize
Selfishness and vanity of desiresbeingtaken_,*"yfromhim.andgiventoothers'
jealous' He wants
all sorts must be curbed At first his natural i"rralntv is to be
unless the individual wishes to iinA he feels he has lost;
himself to fight back for uU tnott things he
usually he feels himserf being driven towaras alone. loses' Eventually'
thing, yet he doesn't understani *tui some- yet the more he igntt the more he must sur-
or why.
the Libra North Node he is now to reconsiOer Through drained of much of his inner resources'
his goals accept living in a world built
and objectives so that his Arian energy render his selfish "'".",0
useful purpose.
is put to some on sharing.
Until he overcomes his South Node'
his biggest
He changes his mind often and allegiance to people receiving
single cause is not one of his finer a frustration is tne-witnessing of other He doesn't quite
attributes. past in_ for'
all that he himseli traO wistred and
carnations have made him accusto_"a is puzzled at why
impatient restlessness that still to a constant -wer*"kt'
yet understana rrow ini'
nas a tendency to keep all the things f'" iut wanted are coming to people
him on the move. He knows tnui 1u is He hardly realizes
than to receive in the current iii;,;;i to give rather around him and v"i not to hims-elf' are actually
he finds it diffi_ thht all ni, aesilret, wants and wishes
cult to cope with such karma with his"fuU
heart. designed for others'
48 KARMIC ASTROLOGY The Nodes in fire Signs 49

He is mentally energizing the wishes of people lf only to continue the focus of attention on himself.
around him so that he can ultimately be But in his private moments, he is deeply saddened by
for their fulfillment. In actuality he is ", inrt.i*Jni
a new place in by living through hi;r"Ii a sense of loneliness and the knowledge that his rela-
"".nio' tlonships with others are so far short of what he would
of selflessness. Still, the iniistent urges of thek;;;
llke them to be.
Node keep nulling him backwards, oiten *rLir' il*
feel that this is a lesson he would rather
There is nothing subtle about this Nodal polarity.
not yet
He must try to resist past_Ufe--iendencies learn. Happiness comes only after he is forced to re-evaluate
waves for he is now capable of witnessirs to make his desires and truly discovers that they involve other
people. The ego-self must be abandoned and with it a
nies between peopre.without tating siaes. dirh";;I
thrown into the position of refereeJ wherebybrte; --t i;-i, heightened sensitivity to the needs of others acquired.
others to become more objective, he in- ir -tiip! The Libra North Node is one of the most difficult
himself. The more he can get oih"r, to fr.i "fpirrg to achieve because the Aries self-love looms as such a
the more he can learn to do it himself, cooperate, large hurdle to overcome. StiU the individual must
Underneath all the husfle and busfle, this overcome if there is to be a new cyele for him, and
is learning to see the eonsequences of fri, individual he will find the key to this new cyele as he begins to
taking them. rn effect, he must tearn to actions before reflect back upon himself through the eyes of others.
leaps !
rook before he The house position of the South Node indicates the
For many with. this Nodal position, there is area where insatiable desires of past incarnations are
seated anger coming out of pist-life a deep- still demanding priority. The house position of the
memories of frus_
trations which block the self_eipression. North Node shows how fulfillment can be reached
In this life, there is usually a very pleasing physical through self-sacrifice, cooperation and the expression
appearance, which is part of the - karmic of unselfish love to others.
vanity that the Aries South Node is here
Any narcissistic residue also .rrru. difficultyovercome. -;;;: SCORPIO NORTH NODE-TAURUS SOUTH NODE
riage as this is the battleground where the i,
love of another and needs of the setf must
war between Here the individual is learning how to accept revo-
be fought.
The balance between Aries/Mari and Libra/Venus lutionary changes within himself as well as the condi-
is a diffieult one to achieve. The Aries South tions in his life. He would like to rest, thinking that
stantly seeks to asse-rt its needs, while the Node con_ his soul journey is over. So tired is he, from past life
Node needs nothing for itself Uui to love
Libra North memories of the yoke of his earthly burdens, that
less of their demands. This individuai
others, regard_ whatever the cost he would like to feel settled. As a
others best only after his own needs
can feel love for result, he finds it difficult to develop the strength for
futfiU"A. future changes.
until the desires of past incarnations Tenaciously he clings to old behavior patterns
hind, the incessant pulling of his ,ubconrcious left be_
continues to be so strong that he has demands which served him well during past incarnations. He
drain energy from other peopte, actuatty puttinga tendency to has become personally attached to doing things the
to sleep. In effect he them hard way. Like the oxen plowing the fields, he walks
a walking laboriously through this life as if it were one long
wondering why people_avoid tafting "nrurttr"ti.,
with him"onituriiv
fo" ,.roru straight furrow. He expends so much physical energy
than a few minutes. He would lik"e to talk
forhours, that he weakens his Spiritual Self to the point that he
50 KARMIC ASTROLOGY 'the Nodes in The Signs 51

becomes blinded from seeing any new possibilities finding him lacking in any area' To prevent this from
other than the singularly drab existence he has been happeiing, he will push himself towards success
accustomed to leading. matter what the cost.
He finds it difficult to learn by watching others. It is almost a certainty that at some him time in this
Instead, he would rather work through each of life,s tite ttre intensity of his karma will bring to be at
experiences himself. As a result, he spends more time, Ieast circumstantially involved with the police'
effort and energy in each growth phase than he has to. es ne reaches for his Scorpio North Node' this He in-
Still, he feels he must be sure of himself. So great is dividual undergoes a complete transformation'
his need for security that even when he makes changes ,iurt, to kill old behavior patterns byhow burning bridges
in his life, they are in fact not changes at all, but merely fenina him. Experiences teach him to cut ties
.teanty, so that he does not walk into the future
other aspects of the same behavior patterns he has with
growth occurs
been using all along.
botn ieet tied to the past. His biggest
In past incarnations he developed a sensitivity to when he is able to let go.
his environment. In order to cope with the continua_ Inner dependency needs must be transformed into
tion of such a sensitivity, he starts early in this life to compiete iniepenOence of thought and action' Strength
explore the world of sensory impressions. He learns in..."ru, wittr- each passing year as he him' slowly discards
what feels pleasurable and how to obtain it. Neverthe_ from his consciousness all that oppresses
less, he always seems to fall short of reaching complete He must learn how objectively to study the results
and lasting satisfaction. He doesn,t realize that one of his subconscious desires so that he can earn self-
appetite begets another. His great need for posses_ respect through practicing self-discipline'
sions makes it difficult for him to enjoy what nL aoes
not personally own. As a result, he thrusts himself into
tn.r. Nodes symbolize the soul who for many
long-enduring batiles of ownership over people, things thesoulvesselistobeturnedupsidedowninorderto
and ideas. He stubbornly holds onto all that comes rid itself of the decay it has collected'
his way. The more he collectively accumulates, the FulfillingthekarmaofthisoverturningprocessrS lose all
more he traps himself. What was in other lifetimes a extremely painful to the individual' as he may
great need for the acquiring of substance now turns he ever held near and dear' In the end' he
will unques-
into the extra weight of excess baggage he is carrying. iionaUty relinquish more than he bargained
As the years go by, the yoke of his burdens Uecomes So powerful is this transformation that many
these Nodes eventually spend their Iater
heavier. alone'
He has created a need to feel powerful so that he in 1n" process of eliminating excess' they have dis-
can seek temporary refuge from the dismal sense of carded everything but themselves'
Nevertheless, much of this is necessary if
failure that has plagued him in former incarnations. the in-
As a result, he even goes so far as to seek in this life he can see himself
dividual is to reach the point where
Out of this sym-
-hedeepest of levels'
an occupation which puts him in an authoritative posi_ clearly on the very
tion. bolic deatn of all ever possessed will come his new
He has undergone so much past life damage to the lite.
ego that he now experiences an intense need to prove the
The house position of the South Node indicates past in-
himself worthy of respect. He will fall into Oeep Oe_ decadent as a result of
area which has become
carnations. The house position of the North
pression when confronted with the possibility of others Node
52 KARMIC ASTROLOGY The Nodes irr The Signs
shows the way in which a current-life rebirth can be When he speaks his facial expression
as well as
accomplished. Uoav-langu"g" *itt change from sentence
to sentence'
of the person whose words
taking on the
MINI "pp"u'un""
he is now trying to pass off as his own'-
In fact' when he
makes a definite pl.itiuu statement, his eyes will al-
The keyword here is promise. For lifetimes this *uyt-"*"*ine the t"tipi"nt to see if it was received
individual has enmeshed himself in dualities, resulting ttutt . If not, then it doesn't matter for he wiII now
in indecision. He has tried to be all things to all peopte "s trying one collected state-
start talking ineessantly, that some-
and as a result has made himself attuned to super_ ment after another on for size in the hope
ficiality. where in his collection of information a few words
Now he has strong karmic lessons to learn in areas
-----rt"be worthwhile'
might make
of loyalty and allegiance. Eventually he will come to tou", activity, and when circumstances highly
see that by playing both sides against the middle he him feel cooped rp It bogged down he becomes
can only hope to make himself the center of the sand_ nervous and restless.
wich, caught in the squeeze. Nevertheless he retains Always over-programmed' he struggles
to keep-.up
a past-life fear of committing himself fully to either wittr-ite myriad oftetails and people that fill his life'
side for at least on the superficial level, he sees truth He has so much to do and yet at the
end of each day
and right in both. He still believes that a definite feels distracted from his purpose'
commitment to one side would leave him with the In past incarnations he never developed a long -at-
much of this life
feeling of missing the opportunity inherent in the other. tention span' As a--resutt, he spends
This ability to remain uncommitted enables him clnstantfv changing his mind about everything'
over wheth-
constantly to adjust himself to fit the needs of the mo_ At one point, n" *iff go through conflict' conflict
ment. Like the chameleon his colors change with his The
er to Iive in a large city or in the of his past-life need
surroundings. is really between i1;-;;"tit'ation to be
In past incarnations he was not too discriminating, to be with people and his present-Iife desire
knowing that it really didn,t matter where he gave his away from them.
affiliations since he never gave his complete self any_ Direction does not come at an early age' More
way. Now he swings like a pendulum in the breeze, aid of parents or an
often than not, it comes through the
open to ride if but for a brief time only on the winning This occurs
oia", p"rron who sets him on his course'
wind. usuallY after age twentY-eight'
he has been so
He purposely makes himself the pawn of others Underneath it aU ne is unsteadVi
and, even if only for the moment, seems to agree with busy seeing the tt"att of gray
in .everything that he
in himself'
them so that he can temporarily feel accepted and a has difficulty seeingltre -light of truth task involves a
part of something. For this inaiui?uai t'ii"'t biggest
the Sagittarius
Through many lives his sense of self-identity has quest for higher Xnowteage' Through
that in order for man to be
become not merely a single division but filled with ail North Node he *uti- f "utn
the questions of everybody he was in contact with. first be the truth!
capable of seeing ttre truth' he must
Since so many people have formed the building blocks He will go fut ii he teaches himself
to speak from
meaning of all he
of this inner self, it is impossible for him to be any- his higher mind for tne esoteric
thing but a hypocrite! t"vt*iii ,fdmatelv show him his real identitv'
il KARMICASTROLOGY 'l'he Nodes in Ttre Signs 55

When he starts to mesh with Transcendental lle it friend, business associate or marriage partner,
Thought, he will begin to reach a spiritual union within automaticallybecomesthesymbolieparenttopickup
himself. tne pieces oi ttit misery, protecting him from being
First he must work through his karma of perpetuat_ Uy itre falling sky which he has created' He even
ing trivia and come to see that participating in gossip creates his own self-inflicted illnesses if they bring
is the greatest sin against liberty. Then he must turn with them the slightest hint of gaining love and affec-
his back on all the past-life residue of pretended so_ tion.
phistication and reach for all that is real and. natural. Constantly practicing at becoming an adult he
Ultimately, he comes to see that although a coin has seems never quite ready or willing to make
the transi-
two sides, it's still one coin! When he develops this iion fulty. Somehow he keeps feeling he needs much
perspective of vision, he will be able to transform the more practice first.
knowledge he has acquired into Divine Wisdom. All he does in this life is based on his soul memory
The house position of the South Node shows the of sensitive past-life feelings which still are shattered
area where past incarnation personality conflicts still
-" the slightest rejection.
plague the lower mind. The house position of the North frf"nv individuals with these Nodes are strongly
Node shows the ways in which a Higher Consciousness They per-
*rupp"d up in the business of their country' part'
can be developed into a vehicle which enables him to sonalize government for to them it is still
in a
rise above all conflict. larger sense, of their own Cancerian family'
flnderneath all else there are unusually strong
His present-life evolution will free him from the feel-
bondage of indecision and in its place give him glimp_ ings of Patriotism and loYaltY'
ses of Universal Truth. with these Nodes focus a good part of their
-- and attention on younger people'
CAPRICORN NORTH NODE-IANCER Thlv Iike to listen to the trials and tribulations
SOUTH NODE otfreri,-nut not being quick problem solvers
iney tau" a tendency to hold everything inside them'
This individual is learning how to achieve maturity. et"tn. weight of pioblems increases' like collecting
In past incarnations he had a tendency to look at life i"vu.t, they ieem to age in spite of themselves'
The most difficuli karmic problem of the Cancer
through rose-colored glasses, seeing only what he
wanted to see with a definite conviction that everything Node is learning how to let go' The individual
South -*iit
else didn't exist. ffi;; ni* into fnis ,'fe such strong inner keepsfears
Now there is still much of the,, left in his
of ever losing or forgetting anythingall he has ever he
Cancer South Node. He is so used to going through his making extra special efforts to retain
prior lives on crutches, wrestling with his dependencies gon" tfrtorgh. As such he makes himself the "psychic
while seeking bannisters to lean on, that his current IurUus"" of the past. Constantly he is thinking
life is the resultant shambles of escapist, childlike iUort-nit present in terms of what he should have done
habits which keep impeding his growth. y"ua, ugo--or "lives ago'" He often can be seen sorting
Truly, this is the perennial infant, desiring at all inrougn old photographs hoping to create his future out
costs to maintain his role as the focus of parental at_ of fragments of his Past.
tention. In areas of problem solving, he would rather ,Attimesheisextremelydraining'usingwhatev-er
have his parents do it. Everybody he meets and knows, is done for him as a springboard to ask for more' He
14 KABMICASTROLOGY Reincarnation and Karma 15

mately there was no question in the minds of

tors, psychologists and parapsychologists that doc- he may have had adequate reason for the fear' Buried
young nine year old girl had been telling the
this in the soul memory are the negatives of the pictures
Their soul love must have been so great that she felt of every event the individual has ever lived through'
drawn back to this former circumstance. All it takes are triggers of light to bring these negatives
into focus so that they have the power to affect the
From time to time we see cases of extreme natural individual in his Present life.
inborn talent. As a youngster, Mozart gave his first Without any real understanding of reincarnation
concert at age four, far surpassing any musical knowl_ much of modern psychology attempts to treat patients
edge which he could have obtained in his first four
years of life. The only plausible cause for such suffering from. fear by a process which they caII "de-
a higlily_ sensitization." They hope that by desensitizing the
developed understanding o{ music was that it was
individual they will ultimately achieve a state of less
worked on for rifetimes and "r.eached its curmination
of reaction to stimuli. Of course, the price to pay is that
expression in that incarnation.
eventually the patient is desensitized to all stimuli'
It would be difficult to explain that the talent of rather than the select few which pertain to the nega-
Michaelangelo could be born of one lifetime alone, tives of his subconscious prior life pain'
never before knowing anything about art. When we understand how an individual reacts to
Those natural talents which you do so well without time, we have our first clue as to the reason why fears
having been taught are usually things that you have and phobias are so difficult to conquer' It seems rea-
worked on before this current incarnation. Consider sonable to expect that a way of life perpetuated as a
the instance of Edgar Cayce, born with the natural habit for two or three lifetimes could easily take psy-
gifts of clairvoyance and ESp. One day as u
vou"gri"i chologists four or five years of treatment to make any
he was supposed to read a particurar book for his headway with.
work, but instead fell asleep on the floor using the In the subconscious desire for a better life, individ-
book as a pillow. upon awakening his father was about uals have a strong tendency to compress time' In
to punish him for failing to do his homework but essence, a chronic problem in a former life which
Igrrg Cayce explained, ..I know what's in the book, may have lasted thirty or forty years' when trig-
I know what it,s about.', gered in the current life as residue by an event or per-
When his starfled father questioned him, young ception, gets compressed so that the thirty or forty
Cayce was able to answer each question thoroughli y""r symbolicatly reoccurs during a rela-
as if he had in fact read every page. Where OiO lnis "*pu.ience
Iivety sliort period of time, thereby expanding the emo-
talent come from? tion of those events to the point that the reaction
In the area of phobias that stubbornly resist all becomes all out of proportion to the psychologically
forms of psychiatric treatment, we find the seed of observable triggers in the current life' At the same
such extreme fear to be deeply rooted in the soul, time, acute traumas of past lives tend to be so painful
continuing now as a residue, even though the individuai in the soul memory that the individual in the current
no longer consciousry remembers the reason for them. life goes to all extremes to avoid those areas and situa-
All it would take to trigger fears of this type is a form tions- which he subconsciously knows will trigger those
of sensory impression which reminds the individual,s negatives. It seems logical that a person who has a
subconscious of a past incarnation, during which time fear of height may have fallen to his death in a former
28 KARMIC ASTBOLOGY 'l'he Nodes in The Signs 29

he is. By confusing the collective needs of others with dlvisions become so painful that
he can no longer bear
his own unrealized desires, he makes himself suscep_
tible to long states of depression. Still, no matter how
i;i;';*" indecision, he starts to reach for his Aries
drained he feels, he continues this past_life pattern of ""tjili*"t"ly
North Node.
he learns not to be afraid of taking a

,tana to. what Ns higher SeIf - senses is Truth'

seeking out people with whom he can identify. He
At times he develops resentment at his inability to ,uacnes this by teaching himself to be an individual'
pull the opposite parts within himself together. yet he ratherthananextensionofsomebodyelse.Still,}e
is so used to entertaining solutions to contrary ideas *uri Uoifa on
taught him
his prior incarnations which
that he keeps creating more. to love rather than hate' Thus' as he starts to find
He is attracted to music and the arts, feeling com_ himself, he must still be mindful of how his
fortable in an environment that is gracefulty delicate. ;;;d aisertiveness influences those close to him'
When circumstances around him b"co-e coarse or --Forshortperiodsoftimehewillhavetoisolate
brittle he loses control. himself in order to gather his strength'
He doesn't like to live alone but desires to be left ffit biggest lessons center around learning how to
alone. For his own peace and tranquillity he must learn make his head rule his heart for he still melts too
to overcome his enormous sensitivity to all the dis_ easily at the slightest attention'
harmonious needs of those around him. He does this Of all the zodiac, this individual has the least
best by dropping the attitude that he must fight for of past-life experience in- examining himself'
his very survival and refocusing his attention o-n what "-ouni
No* t tt rti fit d out who he really is !
positive thoughts help him to develop his own identity. " current life he is destined to make the tran-
In the
In past incarnations there was great sacrifice to sition from the reaper to the ,s9*9t' whereupon
others which was not fully appreciaGA. Now the soul seed for his new beginning'
reincarnates with traces of resentment at not reaping ----i[u becomes a creative
contains the South Node shows
house which
the rewards of its efforts. This brings out the contrari_ ttreareainlifewheretoomuchpastidentification
ness of the Libra South Node and actually prevents *tn others inhibited self-development' The house
the individual from finding his real Self! ThL North *-t i.n contains the North Node designates
the area
Node can come out only when the South Node is brought ;;r; the Self is now experiencing its birth' once a
to the highest possible karmic rever. Thus, this individ-
ual will achieve his greatest potential after he learns
nu* ,"nr" of self-identity is achieved, this individual
and the
to serve willingly, without desiring any rewards be_
*iii f*f like Columbus discovering America;
is the
yond his own self-growth.
most amazing part of his discovery reaching

He was impressionable in other lifetimes. Now he awarenessthatitwasthereallalong,buthenever

knew it.
spends at least the first half of this life coping with the
leftover residue of his own gullibility. As the years
pass he becomes an avid reader, which helps him
crystallize his thoughts. Still, there are so many past_
life habits of indecisiveness that he finds it extermely Here the soul is confronted with some of the most
difficult to make concrete decisions. difficultkarmiclessonsinthezodiac.Pastliveshave
- Always liking to see both iides of everything, he as the Plutonian force of
U*n tt.u*tt with endingsprocess
divides himself in half at every crossroad. When these i.otpio worked through its of transformation'
KARMrcAsTRoLocy The Nodes in fire Signs 43
of confusion that clouds
scious ot ,"frnE^_l9f
his inner vision. Strongly to pull out of events, circumstances and relationships
to con_
ts spent to develop tfre
frurt ;; people, much effort whose very heaviness cloud his vision. His own pity for
-;;;; il;;"f,ru"r,r,
rn essence his. weak abifiiy what he realy feels. other people can lead him into positions in which he
have ilff"doJirlnities himserf, even apreads himself too thin. Hating to tell people what they
ll'#l"Hs,I in this rire to don't wish to hear, he develops the art of subtlety.
He must work to build One of his biggest lessons in this life is to develop
he ultimatety Iearns ttrat his confidence, from which the ability to say no and mean it, for the softest plea
noirriiJ. n"oo"n, in his life from a tear-stained eye has always made him go back
;;jl il:"ff:lio,uno " in
defined. on his word. Well he knows his own weaknesses, and
It is through this knowledge that he can develop his
for sob stories. greatest strength. By the refusal to be swept off his
Nr*, h;-;;;";;;;
.,rli,,i,"l,iirvreeri,c;;'.#;iff ',i',,'*",.;,"'j;"t feet by emotion, he gradually swims his way out of
;:f f confusion.
:ffiil:,:,1ti"E TH;:l
,;i F;enough. :n
Many with this Nodal position have been through
had Then pe realllii* ,r,r,;:;,d _t*Jl
his weak spot nushe, hil-i;"
his soft heart is
past-life perseeution experiences, and as a result they
develop a deep understanding of the pain of others.
where he besins. to. deveiop ."iilir,
rrrr., ,rr*o North Node Still, they can be deceived by others, almost as if their
",i to discriminate inner gentleness becomes confused with weakness to
i'",'X."""e Hfl :; I" " v'u"itv
niJ' i r.Fath v an d wh the point of inviting again in this life the very persecu-
He spends much time in tion they are running from.
through his varue systems, the ( They have the ability to carry deep hurts within
rmportant, so that tre ,Ifi ,:rrlX: them for many years. Yet from time to time the build-
rng system which, wiil may'riri*ri"i, develop a filter_ up eats away at their nervous system.
j udgments *""Ui""li* ,, make critical
wi thout beid, ;;;"; Here the Virgo North Node can act as a savior by
This incarnation is--to ..o,tion
";ffi, "nv. cueing them into the diet and health conditions which
or the pea soup ,;il how to swim out will bring the most benefit.
l" F; ;;r", iilil,
is, ttre iact ii,u",'.,o
,ro what never These Nodes are especially helpful in itre fietds of
:;;;ff-t',f#'ffi,11: ilon that actually he
subtre was his medicine and healing, where the past-life carry-over
happen. ,;;;; ;;l; of a strong compassion for humanity, coupled with a
He must try to fresh desire for perfection, can be readily expressed.
at ail costs, for in th.e^avoid..escapism and. daydreaming Idealism is high, but the soul's memory of a laek of
that he may forse, end th";;;;ien nrm ro the point self-confidence brought about by so much past persecu-
earth ptane. From,past loy l;lr;ffi; on the physicar tion makes it difficult for the individual actually to be-
incar""iilrr"il, intuition
;ll#l1*{ffi is un_ lieve that he can reach his ideals. He has constantly to
fight the tendencies he feels towards glving up. Ulti-
rn rearning
'l; mately it is the great wisdom learned through the
bitter lessons of the Pisces South Node that redeem
the lesson of not to depend,
ultimately discovers.that
l{a.Jmic he him. For no matter how difficult conditions get, he still
on eventualy come to ali-;ior"".rr., desired to lean clings to his rainbow dream where peace and love rule
tean- on-;i;.;" constanily has the world.
56 KARMIC ASTROLOGY The Nodes in the Sigrs 57
tries- other people,s patienee with all
problems, and long after
of his emotional reluctant to accept the full concept of adulthood. They
the solutions are given to him would prefer to remain in an immature state for as
he refuses to see logic througtr rris cioua
is not so much inteiested in"nnding out why oiu*otion.-I" long as possible for they sense a type of judgment
went wrong as he is seeking the lost feeling
,o_"ifrirs awaiting them. Much like the condemned man desiring
to il;;: one stay of execution after another, they seek to hide
Endings are especially difficult for him behind others, constantly pushing themselves further
with. The word ..good_bri, t * n"u", been to deal and further to the back of the line so as to avoid
his vocabutary foi he L", a pr.i-oi meeting the effects of all they have created. This is the
all relationships as rong as po".ibl.. tried t, pi"r"r* reason why many of them have great difficulty in ac-
"rrr"ys His behavior in cepting their own chronological age. While they admit
regard to objects is no differeot, ,in."
he tends t; f;; to their age openly, they try not to live it.
permanent attachments to
they carry with them.
the nostaligic *"*ori", There is much past-life residue of immaturity. The
soul has become fixated at one point in early growth.
_- The major karmic lesson in the Capricorn North Now there is great difficulty passing that point. Still,
Node is. identify
sonal life.-to -with an ideal bilger than the per_
The individual it will be passed, if the individual is ultimately to stand
must uitimately .o*.-1o for something,
stand for something, in spite of all his
personal difficulties. He
real or imagined The zodiacal constellation of Capricorn is the gate-
must understand true ,elpon_ way through which the soul must go upon leaving the
Many with these Nodes eventually become physical body, and in this most occult of signs it will
appointed hallmarks of tradition. They self- stand for inspection before the Judges at these Gates.
would rather While this may not be the last incarnation on earth, it
die than have an outsider know any part
sonal life which contradiets the jrinciple their per_ will most definitely by house position receive karmic
chosen to stand for.
tfrey h'ave judgment in one area of the life. The individual with
Through the North Node an image is these Cancer-Capricorn Nodes will flounder half his life
yhich others can rook up to anJ *oa"i thefr lives
established in helpless abandon and then one day resign himself
At times personat aimcutties after. to stand up to the saying, "T'is a far, far better thing
to hold uF this image, and yet6il;;i- of the strength I do than I have ever done before."
irold it up he must, even The house position of the South Node indicates the
if it means sacrificing tis eniire-iii".-ln most of his
deavors he is capabie of U".ornirs en_ area in which the karmic residue of immaturity seeps
cautious planner onee he learns to overcome
methodical and into the current life. The house position of the North
life_tendency to overreact emotionally.
his past_ Node shows the ways in which the individual can now
In the charts of females, it -Nodes enter responsible adulthood by aligning his life with the
represent an principles of honor, respect and tradition.
unusually strong search for a father
"r" figure. I" _"f*,
As soon as he learns how to do this, he is destined
11"":.5 a strong consciousness of the need to fulfilt
the father role. for a life of splendid accomplishment.
__most important thing about the capricorn
North is that it reprefents the point through
which the individual will *'""i
this reason alone, many with thesefri, f,armic mission. For 'These Nodes represent the struggle between the
Nodes tend to be personal life and an impersonal dedication to humanity.
58 KARMTc AsTRoLoGy fire Nodes in Ttre Signs 59

The Leo South Node symbolizes prior

revolved around the self. The North
lives where much highly protective, and yet he has a strange tendency
points to a future of service Node in Aquarius to wander, finding on his journeys many of the waifs
to. munt ind, where the in_ and strays of society. In these outermost regions
dividual will assume the role of the ..Waterbearer,,,
so that he may be an instrument in where society overlooks its existential possibilities, he
the crusade for discovers new horizons to explore and conquer.
world evolution. Before he can Oo tfris,
polfr of the Leo South Node must be deatt with. the enormous He is destined to spend part of his life alone for
From past incarnations fre'- fras- , tuodunay his unique character is too overbearing to be readily
down-on other peopre and to to look aceeptable by most people. Although he enjoys having
ue conaescending
-int"rrr" of their others recognize and applaud his grandiose achieve-
thoughts and ideas. There is
leads him toward name-dropping,
an pride which ments, he cannot stoop to chase people. His soul re-
as well as designing members a sense of pride which now forbids him to
his life so that he is seen ariti ffi;;
pany.of speciat people. He separatesto be in the com- compromise his dignity.
between ;"t;ily If given the right cause, he will sacrifice his entire
and the common setting himserf or others crose
to him on pedestats. Seeing hil;;ii; life for it. It is not the sympathy of others that interests
the centrat point him so mueh as their admiration for his glorious deeds.
of tfe universe, he il, ;;;;iJ witt
of obtaining his ends, rather tfr"r-"A.irrtingas the means
_views He is repulsed by mediocrity, seeing it as a threat
ceptance of life.
to a fair ac- to his ever-present drive to reach the top, to burst
His karma the bubble, to grab for the brass ring.
now is to learn how to If he is of the negative type, he may even use
without leaving footsteps, for in essence walk lighfly,
making ready to abdicate tris tnrone. ---'
fre is the ruler people to achieve his ends. Friends, neighbors and
Constantly his past-life ego relatives become stepping stones on the rungs of his
preventing him from achieving rears its ugly head, success ladder.
ttre very happiness he Through the Aquarius North Node he learns to
These Nodes cause great difficulties overcome his past-life sense of prestige and develops
for the individual in marriage the concept of Universal Brotherhood. He must ulti-
experiences a strong tendency to
dominate those close to him. \trhen mately come to see himself as part of a larger cosmic
he becomes a complete hermit, t *irg he can,t do this, sphere, in which his role is to share in the burden of
responsibility out of sheer disgust. himself of all human evolution. He will reach his greatest happiness
While he asks others foi aavice, when he is able to set aside his own needs and substi-
things his own way.
he still must do tute in their place a new humanitarian attitude toward
His biggest conflicts center around what all he sees around him.
and what is real. There i, ,o is artificial He is to forget pride and reach for new original
ticism in his Leo South fVoae
*u.t irartyr_like
-tfrat-tre'finAs roman_ horizons, no matter how eccentric his ideas seem to
slip into the role of Don it easy to others. Through his North Node he is given the promise
euixote .t windmills ! of a unique adventure, through which he can make an
He must learn how to shed "rirg
cove-ring that ego-centered aispfavs -"rfr, ultimately dis_ important contribution to the progress of civilization.
o] dignity are com_ The house position of the South Node indicates the
ing from past-life habits io ,""i'rrur"
bringing_him any lasting happirress. now toward area in Iife that is too burdened with the desire for
"na "
personal achievement. The house position of the North
For those whom htdd; f,ofa'r"", and Node shows how the individual can set himself free
dear, he is
60 KARMIC ASTROLOGY The Nodes in The Signs 61

from the shackles of his past-life ego by realizing the filled with danger, and therefore constantly questions
mission for humanity for which he is destined to pick the credentials of the people and conditions he con-
up his cross. sidersaltowingintohislife'Everythingforeigntothe
self represents the threat of disease, and it is because
PISCES NORTH NODE-VIRGO SOUTH NODE of such thinking that from time to time disease actually
In the realm of consciousness, this is the hardest For many with these Nodes there is strong residue
Nodal position to deal with. Here, as a result of many of sexual problems left over from former incarnations'a
Lifetimes, the individual starts to realize his own ri- Either a deprivation of the sexual experience' or
gidity. He is aware of his patterns and how much they strong determination to avoid emotional hurt through
hurt him; yet he finds them difficult to let go of. In it, leids them to seek a better understanding in the
prior lives, he lived in the consciousness of a finite current life. Some are confirmed Puritans, while others
universe where all was well structured. Now he is are capable of being physically responsive and emo-
confronted with the realization that truth extends be- tionally cold at the same time.
yond what his finite senses can measure or even per- The mind is so analytical that life can easily slip
ceive. into the manipulation of a chess game' This individual
He is unavoidably confronted with situations, cir- has a sharp eye for detail and never overlooks the ob-
cumstances and events which force him to relinquish vious. He is an expert at solving puzzles' willing to
his hold on the physical plane. Nevertheless he still spend many hours tediously groping for the tiniest
tries to Iive like the salmon-swimming against the answer, but he can get so involved with whatever he
current, regardless of the direction of nature,s forces. is doing that he often loses perspective' His pastJife
He still seeks order. In fact, his need for strict discriminating tendencies often Iead him now to
regimentation is so strong that he develops medical apart what should be left together' Thus, although he
troubles in the center of the body from personalizing is capable of immense clarity of thought, he does not
a stiffness that increases tension on the inner organs. experience complete peace of mind'
Constantly he suppresses desire for the sake of doing Through the Pisces North Node, he must learn
what seems proper for he would like to maintain an Faith. When he stops separating the world into neat
image of respectability. little compartments, he will get his first glimpses of
In past incarnations he built his understanding on Universal Consciousness. Ultimatety he is to achieve
fact, not hearsay. Now he accepts only what comes the understanding that all is one, and one is all' Before
from the "highest authority.', this happens, he must learn how to stop seeing himself
He seeks ways to rid himself of the nervous irrita_ as separate from the rest of the world'
bility which keeps overcoming him, and yet he puts Ue witt go through experiences which force him to
stipulations on the cure. grow more comPassionate.
He must learn how to immerse himself in the Ashestartstofindhiswell-laidplansdissolvingin.
waters of Cosmic Consciousness, and in this baptism to nothing, he begins to see others in a different light'
of thought he can truly experience a new birth. Before Ultimately he symbolically goes through the of
he can do this, however, he must first overcome his theentireuniversesothathecanstrengthenhisDi-to
karmic fear of living in a contaminated world. vine Love to the point that he absolutely refuses
He comes into this Iife believing that the world is pass judgment on others.

He makes much progress by acquainting himself

with the spiritual way of life. His growth extends as
far as his arms can reach. While the arm of the past
still clutches at his self-imposed restrictions, the irm
of his future is grasping foi ttre higher alternative.
is only his failure to let go completely that preventsIt
him from achieving the perfect tiansition into the full
state of higher mind. yet, he does reach the point that
he occasionally sees it.
From time to time his remarkable intuition re- CHAPTER FOUR
veals to him the mysterious essence of life, yet the past
incarnation memories of his Virgoan practicality cause
doubt at every point. And so, laff way between one THE NODES THROUGH THE HOUSES
world and another, these mutable Nodes are in a con- NODE-4EVENTH
stant state of change. FIRST HOUSE NORTH
Arriving at his destination but not sure that he is HOUSE SOUTH NODE

Bur-u, he keeps going back to start his journey again. This individual is here to go through experiences
Each time he reaches one step more into the infi-nite,
wnicn challenge the self' In former incarnationspeo-
where ultimatery he will dissolve the shackres of his undependable
rigidly formed past and be born again as pure Sprit. fell into the trap of depending upon
The house position of the South Node indicates Spending too much time trying to help others under-
the area in life that is still too rigidly embedded in a on how
personally overstructured idea. The house position stani tnemselves, he never stopped to reflect played an im-
the North Node shows how the soul can renounce its
of it t"-u situations and circumstances
of putting
grip on all rigid definition of form and structure
p"tl"Jtrfe in his own identity' As a result
outside the self, it now' becomes difficult
that it can be free to swim in the Ocean of God.
nim to see who he really is. This is
" ".."nt particularly
--- if Neptune is found near the Ascendant'
in"ur. NoOes indicate past incarnations affairsin which
the individual submergea tris identity in the
others. Marriage and partnerships are so deeply
in t it way of doing things that his quest of self is con-
sianttv viewed through other people's eyes' He there-
ioru their thoughts and opinions of him to in-
fluence his own sense of identitY'
Ultimately he must come out of the bondage
tryi;; to be all things to atl people-. and in the light
,i fril own singular vibration, establish who he really
is. He must escape from living in the shadow of other
piople's lives.
His soul memories of cooperation and teamwork
64 KARMIC ASTROLOGY 'the Nodes Through The Houses 65

are so strong that every time he falls back on them, SECOND HOUSE NORTH NODE-EIGHTH
he actually extinguishes himself in the causes of others. HOT]SE SOUTH NODE
The individual witt' these Nodes spends a side
His first house North Node now brings to him the good

amount of his current-Iife energies on the

awareness that somehow he has lost his identity. Sub_ darker
merged in the desire to please, he has made himself of Uf". From past incarnations he has secrets
a reflection of an ideal peculiarly opposite to his own now spends most of his time guarding carefultV' {fi-s
basic nature. This causes him much current_life pain g.""t"ti aiificutty is in attempting to lead a life which
as he desires to come out of himself while at the same i, reproach for his lower self is powerfully
time not inflict hurt upon those near him. strong.
He desires light' but with every step he takes
He must ultimately learn how to assume gracefully to-
the role of leadership. This is extremely difficult, be_ ward it the aching of his guilt-ridden subconscious
cause he has had so much prior-life experience in being
---ff" the road.
submissive. He has sacrificed himself so that others has had much prior-life experience behind
society failed to look' He
could achieve their goals. doors, where tfre eyes of open
All of his important experiences revolved around ir ;;;t accustomed to creating deceitful circumstances
docile acquiescence. Now the highest growth potential where there were none before'
is to establish a sense of self without shutting off com_ Actually, he is testing the limits other people's
pletely the benefits of marriage and partnerships. Too values, *nit" many may know him closely' none
often when he becomes aware of all he has sacrificed wilt know"nA
him well.
tnside, he is highly nervous for fear of others is
through his South Node, he becomes an extremist, feel-
ing that one state of existence inhibits the other. He locking his secret aoo.t; for well he knows
that he
starts focusing every part of the life energy around the unO.r*ining nearly everything he touches' Yet
desire to lead rather than to be led. Through an in_ has the self-assuredness to believe that all will go well
stinctive knowledge that his Achilles heel or weak spot no matter where his sometimes immoral adventures
is in the ways that he can allow himself to be put into continue to lead him.
the position of being taken advantage of in marriage, Becausethisindividualhasnotyetestablishedhis
he develops the tendency to become too over_assertive. ownsenseofvalues,hetriesdesperatelytostudythe pushes
He tries too hard to make up for what he feels he values of others. In so doing, he inadvertently
has lost. others off their track and therefore can be a threat to
To achieve happiness in the current life, he must ,ri tnut others hold near and dear' In former incarna-
systems' so
learn how to balance equally his own needs with those tions he destroyed much of his own value why others
around him. He must deliberately try not to rush his now he finds it difficult to understand his own
own growth and independence, with the understanding cherish the things they do' He doesn't have
that the most beautiful flower takes time to blossom, stakeinthislife,.o*itnnothingtolosehefeelsfree
while only the weed grows quickly! to claim-jump the stakes of others' Usually' this is ac-
The sign which contains the South Node indicates in such subtle fashion that it is extremely
the ways in which the individual during former incar_ "o*pfitn"a
difficult to recognize.
There is also strong past-life residue of sexual his
nations submerged himself in others. The sign which mis-
contains the North Node shows the ways in which he use. He has learned io think of his sexuality as
strength, using it as foothold to gain
can now establish his own sense of identity. possession of
66 KARMIC AsrnoI,ocy The Nodes Through The Houses 67

others' In the female, this is the story of Delilah or Here the memory of past lives has to be brought to
Mata Hari, whose unusual sexual powers lured the the surface and then eliminated completely in this
strongest of men from their appointed missions. In the house of death before the soul can progress into
male, much of the life energy is dissipated on sexual "igntn
a new set of values.
thoughts. He doesn,t
use it foi power in the same sense The individual must Iearn to develop and build that
as the female, but it is for him the reassurance that all which is sincerely meaningful to him, understanding
is going well with his ego. clearly that that which is dishonorably obtained to grow
interestilg thilg is that sex is never the end nignfy difficult to preserve' He cannot expect
ttriough other people's efforts for if he wishes to
always the meansl In the give and take barter cross
system, sexual allure or responsiveness becomes the must pay the toll out of his own pocket'
the br-idge, he
payment in exchange
for another,s values. As soon as he grows to this realization' the lighted
- Individuals
witn these Nodes become jealous easily.
they wish to trade places with whoever
earned it!
--it of others, but because he has
s.eems to have Q
Breener backyard, and all too often sign which contains the South Node indicates
they feel that sex is a fair price to pay for all the honors "
tne ways-in which former incarnations have brought
they may eventually receive. ine individual to be too preoccupied with the business
. From past incarnations, this individual feels shunned of others.
by society. Now, 6p the outskirts of acceptance, he is The sign which contains the North Node shows the
like a little lost ehild in the winter snow, peeking into ways in which he can now build a substantiallY new
and meaningful life for himself by establishing his
the window of a brighily lit cabin with the trope ttrat own
somebody will corne ana value systems.
tet him in out of the night.
He is less than discriminating, for he desires such THIRD HOUSE NORTH NODE-NINTH HOUSE
an immediate release from his current pain that it SOUTH NODE
hardly matters to hirn whether he is jumping from the
frying pan into the fire. These Nodes represent a karma in relationships'
He turns to wherever solace is available for his The individual is here to learn how to fit the inter-
loyalties have not yet reached the state of evolution t*ining, of people and ideas into the scope of his under-
that they may be considered totally trustworthy. standing.
In his current-life childhood, he experiences fear of The ninth house South Node shows an accent on
death, almost as if death itself would be the logical gro*tn in former lives. Literally millions of hours of
thought were spent on developing an abundance
punishment for all his of
mi56ss6s in past incarnations.
.h-e He keeps feeling that he has to fight for the things wisdom. Much was sacrificed to do this, particularly
needs for he has no sense of having yet earned them. ttre enjoyment of meaningful relationships with others'
So that a large amount of soul growth could be
wten he falls short of reaching the brighter side of accom-
life, he secreily blames others for his misfortunes. plished, a freedom to explore without restriction or
In a few rare cases this individual must overcome ii-itution had to be developed first'
past life criminal tendencies or residue of witchcraft. Now in the current life the individual is habitually
only through a prsper assessment of his second house linked to his past incarnation sense of freedom' which
North Node can he establish the substance that will uttnougt he feels he must retain, he can no Ionger
lead to a new rebirth. consciouslY remember whY'
68 KARMTC ASTROLOGY l'lrt'Nodes Through The Houses

From time to time he feels a wanderlust to visit lor rnal ways of learning, it will be a formal education
different horizons for somewhere off in the distance I
tlrirt now puts it all together for him'
is the rainbow he is used to seeking. He is a mental I 't'his Nodal position often causes a friction marnage'
nomad, constantly travelling through the great ex- t ,,rrrce the individual is prone to seeking out-of-wedlock-
panse of his consciousness, stopping only for rest at n
IJ , ,'iuiiontnips in which to
work out the understanding of
each oasis which offers temporary shelter from his t 1,,'r'sonality interactions that he
must develop'
restless urge. t
One of his biggest lessons is to learn how
to con-
Always he is seekingt yet it is difficult for him to de_ :,olidate his energies for each time he feels the urgency
fine exactly what he is looking for. He finds others puz_ lo move on with things, he tends to leave loose ends
zling as he curiously tries to understand what makes scattered behind him'
them tick. Herein are some of his major karmic les- His life is wide in scope, not only in areas of
sons. He must learn how to interact with people. Though ,'ase, lut also in the myriad of people he meets' and
he may be happily married or involved in close rela_ lhe multitude of places he travels'
tionships, he still retains a sense of bachelorhood in his He will ultimltely be known as a Messenger'
thoughts. He must learn how to make his life fit into i,,g to all those who need it the specific bits of informa-
the exact puzzle slot allowed by all the other lives tion that like manna from heaven are placed in
around him. hunger'
lap at the moment of
The ways in which he relates and communicates for although
will constantly be put through one test after another. In essence, he is a teacher's teacher situation' he is
hc has little patience with a classroom
Ultimately he will find himself enmeshed in a network
of people, so that all the knowledge he has acquired in
wetl capable of feeding information wherever andit
previous lifetimes can be put to practical use. whenevei it's needed. tte titres doing this becausehe
In his current-life relationships, he feels frustrated trifitt, his past-life need for movement' Asthe
never gets a chance to see how important
with not enough room to move. This enclosure of people actually is' Nevertheless he
around him eventually comes to extinguish his past_ tion hJ is disseminating
has an enormous effect on the awareness of
all those
life tendencies to be vague and evasive and in its place
whose lives he touches'
teaches him the art of pinpoint communication.
His own life is ai interesting and fuII as an encyclo-
He is very much concerned with the values of sex_ pedia, for he tries to live much of what he reads about'
uality, feeling obliged to conquer any grip this force For all of his movement one would think him de-
has on him. Now he sees clearly the presence of a sirous of having a rest, but underneath he is highly
higher and a lower self, and it is the pull from both ,.*ort and needs this amount of movement ainnegativehis life'
which he must karmically wrestle out. ih. n".uousness is not to be considered
The individual is less concerned with gain than trait, but rather as part of his mission' It reminds of
with protection against loss. He is terribly fearful of that he has a task to do' Every moment a piece in-
losing the freedom he was accustomed to in past in- mind the nervousness gets
formation comes into his
carnations; yet he must risk such loss if he is to inter_ irigg*."d, reminding him that he must deliver it some-
act with humanity. As soon as he is willing to take this where.
risk, he is ready to receive his greatest rewards. incarnations he avoided conclusions' Now
Ultimately he elevates himself through reading and This
ne ,retuses to make a final judgment on anything'
purposeful study, and although he is more used to in_ i, pa.t of his understanding that if he were to make a
70 KARMICAsTRoLoGY The Nodes Ttrough Ttre Houses 7l

final decision it would be premature for he knows that This is a lonely position for here the individual is
new information will constanfly be coming. so concerned with his self-appointed mission that he
He is superficially conversant in almost all areas. never allows others to see into his real self underneath'
Still, on the personal plane he is highly misunderstood, What he shows is a facade or the uniform of the role he
for the messages he delivers are so uniquely disguised feels obliged to PlaY.
that they have a tendency to go over the heads of In the current life he goes through experiences
others who only see him as eternally gossiping about which teach him to come down off his skyscraper and
nothing. make sure of the foundation underneath'
The truth is that all of his words are important, but It is in the area of his most highly intimate relation-
they must be seen to have deeper than surface value ships within his own family that the stage is set for his
before they can be interpreted properly. He is truly Iifeiong battle in an attempt to gain control of his own
the fast-winged messenger of the gods. roots.
The sign whieh contains the South Node indicates Many with these Nodes have one unusually de-
the unintelligible ways in which the independent higher manding parent whose expectations encourage them
mind is accustomed to receiving its coded information. to believe that they are truly destined to achieve a
The sign which eontains the North Node shows the ways position of sitting on top of the world' As a result' they
in which the individual can now translate his knowl- are discontented with whatever situation they are in'
edge into a language which society can understand and for always it falls short of what they feel they were
accept. meant to do.
The karmic lesson here is that "A bird in the hand
FOURTH HOUSE NORTH NODE_TENTH is worth two in the bush." The individual must over-
corue hrs readiness to forsake what he has for the
sibility of attaining what he doesn't'
This individual must learn to overcome the karmic So unwilling is he to see himself in a back-seat
position that when circumstances force him to do so he
feeling that he is the vitar center of all situations
around him.
may in extreme cases even contemplate suicide; for he
He comes into the current life with subconscious firmly believes that without achieving some great
destiny, life is utterly worthless'
memories of a past sense of dignity, which leads him
to believe that at least certain areai of life experience This incarnation brings him through the experience
are beneath him. of facing the conflict between a career for himself and
the demands of his familY.
His prior incarnations have put him in the position He must Iearn maturity for with all his projected
of being captain of his own ship, if not the commander strength, power and dignity he is nearly a cripple when
of others. As a result, he is used to assuming an authori_
tative position whenever the weakness of others trig_
it coires to solving his own emotional problems' He
gers his powerful need to take charge.
of the clouds of his past, build a practieal foundation
He enjoys the role of protector and goes to ex_ for his future.
tremes in filling his life with those whose very weak- '"'I9;;;fi;iiv n" learns that his organizing for others
nesses put them under his dominion. By so doing, he is merely a distraction from putting his own life in
is constantly testing his own power to stand tall. order.
72 KAR,MIC ASTRoLoGY The Nodes Through The Houses

The relationship established with parents early in FIFTH HOUSE NORTH NODE_ELEVENTH
Iife is more important in these Nodes than in any '--H; SOUTH NODE
other position of the zodiac. Here the individual will the individual is learning about the creative
spend much of his life energy attempting to be totally pro""ts.Hespendsmuchtimeintheclouds'hitching
free and independent of his parents, yet always con- hiswagontosomedistantdreamorponderinSthrough
scious of how much he needs them. Nevertheless, the
In past incarna-
u"tt multitude of fantastic ideas' wishes'
reaction patterns to life continue to show a definite tiors fre lived for the fulfillment of so ornamented
Now his
parental defiance, masking a strong need for parental ;;;;;;t world of wispv dreams is
love. i"itt tt accumulated fragrance of promise that it
This soul is at a point in karma where he feels irf.ut "great deal of realistic prodding to shake him
unappreciated for all his efforts. the past incarnation Ioose. "
residue is based on achievement for the sake of recog- From a young age he has learned to become a "peo-
nition and appreciation. Now, achievement is to be its ple-watcher,"
-prra"tirg spending most of his conscious hours
tire possibilities of other people's actions' As
ovtm reward. The soul must stop trying to gain audienee -ot
I-""trft prior lives, he has learned to become highly
for its deeds, realizing that the audience will always inventive; at times he is even inge-
be there if the deeds are great enough. It is in this i-usin"tiue anA
nioui, but he is too used to spending most of his mental
process of seeking an audience through which the in- plots of his fantastic
po*utt working out the intricate
dividual tends to lose himself. He must literally trans-
form his fourth house into a new birth of emotional dayfueams.
attitudes, learning the lessons that when a man stands He never ceases to amaze himself at the oddities he
can-con5ure up within his own mind'
but for all his in-
on tiptoes he is unsteady. practical people of the
His life is like the beautiful orchid: a splendid sight Senuity he is one of the least
to behold when raised and nourished under the most IoOiac. He is always deeply enmeshed in thought'
delicately controlled environmental conditions, but Wt"t-n. is really doing is seeking symbols which will
once the orchid is prepared for display, it is snipped provide new material for future dreams'
from its roots, insuring wilting and certain death after His karma is to learn the importance of dreams,
a short time. This individual will be faced with the inasmuch as how they explain his life' Ultimately he
;;;;t to realize that his entire existence has consisted
choiee of being the overlooked orchid growing in a point that he has be-
garden of thousands, or sacrificing his own happiness of acting out his dreams, to the
to be the beautiful flower on someone,s lapel. As soon come the puppet of his own fantasies'
When he does come down to earth' his first
as he overeomes his past-life need for display, he can in either appearance
start to grow to the maturity he is so desperately seek- is to reach for friends who of his
ing. behavior remind him of the characters
The sign which eontains the South Node indieates fantasYlalrd.
the ways through which he still overemphasizes his Hismindisconstanttydriftingoffintothedistant
importance. The sign which contains the North Node future, and there, in the science fiction of a century 15
shows how he can grow to become in substance so emo-
himself .in the intriguing fasci-
Vdi'orfi""a, he indulgespossibilities
nation of the remoteit which would other-
tionally fulfilled that he no longer has to equate his on his current Iife' Stiil
happiness with his soul memory of prior-life personal wise have little or no bearing
esteem. he likes to Ponder.
74 KARMIC ASTROLOGY The Nodes Ttrough The Houses 75

He thinks much about the value of his work as move higher on the wings of spirit or sink miserably
well as of the effects of his childhood, both of wrricrr rre
in the depths of his own private hell.
blames for his difficulties in coping with his sex
urges. He is learning that the dreams of his eleventh house
The truth is that neither his work nor his
South Node are under the rulership of Aquarius where
nor even his sex urges truly bother him, nut [arents instead they must be dedicated towards a service for humanity
his frustration arises from the gap he sees between and that the more he wishes for others the more he will
the reality of his past-life dream world and the ,t urp ultimately have for himself. But when he reverses this
awakening circumstances through whose boundaries process his life becomes a veritable shambles.
and limitations his current life is actually lived.
He finds it difficult to understand why there is
If he chooses to create for himself, he faces the
unfortunate results of misusing a sacred gift for his
barrier between dreams and actions and as a resulta dreams ultimately will become so jaded as to be utterly
he spends much effort trying to break through the
walls worthless insofar as they are able to bring him happi-
of limitation that separate one world from ttre ottrer. ness.
But all the while he is dissipating his strength, and Unless these Nodes fall in water and earth signs
the more he does this, the less he is able to cieaie
tris they can cause difficulty in relationships and marriage
own life.
He must realize that through his fifth house North due to so much past-life residue of non-attachment.
Node he is now given the greatest gift that *un Major turning points in the current life revolve
receive-the power to create his own destiny. gV ."n around children, through whose eyes the individual
ing the proeess of creation, he can become aware comes to understand his own sense of self-worth' He
that it
is his own thoughts that have caused ail the circum- observes how children put their dreams into action
stances that he deems real in his life. He must and soon comes to realize that instead of making his
tfre, gt dreams the plans for his future he actually has been
further to understand the link between his thougtrt
his dreams, for truly it is his life of dreams 1n"taia in
allowing them to block every present moment. Once he
greater measure than he thinks is creating sees his dreams as a well with no bottom, he is able
his life on to let go of the castles in the sky and focus his attention
He must learn to be responsible about his dreams on whatever he is creating in the present'
and careful of what he wishes for since he, more
than To do this he even reaches the point of becoming
one with any other Nodal position in the zoaiac, aware of how he allows his great need for friendships
actually see his dreams materialize. But atwayi wiU tfr. to dissipate his creative energies.
physical effect of each dream comes with More than anything else he desires to be a doer,
twist; enough to make him aware of the Aanger";i
a slight
but it is onty after he gives up every personal dream
creating selfishly. that he can become strong enough to take the building
This individual will have to live his dreams long blocks of his life and put them together. He must literal-
after he remembers the reasons for them. It is ly take the bull by the horns instead of allowing himself
part of his continuing karma to understand a stron!
.,wist to be led through the gossamer Cinderella world his
power," and how better can he understand
it than by
living through the consequences of all his wishes.
soul remembers.
To accomplish this he would do well to spend much
Thus, his life is both a blessing and a curse
each time he rubs Aladdin,s tamp tris soul will
for of his time learning self-discipline for only through the
either ability to guide himself will he ultimately be able to
76 KARMICASTROLOGY The Nodes Through fire Houses 77
surface from the deep waters in which
he has submerged his hopes and hisdreams.
for lifetimes his shell. People close to hirn see his life as a tendency
The sign which contains ttre South to avoid all that seems real.
Node shows the He spends most of his time watching others from
ways in which pastJife dreams continue
nation. The sign which contains -lfre into this incar_ behind a see-through mirror. Ultimately he comes to, Node indi- believe that the rest of the world is viewing him with
cates how the individual can consiructively
apply his the same scrutiny. There is a latent paranoia built into
$re.a1s to reality through ereatively all he this Nodal position.
feels inside. "*p.urrirg
Some highly evolved souls with these
Nodes have
In areas of work he is an unusually poor organizer,
experienced Cosmic Consciousness leaving many seattered ends behind him and always
Now through their fifth house N";il
in a former Ufe. feeling that there are not enough hours in the day to
Node they are here
to bring this awareness to the children complete his chores. His problem /s that he doesn't
of earth.
know how to budget his time, and aS a result he is con-
SIXTH HOUSE NONTH NODE_TWELFTH stantly trying to catch up to the present.
HOUSE SOUTH NODE Much like the rabbit with the clock in Alice in
Wonderland, he keeps throwing himself into the posi-
This individual spends most of his tion of having to rush to avoid being late.
time in deep
thought. He likes to be left atore
so that uninterrupted Part of his life will at one time be involved with
by others he can let his irn"" ,"n".tions
sift through the hospitals, institutions or organizations which demand
karmic memories of- all fris pu.i inlarnations. him to structure his ways. He needs this in order to
not to say that he doesn,t fifre company, This is
or that come out of his inner self.
even aware of what he,s doing.
The fact is tfrai-fre The big karmic lesson is for him to learn responsi-
goes so deep as t,.b:op" totally oblivious t" ,;ytiri;; bility instead of feeling sorry for all the woes that seem
he is thinking about! He loses fri#.fil, to beset him. More than any other house in the zodiac,
Always the conscious reason for- going he cries at the slightest hurt either real or imagined.
inward is
based on logical intention, but
the individual tends to Sometimes the crying is inward, but always it is there
reach the point where all logic for on the very deepest levels he feels that the love he
etuOe. him. The Nep_
tunian subflety of the aepttr"s -tre-leactes has to give goes unnoticed and unappreciated. Because
remains a
mystery even to him! he thinks this way, he becomes his own creator of
One of his greatest problems is
that while he stays gloom; and woe to the person who tries to pull him out
inside himself he is preventing for then he will have a receptive ear for all the past-
others from stabilizing
his mental_journeys. As a result, t"-u"au_ulates life hurts, fears and worries he has not yet even ver-
mous past-life fears, having no id"u enor_
real or imagined, or just .o*prurr"d whether thet;; Underneath all else, he is a bottomless well of
mental scenery on his inward" journeys. - collection of the fretting, with not enough deep faith in the positive
Stiu the basis of his outward ]if. outcome of events. He must work on building trust so
imagination, and regardless of
i; built on fear and that he can have the strength to come out of his shell.
how strong the rest of
the.chart i-s, he keeps having Once he does, he is one of the most compassionate,
to find confidence in himself. -o*"nt,
of not being able beautiful and useful people in the zodiac.
He is a lot like the turfle constanfly peeking .His sixth house North Node gives him great plea-
out of sure in helping others, but he cannot do this well until
78 KARMICAsTRoLocy The Nodes Through The Houses 79
he realizes and accepts the fact that
in this incarnation Iife, but only exists through his continuing to think along
he has chosen a life of sacrfice.
He must learn. how to organize his thoughts, a track which has already ended.
work and his diet, for he is- a natural_bo.ri hrs He still has inner feelings of being, persecuted which
capable of defying the limits of practical fr""f"rl he must learn to bury once and for hll for the more
meOicine wittr he allows himself to dwell in such thpughts, the more
his own more mystical methoas'oi curing.
is not a talent until it is aeveloped, *na an But a talent he will inadvertantly recreate such circumstances.
is no more.than he thinks t e is. Ufiimately individual He should learn to realize the past for exactly what
he will come it is: no more than a memory' and no more real than a
to learn that his greatest gift is faith. Bui rre
long and hard to reach tfrat awarenes, wiu wo* photograph in his mind, which he now has the free
Part of the current life will be spent nursing choice of holding on to for the sake of its misery or dis-
.o_proe with physical or mental illness,
or carding so that he may step out into a productive new
self or others close to him. His major either in him_ world.
growth ,".urc Once he can put his entire state of consciousness
when he realizes that all illness is no
mo"e than a dis_ into a positive and productive outlook on life, he will be
harmony in the body reflecting dish;rmony
Something inside himself i, ioort"nfly
in thought. able to start experiencing a new meaning to his exis-
trying to tell
him this, and he must learn not to allow his past-life tence.
fears to block what is now being opened for The sign which contains the South Node shows the
Many with these Nodes go ttrrough experienees ways in which the individual blocks his current-life
iilnesses that miraculously air"pp"lr, of advancement by withdrawing into karma he has al-
to the amaze-
ment of medical doctors, dentistj'anA 'otfrer pr"f.rri*_ ready completed.
al practitioners. The karmic lesson tlr" i, The sign which contains the North Node indieates
to learn the
higher reason why, for as .oon ,r'understanding the ways in which he can now develop a fruitful life
reached, the new-born faith starts to is through service.
heal. Once he"be-
comes aware of the power of his faith,
As he builds in more positive thought currents, HOUSE SOUTH NODE
automatically learns not to criticize others he
of perfection he sees in them.
for tfre iack Here the individual has many lessons to learn in
areas of partnerships, marriage and cooperation with
His outlook on life remains clinical: scrutinizing others. In past incarnations he had to account only to
and diagnosing all he comes in eontact with. himself for all his thoughts and actions. Now in the
of all the Nodal positions, this is the most difficult current life, his soul remembers all the individualism
one to open up to past incarnations. and independence he enjoyed.
The twelfth nouse
South Node has completed a karmic path, While he may pretend to be a good listener for the
the details
of which are to remain forever ,""i"a in past ti.";; sake of society's acceptance, he rarely takes advice
even though the subile Akashic essence given to him. Instead, he spends most of his energy
still remains.
Lifetimes of escaping from inner torment haire developing whatever abilities he has, while constantly
been seeking approval for the efforts he has made.
completed. The individual must to realize that
"o*u to the current
most of his inner negativity is not related 'Although he will be the last to admit it openly,
he never quite notices others as much as himself.
80 KABMIC ASTROLOGY The Nodes Through The Houses 81

IIe has great apprehensions about being outdone,,,

and win go far out of his way to secure for ity, and proud of the ways in which he knows he ean
position where his dominion will not himserf a retain it.
be chaffe"sed.- ff His karma is to learn consideration for others, for
the rest of the horoscope shows strength,
then this is in his desire to be the center of attention he projects
truly the individual who wishes to Ue *Xing ,i-1fr"
Mountain." himsetf as more important than he usually is, thereby
Although his experiences in this incarnation shutting out the very love he claims he is being denied.
him to sacrifice for others, he never truly sacrifices teach Still, he desires to control others, and in this ability to
himself for he has spent lifetimes building t;;"il;; control he bases his security.
where he has now become an independent He is capable of great achievements, but he rarely
spirit. reaches the levels of his capabilities because he is so
He can relate to others so long as they don,t
or bind his sense of freedom. If he feels someon" shackle wrapped up on self that he fails to see the cosmic
to him is inhibiting his self_expression he will .to* scope of his personal ideas.
do all he He must learn to view the reflections of his thoughts
can to extricate himself from the relationship.
the marriage state is not one that comes easy il;; and actions and to realize that there are always two
for him. sides to a coin. Eventually he comes to understand that
Individuals with these Nodes are either
single, while both sides of an issue may be totally different,
voreed or at least separated in consciousness di_
their spouse. They find it difficurt to berieve trratfrom neither is better or worse than the other.
itre His major growth occurs when he can detach from
continuance of their own past_life selfishness
ing all the problems for which they are now blaming is .".rt_ himself and impersonally laugh at all the ego-centered
others. ideas that ruled him in the past.
They must learn how to give with a whole
He must ultimately corne to the point at which he
rather than symbolically throwing a bone is willing to take all the power, strength and confidence
here and
there just to keep the pack quiet. that his prior incarnations have built and give it away
This individual is usraily so out of harmony
to others who need it more. He must do this whole-
himself as_ being part of a greater universe
that he heartedly without a sense of martyrdom for if his
prone to develop a chronic impairment is
or impediment, giving becomes ego-involved in any way then he re-
either physical or emotional, which he ultimately
mains on his lonely island. But if his generosity is
for sympathy. The last thing tre is-witting truly dedicated without pride in giving, then he has an
a sense of failure, for he constanily feeti tne" i,
infinite blessing to offer as he inspires confidence and
prove io
his own self-suffieiency. """0 strength in others.
Sometimes he is seen by others as
guarded against any.threa-ts to a batiler, well He can give others the will to live where there was
his ego. Since tre'truiy none. He can make others aware of their own self-
doesn't like to be dependent on--othi"s, worth. But all the while he is not to ask for anything in
are questionable. Underneath it all his pasthis loyalties
i";;;;: return for if he learns to focus his energies on helping
tions have taught him to Ue faitnfui to others, then he will be amazed to find how God keeps
therein his allegiance ends.
himself, and
providing all his own needs.
For those who wish to join him he will be
p_atron, but their
rarely will he go out of his way to join them. In this Nodal position there is a guaranteed built-
He is a "loner,,, conscioui of his own in,unhappiness every time he focuses his energies on
unique individual- himself. If married he will have much to learn from his
82 KARMIcAsTRoLoGY The Nodes Ttrough The Houses 83

second child, as well as in his relationships with

and nephews.
nieces or concealed there is a lack of response to the civilizing
effects of society.
He is destined to devote his life to others. Actually
he has been preparing for many lifetimes to meet nori In his past lives the individual did not fully under-
stand the importance of other people's values but con-
the person or persons who need him the most. In some of how he affected
cases the spouse is an escapist who must be given tinued to go his own way, unaware
the others. His soul has built a need system so great that
strength and confidence to face reality.
Whether married or single this individual even- no matter how much he is fulfilled, his greatest needs
always seem to be just beyond his reach' He is like the
proverbial donkey foltowing a carrot strapped to his
tually comes to learn that his life is a mission, dedicated
to another soul or in fact many souls needing *r." iread, but rarely does he understand that he is the one
than he does. His karmic lessons are in deri-eloping
who put it there.
those near him would give him the Moon if it would
kindness and an understanding nature. As soon as
does this he is rewarded a thousand to one for
all he make him happy, but they know as well as he does that
The sign which contains the South Node shows the it would be only a momentary toy ultimately to be dis-
ways in which too much residue. of pastJife concern earded and replaced by another need' It seems to be
for the self can hamper progress. The sign which con: the quantity of quality that he desires, which is to say
tains the North Node shows the ways in which the in- that he feels he must have all! A bundle of excess in all.
directions, he finds it difficult to change his ways even
dividual can reach fulfilrment through sacrificing ilre
self for others.
after the realization that he is headed down a path of
disaster, He pushes each crossroad to such extreme
excess that when he does discover his errors, he is so
EIGHTH HOUSE NORTH NODE_SECOND far beyond the point of departure that he finds it im-
HOUSE SOUTH NODE possibletoseehiswayback.Andsohecontinuesfurther
, path he knows is wrong because it is the only
Here the individual is confronted with a powerful "torghis eyes can see.
battle inside himself on the most basic of tevels.
His In some cases he goes to such extremes that he
karma is to overcome the extreme possessiveness of may run into trouble with the law, but long after he
his past incarnations. Until he deals with this, he has ,"ui nit error he still keeps trying to convince others
difficulty finding meaning in anything he cannot per_ that he is right.
sonally own. He is jealous of the poss-essions of
ottr'ers, More than one with any other Nodal position this
desiring strongry to have all that his eyes behord. individual must learn self-control for without discipline
some individuars this builds up to an insatiable
lust for he can too easily allow his past incarnation habits of
possession. In this respect there is
such a strong de_ self-indulgence to make a shambles of his current
termination that litile ean sway him from pursuing
his Some with these Nodes experience an infirmity
which brings them so close to death that their eyes
- Nearly
always his life is based around the sexual
and it is nearly certain that the sense of sexual
open to a new appreciation of life' Others go through
understanding is hiehly perverted. There is extremely trying sexual episodes so that they may
someting animalistic about the nature. Whether
uru"lfy start to be more clinical about their behavior' But al-
opei ways the karmic lesson is the same' The individual
KARMIC ASTROLOGY The Nodes Through The Houses 85

pushes himself so hard that he ulimately destroys all thought important, almost as if he is being asked to step
ground he has gained. Through a symbolic death of to the back of the line and wait his turn' Each time a
excessive behavior patterns he may ultimately expe- new and finer value is imposed on him, he must learn
rience a new birth. how to eliminate all in himself that blocks its ac-
The past life residue presents too many physical ceptance.
and material concerns. The main growth in the current He will start his new life from the bottom
of the lad-
life is based on the indivudal's ability to ferret from out his ascent he will
der, where because of the slowness of
of the depths of his being the strength for a rebirth. He gains'
treasure deeply every inch of ground he
often displays an interest in the occult through which
he ultimately gains information needed to achieve his Truly these Nodes indicate a difficult life, but only
regenerative transformation. because the ingrained attitudes of past incarnations
Whatever he chooses to do there is always chaos in are so fixed on having their own way'
it for he is an extremist. And yet the combined karmic Untilthetransitioniscompletehecanexpecthis
residue of stubborness and laziness keeps stalling his current life to be one financial tug of rvar after another'
rebirth. His soul wants to transform, but he has diffi- Hemustlearnthekarmiclessonthatpossessionsareto
culty finding enough energy to do it. ior tne purpose of use and that it is not necessary
The hardest thing for him is to learn how to walk own more than what is immediately useful'
with no footsteps for he so desperately wants to be im-
pressive that he keeps making his own life heavier. When he overcomes the tendency to aliow his life's
energies to dissipate themselves, he can become a
Relationships are extremely important to him. world' Still he
From prior incarnations he has developed the habit of itable dynamo in the business rnust

seeing the world as a social caste system and within never forget that he is the type that must burn his
this framework keeps struggling for status, always bridgesueninanimaSaprotectionagainStsiipping
believing that some people are more privileged than backward to levels he has struggled to pass through'
others. Through his eighth house North Node he must He must understand the biblical story of Lot' who
symbolically kill this past-life value system and go when he was finally redeemed from Sodorn and Go-
morrha was asked to leave the city, take no
through the permanent metamorphosis which will posses-
eventually attune him to the value of others. He has sions and under no circumstances Iook back'
much to learn from those close to him as soon as he or de-
The eighth house North Node can regenerate
starts to listen.
generate it,. indiuidual' It is up to the strength of his
Most of his sexual thoughts come from a deep- position must
seated desire to kill the physical plane. They lead him own faith. To reach heaven this Nodal very bowels
walk through hell first, and there from the
on a path of ultimate disgust with himself as well as will hear his
with the physical and material life he has led for so of tn. earth make the realization that God promises
long. Through open or secret lust as well as jealousies faintest cry for help as soon as he sincerely
in money or business affairs he keeps spiraling his life not to "look back."
to a point of no return. Once he reaches this, he will be- The sign which contains the South Node shows the
gin to be accepted through other people's value systems type of pist-life value system that must be regenerated'
in order to find his way back. But he will be confronted ifi. sign which contains the North Node shows the
with the test of having to give up all that he has ever ways in which the rebirth will be accomplished'
86 KARMrcAsTRoLocy The Nodes Through fire Houses W
HOUSE Liking to read and explore a wonderland of knowl-
edge that he sees around him, his life is a constant
thirst for more understanding. He is convinced that
This individual is forever pulling himself this is the one path in life that has no end. Whatever
webs of entanglement. Every relationship out of
fr" he becomes keenly interested in he can make into a life-
becomes- so complicated that fr"
fru. to use all his"ri"",
long study, particularly if the South Node is in a fixed
gies to free himsetf. In past
in""rnriiorir-rrl"o"""rrrll- sign.
a great need for people, and herein He likes to feel worldly. As a result he'Il do things
lies his ;""k;;;;
for as much as he now thinks he would that others wouldn't just for the sake of experiencing
he feels
like to bd alone
an armost compeiling need to reach new understanding.
for others.
to problem, fikes to be in the position His current life is involved with so many people
of^ giving "na
advice. often frustratea by the murtitude that hurt feelings are bound to fly, not because of any
problems dumped in his rap, of
he secretrv
-U" thinks that if malicious intent but rather through the inability to
he had had more education il *orm keep up with everyone in whose life he has become in-
to cope with alt the questions that befalli.-tt".'"qrrr;#
him. H;I;;; volved. At the very deepest of levels he has many inner as diplomatic as po.rinf" doubts about himself which become amplified when he
and is constanfly
enmeshed in the after_thougfris speaks with others, for if it were at all possible he would
spoken to others.
oi-ite words he has
try to be all things to all people.
Always conscious of the interpretation As a result of past-life habits, he spends too much
may be given, he nurtures an innei fear his words
of b;irg ;;: time in "lower mind." He goes through more movement
understood. As a result he keeps
,"irg back to yester_ than he has to, and if this is not expressed physically,
day's conversation to re_explai, "rir then he does it in thought. At times his 'merry-go
in"i he meant.
He must understand the of truth without round of possibilities is so great that he thoroughly
having to feel eompelled to"rrur""
make truth smaller by drains himself by thinking about what he should do. As
trying to communicate it verbally io a result he does nothing.
On-" of his greatest problems is
.karmic aea[ng with the He will experience fears that he is sexually im-
residue of an insatiaffe Juriosity, potent. Once he starts questioning along this track his
though it served him well in formei- which al-
incarnations now enormous thirst for understanding can lead him into a
keeps leading him deeper into- weis promiscuous behavior pattern until he is reassured
greatest crises occur each of details. His
time he is forced to make that all is well and he is perfectly normal.
decisions for rather- than relying-
his_ higher mind, he keeps
o; hi, intuition or On his deepest level he is not a sexual animal but
,""iiii riiore racts and d+ in fact so mentally inclined that he has fears of being
tails- in the hope that when tre
has all the information shut out from the nitty-gritty of life because of his
the decision making process will
be easier. mental inclinations.
Constanfly striving to
achieve neutrality he be_
comes a paradox to Like the young child afraid his peers will accuse
-himself. In prior lives hL fell into
the habit of identifying him of being a bookworm, he will dare himself to prove
with catctry ptrrases, cute say_
ings and euphemisms to the point that he can be accepted in a physically-oriented world.
that he has now be- Nevertheless, his greatest subconscious need is one day
come a walking cliche.
to become a walking encyclopedia so that he will never
88 KARMIC ASTRoLOGY The Nodes Through The Houses 89
be caught short, raeking the right piece
at the right moment.
His biggest growth comes when he learns HOUSE SOUTH NODE
make the karmic transition from lower to how to
higher mind. Here the individual finds that much of his time is
1r !" drops his past_tife attachment to trivia, his eYes
begin to open wide to the
needed for the demands of his family. Constantly he
horizons before feels held down, as if he is being prevented from realiz-
him. "ro.*ou, ing his own individuality. The fact is that he comes into
The less he talks to others the more the current life with much karma owed to his family.
to develop.
faith he starts
He must learn how constanfly to broaden
In past incarnations he ignored the hands that fed
his inter_ him. Now he is locked into the lesson of becoming those
ests so that his scope of knowledge is
not limited by the feeding hands himself. In the current life he finds his
demands of his immediate circL of relationsfrips.
lIe mate and children just as highly unappreciative of all
does well when he learns how to step
back so that he he tries to do for them. Still he will do more if he is ever
can see the forest from the trees. When to grow past his karma. At times the burdens become
he does this
he also learns how to let things slide
off his back, which so heavy that he has to fight himself to keep from feel-
gives him a new sense of p"u""
that somehow always ing an inner resentment.
eluded his reach.
Traveling helps to broaden his perspective, The femalb with these Nodes will have problems
meets his greatest successes far from his place
and he with at least one child which will demand most of her
For some the life will be influenced greafly by birth. time, effort, energy and concern for she is to learn
a for_ on the very deepest of levels the responsibilities of
parenthood. To enforce the karma still deeper, the
Through the ninth house North Node,
spiritual growth is possible once the individual spouse is either not present or so lacking in character
learned how to puil away from all his prior-rife has that this indiviual must ultimately become mother and
and questions. He must take his mind doubts father at the same time.
out of a finite
world and focus on an infinite consciourn"rr. Whether positive or negative the emotions never
He will lose friends by doing this for there leave the family. This individual constantly feels the
who will flrlly understand his sudden aloofness. are few need to break out and be free; yet his past-life mem-
through those who stay with him he wil But ories of self-enforced chains never quite permit him to
rearn the dif_ do this.
ference between a friend and an acquaintance.
grows he begins to focus on ideas As he Nearly all of his energy is spent on untangling the
rather than the words web of relations that he sees around him.
through which the ideas are expressed.
others limit themselves by tanguage and
He sees how In some instances, he experiences great conflict
tries to speak with other family members over real estate
to their ideas rather than to thJr rioras.
contains the South Node indicates the
The sign which He must learn not to let circumstances weigh him
the soul memory of past incarnations is
ways in which down with feelings of hopelessness, for the needs of
bedded in lower mind activities. The
still too em_ his family are constantly compounding themselves,
sign which con_ to the point that from time to time they become con-
tains the North Node shows ttre wayi in which
vidual can now free himself throlgh the the indi_ siderably more than he bargained for.
.Often, he is caught by surprise through the actions
influence of his higher mind.
of those closest to him for although he can develop a
90 KARMIC ASTROLOGY The Nodes Through The Houses 91

strong outer worldriness, he stiil remai.ns arnost chird- ELEVENTH HOUSE NORTH NODE-FIFTH
ishly naive when it comes to the emotions he feels HOUSE SOUTH NODE
about those close to him.
Some with these Nodes have to go or-tt to work, be- Here the individual comes into the current life re-
coming the sole source of family support. Others are membering a style of living in which he was the sole
put into the position of becoming the farnily supervisor. creator. Now he keeps trying to take the bull by the
Always this individual is caught between the con_ horns in order to recreate the manner of living to which
flict of the things he wourd rike to do for hirnself and he was accustomed. Yet everything he tries to do bears
the things he knows he must do for his loved ones. a tinge of being slightly inappropriate insofar as fitting
Constantly faced with situations which tempt him his current life circumstances.
to react childishly, he must learn how to mature. He He is prone to love affairs, finding them a comfort
must rise above family disharmony and do all he can to the continuation of his past-life ego. What he often
to achieve a role of selfdignity. fails to realize is that through his love affairs he makes
When the needs of his loved ones are understood, himself weaker, and rather than gaining strength from
only then can he have the freedom to experience a compliments and encouragements he develops a de-
career life of his own. pendency where each compliment creates the need for
As he makes the switch to his tenth house North another. Eventually he makes himself so helpless that
Node, he is ultimately forced into the position of as- his behavior becomes hopelessly childlike.
suming the dominant role. He must learn how to keep He wants to be loved desperately, but the residue
his life focused in a direction above and beyond ail thl of past-life sexual tensions are so great that he often
scattering needs of his close family members. confuses what is really important to him. He has great
Paradoxically, he escapes from one family by cre_ difficulty understanding reality for his life is stage
ating another, until ultimately every person he meets of players and his dreams are so romantic in nature
and likes gets pulled closer to him in a type of pseudo_ that he becomes a veritable Don Quixote chasing wind-
universal family. As the years build up the life starts mills. He believes in chivalry and can easily be fooled
to resemble the "old woman who lived in a shoe.,, by glamor. Wanting to be constantly reassured that his
- His greatest happiness comes from being in a posi_
tion to be able to offer shelter to others.
arrival in life does not go unnoticed, he is unable to
accept the role of just being a member of the audience.
In later years he joyously re_invites others to lean To those who appreciate him he can be extremely
on him. His mission to move away from emotional generous, but the moment he feels ignored he will run
immaturity and in the direction of responsibility tells into his gossamer dream world trying to create a
him that each person he moves along the path ."pru_ Seventeenth Century romantic adventure in which he
sents another payment for his own ticket towards will be the central character.
Constantly in search of self-fulfillment through am-
The sign which contains the South Node shows the orous adventures, he can too easily lose his way.
ways in which he allows immaturity on the part of He would like others to think of him as sacrificial
others as well as himself to block his potentialities and when he does involve himself with a love affair it
for achievement. The sign which contains the North is almost certain that he will force himself into a posi-
Node indicates the ways in which he can develop tion of having to give up everything. Like the ..Martyr
turity by pointing his life in a meaningful direction. King" who sacrificed his throne so that he might fulfill
92 KARMIC ASTROLOGY 'fhe Nodes Through The Houses
his love, this individual would like his affairs to bc
ponored, sanctioned and even admired. the fire. Before any growth at all can be made he must
His past-iife sense of dignity is so great learn to overcome the monstrous dragon ego which he
that he has allowed to become his self-generating instrument
r,6t.particularly please<l wilfr Lven the thought of arris
illicit love affair; yet from time to time he finds himserf of destruction. He must learn how to see himself im-
is the midst of one if for no other reason than to express personally, with the understanding that his life is like a
his ability to sacrifice a principle for what he believes river flowing beneath the bridge from whose vantage
s1 the moment to be the world,s greatest tove. point he may watch it.
Basically he is a good peion and His most difficult tests always revolve around the
it would take temptation to control the flow of that river, yet his
5sV€r€ chart afflictions for him to have a _ufi.iom
fo6rne in his body. Throughout all the zodiac his
greatest happiness occurs when he can appreciate its
creative beauty without tampering.
talents with children are unsurpassed, for at treart te i,
s shild himself. It is almost certain that he will go through at least
Regardless of his Sun sign he will one major experience in which he will be required to
at one time sacrifice his personal ego for the sake of fairness to
this life need to lean on ,*uonu with more ,t."ngitin
152rn hirnself. another; for only when he has learned how to rid him-
Through his eleventh house North self of every biased thought can he reach his higher
Node he is to purpose. So long as he retains the slightest tinge of self-
learn the value of friendship. He must transcend the
ph/sically possessive relationships of his past incarna_ pride all the power in his chart will be denied him. Even
1i6ps and cherish with equal fervor the new impersonal the possibilities of a harmonious marriage loom beyond
."lptionships he is now forming. his reach until he becomes impersonal.
In this life he is learning trow to pay more attention The fifth house South Node uses so much energy
to th9 meaning of his dreams rather than trying to in trying to achieve self-sympathy that the individual
161ae his own will against the flowing tide. has difficulty finding the strength to give complete ful-
tr{is dreams bring. }im messages from his higher fillment to a marriage mate. Many with these Nodes
guidance through which he is teleiathicaily brough"t experience divorce, but this is neither destiny nor ne-
understand the reasons for all his actions, but his will
io cessity. It is simply an outgrowth of misusing the
is South Node energies. Through so much focusing on the
often so great that he refuses to accept what he knows
is true. self the individual does not see or fully appreciate all
the blessings he has. Again the answer is the same. He
If he is realistically asked to abdicate anlthing at must relinquish the grip on "self" and dedicate his life
ail in this life, it would only be his powerful self_will to impersonal service rather than expect others to wait
fsl here in the pride of fr" actually all that
he so desperately desires. "goTruly, he is blocks on him.
his o*, *o..i If he can learn to become less romantic and more
fhe individual with these Nodes suffers from scientific, he will start to see truth for what it is. He
discontent a must never allow the fires of passion to cloud his vision
built-in for whatever he creates through his for his happiness will be achieved only when he can
South Node only leaves him free to dream of more he
is Iook at life from a dispassionate viewpoint.
missing. He would like to be free of entangll_"rtr, .His karma is in learning how to become non-in-
but he is constanfly jumping out of the frying pan into
volved and yet always available when needed by others.
94 KARMIC ASTROLOGY The Nodes firrough The Houses 95

Ultimately, he is destined to become the impersonal up in the circumstances surrounding whatever he is

servant of humanity. doing that he allows his attitudes toward his job to per-
He will at one time in this life do much to further meate all areas of his life.
the career of another.
He has much prior-Iife memories of order and or-
Friendships, clubs and societies become important ganization, yet everywhere he goes he sees chaos.
to him for it is through such associations with others In past incarnations he was a perfectionist, critical
that he ultimately comes to sense his own identity. of the world around him. Now the imperfections he sees
Through the ways that others value him he comes to weaken him to the point that he feels unable to cope.
value himself. Then he is able to see himself as a part The world is perceived as not quite giving him all that
of others as well as a part of a higher cause to which he it could.
is dedicated.
Some with these Nodes tend to dwell in self-pity,
The more he can do this the more he will rise off while others nourish an embittered resentment. There
the plane of self-conseiousness, and the demanding are feelings of jealousy directed toward other people's
needs to gratify his own ego will become submerged in
well-being, which they perceive as being less earned
the collective ego of the cause to which he has than their own. Usually there is an inflated sense of
dedicated his identity.
ego at the source of the problem. The self as developed
When he completes this lesson, his strength of char- in past incarnations is now seen as a perfected ideal,
acter and sense of direction become no weaker nor less stationed above the rest of humanity.
purposeful than the cause of which he becomes a part. thoughts this individual will
The sign which contains the South Node shows the
In his own private
rarely admit that he has a tendency to look down upon
ways in which this individual allows too much pastJife others. Yet, secretly he sees everyone as less perfect
residue of passion and desire to pressure his current than himself.
life. The sign which contains the North Node indicates
the ways in which he can develop enough detachment He would sooner go unemployed than work at a job
so that he frees his personal self, enabling him to dedi-
which he feels is beneath him. It is certain, however,
cate his energies toward more universal causes.
that circumstances will force him to do such work even
though it is against his every principle.
TWELFTH HOUSE NORTH NODE--SIXTH Having tendencies to internalize his anger at feel-
HOUSE SOUTH NODE ing put down he creates one very real illness after an-
other, until ultimately he reaches the point that he feels
Here the individual undergoes a crisis in conscious_ justified in blaming his work conditions for his poor
ness. Whether he is actually aware of it or not, much state of health.
of his life is spent in deep thought. Carrying a past incarnation feeltng that society has
He finds the physical world exhausting. From time shut him out, he sees himself as a neglected child de-
to time he has to deal with illnesses which take him out prived of the central core of richness in life which is
of the competitive arena, strongly afflicting his abili- there for others but somehow not for himself. He
ties to work. spends too much energy trying to impress others and
When he is working he finds conditions intolerable. not enough in developing a fullness within himself.
He feels either underpaid or at the very least unappre- Msre than anything else he must learn to look inside,
ciated for all he has to offer. He becomes so wrapped where he will find the answers to all of his problems.
96 KARMICASTROLOGY The Nodes Through The Houses W
Many with these Nodes watch life pass them by,
spending all too much of their time and er""gy sciousness, focusing on the collective good of the whole
*."ppud rather than dwelling in the collected residue of his past-
up in petty thoughts. There is a strong residue
of pasF life bitterness.
life nervousness in the sixth house South Node wherein
this individual literally eats away at himself UV t"Virg He will be tested many times in areas which help
to digest into his system of order every tiny him to develop compassion, until he ultimately sees
that comes to his attention.
detail that judging others actually prevents his own happi-
He must learn how to discriminate between what
important in terms of his life,s values and what is His past-life karma is erased when he learns how
just transitory upsets which will pass in are to flow rather than allow his life to keep interrupting
due time. itself by petty distractions. He must attune himself to
Through his constant questioning he creates for
himself a sexual problem, rooting itslff deeply in the essence of the universe rather than attempt to sort
of failure. And so unable is he to face his feais that
tears everything into neat little compartments. The compart-
will compound the problem by developing a pattern he ments are like a house of cards, and only after they
abnormal sexual response designed to mask his feel_
of topple does he start to realize that his purpose in life
ings of inadequacy. is very far from what he originally thought.
Though he tries not to, he keeps seeing He can then learn how to loosen up and bathe in the
a helpless pebble on a beach of thousands.himself In
beauty of all God's creation, rather than seeing only a
part of God and calling the part he sees AlI. As soon as
lives he managed to contror his universe. Now the
seems larger than he would like and he does
worrd he can greet change willingly, bending while the winds
all he can of eircumstance flow through his being, he is on the
to prevent himself from feeling too small by compari_ path.
His growth starts the moment he begins to see him_ Eventually he will leave the world where people
self not only as part of a greater whole but containing manipulate each other and walk through the doorway
within himself the essence of the entire universe. HI to a higher harmony. In preparation, he must trans-
mus.t. b.re1k ltis past incarnation tendency cend the subconscious past-life memories of physical
to put the problems that still weigh him down and start to climb
world in little boxes and search for the seed of all
within himself. Here he will find the abundant richness the cosmic ladder which leads to the realization of his
he has been so desperately seeking. soul. He must learn how to appreciate the wonder of all
Periods of forced isolation help to bring him he sees without enmeshing himself in the details of
higher consciousness through which he ultimately to a why or how.
learns that things can be different without onu nu"- His life will represent the ending of an idea much
essarily being better or worse than the other. as the works of Dante symbolized the end of a period
going deep into himself he will realize in literature. When he accepts this, his life's work can
of- life's
-B-y that all be a great culmination of all that has come before him.
conditions depend entirely on ho* much
he can Although his work may bring him behind the scenes
relinquish his hold on trying to overturn the
rechannel his energies toward overturning
world ,"a there is a good possibility that it can come to public
attention. He must also learn that the physical state of
_He does well by immersing himself in the works of his health is totally dependent upon the purity and
a large institution where he can develop a group_con_
stability of his inner mind.

Ilyt, this is the Nodal position of mind over matter,

and t\g life Mll be a karmic transition from
the world
of ma11s1 into the consciousness of infinite
.. The sign which contains the South Node indicates
,1.. y"rr in which former incarnations brought the in-
dividugl 1. preoccupy himself witlr physical matter.
The sign which contains the
ngjun now transform his soulNorth Node shows how
into the pure essence
of Divins Mind.


The desirability of one Node over the other is not a
constant. Until such time as the South Node has per-
formed at its highest possible level, the individual will
find less reward in the North Node than he expects.
Since the South Node symbolizes a culmination of
behavioral characteristics from many lifetimes, it
would only be by bringing such behavior through a pro-
gressive evolution that the individual would be ready
to benefit from his North Node.
If he puts the cart before the horse, he is too liable
to approach his North Node in its most negative sense;
but if he strives to overcome the ways in which his
South Node is holding him back, then he will find Di-
vine Guidance in the surprise blessings his North Node


Karmic lessons, taking more than one lifetime to

learn, show up with strong planetary conjunctions to
the South Node. The addition of such planetary ener-
gies to the soul's remembrance of its purpose creates
a mandatory condition wherein the South Node lessons
are to be lived again.
This configuration should not necessarily be deemed
a negative condition. Individuals who have acquired a
great deal of knowledge or talent are thusly afforded

a second chance at bringing their accomplishments to to the negative energies of the more
a flowering culmination. detrimental planet. By so doing, he can evolve his
soul to the point that he will ultimately reap benefit
CONJUNCTIONS TO THE NORTH NODE from even the most malefic of configurations'
If a planet near either Node seems to be holding
Planetary conjunctions to the North Node urge the him back, he must learn how to attune himself to re-
individual to leave his past behind. Instead, he will ceive and then express the more refined and absolutely
experience a new karmic lesson in the current life. subtle higher frequencies of that planet'
During his younger years, he tends to misuse his
North Node until he is able to discover its latent poten-
Occasionally, he tries to fall back on his South Node,
but each time he does he finds circumstances which Planets which square both Nodes act as distrac-
are so unbearably intolerable that he again chooses to tions to the central theme in life. They represent areas
re-evaluate his North Node possibilities. Ultimately he in which the individual in past incarnations has allowed
realizes that he is being subliminally pressured to step himself to scatter off his path' Now he finds these
forward into a uniquely new experience. planets as detours on his road home'
The more squares there are to the nodes' the more
MUTUAL RECEPTION the individual experiences agonizing frustrations which
seem to block him from his purpose' If the squares
When the ruling planet of either Node is in the sign powerful enough, he may spend so much energy in
of the opposite Node, then the matter of mutual recep- irying to settle them that he may delude himself into
tion is to be considered. Uetieving that his squares rather than his Nodes rep-
Here, the past and present are so unavoidably resent his largest direction' He will be guided to Iessons
Iinked that it will be necessary for the individual to of sacrifice in addition to his specific karma'
draw on his past in order to fulfilt his present. He
does not have to repeat the past unless planet conjunc-
tions to the South Node create pressure for him to do so. TRINES TO THE SOUTH NODE
Nevertheless, he will be given strong glimpses of it
so that he will remember how to stumble upon the in- Planets which trine the South Node afford the in-
formation he needs to meet his future. dividual with opportunities symbolically to relive and
improve upon his past. The conditions through which
COI{JUNCTIONS TO BOTH NODES he can do this are usually external to the self' even
though their ultimate effect on the self is to build it
When planets conjunct both Nodes, the soul is con- within.
fronted with the resolution of a very powerful conflict There is a necessity to guard against dissipation'
which may not be postponed beyond the present life. particularly if the South Node is in a mutable or water
If the individual is able to focus on the energies of sign. In some cases, the individual must Iearn self-
the less detrimental or more benefic planet, then he reipect, for the easy trines make it almost too inviting
can build enough strength gradually to overcome his for him to sneak out of life through the back door'


Planets which trine the North Node hold the prom-

ise of a richly-rewarding life experience. External life
opportunities will be harmonious with the direction in
which the soul is moving. Thus, the individual may find
himself advancing in life while he is advancing smooth- CHAPTER SIX
ly in karma at the same time.
Naturally, this assumes that planetary energies are CHART DETINEATIONS
not grossly misused to the point that benefics act like
malefics and malefics become symbolic of ..hell,, it_ The chart delineations in this chapter have been
selected in order to present the student with the Gestalt
Nevertheless, not only will the North Node experi-
method of chart interPretation'
ence be easier to reach, but the individual also will the Nodes represents a
The full horoscope including
find his path aided by outside encouragement. picture of the total soul as viewed through its
present incarnation. Thus, any and all inharmonious
factors within the chart are still harmoniously inte-
grated within the singular soul entity under considera-
Complete understanding of the horoscope is much
like the threading of a needle' The loose fibers at the
end of the thread go in all different directions, but they
are part of the original thread. Still the needle cannot
be threaded until all these loose fibers are wound to-
gether. When the thread is brought to a single point, it
fits through the eye of the needle easily.
In like manner, the Nodes must always agree with
the rest of the horoscope. Each planetary configura-
tion is as a brush stroke to a painting, but together
the painting is more than just a summation of brush
Through careful study of the full horoscope, it be-
comes possible to pull all the loose thread fibers and
sundry brush strokes together so that the singular
reason for life can emerge.
Charts read in this way are interpreted on the soul
level, and thus have infinitely more meaning for the
individual, who after all is much more than his person-
ality desires, transitory illnesses, and emotional frus-
104 105
KARMIC ASTROLOGY Chart Delineations

Here we find the pisces-Virgo Nodes with the North
Node in the ?th house conjunct Saturn. This conjunction
is our first indication that the karma and the mission t3Y 3a
are harmonious with each other.
The 1st house South Node indicates that in this in_
carnation the soul is not here for itself, but rather for
the purpose of dedicating the life through sacrifice
(Pisces) to others (7th house). This is confirmed further
by so much of the chart,s weight in the western hemi_ 2(*V.\
sphere. )fn
tl 'll ru
Pisces is the sign of cosmic consciousness while
Virgo is the sign of finite consciousness. The life work
here would be to teach (Saturn conjunct Mercury) the
existence of something more (North Node in pisces)
than the purely mechanical nature (South Node in
Vireo) through which man looks at himself (lst house).
To accomplish this, four pisces planets accompany
the North Node, giving the chart a broader pe.spectirl
of universal understanding. To be able to attune to the
more subtle psychic vibrations Cayce would have to be
a gentle man, and this is aided by the pisces Venus.
In beginner texts of mundane astrology a pisces
Mercury is designated as poorly placed rvith an inability t3W io
to crystallize thought. When used on higher planes,
however, as Cayce unquestionably did, it allows for an
unlimited flow of ideas as well as cosmic messages.
Saturn conjunct the Mercury shows that these ideas
were to be put to some practical use for humanity. EDGAR CAYCE
With three planets in Taurus, Cayce was very much
a Venus-Neptune soul, which accounts so much for
his willingness to throw his life on the altar of sacrifice 3- 18- 1877
so that civilization could make one more step toward
understanding what was thought to be beyond under_
Pluto, the planet which rules the unknown as well HOPKINSVILLE, KENTUCKY
as mass thinking, is placed in his career house conjunct
the Moon. This conjunction is always the sign of a
direct psychic. In addition, the already-sensitized
106 KARMIC ASTROLOGY Chart Delineations

Taurus Moon is conjunct Neptune which still further addition, with so many of his planets above the horizon'
increases its receptivity. These three planets in Taurus particularly the fth house Moon, much of his own per-
would make Cayce so attuned to other world forces sonal karma was already taken care of before this
that he would at times find normal life difficult. incarnation.
The interesting thing is that whenever we speak of Perhaps the only negative thing in the entire
Pisces, the message is not the message. Much of chart would be the Mars-Jupiter conjunction in the
the world today that is interested in psychic phenomena 5th house, which at times pushed him a bit too hard
and spiritual growth looks to Cayce as a pacesetter (Capricorn). And yet, this was necessary for him to
and an example to follow. And yet they are following .re"t" a work so monumental that the Piscean subtlety
the wrong message. of his message would be eventually realized'
Because his work was so profound and seemingly Through nit Atn house Pisces Sun, he was to impart
miraculous, people tend to follow the miracles instead to mankind a legacy of understanding so that one day
of the message behind the miracles. Jesus performed man would come to know that all his suffering is the
miracles only to whet people's appetites for the king- direct result of his own causes'
dom of heaven.
Spiritual leaders ever since have been given powers
to perform in order to attract the otherwise apathetic Here we find the Sagittarius North Node in the
ears of the world to a higher music. With Saturn-Mer-
cury and the North Node in the 7th house in Pisces, fifth house of acting and creative talent' In the case of
Cayce was here to teach a lesson in marriage. He lived
that they are magnetized to do symbolically express
for his marriage and considered it to be the most im- ..Downhill played
Racer,', Redford
portant thing in his life, far beyond any miracles he the chart energies.-In
may have participated in. He shines as an example that
iiiu p"., of an Olympic Ski Champion' thus combining with
no man is greater than his ability to humble himself the great outdoors oi nit Sagittarian North Node
in" JUutt competitiveness (Mars conjunct the North
to another. The further implication is that marriage is Node) which ultimately won him the Gold Medal'
NEVER an impediment to spiritual growth or pscyhic was the
development. All of his work with karma was to teach Sagittarius is also the sign of gambling' which
bafic theme of "The Sting"' In "Jeremiah Johnson"'
people the value of Universal Love (Venus in Pisces in re-
the 8th house of other people's values).
Redford played the part of an outdoors-man' again
iterating the Sagittarian theme'
This message was so important for mankind that The eleventh house South Node in Gemini indicates
Cayce was also given Uranus in Leo in the 1st house p.i- tifiti*es of dreaming and wishing towould sampte all
so that his impact would be extremely powerful. And ih" diff"."nt and varied interests in life' He come
yet, he never used power for the sake of power. Through into this incarnation with a developed curiosity about
knowledge of all types. This, coupled with his
his 1st house South Node he was aware of the destruc- Sagit-
tive impulses stimulated by the ego, and he taught tariusNorthNodeconjunctMarswouldnowgivehim
that man's ego keeps on creating and recreating the an intense thirst for life.
karma he brings upon himself. With all the fire trinity well represented' he is able
Whenever we are dealing with an evolved soul, the to.exudeanenthusiasticoutlookwhichsparksothers;
and while his Aries Midheaven gives him strong
Virgo South Node represents prior life purification. In appeal
-= 108 KABMIC ASTROLOGY Chart Delineations 109

to young audiences, his Capricorn Moon gives him

equal stiength with older people' Thus, the scope of
his magnetism is enormouslY wide.
this is one of those very rare horoscopes which
23\" q8 contain a triple Grand Trine. The first house Sun in
Leo, the fifth house North Node, the Aries Midheaven
d and Uranus in the tenth give Redford the kind of life
t3 -1' in which the world can literally be his oyster'
But if the chart is viewed in terms of all the lucky
aspects it contains, the point of Redford's life would
The Sagittarius-Gemini Nodes always indicate an
15, z8 6 incarnation of a Messenger' And with the Sagittarius
o North Node in the Aries decanate of the sign, a mutual
Y 21 cL6 reception is formed with his fth house Saturn' This
brings the karma, the message and the mission into
the realm of higher mind'
Redford's present incarnation is timed in accor-
dance with this higher message. He reached enormous
success in 1974 when his Nodes were crossed by the
transiting Nodes, just at the time when "The Sting"
became the most talked-about picture of the year' All
this occurred while Saturn transited his 1fth house, in-
dicating that this success was karmically due him'
B7!.49 Since the days of Joe Dimaggio, America has been
tacking heroes with whom to identify' As a result' th:
country has experienced an inability to identify with
,r".e.i. Redford's mission is to help restore faith in the
individual (Aries Saturn in the 9th house)' And in any
ROBERT REDFORD ways he chooses to do this (5th house North Node in
Sagittarius), the universe will cooperate with him'
Moleover, the more flamboyant his approach (Leo
8- 18- rg37 rising, Sun in the 1st house), the better, since his
karmic mission is to show the world how to win !
In each of his pictures he portrays the role ofper- in-
tense seriousness toward the accomplishment of a
SANTA MONICA, CALIF. sonal goal (Capricorn Moon square Aries Saturn)' Al-
*ry, ate intut-ountable odds which he miracu-
louSly overcomes. His attitude is that he never ex-
pected to lose.
110 KARMIC ASTROLOGY Chart Delineations 111

It's no aecident that Redford's career reached the

top while the rest of the world was in the depths of
depression. He stands as a symbol of man,s ability'to
override the negative conditions of the world he lives
in and reach the potential he was born with ! 25 JI

13 13

In the ehart of Christine Jorgenson we find the

Cancer-Capricorn Nodes, which are always indicative
of a shift in the hormonal balance. The Capricorn
South Node in the 4th house would show Christine,s
early years in this life to be more influenced by trying
to continue prior life patterns of masculine dominance.
As Capricorn indicates the father role, there would be
much soul memory of living up to masculine expecta-
tions. As maturity sets in, an individual tends to lean
more to their 10th house than their 4th, and in doing
so Christine would be confronted with the Cancer North
Node, which is so peculiarly feminine by contrast. The
Moon-ruled Caneer allows for the free flowing of the
female emotion, whereas the Capricorn South Node has
a tendency to block the normal emotional flow.
With both Nodes in Cardinal signs, new beginnings
here are indicated. As Capricorn is a sign of bringing
things to a conclusion (it rules the gates of death
through which the soul leaves the body), and as Cancer
has rulership over birth, we can see that this soul in
the current incarnation is completing one way of life
in order that it may start on a new path. pluto forming CHRISTINE JORGENSON
a conjunetion with the North Node shows this to be a
total transformation and is the first indicator that it
would be of a sexual nature. The North Node itself is
in the Scorpio decanate of Cancer, which again points 5-30- 1926
to sexuality as the vehicle of the regeneration.
The mission in life as indicated by Saturn also falls
in Scorpio, but here it is symbolic of even more than NEIU YORK, NEW YORK
sexual transformation. With Saturn placed in the Brd
house and Pluto in the 10th, this change not only would
be monumental, but the full impact of it would have

ll2 KARMIC ASTROLOGY Chart Delineations

to be corlmunicated to the masses. Interestingly, Her Aries Venus in the 8th house shows new begin-
Saturn is in the Cancer decanate of Scorpio while nings in areas of love and sex as well as specifically
Pluto and the North Node are in the Scorpio part of inaicating a fresh start in experiencing the feminine
Cancer-a kind of mutual reception showing that all principle.
three are indeed working together. Th; Capricorn Moon which is so peculiarly sensitive
The reQainder of the chart shows how the soul to even the slighiest negative vibration becomes a
would bring about this change, as well as how society powerful regenerative force here as it helps complete
would react to it, The Moon-Pluto opposition indicates inu r square of Venus to both Nodes' Very deep inner
that the change would not only be public in nature, but emotional reactions in childhood would cause so much
also that it would stir great controversy. Many people discomfort that Christine would be forced to make a
have had sex-change operations, but only Christine fresh start through the point of the T square, which falls
Jorgenson Was designated as the messenger, making in the Sth house (sexual rebirth)'
known to a confused society that such a change was There was further incentive to do this through the
not only ps5si5lg but also desirable and compatible Neptune-Venus trine from the l1th house to the 8th'
for all those suffering with similar feelings. which would have prompted dreams of what it would
To bring 15is about, Christine's soul chose to be feel like to be a woman'
born as a Gemini with a fth house Sun and Mercury in We can see that the entire chart cooperates with
its ruling sign. It is important to realize here that theNodessothattheSoulcanhavetheincentivesand
while Gemini was the necessary Sun sign to communi- opportunities to work out its karma'
cate the idea, if it had not been posited in the 9th house
(of independent thought and attitudes), the Gemini MARTIN LUTHER KING
tendency to be swayed by others might well have been
strong enough to prevent such an untraditional opera- In the chart of Martin Luther King we find the
tion completely.
The Mars-Uranus conjunction is also indicative of Taurus-Scorpio Nodes. Here the soul karma is to move
away from the past of Scorpio's violence into the
sexual changes. As Mars (sex) falls in the 6th house,
which is so s;1gn characteristic of operations, it shows of Venus-ruled Taurus. The 7th house South Node
that sexuality would play a large part in the health indicatesthatinformerincarnationsthissoulwould
picture. At the same time, Uranus in the 7th house have suffered through the destructive impulses of
shows that Christine would have to change completely others. In this life, there was an identification to be
her ideas concerning marriage mates. Here also we made with building the self (first house Taurus) in a
find sexuality stressed, as Uranus falls in the Scorpio substantial but non-violent waY'
decanate of Pisces.
Through his life, however, there were always those
Jupiter in Aquarius trine the Midheaven indicates who set themselves up as his advisors (partners so to
good fortune in experiencing that which is new and speak) who constantly reflected his South Node back to
different and uniquely ahead of its time. As Jupiter is him. In other words, non-violent peace marches would
the planet which brings us our truth and Aquarius is keep turning into Scorpionic melees as a result of the
the sign which is always highly individualistic, Chris- ideas of others.
tine would have to go far from the norms of society The 7th house which also represents open adver-
to reach her oum higher wisdom. sariesfallsinScorpio,whichisanythingbutanopen
KARMIC A,STROLOGY Chart Delineations 115

sign. Thus, with his South Node here and two planets
in his 12th house, King had many hidden enemies.
This was not so much because they disagreed with
what he was trying to do, since he did stand for a Uni-
versal Cosmic Principle, but more with his techniques
of bringing it about. The Taurus North Node has all
the patience in the world and is willing to work toward
something slowly, while the Scorpio South Node wants
revolution yesterday.
Interestingly enough, his Nodes fall in the two signs
U ,, which were the Sun and Moon signs of Gautama Bud-
dha, whose life represented very similar principles.
When we see strong similarities between different
4 ra
charts it almost suggests that the different souls may
have received part of their teaching in the same place.
I In the case of Martin Luther King, his Saturn mis-
:rL- sion in the 8th house was to leave a legacy of hope (Sag-
ittarius) for a brighter future.
He was also given the visionary qualities to see
this through his llth house Pisces Moon conjunct
Venus. Traditionaly, Venus in Pisces can be interpreted
as a love of a monk. In the second Pisces decanate
(Cancer) it becomes purely sacrificial without asking
zl{n or expecting personal reward. This is one of the chart
factors that automatically indicates an elevation of the
Taurus-Scorpio polarity to higher levels. Otherwise
there would be too much self-greed in the Taurus
IT{ARTIN TUTHER KING Aseendent and Node for Reverend King's mission to be
accomplished. As such, the Pisces Moon and Venus
along with the Sagittarius Saturn pull the life style off
the physical plane, giving it more of a higher minded,
1- 1r- rg2g ethereal quality.
The Saturn-Moon-Mars T square shows this to be a
chart of enormous power, with most of it manifesting
ATIANTA, GEORGIA through the 8th house Saturn in Sagittarius (Leo dec-
anate), symbolic of a martyr-like hero's death which
comes to inspire regenerative life in the hearts of others.
This Saturn is also one of the points of his Jupiter-
Neptune-Saturn Grand Trine, indicating how much
116 KARMIC ASTROLOGY Chart Delineations tt7
his life as well as his death would be influenced by awareness of a new beginning, and with his Capricorn
external circumstances. Sun he would dedicate his whole life to that purpose.
In his 5th house of creativity, we find Neptune in Since the moon rules memory, and his Mercury (the
Virgo forming an out of sign trine to his Sagittarius planet through which the message came) forms a
Saturn. First, the Saturn-Neptune trine indicates that conjunction with America's Moon in Aquarius, we can
this was to be a very important incarnation for him; rest assured that even if at times it may not appear so,
and second, the Virgo Neptune was to aid him in creat_ his message will unquestionably be well-rernembered.
ing the dream of an ideal. He was to leave an impres_ Going back to the soul level and his Taurus North
sion that if man could believe something (Neptune), he Node in the first house, this incarnation was for him
could work (Saturn) to make it come true. to build in thought the principles of creative love and
Jupiter in the lfth house is always found in the harmony. Surely, this was a forgotten message from
charts of those souls who have already received the the past (Caprieorn) that had to be reinforced in hurnan
the inner teachings on the higher levels. They come consciousness at the time of his incarnation.
into this life with a deep inner sense of wisdom and
Pluto in the 3rd house indicates the ability to be a PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA
dynamic communicator, reaching people on the sub_
conscious level where raw emotion (Cancer) is in its Here we have an example of how the chart with
pure state. In order for the full mission to be accom_ the Nodes can bring about the energy for a higher form
plished, the rest of the chart would have to show scope of earth life.
of vision, perspective and balance. The Mars_Saturn The Taurus North l,lode is always an indication
opposition speaks about the ancient teachings of the of a builder. While many choose to apply it physically,
past (Saturn in Sagittarius the sign of philosophy in Yogananda attuned himself to the finer Taurean rays
the house of legacy) as well as what should be done of creative love. As a mystic (Uranus conjunct South
about the future (Mars in Gemini conjunct the Ascen- Node in Scorpio) and spiritual teacher (Neptune in
dant of the chart of the {Jnited States). Gemini) he has reached the hearts of aspirants all
over the globe.
This Saturn-Mars opposition aLso speaks about It is interesting to note that his way of life as a
achieving a balance between the impatience of youth Yogi, which is so opposite to the American way of life,
(Mars) and the wisdom of maturity (Saturn). The also shows up in the chart. His Capricorn Sun is in
piacement falls in the ftrd and gth houses, personal
direct opposition to America's Sun, while his Leo Moon
values opposed to other people,s values. Mars tradi_
tionally becomes a crusader when posited in Gemini is also in opposition to America's Moon. Yet both Yo-
gananda and the Untied States have the same Libra
or Aquarius, and here we find the Aquarian Mercury Saturn, which denotes a karmic mission to establish
in mutual reception with the Gemini Mars. In addition, tranquillity.
they are in trine, giving Reverend King a clear channel The Guru's purpose was to corne to America and
to express his message for the future (Mercury in plant new seeds (Mars in Aries) of spiritual desire
Aquarius in the 10th house) through verbal actions (Jupiter in Aries) in a land already too filled with per-
(Mars in Gemini in the trd house of values.)
sonal selfishness.
His 1fth house Uranus in Aries was to bring out an I In reading the chart of a great mystic we must have

KARMIC ASTROLOGY Chart Delineations 119

a different understanding of the Nodes, for sueh a soul

would have already transcended any negative karma
from previous incarnations. Thus, the South Node be-
comes the avenue or channel through which all the
knowledge and wisdom of the universe learned in past
Iives can be brought into use during the current incar-
Yogananda had reached the level of consciousness
where he could see his current life as one pearl on a
string of pearls in the circle of Eternal Life' As such we
see the Scorpio South Node not as residue to be elimin-
ated, but rather as the symbol of past incarnation
building blocks upon which the present-life Tauius
North Node was now to be laid as a cornerstone'
Through the Uranus-South Node conjunction in
Scorpio, Yogananda entered this incarnation after
having already acquired the mystical secrets of insight
at the very highest transmuted levels of Scorpionic
Through the Taurus North Node, he presented his
wisdom with elementary simplicity, as had always
been the pattern of great teachers before him. His own
study followed through a line of tradition (Capricorn
Sun) and yet he introduced a new concept of God to the
Western world.
" -ffii- iupiier-Moon-Mercury Grand Trine throws par-
ticular emphasis on his Leo Moon. Mercury is in the
Leo decanate of Sagittarius, while Jupiter is in the Leo
PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA decanate of Aries. The Moon itself, which represents
Mother, is posited in the sign of Father. Living this
incarnation in a male body, Yogananda was guided to
1-r- 1893 realize how important it would be for all males of the
world to be able to see God as the Divine Mother' He
knew that this would enable man to develop the highest
sensitivity to the feminine principle that creative love
and gentle understanding conquers all things!
GORAKHPIJR, INDIA His own love was so great (Venus in Sagittarius,
Venus-ruled North Node) that it was impossible to
hotd it inside. In 32 years he personally gave his teach-
ings to over 100,000 PeoPIe'
120 KARMIC ASTROLOGY Chart Delineations 121

The physical plane materialism so common to the MAHATMA GANDHI

Taurus North Node manifested itself through the ash-
rams, healing centers, and retreats that Yogananda
established. He was guided to do this so that long after Here we see the powerful impact of the Leo North
his physical life was over, the world could still feel Node. Its 10th house placement within 3 degrees of the
the impact of his message. Midheaven accounted for Gandhi's enormous strength
This horoscope is a fine example of how the pure in overcoming obstacles which eventually earned for
science of astrology is still in its infancy. If one were to him the reputation of being a veritable giant among
attempt interpretation according to currently-accepted men.
standards the reading miSht be as follows: Leo symbolizes the conquerer, and irr his life of
service (Libra Sun in the 12th, Neptune in the 6th)
Venus in Sagittarius opposed by Neptune in Gandhi was able to transform the minds of over 20 mil-
Gemini shows inconstancy in love, plus much lion men, women and children without raising a finger.
lower mind confusion. Mercury in its fall in Sag- The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in his 7th house
ittarius trine Jupiter in Aries indicates tenden- spelled out the monumental task he was to perform for
cies to jump to conclusions, and scatter oneself others. To do this, he first had to commit himself to the
into unconnected areas. complete sdtrifice of personal desire (Neptune in
The Leo Moon shows too much ego stemming Aries in the 6th).
from an overbearing mother. In addition it is one At the time of his birth, India had been thoroughly
of the indicators of excessive alcoholism, Mars divided due to age-old British rule. Literally thousands
conjunct Jupiter in Aries denotes selfishness, of sects and conflicting groups were preventing the
rvhile the Capricorn Sun turns the whole chart country from ieaching unification. Bloodshed in the
NEGATIVE. streets was a common occurrence as each faction bat-
tled for its own supremacy. The 4th house indi-
While each one of these statements has been shown cates the ways in which one sees one's homeland, and
to be empirically true for great numbers of people, with Gandhi's South Node there' he would have seen
not a single one is accurate here! how the Aquarian individualism, with aU its accom-
There are souls who have evolved to a higher as- panying rebelliousness to any order, was indeed kill-
trology, and Yogananda was one of them. Having com- ing the countrY he loved so dearly'
plete mastery over the Emotional plane, no astro- In a land that had already witnessed so much
logical statement based on personality would be appli- violence, what good could be achieved by one more
cable. When the great mystic left his physical body for aggressive approach? Through his Libra Sun, Gandhi
the last time, observers noted that for more than 20 chose the opposite Path'
days there was not the slightest indication of bodily Early in life he had become a successful and pros-
decay. Yogananda had also mastered the physical perous lawyer (Saturn in Sagittarius in the htd), but
Plane !
ultimately he could not ignore the far greater mission
There is no limit to the levels of regeneration that that was to be his destiny. With this same Sagittarius
the Scorpio South Node could have achieved in past Saturn in the Aries decanate of the sign, he was to strive
incarnations. In addition, the Taurus North Node sym- for liberation through unification. Always dedicated to
bolizes the Eye of Illumination in the body of God. the principles of his Leo North Node, he strove to bring
r22 KARMIC ASTROLOGY Chart Delineations 123

alt the inharmonious factions (Libra Sun afflicted)

We often find some evidence of martyrdom inherent
in the sign Leo, and with his Moon, North Node and
Midheaven there, Gandhi was perfecfly willing to at-
tempt India's unification single-handedly, using him-
self as an example to others.
He worked long and hard on destroying all the
lower parts of his own being, with the full understand-
ing that before one can transform a nation, one must
conquer himself. Through the three Scorpio planets in
,/ )1 the 1st house, he nearly brought about his own death
q d zo'-io 't
while trying to transform the stubbornness of others
R u l7;3S I (Jupiter-Pluto in the 7th opposing Venus-Mars in the
3.45 7n, lst).
Eventually Gandhi's hunger strikes (Uranus in
a 11,',.2!
,r,,a Cancer square Neptune in the 6th) became world fa-
\ g mous. His method of passive resistance (Aquarius
South Node, Libra Sun in the lfth) was no longer folly
but would indeed liberate the entire country as well as
be adopted as a primary future method of political ex-
pression throughout the world.
Gandhi's South Node in Aquarius indicates prior
Iifetimes in which he developed the concepts of humane
understanding. Along with his Libra Sun in the 1fth
which brings much of his past karma forward, this
would make him totally opposed to all forms of violence
in the present incarnation.
MAHATIT,IA GANDHI From a prosperous profession in his youth, Gandhi
left the world with only three possessions-his rice
bowl, his loin cloth and his eyeglasses! Had it not
10-2- 1869 been for his enormous humility, he would never have
been able to achieve his Leo mission. Certainly, his
life is a picture of one who stooped to conquer!


ALLEGORY careful of pride and always remember that it is My

Creation, not yours. For if you forget this men will
. And it was morning as God stood before his scorn you. There is much joy in the job I give to you if
twelve children and into each of them planted the seed you but do it well. For this you are to have the gift of
of human life. One by one each child stepped forward Honor."
to receive his appointed gift. And Leo stepPed back to his Place.
"To you Aries I give my seed first that you rnight "To you Virgo I ask for an examination of all man
have the honor of planting it. That for every seed you has done with My Creation. You are to scrutinize his
plant one rnillion more will multiply in your hand. you ways sharply and remind hirn of his errors so that
will not have time to see the seed grow for everything through you My Creation may be perfected' For doing
you plant creates more that must tre planted. you will this I give you the gift of Purity of Thought."
be the first to penetrate the soil of men's minds with And Virgo stepped back to his place.
My Idea. But it is not your job to nourish the Idea nor "To you Libra I give the mission of service, that
to question it. Your life is action and the only action I man may be mindful of his duties to others. That he
ascribe to you is to begin making men aware of My Cre- may learn cooperation as well as the ability to reflect
ation. For your good work I give you the virtue of Self the other side of his actions. I will put you everywhere
Esteem." there is discord, and for your efforts I will give you the
Quietly Aries stepped back to his place. gift of Love."
"To you Taurus I give the power to build the seed And Libra stePPed back in Place.
into substance. Your job is a great one requiring pa- "To you Scorpio I give a very difficult task. You
tience for you must finish all that has been started or will have the ability to know the minds of men, but I
the seeds will be wasted to the wind. you are not to do not permit you to speak about what you learn. Many
question nor change your mind in the middle nor to de- times you will be pained by what you see, and in your
pend on others for what I ask you to do. For this tr give pain you will turn away from Me and forget that it is
you the gift of Strength. Use it wisely.,, not I but the perversion of My Idea that is causing
And Taurus stepped back into place. your pain. You will see so much of man that you will
"To you Gemini I give the questions without an- come to know him as animal and wrestle so much with
swers so that you rnay bring to all an understanding his animal instincts in yourself that you will lose your
of what rnan sees around hirn. you will never know why way; but when you tinally come back to Me, Scorpio, I
men speak or listen, but in your quest for the answer have for you the supreme gift of Purpose."
ynu will find my gift of Knowledge.,, And Scorpio stePPed back.
And Gemini stepped back into place. "sagittarius, I ask you to make men laugh for
"To you Cancer I ascribe the task of teaching men amidst their misunderstanding of My Idea they become
about emotion. My Idea is for you to cause them laugh- bitter. Through laughter you are to give man hope, and
ter and tears so that all they see and think develops through hope turn his eyes back to Me. You will touch
fullness from inside. For this I give you the gift of Fam- many lives if but only for a moment, and you will know
ily, that your fullness may multiply.,, the restlessness in every life you touch. To you Sagit-
And Cancer stepped back to his place. tarius I give the gift of Infjnite Abundance, that you
"To you Leo I give the job of displaying My Crea_ may spread wide enough to reach into every corner
tion in all its brilliance to the world. But you must be of darkness and bring it light."
126 KARMICASTROLOGY Allegory 127

And Sagittarius stepped back into place.

many times asking to be relieved of your mission, and
"Of you Capricorn Iask the toil of your brow, that each time I will grant you your wish. You will go
you might teach men to work. your task is not an easy
one for you will feel all of man,s labors on your shoui-
through countless incarnations before you complete
ders; but for the yoke of your burdens I put the respon- the original mission I have prescribed for you. I give
you countless time in which to do it, but only when it is
sibility of man in your hands.,,
And Capricorn stepped baek into place. done can you be with Me."
"To you Aquarius I give the concept of future that
man might see other possibilities. you will have the
pain of loneliness for I do not allow you to personalize
My Love. But for turning man,s eyes to .new possibili_
ties I give you the gift of Freedom, that in your liberty
you may continue to serve mankind whenever he needs
And Aquarius stepped back into place.
"To you Pisces I give the most difficult task of all.
I ask you to eollect all of man,s sorrow and return,it to
me. Your tears are to be ultimately My tears. The
sorrow you will absorb is the effect of man,s misunder_
standing My Idea, but you are to give him compassion
that he may try again. For this the most difficult task
of all I give the greatest gift of all. you will be the only
one of My twelve children to understand Me. But this
gift of understanding is for you, pisces for when you
try to spread it to man he will not listen.,,
And Pisces stepped back into place.
. Then God said ,.you eaeh have a part of My
Idea. You must not mistake that part for all of My Idea,
nor may you desire to trade parts with each other. For
each of you is perfect, but you will not know that until
all twelve of you are ONE. For then the whole of My
Idea will be revealed to each of you.,'
And the children left, each determined to do his
job best that he might receive his gift. But none fully
understood his task or his gift, and when they returned
puzzled God said, "You each believe that other gifts
are better. Therefore I will allow you to trade.', And
for the moment each child was elated as he considered
all the possibilities of his new mission.
But God smiled as he said will return to Me
The experiences of life shade each other much like
the interplay of colors in a finely-woven tapestry. Each THE MOON'S NORTH NODE POSITIONS
thought in the foreground has come from the back-
ground and will return to the background again. The
overlays of dreams, ideas and aetions seem endless,
sometimes perhaps, even senseless. yet, each is part of
Jan. 1, 1850-May 10, 1851 Leo
May 11, 1851-Nov. 25, L852 Cancer
the fiber from which the thread of life is spun.
Nov. 26, 185?-June 16, 1854 Gemini
When man can see and understand his ideas, as
June 17, 185ct-Ian. 3, 1856 Taurus
well as the circumstances that occur in his life as part
Jan. 4, 1856-July %1,1857 Aries
of the thread he alone is spinning, he will start to de_
July 24,1857-Feb. 9, 1859 Pisces
velop the s[bstance from within that makes him real
from without. Feb. 10, 1859-Aug. 29, 1860 Aquarius
The Moon's Nodes help man to understand the na_ Aug. 30, 1860-Mar. 18, 1862 Capricorn
ture of his purpose, the reason he has been deemed Mar. 19, 1862-Oct. 6, 1863 Sagittarius
worthy of life. Instead of seeing life as a collection of Act. 7, 1863-April 25, 1865 Scorpio
unrelated coincidences, man can stand a little taller April26, 1,865-Nov. 12, 1866 Libra
with the knowledge that all he ever aspires to be, he Nov. 1.3, 1866-June 1, 1868 Virgo
June 2, 186&-Dec. 20, 1869 Leo
already was-and more. All he has to do is find himself.
Dec. 2L, 186$-July 9, 1871 Cancer
July 10, 1871-Jan. 25,1873 Gemini
Jan. 26, 1873-Aug. 15,1874 Taurus
Aug. 16, 187tt-Mar. 3, 1876 Aries
Mar. 4, 187&-Sept. 2L, L877 Pisces
Sept. 22, 1877-April 10, 1879 Aquarius
April 11, 1879-Oct. 28, 1880 Capricorn
Oct. 29, 1880-May 17, 1882 Sagittarius
May 18, 1882-Dec. 5, 1883 Scorpio
Dec. 6, 188&-June 24, 1.885 Libra
June 25, 1885-Jan. 12, 1887 Virgo
Jan. 13, 1887-July 31, 1888 Leo
Aug. 1, 188&*Feb. 17, 1890 Cancer
( 7 fl q.p""v

Karmic Astrology Volume I

After introductory chapters on reincarnation and karma

and the astrology of reincarnation, The Moons Nodes
and Reincarnation gives a complete delineation of the
nodes by sign and house position; a chapter on aspects
to the
1o.des; gample delineations; and an appendix giv_
ing nodal positions from 1g50 to ZOOO A.D.

Other Volumes in this Series

Karmic Astrology Volume II


Karmic Astrology Volume III


Karmic Astrology Volume IV


Box 612
York Beach, Maine 03910

Cover design by Alden Cole

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