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Jimma University

Jimma Institute of Technology,

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Worksheet of Heat Transfer 2022

1. A cryogenic fluid is stored in a 0.3-m-diameter spherical container in still air. If the

convection heat transfer coefficient between the outer surface of the container and the air
is 6.8 W/m2 K, the temperature of the air is 27°C, and the temperature of the surface of the
sphere is -183°C, determine the rate of heat transfer by convection.
2. A section of a composite wall with the dimensions shown below has uniform temperatures
of 200°C and 50°C over the left and right surfaces, respectively. If the thermal
conductivities of the wall materials are:𝐾𝐴 = 70 𝑊⁄𝑚𝑘, 𝐾𝐵 = 60 𝑊⁄𝑚𝑘 , 𝐾𝐶 =

40 𝑊⁄𝑚𝑘 and 𝐾𝐷 = 20 𝑊⁄𝑚𝑘, determine the rate of heat transfer through this section of
the wall and the temperatures at the interfaces.

3. A house has a composite wall of wood, fiberglass, and plaster board, as indicated in the
sketch. On a cold winter day, the convection heat transfer coefficients are ho = 60 W/m2 K
and hi = 30 W/m2 K. The total wall surface area is 350 m2.

Kb = 15 w/m k
Ks = 10w/m k
Kp = 10 w/m k

a) Determine the total thermal resistance of the wall, including inside and outside
convection effects for the prescribed conditions.
b) Determine the total heat loss through the wall.

c) If the wind were blowing violently, raising ho to 300 W/m2K, determine the percentage
increase in the heat loss.
d) What is the controlling resistance that determines the amount of heat flow through the
e) If there is uniform heat generation of 100 KW/m3 within the fiberglass, determine and
Sketch the temperature distribution in the wall, heat flux, and heat loss from the walls.
4. Consider steady-state conditions for one-dimensional conduction in a plane wall having a
thermal conductivity k = 50W/m_ K and a thickness L = 0.25 m, with no internal heat

Determine the heat flux and the unknown quantity for each case and sketch the temperature
distribution, indicating the direction of the heat flux.

5. Consider a large 3-cm-thick stainless-steel plate (k = 15.1 W/m · °C) in which heat is
generated uniformly at a rate of 5000000 𝑊/𝑚3. Both sides of the plate are exposed to an
environment at 30°C with a heat transfer coefficient of 60 W/m2· °C. Explain where in the
plate the highest and the lowest temperatures will occur, and determine their values.
6. A long homogeneous resistance wire of radius 𝑟𝑜 = 5 𝑚𝑚 is being used to heat the air in
a room by the passage of electric current. Heat is generated in the wire uniformly at a rate
of 𝑞 ′ = 107 𝑊/𝑚3 as a result of resistance heating. If the temperature of the outer surface
of the wire remains at 180°C, determine the temperature at 𝑟 = 1, 2 , 3, 4 𝑚𝑚 after steady
operation conditions are reached. Take the thermal conductivity of the wire to be 𝑘 =
8 𝑊/𝑚 · °𝐶.

7. A steel pipe with 5-cm OD is covered with a 6.4-mm asbestos insulation 𝐾𝐴 =
0.096 𝑊⁄𝑚𝑘 followed by a 2.5-cm layer of fiberglass insulation 𝐾𝐴 = 0.028 𝑊⁄𝑚𝑘.The
pipe-wall temperature is 315◦C, and the outside insulation temperature is 38◦C. Calculate
the interface temperature between the asbestos and fiberglass and the heat loss.
8. A wall consists of a 1-mm layer of copper, a 4-mm layer of 1 percent carbon steel, a 1-cm
layer of asbestos sheet, and 10 cm of fiberglass blanket. Calculate the overall heat-transfer
coefficient for this arrangement. If the two outside surfaces are at10 and 150◦C, calculate
each of the interface temperatures.
9. Steam flowing through a long, thin-walled pipe maintains the pipe wall at a uniform
temperature of 500 K. The pipe is covered with an insulation blanket comprised of two
different materials, A and B. The interface between the two materials may be assumed to
have an infinite contact resistance, and the entire outer surface is exposed to air for which
𝑇∞ = 300 K and h = 25 W/m2 K.

a) Sketch the thermal circuit of the system. Label (using the preceding symbols)
all pertinent nodes and resistances.
b) For the prescribed conditions, what is the total heat loss from the pipe? What
are the outer surface temperatures Ts,2(A) and Ts,2(B)?
10. A plate having a thickness of 4.0 mm has an internal heat generation of 200 KW/m3 and a
thermal conductivity of 25 W/m oC. One side of the plate is insulated and the other side is
maintained at 100◦C. Calculate the maximum temperature in the plate.

11. Calculate the temperatures for the nodes indicated in Figure below. The entire outer surface
is exposed to the convection environment and the entire inner surface is at a constant
temperature of 300◦C. Properties for materials A and B are given in the figure.

12. Consider steady two-dimensional heat transfer in a long solid bar whose cross section is
given in the figure. The measured temperatures at selected points on the outer surfaces are
as shown. The thermal conductivity of the body is k = 20 W/m · °C, and there is no heat
generation. Using the finite difference method with a mesh size of ∆x = ∆y =1.0 cm,
determine the temperatures at the indicated points in the medium.

13. Consider the square channel shown in the sketch operating under steady-state conditions.
The inner surface of the channel is at a uniform temperature of 600K, while the outer
surface is exposed to convection with a fluid at 300K and a convection coefficient of
50W/m2 K. From a symmetrical element of the channel, a two dimensional grid has been
constructed and the nodes labeled. The temperatures for nodes 1, 3, 6, 8, and 9 are

a) Beginning with properly defined control volumes, derive the finite-difference
equations for nodes 2, 4, and 7 and determine the temperatures T2, T4, and T7 (K).
b) Calculate the heat loss per unit length from the channel.
14. A piece of aluminum weighing 6 kg and initially at a temperature of 300 oC is suddenly
immersed in a fluid at 20oC. The convection heat-transfer coefficient is 58W/m2 oC. Taking
the aluminum as a sphere having the same weight as that given, estimate the time required
to cool the aluminum to 90oC, using the lumped-capacity method of analysis.
15. A thick concrete wall having a uniform temperature of 54◦C is suddenly subjected to an
airstream at 10◦C. The heat-transfer coefficient is 10 W/m2 oC. Calculate the temperature
in the concrete slab at a depth of 7 cm after 30 min.
16. Steel is sequentially heated and cooled (annealed) to relieve stresses and to make it less
brittle. Consider a 100-mm-thick plate (k = 45 W/m K, ρ = 7800 kg/m3, cp = 500 J/kg K)
that is initially at a uniform temperature of 300 oC and is heated (on both sides) in a gas-
fired furnace for which T = 700 oC and h = 500 W/m2 K. How long will it take for a
minimum temperature of 550 oC to be reached in the plate?
17. The 150-mm-thick wall of a gas-fired furnace is constructed of fireclay brick (k =1.5W/m
K, ρ = 2600 kg/m3, cp =1000 J/kg K) and is well insulated at its outer surface. The wall
is at a uniform initial temperature of 20oC, when the burners are fired and the inner
surface is exposed to products of combustion for which T = 950oC and h =100 W/m2 K.
a) How long does it take for the outer surface of the wall to reach a temperature of
b) Plot the temperature distribution in the wall at the foregoing time, as well as at several
intermediate times.

18. A rod of diameter D = 25 mm and thermal conductivity of k = 60 W/m K one end
maintained at 𝑇𝑏 = 200 oC. The surface of the rod is exposed to ambient air at 25 oC with a
convection heat transfer coefficient of 100 W/m2 K. a) Determine the temperature
distributions along rods b) What are the corresponding heat losses from the rods? C)
Estimate how long the rods must be for the assumption of infinite length to yield an accurate
estimate of the heat loss. The boundary conditions for fin tip are
i. Considers convection heat transfer from the fin tip
ii. Where the temperature at the fin tip is 35 oc
iii. The very long fin

19. A plane wall of thickness 0.6 m (L = 0.3 m) is made of steel (k = 30 W/m K, ρ= 7900
kg/m3, 𝐶𝑝 = 640 J/kg K). It is initially at a uniform temperature and is then exposed to air
on both surfaces. Consider two different convection conditions: natural convection,
characterized by h =10 W/m2 K, and forced convection, with h = 100 W/m2 K. You are to
calculate the surface temperature at three different times t = 2.5 min, 25 min, and 250 min,
for a total of six different cases.
a) For each of these six cases, calculate the non-dimensional surface temperature,
θ*s = (Ts - T∞)/ (Ti - T∞), using four different methods: exact solution, first term
of the series solution, lumped capacitance, and semi-infinite solid. Present your
results in a table.
b) Briefly explain the conditions for which (i) the first-term solution is a good
approximation to the exact solution, (ii) the lumped capacitance solution is a good
approximation, (iii) the semi-infinite solid solution is a good approximation.

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