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#2989-ASR 71:6 filename:71604-huber—p.


Politics and Inequality in

Latin America and the Caribbean
Evelyne Huber François Nielsen
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Jenny Pribble John D. Stephens

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

This article presents the first pooled time series analysis of the impact that politics and
policy have on inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean. The authors build on
models consisting of sociological and economic variables, adding the strength of the
democratic tradition, long-term legislative partisan political power distribution, and
social spending to explain variation in inequality. They analyze an unbalanced pooled
time series data set for income distribution in 18 Latin American and Caribbean
countries from 1970 to 2000. They show that the political variables add explanatory
power. A strong record of democracy and a left-leaning legislative partisan balance are
associated with lower levels of inequality, as are social security and welfare spending
under democratic regimes. Thus, they replicate some and modify other well-established
findings from studies of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD) countries in the very different context of Latin America and the Caribbean. They
confirm that the partisan composition of government matters, and show that, in contrast
to OECD countries, where social security and welfare spending consistently reduce
inequality, such spending reduces inequality only in a democratic context in Latin
America and the Caribbean.

he region constituted by Latin America and There is increasing consensus that this inequal-
T the Caribbean as a whole has the highest
level of inequality in the world, and during the
ity is a serious obstacle to both poverty reduc-
tion and economic growth generally (Barro
last three decades of the 20th century, inequal- 1997; de Ferranti et al. 2004; Economic
ity increased in most countries of the region Commission on Latin America and the
for which data are available (Morley 2001:24). Caribbean [ECLAC] 2004; Inter-American
Development Bank [IDB] 1998). Although there
is agreement about the common historical roots
Direct cor respondence to Evelyne Huber, of inequality in the region, there has been very
Department of Political Science, University of North little theorizing about the causes of differences
Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599–3265 in inequality among Latin American and
( The authors acknowledge the Caribbean countries, and even less empirical
support of National Science Foundation Grant #SES- testing of such theories. For both theoretical
0241389. They also thank Merilee Grindle, Alexander and practical reasons, we are specifically inter-
Hicks, Robert Kaufman, Victoria Murillo, Kurt ested in whether and how politics matter for
Weyland, and participants in seminars at Stanford
differences in inequality among these coun-
University and the Kennedy School of Government
at Harvard University for comments on earlier drafts. tries. Theoretically, we seek to contribute to
Evelyne Huber and John Stephens thank the Hanse knowledge by exploring how useful an explana-
Institute for Advanced Study in Delmenhorst, tory framework built on the experience of
Germany, for support and a stimulating environment Organization for Economic Cooperation and
in which to work on this study. Development (OECD) countries is for the Latin

AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW, 2006, VOL. 71 (December: 943 –963 )

#2989-ASR 71:6 filename:71604-huber—p.944


American and Caribbean region. For practical tralization of political power (Hicks 1999; Huber
purposes, we hope to highlight how human and Stephens 2001; Swank 2002). Pooled time
agency can potentially reduce excessive levels series data on income distribution and wage
of inequality. dispersion recently made available, respective-
Inequalities in landholding and political ly, by the Luxembourg Income Study and OECD
power originating in the colonial order are at the have stimulated a number of studies demon-
center of theoretical explanations for the deep strating that these features of the polity exert a
roots of inequality in Latin America and the strong influence on inequality, poverty, and
Caribbean. After Independence, inequality in wage dispersion in advanced industrial soci-
assets and income was conditioned by and rein- eties (e.g. Bradley et al. 2003; Iversen 2005;
forced inequality in political influence, and thus Moller et al. 2003; Rueda and Pontusson 2000;
in political institutions and policies, which in Wallerstein 1999).
turn perpetuated the vicious cycle of inequali- By contrast, the neglect of politics in the
ty. If we accept that the high degree of eco- study of inequality in the developing world has
nomic inequality in Latin America and the been striking. Since the publication of Kuznets’
Caribbean has been reproducing itself histori- (1955) influential work, the cross-national quan-
cally, at least in part, through political domina- titative and more recently pooled time series
tion by an elite, then we would expect analyses of determinants of income inequality
differences among countries in political insti- have been mostly the work of development soci-
tutions and political power distributions to make ologists predominantly interested in the relative
a difference for the degree of economic inequal- contribution of variables related to economic
ity at the end of the 20th century. Specifically, development (educational expansion, the chang-
we would expect that countries with longer ing weight of economic sectors, per capita
records of democracy would have lower degrees income), economic dependency and, in some
of inequality, because democracy over the long cases, political democracy.1 Variables related
term offers the possibility for the underprivi- to politics (e.g., political parties, political insti-
leged to organize and make their voices heard. tutions, public policy) are absent. This is hard-
The prime instrument for influencing policy in ly because of the disciplinary neglect of such
democracies is the political party. Political par- variables in the theoretical literature in sociol-
ties differ in their worldviews and commitments ogy. Most of the articles by sociologists cite
to redistribution and their corresponding appeals the modern classic on inequality, by Lenski
to the electorate. Accordingly, we would expect (1966), whose explanation for the decline of
countries with stronger party blocs committed inequality in the course of industrialization
to redistribution (i.e., stronger party blocs to (Kuznet’s inverted U-curve) emphasizes power
the left of center) to have less inequality. Finally, and politics. One reason for this neglect is rather
the main ways that parties influence the distri- prosaic: international organizations such as the
bution of income is through legislation on pub- International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World
Bank, the International Labor Organization
lic expenditure and on regulation of labor
(ILO), and the United Nations (UN) provide
markets. Accordingly, we would expect coun-
tries with more redistributive expenditures and
stronger pro-labor legislation to have lower
degrees of inequality. 1 Of the 24 references to journal articles on the

There is good theory supported by firm evi- determinants of income inequality in cross-national
dence about the interrelationships of politics, samples appearing in the reference lists of three
welfare states, labor market policy, and inequal- recent articles on the subject (Alderson and Nielsen
ity in advanced industrial societies. A synthet- 1999; Lee 2005; Rudra 2004), 16 were in sociology
journals and 5 were in political science journals.
ic theoretical framework building on power
Four of the authors or coauthors of these articles
resources theory, state-centric approaches, and were political scientists. The remainder were sociol-
the logic of industrialism explains the develop- ogists. Other than regime type, the only political
ment of generous and redistributive social and variables appearing in these analyses were public
labor market policies as conditioned by the expenditure in two very recent articles (Lee 2005;
strength of social democratic parties and labor Rudra 2004) and government revenue in an early
movements, women’s mobilization, and cen- contribution (Rubinson 1976).
#2989-ASR 71:6 filename:71604-huber—p.945


data on income inequality, but rarely for the compare the findings from two very different
kinds of variables (e.g., distribution of votes, regions. We are NOT generalizing from the
parliamentary seats, cabinet seats across parties, region with the highest inequality to other areas
and institutional forms of government) used in of the world. These findings are important for
recent studies on the determinants of inequali- practical political reasons. Policy is to a con-
ty in advanced industrial societies. siderable degree a matter of choice and under
In this article, we analyze pooled time series the control of human agents, albeit under
data on Latin America and the Caribbean from resource and institutional constraints. Some
1970 to 2000 that include political variables policies are more effective in reducing inequal-
collected by our research team. We explore the ity than others, and some institutional config-
applicability of politics-oriented models of urations are more likely than others to produce
income inequality that have been developed for agents and policies that reduce inequality. The
OECD countries to the very different context of knowledge of which policy and institutional
Latin America and the Caribbean. Our theoret- configurations are most equity enhancing can
ical rationale is that if we can find similar causal empower actors to work toward strengthening
dynamics of inequality in the very different his- such institutions and supporting such agents
torical and structural context of Latin America and policies.
and the Caribbean on the one hand, and the
OECD countries on the other, then we can pro- POLITICS AND INEQUALITY IN LATIN
pose some theoretically powerful cross-region- AMERICA
al generalizations and add to the cumulative
knowledge about politics and inequality. Although we expect political variables such as
Our rationale also is empirical. The Latin partisan legislative power, strength of demo-
American and Caribbean region during the last cratic tradition, and the nature of social expen-
decades of the 20th century, because of its ditures to be important in determining inequality
sociopolitical diversity, is ideally suited for levels in Latin America and the Caribbean, we
investigating the relationship between inequal- suspect that these variables will have weights
ity and the independent variables hypothesized different from those in advanced industrial soci-
in the economic and sociological literature on eties and somewhat different effects. The region
development and dependency as well as in the does have a weaker record of democracy, less
political science literature on the politics of consolidated parties, and weaker organizations
inequality. Compared with other regions of the of the underprivileged, particularly, weaker labor
developing world, Latin America and the unions and weaker parties of the left. It also has
Caribbean exhibit more variation in indicators different labor markets, so similar policies may
of development and democracy. For example, of have different effects.
the country-year observations in this analysis, In contrast to Latin America, advanced indus-
50 percent classified the political regimes as full trial countries have uninterrupted records of
democracies, 26 percent as restricted democra- democracy, at least since 1945,2 and they all
cies, and the remainder as authoritarian regimes have constructed welfare states that redistribute
or colonies. There also is significant variation income. These welfare states redistribute income
in the vote and seat distribution of the parties downward across income groups, not only
in the legislature as well as the political color- across generations. The magnitude of redistri-
ing of the chief executive. There is similarly bution depends on both the overall size of the
wide variation in development, with the per welfare state and the structure of taxation and
capita income, for example, ranging from expenditures (Bradley et al. 2003). These struc-
$1,906 to $19,103. tures in turn are shaped by power constellations
The results presented later demonstrate that and political institutions (Hicks 1999; Huber and
politics do indeed matter for differences in the
degree of inequality. Thus, we replicate an
important finding from studies of advanced 2 The exceptions are Spain, Portugal, and Greece,
industrial societies: partisan power distribution which are excluded from the vast majority of cross-
and democratic experience are important deter- national statistical analyses of welfare states in
minants of income distribution. Note that we advanced industrial democracies.
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Stephens 2001; Swank 2002). Welfare states are Chile, Uruguay, and Costa Rica, have long been
most redistributive where left parties have been recognized as having more effective states and
in power for long periods, and the strength of left social policies than other countries. Mainwaring
parties in turn has been closely related historically and Scully (1995) clearly show important dif-
to the strength of the labor movement. These ferences in the institutionalization of party sys-
forces all have been weaker in Latin America and tems. In some countries, such as Brazil, stronger,
the Caribbean. more programmatic and disciplined parties have
Latin American and Caribbean countries were emerged more recently (Hagopian 2004). Luna
long dominated by large landholders dependent and Zechmeister (2005) demonstrate on the basis
on a large, cheap labor force. As in all societies, of elite and mass survey evidence that the degree
including those outside Latin America, such as of programmatic orientation and coherence of
Italy, Spain, and Prussia, in which large land- political parties varies greatly between coun-
holders played an important role in the national tries and between parties within the same coun-
economy, they were determined and effective try. Moreover, Colomer and Escatel (2004) show
enemies of democracy (Moore, 1966; that citizens in Latin America find the left–right
Rueschemeyer, Stephens, and Stephens 1992). dimension meaningful for the structuring of pol-
Restrictive labor legislation combined with the itics. Finally, the party affiliation and orientation
comparatively small size of the urban industrial of policymakers have been shown to affect pol-
sector hampered the formation of broad-based icy (Murillo 2001, 2002). Taken together, all
unions with sufficient independence to challenge this evidence suggests that a theoretical per-
existing institutions and acquire economic and spective that assigns an important role to regime
political clout. The weakness of democracy form and partisan politics in shaping income
obstructed the formation of strong political par- distribution in Latin America and the Caribbean
ties in general, and combined with the weakness is worth pursuing.
of labor, hampered the development of parties to
the left of center, in particular. This, in turn, ham- LITERATURE AND HYPOTHESES
pered forces that could build the redistributive
capacity of the state and shape a model of polit- We build on the few studies that use multiple
ical economy that would produce growth with regression analyses of inequality in developing
equity. The comparatively small proportion of for- countries. Morley’s (2001) study examining the
mal sector employment meant that social secu- determinants of differences in inequality of
rity schemes modeled after those in advanced income distribution among countries in Latin
industrial countries had very different effects, America combines multiple regression analyses
covering a much smaller proportion of the pop- with nine country case studies. His variables
ulation, and thus being regressive instead of pro- include national income, inflation, education,
gressive (Lindert, Skoufias, and Shapiro 2005). economic reform indices, and land distribution.
The neoliberal economic reforms of the past Studies of inequality in cross-regional mixed
three decades have had a further regressive samples of developed and developing countries
impact, largely due to the shrinking of the already (Alderson and Nielsen 1999; Lee 2005; Reuveny
small proportion of formal sector employment. and Li 2003) and in samples of developing coun-
Most analysts of Latin American politics have tries (Rudra 2004) have paid particular attention
emphasized the contrast to advanced industrial to world system or globalization variables, along
societies and the pathologies of Latin American with demography and economic development.
states and party politics, such as lower stability Alderson and Nielsen (1999; see also Nielsen and
in interparty competition, weaker party roots in Alderson 1995) also examine the impact of dif-
society, weaker programmatic or ideological ferential development across sectors, the size of
linkages between voters and parties, and high- the agricultural labor force, and the spread of edu-
ly personalistic party–voter linkages cation, whereas Reuveny and Li (2003) include
(Mainwaring and Torcal 2006). However, schol- democracy, and Rudra (2004) and Lee (2005)
ars also have found very significant differences include government expenditures and democra-
among countries of Latin America and the cy. None of these authors analyze the effects of
Caribbean in terms of these and other dimen- power distributions among political parties. Our
sions. For instance, some countries, such as main focus is on the impact of the strength of the
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democratic tradition, two categories of social the legislature. We treat the variables from these
expenditures, and parties’ political strength in other studies as control variables (Table 1).

Table 1. Variable Descriptions, Data Sources, and Hypothesized Effects for the Analyses of Income Inequality

Variable Description Hypothesis Sources

Dependent Variables X X X
Gini coefficient The Gini coefficient. United Nations University World
Income Inequality Database,
Independent Variables Volume 2.0a (June 2005)
Methodological Controls
—Equivalence scale indicator Coded 1 for Gini observations – United Nations University World
that are calculated based on Income Inequality Database,
non-adjusted income estimates. Volume 2.0a (June 2005)

—Gross income indicator Coded 1 for Gini observations + or none United Nations University World
that are calculated using gross Income Inequality Database,
income or monetary gross Volume 2.0a (June 2005)
—Income definition indicator Coded 1 for Gini observations –/+ United Nations University World
that are calculated from Income Inequality Database,
surveys in which there is no Volume 2.0a (June 2005)
available information about
the income concept.a
—Debt crisis period indicator Coded 1 for all observations + Author codings
falling in 1982–1989.
—1990s period indicator Coded 1 for all observations – Author codings
falling in 1990–2000.
Economy and Demography
—GDP per capita Gross domestic product per – or none World Bank World Development
capita in 1000’s of constant Indicators CD (2003); Penn
purchasing power parity World Table Version 6.1
—Sector Dualism The absolute difference between + World Bank World Development
the percent of the labor force Indicators CD (2003);
in agriculture and agriculture International Labor
as a share of GDP. Organization’s Online Labor
ECLAC’s Statistical Yearbook
on Latin America and the
Caribbean (various years);
Alderson and Nielson (1999)
—Employment in Employment in agriculture as a + World Bank World Development
—agriculture percent of total employment. Indicators CD (2003);
International Labor
Organization’s Online Labor
ECLAC’s Statistical Yearbook
on Latin America and the
Caribbean (various years);
Alderson and Nielson (1999)
—Inflation Annual percentage change in + IMF’s International Financial
consumer prices. Statistics CD and Blyde and
Fernandez-Arlas (2004)
—Youth population Population aged 0 to 14 as a + World Bank World Development
percentage of total population. Indicators CD (2003)
—Ethnic diversity Dummy variable coded 1 when at + Coding based on data presented in
least 20 percent, but not more De Ferranti et al. (2004)
than 80 percent of the popula-
tion is ethnically diverse.
(Continued on next page)
#2989-ASR 71:6 filename:71604-huber—p.948


Table 1. (Continued)

Variable Description Hypothesis Sources

Education X X X
—Net secondary school The ratio of the number of World Bank World Development
—enrollment ratio children of official secondary – Indicators CD (2003)
school age who are enrolled
in school, to the population of
the corresponding age.
Foreign Direct Investment
—FDI inflows Net inflows of foreign direct + World Bank World Development
investment as a percent of Indicators CD (2003)
gross capital formation.
—Stock of FDI Inward investment in stock as a + UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics,
percent of GDP. CD version (2002) and United
Nations Centre on
Transnational Corporations
—Democracy Regime type: non democracy = – Rueschemeyer, Huber Stephens,
0, restricted democracy = .5, and Stephens (1992)
and full democracy = 1, score
cumulative from 1945 to date
of observation.
—Repressive authoritarianism Regime type: repressive authori- + Author codings
tarian regimes =1 and all
other = 0, score is cumulated
for the fifteen years preceding
the year of observation.
—Legislative partisan balance Left-right balance of seats in the – Adapted and expanded by the
lower house of the legislature. authors from Coppedge (1997)
See text for calculation. The
variable is cumulated for the
fifteen years preceding the
year of observation.
—Executive partisanship Left-right balance of the execu- – Adapted and expanded by the
tive. The variable is cumulated authors from Coppedge (1997)
for the fifteen years preceding
the year of observation.
Social Spending
—Health and education Cumulative average of govern- – IMF’s Government Finance
—(cumulative average) ment spending on health and Statistics Yearbook (various
education as a percent of years) and IMF’s International
GDP. j Financial Statistics CD and
Yearbook (various years);
Cominetti 1996; Cepal
—Social security and welfare Government spending on social + IMF’s Government Finance
security and welfare as a Statistics Yearbook (various
percent of GDP. j years) and IMF’s International
Financial Statistics CD and
Yearbook (various years);
Cominetti 1996; Cepal

DEMOCRACY gives the powerless and underprivileged the

There are strong theoretical reasons to expect chance to organize and use organization as a
that the length of a country’s democratic expe- power base to gain entry into the political deci-
rience is associated with lower inequality sion-making process. The most effective chan-
(Rueschemeyer et al. 1992:10). Democracy nels for underprivileged groups into the political
#2989-ASR 71:6 filename:71604-huber—p.949


decision-making process are political parties, 1960s on inequality observed in the 1990s will
because the poor lack the connections and funds be weaker than the effect from 10 years of
to influence decision makers directly. However, repressive authoritarian rule observed in the
it takes time for parties to gain coherence and 1980s.
establish roots in social bases, for legislatures
to pass major pieces of legislation, and for that POLITICAL PARTIES
legislation to be implemented. In particular, it
takes time for parties representing the interests In democratic settings, the prime carriers of
of less privileged groups to consolidate and political worldviews and corresponding policy
gain representation in competition with parties orientations are political parties. We thus would
representing privileged groups and enjoying a expect the partisan balance of power to shape a
financial advantage. variety of policies that affect inequality over
In studies of income distribution in advanced the medium and long term. There is solid empir-
industrial democracies, democracy does not ical evidence that the strength of left parties
figure as a variable because there are no non- has a significant effect on the extent of redis-
democratic cases outside southern Europe in tribution effected through the welfare state in
the post-World War II period. In contrast, Latin advanced industrial democracies (Bradley et
America and the Caribbean exhibit great vari- al. 2003). Redistribution depends on both the
ation in the lengths of time that countries have size of the welfare state and its structure. Both
been democratic. Thus, we expect the countries left and Christian democratic parties favor large
with the longer democratic traditions to have welfare states, but left parties favor structures
lower inequality. Other studies have found such of transfers and services that benefit particularly
an effect (Burkhart 1997; Reuveny and Li 2003; lower income earners to a greater extent than do
Rudra 2004; but see Bollen and Jackman 1985), Christian democratic parties. When in office
but they have measured the immediate pres- for protracted periods, these parties indeed struc-
ence of democracy in the year the dependent ture welfare states in accordance with these
variable was observed or the year before, not the preferences (Huber and Stephens 2001).
strength of the democratic tradition, which is In advanced industrial societies, the location
theoretically more appropriate.
of parties on the left–right spectrum, defined by
In addition to democracy, we consider the
the strength of commitments to use state
impact of different authoritarian regime types.
resources to promote the goals of lessening
We do this because not all alternatives to democ-
inequality, strengthening social solidarity, and
racy are equal. Indeed some nondemocracies,
serving the underprivileged versus fostering
such as the Peruvian military regime under
growth, promoting individualism, and advanc-
Velasco in 1968–1975, introduced redistributive
reforms and allowed few human rights viola- ing the interests of the privileged, is relatively
tions. Under the Velasco regime, popular organ- clear in the minds of voters and political
izations flourished. Others, such as the observers. The parties have built reputations
bureaucratic authoritarian regimes in Argentina during repeated election campaigns, and in most
and Chile, redistributed income upward and cases, through their actions in the legislature. In
killed, tortured, and incarcerated thousands of most Latin American and Caribbean countries,
their citizens, particularly targeting leaders of the the shorter periods of democracy have offered
left, organized labor, and other social move- fewer opportunities for parties to consolidate as
ments. In the former case, forces promoting organizations and to implant a clear image of
redistribution emerged strengthened from the their worldviews and commitments in the minds
regime, whereas in the latter case, they emerged of voters and observers. Nevertheless, expert
greatly weakened. We therefore hypothesize surveys (i.e., the same procedure used to locate
that extended rule by repressive authoritarian parties on the left–right spectrum in advanced
regimes increases inequality. Yet, we expect this industrial countries [Castles and Mair 1984])
effect to begin fading after replacement of the yield classification of most parties in Latin
repressive regime with a democratic one. In America into the same left, center-left, center,
other words, we expect that the effect from 10 center-right, or right spectrum, with a residual
years of repressive authoritarian rule in the category of personalist parties and a small num-
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ber of parties that cannot be classif ied measures, we also would expect to see a direct
(Coppedge 1997). effect of relative left party strength on inequal-
The second dimension by which parties gen- ity. In addition, we would expect a left-leaning
erally are classified in both advanced industri- balance of legislative power to have a direct
al societies and Latin America is the impact, not mediated by social spending,
religious–secular dimension. In advanced indus- through legislative and administrative meas-
trial societies, Christian democratic parties have ures such as adjustments of the minimum wage,
indeed pursued a distinctive welfare state proj- wage setting for public employees, and labor
ect. In Latin America, Christian parties are laws.
weaker and more heterogeneous, ranging from Center parties in Latin America and the
revolutionary left to conservative right Caribbean are those that base their appeals not
(Mainwaring and Scully 2003). We therefore did primarily on a socioeconomic agenda, but rather
not expect, nor did we find, an effect of Christian on noncontested values such as commitment
party strength on social expenditure patterns. to the rule of law, honest government, and com-
We follow Coppedge (1997) and the con- petent leadership. Accordingly, we would not
vention of conceptualizing the left–right loca- expect any effects on inequality from a heavi-
tion of parties on the basis of their ly centrist balance of partisan power.
socioeconomic agenda, as expressed in partisan In contrast, right-of-center parties are those
appeals and policy initiatives, adopting the clas- that have generally based their appeals on
sifications provided by the expert surveys, growth, prosperity, and order and have protect-
except in the case of the Peronists in Argentina ed the interests of business and of upper income
(see Data section), rather than the alternative earners. We therefore would expect a right-lean-
conceptualization based on the original found- ing balance of legislative power to increase
ing constituency of the party, such as organized inequality.
labor or the oligarchy. This is because the effect
of party strength on inequality depends on the SOCIAL SPENDING
policy orientation of the party, and the latter may
radically change over time. Cases in point are The prime policy instruments for shaping the
parties such as the Peronists in Argentina or distribution of income are taxes and social
the Revolutionary Institutionalist Party (PRI) in expenditures. In advanced industrial democra-
Mexico, which are considered left of center— cies, the size of the welfare state is strongly
often called populist—because of their historic associated with reduction in inequality (Bradley
ties to the labor movement, ties cemented by et al. 2003). In Latin America and the Caribbean,
their founders (Kaufman and Segura-Ubiergo the evidence for the distributive impact of social
2001). Over time, these parties abandoned their spending is more mixed and tends to be differ-
original commitments to redistribution. In the ent for different kinds of expenditures. Social
aftermath of the debt crisis, they even became security spending, particularly the largest share
champions of neoliberalism, favoring policies that goes to pensions, is generally regressive (de
that redistributed income upward and weak- Ferranti et al. 2004; Lindert et al. 2005). Social
ened organized labor, their original ally. security schemes are typically tied to the formal
Conceptualizing such parties as left of center is sector and thus exclude the sizable informal
not theoretically meaningful. sector. Even within the formal labor force, more
Parties classified as left of center are those highly educated and more highly paid employ-
that have favored redistributive policies. In con- ees are the most likely to be covered by social
trast, right-of-center parties have favored growth security. Moreover, because benefits are tied
without regard for its distributive consequences. to earnings, the systems are highly segmented
Accordingly, we would expect to see some (IDB 1998:148). Furthermore, social security
impact of differences between the strength of benefits are very unequally distributed among
left-of-center parties and that of right-of-center those covered, not only because they are earn-
parties on the level of public expenditures, and ings related, but even more so because different
thus indirectly on income distribution. To the schemes exist for different groups, with partic-
extent that we are not able to capture the dis- ular privileges for some, such as the military,
tributive structure of public programs in our police, upper level civil servants, judges, and the
#2989-ASR 71:6 filename:71604-huber—p.951


like. Social security and welfare spending is are near the peak of the curve, and a few have
generally reported in one category by the passed the peak (IDB 1998:89). Thus, for the
International Monetary Fund (IMF). Where dis- whole sample, we would expect the relationship
aggregated figures are available, they show that between economic development and inequali-
more than 80 percent of the expenditures in ty to be mildly negative or neutral.
this category go to social security. Thus, we Much statistical research has been devoted to
expect higher social security and welfare spend- establishing and explaining the U-curve rela-
ing to increase inequality. tionship between economic development and
Spending on health and education represents inequality (e.g. Bollen and Jackman 1985;
an investment in human capital, and as such, a Crenshaw 1992; Muller 1985, 1988, 1989;
considerable lag is likely between the moment Nielsen 1994; Nielsen and Alderson 1995;
of expenditure and returns (in the form of Simpson 1990). Alderson and Nielsen (1999)
decreased inequality levels). Moreover, the dis- emphasize the role of labor force shifts and sec-
tributive effect of health and education expen- toral dualism, along with demographic transi-
diture depends on its allocation. For example, tion and the spread of education. Sectoral
spending on primary education is more redis- dualism refers to the coexistence of a low-pro-
tributive than spending on university educa- ductivity traditional sector and a high-produc-
tion. We do not have breakdowns for these tivity modern sector, and it is expected to
different allocations, but evidence from case contribute positively to overall inequality in a
studies cited by de Ferranti et al. (2004:263–5) society (Alderson and Nielsen 1999:610).
and from analyses by the IDB (1998:190–7) Alderson and Nielsen (1999:610), basing
and by Lindert et al. (2005) indicates that the their theory on Kuznets (1955), hypothesize
bulk of education spending is progressive, and that the shift of the labor force out of the agri-
that health spending is slightly progressive or cultural sector is associated with increasing
neutral. Thus, we hypothesize an overall nega- inequality because the degree of inequality with-
tive effect of sustained high levels of expendi- in the agricultural sector is assumed to be lower.
tures for health and education on inequality. Thus, size of the agricultural population would
In a recent pooled time series analysis of be negatively associated with inequality.
income inequality in a worldwide sample, Lee However, the assumption of lower inequality
(2005) shows that the impact of government within the agricultural sector for Latin America
spending on inequality is dependent on regime is questionable. Indeed, a comparison of Gini
type. In authoritarian regimes, greater govern- indices based on urban and rural surveys con-
ment spending is associated with greater tained in the full UNU-Wider (2005) data base
inequality. In democracies, greater government (described in the Data section) shows that
spending is associated with less inequality. This inequality in the rural samples in Latin America
is a very plausible hypothesis for social spend- is generally higher than the national level.
ing in Latin America, where the main alterna- Therefore, we would expect the opposite rela-
tive to democracy has been right-wing tionship to hold in our set of countries: the larg-
authoritarianism, not communism. It is likely er the proportion of the labor force in agriculture,
that the authoritarian elites in these countries the higher the degree of inequality.
often have protected and extended the privi-
leged position of the upper income groups in the INFLATION
social security system mentioned earlier, and
have shaped health and education spending such Morley (2001:72) argues that during periods
that it benefits upper income groups. of high inflation, labor markets adjust only with
a lag, which leads to a decrease in real wages,
and that this decrease is particularly steep for the
minimum wage. Thus, high inflation drives up
Theories linking economic development and inequality. The IDB (1998:100–2) and World
inequality have been profoundly shaped by Bank studies (de Ferranti et al. 2004:11, 231–9)
Kuznets’ (1955) inverted U conjecture. Most of agree that macroeconomic shocks, which typ-
the Latin American and Caribbean countries ically are accompanied by high inflation, have
are at medium levels of industrialization. Several a detrimental impact on inequality.
#2989-ASR 71:6 filename:71604-huber—p.952


DEMOGRAPHY tributional effect for Latin American countries.

Reuveny and Li (2003) found that inflows of
Previous studies have shown a strong associa- foreign direct investment have a positive effect
tion between population growth and the size of on inequality in a worldwide sample of coun-
the young population, and a positive impact of tries. We also expect that flows and stock of for-
population growth on inequality (Bollen and eign direct investment will have a positive effect
Jackman 1985; Simpson 1990). Alderson and on inequality in Latin America and the
Nielsen (1999) explain this impact as resulting Caribbean because foreign investment usually
from the oversupply of young unskilled work- brings capital-intensive production that creates
ers, which further depresses lower incomes and comparatively few but well-paying jobs.
increases wage differentials. We therefore expect
an increasing percentage of the population
younger than 15 years to push up the level of INFORMAL SECTOR
inequality. The informal sector in Latin America is very
heterogeneous, but low-productivity activities
ETHNIC COMPOSITION dominate. Accordingly, workers employed in
small enterprises in the informal sector show
Official policy in Latin America has emphasized poorer earnings than workers in the formal sec-
ethnic mixing and amalgamation in the interest tor, even when control is used for experience and
of national unity. Scholars agree that indigenous years of schooling. The same is true for self-
people and people of African descent general- employed workers, the vast majority of whom
ly have lower incomes and lower educational are in the informal sector. Moreover, the dif-
attainment. However, studies have shown that ference between male and female earnings is
national inequality is mostly explained by larger among workers in the informal than in the
inequality within racial, ethnic, and gender formal sector, and among the self-employed
groups, and not by the differences between than among formal sector workers (IDB
demographic groups (de Fer ranti et al. 1998:40). Thus, we expect a larger informal
2004:85–96). Nevertheless, we include ethnic sector to be associated with greater overall
diversity among our control variables. income inequality.


The spread of education in the population or the Inequality in land distribution has a direct effect
improvement of human capital is regarded as a on income inequality in the agrarian sector. In
positive factor not only for the promotion of eco- addition, it has a long-term indirect effect on
nomic development, but also for the reduction income inequality in the urban sector via the
of inequality. In most of Latin America and the great numbers of unskilled migrants swelling the
Caribbean, primary education has been univer- reserve army of the unemployed in the cities and
salized since 1970 for the younger cohorts, but thus depressing wages at the bottom. Latin
a large proportion of these cohorts drops out at America has historically had very high inequal-
that point. Accordingly, we would expect high- ity in the distribution of land, which accounts for
er levels of secondary school enrollment to have some of the extraordinarily high income inequal-
a depressing effect on inequality in Latin ity in comparison with other regions. However,
America and the Caribbean. within Latin America, the variation in land-
holding structures is not great. Thus, we cannot
FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT necessarily expect a statistically significant
effect of landholding inequality on income
Previous studies have found that stock of for- inequality.
eign direct investment has a positive effect on
inequality (Bornschier and Chase-Dunn 1985;
Evans and Timberlake 1980). Tsai (1995) found
that this effect is region specific, and that for- Our dependent variable is the Gini index of
eign direct investment has no significant dis- income inequality from the United Nations’
#2989-ASR 71:6 filename:71604-huber—p.953


University World Income Inequality Database, democracy). These categories are collapsed into
WIID (UNU-Wider 2005).3 Compiled using 0 (nondemocracy), .5 (restricted democracy),
several national sources, WIID represents a and 1 (full democracy). To measure democrat-
major improvement in quality over the data of ic history, we cumulate the yearly scores begin-
Deininger and Squire (1996a, 1996b), used ning in 1945.
most frequently in the past, which it subsumes. Legislative partisan balance is derived from
Each observation in the WIID is coded for its Coppedge (1997), who consulted country
quality, area of coverage, income-sharing unit, experts to classify political parties in 11 coun-
unit of analysis, and use of a household size tries of Latin America into two primary dimen-
equivalence scale. We selected observations sions and several residual categories. The
with the highest quality rating, eliminating those left–right dimension reflects a political party’s
with expenditure, consumption, earnings, or ideology and class appeal as well as its relative
market income as the income concept, as well prioritization of growth and redistribution.
as those without coverage of the entire popula- Coppedge’s experts classified parties along this
tion. In the case of multiple observations for the dimension into five categories: left, center-left,
same year, we kept observations which have center, center-right, and right. For example, par-
the individual as the unit of analysis and use an ties of the right presented themselves as, or
equivalence scale adjusted for household size. appealed to, heirs of traditional elites, fascists,
If multiple observations still existed, we took the neofascists, or the military with a conservative
average of the Gini values for the year in ques- message. Experts classified parties as center-
tion. We used indicator variables to control for right that “targeted middle- or lower-class vot-
three remaining hypothesized sources of vari- ers in addition to elite voters, by stressing
ation attributable to survey methodology: no cooperation with the private sector, public order,
adjustment for household size, use of gross ver- clean government, morality, or the priority of
sus net income, and absence of information on growth over distribution.” They classified par-
the use of gross versus net income. In prelimi- ties as centrist that “stressed classic political lib-
nary analyses, we found that only the equiva- eralism, the rule of law, human rights, or
lence scale indicator had a significant impact on democracy, without a salient social or economic
inequality, so we kept it in the final analyses and agenda.” Also included in this category are
dropped the other two.4 “governing parties whose policies are so divid-
The measure of democratic history is derived ed between positions both to the left and to the
from Rueschemeyer et al. (1992). Yearly democ- right of center that no orientation that is most-
racy scores are coded: 0 (colony), 1 (authori- ly consistent between elections is discernible.”
tarian regime), 2 (bureaucratic authoritarian Experts classified as center-left parties that
regime), 3 (restricted democracy), and 4 (full “stress justice, equality, social mobility, or the
complementarity of distribution and accumu-
lation in a way intended not to alienate middle-
3 A more detailed explanation for the measurement
or upper-class voters.” Finally, they classified as
left parties that “employ Marxist ideology or
of the control variables can be found at the follow-
ing Web site:
rhetoric and stress the priority of distribution
index.html. over accumulation and/or the exploitation of
4 Because household size in Latin America and the the working class by capitalists and imperialists
Caribbean varies inversely with income, we expect- and advocate a strong role for the state to cor-
ed no adjustment for household size to result in lower rect social and economic injustices” (see
inequality. By contrast, we did not expect the use of Coppedge 1997 for more details).5
gross (vs net income) to greatly affect the inequali-
ty measure in Latin America and the Caribbean,
where direct taxes represent a small percentage of
5 The second primary dimension in Coppedge’s
GDP (contra Deininger and Squire 1996a). Even in
the OECD countries, direct taxes do not affect much (1997) classification is the religious one, with two cat-
redistribution (Mahler and Jesuit 2005). Likewise, we egories: Christian and secular. Because we found that
did not expect the absence of information about gross the religious dimension made no difference for our
versus net income to make much difference. dependent variable, we combined the Christian and
#2989-ASR 71:6 filename:71604-huber—p.954


We adopted Coppedge’s (1997) classifica- We coded repressive authoritarian regime as

tion of parties for the country-years that fall a separate category, coded 1 for every year that
within our sample, with the exception of the the country had a repressive authoritarian regime
Peronists in Argentina,6 and used his classifi- and 0 for every year that it was without such a
cation scheme to expand the coverage to the full regime, based on the extent of human rights
range of countries and years in our data set, but violations committed or tolerated by the author-
using primary and reference materials instead itarian government. Yearly scores were cumu-
of expert surveys. For parties over which there lated over the 15 years before the year of
was disagreement, we sought external expert observation.9 Our sources were country studies.
advice, with the entire research team convened Measures of social spending as a percentage
finally to make a decision. After classifying of gross domestic product (GDP) are derived
each party, we summed the proportion of the from several sources. The series for social secu-
seats in the lower house or constituent assem- rity and welfare spending comes from the IMF
bly held by each category of parties for each Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFS)
country-year. This resulted in five annual series and the International Financial Statistics
(left, center-left, center, center-right, and right) Yearbook (see also Kaufman and Segura-
Ubiergo 2001). Both spending and GDP are
for each country.7 For years that were nonde-
reported in current local currency units. The
mocratic, as defined by our democracy vari-
fact that these figures include only outlays by
able, all the categories were scored as zero. We
the central government is not a problem for
then calculated the legislative partisan balance
social security and welfare expenditures because
of power (or simply the legislative partisan bal-
these programs in general are uniform across the
ance) by weighting the seat share in a given nation and centrally financed. This is confirmed
year of each category of parties by –1 for right, by the fact that the data series from the IMF and
–0.5 for center-right, 0 for center, 0.5 for cen- our other sources (see below) are very highly
ter-left, and 1 for left parties, and cumulating correlated (.92 to .96). The bulk of spending in
seat shares from 1945 to the year of observation, this combined category goes to social security.
following Cusack and Fuchs (2002), who term The IMF sources report the two types of expen-
the measure the “ideological center of gravity.”8 ditures separately for 179 country-years only. In
these observations, social security accounts for
83 percent of the spending.
secular categories, which resulted in five categories For health and education expenditures, how-
for the left–right dimension. The three residual cate- ever, the exclusion of state and local spending
gories (personalist, other, and unknown) were coded,
is a major problem. To deal with this problem,
but not used in constructing the party balance score.
6 Coppedge (1997) classifies the Peronists as we compared data series from four different
“other,” and we classify them as a center-left party sources: ECLAC (
in the early decades, as a centrist party in the 1970s SistemasDisponibles.asp), Cominetti (1996),
and 1980s, and as a center-right party in the 1990s ECLAC’s Social Panorama (2002, various
under Menem. Because we have only one observa- years), and the IMF sources cited earlier. A
tion for Argentina, in 1972 (all later surveys are for detailed account of the procedure used to con-
urban areas only), our coding of the Peronists from struct the health and education expenditures
the 1970s onward does not affect our results. variable is available from the authors at
7 Our procedure for tallying seat shares differs
<>. As noted,
from that used by Coppedge (1997), who tallied vote
shares. We make this choice on the grounds that seat
shares are more consequential for policy than vote
shares. 9 For the three political variables, we developed and
8 We created a cumulated measure of executive par- experimented with measures cumulated over four
tisan balance in the same way on the basis of which periods: 1945 to the year of observations and the 15,
party controlled the executive (presidency or prime 10, and 5 years preceding the year of observation. We
minister in the case of the parliamentary systems of selected the measure used in the final analyses for
the former British colonies). We used legislative par- both theoretical (democratic history expected to have
tisan balance in the final analyses for reasons dis- a longer term effect) and empirical (better perform-
cussed in the Results section. ance in regression models) reasons.
#2989-ASR 71:6 filename:71604-huber—p.955


successful investment in human capital requires (2003) World Development Indicators.

a sustained effort in the form of expenditure on Employment in agriculture as a percentage of
health and education. In addition, improve- total employment is compiled from four sources:
ments in the human capital base have an impact Alderson and Nielsen (1999), ECLAC (vari-
on income inequality only over the medium ous years), ILO (2003), and the World Bank
and longer term. Therefore, we measure health (2003). Sector dualism measures the absolute
and education spending as the cumulative aver- difference between employment in agriculture
age from the first data point to the year of as a percentage of total employment and agri-
observation. culture as a percentage of GDP (Nielsen 1994).
To test Lee’s (2005) hypothesis that the effect We had to interpolate 85 observations for
of social spending depends on the political employment in agriculture and 1 observation for
regime, we created interaction terms between the agriculture as a share of GDP from 5-year inter-
two social spending variables and the demo- val data. This was not a problem for the same
cratic record variable. To reduce collinearity reasons as in the case of secondary enrollment.
between interactions and main terms, we cen- Foreign direct investment inflows are meas-
tered the democracy variable. ured as a percentage of gross capital forma-
To measure the spread of education, we take tion. The data are compiled from the World
the net secondary school enrollment ratio from Bank’s (2003) World Development Indicators.
the World Bank’s (2003) World Development The measure of inward investment stock is taken
Indicators. Before 1990, the World Bank report- from two sources: United Nations Conference
ed enrollment data at 5-year intervals. Where the on Trade and Development [UNCTAD] (2002)
value was missing for a specific year, we inter- Handbook of Statistics and the United Nations
polate over the 5-year interval. Although we Centre on Transnational Corporations (1985).
must do this for 86 data points, this is not a prob- Because of their theoretical importance in
lem because enrollment data do not change the Latin American context, we made great
much from year to year and generally show efforts to develop reasonable measures of land
clear trends. distribution and informal sector size from very
Reasonably good data on ethnic divisions in sketchy data. However, we were unable to find
Latin America are available only as cross-sec- data for 34 data points, and therefore dropped
tional data for circa 2000 on the percentage of the variables from the analysis.11
the population that is indigenous and the per-
centage of the population of African descent (de ANALYTIC TECHNIQUES
Ferranti et al. 2004:78). We reasoned that there
would be a threshold effect, so we created a We use an unbalanced panel data set with 135
dichotomous variable in which the total popu- observations from 18 Latin American and
lation of indigenous and African descent less Caribbean countries: Argentina, Bahamas,
than 20 percent or more than 80 percent (as in Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia,
the case of some of the English-speaking Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador,
Caribbean countries) were coded as not diverse, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua,
and in which such a population comprising 20 Panama, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, and
to 80 percent were coded as diverse.10 Venezuela. The inequality data were available
Gross Domestic Product in 1996 purchasing for varying numbers of time points for the coun-
power parity dollars is taken from the Penn tries. The data span the period 1970 to 2000. A
World Tables supplemented by the World Bank’s central problem in estimating regression mod-
els from panel data is that the assumed inde-
pendence of errors across observations is
10 The analyses conducted support the threshold

hypothesis: the dichotomous indicator was signifi-

cant, whereas the percentage of indigenous, the per- 11 When land distribution and informal sector were

centage of African descent (entered individually or added to the baseline (Model 1 in Table 3), they were
together as separate variables), and the total per- insignificant. Including them in the analysis did not
centage of indigenous or African descent were not sig- affect the main findings, although the significance
nificant. level of a few independent variables was reduced.
#2989-ASR 71:6 filename:71604-huber—p.956


Table 2. Means of the Dependent Variable and Selected Independent Variables

Social Stock
Ideological Security Health of
Years Center Repressive & and Foreign
Gini of of Authoritarian Welfare Education Sector Direct
Coefficient Democracy Gravity Regimes ExpenditureExpenditure Dualism Investment
Argentina 36.1 9.0 –.1 6.5 3.9 1.3 4.4 6.6
Chile 54.9 18.0 –.3 10.5 8.9 6.4 8.9 23.2
Costa Rica 47.2 39.4 1.2 0 3.6 8.5 9.6 23.5
Mexico 53.0 .4 –.2 0 3.1 4.4 21.6 10.0
Bolivia 59.8 19.0 –3.8 0 5.3 5.0 18.4 45.5
Brazil 59.3 12.9 –.8 9.9 8.0 3.4 20.1 10.0
Colombia 57.1 19.9 –2.4 0 1.2 4.8 5.5 8.3
Peru 54.5 10.8 1.6 0 1.1 4.3 27.6 9.0
Venezuela 47.5 34.7 2.8 0 2.5 5.5 6.7 14.6
Bahamas 46.2 11.3 2.6 0 1.0 7.3 2.3 80.4
Barbados 46.4 12.0 5.8 0 5.0 11.2 1.6 32.6
Jamaica 57.9 33.7 –.4 0 .5 8.5 14.7 29.9
Trinidad & Tobago 43.9 16.5 7.2 0 1.8 4.0 8.8 32.8
Dominican Republic 48.1 12.3 .8 0 .8 3.6 8.4 10.9
El Salvador 51.2 5.4 –6.2 3.3 .7 3.9 13.1 5.3
Guatemala 56.4 7.7 –3.1 8.7 .6 2.5 23.1 17.9
Nicaragua 55.7 4.5 2.0 .5 4.5 7.0 9.3 13.6
Panama 57.0 11.0 –2.9 0 5.2 9.6 12.9 54.0
Notes: These are means for the years of observation we have in our data set only; they can not be interpreted as
means for the entire period from 1970 to 2000.

unlikely to be satisfied. As a result, OLS pro- same way at each point in time over the period
duces incorrect standard errors for the regres- of the data. The stable unit-specific component
sion coefficients (Greene 1993). implies that observations for the same unit at dif-
There are several strategies for dealing with ferent time points all are correlated by the same
correlated errors in panel data. One approach amount, . The REM strategy is feasible with
assumes serially correlated errors within each our data. One attractive feature of REM is that
unit (country), obeying a unit-specific autore- it allows estimation for the value of . However,
gressive process, which may optionally be con- REM requires relatively strong assumptions,
strained to be the same across units. This such as equal correlations among errors with-
approach requires what Stimson (1985) calls in units.
temporally dominated time series of cross-sec- Because it is not substantively essential in this
tions (i.e., data structures consisting of rela- study to measure , we adopt an alternative
tively few units observed over many equally estimation strategy that addresses the correla-
spaced time points) (Beck 2001; Beck and Katz tion problem while requiring a minimum of
1995:635–4). Because the average number of assumptions on the behavior of the errors. We
time points (7.5) is much smaller than the num- combine OLS estimation of the regression coef-
ber of units (18), our data set precludes this ficients, which provides consistent estimates
approach. of the regression coefficients with the use of a
Another approach is to estimate a random robust-cluster estimator of the standard errors.
effect model (REM) in which the error term con- The standard (i.e., noncluster) Huber-White or
tains a unit-specific component that differs “sandwich” robust estimator of the variance
across units, but is constant over time for a matrix of parameter estimates correct standard
given unit. Such an error structure would arise errors in the presence of any heteroskedastici-
if unmeasured unit-specific causes, such as sys- ty (i.e., unequal variances of the error terms) pat-
tematic measurement differences or other over- tern, but not in the presence of correlated errors
looked aspects of a country’s social and cultural (i.e., nonzero off-diagonal elements in the
makeup, affect the dependent variable in the covariance matrix of the errors) (Long and Ervin
#2989-ASR 71:6 filename:71604-huber—p.957


2000). The robust-cluster variance estimator is measure of democracy is a measure of demo-

a variant of the Huber-White estimator that cratic history, and it is not possible for current
remains valid (i.e., provides correct coverage) inequality to cause political history.
in the presence of any pattern of correlations Nevertheless, because it is likely that current
among errors within units, including serial cor- inequality is correlated with past inequality, we
relation and correlation attributable to unit-spe- cannot reject the proposition that our coeffi-
cif ic components (Rogers 1993; see also cients may somewhat overestimate the effect
Sribney 1998; StataCorp 1999:256–60). Thus of democracy on inequality. However, given
the robust-cluster standard errors are unaffect- that democracy’s effect is entirely indirect via
ed by the presence of unmeasured stable coun- its effect on the legislative balance of power
try-specific factors causing correlation among (see later), we have support for our theoretical
errors of observations of the same country, or view that democracy reduces inequality over
for that matter, any other form of within-unit the medium and long term by making the emer-
error correlation. gence of parties to the left of center possible.
The robust-cluster estimator of the standard
errors is impervious only to correlations of RESULTS
errors within clusters. It requires errors to be
uncorrelated between clusters. The latter Table 3 displays the results of our analysis.
assumption might be violated if unmeasured Model 1 summarizes our preliminary analyses
factors affect the dependent variable in all units of the major developmental and dependency
at the same point in time. Global economic factors emphasized in previous studies of
fluctuations, such as the debt crisis period in inequality. We estimate this trimmed model as
Latin America during the 1980s, could produce a baseline against which to conservatively assess
such contemporaneous effects. To evaluate the the impact of the political variables on inequal-
potential impact of such unmeasured period-spe- ity. Model 1 is mostly, but not entirely, consis-
cific factors, we reestimated the models with tent with previous studies. Sector dualism, GDP
indicator variables for the debt crisis per capita, inflation, dependency (measured as
(1982–1989) and for the 1990s (1990–2000). stock of foreign direct investment [FDI]), and
The baseline category cor responds to ethnic heterogeneity all contribute significant-
ly to inequality in the expected direction.
1970–1981. To check for robustness of the
Secondary school enrollment, which has been
results, the models also were estimated with
negatively associated with inequality in previ-
panel-corrected standard errors, OLS, and REM.
ous studies, is unexpectedly nonsignificant in
The results were substantially the same using
this data set. Likewise, the effect of the youth
these alternative techniques. The robust cluster
population is unexpectedly negative, but sig-
estimates proved to be the most conservative.
nificant only in Models 1 and 2.12
We performed regression diagnostics on the
Model 2, which adds the measure of demo-
full model (Model 4) to detect possibly influ-
cratic history to the baseline, represents the
ential observations. Two observations (Bahamas
most direct test of our overall political hypoth-
1979 and Argentina 1972) have large residuals.
esis. The coefficient of democratic history is
However these observations are not influential,
negative and significant (p < .01), indicating that
and their exclusion does not affect the results,
prolonged periods of democratic rule are asso-
so they were kept in the analysis. We original-
ly suspected (on substantive grounds) that obser-
vations for Costa Rica might be influential,
12 Model 1 is derived from a more comprehensive
especially in models with a democracy–social
security spending interaction term, but regres- model including all nonpolitical variables and the
methodological indicators listed in Table 1. Six
sion diagnostics did not reveal any undue influ-
insignificant variables were dropped from this orig-
ence of these observations. inal model because of missing data points (inflow of
A final estimation difficulty is the problem foreign investment), because of excessive collinear-
of endogeneity given that inequality has been ity once the political variables (agricultural employ-
hypothesized to be a cause of democracy (e.g., ment) were added, or because of economy of
see Rueschemeyer et al. 1992). This problem is presentation (the methodological and period indica-
partly addressed by the fact that our cumulative tors).
#2989-ASR 71:6 filename:71604-huber—p.958


Table 3. Determinants of Income Inequality with Robust Cluster Standard Errors

Independent Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4

No Adjustment Indicator –3.891** –4.043** –3.001** –2.981**
GDP Per Capita –.312** –.461** –.321* –.229*
Net Secondary School Enrollment .018 .031 .054 .051
Sector Dualism .405*** .333*** .262** .212**
Inflation .001* .001* .001* .001
Youth Population –.383^ –.423^ –.165 –.045
Stock of FDI .065*** .058*** .036** .038**
Ethnic Heterogeneity 4.092** 4.146** 4.353** 4.064***
Democracy –.105** –.060 .115
Health and Education .256 .116
Social Security and Welfare .174 .276*
Legislative Partisan Balance –.527* –.672***
Repressive Authoritarianism .139 .079
Democracy  Social Security Welfare –.049**
Constant 60.832*** 65.644*** 52.000*** 45.375***
R2 .62 .66 .70 .73
N 135 135 135 135
Note: Data shown are ordinary least squares estimates.
* p ≤ .05, ** p ≤ .01, *** p ≤ .001, (one-tailed test); ^ p ≤ .05 (two-tailed test, but sign of coefficient opposite of
directional hypothesis).

ciated with lower inequality, when control is tingent on the political regime: social security
used for development and investment depend- and welfare spending under conditions of sus-
ency. Model 3 adds the variables through which tained democracy is likely to be egalitarian,
we hypothesized that democracy would affect whereas it is anti-egalitarian where the demo-
inequality, namely, the two social expenditures cratic record is weak. Our most important find-
measures: legislative partisan balance and ing about democracy is that it works through
repressive authoritarianism. The significance political parties. The fact that democratic his-
of democratic history vanishes, but legislative tory falls to insignificance and that legislative
partisan balance has a significant negative effect partisan balance becomes the significant polit-
on inequality (p < .05), as expected. Finally, ical variable in Models 3 and 4 indicates that
Model 4 adds the interaction of democracy with democracy matters for inequality only if it trans-
social security and welfare expenditures. The lates into growth in the strength of center left and
interaction term has a significant negative effect left parties. Comparison of Models 1 and 4
(p < .01). The negative impact of legislative
shows that these political effects are statistical-
partisan balance becomes highly significant (p
ly substantial: together our political variables
< .001), and social security and welfare spend-
raise the variation explained from 62 to 73 per-
ing assumes a significant positive effect. This
model confirms that social security and welfare cent. This 11 percent increase is a lower bound
spending in a strongly democratic context estimate, that is, it assigns the overlap in the
indeed does reduce inequality, whereas it explained variation entirely to the control vari-
increases inequality in other contexts. The model ables. An upper bound estimate of the effect of
also confirms that a left-leaning legislative par- political variables (i.e., one that assigns the
tisan balance has a direct depressing effect on overlap in explained variation to the political
inequality, which is not mediated through spend- variables) is that they explain 52 percent of the
ing. The health and education interaction term variation, with legislative partisan balance alone
is not significant and produces severe multi- explaining 28 percent of the variation in inequal-
collinearity when added to Model 3 or 4 (not ity. We contend that the actual variation
shown). explained by the political variables lies some-
Thus, our most important finding about social where between these lower and upper bound
spending is that its effect on inequality is con- estimates.
#2989-ASR 71:6 filename:71604-huber—p.959


Another way to evaluate the explanatory policies related to inequality than the political
power of the political variables in Model 4 is to coloring of the executive.
estimate the unit change in the Gini caused by In past presentations of this and related analy-
an increase from the 10th to the 90th percentile ses, we often have been asked whether the inclu-
in an independent variable. A move of this size sion of the English-speaking Caribbean (4
on the democracy–social security spending countries, 20 observations in this analysis) bias-
interaction term results in a 5.2-unit decrease in es the analysis. Latin America specialists, in
the Gini. (Concretely, in the data, this corre- particular, often argue that the recent colonial
sponds to a movement from Brazil in 1970 to history of the English Caribbean results in very
Venezuela in 1996.) A move from the 10th to the different political dynamics in those countries.
90th percentile in the legislative partisan balance Two tests indicate that the inclusion of these
results in a 4.3-unit decrease in the Gini, and an countries did not make a difference. A dichoto-
equivalent difference in social security and wel- mous indicator for the English Caribbean was
fare spending results in a 2.3-unit increase in the not significant when added to the equations,
Gini. In comparison, a move from the 10th to and excluding the 20 English Caribbean obser-
the 90th percentile of the most powerful control vations entirely did not change the results.
variable, sector dualism, results in a 4.4-unit
increase in the Gini: inward stock of foreign DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
investment in a 1.5-unit increase and GDP per
capita in a 1.4-unit decrease. Our analysis strongly supports our theoretical
The most consistently significant control claims regarding the importance of politics in
variables are ethnic heterogeneity, foreign direct shaping the extent of economic inequality in
investment, and sector dualism. The result of Latin American and Caribbean countries. We
sector dualism confirms the findings in other found evidence that the strength of the demo-
studies that the coexistence of a high-produc- cratic record, the cumulative record of the
tivity modern and a low-productivity tradition- strength of left-of-center parties in the legisla-
al agrarian sector increases inequality (Alderson ture, and the interaction of social security spend-
and Nielsen 1999). As to the impact of accu- ing and democracy all have significant impacts
mulated foreign investment, there is a long on lowering inequality.
research tradition, originating with the depend- Democracy matters for inequality in at least
ency school, which emphasized the inegalitar- two ways. It matters over the longer term
ian consequences of foreign direct investment. because it allows those leaders concerned with
This investment tends to be more capital inten- the welfare of the underprivileged to build
sive than domestic investment, and it creates rel- organizations in the form of political parties
atively few jobs, all in the formal sector. In and allows those parties to build a support base,
addition, foreign investors have leverage con- gain influence in the legislature, and use that
cerning demands for tax breaks, which may influence to shape policies in a redistributive
constrain the government’s resource base and direction. It also matters because it induces
thus its ability to pursue redistributive policies. political leaders in general to be more respon-
We also estimated the models of Table 3 sive to the underprivileged. When we control for
using executive partisan balance instead of leg- legislative partisan balance, the interaction effect
islative partisan balance. The results (not shown) of spending and democracy remains signifi-
are similar to those in Table 3. However, the unit cant, which indicates that expenditures on social
decrease in the Gini caused by an increase from security and welfare programs in countries with
the 10th to the 90th percentile in the executive strong democratic records have a more redis-
partisan balance (2.2) is smaller than that caused tributive effect than in countries with weak dem-
by a similar increase in the legislative partisan ocratic records. This effect is easy to understand
balance (4.3), and the explained variation is if we keep in mind that the alternative to democ-
smaller (70 vs 73 percent). Thus, contrary to the racy in Latin America in the great majority of
often heard assertion that the composition of the cases has been right-wing authoritarianism, not
legislature does not matter much for policy in communism or other forms of left-wing author-
Latin America because of overpowering exec- itarianism. The effect of partisan legislative bal-
utives, we find that it is more important for ance is as strong as that of the strongest control
#2989-ASR 71:6 filename:71604-huber—p.960


variable, sector dualism, and stronger than that bution. Numerous studies that break down the
of the gross national product (GNP) per capita. Luxembourg Income Study micro data for var-
The reason why health and education spend- ious countries by program show that almost all
ing was not significant in our model is perhaps welfare state transfers, including pensions, have
because the bulk of that spending is distribu- an equalizing effect on income distribution,
tionally neutral, or because the effect is indirect some more than others.13 By contrast, the few
and there is a lag between spending and effect. studies of micro data investigating income dis-
Recent studies of micro data suggest that even tribution in Latin America show that social
where health and education spending is pro- security transfers go disproportionately to upper
gressive, it is only mildly so (Lindert et al. income groups (de Ferranti et al. 2004; IDB
2005). Progressive spending on health and edu- 1998; Lindert et al. 2005). In countries with
cation is an investment in the human capital of long records of democracy, such as Uruguay and
those at the lower end of the income distribu- Costa Rica, pension systems tend to be less
tion, and it takes a generation for current spend- fragmented, and minimum or noncontributory
ing to show a return on that investment, and thus pensions tend to be better developed than aver-
an effect on income distribution. age, which makes them more egalitarian (Huber
It is worthwhile to compare our results with and Stephens 2005). Moreover, other categories
those of recent pooled time series analyses of of welfare spending are larger and more redis-
income distribution in worldwide sets of coun- tributive. It is no accident that in these two
tries (Alderson and Nielsen 1999; Lee 2005; countries, left-of-center parties also have had
Nielsen and Alderson 1995; Reuveny and Li strong representation in the legislature over a
2003), less developed countries (Rudra 2004), long period. Thus, the general theoretical argu-
and Latin American and Caribbean countries ment about the importance of the partisan bal-
(Morley 2001). All these studies except that of ance of power in the legislature, rooted in power
Nielsen and Alderson (1995) use the Deininger constellation theory (Huber and Stephens 2001),
and Squire (1996b) data. Morley adds the has explanatory power for Latin America and the
Londoño and Székely (1997) data. Nielsen and Caribbean as well as for advanced industrial
Alderson, Alderson and Nielsen, and Lee all countries.
find that inward stock of foreign capital is pos- The finding that politics matter for income
itively related to inequality, a conclusion con- distribution in advanced industrial countries is
firmed by our results for Latin America. Lee well established, despite the recognition that
(2005) finds, as we do, that the impact of aggre- constraints from economic globalization have
gate government spending on inequality reduced the policy tools available to govern-
depends on the political regime: Alderson and ments. The finding that politics also matter in
Nielsen and Lee find no significant effect of Latin America and the Caribbean is of particu-
democracy on inequality, whereas Rudra and lar importance because the constraints imposed
Reuveny and Li find, as we do, that it has a neg- by powerful actors in the global economy are
ative effect. One reason explaining our stronger more severe. Indeed, it is often alleged that they
results for democracy may be the difference in reduce the room for maneuver of governments
the measures: other studies use a measure for in the region so much that these governments are
one time point, whereas we operationalize the unable to construct decent social safety nets
history of democratic rule. Finally, we find at and reduce income inequality.
least some evidence to support Morley’s find- The central implications of our results are that
ing that inflation increases inequality in Latin the deep historical structural roots of inequali-
America and the Caribbean. ty in Latin America and the Caribbean weigh
Our results for Latin America and the heavily on income distribution at the beginning
Caribbean partly square with, but also differ of the 21st century, but that they are not
from, the results for advanced capitalist democ-
racies. Alderson and Nielsen (2002) and
Gustafsson and Johannson (1999) find that 13 These are too numerous to cite. A large number
social spending is very strongly related to of them appear in the Luxembourg Income Study
income equality in advanced capitalist democ- (LIS) working paper series (which can be accessed
racies, and Bradley et al. (2003) show that it is at
very strongly related to governmental redistri- wpapers.htm).
#2989-ASR 71:6 filename:71604-huber—p.961


immutable. We have shown that politics do parative social stratification and mobility (across
make a difference. Prolonged periods of dem- societies, across U.S. counties, and over time, with
ocratic rule allow for articulation of the inter- a special focus on income inequality), mechanisms
ests of the underprivileged. Democracy does of sociocultural evolution (using cross-cultural data),
and ways that social structure conditions the roles of
not guarantee that these interests will be artic- genes and environment in socioeconomic outcomes.
ulated, much less that they will be protected. Some of his articles on these topics have appeared
However, democracy does increase the proba- in the American Journal of Sociology, the American
bility that this will happen in Latin America. The Sociological Review, Social Forces, and Sociological
articulation of interests of the underprivileged Theory.
through left parties can—if left parties grow Jennifer Pribble is a doctoral candidate in Political
sufficiently strong to achieve legislative influ- Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel
ence—shape a whole range of policies to reduce Hill. She currently is conducting her dissertation
inequality, including spending on social secu- field research in Chile and Uruguay with support
rity and welfare. from the Ford Foundation and the Organization of
To date, the strength of the democratic record American States. Her research focuses on issues of
and of left influence in the legislatures has been poverty and inequality in Latin America. She recent-
ly published the article, “Women and Welfare: the
sufficient to allow for modest departures only
Politics of Coping with New Social Risks in Chile and
in strengthening of the fiscal base of govern- Uruguay,” in the Latin American Research Review,
ments and in increasing and restructuring of 41:2, 2006.
public expenditures with an emphasis on redis-
John D. Stephens is the Gerhard E. Lenski, Jr.
tributive transfer programs, primary and sec-
Distinguished Professor of Political Science and
ondary education, and preventive and basic Sociology, University of North Carolina, Chapel
health care. Where left-of-center parties have Hill. His main interests are comparative social pol-
had influence on politics over the medium and icy and political economy, with area foci on Europe,
long term, they have had some impact on the the Antipodes, Latin America, and the Caribbean. He
construction of basic social safety nets in the is the author or coauthor of four books including
form of noncontributory, tax-financed trans- Capitalist Development and Democracy (with
fers to the working-age poor with children and Evelyne Huber and Dietrich Rueschemeyer, 1992)
to the elderly poor. However, for newly emerg- and Development and Crisis of the Welfare State
(with Evelyne Huber, 2001) and numerous journal
ing left-wing parties, generating new resources articles.
through tax reform has been as politically dif-
ficult, as has restructuring of the old inegali-
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