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International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering

Volume 3, Issue 4, 2016

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International Journal of Innovative and Emerging
Research in Engineering
e-ISSN: 2394 - 3343 p-ISSN: 2394 - 5494

Load Flow Analysis & Simulation on IEEE 30 Bus System

Alpit A. Tejlavwala
P.G. Student, Department of EE, S.C.E.T. College, Surat, Gujarat, India.

In this papers present design analysis and simulation on IEEE 30 bus system and comparison for MATLAB
programme (G-S method or N-R method). Load flow Simulink model develops and design for IEEE 30 bus system
in MATLAB. In load flow used at constant load connected and transmission line calculated capacitor and inductor
from MATLAB. All buses Vabc and Iabc waveform and pu calculation.
Keywords: Power Flow, One-line diagram, Simulink Model.

Besides giving real and reactive power the load flow study provides information about line and transformer loading
through Out the system and voltage at different point in the system for evaluation and regulation of the performance of the
power systems. Growing demand of the power and complexity of the power system network, power system study is a
signification tool for a power system operation in order to advent of digital computers, load flow solutions were obtained
using network analysers load flow analysis used in different method [1]. Every method has got advantages as well as dis
advantages. The objective of this papers is to develop an MATLAB Simulink model to perform load flow analysis for
IEEE 30 bus system. In this bus system provided data form generation bus, shunt capacitor, transmission line, load on bus.
But MATLAB Simulink model calculated data for series admittance (conductance and susceptance), value of inductor and
The formulation of the load flow problem assumes that the data provided is absolutely precise and provides results totally
compatible with the given data apart from round-off errors. However, in practice, it can be readily appreciated that load
flow data can only be known within some finite precision, the being more the case as the study represents conditions that
are more distant into the future. As a normal screening process, the engineer looks at the range of possible values for a
particular piece of data and selects an average value as the number to be used in the load flow study [4].


Figure 1. Bus classification [2]

Table 1. Types of buses

No. Bus types Specified Variables Unspecified Variables Remark

[known] [unknown]
1. Slack/Swing bus |𝑉|,  Pg, Qg |𝑉|,  are assumed if not
specified as 1.0 and 0

International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2016
2. Generation/Machine/PV bus Pg, |𝑉| Qg,  A generator is present at
the machine bus

3. Load/PQ bus Pg, Qg |𝑉|,  About 80% buses are of

PQ type

4. Voltage controlled bus Pg, Qg, |𝑉| , a ‘a’ is the % tap change in
tap-changing transformer
Irrespective of the method used for the solution, the data required is common for any load flow. All data is normally in
pu. The bus admittance matrix is formulated from these data. The various data required are as under:
System data: It includes: number of buses-n, number of PV buses, number of loads, number of transmission lines, number
of transformers, number of shunt elements, the slack bus number, voltage magnitude of slack bus (angle is generally taken
as 0 0 ), tolerance limit, base MVA, and maximum permissible number of iterations [3].
Generator bus data: For every PV bus i, the data required includes the bus number, active power generation PGi, the
specified voltage magnitude Vi,sp minimum reactive power limit Qi,min, and maximum reactive power limit Qi,max [3].
Load data: For all loads the data required includes the the bus number, active power demand PDi, and the reactive power
demand QDi [3].
Transmission line data: For every transmission line connected between buses i and k the data includes the starting bus
number i, ending bus number k, resistance of the line, reactance of the line and the half line charging admittance [3].
Transformer data: For every transformer connected between buses i and k the data to be given includes: the starting bus
number i, ending bus number k, resistance of the transformer, reactance of the transformer, and the off nominal turns-ratio
a [3].
Shunt element data: The data needed for the shunt element includes the bus number where element is connected, and the
shunt admittance (Gsh + j Bsh) [3].

Pi+jQi Pgi+jQGi

Bus i


System in bus Frame of LOAD

Reference G

Ref. Bus

Figure 2. Power flow at a bus-i

International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2016



1. Read input data

2. Perform a conventional load flow study

3. Calculate the covariance matrix of voltages from the linear model

4. Calculate the bise in the estimated voltages

5. Augment the expected values with the change in bias.

Calculate the new Jacobian

6. Is the change in bias less than e ?

7. Calculate the expected values and the covariance matrix of active and reactive line flows


Figure 3load flow


International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2016

Line 1 Generator

100 MVA

BUS 1 or slack G1 Shunt Capacitor

G2 BUS 2
Transmission Line
Line 2

Line 3


Line 4
Line 22
Line 5

G3 Line 18

Line 17

Line 30
BUS 12
Line 16 Line 20
Line 15
Line 6

Line 19

Line 23
Line 7
BUS 20

Line 29
Line 25 Line 24


Line 12 BUS17

Line 21
Line 26
BUS 10

Line 11
Line 27 BUS23
Line 9
Line 14
Line 28 Line 29

Line 32

Line 13


BUS11 Line 31

Line 37
Line 8
Line 10 Line 38
Line 33
Line 34
Line 35
BUS26 Line 36
Line 41

Line 40

One Line Diagram – IEEE – 30 Bus System



Figure 4. One-line diagram

Slack bus: 1
P-V buses: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. (voltage controlled)
P-Q buses: 7 to 30.
N = 30 and Ng = 5, there are 2N – Ng – 2 = 53 equation to be solved for the 53 state variables shown.

Table 2. transmission line data

Line From To Series Admittance (p.u.) Line

No. Bus Bus 1 Capacitor
YZ Susceptance

1. 1 2 5.22460 -15.64673 0.02640

2. 1 3 1.24374 -5.096021 0.02040
3. 2 4 1.70553 -5.197379 0.01840
4. 3 4 8.19544 -23.53087 0.00420
5. 2 5 1.13596 -4.772479 0.02090
6. 2 6 1.68614 -5.116477 0.01870
7. 4 6 6.41312 -22.31120 0.00450
8. 5 7 2.95402 -7.449268 0.01020
9. 6 7 3.59021 -11.02611 0.00850
10. 6 8 6.28930 -22.01257 0.00450
International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2016
11. 6 9 0 -4.807692 0
12. 6 10 0 -1.798561 0
13. 9 11 0 -4.807692 0
14. 9 10 0 -9.090909 0
15. 4 12 0 -3.906250 0
16. 12 13 0 -7.142857 0
17. 12 14 1.52656 -3.173425 0
18. 12 15 3.09539 -6.097275 0
19. 12 16 1.95199 -4.104359 0
20. 14 15 2.49095 -2.250874 0
21. 16 17 1.89780 -4.379363 0
22. 15 18 1.80769 -3.691423 0
23. 18 19 3.07568 -6.218758 0
24. 19 20 5.88235 -11.76470 0
25. 10 20 1.78483 -3.985358 0
26. 10 17 3.95603 -10.31744 0
27. 10 21 5.10185 -10.98071 0
28. 10 22 2.61931 -5.400770 0
29. 21 22 16.77454 34.127718 0
30. 15 23 1.96834 -3.976064 0
31. 22 24 2.54053 -3.954402 0
32. 23 24 1.46140 -2.989238 0
33. 24 25 1.30989 -2.287622 0
34. 25 26 1.21653 -1.817144 0
35. 25 27 1.96929 -3.760212 0
36. 28 27 0 -2.710027 0
37. 27 29 0.99553 -1.881005 0
38. 27 30 0.68745 -1.293971 0
39. 29 30 0.91205 -1.723358 0
40. 8 28 1.44397 -4.540814 0.02140
41. 6 28 4.36284 -15.46357 0.00650

Admittance, Y   G 2  B2
Conductance, G 
Inductive Susceptance, B L 
Table Susceptanc
2. transmission line e,  2 fC

Line From To
No. Bus Bus R L C

International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2016
1. 1 2 0.01920 -2.03435e-4 8.40338e-5
2. 1 3 0.04520 -6.24624e-4 6.49352e-5
3. 2 4 0.05700 -6.12443e-4 5.85690e-5
4. 3 4 0.01320 -1.35273e-4 1.33690e-5
5. 2 5 0.04720 -6.66969e-4 6.65267e-5
6. 2 6 0.05810 -6.22127e-4 5.95239e-5
7. 4 6 0.01190 -1.42668e-4 1.43239e-5
8. 5 7 0.04600 -4.27303e-4 3.24676e-5
9. 6 7 0.02670 -2.88687e-4 2.70563e-5
10. 6 8 0.01200 -1.44603e-4 1.43239e-5
11. 6 9 0 -6.62084e-4 0
12. 6 10 0 -1.76980e-3 0
13. 9 11 0 -6.62084e-4 0
14. 9 10 0 -3.50140e-4 0
15. 4 12 0 -8.14873e-4 0
16. 12 13 0 -4.45633e-4 0
17. 12 14 0.12310 -1.00304e-3 0
18. 12 15 0.06620 -5.22052e-4 0
19. 12 16 0.09450 -7.75541e-4 0
20. 14 15 0.22100 -1.41416e-3 0
21. 16 17 0.08240 -7.26840e-4 0
22. 15 18 0.10700 -8.62295e-4 0
23. 18 19 0.06390 -5.11854e-4 0
24. 19 20 0.03400 -2.70563e-4 0
25. 10 20 0.09360 -7.98698e-4 0
26. 10 17 0.03240 -3.08516e-4 0
27. 10 21 0.03480 -2.89880e-4 0
28. 10 22 0.07270 -5.89378e-4 0
29. 21 22 0.01160 -9.32701e-5 0
30. 15 23 0.10000 -8.00565e-4 0
31. 22 24 0.11500 -8.04950e-4 0
32. 23 24 0.13200 -1.06485e-3 0
33. 24 25 0.18850 -1.39144e-3 0
34. 25 26 0.25440 -1.75170e-3 0
35. 25 27 0.10930 -8.46521e-4 0
36. 28 27 0 -1.17456e-3 0
37. 27 29 0.21980 -1.69223e-3 0
38. 27 30 0.32020 -2.45994e-3 0
39. 29 30 0.23990 -1.84723e-3 0
40. 8 28 0.06360 -7.00997e-4 6.81183e-5
41. 6 28 0.01690 -2.05845e-4 2.06901e-5

Table 3. Y-bus data

No. Y-Bus G B

International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2016
1. Y11 6.46834 -20.74275
2. Y22 9.751964 -30.7330
3. Y33 9.439189 -28.6268
4. Y44 16.314102 -38.8519
5. Y55 4.08998 -12.22174
6. Y66 22.341629 -82.536
7. Y77 6.54423 -18.475412
8. Y88 9.177234 -31.09420
9. Y99 0 -20.504854
10. Y1010 24.304763 -66.857
11. Y1111 0 -9.615384
12. Y1212 6.5749807 -24.4241
13. Y1313 0 -7.142857
14. Y1414 4.017519 -5.424299
15. Y1515 9.362395 -16.01563
16. Y1616 3.8198007 -8.48372
17. Y1717 5.823839 -14.6968
18. Y1818 4.883385 -9.910181
19. Y1919 8.958038 -17.9834
20. Y2020 7.667182 -15.75005
21. Y2121 21.876494 -45.1084
22. Y2222 21.934498 -43.482
23. Y2323 3.429753 -6.96530
24. Y2424 5.311835 -9.23126
25. Y2525 4.495741 -7.86497
26. Y2626 1.2165301 -1.81714
27. Y2727 3.65228 -9.645215
28. Y2828 5.806823 -22.7144
29. Y2929 1.907586 -3.604363
30 Y3030 4.599508 -3.017329

Figure 5. IEEE 30 bus system

International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2016

International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2016
Figure 6. IEEE 30 bus system (MATLAB Simulation)

Figure 7. simulation output [ bus 1, bus 2, bus 3, Vabc]

International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2016


Load flow analysis is carried out in IEEE 30 bus test system. Output Voltage magnitude and Voltage Angle values from
IEEE 30 bus system. All data are in per unit. Angle is given in radian.

Table 4. Test output

Bus. Voltage (V) Angle Bus Voltage(V) Angle

No. No.

1. 1.0000 0 16. 0.9942 -0.0029

2. 1.0025 0.0128 17. 0.9915 -0.0046
3. 1.0003 -0.0006 18. 0.9971 -0.0031
4. 1.0048 -0.0010 19. 0.9935 -0.0042
5. 1.0014 -0.0489 20. 0.9945 -0.0013
6. 1.0071 -0.0002 21. 0.9921 -0.0029
7. 0.9751 -0.0092 22. 1.0000 0.0000
8. 1.0041 0.0019 23. 0.9923 -0.0031
9. 1.0168 0 24. 0.9928 -0.0019
10. 1.0021 0.0009 25. 1.0000 0.0000
11. 1.0542 0.0325 26. 0.9782 -0.0062
12. 1.0098 0.0029 27. 1.0111 0.0045
13. 1.0625 0.0287 28. 1.0019 -0.0014
14. 0.9865 -0.0065 29. 0.9942 -0.0052
15. 0.9762 -0.0033 30. 0.9810 -0.0269

The simulation of a Load flow analysis on IEEE-30 bus system was conducted and the effects of load modelling. The
reactive power modelling greatly affected the voltage difference, whereas the active power modelling has a greater effect
on phase angle differences. The voltage profile remains flat which adds to the advantages of incorporation of load flow
models. Thus it is deduced that incorporation of load flow models in load flow analysis is advantageous than conventional
load flow analysis as generation cost and losses are reduced and security and stability of the system increases.

[1] P. S. Bhowmik, D. V. Rajan, S. P. Bose, “Load Flow Analysis: An Overview,” World Academy of Science,
Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol:6, No:3, 2012.
[2] Dharamjit*, D.K.Tanti,, “Load Flow Analysis on IEEE 30 bus System” International Journal of Scientific and
Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012 1 ISSN 2250-3153.
[3] J. J. Grainger & W.D. Stevenson, Jr. indian edition Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company limited.
[4] J. F. Dopazo,O. A. Klitin, A. M. Sasson, “Stochastic load flow,” American Electric Power Service Corp. IEEE
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-94, no. 2, March/April 1975.

Alpit Tejlavwala ME Student in Electrical Engineering from Sarvajanik College of Engineering and Technology
GTU, Surat, Gujarat. His research in stochastic load flow analysis, Artificial Neural Network, kalman filter and its
application in power system, renewable energy.


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