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technique synthesis


n Part 3 of this series, and then again last
month at the end of Part 10, I introduced the
idea that modulation sources do not need to
Last month, Gordon Reid examined the
be low-frequency oscillators or envelope concept of modulation at low frequencies.
generators. Of course, they frequently are, and
most pre-patched analogue synthesizers are
This month, he speeds things up a bit. The
limited in this fashion. Fortunately, some powerful result is not just faster versions of the same
synths allow you to modulate their oscillators,
filters and VCAs using higher-frequency sources modulation effects, but a new type of synthesis...
whose output signals are within the range of
human hearing (ie. audio-frequency signals). This Now look at equation 2. This is identical to
opens the door to a whole new world of timbres equation 1, except that all the
that you can not easily obtain in any other fashion. subscripts are the number ‘2’. This
When the modulation source is an shows that we have a second
audio-frequency oscillator and the destination is the waveform to consider, and that this
Gain of a VCA in the audio signal path, we call the has a different maximum amplitude
result Amplitude Modulation, or AM for short. I find and a different frequency.

AM a fascinating topic, not least because it has a Let’s consider the case where the
quite unexpected result: instead of just sounding amplitude a1 of Signal 1 is half the
like a very fast tremolo, it creates new frequencies amplitude a2 of Signal 2. I will call
that were not present in the original signals! But these the Gains of 1 and 2 on some Time

how does this happen? On a common-sense level, arbitrary scale. Now let’s define w1 Figure 1. Signal 1: a1=1, w1=300Hz.
it’s very counter-intuitive, so the answer, almost to be 50 percent higher than w2 —
inevitably, lies in some maths. It’s not exactly rocket say 300Hz for Signal 1 and 200Hz
science (to be precise, it’s A-level trigonometry) but for Signal 2. I have plotted these
I will quite understand if you want to skip this waves in Figures 1 and 3 (right), and
Maximum Amplitude

section and jump directly to the examples in the shown their harmonic spectra in Signal 1
second half of this article. But the more daring Figures 2 and 4 (right). OK, so the
among you might find this interesting… equations may look a little arcane,
and the graphs may look more
Maths Can Be Fun… Honestly! familiar, but they are simply Frequency

Equation 1 is the formula that relates the different ways of describing exactly Figure 2. The harmonic spectrum of Signal 1.
instantaneous amplitude (the level at any given point the same information.
in time, called ‘A’) of a single frequency (called ‘w’) to Now let’s consider what happens
time (called ‘t’). I could just as have easily written this when you mix these waves together.
using a sine term (it is, of course, a sine wave), but Figure 5 (see page 89) shows the
using a cosine changes nothing except the phase, synthesizer block diagram, Figure 6

and it makes the maths a little simpler. There is one (also page 89) shows the resulting
other term in the equation, ‘a’, and this is the waveform (which is just the
maximum amplitude of the waveform (the maximum arithmetic sum of the two waves at
level of the waveform in its cycle). each moment), and Figure 7 (see
page 90) shows the harmonic
A1 = a1cos(w1t) Figure 3. Signal 2: a1=2, w1=200Hz.
spectrum of the new waveform.
Equation 1: A simple cosine wave. This is not a very interesting
result. But now let’s change our Figure 4:
Signal 2
You may also have noticed that every term in synthesizer configuration very The harmonic
Maximum Amplitude

equation 1 (except time) has a small ‘1’ subscript. slightly, and replace the mixer with a spectrum of
This demonstrates that each part of the equation Voltage Controlled Amplifier (or VCA) Signal 2.
relates to our first waveform. in the signal chain. We will send
Signal 1 to the audio input of the
A2 = a2cos(w2t)
VCA, but instead of sending Signal 2
Equation 2: A second cosine wave. to another audio input we will use it

88 SOUND ON SOUND • march 2000

(like last month’s LFO) to modulate the
gain of the device. Signal 2 is,
oscillator 1
therefore, the Modulator, and Signal 1
must be the Carrier (See Figure 8, on
page 90).
You’ll remember that, in Equation
oscillator 2
1, the term a1 determined the
maximum amplitude of the wave, and
for the sake of argument I will define
Figure 5: Mixing two audio signals.
this as the Gain of the VCA. But we
now have a situation where the Gain is
being modulated by the instantaneous
amplitude of the second signal. So,
when the waveform of the Modulator
is positive (ie. above the 0V axis) the

Gain of the VCA increases, and when it

is negative, the Gain of the VCA
decreases. But, at every moment in
Time time, we know exactly what the
amplitude of the modulating signal is:
Figure 6: The result of mixing the two
it’s A2, as defined in Equation 2.
signals in Figures 1 and 3.
So we can now write a new equation, which shows
that the output signal has an amplitude that is the
sum of the original a1 plus A2. This is Equation 3.

A1 = (a1 + A2)cos(w1t)
Equation 3: The equation defining the output waveform.

Now, we know what A2 is, so we can rewrite

Equation 3 as Equation 4, and then rapidly rewrite
that to obtain Equation 5.
A1 = (a1 + a2cos(w2t))cos(w1t)
Equation 4: Another way of writing equation 3.

A1 = a1cos(w1t) + a2cos(w2t)cos(w1t)
Equation 5: Another way of writing equation 4.

This may look more complicated than the original

Equation 3, but you can take my word that it
expresses exactly the same information about the
signals and the VCA. However, it’s at this point that
I’m going to ask you to take something on trust. If
you look at the right-hand term in Equation 5 you
will see that it contains two cosine terms multiplied
together. This is a horrible thing to try to understand.
Fortunately, there’s a bit of maths that proves that
you can separate a single term that multiplies two
cosines of frequencies X and Y into two new terms of
the form cos(X+Y) and cos(X-Y). If this sounds like
complete gobbledegook to you, don’t worry —
accept that we can split the right-hand term in
Equation 5 into two new terms, as shown in Equation
6. One of these is a wave of frequency (w1+ w2),
while the other is a wave of frequency (w1- w2).

A1 = a1cos(w1t) + 1/2[a2cos(w1+w2)t] + 1/2[a2cos(w1-w2)t]

Equation 6: The result of Amplitude Modulation.

If you now look at Equation 6 more closely you’ll

see that the first term (immediately to the right of
the ‘equals’ sign) is the original Signal 1 — in other

words, the Carrier signal. Now consider what the

technique synthesis

frequency (w1+ w2) in the second term means… Figure 7: The

this must represent a wave with a frequency equal harmonic spectrum

Signal 2
of the mixed signals.
to the Carrier frequency plus the Modulator

Maximum Amplitude
frequency. The third term must, therefore, be a
Signal 1
wave with frequency equal to the Carrier
frequency minus the Modulator frequency. In other
words, Amplitude Modulation allows the original
Carrier waveform through the VCA, and also Frequency
creates two new signals called the Sum and the
Difference signals. I love this stuff! Figure 8: Audio
Now look at Figure 9 (right), which shows the frequency amplitude
waveform defined in Equation 6. As you can see, audio
oscillator 1 amplifier
this signal is markedly more complex than the
simpler mixed signal in Figure 6.
Moving on, Figure 10 (right) shows the audio
spectrum of the waveform in Figure 9. Notice that oscillator 2
the Modulator has completely disappeared, and
that the Sum and Difference signals have half the
amplitude of the Modulator (this is what the ‘1/2’s
Figure 9: Amplitude
in Equation 6 are telling us). Modulation of
Signal 1 by Signal 2.
In Use
OK, I’m sure that that’s enough theory for this

month, so let’s ask ourselves why anyone would

include AM capabilities in a synthesizer. To answer
this, we’ll consider two cases of Amplitude
Modulation: one where the Modulator lies at a
fixed frequency, and another where the Modulator
as well as the Carrier tracks the keyboard (or any Figure 10: The
other controlling voltage). harmonic spectrum
Let’s first ask what happens when you play of the waveform
Maximum Amplitude

the Carrier from your keyboard, but a Modulator in Figure 9.

(of equal amplitude) is fixed at a frequency of, Difference Carrier Sum

say, 100Hz.
• CASE 1
When the Carrier also has a frequency of 100Hz
(a moderately deep bass note), the three
frequencies produced by Amplitude Modulation lie
at 0Hz, 100Hz, and 200Hz. These are, of course, Figure 11: Amplitude
Modulation of a Carrier
the Difference, the Carrier, and the Sum signals.
with a1=1 and w1=100Hz
You may be tempted to think that the signal at by a Modulator of a2=1
0Hz has no effect, but this is not the case. It still and w2=100Hz.

has an amplitude (of half the Modulator amplitude)

and this manifests itself as an offset in the signal.
We call this a DC (direct current) offset because,
being at 0Hz, it has no oscillation frequency. You Time
can see this in Figure 11 (right) because a very
high proportion of the output signal lies above the
axis. DC offsets can have significant effects when at 100Hz, and the Sum lies at 300Hz. The sound
a signal is processed by other synthesizer modules thus produced is still tonal to a degree because the
such as filters and amplifiers. Unfortunately, these Difference is exactly an octave below the Carrier.
effects lie outside the scope of this article… The Sum, however, is not harmonically related to
The other two signals are the Carrier at 100Hz, the Carrier. Nevertheless, this example is another
and the Sum at 200Hz. The Sum signal is, of special case because the Sum is the third harmonic
course, exactly an octave above the Carrier, so this of the Difference, so the output still sounds
will sound harmonic, or ‘sweet’. We can represent ‘musical’, even though the Carrier (which is, in
this case by saying that the three components at effect, the second harmonic of the Difference) is
the output lie at 0 percent, 100 percent and 200 the dominant signal. In this case, we can represent
percent of the Carrier frequency. So far, so good. the result by saying that the three components at
• CASE 2 the output lie at 50 percent, 100 percent and 150
Now let’s play a few notes further up the percent of the Carrier frequency.
keyboard, say at a frequency of 200Hz. This is our • CASE 3
new Carrier frequency. Since the Modulator is Now let’s choose a more random frequency for our
unchanged at 100Hz the Difference signal now lies carrier. What will happen if the Carrier frequency

90 SOUND ON SOUND • march 2000

technique synthesis

is, say, 371Hz? The Difference and Sum signals Figure 12: Amplitude

now lie at 271Hz and 471Hz respectively, and Modulation of a Carrier

with a1=1 and w1=200Hz
there is no harmonic relationship between any of
by a Modulator of a2=1
them. The three components at the output lie at and w2=100Hz.
roughly 73 percent, 100 percent and 127 percent of

the Carrier frequency and the result is, therefore,
enharmonic, and clangorous.
Indeed, enharmonicity is the result when
virtually all signals are treated in this fashion.
There are very few special instances such as Cases
Figure 13: Amplitude
1 and 2 above. Consequently, fixed-Modulator AM Modulation of a Carrier
is most useful for creating aggressive and with a1=1 and w1=371Hz
conventionally ‘unmusical’ sounds that change by a Modulator of a2=1
dramatically as you play up and down the and w2=100Hz.
keyboard. You can even control the amount
of enharmonicity by raising or lowering the level
of the Modulator.
But what happens when the Modulator is not Time
fixed? How does this affect the sounds produced
by your synthesizer? To answer this, let’s consider Figure 14: Amplitude
the case where you’re ‘playing’ both the Carrier Modulation of a Carrier
and the Modulator using the same CV source to with a1=1 and w1=200Hz
affect the frequency of both signals. by a Modulator of a2=1
• CASE 4 and w2=100Hz.

As a starting point, we’ll return to Case 2 above. The

Carrier still has a frequency of 200Hz and the
Modulator has a frequency of 100Hz. As before, the
output contains the original 200Hz, plus the Time

Difference and Sum signals at 100Hz and 300Hz. But

this time, we’re going to patch the synthesizer so Figure 15: Amplitude
that, as you play the Carrier up and down the Modulation of a Carrier
keyboard, the Modulator frequency tracks the with a1=1 and w1=400Hz
change in the Carrier frequency. So, for example, if by a Modulator of a2=1
and w2=200Hz.
you play a Carrier frequency of 400Hz (one octave

higher than the initial 200Hz) the Modulator

frequency doubles too, and the Difference and Sum
frequencies become 200Hz and 600Hz respectively.
In both cases, the relationship between the
Difference, Carrier, and Sum signals is 50 percent,
100 percent and 150 percent. You can see this in number of these ‘side bands’ would increase to 18.
Figures 14 and 15 (right): the frequency may have Four components would lead to 32 side bands…
doubled, but the shape of the waveform itself has and so on.
remained the same. Since there is nothing stopping you from
Indeed, no matter what initial frequencies you modulating harmonically complex waveforms, why
choose, the relationships between the Difference, not use square waves and sawtooth waves as
Carrier and Sum remain constant if both the Carrier Carriers and Modulators? There’s no reason why
and the Modulator track the keyboard equally. As a not. Fortunately, it’s no harder to understand what
result, you always obtain a consistent tone at the happens with these waves than it is to understand
output. So this form of Amplitude Modulation offers simple sine waves, it’s just more laborious…
a way to create complex non-harmonic timbres that Remember that a sawtooth wave contains all
change pitch normally as you play up and down the the harmonics in the conventional harmonic series.
keyboard. To put it in a Synth Secrets sort of way: For example, a 100Hz sawtooth has components
at 100Hz, 200Hz, 300Hz, 400Hz… and so on,
Amplitude Modulation is a powerful tool that while a 75Hz sawtooth has components at 75Hz,
allows you to create and play new sounds that you 150Hz, 225Hz… and so on. So what happens
cannot obtain using conventional oscillators alone. when you Amplitude Modulate a 100Hz sawtooth
Carrier with a 75Hz sawtooth Modulator?
This is true even though everything we have Unsurprisingly, the fundamental in the Carrier
discussed assumes that we have used simple sine interacts with the fundamental of the Modulator,
waves as our input signals. But you can, of course, giving components at 25Hz, 100Hz, and 175Hz.
use other waveforms. Imagine that each signal had It also reacts with the second harmonic of the
a fundamental and one extra harmonic. Instead of Modulator, giving additional output components at
two Sum and Difference signals, there would now -50Hz, 100Hz, and 250Hz (you might think that a
be eight. If each signal had three components, the frequency of minus 50Hz is a stupid concept, but

92 SOUND ON SOUND • march 2000

in practice you hear this as simply 50Hz). Modulator waveforms are precisely centred
Then there’s the third harmonic of the on zero volts. To facilitate this, many RMs
Modulator (resulting in 125Hz, 100Hz, are ‘AC-coupled’, which means (at least, in
and 325Hz components) the fourth an ideal world) that any DC offsets in the
harmonic, the fifth, the sixth… ooh, this inputs are eliminated before modulation.
is complicated! The result is an output consisting of the
But before you think that you have Sum and Difference frequencies, but
grasped this and avoided a headache, don’t neither of the input frequencies. Lesser
forget that the second harmonic of the RMs are ‘DC-coupled’ and respond
Carrier also interacts with the complete somewhat differently from their
harmonic series of the Modulator, as does AC-coupled cousins. Most notably, these
the third, the fourth, the fifth… and on and allow the Carrier and Modulator signals to
on and on and on! Fortunately, the pass into the output. A few RMs, such as
amplitudes of all but the first few the device in the ARP 2600, have a switch
components are very small, so in practical that allows you to select between
terms you can discount the higher-order AC-coupled and DC-coupled modes —
series. Nevertheless, it’s not hard to the best of both worlds.
imagine that these tones will be very
complex. Indeed, they produce superb Filter Modulation
starting points for complex synthesis using To finish off, let’s ask ourselves what
filters and other modulators. would happen if we used Signal 2 to
modulate the cutoff frequency of a
Real VCAs & Ring Modulators low-pass filter rather than the gain of a
In all the above we have assumed that the VCA (see Figure 16, below left). You
VCAs in your synthesizer work perfectly (ie. might fear that this would lead to another
according to signal-processing theory), and complex discussion with loads of new
that none of the Modulating signal breaks impenetrable mathematics. Happily, this
through to the output. In my experience is not the case.
this is never the case, although with very Imagine a single harmonic of a complex
good VCAs the leakage can be reasonably waveform lying somewhere just above the
small. Nevertheless, even a small amount of cutoff frequency Fc. As you modulate Fc
Modulator will contaminate the output you will find that sometimes the harmonic
signal quite noticeably and, in general, this is attenuated more because of the
will increase the enharmonic quality of the modulation, while at other times it is
result. attenuated less. In other words, this
There is, however, another class of harmonic is being Amplitude Modulated
synthesizer modules that (when well by the changing action of the filter.
designed and implemented) eliminate not Depending upon the width of the
only the Modulator but also the Carrier modulation (the maximum amplitude a2
from the output. These are Ring of the Modulator) the same is true to a
Modulators, devices that have acquired a greater or lesser extent for all the other
certain mystique over the past few years. harmonics within the signal. So this time,
Nevertheless, a Ring Modulator is merely a instead of having one set of harmonics
special case of an Amplitude Modulator. modulating another set of harmonics, we
Furthermore, it only works in the fashion have just a single set, but each component
described when both the Carrier and the is being modulated in a different way. As I
said before, I love this stuff!

Frequency Modulation
audio voltage
oscillator 1
OK, so that has explained Amplitude
Modulation (which is tremolo at audio
frequencies) and Filter Modulation (which is
Figure 16: audio
growl at audio frequencies). Surely, it’s not
Audio frequency oscillator 2
too great a leap to describe what happens
filter modulation.
when we take vibrato into the audio
frequency domain? We could call this
Frequency Modulation (or ‘FM’ — see Figure
17, left) and it can’t be too complex, can it?
oscillator 1 Well, remember that I said that
Filter Modulation did not entail a
Figure 17:
complex discussion with loads of new
Frequency impenetrable mathematics? Unfortunately,
oscillator 2
Modulation. that’s exactly what FM does entail...
see you next time! SOS

march 2000 • SOUND ON SOUND 93

technique synthesis


ow many people can claim to have
discovered an entirely new form of sound
synthesis? John Chowning can. He did so by As Gordon Reid explained last month,
accident while experimenting with different
types of vibrato at Stanford University in the
audio-frequency modulation of the amplitude of
mid-’60s. Chowning found that when the frequency a signal can be a powerful synthesis tool. The
of the modulating signal increased beyond a certain
point, the vibrato effect disappeared from the possibilities
modulated tone, and a complex new tone replaced
the original. With hindsight, we can see that he had
amplitudes of the waveforms (their levels at any
given point in time, called ‘A’) are related to their
expand still
stumbled upon what is now the most common gains (the maximum amplitude reached in their further when we
encoding technique used for public radio cycles, called ‘a’), their frequencies (‘w’) and time
transmission (hence ‘FM’ radio). But what made his (‘t’). And, as before, the subscripts ‘1’ and ‘2’ denote consider what
discovery so serendipitous was that unlike radio waveform 1 and 2 respectively. happens when
engineers, who work at very high frequencies, way
above the limits of human hearing, Chowning was A = a cos(w t)
1 1 1
you use one
able to listen to the modulated waveform. He quickly
discovered that FM is a very powerful method of
Equation 1: A simple ‘cosine’ wave. audio-frequency
synthesis and, in 1966, became the first person to
A = a cos(w t)
signal to
compose and record a piece of music using FM as 2 2 2
the exclusive means of sound generation. Equation 2: A second ‘cosine’ wave.
modulate the
Chowning and his associates spent the next few
years refining FM, and laid down a sound
frequency of
If you refer back, you’ll also remember that we
mathematical and practical basis for the results
defined the maximum amplitude of the first
they were achieving. Chowning then had the
waveform as the gain of a VCA, and we
Stanford University Licensing Office approach a
modulated this using the second waveform, as
number of American manufacturers to see whether
shown in Figure 1. Equation 3 shows how I wrote
they would be interested in implementing it as a
the mathematics that describes this arrangement.
commercial method of synthesis. At a time when
the Minimoog and ARP Odyssey ruled, polysynths
were but a twinkle in electronic engineers’ eyes, A1 = (a1+A2)cos(w1t)
and 4-bit microprocessors were state-of-the-art Equation 3: The equation defining the output audio voltage
devices, none of the American manufacturers saw waveform from the VCA in Figure 1. frequency
oscillator 1
the potential of FM. So it was almost in desperation
that Stanford turned to Yamaha. An engineer But now we’re going to mix things up a
named Mr. Ichimura was duly despatched to see bit. Instead of modulating the amplitude audio
Chowning, and the rest, as they say, is history. of the first waveform, we’re going to oscillator 2
As a direct consequence of Yamaha’s amazing modulate its frequency. The block
success throughout the ’80s — the company sold diagram that describes this is deceptively
millions of FM synthesizers, organs and home simple, as I have shown in Figure 2. Figure 1: Amplitude Modulation.
keyboards — we now think of FM as an exclusively Similarly, the equation describing
digital process. But that is not the case. It is more Frequency Modulation (Equation 4) looks
practical to implement it in digital form, but the no more fearsome than that describing audio
theory of FM is just as applicable to analogue Amplitude Modulation. Indeed, if you look oscillator 1

oscillators, as we shall see… closely you can see that exactly the same
terms are present in both, it’s just that
Once More, A Little Maths one of them (A2) has changed position. audio
oscillator 2
Last month I explained Amplitude Modulation, and
described some of the ways in which it allows you A1 = a1cos((w1+A2)t)
to create new sounds. Let’s recap a little. Equations Figure 2: Frequency Modulation.
1 and 2 show two instances of the simplest Equation 4: The equation defining the output
waveform from Oscillator 1 in Figure 2.

waveform: a sine wave. The instantaneous

84 SOUND ON SOUND • april 2000

technique synthesis

If we now echo last month’s article and substitute frequency of the Carrier or Modulator

the full expression for A2 into Equation 4, we — in the frequency spectrum of the Voltage region of region of

obtain Equation 5. output signal. (For an explanation of

higher pitch lower pitch

what side bands are, please refer back

A1 = a1cos((w1+a2cos(w2t))t) to last month.) To see how frequency
modulation produces side bands, let’s Time

Equation 5: Another way of writing Equation 4.

take an example of a sine wave Carrier
with frequency wc and a sine wave
At this point, you would be completely justified in Modulator of frequency wm. I have
running, screaming, for the hills. Unlike last shown these in Figure 6.
Figure 3: The effect of vibrato on a triangle wave.
month’s equations (which we could interpret using So far, so good… However,
no more than ‘O’-level or maybe ‘A’-level maths) whereas AM generates just two side
this one is a monster. Indeed, even with a degree bands (wc+wm) and (wc-wm), FM Voltage

in mathematics, you would be hard pressed to do produces a whole series that we can
much with it. You will, therefore, be delighted to express as follows:
know that I’m not even going to try to solve the
equation. Unfortunately, that means that you will Time

have to take many of the following facts on trust.

wsb = wc ± n.wm
But hey… trust me, I once lived with a doctor! Equation 6: The side-band frequencies, where
wsb = the series of side-band frequencies,
FM Is Simply Very Fast Vibrato… wc = Carrier frequency, wm = Modulator frequency,
Figure 4: A short segment of a Carrier waveform.
and n = any integer (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on).
Now let’s jump back two months, and return to
part 10 of Synth Secrets and the simple vibrato
To put this in English: each side band
that I described in that article. Figure 3 (right) Voltage
lies at a frequency equal to the Carrier
shows what happens to a waveform (a ‘Carrier’)
frequency plus or minus an integer
whose frequency is being swept up and down by a
multiple of the Modulator frequency.
source of modulation (a ‘Modulator’). In this
Of course, since ‘n’ can take any Time
example, the frequency of that Modulator is
integer value, in theory, applying
significantly lower than that of the Carrier.
frequency modulation to a signal
Now let’s ask ourselves what happens as we
produces an infinite series of side
increase the Modulator’s frequency until it
bands. In the real world, however, no
approaches, equals, or even exceeds that of the Figure 5: Modulating the Carrier in Figure 4 with a
system has infinite bandwidth, and
Carrier. At some point, instead of looking like a high-frequency, low-amplitude Modulator.
analogue systems are limited to
cyclical ‘squeezing’ and ‘stretching’ of the Carrier
producing side bands within their finite
waveform, the modulation will become a form of
bandwidth (see page 90 for more on 0Hz

distortion within the individual cycles of the

bandwidth). Similarly, manufacturers of
Carrier waveform. To demonstrate this I have
digital FM systems constrain the
drawn an example using a very short segment of
mathematics to those values that they
Carrier waveform — maybe one-eighth of a cycle
deem significant.
or thereabouts (Figure 4, right).
Fortunately, and despite this
Let’s now apply a Modulator to this. In this
possible complication, the simple Frequency
example it will have a low amplitude, but will be
formula in Equation 6 makes it easy to wm wc
many times the frequency of the Carrier (see
see where the side bands are located.
Figure 5) — since there are more than seven Figure 6: A Carrier and a Modulator.
Given the Carrier and the Modulator
cycles of modulation in Figure 5, which shows
shown in Figure 6, we can show the
one-eighth of a Carrier cycle, this means that the
side bands as shown in Figure 7. 0Hz
Modulator frequency is approximately 60 times
Now, what about the amplitudes of
that of the Carrier. As you will appreciate, this
these side bands? OK, we now know
sounds nothing like vibrato. But what does it
that frequency modulation generates
sound like?
side bands, and that the Modulator’s
frequency determines where they lie.
Side Bands, Side Bands Everywhere
But what is the ‘shape’ of the resulting Frequency

If you refer back to Equation 5, you’ll see that the spectrum? To answer this, we must turn wm wc

equation for A1 has two ‘alien’ terms within it: a2 to the second attribute of the Modulator
Figure 7: The positions of the side bands.
and w2. These are, of course, the gain (maximum — its gain, a2 — and introduce a new
amplitude) and the frequency of the Modulator. So concept called the ‘Modulation Index’,
it’s fair to assume that each of these will have an or simply ‘ß’ (‘beta’).
affect on the nature of the modulated signal. Let’s To explain ß, I must again direct
look first at w2, and see what attribute of the you to our example of simple vibrato.
output is influenced by the Modulator’s frequency. Imagine a simple synthesizer patch in
John Chowning discovered that FM, like AM, which the amplitude of a modulation
generates side bands — additional components, is modified by a VCA that is itself

not necessarily harmonically related to the controlled by a Control Voltage source

86 SOUND ON SOUND • april 2000

technique synthesis

(see Figure 8). Don’t forget that in this case, the this are very far-reaching. Let’s say that

Modulator frequency wm is very much lower than you have decided that the spectrum in
the Carrier frequency wc. Figure 10 is the tone that you want, and Carrier

Consider the case where the gain of the VCA is that you want to be able to play the
zero. Clearly, there will be no modulation, and the sound up and down the keyboard in
Carrier will produce a simple, unmodified tone. conventional manner. This will require
Controller VCA
Now let’s increase the gain of the VCA slightly. both the Carrier and the Modulator to
As you would expect, a gentle vibrato results, track the keyboard equally so that the
much like that of the aforementioned guitarist or harmonic relationship between the
violinist. But let’s not stop here, and keep spectral components (the side bands) Modulator

increasing the gain until the Modulator is remains constant. But Equation 7
sweeping the Carrier over a wide range of demonstrates that, as the Modulator
frequencies. At this point, a banshee wail or frequency increases, ß decreases. Figure 8: A simple analogue FM (vibrato) patch.
siren-type sound results. What we learn from this For example, if you play one octave
is that the sound we hear is not only determined higher, wm doubles and ß is therefore
by the frequency of the Modulator, but also by its halved. To avoid this change in the
gain or maximum amplitude. spectrum, the Modulator amplitude
Applying these ideas to audio-frequency FM, we must increase proportionally — it must
must first define ß as the ratio of the Carrier’s double — to keep ß constant. This is
frequency sweep (the amount by which the Carrier not as much of a problem as it sounds,
deviates from its unmodulated frequency) divided by and Figure 11 shows the simplest way
the Modulator frequency. We write this as follows: to achieve this. Frequency

Mind you, this configuration is wm wc

almost impossibly difficult to calibrate

Δwc perfectly, and the vagaries of analogue
Figure 9: FM sidebands with low Modulation Index.
ß = components ensure that it will, at best,
wm be inconsistent. This is the reason why Amplitude
FM is almost always implemented
Equation 7: The Modulation Index, where ß = the Modulation using digital technology.
Index, ∆ (pronounced ‘delta’) means “the change in…”,
wc = Carrier frequency, and wm = Modulator frequency.
FM Versus Analogue Filters
Since the numerator of this expression (the bit To move on, we need to talk about
‘above the line’) is the change in the Carrier bandwidth for a moment. I first Frequency

frequency, this means that ß is directly related to the mentioned this concept in regard to wm wc

amplitude of the Modulator. Now, this is the point at Equation 6, when I said that real-world
which things get a little weird, because for any given systems could not handle a signal of Figure 10: FM of the same signals when the Modulation
Modulator frequency, it is the Modulation Index infinite bandwidth. So let’s discuss Index is increased.
(and, therefore, the amplitude of the Modulator) that what the real bandwidth of an FM’d
determines the amplitude of each of the components signal might be.
in the spectrum of the output signal. No, I can’t For the purposes of this discussion, Oscillator 1
Oscillator 22
demonstrate why this is so without invoking some you could define the bandwidth as the
of that scary maths I mentioned before, but I can range of frequencies occupied by any
show you a couple of examples. given signal. So, for example, a precise
Let’s take that case where the Modulation Index sine wave of, say, 100Hz would have
CV output

is low — say in the region of 0.1 or less. The only negligible bandwidth (it exists only at
significant side bands will be those closest to the a specific frequency) whereas a
Figure 11: Keeping ß constant.
Carrier frequency, and the result will look similar to waveform with the same fundamental
that we obtained last month using Amplitude frequency plus one harmonic at 200Hz
Modulation (see Figure 9, above). In contrast, if would occupy 100Hz of bandwidth.
ß is significantly higher — say, in the region of 5 — Likewise, a signal occupying the range
we obtain a much broader series of side bands, between 100Hz and 1500Hz would
and a much more complex spectrum results have a bandwidth of 1400Hz, and so
(see Figure 10). on. Now let’s apply this concept to the
I have shown the first six side bands created output from an FM system.
by ß=5, but there are far more in the real signal. Suppose that the Carrier is a sine
What’s more, you should note an interesting wave of frequency 500Hz and the
consequence of this value of ß: the amplitude of Modulator is a sine wave of frequency
the original Carrier frequency has diminished 300Hz. Clearly, if you mixed these
significantly. Indeed, there is a value of ß that will together using a simple audio mixer,
cause it to disappear altogether! then using the simple definition above,
Now look at Equation 7 again and you’ll see that the resulting signal would occupy
the denominator (the bit ‘below the line’) is the a bandwidth of 200Hz.

frequency of the Modulator. The consequences of Now let’s configure the signals

88 SOUND ON SOUND • april 2000

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so that Amplitude Modulation occurs. From last VCO1 will increase as EG1 increases the gain of

month we know that the resulting three VCA1. This means that, as time passes, the
components have frequencies of wc, wc+wm, Modulation Index increases, the bandwidth
and wc-wm. These frequencies are 500Hz, 200Hz, increases, and the output gets brighter and
and 800Hz respectively, so the bandwidth of the brighter. This is in marked contrast to natural
resulting signal — the ‘spread’ between the lowest sounds, where increased loudness almost
and highest side bands — is 600Hz. always goes hand-in-hand with increased “Frequency
Now let’s consider the bandwidth of an FM’d brightness.
signal. Although theoretically infinite (remember, You might think that there’s nothing stopping Modulation is a
the series of side bands is infinite) the Modulation you duplicating this effect using a filter, and it’s
Index will ensure that side bands of higher ‘n’ are of true that you can use a contour generator and a powerful method
negligible amplitude. This means that the bandwidth low-pass VCF to brighten a signal as time passes.
is, to all intents and purposes, finite. Moreover, there But that configuration would be quite incapable of synthesis that
is a ‘rule-of-thumb’ equation that gives us a rough of recreating the complex tonal changes that
idea of the meaningful bandwidth of the output also occur in the FM’d tone — changes that is as relevant to
signal. I have shown this in Equation 8. you cannot reproduce using conventional
subtractive methods. analogue synths
B = 2 wm (1+ß) Summary as it is to digital
Equation 8: The bandwidth of the modulated signal,
So let’s summarise. Without solving the ones, and which
mathematics of FM, we can say the following two
where B = bandwidth, wm = modulator frequency,
and ß = Modulation Index.
things about the relationship between the is capable of
Modulator and the output signal:
generating sounds
Let’s say that ß is very small. Then, in our example • The number of significant spectral components
of a 500Hz Carrier and a 300Hz Modulator, and their amplitudes are determined by the unobtainable by any
the bandwidth of the output will be equal to Modulation Index, which is proportional to the
2 x 300Hz x (1 + 0) = 600Hz. Thus, as I stated Modulator’s amplitude; but inversely proportional other method.”
earlier, for low values of ß the result is much like to the Modulator’s frequency...
that obtained using Amplitude Modulation.
But now let’s suppose that ß=5. Then, in our …and…
example, the bandwidth of the output will be
2 x 300Hz x (1 + 5) = 3,600Hz. Clearly, high • For any given Carrier frequency, the position of
values of ß allow FM to create much more complex the spectral components is determined by the
signals with a much higher bandwidth than the Modulator’s frequency alone.
other methods of making two signals interact
(see Figure 12). Note that this calculation also tells Although the proof of these statements and the
you that, in this example, there are 24 discrete calculation of the side bands’ amplitude spectrum
spectral components in the output. Unfortunately, is a nightmare, the basics are easily
you’ll have to read next month’s Synth Secrets to understood. And, whether we perform
find out why. FM using an analogue synth or a digital
Now let’s remind ourselves that, in simple one, these principles remain the same. Frequency Modulated signals: ß = 5

subtractive synthesis, changes in the volume of So here’s this month’s Synth Secret Frequency Modulated signals: ß ~ 0.1

a sound are most often determined by a contour (which, as usual, is no secret at all):
Amplitude Modulated signals

generator acting upon an amplifier. Similarly, any

changes in the tone of a sound are usually Frequency Modulation is a powerful
Mixed signals


determined by a contour generator acting upon method of synthesis that is as relevant wm w c

0Hz 1000Hz 2000Hz 3000Kz 4000Kz

the cutoff frequency of a filter. to analogue synthesizers as it is to

In an FM configuration, the volume of the digital ones, and which is capable of Bandwidth of signal Positions of the spectral components

sound is still determined by the volume envelope generating sounds unobtainable by

of the audio signal (which is, of course, the any other method. Figure 12: The bandwidths of mixed and modulated signals.
modulated Carrier), but you no longer need a filter
to modify the tone. This is because, for any given Next month, we’ll take a closer look at
Modulator frequency, the Modulator amplitude some practical aspects of Frequency Oscillator 1
Controlled Oscillator 2
(Modulator) (Carrier)

determines the bandwidth of the output. You can Modulation, and introduce the idea of
Amplifier 1 Amplifier 2

create an interesting demonstration of this using ‘operators’ — a common concept if Contour


just seven synthesizer modules patched together you own a DX7 synthesizer, but
(EG1) (EG2)

as shown in Figure 13. perhaps not one that you have

As you can see, the amplitude of the output encountered in analogue technology.
signal will decrease as EG2 decreases the gain of We’ll even take a look at some basic Trigger

VCA2 — so over time, the output gets quieter and FM programming on a modular
quieter. At the same time, the maximum analogue synth.
amplitude of the Modulator signal derived from Until then… SOS Figure 13: A simple analogue FM synthesizer.

90 SOUND ON SOUND • april 2000

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fter reading last month’s part of this series,
you will (I hope) have progressed a fair way
Last month, we examined the frankly scary
towards understanding Frequency maths allowing you to predict the audible effects
Modulation. Nevertheless, if you were now
presented with a digital FM instrument or a modular of Frequency Modulation. This month, although
analogue synth patched to allow frequency
modulation, the chances are that you would still
the maths gets even tougher, Gordon Reid
make FM noises rather than musically pleasing relates the theory
timbres. This is because we have not yet discussed Introducing Carrier:Modulator
the nature of the relationship between the side (C:M) Ratios to the practical
bands (which are produced as a side-effect of the
actual process of Frequency Modulation itself) and
We already know that each side band in a Frequency implementation
the Carrier (the signal being modulated). Nor have
Modulated signal lies at a frequency equal to the
Carrier frequency plus or minus an integer multiple
of FM synthesis
I explained how these relationships can be made to
fit the simple harmonic theories explained right at
of the Modulator frequency. I expressed this last on Yamaha’s
month as follows:
the start of this series, which would allow you digital synths, as
create tones that human ears would perceive as
‘notes’. Furthermore, apart from a couple of basic well as modular
diagrams, I have made no attempt to show you how
to control the amplitudes of the side bands. So hang
Equation 1: The maths for working out the frequencies of the side
bands produced by frequency modulation. and non-modular
on to your hats, because this is where In this equation, wsb = the series of side band analogues.
the fun (umm… headache?) frequencies, wc = the frequency of the Carrier,
really begins. wm = the frequency of the modulator, and n = any
integer (0, 1, 2, 3, 4…).
Now I’m going to risk complicating matters by
eliminating references to frequencies in Hertz. We
can express the relative frequencies of Carrier and
Modulator using a ratio that I will refer to as the
‘C:M Ratio’. For example, if the Carrier frequency
wc is 100Hz and the Modulator frequency
wm is 200Hz, I will refer to these as
frequencies with a 1:2 ratio. I will then
use C and M to refer to the Carrier and
Modulator frequencies as they are
expressed in the C:M ratio — what +
matters is the relative frequencies
of Carrier and Modulator, not
their absolute values in Hz.
Having made this definition,
we can now say that, for any given
Figure 1: The cancellation of out-of-phase sine waves.
Carrier frequency, the frequencies of the
‘upper’ side bands lie at C+M, C+2M, C+3M,
C+4M… while those of the ‘lower’ side
Yamaha’s DX1 was the flagship of bands lie at C-M, C-2M, C-3M, C-4M… and
Yamaha’s FM range of synths, offering digitally so on. This is an important result, because
controlled 6-operator FM synthesis, a weighted it immediately associates itself with the idea
keyboard, illuminated algorithm displays, of harmonic series.
and a price tag of just under £9500 on its launch!
Imagine an example where the C:M ratio
The much cheaper, and consequently more
accessible DX7 also boasted 6-operator FM, but is 1:1. In this case, the Carrier lies at ‘1’, and
lacked a few of the bells and whistles such as the the ‘upper’ side bands lie at ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’…
weighted keyboard. Nevertheless, it went on to while the ‘lower’ side bands lie at ‘0’, ‘-1’, Figure 2: The amplitudes of the spectral
become the synth sales success of the ’80s. ‘-2’, ‘-3’, ‘-4’… and so on. Now, if wc is components when ß=0.

78 SOUND ON SOUND • may 2000

100Hz, then wm must also be 100Hz (it is a 1:1 Bessel functions are a family of equations that
ratio), and the upper side bands must therefore lie describe some fundamental characteristics of the
at 200Hz, 300Hz, 400Hz… ad infinitum. This, of universe in which we find ourselves. Just as the
course, is a perfect harmonic series for a 100Hz value of Pi (3.141592654… and so on and so on) is
wave. In other words, the upper side bands of a much more than simply something to do with the
1:1 C:M ratio produce a harmonic series no matter circumferences of circles, Bessel functions crop up
what the Carrier frequency may be. in almost every aspect of maths, physics and
But what about the lower side bands? If we engineering. What’s more, they are the key to FM
extend our argument, these lie at 0Hz, -100Hz, because, if you know the value of the Modulation
-200Hz, -300Hz… also ad infinitum. Hang on… Index (as discussed last month), you can calculate
what are negative frequencies? the amplitude of any spectral component using a
It turns out that there is a simple answer to this. Bessel Function.
Negative frequencies are the same as positive Now, if you want to skip the next few
frequencies, but with their phases inverted. Yet, as paragraphs, I wouldn’t blame you in the slightest,
we showed in Part 4 of this series, out-of-phase particularly if you’re not a fan of maths. What’s more,
signals will cancel out, leaving silence (see Figure 1, leaving this next bit out won’t interfere with your
left). So surely the 1:1 ratio will result in silence as understanding of what comes afterwards. But the
the 100Hz component cancels the -100Hz more adventurous among you may like to read on...
Oberheim’s Matrix 6 was a mid-’80s component, 200Hz cancels -200Hz … and so on? Let’s define a couple of things that will make
analogue synth with two digitally The answer, fortunately, is ‘no’, and the reason life simpler. Let’s call the Carrier ‘C’ the ‘zeroth-
controlled oscillators per voice, which for this is simple: for total cancellation to occur, the order’ components of our modulated signal, ‘C+M’
could be set up such that one was amplitudes of the cancelling components must be and ‘C-M’ the first-order components, ‘C+2M’ and
modulating the frequency of the other —
equal, and in this case they are not. So how do we ‘C-2M’ the second-order components… and so on.
in other words, all you need for a
2-operator FM synth. The Matrix 6’s
know what the amplitudes of the side bands will be? Having done this, I can tell you (but not prove
bigger brother, the überanalogue without recourse to a serious maths text book)
Matrix 12, can also be used in this way,
Enter The Bessel Functions that the amplitude of each pair of side bands of
as can tOberheim’s Xpander rack synth. If you’ve been reading this series from the start, order ‘n’ (remember, n is any whole number from
you’ll have noticed that the term ‘Bessel Function’ 0 to infinity) is defined by a Bessel function of
has cropped up several times. This is because order ‘n’. I have shown this in Equation 2.

may 2000 • SOUND ON SOUND 79

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Equation 2, reset k to zero again, and

calculate the amplitudes of the second-

order side bands C+2M and C-2M. Then
you substitute n=3, n=4… and so on, and
Equation 2: The mathematical nightmare that is on, and on… As you can see, you have an
a Bessel Function! infinite series of infinite series to calculate,
In this equation, J(n)(ß) is the nth-order Bessel so I’ll keep a table reserved for you at the
Function for any Modulation Index ß, k is just an Restaurant At The End Of The Universe.
integer 0, 1, 2, 3, 4… up to infinity, ! is the (Unfortunately, you’ll be late.) Oh yes, and
algebraic term for ‘factorial’ (if you don’t understand when you’ve finished that, Wiggins Minor, Figure 3: The amplitudes of the spectral
this, don’t worry about it), and ∑ means ‘the sum of you can start on ß=0.5 for me. Argghh!!! components when ß=0.1.
all the terms from k=0 to k=∞. Fortunately, there are powerful numeric
Go on, admit it… this is your worst nightmare. methods that will calculate all these
What does this have to do with synthesis and amplitudes for you. Even the common (but
making music? Well, quite a lot, actually. Every time very powerful) Microsoft Excel will give you
you program a DX synthesizer you’re using this. It’s the values of any Bessel function of order n
just that Yamaha have (kindly) hidden it from view. and Modulation Index ß. I have, therefore,
More importantly, every time you use the ‘Cross created a simple spreadsheet to generate the
Modulation’ function on analogue synths that are amplitude charts, shown as Figures 2 (on
lucky enough to have one, the nasty noises you page 78) and 3-7 (right). These include the
create are determined by this equation — cross Carrier (the zeroth order component, in blue) Figure 4: The amplitudes of the spectral
modulation being, of course, just another name for and the first eight components (in green) on components when ß=0.5.
frequency modulation. either side. As you can see from Figure 7,
Anyway, if you’ll bear with me for a little longer, the amplitudes of the Carrier and first-order
I’ll show you that Equation 2 isn’t actually quite as side bands are negative when ß=5. This does
bad as it looks. Imagine the modulation index ß is not mean that these frequencies are, by
0.1, and you want to calculate the amplitude of the some mathematical sorcery, transported into
zeroth component (ie. the Carrier). We can calculate a negative universe, it means that they are
the first term (when k=0) as shown in equation 3, present in the output but with inverse phase.
and the second term (k=1) as shown in equation 4.
Creating Recognisable
Harmonic Series
Figure 5: The amplitudes of the spectral
Let’s now return to our example of a 1:1
components when ß=1.
series with ß=1. Looking at Figure 5 you can
see that the Carrier retains much of its
Equation 3: The first term in calculating the original amplitude, and that — looking to its
amplitude of the Carrier. right — there is a harmonic series at 2C, 3C,
4C and 5C. Now, looking to the left, we see
that there is a significant component (C-M)
at 0Hz (known as a DC or direct current
component, because it has no oscillation
frequency, as discussed in Part 11 of this
Equation 4: The second term in calculating the series), and low-amplitude components at
amplitude of the Carrier. -C, -2C and -3C. These, as already
Figure 6: The amplitudes of the spectral
You now do this for all the remaining terms discussed, reflect with inverse phase to C, components when ß=2.
(k=2, k=3, k=4… and so on) and then add them all 2C and 3C, and are therefore subtracted
up. If you could be bothered to do this, you would from the in-phase components at the same
find that the third term is even smaller than the frequencies — see Figure 8 (on page 82). If
second (and positive), the fourth term is even we ignore the DC component, the resulting
smaller than that and negative, and so on. This spectrum contains all the overtones of the
called a converging series, and if you add up all of Carrier frequency (1:1 is the only ratio that
its terms, it demonstrates that the amplitude of the does this) and it looks like a 1/n harmonic
Carrier remains very close to 1, its initial amplitude. series with just the first few harmonics
In principle, this calculation should take an infinite present. If you remember the first part of
amount of time because k represents every whole this series, you’ll recall that this describes a
number from 0 to infinity — but fortunately, filtered sawtooth wave perfectly! And sure Figure 7: The amplitudes of the spectral components
anything beyond the third term is so tiny that it enough, that’s exactly how it sounds. when ß=5.
is irrelevant. Now let’s consider the case of a 1:2
OK, so that’s the amplitude of the Carrier. frequency modulation with ß=1. In this case
Now, what of the side bands? To work out the the upper side bands exist at C, 3C, 5C,
amplitudes of the first order side bands C+M and 7C… and so on, while the subtractive
C-M, you just substitute n=1 in Equation 2, reset negative components reflect back at C, 3C,
k to zero, and start the whole process again. 5C, 7C… and so on. So, in this case, the
When you have done this, you substitute n=2 in result is a truncated harmonic series with

80 SOUND ON SOUND • may 2000

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just the odd harmonics present. Does this seem

familiar? It should, because it’s what you get when

you filter a square wave! And, once again, that’s
how it sounds.
Moving on, what about C:M ratios of 1:3, 1:4, and
other integers? Given what we’ve already discussed,
you don’t need diagrams to work these out. The ratio
1:3 gives upper side bands at 4C, 7C, 10C… and
reflected lower side bands at 2C, 5C, 8C… which
(ignoring phase inversion) is reminiscent of the
spectrum of a 33% pulse wave. Similarly, 1:4 Figure 8: The spectrum of a 1:1 frequency modulation with ß=1.
produces upper side bands at 5C, 9C, 13C… and
reflected lower side bands at 3C, 7C, 11C… which is basic 2-oscillator FM configuration that
again similar to that of a square wave. uses just seven modules. Now we’ll assign
By the way, this explains why there were 24 some numbers to the modules. Let’s tune
spectral components in last month’s example of an both OSC1 and OSC2 to the same
output with 3600Hz bandwidth. There were 10 upper frequency for a 1:1 ratio. Now set the
side bands in the signal, the Carrier, one unreflected amount of EG1 to zero (so that it is ‘off’),
lower side band, and 12 reflected lower side bands. and define EG2 to be a 0/0/10/0 (no
At this point, you might be thinking that there’s attack, no decay, full sustain,
nothing too complicated about this FM malarkey instantaneous release) organ-type
(apart from maybe the maths), but like most things envelope. If you play a note, you will Figure 9: Simple FM on a modular analogue synth.
in life, it’s not as straightforward as it might appear. hear something that sounds similar to a
The integer C:M ratios are relatively straightforward sawtooth wave, as described above.
because they produce harmonic waveforms with the Furthermore, you can fine-tune the pitch
fundamental (which, by the way, may not be the and the timbre by adjusting the gain of
loudest component) at the Carrier frequency. But VCA1.
these are special cases, and there is an infinite Having done this, you can now play
range of non-integer ratios from which to choose. with the gain of VCA1 and apply contours
I’ll leave it to you to work out the spectrum of, for from EG1 to create radical timbral changes
example, a 1:1.2138754 C:M ratio but, clearly, the that often sound like nothing so much as
resulting sound will be completely enharmonic. Not sci-fi sound effects. If you now repeat this
Figure 10: Another way of drawing Figure 9… this time
only that, but the Carrier will no longer be the exercise with OSC2 set to twice the
as a ‘2-operator’ FM synthesizer.
lowest frequency in the spectrum. frequency of OSC1, your basic waveform
will now sound more ‘hollow’, and much
FM Synthesis On Analogue like a square wave.
Synthesizers Of course, you can easily let your
Some analogue polysynths such as the Oberheim imagination run riot, and use all
Matrix 6 are capable of simple, 2-oscillator FM. This is manner of unrelated frequencies as
because their digitally controlled oscillators (DCOs) starting points, or use scaled CVs to
are stable enough to maintain the precise frequency make the oscillators track at different
ratios required for the technique (see last month’s rates. These will give you wildly Figure 11: 6-operator FM: algorithm 32 from a Yamaha DX7.
instalment of Synth Secrets for more on this). varying sounds, all of which will be
However, FM is only truly versatile when you have far more complex that those created simply
access to a large number of oscillators, VCAs and by mixing the outputs of any two analogue
contour generators. Furthermore, however many oscillators. Indeed, with appropriate
modules you need for a sound, you will need twice as enveloping of the Carrier output, these
many for duophony, three times as many for 3-note sounds can be excellent for creating drums
polyphony… This soon becomes a very large and other powerful percussion effects.
number of modules, and is undoubtedly the reason
why FM never caught on in the analogue realm. Just Operators
consider the size of the modular synth that you Unfortunately, block diagrams such as
would need to emulate a DX7: 96 oscillators, 96 Figure 9 become very complex very
VCAs and 96 multi-stage EGs for the oscillator levels, quickly, so we need a shorthand way to
plus pitch envelope generators and their associated represent them. We do this by introducing
VCAs, innumerable mixers, and heaven-knows-what- the concept of an operator — a
else. The total system would incorporate hundreds of combination of an oscillator plus any
modules and would weigh many tons. associated envelope generators, mixers and
Despite this, you can still produce interesting VCAs. Once defined in this way, we can
monophonic FM sounds using just a handful of redraw Figure 9 as Figure 10 (right) —
Figure 12: 6-operator FM: algorithm 1
analogue modules. What’s more, these need not be which is much easier to understand. Having
from a Yamaha DX7.
part of a modular synth; they could just as easily be done this, we can create all manner of
the sections within a pre-patched monosynth. routings (or ‘algorithms’) in which operators

Take a look at Figure 9 (right). This shows a affect each other in different ways. One of

82 SOUND ON SOUND • may 2000

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the simplest examples is the 6-operator algorithm in Figure 15 (see right), and say that this is

in Figure 11 (see page 82). This is often called the producing a sine wave of 100Hz. Then, following
‘organ’ on a DX7 because the outputs from each of our reasoning above, it is also receiving a 100Hz
the operators are summed together, with no FM sine wave (its own output) as a Modulator, thus
taking place whatsoever. making it produce a complete harmonic series at its
In contrast, Figure 12 (page 82) shows a more output. You can then use an input level control or
complex arrangement. If you’re familiar with a VCA within the feedback loop to control the
Yamaha’s 1980s digital implementation of FM brightness of the output waveform. Neat, huh?
(as seen on their DX synths, to name just one Finally, let’s prove that FM synthesis is not just
series), you should recognise such diagrams, as the preserve of the DX-series Yamaha synths. Figure
each digital Yamaha FM keyboard synth had all 16 (below, right) shows a dual-operator feedback
its possible algorithms printed on its top panel. configuration that doesn’t exist within Yamaha’s FM
Reading these algorithm diagrams is easy, as system, but is simple to patch on a modular
long as you remember that the operators acting analogue synth.
as Carriers are always on the bottom row of the As you can see, there are two operators, and
diagrams, with the Modulators arranged above the output of the second, modulated operator is
them. fed back to the input of the first operator. If
In Figure 12, therefore, Operator 2 is acting as the frequencies of the two operators are
Modulator for Operator 1 (a Carrier) while, at the identical, this is no different from the
same time, Operator 6 is modulating Operator 5 configuration shown in Figure 15. But what
which is modulating Operator 4, which is happens if their frequencies are different and
modulating Operator 3, which is another Carrier. not related by integers? Now you have
The outputs from the two Carriers are then trouble! Look at it this way… the sine wave
summed together using a simpler mixer, and output by Operator 1 produces FM side bands
you hear the combined results of the two in the output of Operator 2. This complex
signal-generation paths. The benefits of this spectrum is then fed back to Operator 1, Figure 13: Multiple Operators affecting a single
arrangement are, I hope, obvious. For example, producing a hugely complex spectrum that is Carrier.
you can create an evolving sustained tone using itself then fed to Operator 2, further
Operators 1 and 2, and use Operators 3, 4, 5 and 6 complicating the output spectrum. This
to add a complex ‘attack’ partial at the start, thus complex spectrum is then fed back to
giving the sound life and character. Operator 1, producing a hugely complex
Figure 12 raises two important further points. The spectrum that is itself then fed to Operator 2,
first is that you can cascade Operators, so there is further complicating the output spectrum...
nothing stopping you from modulating Modulators. As you might imagine, the output soon
The second is that you can mix the outputs from includes thousands — even millions — of
Carriers, as they are just conventional audio signals frequencies, and deteriorates almost instantly
— so you can treat them as partials within the sound. into noise. This makes analogue FM an
There are two other configurations you can use as unlikely, but hugely powerful generator of Figure 14: A single Operator affecting multiple
building blocks in your FM patches, and I have shown drum and percussion sounds (refer back to Carriers.
these in Figures 13 and 14 (right). The first is that of Part 2 of this series if I’ve lost you).
two Modulators modulating a single Carrier. You
might think that this would lead to unpredictable Conclusion
results, but in practice you obtain the arithmetic sum For some people, the last two months of
of the two predicted waveforms. To make that this series may have looked like a DX7
statement clearer: if Operator 2 (a Modulator) and tutorial, and it’s true that everything I have
Operator 1 (the Carrier) would in isolation produce written (except for the last example above) Figure 15: Feedback in an FM system turns a sine
a square wave, and Operator 3 (another Modulator) is applicable to this instrument, plus the wave generator into a sawtooth generator.
and the Carrier would produce a sawtooth wave, the dozens of other digital FM synthesizers
output from Figure 13 would look like a square wave produced by Yamaha, Korg and Elka. But
and a sawtooth mixed together. that’s to miss the point… everything I have
The second configuration is that of one written is applicable to any synthesizer that
Modulator simultaneously affecting two Carriers lets you direct the output of one oscillator
(see Figure 14). In this case Operator 3 (the to the pitch CV input of another. That Figure 16: Feedback in a 2-operator FM system turns
Modulator) acts independently on Operators 1 and includes the ARP 2600, the Minimoog two sine wave generators into a noise source.
2 (the Carriers) in just the way it would if it were (switch VCO3 to modulate VCO1 at audio
modulating only one of them. The results of these frequencies), and the EMS VCS3, not to mention
are added together by a simple audio mixer. many other monosynths, DCO-based polysynths
with ‘cross modulation’ or FM capabilities and, of
Feedback course, all freely patchable modular synths.
You’ll have noticed that some of the operators in So don’t ignore FM — it’s a powerful part of
these diagrams show outputs that loop back on analogue synthesis. What’s more, it produces
themselves. These, for obvious reasons, are called sounds that conventional forms of subtractive
feedback loops, and they dramatically change the synthesis cannot, filling holes in your sonic armoury
nature of the operator. Let’s consider the operator that you never knew you had. SOS

84 SOUND ON SOUND • may 2000

technique synthesis


or the past two months Synth Secrets has Every pitched sound can be thought of as a
concentrated on frequency modulation,
showing (I hope) that FM synthesis collection of individual sine waves at frequencies
(or ‘Cross Modulation’ as it often used to be
called) is as relevant to analogue synthesizers as
related to the fundamental. Gordon Reid
it is to the digital synths that made it a household introduces a powerful method of synthesis that
name. So now it’s time to move on — to another
realm of sound creation that is normally works by manipulating these individual
associated only with digital synths. This month’s
Synth Secrets takes us into the murky world of
Additive Synthesis.
Moving on, let’s ask ourselves the
The Principle Of Additive Synthesis following question. If we can represent

The concept underlying additive synthesis is very a waveform at any given moment by
simple, and I can best explain it by turning all the describing its harmonic content at that Time

way back to Synth Secrets Part 1 (Sound On Sound moment, is it reasonable to assume that we
May ’99). In this, I showed that you could can take a harmonic series and derive a
represent any waveform as a set of sine waves. unique waveform from it? Of course it is!
For a simple harmonic oscillator, each of these (Well, to be precise... as long as we Figure 1: An idealised sawtooth waveform.
sine waves has a frequency that is an integer overlook the phase relationships of the
multiple of the fundamental frequency, and we harmonics, of course it is!) This is because,
call these the ‘harmonics’ of the sound. Just to as I have already stated, the waveform and
refresh our memory, let’s take the most common the harmonic series are simply different Fundamental

synthesizer waveform — the sawtooth wave — ways of expressing the same thing.
2nd harmonic

as an example. Armed with this knowledge, we can take

Figure 1 shows an idealised sawtooth wave. our series of nine harmonics and use them 3rd harmonic

You’ll never see this in nature because the to create a huge range of waveforms. For
4th harmonic

universe doesn’t allow physical objects such as example, let’s give each of the nine the Frequency

air molecules or the cones of a 4x12 cabinet to same amplitude. If we now assume that
Figure 2: The first nine components in the
accelerate or move infinitely quickly. these are the only harmonics within the
harmonic series of a sawtooth wave.
Unfortunately, this is what the ideal waveform sound, we can calculate the waveform.
requires as it moves instantaneously from its nadir (See Figures 4 and 5.) As you can see, this
to its zenith, but we’re not going to worry about waveform looks quite unlike the one we
that. Now, you may recall that this waveform has had before. OK, so there’s a passing
a simple harmonic relationship, expressed as resemblance, but all the ‘squiggles’ in the Time

follows: every harmonic is present, and the wave show that it has a much greater
amplitude of the nth harmonic is 1/n times that high-frequency content, and indeed it
of the fundamental. We draw this as shown in sounds very much brighter than the
Figure 2. sawtooth of Figure 3. Likewise, you could
Figure 3: The waveform generated by the nine
It’s important that you fully appreciate that, generate a passable approximation to harmonics in a 1/n series.
within limits, Figures 1 and 2 represent exactly the a square wave by using your knowledge of
same thing. I have truncated the number of which harmonics are present and in which
harmonics in Figure 2 to just nine whereas there quantities. (See Figures 6 and 7.)
should, in theory, be an infinite series, but neither So here is the basis of additive synthesis:
my screen nor your copy of SOS is infinitely wide, because, at any given moment, you can
so this will have to do. If you’re worried that describe any waveform in terms of the Amplifier

truncating the series so severely will ruin my frequencies and amplitudes of its
argument, take a look at Figure 3. This is the components, you can take the appropriate Amplifier
waveform generated by the nine harmonics in number of sine waves and mix them
Figure 2, and no others. It’s remarkably close to together at the appropriate frequencies and Figure 4: The nine harmonics of a waveform,
the ideal sawtooth, don’t you think? in the appropriate quantities to regenerate each with equal amplitude.

168 SOUND ON SOUND • june 2000

the waveform. Indeed, if you have a large modular synth you
can easily recreate the examples shown above. All you need
are nine oscillators, nine VCAs, a mixer, and some form of
Gate pulse to open the amplifiers when desired (see Figure 8).
Yes, it’s hopelessly inefficient, but the principle holds.

An Early Electronic Analogue Synthesizer

If, in the analogue domain, additive synthesis were limited
to monstrously over-endowed modular synths, you might
think that this would be the end of our story. But it isn’t,
so this isn’t. The choice of nine harmonics in each of these
examples is not an accident, because it describes a very
common analogue, additive synth. Sure, you may not think
of it in this way, and you may be surprised to discover that it
predates what we now think of as ‘conventional’
VCO-VCF-VCA analogue synthesis by about 30 years. This
instrument is the Hammond Tonewheel Additive Synthesizer.
Oops, sorry. I mean,
it’s the Hammond
Provided that the
Time Hammond in question
is a classic ‘drawbar’
model, not one of the
modern ones with
Figure 5: The waveform generated by the ‘tabs’ for the sounds,
harmonic series in Figure 4. let’s dispel any
doubts that you may
have regarding its
status as a powerful
additive synthesizer.
To do this, I’ll
describe the
Hammond itself in
a bit more detail…
The sound of a
Figure 6: The first three harmonics of a tonewheel organ is
square wave. generated by 91 discs
sitting on an axle that
runs much of the
length of the
instrument. Each of
these is shaped like

an old thre’penny bit

so that, when rotated
Figure 7: The waveform produced by just the in front of a pickup,
first three ‘square wave’ harmonics. it generates an
electrical current that
is pretty close to
sinusoidal (ie. pretty
Oscillator Amplifier
close to a sine wave).
If you have just one
Oscillator Amplifier
drawbar extended
Oscillator Amplifier
when you play, each
Oscillator Amplifier key taps the output
Oscillator Amplifier Mixer
from just one disc,
thus making each
Oscillator Amplifier
note a reasonably
Oscillator Amplifier
pure sine wave. (This
Oscillator Amplifier statement ignores the
Oscillator Amplifier
distortions introduced
by the valve circuitry
Figure 8: Configuring 20 modules as an that infests a vintage

additive synthesizer. Hammond, but we’re

technique synthesis

not considering such delicacies here!) If you extend may be, any timbre will sound static

a second drawbar simultaneously, you will add the and ‘organ-like’ if it does not change
Oscillator Amplifier

output from another disc into the sound. This in time.

Oscillator Amplifier

means that you will now have two sine waves One way to add interest is by Oscillator Amplifier

per note. Pull out a third, and a third sine wave applying ‘effects’ such as phasers, Oscillator Amplifier

is added… and so on. flangers, or echo units to the basic Oscillator Amplifier Mixer VCF VCA

Figure 9 shows the classic Hammond signal. Unfortunately, these do not Oscillator Amplifier
Contour Contour
Generator Generator

configuration consisting of nine drawbars (see affect the essential nature of the Oscillator Amplifier

table). Each of these has nine amplitude positions sound. Indeed, the Hammond has its Oscillator Amplifier

(1 to 8, plus ‘off’) so many millions of possible own particular set of effects — Oscillator Amplifier

combinations (more usually called ‘registrations’) chorus/vibrato, reverb, and the

are available. (There are a handful of Hammonds wonderful Leslie rotary speaker — Figure 10: Adding filter and amplitude contours to our
with more than nine drawbars per registration, and and these help to give the instrument basic additive synthesizer.
the spinet models have just seven on the lower its distinctive sound. But you could
manual, but we’re going to ignore complications not call these effects a method of
such as these.) synthesis, so we must look elsewhere
Contour Contour
Generator 1 Generator 2

So there you have it: nine harmonically related if we are significantly to improve our Oscillator 1 Amplifier 1

pitches, each with nine possible volumes, and you additive synthesizer. Oscillator 2 Amplifier 2

can combine these in any way you choose. It’s Consider sampling the output from Trigger

Oscillator 3 Amplifier 3

a very small leap to realise that this is, almost a tonewheel Hammond without the Oscillator 4 Amplifier 4

by definition, an additive synthesizer capable of chorus/vibrato, reverb, or Leslie

producing millions of unique waveforms. But surely effects. Now consider playing this Contour
Generator 3
Generator 4

this can’t be the be-all and end-all of additive sample through the contoured filters
synthesis? When all is said and done, the Hammond and amplifiers that no doubt reside Figure 11: A more complex and useful additive
sounds, well, like an organ, not a powerful within your sampler. As you might synthesizer.
synthesizer. There’s obviously something missing. imagine, the result would sound much

Footage Colour Name Pitch Relationships

16 Brown Bourdon Sub-Fundamental Sub-Fundamental

8 5 1/3 Brown Quint 5th Sub-3rd Harmonic
8 7
8 7 6 8 White Principal Fundamental Fundamental
8 7 6 5

4 4 White Octave 8th 2nd Harmonic

2 2/3 Black Nazard 12th 3rd Harmonic
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
2 White Block Flote 15th 4th Harmonic
Additive Synthesizers
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 3/5 Black Tierce 17th 5th Harmonic
4 3 1
3 2
1 1 1/3 Black Larigot 19th 6th Harmonic
2 1 I first experienced additive
1 1 White Sifflote 22nd 8th Harmonic synthesis in the late ’70s during a
brief encounter with a Fairlight CMI.
Figure 9: The classic Hammond configuration of nine drawbars per registration. This was a dream machine, and
I fell in love with the concept of
being able to manipulate the very
building blocks of a sound. In the
An Analogue Additive Synthesizer more like a conventional synthesizer, albeit one mid-’80s Kawai released the K5.
with a more complex initial waveform than that With its powerful additive engine it
We started this article recapping Synth Secrets 1, produced by conventional oscillators. This then was, in theory, capable of all
so now let’s jump forward a few months to Synth suggests how we can modify the ‘instrument’ in manner of sounds inaccessible from
Secrets 4 to 8. In my discussions about filters and Figure 8 to design a more interesting additive conventional analogue or digital
synths. Unfortunately, the reality
envelopes, I postulated that sounds will always synthesizer: simply add a time-varying filter and
did not live up to the promise and
sound static and uninteresting if they do not a time-varying amplifier after the output from the the K5, while interesting, suffered
change in time. So this gives us a clue to today’s mixer (Figure 10). from the bane of many ’80s digital
problem: the Hammond, while a powerful signal However, this still is not a very interesting synths: unless treated with a great
generator, has no means to shape or contour additive synthesizer. Indeed, if we ignore the deal of love and attention it
those signals into something more involving. absence of modulators (and the fact that this sounded sterile and uninvolving.
The final stage in this tale of
So let’s encapsulate this in another Synth Secret: discussion has limited itself, so far, to sine wave
additive lust brings us to the
oscillators) this is not much different from a present day and my Kawai K5000S,
Organs sound like organs not because of the multi-oscillator synth such as a Minimoog. It’s just a synth I like so much that I
simplicity (or not) of their waveform generators, that we have nine oscillators instead of three. recently asked my producer Nick
but because their sounds do not change over time. Now, consider the evolution of a real sound Magnus to buy one so that I didn’t
such as a plucked string. We know from have to move mine between our
studios. Ahhh… a happy ending!
Or, to put this another way: experience that this is loud and bright at the start
of the note, and becomes quieter and ‘darker’ as
No matter how clever the method of synthesis, time passes. So let’s take this simplistic

and no matter how complex an initial waveform description, and see how we can modify the ‘synth’

170 SOUND ON SOUND • june 2000

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in Figure 10 to recreate these tonal changes more Looking at Figure 16 you can see that the

accurately. Firstly, we must assign the pitches of waveform becomes much more complex as time
Contour Generator 1
the oscillators to imitate the harmonic nature of passes. If you are experienced in looking at such
the string. This is simple — it’s the 1/n harmonic waveforms, you can also see that the high-
series discussed many times before. Secondly, we frequency content starts to dominate about half
Contour Generator 2
must consider how each of these harmonics way through the note. This is a result that you
changes in time. This is also simple: we know that simply can’t obtain on a Minimoog, Odyssey,
the sound becomes duller as time passes, so the Prophet 5, or any other synthesizer with a single Contour Generator 3

higher-frequency harmonics must decay more signal path. OK, you can approximate this simple Time

rapidly than the lower ones. Thirdly, we must example on synths with multiple signal paths
determine how the overall brightness and (such as the Korg 800DV and, at the other end of Contour Generator 4

loudness of the sound changes as the note the spectrum, the Prophet 10), but even these are Time

progresses, and create filter and amplifier profiles limited to the simplest of such cases. In contrast,
that emulate this. But hang on a minute — if a a true additive synthesizer will allow you to Figure 12: The four contours
sound can, at any instant, be determined by the manipulate individually the amplitudes of controlling the amplifiers in Figure 11.
relative pitches and amplitudes of its constituent 32, 64, 128, or even 256 harmonics, and
harmonics, we have no need for these filters and that’s something that no pre-patched
amplifiers — the changes in the harmonics do all analogue synthesizer can do.
the work for us. This understanding then leads us
to Figure 11, which is much closer to describing Fourier Synthesis And Beyond
how a real additive synthesizer works. This method of generating a complex
As you can see, this instrument lacks the filters sound is often called Fourier synthesis.
and output VCA of a conventional synth. However, (This is in honour of Joseph Fourier, the
it is still capable of creating most of the timbres of mathematician who discovered the basis
a typical VCO-VCF-VCA configuration, plus many, of what we now call Fourier analysis —
Figure 13: The four decaying harmonics defined by
many others besides. the mathematical method used to break the contours in Figure 12.
So let’s now design our simple plucked string sounds down into sine waves — and
sound. For example, let’s say that Oscillator 1 Fourier synthesis — building them back
produces a sine wave at the fundamental (1st up again.) However, the more general
harmonic) frequency, Oscillator 2 produces a sine term ‘additive synthesis’ does not
wave at the 2nd harmonic frequency, and so on. presuppose that your oscillators are
Now, let say that Amplifier 1 causes the sound of limited to sine waves. There is nothing
Oscillator 1 to decay from its full level to silence in stopping you from using square waves,
some time T, Amplifier 2 causes the sound of sawtooth waves, or more complex waves
Oscillator 2 to decay from its maximum level to such as PWM’d pulse waves or the
silence in half the time, T/2… and so on. These outputs of ring modulators to create
Figure 14: The final waveform output by our
relationships mean that the higher harmonics are extremely complex time-varying spectra.
‘additive’ synthesizer.
louder at the start, so this sound is particularly Nevertheless, these complex waves can
bright in the first instance, much like a plucked or themselves be broken down into their constituent
hammered string. Note also that, because the sine waves, so the underlying principle is always
higher frequencies are decaying more quickly, the the same. Contour Generator 1

sound becomes ‘darker’ as time passes. This is Unfortunately, if you’re after complex, evolving, Time

akin to a low-pass filter following a simple AD and involving sounds, you’re going to need a lot of
contour with A=0 and D=T. I have shown in Figure sine-wave oscillators in your additive synthesizer.
Contour Generator 2

12 the four envelopes produced by the four This is why the technique is always implemented

contour generators. in digital technology rather than analogue. After

Contour Generator 3
If we now compute the waveform, we can see all, in the digital realm the oscillators are merely
that the high frequencies decay quickly and that, numbers in an equation, whereas the analogue
by the time that the waveform decays to silence, additive synthesizer will require tons (literally) of
Contour Generator 4
only the fundamental remains. I have shown the VCOs, EGs, VCAs, and mixers. And, while there’s Time

individual sine waves in Figure 13 and the nothing stopping you from creating additive
combined output in Figure 14. sounds using just a handful of oscillators, you’re Figure 15: A combination of harmonic
This result is much as you would expect, going to need dozens or even hundreds if you’re contours that you cannot obtain on a
although in all fairness you could more easily going to try to recreate natural sounds conventional analogue synthesizer.
produce it using a sawtooth oscillator and a that contain a lot of overtones.
low-pass filter controlled by a single 2-stage But even this isn’t the end of the story
contour generator. But now let’s ask ourselves because, for realism, each oscillator will
what happens if we make individual harmonics require modifiers that modulate its pitch
change in less obvious ways. How about making and amplitude. Without these, the
the third and fourth harmonics start quietly, get frequencies of the various partials
louder and louder, and then decay quickly to zero remain constant relative to each other,
at the end of the note? Now we have a situation again resulting in cheesy organ timbres.
where the four contours are as shown in Figure In addition, experience shows that Figure 16: Applying the contours in Figure 15 to the

15, and the output waveform looks like Figure 16. a single LFO modulating all the sine wave oscillators in our additive synthesizer.

172 SOUND ON SOUND • june 2000

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harmonics simultaneously will reinforce this colour changes realistically

cheesiness, so our analogue additive synth now over time. The noise Contour Contour
Generator 1 Generator 2

needs to grow to gargantuan proportions with generator will also need a

each oscillator boasting a pitch LFO, pitch VCA and its associated Oscillator 1 Amplifier 1

envelope, amplitude LFO, and amplitude envelope. contour generator.

Oscillator 2 Amplifier 2
Furthermore, and before we become If this analysis seems a Trigger Mixer

completely carried away with simply generating little arcane, it isn’t. In fact, Oscillator 3 Amplifier 3

timbres, we should also remember that music this extension to pure Oscillator 4 Amplifier 4

isn’t just about creating sounds, it’s about playing additive synthesis even
them, preferably with some sort of expression has a name: if the analysis Contour
Generator 3
Generator 4

and character. So, to all of the above, we need to is performed beforehand

add some form of control for velocity- and it’s called Spectral Contour
Generator 5
Generator 6

pressure-sensitivity, and maybe some other Modelling Synthesis.

real-time controllers. Now you have an analogue Without the signal analysis, Noise
Filter Amplifier 5

additive synth of which you can be proud. Sure, you could just call it the
it’s going to be nigh on impossible to crowbar the ‘sinusoids plus noise’
Figure 17: A ‘sinusoids plus noise’ synthesizer.
thing into your bedroom studio, but you hadn’t model of sound generation
intended to sleep there anyway. Had you? (Figure 17).

Now Let’s Get Noisy

At this point, you may feel that your house-sized
additive synth is complete. Unfortunately, it isn’t,
and I regret to inform you that — despite
“While there’s nothing stopping you from creating
everything that I’ve written numerous times
before — there are many sounds that you cannot
additive sounds using just a handful of oscillators,
break down into the sum of their sinusoids.
At this point, I should reassure you that nothing
you’re going to need dozens or even hundreds if
we have discussed so far is actually wrong, it’s
just incomplete.
you want to recreate natural sounds that contain
Consider the sounds of orchestral instruments
such as flutes and trumpets. If you have the
a lot of overtones.”
appropriate (expensive) equipment, you can
separate their sounds into their component
harmonics. However, if you then subtract these Don’t Despair
harmonics from the original sound there is a
residual element: noise. This noise may not be Despite this potential complexity, simple additive
very loud or intrusive, but it’s there nonetheless. synthesis is possible on quite modest analogue
Consequently, many of your synthesized sounds synths. So is ‘sinusoids plus noise’ synthesis.
will remain unconvincing if they lack a little noise Indeed, I guarantee that anybody playing an
within them. So our additive synth needs yet instrument with two or more independently
another sound source — a noise generator. Mind tuneable oscillators (and, maybe, a noise source)
you, the noise produced by orchestral instruments has created sounds employing tuned fifths, octaves,
is far from ‘white’ or ‘pink’; it is heavily filtered by or whatever. As soon as you have done this, you’ve
the nature of the instrument itself. So, despite entering the weird and wonderful world of additive
everything, we need at least one filter in our synthesis. So go and find a handful of extra
additive synth. And this, of course, will need its oscillators, and get serious. Additives can be good
own contour generator to ensure that the noise for you, and it’s great fun, I promise. SOS

174 SOUND ON SOUND • june 2000

technique synthesis


ver the past few months I’ve described Gordon Reid turns his attention to the effects
oscillators, filters, amplifiers and envelope
generators — the devices that make up the that can be achieved when subtractive synthesis
architecture of a typical analogue
‘subtractive’ synthesizer. I’ve even demonstrated
components are applied not to the output from
that you can use these to recreate methods of oscillators, but to real-world sounds — such as
synthesis that are normally associated only with
digital synthesizers. However, no matter how basic human speech.
or how radical the concepts we’ve discussed, they
have all shared one trait: the initial sound has been

generated within the synthesizer. Usually, the RANGE WAVEFORM VOL FILTER

synthesizer’s internal oscillators have been the

2 5 10 10 ON

culprits, although self-oscillating filters have also OSCILLATOR 2 ON KEYBOARD

5 5 10
reared their heads. Today, however, we’re going to


step beyond this limitation, and see how you can


use external signals in subtractive synthesis. 10



Getting The Signal In GLIDE

Many of you will own contemporary analogue (and



‘virtual analogue’) synthesizers that offer signal

inputs, but if you look at the back panels of vintage
instruments you’ll find that the idea is hardly a new
one. If we return to the first non-modular PITCH MOD

synthesizers, we find that even the Minimoog

offered a signal input as one of the five sound Figure 1: A typical setup for processing
sources in its Mixer. Consequently, if you switched oscillators generated the sound. The advantage of an external signal using a Minimoog.
off the Moog’s three internal oscillators and its this is obvious: whatever the nature of the external
noise generator, you could pass just the external signal, you can use the Minimoog’s filter to create
signal through its filter and amplifier (see Figure 1). new timbres.
It may look very simple in principle, but even Despite these abilities, the Minimoog is still
this arrangement has numerous subtleties and very limited in the way that it can process an
pitfalls. For example, the Minimoog has no Initial external signal. After all, there’s no way to
Level control for its amplifier. This means no determine the pitch of the sound passing through
sound can pass through the synth until you press it, nor can you determine when you hear the
a key. However, when you press a key, the sound, other than by pressing a key. What we
amplifier’s gain increases according to the contour want is the ability to control the synthesizer by
generator’s settings, allowing you to chop the applying an external signal —
external audio into ‘enveloped’ bits and pieces. maybe using a guitar to ‘play’
In contrast, if the filter’s cutoff frequency it, or using your voice to make
Pitch to
Control Voltage

control is greater than zero, some low frequencies it ‘speak’. So let’s introduce the Input Signal Output voltage

will pass through it regardless of whether you two ‘modules’ that make this
Figure 2: A simple form of pitch/CV
press a key or not — though you still won’t hear possible: the envelope follower
anything until you press a key, because the and, first, the pitch-to-voltage converter.
amplifier’s gain is zero. When you press a key, the
filter’s dedicated contour generator will alter the External Signal Processing (1):
cutoff frequency (or not, according to the Amount
The Pitch-to-Voltage Converter
control) thus allowing a greater or lesser amount Let’s look at the idea of controlling and playing
of the external signal’s spectrum through the your synthesizer using a guitar. Oh yes… and
Moog. Furthermore, you can use the filter’s don’t forget, this is pure analogue technology we
resonance to emphasise parts of the external are considering, so we can’t cheat by introducing a
signal’s spectrum, just as you would if the internal MIDI-to-CV converter! What we need instead is the

192 SOUND ON SOUND • july 2000

Input Gain
Pitch to
Control Voltage
aforementioned pitch-to-voltage
Input Signal
converter. More commonly called a
pitch/CV converter, this is a device that
accepts a monophonic signal (ie. a
Output voltage

Figure 3: A more sophisticated pitch/CV converter. signal with only one pitch present) at
its input, determines its pitch, and then
produces an appropriate control
Slew voltage at its output (see Figure 2).
Neat, isn’t it? Indeed, if everything
were as elementary as this, the worlds of
Generator electronics and synthesis would be very
simple indeed. Unfortunately, pitch/CV
Slew converters can be fooled by stray signals
and background noise, causing glitching.
To overcome this, we add two sub-
Generator modules. The first of these is a simple
audio amplifier called an input level or
Figure 4: Examples of a slew generator in action. input gain control. This ensures that the
external signal enters the converter itself
at an optimal level. The second is a Slew
Generator, or ‘Lag Processor’ (see Figure 3).
We haven’t encountered slew generators before
in Synth Secrets, but their effect might be obvious
from the figure. In essence, they slow down
transitions from one voltage to another, thus
‘slewing’ any abrupt changes over a period. (In a
sophisticated system, the amount of slewing will
be governed by a Slew Rate control.) As you can
see from Figure 4, slowly changing signals (such
as the low-frequency sine wave) pass unaffected,
whereas signals with sharp transitions become
Modular synthesizers, such as the
Analogue Systems Integrator rounded. Interestingly, the single, sharp spike
below, allow you to configure as disappears completely. OK, this is an idealised
many signal processors as you wish description, but it gives you the general idea.
(or can afford). There’s nothing You should now be able to see that the slew
stopping you building a complete generator is simply a low-pass filter, albeit one
vocoder if you have sufficient
with a handful of specialised uses. (On most
envelope followers, filters and
analogue synthesizers, it’s a 6dB/oct low-pass
VCAs (plus a few other bits and
pieces such as oscillators, mixers, filter with cutoff frequency variable in the range
0Hz to approximately 1kHz.)

and CV offset controllers).

technique synthesis

You will most commonly encounter a slew blocks in the upper path are

Gain Cut-off frequency Cut-off frequency

control control control

generator in its role as a ‘portamento’ circuit, those shown in Figure 5,

smoothing the transition from one keyboard- whereas the lower path is Amplifier
High-pass Low-pass
filter filter

generated pitch CV to another. However, when provided by Figure 8. Note that Input Signal

it’s hooked up to a pitch/CV converter, the slew in the following figures I have
generator’s raison d’être is to remove the used blue arrows for audio Pitch to
Control Voltage

inevitable glitches that occur when the pitch signals and black arrows for Output voltage

detector loses lock on the desired signal. (Without control voltages. I hope that
Figure 5: A sophisticated analogue pitch-to-CV converter.
the slew generator, the output CV would jump this makes things clearer.
around wildly until lock was re-established.) Now look at the CVs’
Moving on, we can enhance Figure 3 and destinations. Clearly, the pitch of the
improve the converter’s performance still further. input is controlling the pitch of the
To be specific, we add a band-pass filter to create oscillator, whereas the loudness of the
Signal Signal
a narrow ‘pass band’ of accepted frequencies (see input is controlling the cutoff frequency Input output
Figure 5). This reduces the risk of extraneous of a VCF and the gain of a VCA. The
signals or high-amplitude harmonics confusing the envelope follower is, therefore,
pitch detector. replacing the contour generators that
You might think that we now have everything you would find in a conventional Figure 6: A simple analogue envelope follower.
needed to control our synthesizer using a guitar, configuration. So, while the oscillator is
but even the sophisticated converter in Figure 5 providing the basic timbre of the
is not sufficient for this. Yes, it provides a output, the incoming signal is Level

monophonic CV that you can use to determine the determining the pitch as well as
oscillators’ pitches, but it tells the synth nothing articulating the new sound.
about the changing loudness of the notes (or even So there we have it… the perfect way
when they occur). For this we need something (in theory) to control your synthesizer
completely different… using an external signal such as a
guitar. But while Figure 9 offers some
External Signal Processing (2): interesting musical possibilities it is
The Envelope Follower limited in one important way: the
We have already determined that the pitch/CV circuit external signal has a very limited ability Time

will provide a CV for the oscillators, so we now need to modify the timbre of the output. In
Figure 7: The output from an envelope follower.
something that can provide a CV to control the fact, the only way to affect the timbre is
synthesizer’s VCF and/or VCA. This something is an by patching the pitch CV or loudness CV
Envelope Follower (strictly speaking, a ‘peak to the cutoff frequency input of the Input Gain

amplitude follower’) — a circuit that measures the filter. So, is there a way to make your Input Signal

amplitude of the positive peaks of the waveform. external signal determine both the Slew

If you’re interested in the electronics (and loudness and the timbre of the
Output voltage

because it’s such an elegant solution) take a peek synthesized sound? Of course there is, Figure 8: A more sophisticated envelope follower.
at the simple envelope follower in Figure 6. This and you probably have an
works in a deliciously simple fashion. If successive example tucked away in one of pitch/CV converter

peaks of the input signal are of increasing your synthesizers or effects

Pitch to

amplitude, the capacitor is charged up, and if the units. It’s a vocoder.
Band-pass Slew
Amplifier filter Control Voltage Generator

peaks are decreasing in amplitude the capacitor Input

discharges at a rate determined by the value of the

Introducing Vocoders Amplifier

variable resistor. Of course, there is a small Imagine playing a percussion

envelope follower
discharge between successive peaks even if the track — from tape, or from a
amplitude of the overall envelope is increasing rhythm machine — into an
but, if you choose your component values envelope follower. As you Oscillator Output VCF VCA

carefully, you can create the output shown in blue might guess, the follower will
in Figure 7. As you can see, this is remarkably generate a succession of
similar to the true signal ‘envelope’. decaying pulses that you can Figure 9: An external signal controlling a simple analogue
As with our pitch/CV converter, there’s nothing use as envelopes or as triggers. synthesizer.
stopping us from making the envelope follower If you then play another
more sophisticated, again adding an Input Gain external signal such as a
Control and a slew generator to improve its sustained organ chord through a VCA Rhythm

performance. The latter of these will smooth out that is controlled by a contour
the ‘bumps’, making the output CV even more like generator that is itself triggered by the
the envelope of the signal (Figure 8). envelope follower… well, I’m sure that VCA

you get the idea. The organ now ‘plays’

Putting It All Together the chords rhythmically and in perfect Figure 10: The cheat’s way to perfect keyboard rhythm.
Now let’s put it all together. Figure 9 shows an synchronisation with the percussion
external signal — which can be the output from a track, whether you lift your hand from
guitar, a microphone, a CD player, or whatever — the keys or not! (See Figure 10.)

split and directed down two signal paths. The four Extending this idea further, you

194 SOUND ON SOUND • july 2000

technique synthesis

could attach a microphone and use your voice to content of the input signal to determine the
articulate your keyboard playing — allowing sound relative amplitudes of the signals generated by
through the VCA when you say (or sing) words, two oscillators (Figure 13). Intriguing, yes?
but creating silence between words (Figure 11). However, we don’t necessarily need to use
Unfortunately, the envelope follower is simply multiple VCOs to generate interesting effects.
Instead, we could take a complex signal and pass
this through a second bank of band-pass
Envelope filters to split groups of harmonics into a Lowpass Envelope
number of separate signals, each filter Follower 1

occupying a defined band of frequencies. Highpass Envelope

Now look at Figure 14. As before, the filter Follower 2

envelope followers raise and lower the
gains of the appropriate VCAs in Figure 12: A frequency-sensitive envelope follower.
Figure 11: Articulating a keyboard sound using your voice. sympathy with the frequency content of
the input (this, by the way, is a VCO 1

following the amplitude peaks of what you say or ‘Spectrum Analyser’). However, instead
sing… the words themselves are completely of controlling the amplitudes of signals
Lowpass Envelope
filter Follower 1 VCA 1

Input Mixer

irrelevant. To put it another way, it doesn’t matter generated by independent oscillators, Highpass
Follower 2 VCA 2

what frequencies are present in the signal, it is the VCAs now control the amplitudes of

only the total amplitude that determines the the harmonics in each of the frequency
output. bands. Figure 13: Using frequency to select between two
To understand how great a limitation this can This is a hugely important result. oscillators.
be, imagine that you have a signal with no Imagine that the signal
frequencies present below 1kHz but so much signal presented to the envelope
above 1kHz that it registers as the maximum that followers is your voice (we will

the circuit can handle. In this scenario, the output call this the modulator) and Bandpass

from the envelope follower will also be a maximum. that an oscillator generates the Bandpass

Now let’s turn this example on its head: there is no signal presented to the second
Bandpass Envelope
filter Follower

signal above 1kHz, and maximum below this bank of band-pass filters (we Bandpass


frequency. The envelope follower will again produce will call this the carrier). In this
Bandpass Envelope
filter Follower


a maximum CV output. Ouch! Despite the fact that case, the carrier provides the Bandpass

the signal in the first example contains only high basic tonality of the output, but Vocal analyser Resynthesiser

frequencies while the second contains only low the modulator determines its
frequencies, the result is the same. frequency content and Figure 14: A simple 4-band vocoder.
So, here’s an idea: let’s split the signal into two amplitude. In other words, the
paths, and place two filters before a pair of modulator articulates the
envelope followers (see Figure 12). In this carrier. Voila! We have designed
scenario, low-frequency signals cause Envelope a vocoder.
Follower 1 to generate a CV, while high-frequency Bandpass

More Advanced
Bandpass Envelope

signals cause Envelope Follower 2 to generate a

filter Follower


CV. If we now send these CVs to a pair of VCAs,

Bandpass Envelope
filter Follower

we can configure our synthesizer so that its Many vocoders generate an

Bandpass Envelope
filter Follower

response to incoming signals is ‘frequency- internal carrier wave — usually Bandpass

Bandpass Envelope

sensitive’. For example, we can use the frequency a sawtooth because it’s the
filter Follower

most harmonically rich of the

Vocal analyser Resynthesiser

simple waveforms, although a

Figure 15: Using external signals for both carrier and modulator.
The Genesis Of The Vocoder rounded pulse wave would be
more suitable for vocal sounds,
A research physicist named Homer Dudley invented because this is closest to the raw waveform
the Vocoder (the VOice EnCODER or, according to
produced by the human vocal chords. An internal
some commentators, the Voice Operated reCOrDER)
when he was working at Bell Laboratories, New white noise generator is another good choice for
Jersey, in 1939. He developed the machine as a speech resynthesis, because this contains all the
research device for experimenting with audio frequencies in the sound spectrum. However,
compression, primarily to improve the voice-carrying better vocoders offer two external signal inputs —
capabilities of his employer’s telephone lines. the first for the modulator, and the second for the
Following WWII, Dudley visited Bonn University and
carrier (see Figure 15).
met a chap named Werner Meyer-Eppler who, at the
time, was the Director of Phonetics at the University.
Of course, there’s nothing to say that the
Meyer-Eppler recognised the relevance of the vocoder modulator must be a vocal signal. You can use
to electronic music, and subsequently used it within a guitars, other keyboards, any acoustic instrument
number of compositions that would eventually become (provided, of course, that you convert its sound
the inspiration for the German ‘Electronische Musik’ into an electrical signal using a microphone or
movement. Understandably, the fidelity of Dudley’s
transducer) or even the outputs from CD players
vocoder was limited, but the fundamental concept has
and the radio. Likewise, the carrier can be any
remained unchanged to this day.
signal. Indeed, using the same signal as both

196 SOUND ON SOUND • july 2000

A darling of the dance and
industrial scene, the
Korg MS20 has a powerful
External Signal Processor
that offers both a
pitch/CV converter and
an envelope follower.

carrier and modulator provides one of the most

interesting vocoder effects. If you want an even
more radical configuration, you could even place
pitch/CV converters and oscillators at one or both
of the inputs.
Before finishing, I would like to describe two
final enhancements to our vocoder. If you look at
the front panels of units such as the Roland
SVC350, you will see a bunch of faders. These
scale the CVs produced by the envelope followers,
allowing you to tailor the vocoder’s response,
accentuating or attenuating the
outputs of specific bands. Less
visibly, but no less importantly,
some vocoders (the Roland
VP330 springs to mind) replace
Bandpass Envelope Control
filter Follower VCA


one of the band-passed carrier

Bandpass Envelope Control
filter Follower VCA

signals with a noise generator.

Bandpass Envelope Control
filter Follower VCA

Bandpass Envelope Control

This is very important for
filter Follower VCA

Vocal analyser
correct articulation of sibilants

and consonants — the short,

Control bank noisy sounds (for example, the
Figure 16: Modifying the vocoder’s response.
letters ‘d’, ‘t’, and ‘s’ without
their attendant vowel sounds)
created primarily by your lips
and tongue rather than the vocal chords. We can
add the front panel controls and noise generator
as shown in Figure 16.
OK, even with these enhancements, there are
limitations. In particular, the low resolution of the
band-pass filters — typical roll-offs are 6dB/oct or
12dB/oct — ensures that the output articulation
retains only a remote semblance of the original.
But with sufficient bands (10 plus noise is enough)
a vocoder is easily good enough for ‘Mr Blue Sky’!
So that’s it. Easy, huh? Well… yes it is. When
Walter Carlos recorded the score for A Clockwork
Orange, he used off-the-shelf Moog filters,
oscillators, envelope followers and VCAs to
resynthesize (ie. vocode) the choral sounds. Given
the cash, space and patience, you could do the
same. So here’s this month’s Synth Secret…

If your synthesizer has an external signal input

plus an envelope follower and a pitch/CV
converter, it is a much more powerful and flexible
instrument than it would otherwise be. You should
experiment with them!

Alternatively, you could simply stick with

conventional emulations of woodwind, strings and
brass, or continue to create silly bleeping and
squelchy noises. But where’s the fun in that?

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