KM Copy of Lesson 9 Mock Interview Reflection

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Mock Interview Reflection

1. What steps did you take to prepare for the mock interview?

I watched Edgenuity videos and took notes on them. These videos gave me tips on good
interview skills and strategies such as maintaining eye contact, preparing for possible
questions beforehand, appearing confident, and rehearsing for the interview with someone
else. I researched universal interview questions, as well as the list of questions presented in
the lesson guide, and prepared accordingly.

2. How did you feel while you were being interviewed?

I felt nervous at first, but after the first few questions I felt more relaxed. This allowed me to
answer questions more thoroughly and confidently.

3. Reflect on your actual responses. Did you feel your responses were adequate or could you
have done better? Explain.

I feel like I did well in the beginning and I would mostly leave it the same. Near the end,
there were a couple of questions where I couldn’t come up with an answer immediately.
That's where I feel I could do better.

4. What questions do you feel you answered well? Explain.

The questions I feel like I answered well were the first four questions. The first question was
about why I wanted the job. I felt that I answered that question well and that the research I
had done beforehand about the company gave me great insight. I was able to tailor my
answer to fit their needs. I was also able to answer the questions about strengths and
weaknesses well. For the question about weaknesses, I was able to elaborate and explain
how I am working on improving, and why that wouldn’t have a negative effect on my job

5. What questions do you feel you could have answered better? How would you have
answered them differently?

I feel like I was running out of steam a bit towards the end. I gave vague answers, and some I
barely gave an answer at all. For the question about an accomplishment I am most proud of,
for example, I couldn’t come up with something. The great thing about this experience is
that I was able to reflect and plan for future interviews. For this specific question I could
have said that I'm proud that I’m a quick learner, and that I’ve learned many mediums in art,
such as acrylic, watercolor, and digital art.
6. What areas did your teacher mark as strengths? The parts where I talked formally and
with correct grammar and understanding etc..

The areas where my teacher marked as strengths were being confident and having some
well thought-out answers. As I previously mentioned, I felt that I was running out of steam
towards the end, and my answers weren’t as thorough, so it was great to hear that my
teacher complimented my confidence. I know I am capable of being confident in future
interviews, I just have to maintain the same level of energy throughout the entire interview.

7. What areas did your teacher mark as needing improvement? In what ways do you plan to
improve your performance in these areas?

The part where I need improvement is giving more examples to my answers. For a few
questions, I answered them directly but did not elaborate or provide specific examples.
After the interview, I practiced with my teacher and we went over a few ways I can provide

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