Computer Application Sem1

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HARDWARE:- is the physical arrangement of electronic parts that can only be changed with a
screwdriver or soldering iron.  It is purely physical.
SOFTWARE :-is the arrangement of digital instructions that guide the operation of  computer hardware. 
Software is loaded from storage (flash, disk, network, etc) into the computer's operating memory (RAM)
on demand, and is designed to be easy to change.
Humanware is hardware and softwarethat emphasizes user capability and empowerment and the
design of the user interface. The process of building humanware generally consists of these steps.
ANS-2:- RAM is a form of computer memory that can be read and changed in any order, typically used to store
working data and machine code. ROM is a type of non-volatile memory used in computers and other electronic

1. Security – 

2. Control over system performance –  
3. Job accounting –  
4. Error detecting aids – .  
5. Coordination between other software and users –  
6. Memory Management – .
7. Processor Management – 
8. Device Management – 
9. File Management – 

ANS-4 :- The computer language is defined as code or syntax which is used to write programs or any specific
applications. The computer language is used to communicate with computers.

ANS-5:- The Internet is a globally-connected network of computers that enables people to share information and
communicate with each other. An intranet, on the other hand, is a local or restricted network that enables people
to store, organize, and share information within an organization.

ANS-6:- The worksheet manager is very useful to keep an overview if you have lots of worksheets in one file. This is
intended as an alternative to the worksheet tabs at the bottom of the screen, which is often difficult to work with
when you have a lot of sheets in your Excel® file.

ANS-7:- The OSI Model (Open Systems Interconnection Model) is a conceptual framework used to describe the
functions of a networking system.
ANS-8:- LAN stands for Local Area Network. MAN stands for Metropolitan Area Network. WAN stands for Wide Area Network.
A Local Area Network (LAN) is a private network that connects computers and devices within a limited area.
A Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is a larger network than LAN. It often covers multiple cities or towns
A Wide Area Network (WAN) is a much larger network than LAN and MAN. It often covers multiple contries or contenants

ANS-9:- Optical fibre and Coaxial cables, both are different types of guided media cables. Optical fibre is made up
of plastic and glass and is used to transmits signals in form of light or optics whereas coaxial cable is made using
plastic and copper wires and is used to transmits signals in form of electric signals

ANS-10:- A function in a spreadsheet program that inserts a formula in the selected cell that adds the
numbers in the column above it. It sets the range of cells by looking for numeric data above the selected

ANS-1:- The characteristics of the computer system are as follows −


A computer works with much higher speed and accuracy compared to humans while performing mathematical
calculations. Computers can process millions (1,000,000) of instructions per second.

Accuracy- Computers perform calculations with 100% accuracy.

Diligence-A computer can perform millions of tasks or calculations with the same consistency and accuracy.

Versatility-Versatility refers to the capability of a computer to perform different kinds of works with same accuracy
and efficiency.

Reliability- A computer is reliable as it gives consistent result for similar set of data i.e., if we give same set of input
any number of times, we will get the same result.
ANS-2 - GUI is a Graphical Interface that is a visual representation of communication presented to the user for
easy interaction with the machine. GUI means Graphical User Interface. It is the common user Interface that
includes Graphical representation like buttons and icons, and communication can be performed by interacting with
these icons rather than the usual text-based or command-based communication.
 A common example of a GUI is Microsoft operating systems.
 Consider using MS-DOS and Windows 7.
 Now the most important revelation is the easiness that Windows 7 brings to the table.
 Windows 7 is the go-to option for a common user without a doubt because it is hard for them to
communicate with the machine through commands as in MS-DOS.
 Why Windows 7 is easier to use for a common user? The answer is GUI.
 Yes, GUI helps the user understand the functionalities present within the computer through Graphical
icons. A click on the icon initiates the action and the user’s desired communication.

ANS-4 – Directory Also known as a "folder", a directory is a collection of files typically created for
organizational purposes.

What is a File?
Every document that you have saved on your hard drive is called a file.  Whenever you write a paper in a word
processor and save it, you have just created a file.  Similarly, every Excel spreadsheet is a file.  So is every Access

A label in a programming language is a sequence of characters that identifies a location within source code.

Disk drive (drive) – a computer device that stores and retrieves information, data, files, programs, etc., from a disk.
The drive is often referred to by its letter (your drive letter may differ).

ANS-7 – A Graph is a data structure consisting of vertices and edges. the theory associated with graph is called
graph theory.

It can be used to solve many problems such as Planning routes for goods or services delivery, finding the shortest
path, finding number of colours needed to colour the regions of a map and so on.

Graph is a data structure that consists of following two components:

1. A finite set of vertices also called as nodes.
2. A finite set of ordered pair of the form (u, v) called as edge.

ANS-8:- Autofill, also called autocomplete, is a software feature that automatically inserts previously-
entered personal information into web form fields for the user’s convenience. Autofill is often used
by browsers, word processors and password managers to reduce the effort required to provide
information that is frequently requested. Autofill is typically saved locally on the computing device it is
used on. Popular fields of information completed by autofill include name, date of birth, age, address,
credit card or banking information.

ANS-3:- A compiler is a language translator that converts high level programs into machine understandable
machine codes. In this process, the compiler converts the whole program to machine code at a time. If there are
any syntactic or semantic error, the compiler will indicate them. It checks the whole program and displays all
errors. It is not possible to execute the program without fixing those errors.

Figure 1: Compiler

Programming languages such as C, C++ uses a compiler for language conversion. The execution time is lower in
these languages. Therefore, they are considered fast languages.

 An interpreter is also a language translator that converts high level programs into machine codes. Unlike
compilers, interpreters convert the source code to machine code line by line. As it checks line by line, the
scanning time is lower. But the overall execution time is higher .

 In addition to high level languages and machine language, there is another language called the assembly
language. Assembly language is in between the high level languages and machine language. It is closer to
machine language than high level languages. It is also called low level language. This language is not easily
readable and understandable by the programmer like a high level programming language. The assembler
works as the translator in converting the assembly language program to machine code.

ANS-4- Now that we have acknowledged the amount of data that business collects about people, what are
the risks and challenges associated with keeping that information secure? Businesses stand to lose
consumer confidence and respect if they allow unauthorized access to customer data

It has been estimated that businesses expend more than 5% of their annual IT budgets protecting
themselves against disrupted operations and theft due to information theft. A February 2018 report by
McAfee estimates that cyber-crime costs the world over $800 billion or 0.08% of global GDP. Among the
reasons given for the growing cost of cyber-crime are:

 Quick adoption of new technologies by cyber-criminals

 The increased number of new users online (these tend to be from low-income countries
with weak cyber-security)
 The increased ease of committing cyber-crime, with the growth of Cyber-crime-as-a-
 An expanding number of cyber-crime “centers” that now include Brazil, India, North Korea,
and Vietnam
 A growing financial sophistication among top-tier cyber criminals that, among other things,
makes monetization easier

Viruses and Malicious Programs

With the increased use of the Internet comes an increased risk of a business’s computer network being
affected by malicious programs such as viruses


One of the most prevalent cyber-attacks is the phishing scam. Phishing is when a scammer uses
fraudulent emails or texts, or copycat websites 

Denial of Service

A denial-of-service (DoS) attack occurs when legitimate users are unable to access information systems,
devices, or other network resources
ANS-5 –

A secondary storage device refers to any non-volatile storage device that is internal or
external to the computer. It can be any storage device beyond the primary storage that
enables permanent data storage.

A secondary storage device is also known as an auxiliary storage device, backup storage
device, tier 2 storage, or external storage.

Secondary storage devices primarily refer to storage devices that serve as an addition to
the computer's primary storage, RAM and cache memory. Since they always consist of non-
volatile memory, they allow the user to permanently store data on them.

Typically, secondary storage allows for the storage of data ranging from a few megabytes to
petabytes. These devices store virtually all programs and applications stored on a computer,
including the operating system, device drivers, applications and general user data.

They are used for a variety of purposes ranging from backup data used for future restores
or disaster recovery, long-term archiving of data that is not frequently accessed, and
storage of non-critical data in lower-performing, less expensive drives.

Most of the secondary storage devices used to be internal to the computer such as the hard
disk drive, the tape disk drive and even the optical storage drive (CD-ROM, Blu-ray, and
DVD) and floppy disk drive.

Although many forms of backup storage such as tape drives and floppy diskettes have been
long abandoned, secondary storage devices include:

 Solid-state drives (SSDs).

 Hard disk drives (HDDs).
 Cloud storage.
 CD-ROM drives.
 DVD drives.
 Blu-ray drives.

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