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1. Is officially defined as objective, accurate, descriptive, and interpretative records of all activities
of the Armed Forces in peace and war.

a. History

b. Military tactics

c. Military history

d. None of the above

2. Is any integrated narrative description written in a spirit of critical inquiry for the whole truth.

a. Narrative report

b. Report

c. History

d. Reaction paper

3. Examines war in its broadest spectrum through association of military in political, social, and
economic factors.

a. Politico- military history

b. Socio- military history

c. Economical- military history

d. All of the above

4. In what year does the pent-up feelings of the Filipinos exploded in the Philippine Revolution?

a. 1521

b. 1896

c. 1872

d. 1570

5. When General Artemio Ricarte does become the first Captain-General of the Revolutionary

a. March 22, 1898

b. March 22, 1897

c. March 22, 1896

d. March 22, 1895

6. What is the first law passed by Commonwealth Of The Philippines that was inaugurated in 1935?
a. Commonwealth Act Nr. 1 of 1935

b. Commonwealth Act Nr. 2 of 1935

c. Commonwealth Act Nr. 4 of 1935

d. Commonwealth Act Nr. 5 of 1935

7. March in the Philippines of some 66 miles (106 km) that 76,000 prisoners of war (66,000
Filipinos, 10,000 Americans) were forced by the Japanese military to endure in April 1942, during the
early stages of World War II.

a. EDSA death march

b. Military death march

c. Bataan death march

d. Death march

8. What is the acronym for Philippine Expeditionary Forces to Korea?





9. What is the acronym for Hukbong Bayan Laban sa Hapon/




d. None of the above

10. Temporary rule by military authorities of a designated area in time of emergency when the civil
authorities are deemed unable to function.

a. Law of the Martial

b. Proclaimed Law

c. Martial Law

d. Philippine Military

11. When President Marcos proclaimed Martial Law?

a. September 21, 1971

b. October 16. 1972

c. November 1, 1973

d. September 21, 1972

12. What does it mean NPA?

a. No Permanent Address

b. Non Performing Asser

c. New People’s Army

d. New People’s Announcement

13. Military arm of the Communist Party of the Philippines, Marxist-Leninist (CPP-ML), which is a
Communist organization dedicated to achieving power in the Philippines by means of revolutionary


b. NPA

c. RAM

d. None of the above

14. Recognizes the constitution of the Republic of the Philippines as legitimate expression of the
people's will.

a. Philippine Organization

b. Army Organization

c. The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)

d. Philippine Constitution

15. Span of control, Homogenous assignment, chain of command, delegation of authority.

a. Principles of Military Organization

b. Advocates of Military Organization

c. Institutions

d. Philippine Military Organization

16. There is one and only one leader in command.

a. Command

b. Render

c. Salute

d. Chain of Command
17. Is a group of persons or units bonded together to perform military functions with definite
responsibilities and duties assigned to each individual.

a. Military Forces

b. Squad

c. Military Organization

d. Platoon

18. Refers to three Filipino Catholic priests, Mariano Gomez, José Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora or
also known as:

a. Gomburza

b. Jajoma

c. Magoza

d. None of the above

19. A period of transition from decades of "guided newspapering" to that of free and responsible

a. Pre- EDSA

b. Post- EDSA


d. None of the above

20. The Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, the United States declared war on Japan.

a. December 9. 1840

b. December 7, 1941

c. December 12, 1888

d. December 25, 1941


1. C

2. C

3. A
4. B

5. B

6. A

7. C

8. C

9. A

10. C

11. D

12. C

13. B

14. C

15. A

16. D

17. C

18. A

19. B

20. B


1. It is the troop movement wherein no enemy activity or interference is anticipated.

a. The Administrative Movement

b. The Tactical Movement

c. Troop March

d. Foot March

2. A movement when the unit will be employed against to enemy, when making contact or when
interference with the enemy is a possibility the mission of the unit, the proximity of hostile ground
a. The Administrative Movement

b. The Tactical Movement

c. Troop March

d. Foot March

3. Method of moving ground troops is resorted when sufficient transportation is not available.

a. Foot Marches

b. March

c. Tactical Marches

d. None of the above

4. The conditioning provinces for foot marches must be systematic and progressive.

a. Physical Condition

b. Physically Fit

c. Good Condition

d. All of the above

5. In the conduct of practice marches attention must be given to the case of the feet, proper fitting
and wearing of shoes and socks, proper fitting and cleanliness of clothing.

a. Proper Hygiene

b. March Hygiene

c. Hygiene

d. None of the above

6. Following are the control measures used to ensure proper conduct of foot marches.

a. Conduct of Marches

b. Conduct of Walk

c. Conduct of Jog

d. Conduct of Run

7. When possible, a warning order is issued to give participating units advance information
regarding the march.

a. Warning

b. The Warning Order

c. Alarm

d. The Alarm Order

8. This group is sent forward the exact bivouac area and to make administrative arrangements.

a. The Quartering Party

b. The Annual Party

c. The Tri Party

d. All of the above

9. Is designated to be along the route of march so that no elements of the marching will have the
countermarch from its unit area to reach it.

a. The Center Point

b. The Initial Point

c. The Point

d. The Beginning point

10. It is the point at the end of the march where the element of the marching unit are broken up
and led to their respective are within the bivouac by the members of the quartering party.

a. The Regulating Point

b. The Initial Point

c. The Point

d. The Beginning point

11. It embraces all measures taken a unit to protect itself against surprise and observation by the
enemy and to obtain freedom of action where there is a need for maneuver.

a. Measurement

b. Security

c. Safety Measures

d. Security Measures

12. These are the troops who move in advance of the marching unit and provide security along
the axis of movement of columns.

a. Flank Guards

b. Rear Guard

c. Advance Guard
d. None of the above

13. The primary mission of the _____________ is to protect the main body from enemy observation
and surprise attacks on its flanks.

a. Security Guard

b. Rear Guard

c. Advance Guard

d. Flank Guard

14. Its mission is to protect the rear of the columns from surprise harassment, attacks and
observation of the enemy.

a. Security Guard

b. Advance Guard

c. Rear Guard

d. Flank Guard

15. A method of moving troops from one place to another.

a. Foot Jog

b. Foot Walk

c. Foot Run

d. Foot March

16. The time the head of a column or elements reaches a designated point, lines or object.

a. Departure Time

b. Completion Time

c. Arrival Time

d. Clearance Time

17. The time at which the tail of a column or elements thereof, passes a designated point line
or object.

a. Departure Time

b. Completion Time

c. Arrival Time

d. Clearance Time

18. The time the tail of column passes the release point.
a. Arrival Time

b. Departure Time

c. Completion Time

d. Clearance Time

19. the space between two consecutive elements proceeding in the same direction on the
same route.

a. Row Gap

b. Horizontal Gap

c. Vertical Gap

d. Column gap

20. Is composed of a command moving over the same route. It may be composed of one or more

a. March Unit

b. March Serial

c. March Column

d. Marching Alone


1. A

2. B

3. A

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. B

8. A

9. B

10. A
11. D

12. C

13. D

14. C

15. D

16. C

17. D

18. C

19. D

20. C

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