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Lesson 1
Time Table: 1.5 hours
Topic Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
a. define journalism;
b. identify the different forms of journalism;
c. give examples of the different forms of journalism.

Enabling Activity
Paste a picture of a journalist you admire the most. Provide also reason/reasons behind your
admiration for the journalist whom you have chosen.


When you are a journalist, you must have the “flexibility” in terms of
transmitting information. I admire Kuya Kim Atienza being a journalist that can do
multimedia journalism. He has vlogs, blogspots, and television shows that spread
education and life instructions especially in weather report. Who would not forget
his lines, “Ang buhay ay weather weather lang;” and “Mag-aral ng mabuti upang
buhay ay bumuti…” I like a journalist who has the urge to inspire and educate
people in all ages. Because of him, when I was a kid, I started to have interest in
learning and being alert about life situations. Among all the journalists, his impact
to me is the best thing to be appreciated.
1|Campus Journalism
Your Turn

1. Based on the given definition of journalism, give 3 words or phrases related to


1. Accessing


2. Sharing 3. Processing

2. Using an appropriate graphic organizer, identify the different forms of journalism and
provide examples of these forms.


Print/Online Broadcast Photo Multimedia

Newspapers Television Journalism Instagram Vlogs

Blogs Vlogs Pinterest Blogs

Online Articles Radio Journalism Photos attached in YouTube Broadcast

reports or printed
Researches Podcast Facebook Broadcast
School paper These media may Twitter Broadcast
include: Photo sharing sites
Magazines News reporting and apps Television Journalism
News presenting
Interview Journalism Magazines


2|Campus Journalism
Criteria 4 2 1

Organization Extremely well Organized. Somewhat Poorly organized.

organized. Structure allows organized A
Order & reader to move structure allows clear sense of
structure of through reader to move direction is not
information is content without through some evident. Flow is
compelling and confusion. of the content frequently
flows smoothly Flows smoothly without interrupted.
confusion. Flow is

Content Thorough and Complete Shows some Shows

insightful understanding of understanding of incomplete
understanding of content content understanding of
content material

Creativity Enthusiastically uses Use of materials Shows some Shows minimal

materials and ideas and ideas for use of materials effort for
for enhancement enhancement and ideas enhancement of
materials and

Ideas Insightful and well Ideas are Ideas are Ideas are unclear
considered ideas considered; somewhat on few connections
making multiple more than one topic; makes some
connections thoughtful connections
connection is

3|Campus Journalism
Lesson 2
Time Table: 1.5 hours
Topic Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
a. identify the tenets of journalism;
b. name the functions and duties of the press;
c. compare and contrast journalism and literature;
d. explain freedom of the press.

Deferring Differences: journalism & literature

With the resources you have, read the definition of journalism and literature and write them
in the space provided for you.

journalism literature
Journalism is defined as The art of writing is
the process or profession of known as literature. Writings
writing for newspapers or about a certain subject that
magazines, as well as have been published in a
transmitting news on radio and specific style. Any kind of art
television. The practice of that makes use of language,
acquiring, evaluating, whether written or spoken.
producing, and presenting Literature is employed to
news and information is known amuse readers in this purpose.
as journalism.

Do journalism and literature have something in common?

Yes, they have, both journalism and literature can be shared through multimedia. Both
can be printed, both can be broadcasted through forms of technology, both can be recorded, and
both can be used as a medium of various information related to your interests.

In what way do journalism and literature are the different?

Journalism and literature are different in terms of form and purpose. Literature is a form of
creative writing which has the purpose to entertain, while Journalism is a form of technical writing
that do not mainly tend to entertain. Journalism is formal while literature is expressive.

4|Campus Journalism
Tenets of journalism
Do you aspire to be a journalist? Let me know by writing your thoughts on your space.

No. I do not aspire to be a journalist.

In Journalism, there are restrictions, and
responsibilities. Though being a Journalist is
a way to be engaged with the current events;
still I do not want to be involved with a very
technical and formal world. My personality is
about being free, creative and about
interacting artistically; obviously, Journalism
field is not for me. I want to be a listener and
viewer of Journalism but not to be a
journalist. I prefer to be informed and not be
the one to inform. If I will inform, I’ll just do it
through literature.

5|Campus Journalism
Your final Tasks
Instructions: Do the given task below. Make sure to follow the instructions given
properly. Your output will be graded based on the rubrics seen in your syllabus (refer to
the “Graphic Organizer Rubric”).

Using a Venn diagram, compare and contrast the nature of

TASK 1: journalism from the scope of literature. Illustrate your answer in a
long bond paper.


Based on current events Based on facts/truth Bases on ones’ thoughts and

Technical Writing Both need writing skills Creative Writing

Uses all kinds and Use media to spread information Uses printed/written and
combinations of media online media
Delivered by researchers,
anchors, photographers, Both can be shared, read, and directed
Delivered by authors / literary
reporters, and bloggers and appreciated and criticized by people
Both are sources of information
Has restrictions, rules, and Can be written freely with all
Written for everyone
responsibility. the topics you want
Both have concepts. Forms, and
Written / printed in genres Written in various forms and
paragraphs and graphs.
Criticized, processessed, and styles
Needs validity assessed Only needs personal
Instructs and Educates, Entertains and Illutrates

6|Campus Journalism
Argue in not more than 200 words but not less than 150 words
TASK 2: whether the freedom to write is an absolute freedom. Cite
concrete instances, if possible. Write your answer in a one whole
sheet of yellow paper.

Freedom to Write: A Way for Transparent Society

Freedom to write or freedom of the press is constructed as an absence of

interference by outside entities, such as government or religious organization.
I want to strengthen the freedom of writing because of some reasons: Vital
role in informing the citizens about public affairs; monitoring the actions of the
government; and exposing corruption, scandals, illegal actions and unethical
behavior. These are the things that must be freely written
A free press acts as a check on such abuse; a free press allows
whistleblowers to speak up; a free press exposes falsehoods and cheating and
sheds a light of accountability on those who engage in unethical behavior. A free
press is always on the watch for players and deeds that violate the rights of the
The right to write is a must: the right to publish one's thoughts without fear of
government censure. Essentially, it is the ability for people to communicate freely
without being constrained by external factors. It is crucial for democracy since it
allows individuals to engage in decision-making based on information/ideas given
by the press. People would not make foolish conclusions if they are able to get
access to a deeper news.

7|Campus Journalism
Get three newspapers. Using the T-chart, assess the articles
TASK 3: according to the tenets of journalism. Make sure you include the
picture of the articles you chose with your output.


This news shows responsibility of the given It is not objective with bullying and most of the information
information. The given topic is based on are in personal opinion and not purely personal
someone’s tragic moments and the author is experience. At some point it became a story telling.
responsible in sharing this not in a sensitive
way but in an inspiring way.

It is a news that has an objective to The author only quoted the words of Georgie, and it the
showcase the willingness to help and do freedom to speak and be interviewed is not given to the
some programs/movements to help those beneficiaries. It can be more accurate when the
who are in need. It shows fairness by beneficiaries supported the details with their quotes.
featuring a unique event in someone’s life
rather that common articles.

8|Campus Journalism
Its only advantage is it’s accurate in terms of I can’t believe a publishing company would publish this
time, date, and place of event. It’s complete kind of article. It doesn’t make sense when the lost item is
and objective. already found. The publisher/author did not assess well
the information before printing it, it could waste
someone’s time in reading something that is already
solved. In here, I can see too much freedom of informing.

9|Campus Journalism

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