Handbook Surpac

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• To become familiar with Surpac Vision and some of it’s fundamental functionality.
• To become familiar with Surpac Vision’s graphical interface.
• To learn to import/export data to and from AutoCAD.
• To use Surpac Vision’s editing tools to manipulate string data.
• To use Surpac Vision’s viewing tools to manipulate views of data.
• To learn to create Digital Terrain Models (DTM’s) of surfaces.

Files used in this lab exercise are found in the following folder:


Surpac Vision is the flagship product of Surpac Software International. It is a 3D Mine
Design and Geology package used in the mining industry for such tasks as surveying,
mine design (open pit & underground), blast design (open pit & underground),
exploration, and tailings simulation.

Surpac Vision consists of several modules, which can be enabled on each licence.
In the coming weeks you will be exposed to such modules as Geological Database, Block
Model, Open Pit & Underground Mine Design, Open Pit and Underground Blast Design,
and Solids. Many of the things you learn in this lab exercise will provide a foundation of
skills to be used in later weeks for other labs.

The following sections will briefly describe the various aspects of the program covered in
lab exercise.

Surpac’s graphical user interface (GUI) is comprised of several areas as shown in the
figure below:

Menus: There are 11 different menus to choose from in Surpac Vision. The two default
menus are called Main Menu & Applications Menu. Others include Applets, Blast Design,
Block Model, Database, Mine Design, Ring Design, Solids, Surveying, & Scheduling.

Toolbars: There are 14 different toolbars to choose from in Surpac. The two default
toolbars are called Status Items, & Main. Others include Edit, Create, Display/Hide,
View, Inquire, File Tools, Block Model, Database, Mine Design, Blast Design, Ring
Design, & Scheduling.
Menus or Toolbars may be displayed or removed by right-hand clicking any region with
no menu item and selecting or de-selecting the menus/toolbars from the subsequent
context menu. Menus are located above the separator line in the context menu, and
toolbars below.

Navigator: Explorer-like view of all mapped drives. Three modes of opening files are
accomplished from the Navigator by clicking and dragging files into the viewport.
Keyboard modifiers are used to define the open mode to use:

Mode Keyboard Modifier Result

Open None File is opened into it’s own layer. The name of the
layer is that of the file opened.
Append Crtl File is opened into the active layer and is appended
to whatever other data in that layer.
Replace Crtl-Shift File is opened into the active layer and replaces all
other data in that layer.

Simple file management is also accomplished within the Navigator from the context menu
(right-hand click).

Status Bar: The status bar show vital information such as cursor coordinates, current
view dip and azimuth, change of distance in axis when moving or copying, connectivity to
databases & block models.

Message Window: All information relayed from Surpac to the user is displayed in the
message window. It can be resized, minimized & maximized. Its position can also be
toggled between floating and docked. Text in the message window may be copied and

Viewport: This is the 3D graphical environment in Surpac. All data types are viewed in
the viewport (string, surfaces, databases, block models, etc…). Three modes of dynamic
view movement in the viewport are attained using the mouse:

Mode Mouse Button

Orbit Left
Pan Middle or Both
Zoom Right

Command Chooser: All commands run (either from menus, toolbars, or typed in) are
displayed in the command chooser. In parentheses after the function name, the short-cut
key is also displayed. While typing commands using the keyboard, the command
chooser will auto-complete your keystrokes. The up arrow can be used to scroll through
previously run functions.

Layer Chooser: All available layers are displayed in the layer chooser. The
selected/displayed layer is the active layer. Modifications to data or creation of new data
can only take place in the active layer. Surpac Vision always starts with one layer, the
“Main Graphics Layer”. Other layers can be added by clicking “new layer” from the layer
chooser, or by opening files from the Navigator using open mode.


The two graphical file types you’ll be using today are String files (*.str) and DTM files

String files are the fundamental raw coordinate data. They contain points and lines that
are arranged and identified by string number. A string is a sequence of three-
dimensional coordinates delineating some physical feature. Valid string numbers range
from 1 to 32,000. Strings may contain multiple segments, which constitute discontinuous
portions of the same string number. Furthermore, each segment may contain multiple
points. Each point in a segment consists of a 3D coordinate (X, Y, Z) and up to 100
optional descriptions. These descriptions are stored in description fields named D1,
D2…D100. Many functions in Surpac automatically place information in the description
fields as required.

DTM (digital terrain model) files are models of surfaces. They are always created from
the raw string data and, once created, must always exist in the same folder as the
original string file from which they were created.

When opened, each file, whether String or DTM, are stored into different layers. You
have full control as to where each file is stored. Modifications to data or creation of new

data is performed a layer at a time, and always on the active layer. When saving files the
same is also true. Each layer is saved in its entirety into one file.

Surpac’s data editing capabilities are similar in most respects to those of CAD systems.
Editing of String data is performed by String, segment or point. All String editing tools are
found under the Edit menu. Modifications to String data can always be undone using the
Undo function. All editing functions are performed on data in the active layer.

All viewing functions are found in the View menu. Viewing functions do not modify data.
They only change views and viewing options.

SURPAC allows users to import & export data to & from external sources. The most
common formats for data exchange are ASCII text and .DXF files. All file import/export
functions are found in the File menu under Import or Export.

Plotting in Surpac is accomplished easily with Autoplot (found in the Plotting menu). All
String data can be plotted as drawn on the screen. Various parameters such as paper
size, scale, and title block can be chosen.

1. Import the AutoCAD file topo1.dxf to a string file.
2. From the resulting string file create a simple plot.
a. Place your name & the course name in the selected title block.
3. From the resulting string file create a DTM.
4. Fix the file lev100.str by editing all errors in the string data. The things you should look
for are:
a. Discontinuous segments along the outside wall.
b. Direction or sense of all segments.
c. Closure of all segments.

Use the String, Segment, & Point editing functions to modify all errors in the string file.

Change Directory
Open String/DTM File
Save String/DTM File
Reset Graphics
Window In
Window Out
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Zoom All
Centre of Rotation
Plan View
Sectional View
Longitudinal View
Lights On
Lights Off
Hide On
Faces On
Edges On
2D grid
3D grid

Digitize at Cursor Location

Close Digitized Segment
Digitize at Selected Point
Play Macro
Start/Stop Record Macro

1. Import the AutoCAD file topo1.dxf to a string file. Make sure your current working
directory is C:\INTRODUCTION.LAB\. You can check this in the Navigator. The current
working directory appears in bold lettering and has a check mark beside it. To make this
your current working directory simply right-hand click on the folder
(C:\INTRODUCTION.LAB\) and choose “Set as working directory” from the context menu.
a. From the File menu choose Import, DXF file to a string/DTM file.
b. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

c. Click Apply to run the function. When the function is finished it will open a log
report of the conversion. It will also state the results of the function in the
message window.

2. From the resulting string file create a simple plot.

a. Open the resulting file from the previous step topo2.str by clicking & dragging it
from the Navigator into the viewport.
b. From the Plotting menu choose Autoplot.
c. Fill the subsequent forms as follows:

d. A new window (Plot File Viewer) should appear showing a black-and-white
preview of the plot. Please close this viewer.
e. In the message window it should state that the file has been created
f. To open the newly created plot file (*.pf) click and drag it from the Navigator into
the viewport. It will be opened in it’s own plotting window.

3. From the resulting string file create a DTM.

a. Open the resulting file from the previous step topo2.str by clicking & dragging it
from the Navigator into the viewport.
b. From the Surfaces menu choose Create DTM from a layer.
c. Choose Apply on the subsequent form:

d. The DTM should then be created. Now save this file.

e. From the File menu choose Save, String/DTM file.
f. Fill the following form as follows:

4. Fix the file lev100.str by editing all errors in the string data.
a. Open the file lev100.str by clicking and dragging it from the Navigator into the

b. From the toolbar choose the button to display the point markers, and apply
the subsequent form.
c. From the Display menu choose Strings, With string and segment numbers to
display the numbers at the first point in each segment.
d. At A (see diagram) use Edit, Segment, Join to join the end of segment 1.1 to the
beginning of segment 1.2. Remember to check your dialogue prompts!!
e. At B use Edit, Segment, Close to close this segment
f. Window In at C using the button.
g. Use Display, Point, Numbers to view the numbers of each point.

h. Use Edit, Segment, Break after point, and choose to break after point number 12.
Please note that the point numbers will change when editing the points (deleting
& inserting). They point numbers referred to in this procedure pertain to the
diagram above.
i. Use Edit, Point, Move to move point 81 out of the drift, close to point number 12.
j. Use Edit, Segment, Join to join point 12 to 81.
k. Note the point numbers have disappeared. This happens because we have
changed the order of the point numbers by joining segments.
l. Use Display, Point, Numbers to re-display the numbers.
m. Finally use Segment, Join to close the last gap by joining point 98 to 13.

• To become familiar with Surpac’s Gridding and Contouring tools.
• To learn to grid point samples based on elevation as well as descriptive data.
• To learn to create contours from resulting interpolated grids.

Files used in this lab exercise are found in the following folder:


The Gridding & Contouring functionality in Surpac consists of tools for importing irregularly-
collected data, regularizing that data, and generating contours of the resulting regular grid.

There are several uses for the Gridding & Contouring functionality in Surpac:

1. Thinning out extremely dense data such as those from aerial surveys.
2. Gridding radmonly collected data to regularly spaced grids.
3. Recreating contours on different contour intervals.
4. Creating contours of geochemical data.
5. Creating contours of stratigraphic thicknesses.

The following diagrams illustrate how irregular point data may be regularized by gridding:

Figure 1: Irregular point data. This raw data may represent collection points for soil
geochemistry or topography.

Figure 2: The same data gridded in a regular pattern using geostatistical interpolation

Measurements in Surpac are unitless and depend entirely on the measurement system
used while collecting the data. For instance, elevation may be collected in feet(ft) or
metres (m) so it is up to the user to be consistent when working with data from various
sources. Throughout this exercise, you will see m/ft which means that if the raw data
data is collected in metres then a contour interval of “2 “ means 2 metres. The same goes
for assay units. If the samples are recorded in grams per tonne then a contour interval of
“5” means 5 grams per tonne.

1. Import the ‘geo_chem1.csv’ file into a Surpac string file.
2. Create a DTM surface of ‘geo_chem1.str’.
3. Colour the DTM ‘geo_chem1.dtm’ based on Z and Arsenic (D1) and save GIF images of
4. Contour the DTM ‘geo_chem1.dtm’ on a 2 m/ft. interval and save the contours.
5. Grid the Z field of ‘geo_chem1.str’ using a 30x30 m/ft pattern. (interpolation)
6. Contour the resulting grid from step 5 using a contour interval of 5 m/ft (from 0 to 100).
7. Create a DTM surface of the contours resulting from step 6 and submit this file.
8. Grid the D1 field of ‘geo_chem1.str’ using a 30x30 m/ft pattern. (interpolation)
9. Contour the resulting grid from step 8 using a contour interval of 5 m/ft (from 0 to 100).
10. Create a DTM surface of the contours resulting from step 9 and submit this file.

1. Import the ‘geo_chem1.csv’ file into a Surpac string file.
a. The file ‘geo_chem1.csv’ pictured below is a ‘comma-separated value’ file. This
is simply a text file containing columns of data, each separated by a comma. The
data contained in this text file are X,Y,Z coordinates of geochemical samples plus
the arsenic samples themselves.

b. To import this file choose from the File menu, Import, Data from one file.
c. Fill in the subsequent forms as follows:

2. Create a DTM surface of ‘geo_chem1.str’.
a. From the Surfaces menu choose DTM File functions, Create DTM from string file.
b. Fill in the subsequent forms as follows:

3. Colour the DTM ‘geo_chem1.dtm’ based on Z and Arsenic (D1).
a. From the Navigator, click and drag the file ‘geo_chem1.dtm’ into the viewport.

b. Click on the render button ( ) to apply a light source to the surface.

c. From the Display menu choose DTM with colour banding.
d. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

e. From the File menu choose Images, Save GIF image.

f. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

Please note that the fields X resolution and Y resolution will be filled automatically with the
values pertaining to your screen resolution, not necessarily the values displayed above.

g. From the Display menu choose DTM with colour banding.

h. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

i. From the File menu choose Images, Save GIF image.

j. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

Please note that the fields X resolution and Y resolution will be filled automatically with the
values pertaining to your screen resolution, not necessarily the values displayed above.

4. Contour the DTM ‘geo_chem1.dtm’ on a 2 m/ft. interval and save the contours.

a. From the main toolbar click the Reset Graphics button ( ).

b. From the Navigator, click and drag the file ‘geo_chem1.dtm into the viewport.

c. Click on the render button ( ) to apply a light source to the surface.

d. From the Contouring menu choose Contour DTM in layer.
e. Fill in the subsequent forms as follows:

f. Make sure the active layer is set to ‘contours’ by selecting it from the layer

Layer chooser

g. Save the newly created contours by choosing the File menu and Save,
String/DTM file.
h. Fill in the subsequent forms as follows:

5. Grid the Z field of ‘geo_chem1.str’ using a 30x30 m/ft pattern. (interpolation)

a. From the main toolbar click the Reset Graphics button ( ).

b. From the Navigator, click and drag the file ‘geo_chem1.str’ into the viewport.
c. From the Contouring menu choose Begin contouring.
d. Apply the subsequent forms:

e. From the Contouring menu choose Contouring area, Define extents.
f. Fill in the subsequent forms as follows:

Note: click the ‘Calulate’ button to fill the two grid step size fields.

g. From the Contouring menu choose Estimate grid values, By triangulation.

h. Fill in the subsequent forms as follows:

6. Contour the resulting grid from step 5 using a contour interval of 5 m/ft (from 150
to 250).
a. From the Contouring menu choose Contour grid.
b. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

7. Create a DTM surface of the contours resulting from step 6 and submit this file.
a. Make sure the active layer is set to ‘contours’ by selecting it from the layer

Layer chooser

b. From the Surfaces menu choose Create DTM from layer.

c. Choose Apply to the subsequent form:

d. Choose the File menu and Save, String/DTM file.

e. Fill in the subsequent forms as follows:

8. Grid the D1 field of ‘geo_chem1.str’ using a 30x30 m/ft pattern. (interpolation)

a. From the main toolbar click the Reset Graphics button ( ).

b. From the Navigator, click and drag the file ‘geo_chem1.str’ into the viewport.
c. From the Contouring menu choose Begin contouring.
d. Apply the subsequent forms:

e. From the Contouring menu choose Contouring area, Define extents.
f. Fill in the subsequent forms as follows:

Note: click the ‘Calulate’ button to fill the two grid step size fields.

g. From the Contouring menu choose Estimate grid values, By triangulation.

h. Fill in the subsequent forms as follows:

9. Contour the resulting grid from step 8 using a contour interval of 5 m/ft (from 0 to
a. From the Contouring menu choose Contour grid.
b. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

10. Create a DTM surface of the contours resulting from step 9 and submit this file.
a. Make sure the active layer is set to ‘contours’ by selecting it from the layer

Layer chooser

b. From the Surfaces menu choose Create DTM from layer.

c. Choose Apply to the subsequent form:

d. Choose the File menu and Save, String/DTM file.

e. Fill in the subsequent forms as follows:

• To become familiar with Surpac’s Block Modelling module and the concept of
block modelling.
• To learn to fill a block model from drillhole data in a geological database.
• To learn to constrain a block model to filter out specific blocks.
• To learn report volume, tonnage, & grade from a block model.

Files used in this lab exercise are found in the following folder:


The Block Model is a form of spatially-referenced database that provides a means for modelling a
3-D body from point and interval data such as drillhole sample data. It is a method of estimating
volume, tonnage, and average grade of a 3-D body from sparse drill data.

Blocks and Attributes

Records in the Block Model are related to blocks. These are cuboid partitions of the
modeled space and are created dynamically according to the operations performed on
the Block Model. Each block contains attributes for each of the properties to be
modeled. The properties or attributes may contain numeric or character string values.
Every block is defined by its geometric centroid and it’s dimensions in each axis. Blocks
may be of varying size defined by the user once the block model is created.

Figure 1: Block model of oil sands coloured by attribute values (bitumen).

All Block Model functions may be performed with constraints. A constraint is a logical
combination of one or more spatial objects on selected blocks. Objects that may be used
in constraints are plane surfaces, DTM’s, Solids, closed strings and block attribute
values. Constraints may be saved to a file for rapid re-use and may themselves be used
as components of other constraints.

Blocks meet a constraint (e.g.: below a DTM as in the figures below) if its centroid meets
that constraint. This is true even if part of the block is above the DTM.

Figure 2: Unconstrained block model in relation to a DTM surface.

Figure 3: Same block model as in Figure 2 but constrained by topography (DTM).

Once a Block Model is created and all attributes defined, they must be filled by some
estimation method. This is achieved by estimating and assigning attribute values from
sample data which has X Y Z coordinates and the attribute values of interest. The
estimation methods that may be used are:

Nearest Neighbour Assign the value of the closest sample point to a block

Inverse Distance Assign block values using an Inverse Distance estimator

Assign Value Assign an explicit value to blocks in the model

Ordinary Kriging Assign block values using Kriging with Variogram parameters developed from a
Geostatistical study

Indicator Kriging Functions concerned with a probabilistic block grade distribution derived from the
kriging of indicators

Assign from String Assign data from the description fields of closed segments to attribute values of
blocks that are contained within those segments extended in the direction of one
of the principal axes (X, Y or Z)

Import Centroids Assign block values from data in a delimited or fixed format text file

1. Add the attribute “gold_nn” to the block model.
2. Add the attribute “sg” to the block model.
3. Fill the “sg” attribute with the Assign Value method. Assign a specific gravity of 2.5 to all
blocks below the topography “topo1.dtm”.
4. Fill the “sg” attribute with the Assign Value method. Assign a specific gravity of 2.9 to all
block in the solid ore body “ore_real1.dtm”.
5. Fill the “gold_nn” attribute with Nearest Neighbour estimation method. Use the following
estimation parameters:
I. Composite file = samples1.str
II. Maximum search radius = 500m
III. Maximum vertical search distance = 9999
IV. Bearing of major axis = 0
V. Plunge of major axis = 0
VI. Dip of semi-major axis = 0
VII. Anisotropy Ratios
i. major / semi-major = 1
ii. major / minor = 1
VIII. Constraints: Inside 3DM (ore_real1.dtm)
6. Create a Block Model Report and report the following:
I. Average weighted gold grade
II. Average weighted specific gravity
III. Tonnage (multiplication factor = 11)
IV. Organized by bench (0,250,10)
V. Choose one of the available formats (.csv; .not; .htm; .rtf; .pdf)
VI. Constraints: Inside 3DM (ore1.dtm)

Open Block Model
Close Block Model
Display Block Model
Add New Graphical Constraint
Remove Last Graphical Constraint
Remove All Graphical Constraint
Edit Block Model Constraint

Block Edge and Face Visibility

Add Slicing Plane Constraint
Remove Slicing Plane Constraint
Colour Model by Attribute
Remove Block Colours
Add Block Model Attribute
Delete Block Model Attribute
Edit Block Model Attribute
Block Maths
Identify Block Values
Block Model Report

1. Add the attribute “gold_nn” to the block model.
a. Make sure you’re connected to the block model first. From the Navigator, click
and drag the block model “block_model.mdl” into the view port to connect to it.
Notice the special icon and name of the block model that appears in the status
b. From the Block Model menu, choose Attribute, New.
c. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

2. Add the attribute “sg” to the block model.

a. From the Block Model menu, choose Attribute, New.
b. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

3. Fill the “sg” attribute with the Assign Value method. Assign a specific gravity of
2.5 to all blocks below the topography “topo1.dtm”.
a. From the Block Model menu, choose Estimation, Assign value.
b. Fill the subsequent forms as follows:

4. Fill the “sg” attribute with the Assign Value method. Assign a specific gravity of
2.9 to all block in the solid ore body “ore1.dtm”.
a. From the Block Model menu, choose Estimation, Assign value.
b. Fill the subsequent forms as follows:

5. Fill the “gold_nn” attribute with Nearest Neighbour estimation method. Use the
following estimation parameters:
I. Composite file = samples1.str
II. Maximum search radius = 500m
III. Maximum vertical search distance = 9999
IV. Bearing of major axis = 0
V. Plunge of major axis = 0
VI. Dip of semi-major axis = 0
VII. Anisotropy Ratios
i. major / semi-major = 1
ii. major / minor = 1

VIII. Constraints: Inside 3DM (ore1.dtm)

a. From the Block Model menu, choose Estimation, Nearest neighbour.

b. Fill the subsequent forms as follows:

Please note that the above form specifies source data. In this case the gold grades are
contained in the file samples1.str in the second description field (D2). Feel free to open this string
file and from the Inquire menu use Point Properties to view the description information contained
in the D fields of each sample point.

6. Create a Block Model Report and report the following:
I. Average weighted gold grade
II. Average weighted specific gravity
III. Tonnage (multiplication factor = sg)
IV. Organized by bench (0,250,10)
V. Choose one of the available formats (.csv; .not; .htm; .rtf; .pdf)
VI. Constrain the report to all block within the solid “ore1.dtm”.

a. From the Block Model menu, choose Block model, Report.

b. Fill the subsequent forms as follows:

• To become familiar with Surpac’s Open Pit Blast Design tools.
• To design various open pit blasts using regular and staggered grids, pre-split
holes, and ramp blasts.

Files used in this lab exercise are found in the following folder:


The Open Pit blast design module in Surpac consists of very specific tools for the design,
planning, and reporting of the various types of blasts that may occur in Open pit mines. The blast
design module allows you to create and charge vertical and inclined holes in rectangular patterns,
along segments, or in a straight line between any two points digitized on the screen. The drilling
parameters which need to be defined include:

• pattern type (rectangular or staggered)

• hole numbering (regular or zig-zag)
• burden (distance between rows)
• spacing (distance between holes in a row)
• collar position (set at an elevation or to a DTM)
• hole length (set at a given length, elevation, or to a DTM)
• bearing (also referred to as azimuth)
• dip
• diameter
• pattern name
• hole name (including optional prefix, suffix, and also padded with zeros)

Blasting parameters which need to be addressed include:

• depth of stemming (rock chips, dirt, or other non-explosive material placed on top of the
• charge interval (multiple charge intervals separated by stemming are allowed)
• explosive name
• explosive SG (specific gravity, or density of explosive)
• detonator name
• delay name
• delay time (in milliseconds)
• charge depth can be automatically adjusted to hole depth

Designing Blasts
Rectangular Blasts: Two types of blast patterns may be created: a rectangular or
staggered pattern. Staggering a blast pattern has no effect on drilled burden and

spacing, but is useful in creating echelon-sequenced patterns. The follow diagram
displays the two kinds of rectangular blast patterns that can be used:

Rectangular Staggered

The following diagram shows the two numbering patterns that can be used for numbering
of the blast holes in a particular blast: regular or zig-zag.

Regular Zig-Zag

Pre-split Blasts: Pre-split blast holes are drilled at relatively close spacing along a
planned fracture plane. Pre-split blasts are used to break the rock to form certain
features such as a curve in a pit wall or a ramp. Surpac can create pre-split holes along
a straight line, or along a segment

Figure 1: Pre-split blast holes around a curve in the pit wall.

Figure 2: Pre-split blast holes following the pit wall and extending down to a desired
ramp design.

Sub-Drilling: Sub-drilling, that is, drilling below the floor of the lower bench, can be
achieved in Surpac by using a simple method. You must move the DTM to which you are
extending the drilling down the amount of sub-drilling. For example, if you are to sub-drill
1m, then a new surface equal to the current pit surface must be created. This new
surface, however, must be moved downward 1m. The purpose of this is to have a
surface to which you can extend the blast holes and that will take into account the sub-
drilling depth.

Figure 3: Typical profile of a bench blast design showing inclination of holes and sub

Blast Hole Nomenclature: The following table provides examples blast hole names that
can be automatically assigned by different combinations and permutations of the blast
hole naming parameters:

Hole ID Hole ID Starting Pad Pad Pad

Prefix Suffix Value Hole_id Length Character
1 No 1, 2, 3
A 1 No A1, A2, A3
940- Rc 1 No 940-1rc, 940-2rc, 940-3rc
bh- 1 Yes 3 0 bh-001, bh-002, bh-003
N_ 201 Yes 4 x N_x201, N_x202, N_x203
Bh 8 Yes 2 0 08bh, 09bh, 10bh
RC 901 No RC901, RC902,RC903

Charging Blast Holes: Once a blast has been designed, you may continue further with
the process by assigning explosive charges to the holes. Any blast holes designed in
Surpac may be charged according to the user’s specifications. These charging data may
then be uploaded to a blast database for reporting and calculations. In Surpac the
following charging parameters can be user-defined:

1. Explosives name (e.g.: ANFO)

2. Explosives density
3. Delay name
4. Delay time (e.g.: 25 ms)
5. Detonator name (e.g.: Nonel LP)

1. Create four blast designs:
I. Rectangular pattern at 48m elevation clipped by one of the segments in the
file “zones40.str”. Sub drill the blast holes 1m.
II. Staggered pattern at 48m elevation clipped by one of the segments in the file
“zones40.str”. Sub drill the blast holes 1m.
III. Pre-split blast along the pit wall crest at the 48m elevation.
IV. Pre-split blast along the ramp crest.
2. Create a plot of all four blast designs.
3. Charge all four blast designs with Stemming at the collar (1m), and ANFO (0.8) in the rest
of the hole.

Create rectangular blast pattern
Design line of blast holes
Design blast holes along segment
Design single blast hole
Complete unextended hole
Assign new hole ID’s
Upload holes to database
Modify charge defaults
Charge all holes
Charge holes inside digitized box
Charge holes inside digitized segment
Charge holes inside existing segment
Charge single hole
Uncharge all holes
Uncharge holes inside digitized box
Uncharge holes inside digitized segment
Uncharge holes inside existing segment
Uncharge single hole
Delete all holes
Delete a group of holes
Delete single hole
Delete all unextended holes
Delete holes inside a digitized box
Delete holes outside a digitized box
Delete holes inside a digitized segment
Delete holes outside a digitized segment
Delete holes inside an existing segment
Delete holes outside a existing segment

1. Create four blast designs:
I. Rectangular pattern at 48m elevation clipped by one of the segments in
the file “zones40.str”. Sub drill the blast holes 1m.
a. From the Navigator click and drag the file zones40.str into the viewport
to open it.
b. From the Blast Design toolbar choose the button to create a
rectangular blast pattern.
c. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select area for
blasting holes”.
d. Click and drag to define a rectangle in the area shown in the following

e. Hit the F2 key to apply and accept the defined rectangle.

f. Fill the subsequent form as follows. Please note that the values in the
fields Origin X, Origin Y, Grid Height, Grid Width, & Grid Angle will be
different for your selected rectangle:

g. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select a closed
segment to clip the holes”. Click the segment in the lower right-hand
corner as in the following diagram:

Click here to select
this segment

II. Staggered pattern at 48m elevation clipped by one of the segments in

the file “zones40.str”. Sub drill the blast holes 1m.
a. From the Blast Design toolbar choose the button to create a
rectangular blast pattern.
b. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select area for
blasting holes”.
c. Click and drag to define a rectangle in the area shown in the following

d. Hit the F2 key to apply and accept the defined rectangle.
e. Fill the subsequent form as follows. Please note that the values in the
fields Origin X, Origin Y, Grid Height, Grid Width, & Grid Angle will be
different for your selected rectangle:

f. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select a closed
segment to clip the holes”. Click the segment in the lower left-hand
corner as in the following diagram:

Click here to select
this segment

III. Pre-split blast along the pit wall crest at the 48m elevation.
a. From the Blast Design toolbar choose the button to design blast
holes along segment.
b. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the starting
position and drag to the end of selection”.
c. Click and drag from the first point in the following diagram to the
second point:

Click and drag from here

Drag to here

d. Fill the subsequent form as follows. Note that the Line Length value
may be different than yours:

e. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the target

segment”. Click to select the toe segment, as in the following diagram:

Click the toe
segment as the

IV. Pre-split blast along the ramp crest.

a. From the Blast Design toolbar choose the button to design blast
holes along segment.
b. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the starting
position and drag to the end of selection”.
c. Click and drag from the first point in the following diagram to the
second point:

Click and drag from here

Drag to here

d. Fill the subsequent form as follows. Note that the Line Length value
may be different than yours:

e. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the target

segment”. Click to select the toe segment of the ramp as in the
following diagram:

Select the toe
of the ramp as
the target

2. Create a plot of all four blast designs.

a. Make sure the view is plan by clicking the button.
b. From the toolbar click the button to start AutoPlot.
c. Fill the subsequent forms as follows. Note that the scale values on the right hand
side may be different from your values, so you will have to select an appropriate
scale for the A3 size sheet of paper:

d. Upon applying the previous form, a dashed box will appear centered around your
data in the graphics viewport. This box represents the paper you’ve chosen.
The prompting message asks you to “Move/Rotate selection box. Apply to
continue. Assist key to rescale box.” With the left mouse button click and drag to
move the box. With the right mouse button click and drag to rotate the box about
the lower, left corner. Hitting the F1 key (assist key) will rescale the view if
you’ve move the box partly outside the current view. Hitting the F2 key (apply)
will apply the changes you’ve made. Just hit the F2 key to apply and continue.
e. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

f. Once Surpac has finished processing the plot it will let you know with a message
in the message window at the bottom of the screen: “Processing finished - plot
file is maingraa.pf”. It may also open the file automatically in the Plot File
Viewer, which is a separate little program solely for viewing plot files.

3. Charge all four blast designs with Stemming at the collar (1m), and ANFO (0.8) in
the rest of the hole.
a. From the Blast design toolbar, choose the button to charge all holes.
b. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

• To become familiar with Surpac’s Geological Database module.
• To learn about the minimum requirements for a geological database.
• To learn to import data into a database from ASCII text files.
• To cut section through drillhole data and create plots.

Files used in this lab exercise are found in the following folder:


The Geological Database module in Surpac is one of the most important set of tools you can
learn. Drillhole data are the starting point of all mining projects and constitute the basis on which
feasibility studies and ore reserve estimations are done. A geological database consists of a
number of tables, each of which contains a different kind of data. Each table contains a number
of fields of data. Each table will have many records with each record containing the data fields.

Surpac require 2 mandatory tables: collar and survey.

The information stored in the collar table describes the location of the drill hole collar, the
maximum depth of the hole and whether a linear or curved hole trace is to be calculated when
retrieving the hole. Optional collar data may also be stored for each drill hole. For example, date
drilled, type of drill hole or project name. The mandatory fields in a collar table are:

• hole_id
• y
• x
• z
• max_depth
• hole_path

The survey table stores the drill hole survey information used to calculate the drill hole trace
coordinates. Mandatory fields include, downhole depth at which the survey was taken, the dip
and the azimuth of the hole. For a vertical hole, which has not been surveyed, the depth would
be the same as the max_depth field in the collar table, the dip as -90 and the azimuth as zero.
The y, x and z fields are used to store the calculated coordinates of each survey. Optional fields
for this table may include other information taken at the survey point e.g., core orientation. The
mandatory fields in a survey table are:

• hole_id
• depth
• dip
• azimuth

Aside from the mandatory tables, optional tables may be added and used to store such data as
geology and assays. There are 3 different types of optional tables that can be added to a

1. interval
2. point
3. discreet

The interval tables require the depth at the start of the interval and the depth at the end of the
interval, called the depth_from and depth_to fields respectively. The point tables require only the
depth where the sample was taken, called the depth_to field. A sample identifier field is defined
for interval tables but this field is not a key field and so does not require data if not available. The
y, x and z fields are used to store the calculated coordinates of the sample depths. The discrete
sample tables are used for storing data for a point, which has a unique samp_id. All that is
required for this is the samp_id and its position in space i.e., its Y, X and Z coordinates. The
discrete sample table is ideally suited for storing and later processing geochemical soil samples.

The following diagram shows some of a typical geological section from the Geological Database
module in Surpac:

1. Add an interval table called “geology” with an optional field called “lithology” to the
“surpac” database.
2. Add an interval table called “sample” with an optional field called “gold” to the “surpac”
3. Import geology and sample data into the database from the files geology.txt and
samples.txt, respectively.
4. Create and plot E-W sections starting at 7120N to 7600N in steps of 40m.
I. Create colour display styles for the lithology and assays.
II. Display lithological codes on the right-hand side.
III. Display assays on the left-hand side.
IV. Display colour-filled bar graphs of the gold assays on the left-hand side and
offset them 5m.

Open Database
Close Database
Drillhole Display Styles
Display Drillholes
Complete unextended hole
Previous Section
Next Section
Reverse View Direction
Zoom Plane
Refresh Drillholes
Identify Drillhole
Edit Drillhole
End Section Mode

1. Add an interval table called “geology” with an optional field called “lithology” to
the “surpac” database.
a. First you must connect to the drillhole database. To do this simply click and drag
the file “surpac.ddb” from the Navigator to the viewport. You will see in the
Status Bar an item appear with the database icon and the name “surpac”. This
means you have successfully connected to the database.
b. From the Database menu choose Database, Administration, Create table.
c. Fill the subsequent forms as follows:

2. Add an interval table called “sample” with an optional field called “gold” to the
“surpac” database.
a. Make sure you are connected to the drillhole database. See step 1.a.
b. From the Database menu choose Database, Administration, Create table.
c. Fill the subsequent forms as follows:

3. Import geology and sample data into the database from the files geology.txt and
samples.txt, respectively.
a. Make sure you are connected to the drillhole database. See step 1.a.
b. From the Database menu, choose Database, Import data and fill the subsequent
forms as follows:

c. From the Database menu, choose Database, Import data and fill the subsequent
form as follows:

4. Create and plot E-W sections starting at 7120N to 7600N in steps of 40m.
a. From the Database menu, choose Display, Drillholes.
b. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

c. From the Database menu, choose Sections, Define.

d. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

e. This will create section starting on 7120N, every 40m. Notice in the status bar
the current drillhole section is displayed. To switch to other sections choose
Previous section ( ), and Next section ( ) from the Database, Sections
menu. Now you will need to display certain information along the hole traces. In
order to do this you will need to define the display styles.

I. Create colour display styles for the lithology and assays.

f. From the Database menu, choose Display, Drillhole display styles.

g. In the subsequent form, expand the geology folder to find the lithology field.
h. Right-hand click on the lithology field and choose Get field codes from the
context menu:

i. This will add ALL 7 unique lithological codes to the list. Expand the lithology
j. For each of the 7 lithological codes select, on the right-hand side, a different
colour (graphics & plotting). For example:

B Æ Red
IN Æ Green
MU Æ Blue
QV1 Æ Yellow
S2 Æ Orange
SH Æ Cyan
ST Æ Magenta

colours of
code here
All unique

k. Before applying the form, expand the sample folder to find the gold field.
l. Right-hand click on the gold field and choose Get min – max range from the
context menu:

m. This will add one grade range, which consists of the minimum and maximum
values found in the gold field. This is just to provide you with a reference of the
range of values currently available in that field.
n. From the first range created, on the right hand side, change the From Value and
To Value to 0 and 2, respectively.
o. Choose a colour for this particular grade range.
p. Right-hand click again on the gold field and choose Add new style from the
context menu. This will add a new range below the previously added range.
q. On the right-hand side, change the From Value and To Value to 2 and 4,
r. Choose a colour for this particular grade range.
s. Continue adding grade ranges in increments of 2 until you reach 10. For

0-2 Æ Cyan
2-4 Æ Orange
4-6 Æ Yellow
6-8 Æ Blue

8-10 Æ Red

t. Apply the form to save the styles changes.

II. Display lithological codes on the right-hand side.

u. From the Database menu, choose Display, Drillholes.

v. Fill the different tabs on the subsequent form as follows:

III. Display assays on the left-hand side.

w. From the Database menu, choose Display, Drillholes.

x. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

IV. Display colour-filled bar graphs of the gold assays on the left-hand side
and offset them 5m.

y. From the Database menu, choose Display, Drillholes.

z. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

aa. Finally, to create plots from each of the sections you will need to prepare the
section on screen using the above steps to achieve the look you desire. Then,
click the Autoplot ( ) button from the toolbar.
bb. Fill the subsequent form as follows. Note that values for the scales will be
different on your machine depending on the section and the zoom factor:

cc. Upon applying the previous form, a dashed box will appear centered around your
data in the graphics viewport. This box represents the paper you’ve chosen.
The prompting message asks you to “Move/Rotate selection box. Apply to
continue. Assist key to rescale box.”. With the left mouse button click and drag
to move the box. With the right mouse button click and drag to rotate the box
about the lower, left corner. Hitting the F1 key (assist key) will rescale the view if
you’ve move the box partly outside the current view. Hitting the F2 key (apply)
will apply the changes you’ve made. Just hit the F2 key to apply and continue.
dd. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

ee. Once Surpac has finished processing the plot it will let you know with a message
in the message window at the bottom of the screen: “Processing finished - plot
file is maingraa.pf”. It may also open the file automatically in the Plot File
Viewer, which is a separate little program solely for viewing plot files.

• To become familiar with Surpac’s Pit Design tools.
• To construct a pit with a ramp starting from a base.
• To calculate the volume between a designed pit and a topography.
• To generate a final surface using a designed pit and natural topography.

Files used in this lab exercise are found in the following folder:


The Pit Design module is a suite of functions that allow you to design:

• an excavation (pit) from the bottom up or the top down

• a land fill or waste dump from the top down or bottom up
• a road which requires cut and fill of topography

The Pit Design module uses normal String data to build a pit by progressively expanding
or contracting toes and crests. Benches are constructed by either expanding or
contracting closed strings, either upwards or downwards depending on where the design
is started, by a certain bench height. That is, pit design may be started on surface and
designed downward to a base, or from a base and upward to topography. Which way a
design is started depends on what data is available, the specific data involved, and the
requirements of the project.

When expanding (or contracting) closed strings to construct benches, they are done so
on a point-by-point basis at specified angles. These angles are the pit wall slope
measured from one toe to the next crest (upwards) or one crest to the next toe
(downwards). The pit wall slope is defined by the user in any of three different ways:

Design One constant slope for the entire pit. This is used for simple pit designs.
Each point in the segment to be expanded is done so at a slope angle
specified by a value in the point’s description field (D1). This is used where
Descriptions different parts of the pit perimeter require different pit wall slopes according to
geotechnical constraints.
Each point in the segment to be expanded is done so at a slope angle
specified by where the point lies in relation to a ‘slope string’ file. A ‘slope
string’ file consists of clockwise, closed segments defining the areas of
Slope different pit wall slopes. In the point’s description field (D1) is the value of the
Strings pit wall slope of that particular zone or area. This is used where different areas
of the pit property require different pit wall slopes according to geotechnical

Benches may be constructed in one of three ways:

By bench Nominate a single height by which to elevate a toe or lower a crest. The
resulting segment will be elevated or lowered by the nominated bench height.
Nominate a single elevation to which a toe will be elevated or a crest will be
To elevation lowered. The resulting segment will reside entirely on the same nominated
Nominate a DTM to which a toe will be elevated or a crest will be lowered. The
To DTM resulting segment will conform to elevations determined by the nominated DTM
Surface surface.

The widths of benches are obtained by expanding crests (or contracting toes) by a
certain berm width.

When design a pit, either from the top down or bottom up, you may choose to include a
ramp. Ramps are defined by points along their edge and by a gradient. Exits from the
ramps onto the benches may be included as part of the ramp design. Once the ramp is
defined it will automatically be designed as the pit design progresses. There are two
types of ramps:

1. Circular Ramps: Circular ramps, either clockwise or anti-clockwise follow the

perimeter or wall of the pit. Their sense (clockwise or anti-clockwise) depends on
how the pit is designed; either from the bottom upwards or from the top
downwards. Circular ramps may be edited, deleted, added at any time during the
pit design. Switchbacks are used to reverse a circular ramp’s direction.

Anti-clockwise ramp built

from bottom upwards.

Switchback Clockwise ramp built from

bottom upwards.


2. All Cut Ramps: All Cut ramps do not follow the wall or perimeter of the pit.
Instead, they follow a pre-defined centreline. The perimeter of the pit then is
reformed to accommodate the requirements of the all cut ramp.

All-Cut ramp following a pre-defined centreline.


1. Construct a pit from the base up to topography. Start with the file pit1.str. Build the pit
with 10m bench heights and 5m bench widths (berm widths), at a pit wall slope of 50°
until it reaches topography (topo1.str). Include a ramp in your pit design.
2. Create a surface (DTM) of your pit and generate a final surface using it and the
topography (topo1.str).
3. Generate a final, mined surface using your pit and the topography (topo1.str).
4. Calculate the cut volume of your designed pit.

Load Slope String File
Select method of pit wall slope
New Ramp
Edit Ramp
Load DTM Surface
Display DTM Surface Offsets
Hide DTM Surface Offsets
Expand Segment by Berm Width
Expand Segment by Bench Height
Expand Segment to Elevation
Expand Segment to DTM Surface
Expand String by Berm Width
Expand String by Bench Height
Expand String to Elevation
Expand String to DTM Surface

1. Construct a pit from the base up to topography. Start with the file pit1.str. Build
the pit with 10m bench heights and 5m bench widths (berm widths), at a pit wall
slope of 50° until it reaches topography (topo1.str). Include a ramp in your pit
a. From the Navigator click and drag the file pit1.str into the viewport to open it.
This string will form the base of the pit you will create.
b. From the Mine Design menu choose Pit design, Select slope method.
c. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

d. From the Mine Design menu choose Pit design, Set slope gradient.
e. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

f. From the Mine Design menu choose Pit design, New ramp.
g. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the first ramp point” then
“Select the second ramp point”. Choose the sides of the ramp as in the following

First ramp point

Second ramp point

h. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

i. From the Mine Design menu choose Expand segment, By bench height.
j. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the segment to be
expanded”. Click to select the base string.
k. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

l. Notice that the prompting text reappears giving you the chance to select another
segment to expand. Hit the ESCAPE key to exit the function.
m. From the Mine Design menu choose Expand segment, By berm width.
n. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the segment to be
expanded”. Click to newly expanded crest string. That is the outermost string.
o. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

p. Notice that the prompting text reappears giving you the chance to select another
segment to expand. Hit the ESCAPE key to exit the function.
q. Now you will load a surface topography so that you can build the pit to match the
surface. From the Mine Design menu, choose Pit design, Load DTM surface.
r. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

s. From the Mine design menu, choose Pit design, Display DTM surface offsets.
t. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the segment to display
the DTM offsets”.
u. Click to select the outermost segment. The vertical distances from the points
around the selected segment to the surface are displayed.
v. From the Mine design menu, choose Pit design, Hide DTM surface offsets.
w. You have just built one bench. Repeat steps i. trough p. until your pit is within
20m of the surface.
x. From the Mine design menu, choose Expand segment, To DTM surface.
y. Fill the subsequent form as follows. Note that the Minimum z value and the
Maximum z value may be different from yours.

z. Notice that sometimes after expanding a segment errors or odd geometry may
form in the expanded segment, such as in the following diagram. These
geometrical problems may be easily corrected using the Edit functions.

These points should
be moved or deleted.

2. Create a surface (DTM) of your pit.

a. Check the layer chooser in the first toolbar to make sure the layer in which your
pit resides is the active layer:

Layer chooser

b. From the Surfaces menu, choose Create DTM from layer.

c. Apply the subsequent form:

3. Generate a final, mined surface using your pit and the topography (topo1.str).
a. From the Navigator, click and drag to open the topography DTM file (topo1.dtm)
and the DTM file of your pit.

b. From the Surfaces menu choose Clip or intersect DTM’s, Lower triangles of 2
c. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

d. A prompting message will ask you to “Select first trisolation”. Choose one of the
2 DTM’s.
e. A second prompting message will ask you to “Select second trisolation”. Choose
the next DTM.
f. The final, mined surface will appear in the specified layer (final surface) after
some time calculating.
4. Calculate the cut volume of your designed pit.
a. In order to calculate a volume you always require 3 things: 2 surfaces and a
boundary string. In this case the boundary string will be the outermost string in
the pit. That is, calculate the volume inside of this string and between the 2
DTM’s. You, therefore, must know what number the outermost string in your pit
design is. To fin this out use the function to identify a point on that string.
Remember the string number because you’ll need it in the next step.
b. From the Volumes menu choose Cut and fill between DTM’s.
c. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

Please note that “your_pit” is the name of the pit design you’ve save from step 1.,
and string # 32 is the number of the outermost string in your pit design.

• To become familiar with Surpac’s Ring Design tools.
• To prepare underground workings data for the Ring Design module.
• To design sub-level cave blast rings from slices of underground workings.
• To calculate the drilling & blasting statistics from design blast rings.
• To generate a plot of several designed blast rings.

Files used in this lab exercise are found in the following folder:


The Ring Design module in Surpac is a suite of tools used for the design of underground
blasts. Many different types of blasts can be accommodated for different mining methods
with Ring Design including, Block Caving, Sub-Level Cave, VRM/VCR, Long-hole, and
Open Stoping.

The general procedure for preparing data for Ring Design is quite easy. Ring designs
are created from sections of original underground 3D models. Basically, in Surpac once
3D models are constructed of stopes and mine workings, these models can be sliced to
create sections. Blast rings are then designed on one section at a time. The following
diagrams show examples of 3D models of stopes and mine underground mine workings
created in Surpac, and of the sections created from the 3D solid models.

Top sill drift

Bottom sill drift

Figure 1: 3D solid models of a stope (red) and top and bottom sill drifts.

Figure 2: Vertical sections through the 3D models created every 10m along the bottom-
sill drift.

Once sections have been generated, blast rings are designed on each section. The following
diagram is a typical blast ring designed using the Ring Design module.

Figure 3: Typical blast ring designed using the Ring Design module. Holes are coloured
& numbered by sequence.

1. Create vertical sections of the solids in the file “stope1.dtm” every 10m.
2. Design a ring blast on section # 3 from step 1.

3. Charge and sequence the blast ring designed in step 2.
4. Generate a report of blast statistics for the ring blast including, drilled lengths, charged
lengths, explosive mass, & powder factor.

Begin Ring Design
End Ring Design
Open String Files of Sections
Previous Section
Next Section
Zoom to Area of Current Ring
Add New Drill Rig
Edit Drill Rig Properties
Select Drill Rig
Select New Drill Rig Position
Move Drill Rig
Move Drill Rig by Distance
Move Drill Rig by Coordinates
Move Drill Rig by Distance From Wall
Move Drill Rig to Previous Setup
Rotate Mast
Rotate Mast by Angle
Rotate Mast to a Point
Select Centreline
Create Single Hole
Create Cardinal Holes
Create Normal Holes
Create Parallel Holes
Create Multiple Holes
Delete Hole
Delete Range of Holes
Delete All Holes
Change Diameter of One Hole
Change Diameter of Range of Holes
Change Hole Length
Set Length of One Hole
Set Length of Range of Holes
Move Hole
Rotate Hole
Snap One Hole to Stope
Snap Range of Holes to Stope

1. Create vertical sections of the solids in the file “stope1.dtm” every 10m.
a. From the Navigator, click and drag “stope1.dtm” into the viewport to open it.
b. From the toolbar, click the button to render the solids.
c. From the Navigator, click and drag “cl1.str” into the viewport to open it.
d. This is a centreline string for the bottom sill drift. It is located inside the bottom
sill drift solid. In order to view the string click the button to turn the DTM
edges off, and the button to turn the DTM faces off.
e. Check the layer chooser in the first toolbar to make sure the layer in which the 3D
solid resides is the active layer:

Layer chooser

f. From the Solids menu, choose Solids tools, Section using centreline.
g. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the centreline start point”.
Click to select the extreme southwestern point.
h. The prompting message will then ask you to “Select the centreline end point”.
Click to select the extreme northeastern point.
i. Fill the subsequent forms as follows:

2. Design a ring blast on section # 3 from step 1.
a. From the Ring Design menu choose Ring design, Start ring design to begin a
Ring Design session.
b. Apply the subsequent form:

c. From the Ring Design menu choose Ring design, Open section files of stopes
and openings to open the sections created in step 1.
d. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

e. Note the new items in the Status Bar at the bottom of your Surpac window.
f. Press the button until you reach section number 3:

Section number

g. From the Ring Design menu choose Ring design, Setup, Rig properties edit the
drill rig properties:
h. Fill the subsequent forms as follows:

i. From the Ring Design menu, choose Setup, Drilling parameters.
j. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

k. From the Ring Design menu choose Setup, Rig position to select a new drill rig
l. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the Survey Openings”.
Click to select the bottom sill drift as in the following diagram.
m. The prompting message will then ask you to “Select the Stope Outlines”. Click to
select the ore outline as in the following diagram. Notice that once both are

selected, Surpac will put a cross hair in the selected drift opening. This cross
hair represents the pivot point of the carousel of the drill rig.

Stope outline

Survey openings

n. From the Ring Design menu choose Create holes, At selected location to create
a new hole at a digitized location.
o. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Digitize the new position”.
p. Click to select a point approximately at the point indicated in the following

Click to select

q. With the function still running click to select a second point approximately at the
point indicated in the following diagram:

Click to select

r. Note that at any time if you’re dissatisfied with your selection you may choose,
from the Ring Design menu, Edit, Delete one hole to delete a hole or the Delete
all holes to delete all holes.
s. From the Ring Design menu choose Create holes, Between two holes to create
holes between the two existing holes.
t. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Indicate the first hole…” Click to
select the first created hole (left).
u. The prompting message will then ask you to “Indicate the next hole…” Click to
select the second created hole (right).
v. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

w. Notice that in the upper-left corner of the section the blast holes go through the
surveyed top sill. You’ll need to edit this.
x. From the Ring Design menu choose Edit, Edit hole length graphically to change
the length of one hole at a time.
y. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select and drag the hole of
interest’s toe”. Click and drag on one of the holes that goes through the top sill at
the toe. Drag the toe downward until it touches the bottom of the top sill drift
(where it would break through if drilled). Repeat this for all holes that go through
the top sill drift as in the following diagram:

Trimmed holes

3. Charge and sequence the blast ring designed in step 2.

a. From the Ring design menu, choose Charging, Charge holes.
b. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

c. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the hole to be charged”.
Click on each hole starting from the left to the right.
d. When you’ve selected each hole hit the ESCAPE key.
e. From the Ring design menu, choose Setup, Delay properties.
f. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

g. From the Ring design menu, choose Charging, Sequence clockwise.
h. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Indicate the first hole…” Click as
indicated in the following diagram.
i. The prompting message will then ask you to “Indicate the next hole…” Click as
indicated in the following diagram:

Select this hole as first hole

Select this hole

as second hole

j. From the Ring design menu, choose Charging, Sequence anticlockwise.

k. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Indicate the first hole…” Click as
indicated in the following diagram.
l. The prompting message will then ask you to “Indicate the next hole…” Click as
indicated in the following diagram:

Select this hole
as first hole

Select this hole

as second hole

m. To have a look at the sequencing you’ve completed try this. From the Ring
design menu, choose View, Sequence.

4. Generate a report of drilling statistics for the ring blast including, drilled lengths,
hole diameters, number or drill rods per hole, & to which stope the ring belongs.
a. From the Ring Design menu, choose Reports, Drilling report.
b. Fill the subsequent forms as follows:

5. Generate a report of blast statistics for the ring blast including, drilled lengths,
charged lengths, explosive mass, & powder factor.
a. From the Ring Design menu, choose Reports, Blasting report.
b. Fill the subsequent forms as follows:

• To learn about Surpac’s graphical file types (*.str & *.dtm).
• To learn how to create surfaces (DTM’s).
• To learn to digitize string data.
• To learn how to display data with Surpac’s styles files.
• To perform surface-to-surface volume calculations.

Files used in this lab exercise are found in the following folder:



String data are raw point and line data. Almost all data brought into Surpac will be in this
form. All data are stored as strings. A string is a sequence of three-dimensional
coordinates delineating some physical feature. As drawn lines in a sketch define
essential features, so too do strings. Crests and toes of an open pit mine are strings, as
are contours, edges of roads, boundaries of geological zones, the toe of a stockpile, etc.
All points defining a single string are stored in string sequence and assigned a common
string number. String numbers may be in the range 1 to 32000 inclusive.

Here is an example to illustrate what Strings are:

The string number is a numeric identifier of the feature represented by that string. It may
have no significance other than to distinguish one string from another, as is often the
case in surveying. More commonly, however, it is the code to identify the purpose of a
string, e.g. the string is a boundary string, or defines a pit slope zone, or waste material.

String Kinds
Three kinds of strings are recognized.

1. Open strings, as in a straight or curved line. If more than one open string exists in a file
with the same string number, then these are called open segments of that string and are
assigned a segment number.

2. Closed strings, as in a circle, square or any irregular polygon. A closed string is one
whose first and last co-ordinates are the same. If more than one closed string exists in a
file with the same string number, then these are called closed segments of that string and
are assigned a segment number. This is common in situations where many features, all
representing something similar, are logically grouped within a single string identifier, e.g.
contours of the same elevation on a topographic map will be assigned the same string

3. A spot height string, being a set of random points linked together by a string number,
but outlining no particular feature. The points can be in any order, as the actual line
joining them does not represent a feature you can see. Spot height strings are commonly
used for recording elevations of points on a surface, or coordinates of bore holes.

Use of String Kinds

In survey applications it is more common to deal with open strings which define
discontinuous features, as are found in open pits, with closed strings being used as
boundary strings to constrain a volume computation.

Engineers and geologists tend to be more involved with closed strings, such as bench
crests and toes, ore outlines etc. Such closed strings may be assigned a thickness and
can therefore be used in calculation of both areas and volumes.

String Descriptions
The ability is provided to be able to assign other `non-coordinate' information to each
point in a string. This data is called the point description. In surveying, this is usually
exactly what it is, e.g. a description or name of a control station. When dealing with
closed strings, it is more usual that the point description will contain attributes of the
feature enclosed by the string, e.g. the concentration and total salinity of a water sample.

The point description may contain sub-fields, which can be used to address individually
for various purposes. These may include:

• storing assays for multiple elements, e.g. total contaminant calculations

• plotting various description sub-fields for a point at different locations about the point.

The description sub-fields are referred to as D1, D2, D3 up to a maximum of D100. They
may be generally referred to as D fields.

The D fields are delimited by commas. In the following example


The sub-fields have the values:
D1 = ``TREE''
D2 = ``1.54''
D3 = ``HOUSE''

The total length of the description field may not exceed 512 characters regardless of the
number of sub-fields.

String Directions
The convention is to plot a string number at the first point of a string. Depending on how a
particular string was created, the order of the points will sometimes give a clockwise
direction for the string segment and sometimes an anticlockwise one. This direction of
segments is important to closed strings when calculating areas and volumes.

If a closed string is defined in a clockwise direction, it is assumed it represents a positive

area; that is an area of inclusion.

If it is defined in an anticlockwise direction, it is assumed it represents a negative area;

that is, an area of exclusion.

If an anticlockwise closed segment of a string is contained within a clockwise closed

segment, the combination is effectively defining the area between the closed segments.

String Files
Related strings are stored together in ASCII files called string files, identified by an .str
extension. A string file can contain up to 32000 different strings

Each file is identified by a two-part name - the two parts are nominated separately in
practice, but they are combined to form a filename acceptable to the computer on which
the software is being run. The first part is called the Location code. This is an
alphanumeric character identifier usually chosen to indicate what the strings in the file
represent, e.g. contour, borehole, buildings etc.

The second part is an ID number defining the file as a member of a set of files. This is a
numeric character identifier.

For example, a set of files, each containing surveys for an underground mine for the
months January, February and March 1990 may be called:


Where LEV is the common location code in each case, and the ID numbers are the
year/month code of the individual files containing the surveys.

If you type a decimal number in an ID, for example 1.65:

• the number is rounded to one decimal place, with 0.05 rounded up (that is, 1.65
rounds to 1.7);
• the one-decimal-place number with the decimal point excluded (that is, 17) will be
used for referring to the ID;
• refer to the one-decimal-place number, either with or without the decimal point (that
is, either 1.7 or 17), when recalling the file.

String File Structure
Each line in a string file is called a record. The first two records are called the header
record and axis record respectively. The header record contains data relating to the
whole string file such as the location code, date formed and the purpose.

The axis record contains two sets of co-ordinates identified as string number zero,
defining a 3-dimensional axis, which is used when taking sections. If no axis has been
defined, this record will hold zeros.

The rest of the records in a string file contain points on the strings, with each record
having the following structure.

string number Y X Z point descriptions

Each field is delimited by a comma. Records containing zeros in all of the first four fields
indicate the end of a segment or string. The final record in the string file is a line with a
string number of zero and END in the descriptor field.

The following example string file (pump1.str) was created using the GROUNDWATER
MODELLING module and contains the definitions of three pumping wells. The file
contains five description fields, (D1 - D5): borename, Time pump on (days), Time pump
off (days), Pumping rate (kl/d) and Pumping bore radius.

pump ,26-Mar-92,pumping wells ,

0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000
100, 28.275, -47.079, 0.000, recover1 ,0,10000000,500,0.15
100, 117.516, -93.714, 0.000, recover2 ,0,10000000,700,0.2
100, 108.160, -26.973, 0.000, recover3 ,0,10000000,500,0.15
0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, END

The second string file (blocks98.str) below shows an example of a string file containing
closed segments.

The file was created using the GEOSTATISTICS module and contains regular blocks
with a grade calculated using an inverse distance algorithm.

blocks , 1-May-92,Grade classifications of

blocks98.str ,
0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000
1, 285.000, 115.000, 98.000, 0.035,23.035
1, 295.000, 115.000, 98.000, 0.035,23.035
1, 295.000, 125.000, 98.000, 0.035,23.035
1, 285.000, 125.000, 98.000, 0.035,23.035
1, 285.000, 115.000, 98.000, 0.035,23.035
0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
1, 285.000, 125.000, 98.000, 0.003,47.460
1, 295.000, 125.000, 98.000, 0.003,47.460
1, 295.000, 135.000, 98.000, 0.003,47.460
1, 285.000, 135.000, 98.000, 0.003,47.460
1, 285.000, 125.000, 98.000, 0.003,47.460

0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
2, 35.000, 55.000, 98.000, 4.367,11.462
2, 45.000, 55.000, 98.000, 4.367,11.462
2, 45.000, 65.000, 98.000, 4.367,11.462
2, 35.000, 65.000, 98.000, 4.367,11.462
2, 35.000, 55.000, 98.000, 4.367,11.462
0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
3, 55.000, 55.000, 98.000, 8.941,57.704
3, 65.000, 55.000, 98.000, 8.941,57.704
3, 65.000, 65.000, 98.000, 8.941,57.704
3, 55.000, 65.000, 98.000, 8.941,57.704
3, 55.000, 55.000, 98.000, 8.941,57.704
0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
5, 65.000, 45.000, 98.000, 26.785,36.595
5, 75.000, 45.000, 98.000, 26.785,36.595
5, 75.000, 55.000, 98.000, 26.785,36.595
5, 65.000, 55.000, 98.000, 26.785,36.595
5, 65.000, 45.000, 98.000, 26.785,36.595
0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, END

Digital Terrain Models or DTM’s are how Surpac models surfaces. Surfaces are used in
Surpac for such things as 3D visualization & calculating volumes. Most any superficial
feature can be modelled as a DTM: natural topography, lithological contacts,
bedrock/overburden contact, or water table are such examples. DTM’s must come from
String data. String files contain the raw data, where as DTM files contain a mapping of
trios of points in the String file that constitute a triangle. DTM’s are made of triangles,
with each point of each triangle matched to a point in the original String file.

Consequently DTM files are not valid without the original String files. That is, a DTM file
cannot be opened if the original String file of the same name does not exist. Another rule
as far as DTM’s are concerned is that DTM’s cannot fold back on themselves. That is, a
DTM cannot have multiple Z values for a given XY coordinate.

Styles Files
Styles files are used to tell Surpac how to display String and DTM data. The default
styles file is called styles.ssi. Styles files let the user specify the following attributes:

• a label for the style for legend purposes

• drawing method - i.e. lines, markers, attribute values, etc.
• line colour
• line thickness
• line pattern
• face colour
• specular reflectance colour - the colour of the shiny spots
• transmission colour for transparency effects
• gloss effects - the size of the shiny spots
• face pattern

• edge colour
• edge thickness
• edge pattern
• text colour
• marker symbol
• marker size
• text characteristics, font, size, slant and path

Every time a String file is saved the current styles file is associated with it so that every
time it’s opened it uses that styles file automatically. If that styles file is not found it uses
the default styles.ssi.

A very common way of imputing data into Surpac is to digitize. You may use the mouse
or a digitizing tablet for digitizing data. You would have learned these functions on the
Main toolbar in the previous lab:

Change Digitizer point attributes

Digitize at Cursor Location
Digitize at Selected Point
Close Digitized Segment
Start a New Segment
Digitize by Following Segment
Digitize Midpoint

All the digitizing functions are found in the CREATE, DIGITIZE menu. The elevation of
any current digitizing may be defined in CREATE, DIGITIZE, PROPERTIES or by using
the button. Any digitizing you do can always be edited using the Editing functions
learned in the previous lab.

1. Use the digitizing functions to finish the topography in the file contours2.str. There are
several contours missing from the 219 elevation to the 243 elevation every 3m. The
completed file should look similar to the following diagram.

Use the function to digitize several contour lines in the Northwest corner of the
topography. You may use the function to select the appropriate elevation of the
digitized segments. Save & submit this file.
2. For the file “topo1.str”, modify it’s styles file so that the lines and the elevation are
displayed every 200m. Plot & submit this file.
3. For the file “topo1.str”, modify it’s styles file so that the data are displayed as markers
(points). Plot & submit this file.
4. Use the function CUT AND FILL BETWEEN DTM’S from the VOLUMES menu to
calculate the surface-to-surface volume between pit1.dtm & topo1.dtm. Submit the
resulting volume report (text file).

1. Use the digitizing functions to finish the topography in the file contours2.str.
a. Choose the button from the toolbar to specify the properties for the digitizing.
Fill the form as follows:

This will initialize the digitizing so that you’re creating points in string #1 at elevation

b. Choose the button from the toolbar to digitize a point at the cursor location.
The prompting message should ask you to digitize a point using the mouse.
Click to digitize a mouse at approximately the location indicated in the following

Digitize first point here.

c. Once the first point is digitized, keep clicking to add new points. Follow the
general trend of the lower contour line (5580). The data should look
approximately as follows:

New digitized segment.

d. Repeat steps ‘a’ to ‘c’, incrementing the digitizing elevation by 3m until you reach
the 243 elevation.

2. For the file “contours2.str”, modify it’s styles file so that the lines and the
elevation are displayed every 200m. Plot & submit this file.\
a. From the CUSTOMIZE menu choose Display Properties, Strings and points.

b. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

3. For the file “contours2.str”, modify it’s styles file so that the data are displayed as
markers (points). Plot & submit this file.
a. From the CUSTOMIZE menu choose Display Properties, Strings and points.
b. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

4. Use the function CUT AND FILL BETWEEN DTM’S from the VOLUMES menu to
calculate the surface-to-surface volume between pit1.dtm & topo1.dtm. Submit the
resulting volume report (text file).
a. From the menu Volumes, choose Cut and fill between DTM’s.
b. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

• To become familiar with Surpac’s Underground Mine Design tools.
• To design and underground level layout with access ramps, access drift, and
cross cuts.
• To construct a solids of surveyed and designed underground workings.
• To calculate the volume of surveyed and designed underground workings.
• To extract sections through underground workings to produce section plots.

Files used in this lab exercise are found in the following folder:


Underground Mine Design in Surpac draws on many functions through out the program
and not on one module in particular, as is the case with Open Pit Design. For example,
designing and underground layout requires that you use the Create menu to digitize
centrelines and create outlines from those centrelines. Once centrelines are designed
they may be modified using the Edit functions. Finally, the Solids functions are used to
construct 3D solids of your designs or surveyed workings.

Surveyed mine workings, as opposed to designed mine layouts, can be imported into
Surpac by a number of means. Once in String format the surveyed workings can be
used to construct solids for the purpose of calculating volumes and sectioning.

Surveyed Workings
Surveyed underground mine workings may be imported into Surpac either directly from
the survey instrument or via some other file format (most commonly .dxf or ASCII). Once
the surveys are imported into String format in Surpac, they may be manipulated in the
same way as other String data. Since they are surveyed, however, they should not be
modified greatly from their original state. Slight modifications may be required to clean
up the raw survey data and tie it in with previous surveys but these wouldn’t change the
data. Underground level surveys are generally used to construct solids for further use.

Surveyed Workings

Back Survey

Floor Survey

Underground Layout Design

You have many functions at your disposal for the design and layout of underground mine
workings. Generally, any design will start with the centreline of the drift(s). The
centrelines are created using the digitizing tools found under the Create menu. When
constructing drift centrelines, pay special attention to their location in plan view.
Remember, do not digitize in any oblique view because you lose control over where the
points you select are created. Therefore, make sure you’re in plan view before staring
any digitization. These centrelines can then be modified, adjusted, deleted and
reconstructed through out the design process. For example, you can digitize a flat
centreline for a ramp in plan view and then change the gradient of that centreline later.

Layout Design

Cross Cuts

Centreline in Black

Access Ramp

Access Drift

Solids in Surpac are, in fact, DTM’s. However, there is one fundamental difference that
must be understood. Solids, as opposed to surfaces (DTM’s), are fully enclosed and
have a volume. Whereas surfaces do not have volumes but only area. Solids may
constructed from appropriate String data such as the floor and back of an underground
working (designed or surveyed). Solids are constructed for 3 basic purposes:

1. 3D visualization
2. Volume calculation
3. Cutting sections

The functions required for constructing solids are found in the Solids menu.

Once any solids have been constructed and fully closed, they must be validated. That is,
in order for a solid to be valid there must not be any of the following:

1. self-intersecting triangles
2. duplicate triangles
3. triangles with invalid edges
4. triangles with open edges.

The validation process must be run before the solid can be used in any other function,
such as calculating a volume or sectioning. If problems are encountered during
validation, that is, if the solid contains any of the above-mentioned items, they will have to
be addressed/corrected before the solid can attain valid status. The final step in
validating a solid is to define whether it is a solid or a void. Underground workings

(designed or surveyed) are voids and have negative volumes. Ore bodies are solids and
have positive volumes.

Solid of UG Level

Back Survey

Floor Survey

1. Complete the underground layout design in the file layout330.str.
a. Crosscuts are missing so you’ll need to add them.
b. Tie the access ramp in to the existing mine workings (ug1.str) at the 290 level
and re-grade it.
c. Create an outline of the entire layout 10m wide.
d. Copy the floor outline up 10m to the back
e. Construct a solid from the floor and back outlines.
f. Design 2 other access ramps from different levels of the mine and construct
solids of them:
i. From 180 level to the SW end of the design.
ii. From 150 level to the NE end of the design.
2. Validate the solid in step #1 (a - e).
3. Generate volume reports of the solids in steps #1.
4. Section the design layout solid from step #1 along the access drift centreline every 50m.
5. Construct a solid from the surveyed mine workings in pillars300.str.

1. Complete the underground layout design in the file layout330.str.
a. Crosscuts are missing so you’ll need to add them.
i. From the Navigator, click and drag the file layout330.str into the
viewport to open it.
ii. First display the point markers so you can see where the crosscut
centrelines are to be placed. From the tool bar choose the button
to display the point markers.
iii. Apply the subsequent form:
iv. Now, change the snap mode from “No Snap” to “Point”. To do this
go the Snap Mode selection box in the toolbar:

Snap mode selection box

v. From the Edit menu, choose Segment, Copy.

vi. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select and drag
the segment to be copied.”
vii. Select one of the two existing cross cuts. When selecting in
Surpac, it is important to know that your selection will be based on
proximity of the cursor to the items you’re selecting. In this case you
will want to select the south-eastern most point on the cross cut

Select approximately here

viii. While holding down the left mouse button, drag the selected
segment to one of the other point markers then let go.
ix. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

x. The result should be as in the following diagram. Notice that the

prompting text reappears for you to keep selecting.

xi. Repeat this process 6 times until a centreline for each cross cut
has been made.

b. Tie the access ramp in to the existing mine workings (ug1.str) at the 290
level and re-grade it.
i. From the Navigator click and drag to open the file ug1.str.

ii. With Snap Mode set to “Point” (see step 6.I.d.), choose from the
Edit menu, Point, Move.
iii. Select the first point in the ramp, and drag it to a point on the 290
level floor, as in the following diagram:

Drag to this point

on 290 level

Click the first ramp point

iv. Now you must regrade the entire ramp centreline. From the Edit
menu, choose Segment, Change gradient.
v. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the
centreline start point”. Choose the point moved in step c.
vi. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the
centreline end point”. Choose the last point in the ramp where it
connects to the haulage drift centreline as in the following diagram:

“Select the
end point” “Select the
start point”

vii. Apply the subsequent form:

c. Create an outline of the entire layout 10m wide.

i. Make sure the layer where the layout centrelines reside is currently
active. Check the layer chooser in the first toolbar to make sure the
layer in which your pit resides is the active layer:

Layer chooser

ii. From the Mine Design menu, choose Underground, Room & pillar
from centrelines.
iii. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

d. Copy the floor outline up 10m to the back

i. From the Edit menu, choose Copy segment constrained by,
Bearing & distance.
ii. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the
segment to copy by bearing, dip, and distance.
iii. Select the newly created outer wall of the layout.
iv. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

e. Construct a solid from the floor and back outlines.

i. From the Solids menu, choose Triangulate, Between segments.
ii. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

iii. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select a point on
the first segment to be triangulated”.
iv. Select a point on the outer wall segment of the floor.
v. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select a point on
the next segment to be triangulated”.
vi. Select a point on the outer wall segment of the back.
vii. From the Solids menu, choose Triangulate, Inside a segment.
viii. Click the button to save the solid.
ix. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

x. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

xi. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the

segment which is to be triangulated”.
xii. Select a point on the outer wall segment of the floor.
xiii. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the
segment which is to be triangulated”.

xiv. Select a point on the outer wall segment of the back.

f. Design 2 other access ramps from different levels of the mine and
construct solids of them:
i. From 180 level to the SW end of the design.
a. From the Mine Design menu, choose Underground, Generate
shortest path.
b. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the start
c. Choose the indicated point in the following diagram on the 180
d. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the goal
e. Choose the indicated point in the following diagram on the

Goal point

Start point

f. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

g. From the Solids menu, choose Triangulate, Using centreline &
h. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

i. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the

centreline string”. Select the ramp string.

ii. From 150 level to the NE end of the design.

a. From the Mine Design menu, choose Underground, Generate
shortest path.
b. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the start
c. Choose the indicated point in the following diagram on the 150

d. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the goal
e. Choose the indicated point in the following diagram on the

Goal point

Start point

f. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

g. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

h. From the Solids menu, choose Triangulate, Using centreline &

i. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

j. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the
centreline string”. Select the ramp string.

2. Validate the solid in step #1 (a - e).

a. From the Navigator, click and drag the finished, saved solid (layout330.dtm) into
the viewport to open it.
b. From the Solids menu, choose Validation, Validate object.
c. Apply the subsequent form.
3. Generate volume reports of the solid in steps #1 (a - e).
a. From the Solids menu, choose Solids tools, Report volume of solids.
b. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

4. Section the design layout solid (#1) along the access drift centreline every 50m.
a. Make sure you’ve reset the graphics session by clicking the button.

b. Also make sure you have opened only the DTM file saved from steps #1 (a - e).
c. Click the button to turn the faces of the solid off.
d. Click the button to display the original string data.
e. Now, change the snap mode from “No Snap” to “Point”. To do this go the Snap
Mode selection box in the toolbar (see step 1. a. iv.)
f. From the Solids menu, choose Solids tools, Section using centreline.
g. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select the centreline start point”.
Click to select the first point in the centreline of the haulage drift as in the
following diagram. The prompting message will then ask you to “Select the
centreline end point”. Click to select the last point in the same segment:

Centreline end point

Centreline start point

h. Fill the subsequent forms as follows:

5. Construct a solid from the surveyed mine workings in pillars300.str.
a. From the Navigator click and drag the file pillars300.str into the viewport to open
it. By using the (Identify point) function and selecting points on each of the
differently coloured strings you can see that there are 2 strings in this file, #1 &
b. You first need to re-open the string file, but only with string #1. Click the
(Open) button to open the file again. Notice that the form is already filled with the
last-opened file. In the String Range field type “1”:

c. From the Surfaces menu, choose Create DTM from layer.
d. Apply the subsequent form:

e. From the toolbar click the button to render the DTM.

f. From the Surfaces menu, choose Clip or intersect DTM’s, Clip DTM with string.
g. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select a string to use to clip the
DTM”. Select any point on the string.
h. Apply the subsequent form:

i. Click the button to save the file.

j. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

k. Click the button to reset the graphics session.

l. Now you need to re-open the string file, but only with string #2. Click the
(Open) button to open the file again.
m. Fill the subsequent form as follows. In the String Range field type “2”:

n. From the Surfaces menu, choose Create DTM from layer.

o. Apply the subsequent form:

p. From the toolbar click the button to render the DTM.

q. From the Surfaces menu, choose Clip or intersect DTM’s, Clip DTM with string.
r. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select a string to use to clip the
DTM”. Select any point on the string.
s. Apply the subsequent form:

t. Click the button to save the file.
u. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

v. You now have two separate files for the floor and back of this underground level.
You will need to now bring the two together into the same graphics layer
(append) and complete constructing the solid.
w. Click the button to reset the graphics session.
x. From the Navigator, click and drag both DTM files (floor300.dtm & back300.dtm)
into the same graphics layer. To accomplish this simply click to select one of the
files, then with the control key held down, select the other. Then, when dragging
into the viewport to open them, make sure you hold down the control key to
append the two files into the currently active layer (main graphics layer).
y. From the toolbar click the button to render the DTM.
z. From the toolbar click the button to display the corresponding strings.


Outer wall

aa. It is a good idea to spin or orbit the data around with the left mouse button
instead of staying in plan view. This will allow you to be able to select floor and
back segments.
bb. From the Solids menu, choose Triangulate, Between segments.
cc. Fill the subsequent form as follows:

dd. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select a point on the first
segment to be triangulated”.
ee. Select a point on the eastern most pillar floor.
ff. A prompting message will appear asking you to “Select a point on the next
segment to be triangulated”.
gg. Select a point on the eastern most pillar floor.
hh. Hit the ESCAPE button now because you don’t want to continue triangulating
from the last-selected segment.
ii. Repeat steps bb. to hh. for the remaining pillars. You may find it beneficial to
zoom in on particular areas of interest to facilitate selection of points.

jj. Finally, repeat steps bb. to hh. for the outer wall.


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