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Database Basics

Surpac Vision has the ability to create several different kinds of databases, including databases for Surveying, Geology, Underground Ring
Design and Scheduling to name but a few.

This chapter will cover the topic of the Surveying database, and some of the basic theory behind databases.

Exercise 1 – Database Basics

This section will give you an overview of databases, with particular emphasis on how the database is used for surveying in Surpac Vision.

What you will learn

In this exercise you will cover the following topics:

o Basic database examples.

o Survey database format for surface and underground cases.

 Basic Database Examples

A database is a system that allows the storage and manipulation of data, and the retrieval of information based on that data. A good example
of a simple database is a telephone book. Below is a table that represents a list of terms that can be applied to the telephone book in relation to
a database.
Surname First Name Address Suburb Phone

Francis Kate 29 Goldfish Ave Salisbury 2583454

Gates John 14 Guppy St Elizabeth 2643245

The following terms can be applied to the telephone book.
Table – Is the telephone book itself, where there is a single table that defines the entire set of data.
Field – Name, address, suburb and the phone number are all fields inside of the table. A field is generally represented by a column in a table.
Record – A single line going across a table represents a record. It is made up of interrelated fields defined by the table structure.
Index – Is the arrangement of the records in an ordinal manner. In a telephone book, the index is the Surname field. An index speeds up
queries, sorting and grouping.
 Surveying Database
The Surpac Vision surveying database allows you to create and maintain both surface and underground survey control databases. Once the
survey stations have been stored in the database, you can enter your field observations either using the keyboard, or through a variety of data
This ensures correctly formed string files, which can then be used for volume calculation, plotting, visualisation and 3D model creation.
Surpac adopts a set of mandatory database table structures for all of its databases, whilst still allowing some flexibility to include additional
user defined fields within each database. This means that there are certain fields which must exist within the database, such as a station name,
but extra fields containing any kind of information can be created and used.
There are 2 types of surveying databases within Surpac Vision. A database for surface survey stations, and another for underground survey
Each of the surveying database types available within Surpac Vision are made up of a single database table, with several sets of mandatory
fields in each table. Each of the table types will be covered individually.
Surface Surveying Database
The underground surveying database is made up of a single table. The database can be named anything you wish, but the table name has a set
name of stations.
The mandatory fields required for the stations table are listed below, with a brief description provided for each.

Field name Data type Description

station_id Character Survey station name

area Character The station location or region

Y Numeric Station Northing

X Numeric Station Easting

Z Numeric Station Elevation

Optional fields Optional User defined

The mandatory fields for the table are already partially defined and meaningful defaults are provided for each of the mandatory fields. The
field names and field types for the mandatory fields cannot be changed.
Underground Surveying Database
The surface surveying database is made up of a single table. The database can be named anything you wish, but the table name has a set name
of ugstations.
The mandatory fields required for the stations table are listed below, with a brief description provided for each.

Field name Data type Description

Station_id Character Survey station name

Station_fr Character Station backsight

Level Character Location or level of station

Y Numeric Northing

X Numeric Easting

Z Numeric Elevation

Z_back Numeric Elevation of station on the roof

Z_floor Numeric Elevation of station on the floor

Elev_diff Numeric Elevation difference used in differential


Rec_brng Numeric Stored bearing from set up station to

backsight station

Optional fields Optional User defined

The mandatory fields for the table are already partially defined and meaningful defaults are provided for each of the mandatory fields. The
field names and field types for the mandatory fields cannot be changed.
What you have covered
This chapter has covered some basics for databases, and the fields that Surpac must have for both the surface database and for the
underground database. You should now have an understanding of the following topics.
o Database basics
o Surface database format
o Underground database format

If you are unsure about any of the above topics you can review these topics at any stage.
Where to next
The next chapter will take you through creating a surface surveying database.

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