Status of Law Commission Report

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1. Number of Law Commissions Constituted : 20

2. Number of Reports submitted by the Law Commission : 262
3. Number of Reports submitted by the 20th Law Commission: 19
4. Number of Reports implemented by the Government: 92
5. Number of Reports not accepted by the Government: 16
6. Number of Reports pending: 101
7. Number of Reports for which information is being collected: 52
8. One Law Commission’s Report number 239 was submitted by the Nineteenth Law
Commission on the direction of Hon’ble Supreme Court in Writ Petition (C) No.
341/2004 in the matter of Virender Kumar Ohri Vs. Union of India & Ors., no
action on this Report is to be taken by the Government.

First Law Commission

(Chairman Mr. M. C. Setalvad 1955-1958)

Name of the Report

Report year of Forwarded to Forwarded Remarks
No. submission on

Liability of the State in Torts.

1. 1956 Legislative Deptt. * *

Parliamentary Legislation relating

2. to Sales Tax. 1956 M/o Finance * *

Limitation Act, 1908

3. 1956 Legislative Deptt. * *

On the proposal that High Courts

4. should sit in Benches at different 1956 Deptt. of Justice * Implemented
places in a State.
British Statutes applicable to India.
5. 1957 Legislative Deptt. * *

Registration Act, 1908

6. 1957 D/o Land Resource 13.07.1957 Pending

Partnership Act, 1932

7. 1957 M/o Corporate * Pending

Sale of Goods Act, 1930

8. 1958 Legislative Deptt. * *

Specific Relief Act, 1877

9. 1958 Legislative Deptt. * *

Law of Acquisition and

10. Requisitioning of Land. 1958 D/o Land Resource * Implemented

Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881

11. 1958 D/o Economic * Implemented

Income Tax Act, 1922

12. 1958 D/o Revenue * *

Contract Act, 1872

13. 1958 Legislative Deptt. 26.09.1958 Pending

Reform of Judicial Administration.

14. 1958 D/o Justice * Implemented

Second Law Commission

(Chairman Mr. Justice T. L. Venkatrama Aiyar 1958-1961)

Law relating to Marriage and
15. Divorce amongst Christians in 1960 Legislative Deptt. * *
Official Trustees Act, 1913.
16. 1960 Legislative Deptt. * *

Report on Trusts Act, 1882.
17. 1961 Legislative Deptt. 1961 Pending

Converts’ Marriage Dissolution

18. Act, 1866. 1961 Legislative Deptt. * *

The Administrator-General's Act,

19. 1913. 1961 Legislative Deptt. * *

20. The Law of Hire-Purchase 1961 M/o Finance * Implemented

D/o Economic 29.03.1962 Implemented

21. Marine Insurance 1961

Christian Marriage and Matrimonial

22. 1961 Legislative Deptt. * *
Causes Bill,1961

Third Law Commission

(Chairman Mr. Justice J. L. Kapur 1961-1964)

Law of Foreign Marriages.

23. 1962 Legislative Deptt. * *

The Commission of Inquiry Act,

24. 1952 1962. M/o Home Affairs 28.09.1963 Implemented

Evidence of Officers about forged

25. stamps, currency notes, etc. Section 1963 M/o Home Affairs 20.10.1964 Implemented
509-A Cr.P.C. as proposed.
D/o Economic

Insolvency Laws
26. 1964 Legislative * Implemented

The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.

27. 1964 Legislative * Implemented

The Indian Oaths Act, 1873.

28. 1964 Legislative * Implemented

Fourth Law Commission

(Chairman Mr. Justice J. L. Kapur 1964-1968)

Proposal to include certain Social

29. and Economic Offences in the 1966 M/o Home Affairs 06.03.1968 Implemented
Indian Penal Code
Section 5 of the Central Sales Tax
30. Act, 1956, taxation by the States of 1967 D/o Revenue 15.04.1967 Implemented
Sales in the course of import.
Section 30(2) of the Indian
31. Registration Act, 1908-Extension to 1967 Legislative Deptt. 16.12.1967 Implemented
Section 9 of the Code of Criminal
32. Procedure, 1898-Appointment of 1967 M/o Home Affairs 01.08.1968 Implemented

Sessions Judges, Additional Session
Judges and Assistant Sessions
Section 44, Code of Criminal
33. Procedure, 1898. 1967 M/o Home Affairs 05.03.1970 Implemented

Indian Registration Act, 1908.

34. 1967 Legislative 12.11.1970 Pending
Department, D/o
Land Resource

Capital Punishment.
35. 1967 M/o Home Affairs * Implemented

Sections 497, 498 and 499 of the

36. Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898- 1967 M/o Home Affairs 05.03.1970 Implemented
Grant of bail with condition.
The Code of Criminal Procedure,
37. 1898 (Sections 1 to 176). 1967 M/o Home Affairs 17.03.1970 Implemented

Indian Post Office Act, 1898.

38. 1968 D/o Posts 27.08.1970 Pending

Fifth Law Commission

(Chairman Mr. K. V. K. Sundaram 1968-1971)

Punishment of imprisonment for

39. life under the Indian Penal Code. 1968 M/o Home Affairs * Implemented

Law relating to attendance of

40. Prisoners in Courts. 1969 M/o Home Affairs 09.09.1970 Implemented

The Code of Criminal Procedure,

41. 1898. 1969 M/o Home Affairs 12.02.1970 Implemented

Indian Penal Code.

42. 1971 M/o Home Affairs 24.12.1971 Not Accepted

Offences against the National

43. Security. 1971 M/o Home Affairs 22.05.1972 *

The Appellate jurisdiction of the

44. Supreme Court in Civil Matters. 1971 Legislative Deptt. 16.10.1971 Implemented

Sixth Law Commission

(Chairman Mr. Justice Dr. P. B. Gajendragadkar 1971-1974)

Civil Appeals to the Supreme Court
45. on a Certificate of Fitness. 1971 D/o Justice * Implemented

The Constitution (Twenty-fifth

46. Amendment) Bill,1971. 1971 Legislative * Implemented

The Trial and Punishment of Social

47. and Economic Offences. 1972 D/o Economic 09.11.1972 Implemented

Some questions under the Code of
48. Criminal Procedure Bill, 1970. 1972 M/o Home Affairs 30.03.1973 *

The Proposal for inclusion of

49. agricultural income in the total 1972 D/o Revenue 10.05.1973 Implemented
income for the purpose of
determining the rate of tax under
the Income-tax Act, 1961.
The Proposal to include persons
50. connected with Public examination 1972 M/o Home Affairs 24.10.1972 *
within the definition of "Public
Servant" in the Indian Penal Code.
Compensation for injuries caused
51. by automobiles in hit-and-run cases. 1972 M/o Road Transport 07.04.1973 Implemented
& Highways

Estate Duty on Property acquired

52. after death. 1972 D/o Expenditure 15.03.1973 Not Accepted

Effect of the Pensions Act, 1871 on

53. the right to sue for pensions of 1972 D/o Personnel & 15.03.1973 Implemented
retired members of the public Training, D/o
services. Revenue

The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.

54. 1973 Legislative * Implemented

Rate of interest after decree and

55. interest on costs under sections 34 1973 Legislative 05.07.1973 Implemented
and 35, of the Code of Civil Department
Procedure, 1908.
Statutory Provisions as to Notice of
56. suit other than section 80, Civil 1973 M/o Home Affairs, 26.07.1973 Implemented
Procedure Code. M/o Defence, M/o
Shipping, D/o

Benami Transactions.
57. 1973 Legislative * Implemented

Structure and Jurisdiction of the

58. Higher Judiciary. 1974 M/o Labour, M/o 27.04.1976 Implemented
Home Affairs, D/o

Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 and

59. Special Marriage Act, 1954. 1974 Legislative 1974 Implemented

The General Clauses Act, 1897.

60. 1974 Legislative 1974 Implemented

Certain problems connected with

61. power of the States to levy a tax on 1974 D/o Revenue 19.08.1974 Implemented
the sale of goods and with the
Central Sales Tax Act, 1956.

Seventh Law Commission

(Chairman Mr. Justice Dr. P. B. Gajendragadkar 1974-1977)

Workmen's Compensation Act,
62. 1923. 1974 M/o Labour 1974 Pending

The Interest Act, 1839.
63. 1975 D/o Economic 22.03.1975 Implemented

The Suppression of Immoral Traffic

64. in Women and Girls Act, 1956. 1975 M/o Women and 22.03.1975 Implemented
Child Development

Recognition of Foreign Divorces

65. 1976 Legislative 1976 Pending

Married Women's Property Act,

66. 1874. 1976 D/o Economic 06.08.1976 Pending
Affairs, Legislative

The Indian Stamp Act, 1899.

67. 1977 D/o Revenue 20.05.1977 Implemented

The Powers of Attorney Act, 1882

68 1977 Legislative Deptt. * Implemented

The Indian Evidence Act, 1872.

69 1977 Legislative 1977 Implemented
Department, M/o

The Transfer of Property Act, 1882.

70 1977 Legislative 1977 Pending

Eighth Law Commission

(Chairman Mr. Justice H. R. Khanna, 1977-1979)

The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955-

71 Irretrievable breakdown of marriage 1978 Legislative * Implemented
as a ground of divorce. Department

Restriction on practice after being a

72 permanent Judge, Article 220 of the 1978 D/o Justice 27.04.1978 Implemented
Criminal liability for failure by
73 Husband to pay maintenance or 1978 M/o Home Affairs 01.08.1978 Not Accepted
permanent alimony granted to the
wife By the court under certain
enactments or rules of law.
Proposal to amend the Indian
74 Evidence Act, 1872 so as to render 1978 M/o Home Affairs, 28.06.1980 Not Accepted
Admissible certain statements made Legislative
By witnesses before Commission of Department
Inquiry and other statutory
Disciplinary Jurisdiction under the
75 Advocates Act, 1961. 1978 D/o Justice * Implemented

Arbitration Act, 1940.

76 1978 Legislative * Implemented

Delay and arrears in trial courts.
77 1979 D/o Justice 20.05.1981 Implemented

Congestion of under trial prisoners

78 in jails. 1979 M/o Home Affairs 26.02.1979 Implemented

Delay and Arrears in High Courts

79 and other Appellate Courts. 1979 D/o Justice 20.05.1981 Implemented

Method of Appointment of Judges.

80 1979 D/o Justice 12.10.1979 Implemented

Ninth Law Commission

(Chairman Mr. Justice P. V. Dixit 1979-1980)

Hindu Widows Re-marriage Act,
81 1856. 1979 Legislative * *

Effect of nomination under section

82 39, Insurance Act, 1938. 1980 D/o Economic * *

The Guardians and Wards Act, 1890

83 and certain provisions of the Hindu 1980 Legislative 27.08.1980 Pending
Minority and Guardianship Act, Department
Rape and allied offences-some
84 questions of substantive law, 1980 M/o Home Affairs 12.06.1980 Implemented
procedure and evidence.
Claims for compensation under
85 Chapter 8 of the Motor Vehicles 1980 M/o Road Transport * *
Act, 1939. and Highways

The Partition Act, 1893.

86 1980 Legislative 31.05.1982 Pending

Identification of Prisoners Act,

87 1920. 1980 M/o Home Affairs 05.09.1981 Pending

Tenth Law Commission

(Chairman Mr. Justice K. K. Mathew 1981-1985)

Governmental Privilege in
88 Evidence: Sections 123-124 and 1983 M/o Home Affairs, 27.05.1985( *
162, Indian Evidence Act, 1872 and Legislative MHA)
Articles 74 and 163 of the Department
Constitution. 01.03.1985

The Limitation Act, 1963.

89 1983 Legislative 04.02.1987 Pending


The Grounds of Divorce amongst

90 Christians in India: section 10, of 1983 Legislative 24.08.1984 *
the Indian Divorce Act, 1869. Department

Dowry deaths and law reform:

91 Amending the Hindu Marriage Act, 1983 Legislative 26.04.1984 *
1955, the Indian Penal Code, 1860 Department, M/o
and the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. Home Affairs

Damages in applications for

92 Judicial Review Recommendations 1983 D/o Justice, 05.05.1984 *
for legislation. Legislative
Department, M/o
Home Affairs

Disclosure of sources of
93 information by mass media. 1983 M/o Information & 16.05.1984 Not accepted

Evidence obtained illegally or

94 improperly: proposed section 166A, 1983 Legislative 27.04.1984 *
Indian Evidence Act, 1872. Department

Constitutional Division within the

95 Supreme Court- A proposal for. 1984 D/o Justice 05.02.1985 Not Accepted

Repeal of certain obsolete Central

96 Acts. 1984 D/o Justice, D/o 01.09.1984 *
Economic Affairs,
M/o Labour, M/o
Home Affairs,
Department, M/o
Petroleum, D/o

Section 28, Indian Contract Act,

97 1872: prescriptive clauses in 1984 Legislative 10.09.1984 *
contracts. Department

Sections 24 to 26, Hindu Marriage

98 Act, 1955: Orders for interim 1984 Legislative * *
maintenance and orders for the Department
maintenance of children in
matrimonial proceedings.
Oral and written arguments in the
99 Higher courts. 1984 D/o Justice 25.08.1984 Implemented

Litigation by and against the

100 Government: some 1984 Legislative 05.09.1984 *
recommendations for reform. Department, D/o

Freedom of Speech and Expression

101 under Article 19 of the Constitution: 1984 M/o Home Affairs, 06.02.1985 Not accepted
recommendation to extend it to M/o Commerce & (MHA, C&I)
Indian Corporations. Industry, M/o
Information & 30.04.1985(I
Broadcasting &B)

Section 122(1) of the Code of
102 Criminal Procedure, 1973: 1984 M/o Home Affairs 06.02.1985 Pending
imprisonment for breach of bond
for keeping the peace with sureties.
Unfair Terms in Contract.
103 1984 Legislative 05.02.1985 *

The Judicial Officers' Protection

104 Act, 1850. 1984 D/o Justice 06.02.1985 Implemented

Quality Control and Inspection of

105 consumer goods. 1984 D/o Food, D/o 16.04.1985(F Implemented
Industrial Policy & ood)

Section 103A, Motor Vehicles Act,

106 1939: effect of Transfer of a Motor 1984 M/o Commerce & 28.02.1985(S *
Vehicle on Insurance. Industry, M/o Road hipping)
Transport and
Highways 24.06.1986(C

Law of Citizenship.
107 1984 M/o Home Affairs 29.05.1985 *

Promissory Estoppel.
108 1984 Legislative 29.05.1985 Pending

Obscene and Indecent

109 advertisements and Displays: 1985 M/o Home Affairs, 28.05.1985 Accepted
sections 292-293, Indian Penal M/o Information &
Code. Broadcasting

The Indian Succession Act, 1925.

110 1985 Legislative 29.03.1989 *

The Fatal Accidents Act, 1855.

111 1985 Legislative 08.01.1986 Pending
Department, M/o
Labour, D/o
Economic Affairs

Section 45 of the Insurance Act,

112 1938. 1985 D/o Economic 08.01.1986 *

Injuries in Police Custody-

113 Suggested section 114B, Evidence 1985 M/o Home Affairs 14.01.1986 *

Eleventh Law Commission

(Chairman Mr. Justice D. A. Desai 1985-1988)

Gram Nyayalaya.
114 1986 D/o Justice 16.12.1986 Implemented

Tax Courts.
115 1986 D/o Justice, D/o 16.12.1986 *
Revenue, M/o

Commerce &

Formation of an All India Judicial

116 Service. 1986 D/o Justice 14.05.1987 Implemented

Training of Judicial Officers.

117 1986 D/o Justice 14.05.1987 Implemented

Method of appointment to
118 subordinate courts/ subordinate 1986 D/o Justice 14.05.1987 Not Accepted
Access to Exclusive Forum for
119 Victims of Motor Accidents under 1987 M/o Road Transport 08.05.1987 *
Motor Vehicles Act, 1939. & Highways

Manpower Planning in Judiciary: A

120 Blueprint 1987 D/o Justice 08.05.1987 Pending

A New Forum for Judicial

121 Appointments. 1987 D/o Justice 08.05.1987 Pending

Forum for National Uniformity in

122 Labour Adjudication. 1987 M/o Labour 23.12.1987 *

Decentralisation of Administration
123 of Justice:Disputes Involving 1988 D/o Higher 19.02.1988 Pending
Centres of Higher Education. Education

The High Court Arrears- A Fresh

124 Look. 1988 Legislative 02.06.1988( Pending
Department, D/o DOJ)

The Supreme Court- A Fresh Look.

125 1988 D/o Justice 16.05.1988 Pending

Government and Public Sector

126 Undertaking Litigation Policy and 1988 Department of 16.05.1988 Not Accepted
Strategies. Public Enterprises

Resource Allocation for Infra- 1988 D/o Justice 27.03.1989 *

127 structural Services in Judicial
Administration (A continuum of the
Report on Manpower Planning in
Judiciary: A Blueprint).
Cost of Litigation.
128 1988 D/o Justice 17.08.1988 Implemented

Urban Litigation – Mediation as

129 alternative to Adjudication. 1988 D/o Justice, M/o 27.03.1989 *
Urban Development (DOJ)


Benami Transactions:A Continuum.

130 1988 Legislative Deptt. * *

Role of legal profession in

131 Administration of Justice. 1988 D/o Justice, Bar 16.03.1989 *

Council of India

Twelfth Law Commission

(Chairman Mr. Justice M. P. Thakkar 1988-1991)

Need for Amendment of the
132 Provisions of the Chapter IX of the 1989 M/o Home Affairs 22.08.1989 Pending
Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
in order to ameliorate the hardship
and mitigate the distress of
Neglected Women, Children and
Removal of Discrimination against
133 Women in matters relating to 1989 Legislative 18.09.1989 Pending
Guardianship and Custody of Minor Department
Children and Elaboration of the
Welfare Principle.
Removing Deficiencies in certain
134 Provisions of the Workmen's 1989 M/o Labour 30.03.1990 Pending
Compensation Act, 1923.
Women in Custody.
135 1989 M/o Women & 14.01.1991 *
Child Development,
M/o Home Affairs,
M/o Health &
Family Welfare

Conflicts in High Court Decisions

136 on Central Laws- How to foreclose 1990 Legislative 23.01.1991 Pending
and how to resolve. Department

Need for creating office of

137 Ombudsman and for evolving 1990 M/o Labour 26.08.1993 *
legislative administrative measures
inter-alia to relieve hardships
caused by inordinate delays in
settling Provident Fund claims of
Legislative Protection for Slum and
138 Pavement Dwellers. 1990 M/o Urban 08.09.1993 *

Urgent need to amend Order XXI,

139 Rule 92(2), Code of Civil 1991 Legislative 27.08.1993 *
Procedure to remove an anomaly Department
which nullifies the benevolent
intention of the legislature and
occasions injustice to judgement-
debtors sought to be benefited.
Need to amend Order V, Rule 19A
140 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1991 Legislative 26.08.1993 *
1908, relating to service of Department
summons by registered post with a
view to foreclose likely injustice.
Need for amending the law as
141 regards power of courts to restore 1991 M/o Home Affairs 27.08.1993 Pending
criminal revisional applications and
criminal cases dismissed for default
in appearance.
Concessional treatment for
142 offenders who on their own 1991 M/o Home Affairs 27.08.1993 Implemented
initiative choose to plead guilty
without any bargaining.
Legislative safeguards for
143 protecting the small depositors from 1991 M/o Corporate 27.08.1993 Implemented


Thirteenth Law Commission

(Chairman Mr. Justice K. N. Singh 1991-1994)

Conflicting Judicial decisions

144 pertaining to the Code of Civil 1992 Legislative 04.01.1994 Pending
Procedure, 1908. Department

Article 12 of the Constitution and

145 Public Sector Undertakings. 1992 Department of 16.08.1993 Implemented
Public Enterprises

Sale of Women and Children:

146 Proposed Section 373-A, Indian 1993 M/o Women & 09.12.1993 Pending
Penal Code. Child Development,
M/o Home Affairs

The Specific Relief Act, 1963.

147 1993 Legislative 03.03.1994 *

Repeal of Certain pre-1947 Central

148 Acts. 1993 Legislative 03.05.1994 Pending

Removal of certain deficiencies in

149 the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (Act 1994 M/o Road Transport 31.03.1995 Implemented
No. 59 of 1988). & Highways

Suggesting some Amendments to

150 the Code of Civil Procedure (Act 1994 Legislative 31.03.1995 Pending
No. V of 1908). Department

Admiralty Jurisdiction.
151 1994 M/o Shipping 28.08.1995 Pending

Custodial Crimes.
152 1994 Legislative 13.06.1995 *
Department, M/o (MHA)
Home Affairs

Inter-Country Adoption.
153 1994 M/o Women & 12.09.1995 Pending
Child Development,
Legislative Deptt.,
M/o External Affairs

Fourteenth Law Commission

(Chairman Mr. Justice K. J. Reddy 1995-1997)

The Code of Criminal Procedure,

154 1973 (Act No. 2 of 1974). 1996 M/o Home Affairs 22.11.1996 Implemented

The Narcotics Drugs and

155 Psychotropic Substances Act, 1997 M/o Finance 28.07.1997 Implemented
1985(Act No. 61 of 1985).

(Narcotics Control

The Indian Penal Code.

156 1997 M/o Home Affairs 19.06.1998 Pending

Fifteenth Law Commission

(Chairman Mr. Justice B. P. Jeevan Reddy 1997-2000)

Section 52:Transfer of Property
157 Act, 1882 and its Amendment. 1998 Legislative 16.12.1999 Pending

The Amendment of the Industries

158 (Development and Regulation) Act, 1998 D/o Industrial Policy 16.09.1998 Pending
1951 & Promotion

Repeal and Amendment of Laws:

159 Part I 1998 M/o Corporate 25.11.1999 Pending
Affairs, D/o
Economic Affairs,
D/o Revenue, D/o
Posts, M/o
Information &
Broadcasting, M/o

Amendment to the All India

160 Council for Technical Education 1998 D/o Higher 06.12.1999 Not Accepted
Act, 1987 (Act No. 52 of 1987) Education

Central Vigilance Commission and

161 Allied Bodies. 1998 D/o Personnel & 19.08.1998 *

Review of functioning of Central

162 Administrative Tribunal, Customs, 1998 D/o Revenue, D/o 06.12.1999 Pending
Excise and Gold (Control) Personnel &
Appellate Tribunal and Income-Tax Training
Appellate Tribunal
The Code of Civil Procedure
163 (Amendment) Bill, 1997 1998 Legislative 06.12.1999 Implemented

The Indian Divorce Act, 1869 (Act

164 IV of 1869) 1998 Legislative 06.12.1999 Implemented

Free and Compulsory Education for

165 Children 1998 M/o Human 06.12.1999 Implemented

The Corrupt Public Servants

166 (forfeiture of property) Bill. 1999 D/o Personnel & 01.11.1999 Pending

The Patents (Amendment) Bill,

167 1998. 1999 M/o Defence 06.12.1999 Implemented

The Hire-Purchase Act, 1972

168 1999 Legislative 06.12.1999 *


Amendment of Army, Navy and Air M/o Commerce & 06.12.1999 Implemented
169 1999
Force Act. Industry

Reform of the Electoral Laws 1999 Legislative 06.12.1999 Not Accepted

170 Department

M/o Environment & 25.01.2000

171 The Biodiversity Bill, 2000 2000 Forests Implemented

Legislative 07.04.2000 Pending

172 Review of Rape Laws 2000 Department, M/o
Home Affairs
M/o Home Affairs 25.04.2000
173 Prevention of Terrorism Bill, 2000 2000 Implemented

Property Rights of Women: Legislative 19.05.2000 *

174 Proposed Reforms Under the Hindu 2000 Department

Sixteenth Law Commission

(Chairman Mr. Justice B. P. Jeevan Reddy 2000-2001)

(Chairman Mr. Justice M. Jagannadha Rao 2002-2003)

M/o Home Affairs 26.09.2000

175 Implemented
The Foreigners (Amendment) Bill,

Legislative 20.09.2001 Pending

The Arbitration and conciliation Department
176 2001
(Amendment) Bill, 2002
M/o Home Affairs 19.02.2002
177 Law Relating to Arrest 2001 Implemented

Legislative 13.02.2002
Department, M/o Pending
Recommendations for amending Corporate Affairs,
178 various enactments, both civil and 2001 D/o Revenue, M/o
criminal Home Affairs, M/o
Road Transport &
D/o Personnel & 20.02.2002 Pending
179 Training
Public Interest Disclosure and 2001
Protection of Informers

M/o Home Affairs 14.05.2002

Article 20 (3) of the Constitution of
180 2002 Implemented
India and Right to Silence
Amendment to Section 106 of the Legislative 14.05.2002 Implemented
181 2002
Transfer of Property Act, 1882 Department
Amendment of Section 6 of the D/o Land Resource 14.05.2002 Implemented
182 2002
Land Acquisition Act, 1894.
183 2002 Legislative 18.11.2002 Pending
A Continuum on the General Department
Clauses Act, 1897 with special
reference to the admissibility and
codification of external aids to

interpretation of statutes.

Legal Education & Professional D/o Higher 14.01.2004 Pending

Training and Proposals for Education
184 amendments to the Advocates Act, 2002
1961 and the University Grants
Commission Act, 1956.
Review of the Indian Evidence Act, Legislative 27.03.2003 Pending
185 2003
1872. Department


(Chairman Mr. Justice M. Jagannadha Rao 2003-2006)

Proposal to Constitute Environment
186 Courts 2003 M/o Environment & 21.10.2002 Implemented

Mode of Execution of Death

187 Sentence and Incidental Matters 2003 M/o Home Affairs 15.11.2003 Pending

188 The Proposals for Constitution of 2003 D/o Justice 14.01.2004

Hi-Tech Fast - Track Commercial Pending
Divisions in High Courts.
189 Revision of Court Fees Structure
2004 D/o Justice 08.04.2004 Implemented

The Revision of the Insurance Act,

190 1938 and the Insurance Regulatory 2004 D/o Economic 03.06.2004 Implemented
and Development Authority Act, Affairs
Regulation of Funds collected for
191 Calamity Relief. 2004 D/o Economic 30.12.2004 Pending

Prevention of vexatious Litigation.

192 2005 Legislative 04.07.2005 Pending
Department, M/o (LD, MHA)
Home Affairs

Transnational Litigation, Conflict of

193 Laws, Law of Limitation. 2005 Legislative 17.06.2005 Pending

Verification of Stamp Duties and

194 Registration of Arbitral Awards. 2005 Legislative 17.06.2005 Pending

The Judges (Inquiry) Bill, 2005

195 2006 D/o Justice 08.02.2006 Implemented

Medical Treatment to Terminally Ill

196 Patients (Protection of Patients and 2006 M/o Health & 26.05.2006 Not Accepted
Medical Practitioners) Family Welfare

Public Prosecutor’s Appointments. 2006 M/o Home Affairs 22.08.2006

197 Pending

198 Witness Identity Protection and 2006 M/o Home Affairs 07.09.2006
Witness Protection Programmes Pending

199 Unfair (Procedural and 2006 Legislative 07.09.2006

Substancive) Terms in Contracts Department Pending

200 Trial by Media: Free Speech Vs. 2006 D/o Justice 08.09.2006 Partly Not
Fair Trial Under Criminal Accepted
Procedure (Amendments to the Partly
Contempt of Court Act, 1971) Implemented
201 Medical Treatment after Accidents
and During Emergency Medical 2006 M/o Health and 08.09.2006 Implemented
Condition and Women in Labour Family Welfare


(Chairman Dr. Justice AR. Lakshmanan 2007-2009)

Proposal to Amend Section 304-B

202 2007 M/o Home Affairs 19.10.2007 Implemented
of the Indian Penal Code
Section 438 of the Code of M/o Home Affairs 09.01.2008
Criminal Procedure, 1973 as Pending
203 Amended by the Code of Criminal 2007
Procedure (Amendment) Act, 2005
(Anticipatory Bail)
Proposal to Amend the Hindu Legislative 01.03.2008
204 Succession Act, 1956 as amended 2008 Department Pending
by Act 39 of 2005.
Legislative 01.03.2008
Proposal to Amend the Prohibition
Department, M/o Pending
205 of Child Marriage Act, 2006 and 2008
Women & Child
other allied Laws.
Proposal for enactment of new M/o Home Affairs 26.06.2008
206 Coroners Act applicable to the 2008 Pending
whole of India
Proposal to amend Section 15 of the Legislative 26.06.2008
Hindu Succession Act, 1956 in case Department Pending
207 a female dies intestate leaving 2008
herself acquired property with no
Proposal for amendment of Legislative 18.08.2008
Explanation to Section 6 of the Department Pending
Hindu Succession Act, 1956 to
208 2008
include oral partition and family
arrangement in the definition of
Proposal for omission of Section Legislative 18.08.2008
209 213 from the Indian Succession 2008 Department Pending
Act, 1925
Humanization and M/o Home Affairs 05.11.2008
210 Decriminalization of Attempt to 2008 Pending
Laws on Registration of Marriage Legislative 14.11.2008
211 and Divorce –A Proposal for 2008 Department Pending
Consolidation and Reform.
Laws of Civil Marriages in India – Legislative 14.11.2008
212 A Proposal to Resolve Certain 2008 Department Pending
M/o Finance, D/o 14.12.2008
Fast Track Magisterial Courts for Justice
213 2008 Pending
Dishonoured Cheque Cases

Proposal for reconsideration of D/o Justice 04.12.2008

214 Judges cases I, II and III - SP 2008 Implemented
L . Chandra Kumar be revisited by D/o Personnel & 02.02.2009 Not Accepted
215 Larger bench of Supreme Court of 2008 Training
216 Non-Feasibility of Introduction of 2008 D/o Justice 02.02.2009 Implemented
Hindi as Compulsory Language in

the Supreme Court of India
Irretrievable Breakdown of Legislative 08.04.2009
217 Marriage - Another Ground for 2009 Department Pending
M/o Home Affairs, 12.08.2009(
Need to accede to the Hague M/o Women & MHA) Pending
Convention on the Civil Aspects of Child Development, 22.01.2010(
218 2009
International Child Abduction Legislative WCD)
(1980). Department 08.04.2009(L
M/o Overseas Indian 08.04.2009(L
Need for Family Law Legislations Affairs, Legislative D) Implemented
219 2009
for Non-resident Indians. Department 31.07.2009(O
Need to fix Maximum Chargeable D/o Justice 06.04.2009 Implemented
220 Court-fees in Subordinate Civil 2009
Legislative 29.05.2009
Need for Speedy Justice – Some Department, M/o
221 2009 Pending
Suggestions. Home Affairs
Legislative 29.05.2009
Department, M/o Pending
Need for Justice–dispensation
222 2009 Labour, D/o Legal
through ADR etc.
Affairs, Bar Council
of India
Legislative 19.05.2009
Need for Ameliorating the lot of the
Department, M/o Implemented
223 Have-nots - Supreme Court’s 2009
Labour, M/o Home
Amendment of Section 2 of the Legislative 03.07.2009
Divorce Act 1869 Enabling Non- Department Pending
224 2009
domiciled Estranged Christian
Wives to seek Divorce.
Amendment of Sections 7, 7A, and Ministry of Labour 08.07.2009 Not Accepted
7B of Industrial Disputes Act 1947
Making Advocates Eligible to man
225 2009
Labour Courts and Industrial
The Inclusion of Acid Attacks as Legislative 25.08.2009
Specific Offences in the Indian Department, M/o Implemented
226 Penal Code and a Law for 2009 Home Affairs
Compensation for Victims of
Preventing Bigamy via Conversion Legislative 25.08.2009
to Islam - A Proposal for giving Department, M/o Pending
227 2009
Statutory Effect to Supreme Court Home Affairs
Need For Legislation to Regulate Legislative 25.08.2009
Assisted Reproductive Technology Department, M/o Pending
228 Clinics as Well as Rights and 2009 Health and Family
Obligations of Parties to a Welfare
Need for division of the Supreme D/o Justice 25.08.2009 Not Accepted
Court into a Constitution Bench at
229 Delhi and Cassation Benches in 2009
four regions at Delhi, Chennai/
Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai
Reforms in the Judiciary – Some D/o Justice, Bar 25.08.2009 Implemented
230 2009
suggestions Council of India
Amendments in Indian Stamp Act D/o Justice, D/o 25.08.2009 Implemented
1899 And Court-Fees Act 1870 Revenue
231 2009
Permitting Different Modes of
Retirement Age of Chairpersons D/o Legal Affairs 26.10.2009
232 and Members of Tribunals – Need 2009 Pending
for Uniformity

Amendment of Code of Criminal M/o Home Affairs 24.09.2009
233 Procedure Enabling Restoration of 2009 Pending
M/o Home Affairs, 24.09.2009
Legal Reforms to Combat Road M/o Road Transport
234 2009 Pending
Accidents and Highways


(Chairman Justice P.V. Reddi 2010-2012)

Conversion/re-conversion to Legislative 31.01.2011 Pending

235 2010
another religion- mode of proof. Department

D/o Justice 02.02.2011

Court-fees in Supreme Court vis-à-
236 2010 Implemented
vis Corporate Litigation
M/o Home Affairs 24.01.2012
237 Compounding of (IPC) Offences 2011 Pending

Amendment of Section 89 of the Legislative 24.01.2012

238 Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 and 2011 Department Pending
Allied Provisions
Expeditious Investigation and Trial Report submitted to -- --
of Criminal Cases Against the Supreme Court
Influential Public Personalities of India. No action
239 Submitted to the Supreme Court of 2012 is to be taken by the
India in WP (C) No.341/2004, Government.
Virender Kumar Ohri Vs. Union of
India & Others
Legislative 18.06.2012
240 Costs in Civil Litigation 2012 Department, all the Pending
High Courts
M/o Health and 25.09.2012
241 Passive Euthanasia – A relook 2012 Family Welfare Pending

Prevention of Interference with the Legislative 25.09.2012

Freedom of Matrimonial Alliances Department, M/o (MHA) Pending
242 (in the name of Honour and 2012 Home Affairs 04.01.2013
Tradition) : A suggested Legal (LD)
M/o Home Affairs 25.09.2012
243 Section 498A of IPC 2012 Pending


(Chairman Justice Shri A. P. Shah 2012-2015)

244 Electoral Disqualifications 2014 Legislative Department 05.03.2014 Pending

Arrears and Backlog : Creating

245 2014 Department of Justice 08.07.2014 Pending
Additional Judicial (wo)manpower

Amendment to the Arbitration and D/o Legal Affairs (Admn. 12.08.2014 Pending
246 2014
Conciliation Act, 1996 III)

Sections 41 to 48 of the Indian

247 Succession Act, 1925 – Proposed 2014 Legislative Department 17.09.2014 Pending

“Obsolete Laws: Warranting
248 immediate Repeal” – An Interim 2014 Legislative Department 17.09.2014 Pending

“Obsolete Laws: Warranting Legislative Department 20.10.2014 Pending

249 immediate Repeal” – Second 2014
Interim Report

“Obsolete Laws: Warranting

250 immediate Repeal” – Third Interim 2014 Legislative Department 13.11.2014 Pending
“Obsolete Laws: Warranting
251 immediate Repeal” – Fourth 2014 Legislative Department 19.11.2014 Pending
Interim Report
Right of the Hindu Wife to
Maintenance: Legislative Department 15.01.2015 Pending
252 A relook at Section 18 of the Hindu 2015
Adoptions and
Maintenance Act, 1956
“Commercial Division and
Admn.III(LA) 09.02.2015 Pending
Commercial Appellate Division of
253 2015
High Courts and Commercial
D/o Legal Affairs
Courts Bill, 2015”

“The Prevention of Corruption

254 2015 DOPT 25.02.2015 Pending
(Amendment) Bill, 2013”

Legislative Department, 18.03.2015 Pending

255 Electoral Reforms 2015 M/o Corporate Affairs,
D/o Revenue

H&FW, M/o Road 15.04.2015 Pending

Eliminating Discrimination Against Transport and Highways,
256 2015
Persons Affected by Leprosy Legislative Department,
Department of Justice

Reforms in Guardianship and

257 2015 Legislative Department 02.06.2015 Pending
Custody Laws in India

Prevention of Bribery of Foreign D/o Revenue 17.09.2015 Pending

Public Officials and Officials of
258 2015
Public International organization – D/o Personnel and
A Study and Proposed Amendments Training

Legislative Department, 18.09.2015 Pending

Department of School
Early Childhood Development and Education and Literacy,
259 2015
Legal Entitlements M/o Women and Child
Development, M/o Labour
and Employment

Analysis of the 2015 Draft Model

260 2015 D/o Economic Affairs 14.09.2015 Pending
Indian Bilateral Investment Treaty

Need to Regulate Pet Shops and M/o Environment Forests 17.09.2015 Pending
261 2015
Dog and Aquarium Fish Breeding and Climate Change

262 The Death Penalty 2015 M/o Home Affairs 17.09.2015 Pending

* Information is not readily available, efforts are being made to collect the information and the data will
be updated once information is obtained.


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