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ATTY Distrip . COrerj,. 1 tions Clical Normal tribution anInG OF NORMAL, DISTRIBUTION astbution, also called nop iui mation. 1S 2TAph is called gh fl Mal probabil wd al cy ty disty _ Istribut normal eure "On, isa continuous probabiity cTERISTICS OF NoR it TER MAL DISTRIBUTION i of Distribution i ‘ype ; ua » continuous probability dab Parameters are w and g a 1 Mmetrs » pestrction on Parameter 4 Mean «Variance Variance = g? ow PGS oan” 1 = Mean of the normal random variable X. O= Standard deviation of the given normal distribution. [Two parameters} 2m = 2.5066 € = 2.7183 [Two constants] lity Function ¢, Probability ) (merce or Density Function where, 1 Density Funetion in Terms of Standard Normal Variable 1 Pa) = Tee wher, 2° Mean = 0 Standard deviation = 1 INOMIAL DISTRIBUTION TENDS TO BEA CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH BI \ORMAL DISTRIBUTION (0 be a form of no ds 10 Oe ost 02 distribution ronor™ mal distribution when C1 én swith standard variate Snomial distribution te: 0" = g al distributic (@)W is large (b) Neither ‘p" The approximation of binomial oximation is ‘ice the app! « eq’_ In practice tl ne ing‘. np ¢ with increas! ) becomes bette /npq r than O- °} good if both mp and ng are great R21 \ ON TENDS TO BE, poIssON DISTRIBUT! CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH NORMAL DISTRIBUTION putty ane Oes8e1 TSE Ttiy since binomial distributions ar related ¢o nora ist pen tty ae al dstittiont are St HOKE 4 it follows that the poisson distebution and ert (=) 4m increases to intinity RIBUTION/NORMAL CURVE 0) standardized variable PROPERTIES OF NORMAL DIST! about the mean qe). (Skewne L._ Tis perfeetly symmetric ' exactly the same. 2 Itis bell shaped in which pve halvesare exactly th ore in only one HHANIMIN point imodal ic. it has only ante mode sinee the 3. Itis Mean=Medi Asymtotic base ic. the two tails of the curve the horizontal axis. 6. Its height is maximum at the mean value. 7. The standard deviation bears a fixed relationship to the normal eurve as Folloyys (a) Mean + I o covers 68.27% of area (b) Mean + 2.6 covers 95.45% of area (c) Meant 3.6 covers 99.73% of area ode. extend indefinitely and never toch fo 68.27% 95.45% | Z-SCALE 99.79% 8 Its mathematic . ‘al equation is compl hn deviation are known, pletely determined if the mean and standard 10. Fora given m ' an (1) and giv ; normal distribution, anda deviation ( 6) there is one an only one IL. The poi aoa Points of inflexion i.e. the points /here the cl a ‘ion i.e. the point the change in curva : ge in curvature occurs are 2. The Variable distributed according ‘© normal curve is a continuous one. Ic 1g (0 normal curve is a conti is us One, Mean + 6745 oan diay nM Quatte Mand hence Vidtion jg 2 1 Mean — 6745 6, Q standard Deviation, t 3 Vormore _ Te precisely 0,674S of the r hor os ent a 5 | More 1 out Moment about ean Precisely gay ‘ Hy) =3o4 ANCE OF NORM, por AL Distr IBUTIO IN fh fhe mean deviation is 4 19 5 of the Standard Deviation, suhas a property of ‘Central 13 imit'T} heorer cample size (11) increases Ses the dig my? om practically a liste Accord from practically any population tibuion Of meas nBlothistheoem, asthe and standatd deviation g/ Jy Approaches a norm of andom sample taken median and standard d Vi). This theorem al distribution (with mean Ht is appli getermine the minimum ath (but not ran, Applied to othr statistic such as crample, within arange of maximum limits srk ). property facilitates to «ag the sample size (n) by Population mean, Hm eee oe eC " %o it approximation of many omnes lage the nara dsahata are covered. Peay ane ¥ discrete distributions such istribution serves as a good aT jathematical properties which make ea Binomial, Poisson. social and natural sciences, ich make easy to manipulate for use in 4, Itis useful in statistical quality control (S [tis useful in finding out estimates of (QC) and industrial experiments. A a a «itis useful for tests of significance oe tacts gna fae upon the fundamental assumption that the poy a se eae cance is mainly been drawn is normally distributed population from which samples have CONSTANTS OF NORMAL DISTRIBUTION ee an of the normal distribution The if the The standard deviation of the normal d istribution Moments , or moment coefficient of skewness | | pees 7 §, or moment coefficient of kurtosis | xe of By is more than 3, | Noter Ifthe valu urticand ifthe value of | thecurveislepto 0 | Tess than three, the curve Is cA Common T? 12.4 Quantitative ApH de cuRVE STANDARD NORMAL prOBABILITY a oe aon : ‘A normal curve with O mean and unit quatio” normal probability curve It is given DY : ! ert? where. naa ct G URVE TO DETE (ow TO FIND OUT THE AREA UNDER NORMAL © RMINE r — ——_—_— THE PROBABILITY a _ a “Area to the right of a positive valle of i (ie. to find above value of 4) _ ba. : 0.5000 + tabular value _ a ereereneneena Area to the left of a positive value oN Gie-to find below value of 1) _ [Area to the right of a neg (iz. to find above value of X)_ = | Area to the left of a negative value of 2 . fs | (Ge. to find below value of 4) 9.5000 — tabular value | or - [Area between two positive values of = (ie. to find between two values of X) 9.5000 + tabular value = values Difference of their tabular [rea between the two negative values of < | (ie. to find between two values of X) values [Area between one positive value and one | Sum of their tabular values | negative value of z (ie. to find between two values of X) Note: A table showing area under the Standard Normal Curve has been given at the end of this chapter. A normal distribution has a standard deviation of 200 and mean of 800. Find the area of standard normal variate in each of the following alternative cases: Case(b) for ¥=700 Case(c) for¥=900 Case(d) for. X= 1000 Cas c e(e) for-Xbelow 600 Case(f) for Xabove 700 'ase(g) forXbelow 900 Case(h) for X ab Fa i for X above 1000 cay ey 00 Case(j) — between.X =900 im ‘Solution 1 andX,=900 Case(l) — betw : ae ks = een X; = 700 and X, = 1000 (@) Standard Normal Variate corresponding to 6 ” ig to 600 X-X _ 600-300 eee 200 Case(a) for ¥=600 z= a Area between Z= 0) and z 1is 0.3413 ig t0 7 i t0 74) 209 =~05 rea bet een Z=O and 7 ;dard Normal Variate og oe Variate comesy S915 Ng to 999 o : 200 ~ = +05 areabetween Z=Oand 2~ «4 sjandard Normal Variate con os is0.19)5 onding to 1000 ~ u Tan 41 area between Z=Oand 7=~ | 7 standard Normal Vaiateconegr ea Cortespondin 7 10.600 a) «l ’ 1000 = 00-800 ‘area between 2=0and Z= ==1 ‘Thus, P(Z<-1)= iso asics ee 0 Standard Normal Variate corresponding to 700 ‘0 X-X _ 700-800 6 20 rea between Z=Oand Z=~0.5is0.1915 ‘Thus, PIZ> 0.5) =0.50+0.1915=0.6915 Standard Normal Variate corresponding to 900 cst) 100 - 800 =+05 ‘Arca between Z=Oand Z=+1is0.1915 ‘Thus, P(Z<+0.5)=0.5 +0.1915=0.6915 Standard Normal ‘Variate corresponding to 1000 case(b) Ve X-¥ 1000-800 _ 4, o 200 Area between Z=0 and Z=+ 1 is 0.3413 Thus, P(Z7* 1)=0,5-03413-0.1587 Case(i) Standard ‘Normal Variate’ corresponding to ¥ 600-800 ee 200 = -0.5i80.1915 413-0.1915"" o Area between Z= 08nd 0.1498 Thus, P(-05$28- 11°09 Case (k). Standan is 0.1915 O.1915 nding to 700 0. T Pi-1s. 5 indard Normal Vani ¥ _ 700-800 __ 5 200 - =—0.5 is 0.1915 Case (I) o Area between Z= 0 and Z Standard Normal Variate corresponding to 1000 ILLUSTRATION 2 The wages of a group of 5000 workers were found to be normally distributed with mean of Rs 800 and standard deviation of Rs 200. Estimate: Case(a) Percentage and number of workers getting wages below Rs 600. Case(b) Percentage and number of workers getting wages above Rs 700. Case(c) Percentage and number of workers getting wages below Rs 900. Case (d) Percentage and number of workers getting wages above Rs 1000, Case(e) Percentage and number of workers getting wages between Rs 600 and Rs 700. Case(f) Percentage and number of worke! getting wages between Rs 900 and Rs 1000. Case (g) Percentage and number of workers getting wages between Rs 600 and Rs 900. Case(h) ia and number of workers getting wages between Rs 700 and Rs Case(i) Wages received by top 10 workers. Case(j) Wages received by bottom 10 workers, os cae (@) Case (e) tio” : gH syandard Normal \ ‘ariate con sponding t 15 10 64 a 800 “) - 2 2 area between Z=0 and z = i Y= _ 600 thus. PZ<~1)=0.50~0, ea : percentage of Workers getting «8 8 Hy Msers Belling Wages j mere below Rs 600 = 15.87% Ages below k standard Normal Variate ¢ Rs 600 = S000 « 158 ‘Ortespondin, 1587 = 793.5 or 794 Ig to 700 No. of workers Z 700 ~ 800 o — = ~0, ‘Area between Z=0) euZeey cl ° 0.1915 Thus, P(Z>-0.5)=0,50+ 0.1915 = 0.69 = 69.15% No. of workers getting way Bes above Rs 700-= standard Normal Variate cee a «0.6915 =3457.5 0 3458 _ X~* _ 900-800 o Area between Z=0 and ae is 0.1915 Thus, P(Z<+0.5)=0.5 +0.1915=0,6915 Percentage of workers getting wages below Rs 900 = 69.15% No. of workers getting wages below Rs 900=5000 x 6915 =3457.5 or 3458 Standard Normal Variate corresponding to 1000 X-X _ 1000-800 _ Z =+05 +1 Area between Z=0 and Z=+ 1 is 0.3413 Thus, P(Z>+ 1) =0.5 -0.3413 = 0.1587 Percentage of workers getting wages above Rs 1000 = 15.87% No. of workers getting wages above Rs 1000 = 5000 x .1587=793.5 or 794 Standard Normal Variate corresponding to 600 _X-¥ _ 600-800 __y 200 Area between Z=0andZ=~1 is 0.3413 Standard Normal Variate corresponding to X-¥ _ 700-800 __ i= 0) 200 and Z=- 0.518 0.1915 30,1915 =0.1498 Rs 600 and Rs 700 = 14.98% Rs 700 = 5000 x .1498=749 700 Area between Z= Thus, P(-0.5$ Z$- 1) =034! g wages between Percentage of workers gettin; an No. of workers getting wages between Rs 600 Case (D Case (g) Case (h) Case (i) ing to 600 Standard Normal Variate correspond y—F 600-800 : 00 sai Area between Z=Oand Z=— 1is0.3413 Standard Normal Vaniate corresponding (0 00 ,_X-F _ 700-800 __95 z= — ‘ Se 60,1915 Area between Z=0 and Z 0.5is0.1 a1 oe us, P(+0.5$ZS + 1)=0.3413-0.1915=0 Parage of withers ettng wages between RS 900 and RS 1000 = 14.999, No ot workers geting wages between Rs 900and Rs 1000 = 5000 * 1498749 Standard Normal Vairate coresponding 10 600 pe OE o 200 7 Oand Z=—1is 03413 ariate Corresponding to 900 Area between Standard Normal 7 XX _ 900-800 _, gs 200 Area between Z=0and Z=+ 1 is 0.1915 Thus, P-1$ZS+0.5)=0.3413 + 0.1915 = 0.5328 Percentage of workers getting wages between Rs 600 and Rs 900 = 53.28% No. of workers getting wages between Rs 600 and Rs 900= 5000 x .5328=2664 Standard Normal Variate corresponding to 700 ga X=X _ 100-800 __ 95 o 200 Area between Z=0 and Z=—0.5 is 0.1915 Standard Normal Variate Corresponding to 1000 X-X _ 1000-800 Zz =+l Area between Z= Oand Z=+ 1 is 0.3413 Thus, P(—0.5$ ZS + 1)=0.3413 +0.1915=0.5328 Percentage of workers getting wages between Rs 700 and Rs 1000 = 53.28% xoot workers getting wages between Rs 700 and Rs 1000 = 5000 x .5328 = 10 Probability of top 10 =poe of top 10 workers = <> =.002 Area its right= 0.5 -.002=0.498 Value of z having 0.498 area to its right = 2.88 agg 2800 200 X-800=200x2.88=576 X=576+800=Rs 1376 L} iby probability of bottom 4g , a ) OTkers 1 Disirbutin 49 il P sreatoleft =0.5~ 99; 5099 =p 2=0.494 value of z having 0.49 a _ X-800 “AO eg TION 3 [Calcul io yet ‘ulation of total wast \umt fa group Of workers were MET OF wrk dst ad deviionofRs fe "Es be noma om of the following cases imate thecal striated wth mean of Rs ifthere were 3174 y nbs werkrsin his ou ql Workers pettiny ting ae y ) tee ng If there were 2996 wi ‘aes ay ifthere were 098 i Retin vagesheme ee 4) Yorkers geting wash bast eo 300 and Rs 350, tween Rs 325 and Rs 450. NRCS below Rs 390 X-X 300-4 qs) 22 = 100 Area between Z=0 and Z=~1 is0.3413 Tus, PZ<~1)=050--03413-9 557 Forarea 0.1587, the no. of workers are3174 Forarea 1.0000, the no of workersare = ® sey “1 = 20000 case(b) o 100 Area between Z=0 and Z=+0,5is0.1915 Thus, P(Z> + 1)=0.50-0.1915 =0.3085 For area 0.3085, the no. of workers are=6170 6170 . . =—— x1 = Forarea oe the no. of workers are: 03088 20,000 Case(c) 0,5is0.1915 <-1)= 0.3413 ~ 0.1915 0.1498 Thus, P(-0.5$2£ ee For area 0.1498, n0- of workers are = a 29} =20000 Forarea 1.0000, n0.of woHETSAC™ 9498 Area between Z=| tlm: ormally distributed wi ; f 100. The y distrib sina standard deviation of 100. The es than R300 is se, Whats the mean of the distribution? jess than Rs 3003s 5-.33=.17 the right of the ordinate upto the mean = 0.5 33=.1 15 Area ce sy -Z corresponding to the area 17 Step2—> Value of: Step3—> Hence. Z= oy = 100x(-0.44)=-4 Fa300-H=34 LLUSTRATION [Calculation of Standard Deviation of the distribution] “The wages of the workers are normally distributed with a mean of 172. The probability that workers get less than Rs 197.50 is 69.5%. What is the standard deviation of the distribution? . Solution Step1— Area to the left of the ordinate upto the mean = 695 — 500 = .195 Step2— Value of Z corresponding to the area .195 = 51 6 =235.50/51=50 ILLUSTRATION 6 [Calculation ion of Méan and Standard Deviation of the d 5 The wa; re = ae ey distibuted. 33% get less than Rs 600 and 30.5% t . mean and standard deviation of the distribution. | a ‘Neal by Mibu, got" {rea to the rig] Di «it?! ae ofZ PIRHE OF the ony Piswibusion WAN ee PZ corresponding yt Pt 8 0 the aye, ee oe 7 l= areg n= OS 4 oe? Hence, D WMDs ay 3=17 st o ~ 44 i ~A46= 609-5 go. Area to the lef sie? ofthe sieP ey Value of ee ordinate y steP? esponding to 1h PO the mean = 95 Kg.t 18 10 the areq gg <0 . I= 5 05 = 195 1 _ 790 ep Hane or 5 10=790- sep? Egil step? Substituting the value of ain Eq, 1 600- ¥ = 600- ¥ =-88 = 600 +88=688 ILLUSTRATION 7 [Catculation of Mean and Standard Deviation of the distribution} workers are normally distributed. 67% of the workers get more than Rs ‘The wages ofthe fopand 69.5% ofthe workers getlssthan Rs 790 Findthe mean and standard deviation of the distribution. Solution Stepl—> Area fo the left of ordinate upto the mean = .61-0.50=.17 siep2—> Value of Z corresponding i7=-44 600- Step3> Hence, 2= 5 om y Eg. _9.440=600-X 4. Hh Ware upto the mean = (695 ~ 500 = 195 Stepd—> Area to the right of the ordinate! Steps Value of Z corresponding © 195= 790- Step6—> Hence,2Z=—g or Sloane X¥ Step7—s Subtracting Ea. 1/70" 55 =10 o = 1991957200 Ell fg.ll Omunsitative Aptitude for CA Com 12.12 Step 8—» Substituting, the value of 61 CO0-% 4g 200 y ~-6h 600 K =O + 84 = 648 Deviation of the - ILLUSTRATION 8 (Calculation of Mean and Standard Cisttiation: ributed. 67 The wages of the workers are norrnally 600, 36.5% of the workers get between deviation of the distribution. Rs 600 and P. Solution Step1—> Area to the sf of ordinate upto the mean = 67 ~0 Step2—> Value of Z corresponding to 17 =— 044 600 — 6 ep3—> Hence, Z~ or~0.44 6=600- ¥ Step4—> Area to the right of the ordinate upto the mean = Step5—> Value of Z corresponding to 195 =.51 Step6— Hence, Z or .516=790-¥ Step7—> Subtracting Eq, Ifrom Eq. If 950 =190 6 =190/.95=200 Step 8 Substituting the value Sf Gin Eg. 1 600~X 200 600~ ¥ =~9g X =600+88= 688 ny Funetion ayant 1 Pye t-te pee ensly Buel ~ hee | ‘ cee bee ysn) | nS Mang 8 Stn A i: ‘iowa random varlable Tenn aon the ie normal _ “labo, [0 prance von * 2.806 pasty Fastin fn Terms ofl 4 | where, = ca w= andar Nora Vartable | . Stondard deviation » 1 TRUE OR FALSE STATEMENTS syate {ah reasons whether the following statements are True oF 1. The normal distribution with X= 1 and = oe gistrbution ‘The standard deviation i 4/5 of mean deviation in a norma distribution. 0 is known as standard normal Ina normal distribution the points of inflexion occur at na normal distribution B, = 3 and, =0. The mean plus and minus 2 standard deviation includes 95.54% of the items In & normal distribution. A normal curve is completely defined by te mean only. 7, Ina normal distribution y)=0%,py=o and eo -6. 8. The probability function of normal distribution is Px Solution eS | Stavement TruelFalse an oo The norma ston wih = Oando= 1 sknown ag stadad normal dstibtion, 2 | False | The mean deviation § 4/5 of standard deviation in a oral distibution false | Inanorml ajsibuion the points of inflesion occur 12.14 wt (CPT) 4 Common Prot Quantitative Apatite Reason and By = 3 True False ormal distribution By us 2 standard deviation includes Inan 4 False 3 False The mean plus and min se goe of the items in a normal distribution, 6 False A normal curve is completely defined by the mean and standard deviation. i n.a normal distribution Hy = 0 Hy =O and py = 30% 8 False The probability function of normal distribution is | r= i : [ 7°" ofa TET a tate of Anpende Ares under the Stndard Noel Can terwoun the Mean and given Values of Vien_Z= 198 anol y [ao [war | om | oo | oo | oss | 006 | 007 | 008 | aos Tofaktiewerwnt a9] ompo0 | aon | one | oni | o01e | aorse | ome | oaaTe | a0s19 | aossy ee earve 0.1 | 0.0398 | 0.038 | 0.0478 | 0.0517 | 0.0557 | 0.0596 | 0.0636 | 0.0675 | 0.0714 | 0.0753 ea andaroiwve | ¢2 | aos | ooss2 | coer | costo | cosas | oovs7 | 0.1026 | o1oss | anos | axnat value of 21.96. Look | 9.3 | 0.1179 | 0.1217 } 0.1255 | 0.1293 | 0.1331 | 0.1368 | 0.1406 | 0.1443 | 0.1480 | 0.1517 vp the value opposite! 94 | ossa | 0.1591 | 0.1628 | 0.1664 | 0.1700 | 0.736 | 0.1772 | 0.1805 | 0.1848 | 0.1879 Torovandundero9 05 | cupis | 01950 | o1ses | o20r9 | ozoss | oan | oatzs | oats | oie { oazze coumaeubl: 95 oaasr | ozzsi | oz | o2ss7 | 029 | az | azise | o246 | 02517 | a2ses ser the ‘i 0.7 | 02580 | 02611 | 0.2642 | 0.2673 | 0.2704 | 0.2734 | 0.2764 | 0.2794 | 0.2823 | 0.2852 ‘eine hiatal os | 02881 | 0.2910 | 02939 | 0.2967 | 0.2995 | 0.3023 | 03051 | 0.3078 | 03106 | 03133 ect Teel 09 | 03159 | 03186 | 03212 | 03238 | 0.3264 | 0.3289 | 0.3315 | 0.3340 | 0.3365 | 03389 az Wet 136 10 | 03413 | 03438 | 03461 | 03485 | 0.3508 | 0.3531 | 0.3554 | 0.3577 | 0.3599 | 0.3621 1] 36st | 03665 | oaees | oame | oan | 03m | 03770 | 03790 | o3si0 | 0580 3 | O3689 | 03860 | ease | oayor | 035 | O38 | O39 | a3%60 | o30e7 | oaois 13 | gaos2 | cos | oanee | aaoe2 | ooo | oars | oarst | oater | oaiee | osi77 13 | oats | aator | oazze | oans6 | oaast | oazas | oar | oazs2 | oo | oasis L_ 15 | 0888 | o's | oassr_| oa | ose | ovsos | osdos | oasis | oane | ot [= [00 [Teor [ oa: [00s | 00s | eos | ene | oor [eos [eo | | [rs | esis [oes | aane | oaner | oasis | aan | oasis | oans [ous pause] |B 0.4854 | O4s04 | 0.4573 | 0.4582 | 0.4591 | 0.4599 | o.4608 | 0.4616 | 0.4623 | 0.4633 | | ase | oxsio | oaese | ages | aunt | tasrs | oasne | Gaus | oaess | oatoe lk oars | oars | ores | oven | 0703 | aarss | oes | caves | oma | oar | |S | 0.4821 [0.4826 | o.ss30 | 0.4834 | oaeae | oane | osae | o4nso | oauss | osesT | | & { ocassi | osees | oases | ost | ers | seer | can | oaaee | canny | cae | |S 04893 | aves | oases | vor | ose | oasoe | oar | oastt | oaois | oame | 18 eanis | 0920 | aasa2 | ones | oavar | naeas | nasa | oaose | oamse | sane | | o.ssss | 0940 | asst | aos | ssa: | ossie | oasis | oasis | ost | omer | | 0.4953 | 0.4955 | 0.4956 | 0.4957 | 0.959 | 0.4960 | ose | 04962 | 0.4963 | 0.504 | | asses | avse | over | ooen | over | oar | oon | oss | oars | own || oasre | ‘oaos’ | oaore | nary | over | nay | nav | Gary | oan | aan | 2 Gaver | oaos2 | 0.1982 | 0.4943 | ousoss | oases | o.tges | oaoes | otose | ones | |S o.a0e7 | 0.4987 | 0.4987 | ovoas | o.svss | oes | oss | ove | ossv0 | oso | |¥ Nandan b ist bation Dan normal distribution — ith standard Deviation ndarel Deviation Ml It n dey eviation . SCViatioy @ none of these ia Devi 2 ation normal distribution — standard Dev ) Standard Dy Standard Deviation (None of these jn.a normal distribution, median j equal to ate : @) Se Q;+Mean 2 @ 2 ( QeMean na normal distribution is — et (@) Mean = Median = Mode () Mean < Median < Mode o {na normal distribution — (@ AM=GM = HM Hare GM > HM @ AM Median > Mode Mode = 3 Median ~ 2 Mean mal distribution ate 50 and 90, highest and lowest values of (b) Mean Deviation = 4/5 Quartile Deviation (©) Quartile Deviation = 5/6 Mean Deviation Je Deviation (d) Mean Deviation = 5/6 Quart 1A Quantitative Apt HL tna normal distribution, skewness iw oo ae we) <3 aw ot 2. A normal distribution i : ‘ i al (hy biomed i aha (ay none of these fe) multimodal 14. A normal curve ix completely defined by (a) mean only (b) Standard Deviation only (e) mea pdard deviation only (ad) none of thes and 14. The probability function of normal distribution xy 1 : ) ete) @ roe ee PQ)= eee ot io ov2n q J Te of y wf P= ae (a) None of these oV2n 15, Binomial distribution tends to be a form of normal distribution when (a) Nis large and neither p nor q is close 10 0 (b) 1d p and q are close to 0 (c) Nis large and p and q are close to | (d) Nis large and neither p nor q is close to b continuous probability distribution is known as: (b) Normal distribution sampling, distribution 16. 1 most importa (a) Binomial distribution (c) Chiesquare distribution () 17. The total area of the normal curve is (a) one (b) 50 per cent (c) 0.50 (d) any value between 0 and 1 18. The normal curve is (a) Bell-shaped (b) U-shaped (c) J-shaped (d) Inverted J-shaped 19. The normal curve is (a) positively skewed (b) (c) Symmetrical (d) all these 20. Are of the normal curve is (a) between — e to pis 0.50 (b) between pto om is 0.50 (c) between ~ « to « is 0.50 (d) both (a) and (b). 21. The mean and mode of a normal distribution (a) may be equal (b) may be different (c) are always equal * (d) (a) or (b) W Meili i 0 : Hil wy joile deed a Wig iW Uc) Ty \. 0 Nitta : “ uv . ih w nid Mh at ng 1 and hy © nnn HHA a ig My : ' ante ho Hane thy i any hed Yt, Leia aunt evan by ihe ge UE tntie dey wae Muto ANY soy y (Nang | wh viet Ah stan 7 4d un (i 0) tg nt EMM between wil EEL | Wo qi ; "1 ¥9) caygy M hw yy sree HC HOHNNE Nien ty urea «af WIN ishing (hy ony A 2750501 " 0 oF na dbbation S pquve OF stati Hatha ine" HiHAHOW Is univ ane wt 1 Dell shied on With the Highest point aver the ‘ jiinonilal he Nona woof the yin (4) none ea Melty of Nonnl diststhun vate a9 a AF te ten 10H the median and the made have the wienler we" «se (b) salle ‘| (none 5 in Nova steibution the probability fa the mann le un value at the (ay tno (b ie : ») mean fy mia rm a 5 Wn Normal distribution the probability deer eases fr either si ca jt never touches the axis, gradually on either side of the mean fay tive Whatever may be the parameter of... distribution, it has same shape (b) Binomial (a) Normal Poisson (d) none (b) false w 2 In Standard Normal distribution (a) mean SD 0 (b)mean= 1,0 = 1 fey mean 0, SD = 1 (i) mean = 0,8.D=0 1 The no, of methods for fitting the normal curve Is (ee (b) 2 ) 3 w4 M. In Normal distribution mean, median and mode are (a) equal (b) not equal (d) none (ce) zero : ney Test (CPT) {ptitude for CA Common Profi ant from istribution the quartiles are equidistant from (b) mode Normal di (a) none 36. In Normal distribution as the distance from the «. increases, the curve come: er and to the horizontal axis median (b) mean c) mode (d) none 1 @) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4, (b) 5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (a) 12. (a) 13. (c) 14. (c) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (c) 11. (a) 19. (a) 20. d) 21. () 15. (a) 16. (a) 17. (a) 18. (a) 2.(@ 23) mC) 2% © 26 (@ 27. &) 28. (c) 29. (b) 30. (a) 31. (a) 32. (c) 33. (b) 34. (a) 35. (c) 36. (b)

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