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1947 Roswell Document

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Section 1

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Section 2

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Section 3

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Section 4

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Section 5

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Section 6

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Section 7

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Section 8

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Section 9

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Section 10

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Section 11

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Section 12

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Section 13

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Section 14

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Section 15

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Section 16

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1947 Roswell Document

Here I will share only few valuable knowledge that might help you. In
below image, the officer who is holding something is the Major Jesse
Marcel, who is holding a balloon like cloth. Some viewers think that it is
the original craft material but no, it is not. It’s the same act of lie that
govt. do with citizens.

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The grandson of Jesse Marcel few years back came forward to reveal
something. Since his father was the first one on site, his father decided
to took some debris to his home and what he observed was that some
of the material was a strange thin metal similar to foil except when
crumbled up into a ball, it would bounce back to its flawless state.
Marcel also claims that metal was not the same metal that was
featured in photograph being held by his grandfather. It is a foil-balloon
material, and if you take a look at that photograph, you will notice that
he is not looking at the camera. He is looking at someone barking him

You can see that symbol is the same symbol that is used in Atheist
groups. After deep analyses, it seems that the group which was secretly
formed was a result of that document only.

In this document, you will later come to know a lot about above.
Briefly- the creator in this document is the third party which supports
preserver, cause no creator wants its creation to be destroyed by

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I am not

govt. stuff here cause in other data folders, you will

come to know about governments of earth and how
well they trick.

The image on right, tells everything on it’s own. If still

you doubt it, the below data will help in your
The symbolism in image, compass, another knowledge

The shape of compass also resembles the shape of circinus as shown in

data given below. Now if you have read the whole 1947 Roswell
document, you must known why no women is admitted in the group.
You can clearly see how Freemasonry groups came into existence.

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Circinus Galaxy

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From the above data you can see, how the hand of Vishnu formed in
universe near the galaxy Circinus, the galaxy which in itself resembles
the shape of chakra that
Vishnu wears in hand.
So, Circinus galaxy is one of their properties.

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After you have read the document, you must have come to know that
the Domain was at war with old empire civilization which had many
bases in milky, like in orion belt, big dipper, mars, earth (Africa-egypt-
pyramids), etc..
Although there are many images of ruins and rubble on mars but I will
share one image that may help your knowledge.

The image below is of the Egyptian pyramid writings. You will see that
in it, the symbol matches the symbol found on mars.

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Now this is one of the most important system to take into notice.
The old empire is constantly trying to corrupt teachings of religions by
sending his own members as teachers in these religions. I can say now
that every religion is corrupted on this earth. In religions where
teachings on immortality and existence of souls are taught, where it is
talked about experience and consciousness, there the old empire will
send their members who will win the trust of big groups of religions so
that they can represent the religion as highest teacher so as to corrupt
very easily. In my view, the teachings of Jesus Christ and the teachings
given my man made group called Christianity are different. I wonder if
humans even wonder why was Jesus targeted. Must think why Jews
were killed by Hitler. You can clearly see the effect of old empire, and
they became successful in corrupting the religious groups like
Christianity. Now more than half of the world eats flesh considering
themselves Christians. Jesus never taught to kill anyone or to eat any
flesh. It is the corrupted card played by old empire, and in the same
way every other religion is corrupted and is still getting corrupted.
If you have time try to analyze every action and words of beings in a
debate, link -
Also the beliefs of religious humans will decline the contradiction at
first step only, cause those humans who believe got knowledge
barriers. Hence making them not open to lies which walk with truth.
Such beings become close minded. Humans think they know much
better than other humans, and this is the kind of ego card played by old
empire so as to make conflicts or make one ignore the knowledge.
For humans to defeat old empire and its practices and power, we
humans need to come together.

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Malcolm X once said,
''We are oppressed! We are exploited! We are downtrodden! We are
denied not only civil rights but even human rights. So the only way we are
going to get some of this oppression and exploitation away from us, aside
from us is by coming together against the common enemy.''

Now, I am sure. The document I have in which are the words of serpent
being, that document is corrupted. That serpent being community’s
symbol is serpent or dragon. Let me show you, how they look.
<- This is the serpent symbol
This is the dragon symbol ->
(7 stars represent their 7 colonies
in milky way galaxy and
circular dragon represents earth)

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<- Shiva – god – snakes – reptilian –
known as Destroyer – shapeshifter
Vishnu – god – people don’t know but
now you may know that those snakes
are not protecting but are coming from
behind to kill the Domain member.

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You can see in right image that it is the disc emitting the
light, and the Domain is trying to shift the teachings
about god from ‘Sun God’ to the ‘Disc shaped craft’
emitting the light so as to make changes in religion.

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Now there are no more wars, cause now world shares open
communication on internet. Moreover, no govt. will risk to play a war
of destruction cause they know, they will not only get peace demand
and pressure from their own citizens but from other nations too. So to
manage numbers of humans on earth, they will have to go for other
way to manage numbers. So this led to introduction of AIDS, Cancers ,
food poisoning, drugs, etc. and WW3 was replaced by covid-19.

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With reference to above graph,

Sometimes I wonder what will happen to the humans living at a place where
there are no trees but only buildings, towers and pollution, etc.

Nuclear technology, deforestation, nature pollution, etc. are destroying the earth.

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Now, you must have heard about Nikola Tesla in that document.
The math he used was not the math that is taught to us, but it was the
math that they don’t want us to play with, i.e.

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Now wonder why he left everything and went to forest to live. Wonder
why he mediated for 6 years in forest and then came back to teach.
Wonder why he meditated for 39 days before leaving the body.
Wonder why his techniques are not taught in human books. Wonder
the influence of international western culture on these ancient
teachings and practices. Acc. to my results, old empire has corrupted
everything on this planet, every religion and it’s every practice. . I
myself have seen people doing false practices taught by old empire
under the name of religious meditation. For example – in buddhism –.
In china and india both systems are now corrupted. This must have
been taught by old empire member by taking position as a high leader
of a religious group. There are two kinds of buddhism in my view.

One which aims on storing energy for mind and consciousness (deep-
slow nostril mind breathing).This includes lotus , leaving behind every
attraction, and corruption so as to make a good energy defensive shell.

Whereas other one aims on releasing energy for body and it’s
magnificient abilities (shallow – fast nostril body breathing). This
includes fire, and this can be seen in many systems like kungfu.

So you can see the how roots get corrupted and how branches gets
divided to different paths.

I am finishing this right here.

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