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Reflection and Refraction of light :
• Speed of light in vacuum, c =  = 3  108 ms-1
• Angle of incidence = angle of reflection is the basic law of reflection
sin i
• Snell’s law of refraction : n =
sin r
whose i = angle of incidence in rare medium
r = angle of refraction in denser medium
n = refractive index of denser medium w.r.t rarer medium.
C Velocity of light in rarer medium
Also, n = 1 =
C2 Velocity of light in denser medium
1  1
= = 1 or 2 =
2 `1 n
• As frequency () is characteristic of the source .
 = remains the same as light travels from one medium to another.
• Wavelength in a medium is directly proportional to the (phase) speed and inversely
proportional to refractive index.
• Optical path in vacuum = n  path in medium
 
• Velocity of star / galaxy =  =  C =  C
 
For motion towards earth,  is positive and  is negative. This is blue shift.
For motion away from the earth,  is negative and  is positive. This is red shift.
Width of spectral lines = 2  = 2 
• Velocity of rocket/ aeroplane / sub marine, which are detected by reflected em waves
 
= C =  C
2 2
• Two sources of light which emit continuous light waves of same wavelength, same
frequency and in same phase or having a constant phase difference are called coherent
sources. The resultant intensity in such case is
I = I1 + I2 + I12 Where I12 = Interference term I12 = 2 I1 I 2 cos (1 – 2)
• When phase difference (1 – 2) is not constant, average of cos (1 – 2) over a fall cycle
is zero.  I12 = 0. Hence I = I1 + I2
i.e. when sources are incoherent, resultant intensity is simply the sum of intensities of
two sources. The interference term is zero.
• Two independent sources of light cannot be coherent. Coherent sources are obtained
from the simple source of light.
• If a, b are the amplitudes of interfering waves due to two coherent sources and  is
constant phase difference between two waves at any point p, the resultant amplitude R at
P will be
R= a 2 + b 2 + 2ab cos
• Taking resultant intensity, I  R2, I1  a2
I2  b2
I = I1 + I2 + 2 I1 I 2 cos  ………..(1)
If I1 = I2 = I0, then resultant intensity is
I = I0 + I0 + 2 I0 cos  = 2 I0 (1 + cos )
I = 4 I0 cos2  / 2 ………..(2)
When  = 0
From (1) we get, Imax = I1 + I2 + 2 I1 I 2 = ( I1 + I 2 )2
& from (2) we get, Imax = 4 I0
When  = 180o
From (1) we get, Imin = I1 + I2 – 2 I1 I 2 = ( I1 – I 2 )2
& from (2) we get, Imin = 0
I max Rmax ( I1 + I 2 ) 2 ( a + b) 2
In general, = =
I min Rmin ( I1 − I 2 ) 2 ( a − b) 2
• Note that I = I1 + I2 + 2 I1 I 2 cos  only when the sources are coherent. However,
when the sources are incoherent, I = I1 + I2
 I a
• If 1 and 2 are widths of two slits then, 1 = 1 = 1
2 I 2 b2
I max (a + b) 2 ( I 1 + I 2 )

In the interference pattern, =

I min (a − b) 2 ( I 1 − I 2 ) 2
• IN Young’s Double slit experiment, (YDSE) relation between phase difference () and
path difference  is given by  = 

For constructive interference
Path difference  = n
Phase difference  = 2n
Where n = 0, 1, 2, ……………
• Position of bright fringes / maxima on screen is given by
x = n ; where n = 0 for central bright fringe, n = 1 for first bright fringe and so
• For destructive interference

Path difference  = (2n +1) and Phase difference  = (2n +1) 
Where n = 0, 1, 2, ……………
• Position of dark fringes / minima on screen is given by
x = (2n +1) ; where n = 0, 1, 2, 3 for first, second, third …….dark fringes
• Width of each bright fringe = width of each dark fringe  =
 
• Angular fringe width,  = =
D d
• When Young’s Double slit experiment is repeated in water or any other medium of
reflective index n, instead in air
 1 D
1 = i.e. wavelength decreases. 1 = i.e.
n d
1 D D 
fringe width decreases i.e. fringes shrink. or new fringe width 1 = = =
d nd n
• Coefficient of visibility:
This is defined as the ratio of difference in the maximum and minimum intensities to
the sum of maximum and minimum intensities. It is denoted by V
I − I min
V = max
I min + I min
• When a thin transparent plate of thickness t and refractive index n is placed in the path
of one of the interfering waves, fringe width remains unaffected, but the entire pattern
shifts by
x = (n – 1)t

= (n – 1)t

If two plates are introduced,

x = |(n1 – 1)t – (n2 – 1)t|

= (n1 – 1)t – (n2 – 1)t

• When one of the slits in YDSE is closed, no interference occurs, we obtain uniform
• When one of the slits is partially closed, the contrast between the fringes decreases.
• When one of the slits is covered with red and other is cover with blue transparent paper,
no interference pattern is obtained.
• When one of the slits is closed and width of other is made of the order of , we observe
diffraction fringes instead of interference fringes.
• In YDSE, when D > d, then in front of one of the slits, the missing wavelengths are,
d2 d2 d2
= ; ; and so on.
D 3D 5 D
• If we use a source of white light, containing light of different colours (i.e. different
wavelength ) then condition for constructive interference may be satisfied only for some
particular value of . Therefore colour corresponding to this value of  alone shall be
visible at that point. Hence the interference fringes will be coloured. However centre of
coloured fringe pattern will be white
As r > v and  =
 r > v
i.e. Red fringe will be wider compare to the violet fringe.
Interference at thin films
• In reflected system,
Condition for constructive interference is
2t cos r = (2n – 1)  /2
Where n = 1, 2, ………………
Condition for destructive interference
2t cos r = n
Where n = 0, 1, 2, 3………….
• In the transmitted system,
Condition for constructive interference is
2t cos r = n 
Where n =0, 1, 2, ………………
Condition for destructive interference
2t cos r = (2n – 1)  /2
Where n = 1, 2, 3…………. and  is refractive index of the medium of the thin films.
Diffraction due to a single slit
• Condition for minima
a sin  = n  and for
secondary maxima, a sin  = (2n + 1)  / 2
where n = 1, 2, 3 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd order maxima / minima
2D 2f
• Linear Width of central maximum, 2x = =
a a
As sin  =  =
 angular width of central maximum
2x 2
= =2 =
D a

Note that sin  = 0 corresponds to central maximum and sin  = corresponds to
first secondary minimum.
• In case of diffraction grafting, grading element.
2.54 cm
= (a + b) =
Where N is the number of lines per inch of grating plate.
Condition for principal maxima in grating spectra is (a + b)sin  = n 
Where n = 1, 2, 3,…………….. is order of the spectrum
• Fresnel distance, ZF = a2 /
• Resolving power of microscope and telescope

Limit of resolution of a compound microscope dx =
2n sin 
1 
resolving power of compound microscope Rp = =
dx 2n sin 
• Limit of resolution of an astronomical telescope d  =
1 D
Resolving power of an astronomical telescope Rp = =
d 1.22
• Malus Law :
I = Io cos2 
Where Io is the intensity of polarized light incident on analyzer. I is the intensity of
polarized light transmitted from analyzer,  is the angle between plane of
transmission of polarizer and analyzer.

• Brewster’s law :
n = tan ip
ip = polarizing angle
in case, reflected and refracted components are mutually perpendicular. If C is
the critical angle for the pair of media in contact, then,
n= = tan ip
sin C

Theories of light

1. Newton postulated his corpuscular theory on the basis of

a. a) colours of thin films b) Newton’s rings
b. c) dispersion of white light d) rectilinear propagation of light
2. If o is permeability of free space & o is permittivity of free space, the speed of
light in vacuum is given by
b) 1 oo c)
o d) o  o
o o
3. Which of the following theories of light predicts the velocity of light to be greater in a
denser medium than in a rarer medium?
a) Huygens’ wave theory b) Newton’s corpuscular theory
c) Planck’s quantum theory d) Maxwell’s electromagnetic wave theory
4. The wave theory of light in which light was considered to be a longitudinal wave was
postulated by
a) Thomas Young b) Issac Newton c) Jean Fresnel d) Christian Huygens
5. Wavefront is the locus of all points where the particles of the medium vibrate with the
a) phase b) period c) frequency d) amplitude
6. Two sources of light are said to be coherent if they produce waves
a) having same shape of wavefront b) having a constant phase difference
c) of equal wavelength d) of equal speed
7. Pick out the wrong statement. As a wave front progresses the amplitude of
a. a plane wave front remains constant
b. a spherical wave front varies inversely as the distance from the source of light
c. a cylindrical wave front varies inversely as the square root of the distance
from the source of light
d. any wave front varies inversely as the square of the distance from the source
of light
8. When a wave undergoes reflection from a denser medium the phase change is
 
a) zero b) c)  d)
4 2
9. The phase difference between any two points on a wavefront is equal to
a) b) c) d) zero
10. The speed of light depends
a) on elasticity of the medium only b) on inertia of the medium only
c) on elasticity as well as inertia d) neither on elasticity nor on inertia
11. Light waves travel in vacuum along y-axis. Which of the following may
represent the wavefront?
a) y = constant b) x = constant c) z = constant d) x + y + z = constant

Doppler’s effect
12. A rocket is moving away from the earth at a speed of 6  10 7 m / s . The rocket has blue
light in it. What will be the wavelength of light recorded by an observer on the earth
(wavelength of blue light = 4600 Å)
a)4600 Å b)5520 Å c)3680 Å d)3920 Å
13. The velocity of light emitted by a source S observed by an observer O, who is at rest
with respect to S is c. If the observer moves towards S with velocity v, the velocity of
light as observed will be
a)c + v b) c − v c) c d) c2

14. A star is moving away from the earth with a velocity of 100 km/s. If the velocity of light
is 3  10 8 m / s then the shift of its spectral line of wavelength 5700 Å due to Doppler's
effect will be
a)0.63 Å b)1.90 Å c)3.80 Å d)5.70 Å
15. The time period of rotation of the sun is 25 days and its radius is 7  10 8 m . The Doppler
shift for the light of wavelength 6000 Å emitted from the surface of the sun will be
a)0.04 Å b)0.40 Å c)4.00 Å d)40.0 Å
16. To demonstrate the phenomena of interference, we require
a. two sources which emit radiation of same frequency
b. two sources which emit radiation of nearly the same frequency
c. two sources which emit radiation of same frequency & have a definite phase
d. two sources which emit radiation of different wavelength
17. For the constructive interference the path difference between the two interfering
waves must be equal to
a) n b) (2n+1)  c) (2n+1)  d) 2n
18. In YDS experiment on interference, the ratio of intensities of a bright band & a dark
band is 16:1, the ratio of the amplitudes of the interfering waves is
1 5
a) 4 b) 4 c) 16 d) 3
19. Light from sodium lamp passes through a single narrow slit & then through two close
parallel narrow slits. If you look through the double slit towards the sodium lamp,
you will see
a) a continuous yellow band b) a continuous black band
c) alternate yellow & black band d) The colours of the rainbow
20. If white light is used in YDS experiment
a. very few coloured fringes can be seen with first order violet fringes being
closer to central white fringes.
b. very few coloured fringes can be seen with first order red fringes being closer
to central white fringes
c. A very large No. of coloured fringes can be seen
d. A very large no. of coloured fringes can be seen with a central white fringe.
21. In YDS experiment the central bright fringe can be identified
a. by using white light instead of monochromatic light
b. as it is narrower than other bright fringes
c. as it is wider than other bright fringes
d. as it has a greater intensity than the other fringes
22. In a YDS experiment, the separation between the slits is 0.9 mm & the fringes are
observed one meter away. If it produces the second dark fringe at a distance of 1 mm
from the central fringe, the wavelength of monochromatic source of light used is
a) 500 nm b) 600 nm c) 450 nm d) 400 nm
23. Fringe width observed in young’s double slit experiment is . If the frequency of the
of the source is doubled, the fringe width will
a) becomes 2 b) becomes 3 c) remain as  d) becomes 
2 2
24. In Young’s double slit experiment the separation between the slits is halved and the
distance between the slits and the screen is doubled. The fringe width will
a) be doubled b) be quadrupled c) remain the same d) be halved
25. In Young’s double slit experiment, the fringe width is . If the entire arrangement is
placed in a liquid of refractive index n, the fringe width becomes
  
a) n b) n c) n + 1 d) n − 1
26. When the complete Young’s double slit apparatus is immersed in water, the fringes
a) remain unaltered b) become wider
c) become narrower d) disappear
o o
27. A beam of light consisting of two wavelengths 6500 A and 5200 A , is used to obtain
interference fringes in Young’s double slit experiment. Suppose the mth bright fringe
o o
due to 6500 A coincides with nth bright fringe due to 5200 A at a minimum distance
from the central maximum, then
a) m = 8, n = 10 b) m =10, n = 8 c) m = 4, n = 5 d) m = 5, n = 4

28. When a thin metal plate is placed in the path of one of the interfering beams of light
a) fringes become brighter b) fringes disappear
c) fringe width increases d) the fringes become blurred
29. In a Young's double slit experiment, the fringe width is found to be 0.4 mm. If the whole
apparatus is immersed in water of refractive index 4/3 without disturbing the
geometrical arrangement, the new fringe width will be
a)0.30 mm b)0.40 mm c)0.53 mm d)450 micron
30. As a result of interference of two coherent light waves, the energy is
a) increased
b) redistributed and the distribution does not vary with time
c) decreased
d) redistributed and the distribution changes with time
31. If the amplitude ratio of two sources producing interference is 3:5, the ratio of
intensities at maxima and minima is
a)25: 16 b)5: 3 c)16 : 1 d)25 : 9
32. In Young's double slit experiment, if the widths of the slits are in the ratio 4:9, the ratio
of the intensity at maxima to the intensity at minima will be
a)169 : 25 b)81 : 16 c)25 : 1 d)9 : 4
33. In Young's experiment, one slit is covered with a blue filter and the other (slit) with a
yellow filter. Then the interference pattern
a)Will be blue b) Will be yellow
c)Will be green d)Will not be formed
34. If two waves of the same frequency & amplitude respectively on superposition
produce a resultant disturbance of the same amplitude, the waves differ in phase
 2
a) 3 b) 3 c)  d) zero
35. The wave length of the light used in Young’s double slit experiment is . The

intensity at a point on the screen where the path difference s is I. If Io denotes the
maximum intensity, then the ratio of I and Io is…………..
a) 0.707 b) 0.75 c) 0.866 d) 0.5
36. Interference fringes are obtained using two coherent sources whose intensities are in
the ratio 4:1, then the ratio of the intensities of the bright & dark bands are
a) 25: 9 b) 4: 1 c) 5: 1 d) 9: 1
37. Monochromatic green light of 5 x 10 m illuminates a pair of narrow slits 1mm

apart, the separation of bright lines on the interference pattern formed on a screen 2m
away is
a) 0.1 mm b) 0.25 mm c) 0.4 mm d) 1 mm
38. In a given set up, if 1, 2 and 3 are the fringe widths in Young’s double slit
experiment for yellow, red and blue lights respectively illuminating the slits then
a) 2 > 1 > 3 b) 2 = 1 = 3
c) 1 < 2 < 3 d) 2 < 1, while 3 > 1
39. The central fringe in the interference pattern obtained in a Young’s double slit
experiment will be a dark fringe when the phase difference between the waves from
the two slits is
𝜋 𝜋
a) 0 b) c)  d)
2 3
40. In the double slit interference experiment, d is the separation of the slits and D is the
distance of the screen from the plane of the slits. When white light is used a dark
band  is formed, directly in front of one of the slits. Then the value of  is
𝑑2 𝐷 𝐷 𝑑
a) b) c) 2 d)
𝐷 𝑑 𝐷 𝐷
41. Young’s double slit experiment is conducted in a liquid. The 10th bright fringe in
liquid lies where 6th dark fringe lies in vacuum. The refractive index of the liquid is
a) 1.8 b) 1.54 c) 1.67 d) 1.2
42. In Young’s double slit experiment,  is the fringe width. If the distance of the screen
from the slits is reduced by 40% and the slit separation is increased by 20% then the
new fringe width is
a)  b) /2 c) 2  d) /3
43. When one of the slits of YDS experiment is covered with transparent sheet of
thickness 4.8 mm, the central fringe shifts to a position originally occupied by the 30th
bright fringe. What should be the thickness of the sheet if the central fringe has to
shift to the position occupied by 20th Bright Fringe?
a) 3.8 mm b) 1.6 mm c) 7.6 mm d) 3.2 mm
44. Two light waves of the same wavelength 6000 A superpose at a point with a path
difference . The wave interferes constructively when  =
a) 1 m b) 1.2 m c) 0.8 m d) 2 m
45. In Young’s double slit experiment, we get 15 fringes per cm on the screen, while
using of wavelength 5896 A (sodium lamp). How many fringes per cm we get with
light of wavelength 7370 A ?
a) 18 b) 15 c) 12 d) 10
46. The width of one of the slits in a Young’s double slit experiment is twice that of the
other. The ratio of maximum to minimum intensity in the interference pattern is
a) ( 2 + 1): ( 2 - 1) b) (3 + 2 2 ): (3 – 2 2 )
c) 2: 1 d) 4: 1
47. The ratio of the widths of two slits in YDSE is n: 1. The ratio of maximum intensity
to minimum intensity in the interference pattern will be
 n + 1 n +1 n n2 +1
a)  
 b) c) d)
 n −1 n n −1 n2
48. A thin sheet of glass (n = 1.5) of thickness 6 microns introduced in the path of one of
interfering beams in a double slit experiment shifts the central fringe to a position
previously occupied by fifth bright fringe. The wave length of the light used is
o o o o
a) 6000 A b) 3000 A c) 4500 A d) 7500 A
49. In Young’s double slit experiment, the slits are illuminated with monochromatic light
of wavelength 600 nm. When a glass plate of thickness 6 m is introduced in the path
of one of the interfering beams, it is observed that the central fringe gets shifted to a
position earlier occupied by the 6th bright fringe. The refractive index of glass is
a) 1.5 b) 1.6 c) 1.48 d) 1.62
50. Two slits S1 and S2 illuminated by a white light source give a white central maximum.
A transparent sheet of refractive index 1.25 and thickness t1 is placed in front of S1.
Another transparent sheet of refractive index 1.50 and thickness t2 is placed in front of
S2. If central maxima is not effected, then ratio of the thickness of the two sheets
(t1: t2) will be
a) 1: 2 b) 2: 1 c) 1: 4 d) 4: 1
51. In the Young's double slit experiment, if the phase difference between the two waves
interfering at a point is , the intensity at that point can be expressed by the expression
a) I = A 2 + B 2 cos 2  b) I = cos 
c) I = A + B cos  d) I = A + B cos 
Where A and B depend upon the amplitudes of the two waves.
52. In Young's double slit experiment, the intensity on the screen at a point where path
difference is  is K. What will be the intensity at the point where path difference is  / 4
a) K/4 b)K/2 c)K d)Zero
53. In the ideal double-slit experiment, when a glass-plate (refractive index 1.5) of
thickness t is introduced in the path of one of the interfering beams (wavelength ), the
intensity at the position where the central maximum occurred previously remains
unchanged. The minimum thickness of the glass-plate is
a)2 b) c)  d)
3 3

54. The relation between linear fringe width () and angular fringe width (a) is
a)  = a + D b)  = a - D c)  = a D d)  =
55. Both light and sound waves suffer diffraction. It is more difficult to observe
diffraction with light waves because
a) light waves do not require a medium
b) the wavelength of light waves is far smaller
c) light waves are transverse
d) the speed of light is far greater
56. Diffraction effects are more pronounced (or) easier to notice in case of sound waves
than in case of light waves because
a) sound travels faster than light b) sound waves have a smaller 
c) sound waves are of longer  d) sound waves are longitudinal
57. The width of diffraction band varies
a) inversely as the wave length
b) directly as the width of slit
c) directly as the distance between the slit and the screen
d) inversely as the size of the source from which the slit is illuminated
58. Direction of 1st secondary maxima in the Fraunhofer’s diffraction pattern at a single
slit is given by (a is width a slit)
3  5
a) a sin  = b) a sin  = c) a sin  = d) a sin  = 
2 2 2
59. A slit of width a is illuminated by white light. The first minimum for light of
wavelength 6500 A will fall at  = 30o when a will be
a) 3250 A b) 6.5  10-4 mm c) 1.3-micron d) 2.6  10-4 cm
60. Direction of second secondary maximum in the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern at a
single slit is given by
a) d sin  =  b) d sin  = 5 c) d sin  =  d) d sin  = 3
2 2 2
61. In a Fraunhofer diffraction experiment at a single slit using light of wavelength 400
nm, the first minimum is formed at an angle of 30o . Then the direction  of the first
secondary maximum is given by
3 3 4
a) tan-1   b) sin-1   c) 60o d) tan-1  
4 4 3
62. Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of a single slit is obtained in the focal plane of lens of
focal length 1 m. If third minimum is formed at a distance of 5 mm from the central
maximum and wavelength of light used is 5000 A , then width of the slit will be
a) 0.02 cm b) 0.03 cm c) 0.04 cm d) 1 cm
63. A beam of light of wavelength 600 nm from a distant source fall on a single slit1 mm
wide & the resulting diffraction pattern is observed on a screen 2m away. The
distance between the first dark fringes on either side of the central bright fringe is
a) 1.2 mm b)1.2 cm c) 2.4 cm d) 2.4 mm
64. The aperture of the objective lens of a telescope is made large so as to
a) make image aberration less
b) to focus on distant object
c) increase the magnifying power of the telescope
d) increase the resolving power of the telescope
65. The head lights of a jeep are 1.2 m part. If the pupil of the eye of an observer has a
diameter of 2mm & light of wavelength 5896Ao is used, what should be the maximum
distance of the jeep from the observer if the two head light are just separated?
a) 3.39 km b) 3.39 m c) 33.9 km d) 33.9 m
66. The correct relation between the wavelength  & the slit width ‘a’ in a single slit
diffraction experiment in order to observe the diffraction pattern is
a a a a
a)  = 0 b)  = 1 c)  = 10 d)  = 
67. The diameter of the objective of an astronomical telescope is 0.1 m and the wave
length of light used is 6000 A . Resolving limit of the telescope will be nearly
a) 6  10-5 rad b) 6  10-4 rad c) 6  10-6 rad d) 7.32  10-6 rad
68. Numerical aperture of an oil immersion objective using oil of R.1. 1.5 is 0.75. Then,
its numerical aperture, when kept in air is
a) 0.25 b) 0.5 c) 1 d) 0.3
69. Limit of resolution of a telescope is) 4.88  10 rad for light of wavelength 560 nm.

Diameter of the objective is

a) 0.14 m b) 1.4 m c) 0.07 m d) 0.7 m

70. A single slit Fraunhofer diffraction pattern is formed with white light. For what
wavelength of light, the third secondary maximum in the diffraction pattern
coincides with the second secondary maximum in the pattern for red light of
wavelength 6500Ao?
a) 4642.8Ao b) 9100Ao c) 4400Ao d) 4100Ao
71. In a Fraunhofer diffraction at a single slit, the distance of the screen from the slit is
increased by 20% and the slit width is decreased by 20%. As a result, the width of
central maximum
a) decreases by 50% b) increases by 50%
c) increases by 40% d) decreases by 40%
72. A single slit of width ‘a’ is illuminated by violet light of wavelength 400 nm & the
width of the diffraction pattern is measured as y. when half of the slit width is
covered and illuminated by yellow light of wavelength 600 nm the width of the
diffraction pattern is
a) the pattern vanishes & the width is zero b) y/3
c) 3y d) 9y
73. In single slit diffraction experiment, the slit is illuminated by light beams of
wavelengths 1 & 2. If the first order diffraction minimum of 1 coincides with the
third order minimum of 2 then
 22
a) 1 = 32 b) 2 = 31 c) 1 = 2 d) 1 =
2 3
74. The normal human eye can just resolve two-point objects when they subtend at the
eye an angle of
o o
 1  1
a) 0.1o
b)   c)   d) 1o
 60  2
75. The least value of the angular separation of two stars which can be resolved by a
telescope of aperture 1.5 m for mean wavelength of 6000 A is
a) a) 4.88  10-7 degree b) 2.8  10-5 degree
b) c) 5.11  10-7 degree d) 1.26  10-5 degree
76. Angular width of central maxima in the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of a slit is
measured. The slit is illuminated by light of wavelength 6000 Å. When the slit is
illuminated by light of another wavelength, the angular width decreases by 30%. The
wavelength of this light will be
a)6000 Å b)4200 Å c)3000 Å d)1800 Å
77. In a single slit diffraction experiment first minimum for red light (660 nm) coincides
with first maximum of some other wavelength '. The value of ' is
a) 4400 Å b)6600 Å c)2000 Å d)3500 Å
78. In a Fraunhofer diffraction at a single slit of width d with incident light of
wavelength 5500 Å , the first minimum is observed at an angle of . The
first secondary maximum is observed at an angle of
1 1 3 √3
a) sin−1 b) sin−1 4 c) sin−1 4 d) sin−1 2
79. A single slit Fraunhofer diffraction pattern is formed with white light. For
what wavelength of light the third secondary maximum in the diffraction
pattern coincides with the second secondary maximum in the pattern for
red light of wavelength 6300 Å?
a) 4500 Å b) 4200 Å c) 9100 Å d) 4650 Å

80. The experimental proof that light is a transverse wave may be obtained through
a) demonstration of polarization phenomena
b) demonstration of interference phenomena
c) Photoelectric effect
d) Doppler effect
81. Waves that cannot be polarized are
a) transverse wave b) longitudinal wave c) light waves d) em waves
82. When unpolarized light beam is incident from air onto glass (n=1.5) at the polarizing
a) reflected beam is polarized 100%
b) reflected and refracted beam are partially polarized
c) the reason for (1) is that almost all light is reflected
d) all of the above
83. When light is incident on a refracting surface, is polarized to a maximum extent, by
reflection then the angle between the reflected and refracted rays is
a) 45o b) 90o c) 48o d) 98o
84. The expression relating polarizing angle and RI is
a) sin ip = 1 b) cot ip = 1 c) tan ip = 1 d) cosec ip = 1
85. If the speed of light and the polarizing angle for a given medium are Cm & i
respectively, then from Brewster’s law we find
a) Cm = C cosec i b) Cm = C cosh i c) Cm = C sin I d) Cm = C cotan i
86. Polaroid sheets are often used for making sun glasses, this is because
a) cut off glare b) absorb more sun light than coloured glasses
c) are light weight d) remove the polarization of direct sunlight
87. An unpolarized beam of intensity I0 is incident on a pair of Nicol’s making an angle
of 60o with each other. The intensity of light emerging from the pair is
Io Io Io
a) Io b) 2 c) 4 d) 8
88. A ray of light is incident on the surface of a glass plate of refractive index 1.5 at the
polarizing angle. The angle of refraction is
a) 47o b) 57o c) 33o d) 0o
89. Ordinary light incident on a glass slab at the polarizing angle, suffers a deviation of
22o . The value of the angle of refraction in glass in this case is
a) 56o b) 68o c) 34o d) 22o
90. If the speed of light and the polarizing angle for a given medium are c and p
respectively, then from Brewster’s law, we find
a) C = v cosec p b) C = v tan p c) C = v cos p d) C = v cot p
91. a and m are the wavelengths of a beam of light in air and medium respectively. If 
is the polarizing angle, the correct relation between a , m and  is
a) a = m tan2  b) m = a tan2 
c) a = m cot  d) m = a cot 
92. A beam of unpolarized light traveling from medium A to medium B undergoes partial
reflection and refraction at the surface of separation. The reflected beam is found to
be at right angles to refracted beam. If the polarizing angles of medium A and
medium B are 60o and 45o respectively, the angle of incidence is
a) 30o b) 45o c) tan-1 ( 3 ) d) tan-1 (1/ 3 )
93. If  and  be the critical angle and Brewster’s angle respectively of a medium then
a) sin  cos  = 1 b) sin  tan  = 1
c) sin  tan  = 1 d) cos  cos  = sin ( + )
94. A beam of natural light falls on a system of 6 polaroid’s, which are arranged in
succession such that each Polaroid is turned through 30o with respect to the preceding
one. The percentage of incident intensity that passes through the system will be
a) 12% b) 100% c) 50% d) 30%
95. Two points separated by a distance of 0.1 mm can just be inspected in a microscope
when light of wavelength 6000Ao is used. If the light of wavelength 4800Ao is used
this limit of resolution will become
a) 0.8 mm b) 0.12 mm c) 0.1 mm d) 0.08 mm
96. A ray of light enters from a rarer medium to a denser medium. The angle of incidence
is i. Then the reflected and refracted rays are mutually perpendicular each other. The
critical angle for the pair of media is
a) cos-1(tan i) b) sin-1(cot i) c) tan-1 (sin i) d) sin-1 (tan i)
97.  is the polarizing angle for two optical media, whose critical angles are C1 & C2.
Then the correct relation is
sin C1 sin C1
a) sin  = b) tan  =
sin C 2 sin C 2
sin C 2
c)  = C2 /C d) sin  =
sin C1
Paragraph – 1
The figures show the interference pattern obtained in a double-slit experiment using
light of wavelength 600 nm.

98. The third order bright fringe is

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
99. Which fringe results from a phase difference of 4  between the light waves
incidenting from two slits?
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
100. Let XA and XC represent path differences between waves interfering at 1 and 3
respectively then (|XC | - (|XA |) is equal to
a) 0 b) 300 mn c) 600 nm d) 900 nm

Paragraph – 2

White light may be considered to have wavelength from 400 mm to 750 mm. If an oil
film of thickness t = 10-4 cm. The light incidence normally the refractive index of
oil is  - 1.4
101. If interference is considered in reflected light, the path difference is
a) x = 2 t b) x = 2 t- /2 c) x = /2 d) none of the above
102. The wavelengths of visible light for weak reflection are
a) 400 nm, 466.7 nm, 560 nm, 700 nm b) 430 nm, 509.1 nm, 622.2 nm
c) 400 nm, 509.1 nm, 622.2 nm d) none of the above
103. The wavelength of visible light for strong reflection are
a) 400 nm, 466.7 nm, 560 nm, 700 nm b) 430.8 nm, 509.1 nm, 622.2 nm
c) 400 nm, 509.1 nm, 622.2 nm d) none of the above
104. If interference is considered is transmitted light, the strongly transmitted wavelength
a) 400 nm, 466.7 nm, 560 nm, 700 nm b) 430.8 nm, 509.1 nm, 622.2 nm
c) 400 nm, 509.1 nm, 622.2 nm d) none of the above
105. For destructive interference, the wavelength are
a) a) 400 nm, 466.7 nm, 560 nm b) 430.8 nm, 509.1 nm, 622.2 nm,
b) c) 400 nm, 509.1 nm, 622.2 nm d) none of the above
106. Match the column I with column II and mark the correct option from the codes.

Column I Column II
i Planar wavefront incident on a thin p After reflection of refraction
convex lens placed in air planar wave
ii Planar wavefront incident on a q Spherical wavefront having
prism placed in air incidence side centre towards incident side
iii Planar wavefront incident on a r Spherical wavefront having
concave mirror of small aperture centre on other side
iv Planar wavefront incident on s Planar wavefront parallel to
convex mirror incident wavefront

i ii iii iv
a p r s q
b q p r s
c r p q r
d p s q r

107. Each of four pairs of light waves given in column I arrives at a certain point on a
screen. The waves have same wavelength. At the arrival point, their intensities and
phase differences are given in column I. Match the column I with Column II and
mark the correct option from the codes given below.
Column I Column II
i 4 I0, 6 I0 and  radian p Greatest intensity among all
at arrival point
ii 9 I0, 25 I0 and  radian q Least intensity among all at
arrival point
iii 81 I0, 49 I0 and 3/2 r Intensity at arrival point is
radian 16 I0
iv 4 I0, 4 I0 and 0 radian s Intensity at arrival point is
4 I0

i ii iii iv
a q s p r
b p q r s
c s q p r
d q p s r
108. A light has amplitude A and angle between analyser and polariser is 60°. Light is
reflected by analyser has amplitude
a) A 2 b) A/ 2 c) 3A / 2 d) A/2

109. The critical angle of a certain medium is . The polarising angle is

a) b) c) d)

Try yourself
1. Light appears to travel in straight line because
a) light consists of very small particles
b) the frequency of light is very small
c) the velocity of light is different for different colours
d) the wavelength of light is very small
2. Huygens’ principle of secondary wavelets may be used to
a) find the velocity of light in vacuum
b) explain the particle behavior of light
c) find the new position of a wavefront
d) explain photoelectric effect
3. According to Newton’s corpuscular theory, the speed of light is
a) same in all the media b) lesser in rarer medium
c) lesser in denser medium d) independent of the medium
4. Two coherent light beams of intensities I & 4I are interposed. The maximum and
minimum possible intensities in the resulting beams are
a) 9I & 3 I b) 9I & I c) 5 I & 3 I d) 5I & I
5. Intensities of the two waves of light are I and 4I. The maximum intensity of the resultant
wave after superposition is
a)5 I b)9 I c) 16 I d) 25 I
6. Young's experiment is performed in air and then performed in water, the fringe width
(a) Will remain same (b)Will decrease
(c) Will increase (d)Will be infinite
7. In double slits experiment, for light of which colour the fringe width will be minimum
(a) Violet (b) Red
(c) Green (d) Yellow
8. In Young's experiment, light of wavelength 4000 Å is used to produce bright fringes of
width 0.6 mm, at a distance of 2 meters. If the whole apparatus is dipped in a liquid of
refractive index 1.5, then fringe width will be
(a) 0.2 mm (b) 0.3 mm
(c) 0.4 mm (d) 1.2 mm
9. In Young's double slit experiment, the phase difference between the light waves reaching
third bright fringe from the central fringe will be ( =6000 Å )
(a) Zero (b) 2

(c) 4 (d) 6
10. In two separate set - ups of the Young's double slit experiment, fringes of equal width are
observed when lights of wavelengths in the ratio 1 : 2 are used. If the ratio of the slit
separation in the two cases is 2 : 1, the ratio of the distances between the plane of the slits
and the screen in the two set - ups is
(a) 4 : 1 (b) 1 : 1
(c) 1 : 4 (d) 2 : 1
11. In Young's double slit experiment, the fringe width is 1  10 −4 m if the distance between the
slit and screen is doubled and the distance between the two slit is reduced to half and
wavelength is changed from 6.4  10 7 m to 4.0  10 −7 m , the value of new fringe width will be
(a) 0.15  10 −4 m (b) 2.0  10 −4 m
(c) 1.25  10 −4 m (d) 2.5  10 −4 m
12. Two sources give interference pattern which is observed on a screen, D distance apart from
the sources. The fringe width is 2w. If the distance D is now doubled, the fringe width will
(a) Become w/2 (b) Remain the same
(c) Become w (d) Become 4w
13. In double slit experiment, the angular width of the fringes is 0.20o for the sodium light
( =5890 Å). In order to increase the angular width of the fringes by 10%, the necessary
change in the wavelength is
(a) Increase of 589 Å (b)Decrease of 589 Å
(c) Increase of 6479 Å (d) Zero
14. A thin mica sheet of thickness 2  10 −6 m and refractive index ( = 1.5) is introduced in the
path of the first wave. The wavelength of the wave used is 5000 Å. The central bright
maximum will shift
(a) 2 fringes upward (b) 2 fringes downward
(c) 10 fringes upward (d) None of these
15. In a Young's double slit experiment, the fringe width will remain same, if (D = distance
between screen and plane of slits, d = separation between two slits and  = wavelength of
light used)
(a) Both  and D are doubled
(b) Both d and D are doubled
(c) D is doubled but d is halved
(d)  is doubled but d is halved
16. In Young's double slit experiment, the slits are 0.5 mm apart and interference pattern is
observed on a screen placed at a distance of 1.0 m from the plane containing the slits. If
wavelength of the incident light is 6000 Å, then the separation between the third bright
fringe and the central maxima is
(a) 4.0 mm (b) 3.5 mm
(c) 3.0 mm (d) 2.5 mm
17. In Young's double slit experiment using sodium light ( = 5898 Å), 92 fringes are seen. If
given colour ( = 5461 Å) is used, how many fringes will be seen
(a) 62 (b) 67
(c) 85 (d) 99
18. In Young’s experiment, the distance between slits is 0.28 mm and distance between slits and
screen is 1.4 m. Distance between central bright fringe and third bright fringe is 0.9 cm.
What is the wavelength of used light
(a) 5000 Å (b) 6000 Å
(c) 7000 Å (d) 9000 Å
19. Two parallel slits 0.6 mm apart are illuminated by light source of wavelength 6000 Å. The
distance between two consecutive dark fringes on a screen 1 m away from the slits is
(a) 1 mm (b) 0.01 mm
(c) 0.1 m (d) 10 m
20. In young’s double slit experiment with a source of light of wavelength 6320Å, the first
maxima will occur when
(a) Path difference is 9480 Å
(b) Phase difference is 2 radian
(c) Path difference is 6320 Å
(d) Phase difference is  radian
21. The equation of a light wave is written as .Here, represents
a) displacement of ether particles b) pressure in the medium
c) density of the medium d) electric field
22. The colour of thin films is due to
a) dispersion b) polarisation c) interference d) diffraction
23. The phenomenon of diffraction of light was discovered by
a) Newton b) Huygens c) Grimaldi d) Fresnel
24. Bright colours exhibited by spider’s web exposed to sun light are due to
a) polarisation b) diffraction c) interference d) scattering
25. While both light and sound show wave character, diffraction is much harder to observe in
case of light. This is because
a) speed of light is far greater
b) light does not require a medium
c) wavelength of light is far smaller
d) light waves are transverse and sound waves are longitudinal
26. In the diffraction of light at a single slit, if the slit width is decreased, the width of the
central maximum,
a) decreases b) increases c) remains the same
d) either (1) or (2) depending on the wavelength of light
27. A diffraction pattern due to a single slit is observed using green light. When it is replaced
by red light
a) no change is observed b) bands become narrower and crowded
c) bands become broader d) bands disappear
28. The width of the principal maximum diffraction band varies
a) directly as the distance between the slit and the screen
b) inversely as the size of the source from which the slit is illuminated
c) inversely as the wavelength
d) directly as the width of the slit
29. For a given slit, maximum diffraction takes place in case of
a) infrared light b) radio waves c) ultraviolet rays d) -rays
30. In case of diffraction pattern due to a single slit the angular width of central maximum
can be increased by
a) decreasing the wavelength
b) increasing the slit width
c) increasing the distance between slit and screen
d) decreasing the slit width
31. In single slit diffraction experiment, the width of the slit is reduced. Then the linear width
of the central maximum,
a) increases and it becomes more bright
b) decreases and it becomes less bright
c) increases but it becomes less bright
d) decreases but it becomes more bright
o o
32. In an optical instrument light of two wavelengths 4000 A and 5000 A are used
consecutively. The ratio of the resolving powers for the two cases will be
a) 16:25 b) 9:1 c) 3:4 d) 5:4
33. The waves which cannot be polarized among the following are
a) ultraviolet b) infrared c) ultrasonics d) radio waves
34. When light is incident on a transparent medium at the polarising angle, which of the
following is completely polarised?
a) reflected light b) refracted light
c) both (1) and (2) d) neither (1) nor (2)
35. Polarisation of light establishes
a) corpuscular nature of light b) quantum nature of light
c) transverse nature of light d) all the above
36. Light is incident on a glass plate at an angle of . The reflected and refracted rays are
mutually perpendicular. The refractive index of the plate is nearly
a) 1.73 b) 1.5 c) 1.33 d) 1.414
37. Which of the following statements is false?
a) Sound and light waves exhibit interference
b) Sound and light waves exhibit diffraction
c) Light waves exhibit polarisation while sound waves do not
d) Sound waves exhibit polarisation while light waves do not
38. Which among the following is not a common phenomenon for both light and sound
a) interference b) diffraction c) polarisation d) reflection
39. In Young’s double slit experiment if monochromatic light used is replaced by white light,
a) no fringes are observed
b) only the central fringe is white while all other bright fringes are coloured
c) all bright fringes will become white
d) all bright fringes have colours between violet and red
40. For obtaining sustained and distinct interference fringes in double slit experiment, the
essential conditions are
1. sources must be coherent
2. the intensities of the two sources must be equal
3. the sources must have same wavelength
a) only (1) b) both (1) and (2) c) only (2) and (3) d) (1),(2) and (3)
41. In an interference experiment two parallel vertical slits and are used. A thin glass
plate is introduced in the path of light from . The
a) fringe pattern remains unaltered
b) fringe pattern as a whole is laterally shifted towards
c) fringe pattern as a whole is laterally shifted towards
d) fringe width decreases
42. In Young’s double slit experiment, fringe width decreases by 25% when the apparatus is
immersed in a liquid. The refractive index
of the liquid is
a) 1.5 b) 1.33 c) 1.43 d) 1.62
43. A beam of electrons is used in a Young’s double slit experiment.The slit width is d. When
the velocity of electrons is increased, then
a) no interference is observed b) fringe width increases
c) fringe width decreases d) fringe width remains same
44. A parallel beam of light of wavelength λ is incident normally on a narrow slit. A
diffraction pattern is formed on a screen placed perpendicular to the direction of the
incident beam. At the second minimum of the diffraction pattern, the phase difference
between the secondary wavelets coming from the two edges of the slit is
a) b) c) d)
45. In Young’s double slit experiment, the distance between the slits is 0.28mm while that
between the slits and screen is 1.4m. Distance between central bright fringe and third
bright fringe is 9mm.The wavelength of light used is
a) b) c) d)
46. In an interference experiment, the spacing between a maximum and its neighbouring
minimum is (λ: wavelength of light; D: slit to screen spacing d:slit separation)
a) b) c) d)
47. The first diffraction minimum due to a single slit diffraction is , for a light of
wavelength 5000 A . If the width of the slit is then the value of is
a) b) c) d)
48. The critical angle of a transparent crystal is . Then the polarizing angle is
a) b) c) d)
49. Resolving power of a telescope can be increased by increasing the
a) wavelength b) diameter of the objective
c) diameter of the eye piece d) focal length of the eye piece
50. Wave theory cannot explain the phenomenon of
A) polarisation B) diffraction C) Compton effect D) photoelectric effect
a) A and B b) C and D c) B and C d) A and D
51. Colour that appears on a thin film of soap and on soap bubbles is due to
a) diffraction b) interference c) dispersion d) refraction
52. The phenomenon of interference is exhibited by
a) longitudinal mechanical waves only b) transverse mechanical waves only
c) electromagnetic waves only d) all the above waves
53. In the Young’s double slit experiment, the spacing between two slits is 0.1mm. If the
screen is kept at a distance of 1m from the slits and the wavelength of light is 5000 Å,
then the fringe width is
a) 1.0 cm b) 1.5 cm c) 0.5 cm d) 2.0 cm
54. In Young’s double slit experiment, fringes of width are produced on a screen kept at a
distance of 1m from the slit. When the screen is moved away by , fringe width
changes by . The separation between the slits is . The wavelength
of the light used is
a) 500nm b) 600nm c) 700nm d) 400nm
55. In Young’s double slit experiment, the distance of the screen is increased four times and
distance between two coherent sources is reduced to half. The fringe width will
a) increase by 2 times b) increase by 8 times
c)decrease by 8 times d) decrease by 2 times
56. The distance between the first & sixth minima in the diffraction pattern obtained on a
screen due to single slit is 0.5 mm. The screen is 0.5 m away from the slit. If the
wavelength of the light used is 5000Ao, the width of the diffraction slit is
a) 1 mm b) 1.25 mm c) 2.5 mm d) 5 mm
57. The numerical aperture of an oil immersion objective microscope which can just resolve
lines drawn 6000 per centimeter using light of wavelength 600 nm is
a) 1.8 b) 0.18 c) 3.6 d) 0.36
58. In Young's double slit experiment, if monochromatic light is replaced by white light
(a) All bright fringes become white
(b) All bright fringes have colours between violet and red
(c) Only the central fringe is white, all other fringes are coloured
(d) No fringes are observed
59. The angle of incidence at which reflected light is totally polarized for reflection from air to
glass (refraction index n) is
(a) sin −1 (n) (b) sin −1  
(c) tan −1   (d) tan −1 (n)
60. A polaroid is placed at 45o to an incoming light of intensity I0 . Now the intensity of light
passing through polaroid after polarisation would be
(a) I0 (b) I0 / 2
(c) I0 / 4 (d) Zero

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