IP Tracking'

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Minor Project


Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi

Under the Guidance Submitted By:

Ms. Neha Aggarwal Ritesh Kumar(00420602019)

Ankit Sharma(00520602019)

BCA V- 1 st shift

(Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi)

Ranked “A+” Institution by SFRC, Govt. of NCT of India

Recognized under section 2(f) of the UGC Act, 1956

NAAC Accredited “B++” Grade Institution


S. NO. Topic Page No.

1 Introduction: Problem definition 3

2 Methodology 5
3 Requirements 7
4 System Design-ER/DFD 9
5 Future Scope 11
6 Conclusion 13
7 References 14

Imagine for a second that your website is a high street shop. Potential customers may drop
in and out all the time. These visitors may be a mix of your target customers – the business
shoppers (B2B buyers) – and other consumers. You don’t know who they are but you do
know what they looked at in the shop. You try some data collection tactics but with limited
success. So while you can keep track of footfall numbers and the items that are looked at
most, you are pretty limited on the information you hold.
Imagine now that you are able to see in detail exactly which company the business
shoppers are from when they step foot in your shop. And that you can track exactly what
each individual did once they were there – from how they found the shop in the first place,
to when they have visited, what they looked at and how they moved round your shop.
Suddenly you have valuable information that you can use to enhance your marketing
activity, while grabbing every potential lead (even those anonymous shoppers) and being
able to tailor your sales pitch when you go in for the conversion. IP tracking software can
help you do this.

The software or websites that can basically track the IP address of website visitors. An IP
address is the unique number that is assigned to each computer when it accesses the
internet. A bit like a car registration number, it can be followed and the journey taken
online and on different websites can be tracked. And again, like a car registration, the
number can lead back to information about the individual computer and who may be using
For individuals, the personal information that this number links back to will be kept
private, but for businesses more info is generally available. With the IP tracking software,
combined with the comprehensive data that has been pulled together by Lead Forensics,
you will be able to find out detailed information about the B2B customers who are visiting
your site.

As IP addresses are automatically identified thanks to the handshake, IP address trackers

can easily collect the data they need and record any further movements. This process of
recording is usually done through a JavaScript code attached onto the website tracking
IP addresses. This code gathers a vast amount of data for  website analytics whilst also
gathering the IP address in question.
Whilst recording IP addresses is a perfectly legal procedure, differing regulations place
different rules on how an IP address is perceived . The GDPR for example classes IP
addresses pertaining to individuals as “personal data”, so they cannot be seen, stored,
handled or processed without the appropriate lawful basis of processing and the necessary

Because of this, a clear majority of IP address trackers record all IP addresses, but  never
relay them back to the user. To ensure compliance, only the data extracted from specific
IPs (such as static, business and public) is reported back to the user, and all other
information (including the IP address itself) is then dele


This project is based on waterfall model which is a linear, sequential approach to the software
development life cycle (SDLC). The waterfall model emphasizes a logical progression of
steps. Similar to the direction water flows over the edge of a cliff; distinct endpoints or goals
are set for each phase of development and cannot be revisited after completion.

There are several phases involved in waterfall model:

1) Requirement Analysis - In this phase all the requirements are gathered by

us .Requirements are documented during this phase and clarifications can be sought.
2) System Design - In this phase we gathered the requirements in the SRS into a
suitable form which permits us further coding in a programming language.
3) Implementation – After getting inputs from the system design, we designed system
in small programs called units, which are integrated in the next phase.

3.1 Modules - We Design the website with different modules that will be most
suitable for the things that needed to be done in the project.

- Homepage Module : This module allows user to go through the website and
- Login/signup module: this module allows user to explore more about internet
protocol and why you should use IP tracker.

- Tracker Module : This module allows user to track any IP address and domain
across the world.
- Suggestions and queries Module: This module allows user to give their valuable
suggestions and ask question about the whole project.
- Testimonials module: This module allows user to get to know the company
better and trust more to give their valuable information

4) Integration and testing – In This Phase all the units developed in the
implementation phase are integrated into a system after testing of each unit.
5) Deployment - Once the functional and non-functional testing is done; the product will
be released into the market.

6) –Maintenance - There are some issues which might come up in the client
environment. To fix those issues, we release patches are and also to enhance the

product some better versions are released.


Hardware Requirements: -

- CPU: 2.9GHz IntelCore i7-7500U (dual-core, 4MB cache, up to 3.5GHz)

- Microsoft Compatible
- Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 620
- Storage: 1 TB Hard Drive
- Keyboard & Mouse

Software Requirements: -
- Microsoft visual studio

Skills Required: -
- HTML, CSS, Javascript, API



DFD Level 0:

DFD Level 1:

ER Diagram


Our product will remain a popular part of many B2B Marketing mixes, as it offers
businesses some huge advantages, helping generate revenue and promote business growth .
Here are some of the best reasons businesses should use IP address tracking:

-Exciting data

80% of B2B marketers are driven by data, and it’s no wonder when it makes businesses six
time more likely to profit year on year. The more data we can gather to boost analysis and
increase performance – the better! IP address trackers offer businesses some very exciting
data. The most basic trackers can use IP addresses to decipher the location of the
connected device, helping businesses understand their online audiences and brand reach.
More advanced trackers include further website metrics surrounding traffic numbers and
popular pages. Google Analytics for example uses IP address tracking in combination with
its JavaScript code to produce insightful website metrics, including  overall traffic, most
visiting location and referrals.

-Improved campaigns

This exciting data gives B2B marketers a very important advantage – the ability to  better
design and execute campaigns. The insight gained from IP address tracking
means business can better understand their audience; what they want, where they come
from and what makes them convert. This is invaluable knowledge awarding marketers the
chance to make data driven changes for serious campaign impact. Success may be very
close, just a small edit to copy, a better optimized passage or a new call-to-action; the data
you gain from tracking website visitors and their IP addresses will help you  discover what
elements you can change to achieve the ultimate results.

-Higher lead quality

IP address tracking, especially when included as part of a wider website analytics tool can

seriously benefit your lead quality. The better quality your leads, the more likely your
team are to close a sale. Advanced IP address tracking tools provide marketing teams with
all the information they need to set up an intricate and effective lead scoring model.
Knowing when visitors return to your website and what pages they engage with alongside
the qualifying information these tools can gather, means your team can  easily assign
various lead scores. This better confirms when leads are sales-ready, so you can be sure to
only pass the best leads onto your sales team, increasing their chance of closing sales and
growing your client base.


Now that we've discussed some of the major components of IP Tracking, we have the
necessary background to examine the more critical issues of security in a converged
environment. Knowing how IP Tracking build and gives us the better understanding of
A good understanding of the basics of networking and TCP/IP is critical to identifying,
understanding, and correcting vulnerabilities in your converged environment.

1) Design and resources reference from https://www.frontendmentor.io/
2) Burch H. Tracing Anonymous Packets to Their Approximate Source. In: Proceedings
of the 14th USENIX conference on System administration. 2000, 319328.

3) Aljifri H. IP Traceback: A New Denial-of-Service Deterrent? IEEE Security and

Privacy, 2003, 1(3): 2431.

4) Parashar A, Radhakrishnan R. A Review of Packet Marking IP Traceback Schemes.

International Journal of Computer Applications, 2013, 67(6): 1520.
5) 14. Savage S, Wetherall D, Karlin A, Anderson T. Practical network support for IP
traceback. SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev., 2000, 30(4): 295306.
6) Jamshidi P, Ahmad A, Pahl C. Cloud Migration Research: A Systematic Review.
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2013, 1(2): 142157.


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