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MGT 4131 Dissertation Module Handbook

January Start 2010/2011 Academic Year Hendon

Module Leader: Hong Woo Workshops tutor: Soroosh Saghiri Business and Management Department

MGT4131 KEY INFORMATION ..........................................................................................................................III 1 THE DISSERTATION MODULE ................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2. MODULE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................................................... 1 MODULE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 1 MODULE TIMESCALES: KEY DATES ..................................................................................................................... 3 KEY CONTACTS............................................................................................................................................... 3

WHAT IS A POSTGRADUATE DISSERTATION? ........................................................................................... 5 2.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 5 2.2 TYPES OF PROJECT .............................................................................................................................................. 6 2.3 RESEARCH ETHICS ........................................................................................................................................... 7

3. THE PROJECT PROPOSAL ............................................................................................................................ 8 3.1 3.2 3.3 4. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 8 THE STRUCTURE OF THE PROPOSAL .................................................................................................................... 8 THE NEXT STAGE .......................................................................................................................................... 10

DEVELOPING THE PROJECT .................................................................................................................... 11 4.1 4.2 4.3 SUPERVISION ............................................................................................................................................... 11 STRUCTURE OF THE PROJECT........................................................................................................................... 13 PHYSICAL PRESENTATION OF THE PROJECT......................................................................................................... 17


ASSESSMENT ......................................................................................................................................... 25 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 THE MARKING CRITERIA ................................................................................................................................ 25 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA GUIDELINES.................................................................................................................. 25 UNIVERSITY ASSESSMENT CRITERIA FOR LEVEL 4 MODULES .................................................................................. 25 FINAL REMARKS ........................................................................................................................................... 26


VIVA VOCE EXAMINATIONS ................................................................................................................... 27 6.1 6.2 BASIC OUTLINE OF THE VIVA ........................................................................................................................... 27 WHY YOU MIGHT BE CALLED FOR A VIVA .......................................................................................................... 27


RECOMMENDED READING .................................................................................................................... 28 7.1 7.2 7.3 HOW TO CONDUCT RESEARCH ........................................................................................................................ 28 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................ 29 LIBRARY RESOURCES ..................................................................................................................................... 29

APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................................... 31 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 APPENDIX I: STAFF INTERESTS IN THE BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT ................................................... 32 APPENDIX II: DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ...................................................................................................... 33 APPENDIX III: TECHNICAL PRODUCTION OF THE DISSERTATION .............................................................................. 34 APPENDIX IV: PROJECT MODULE SUPERVISOR CONTACT SHEET............................................................................. 35 APPENDIX V: OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 36 APPENDIX VI: DISSERTATION MARKING TEMPLATE ............................................................................................. 37 APPENDIX VII RESEARCH ETHICS INFORMATION ................................................................................................. 45


MGT4131 Key Information

Module Team
Module Leader Hong Woo Office Hours - Term time Wednesdays 2.30 to 4.30pm (Making an appointment is advised. Please check times on office door and OasisPlus for any changes.) - Out of term time by appointment only Office Location: Room W101

Contact details: Email: Telephone: 020 8411 5846 Oasis pages: Workshop tutor

Soroosh Saghiri Office Hours - Please email ( for appointment

Key Dates Attend Workshops (compulsory) Submission of your research proposal (compulsory) Allocation of supervisor First meeting/consultation with supervisor Meetings/ consultations with your supervisor (around 3 is recommended) Two copies of final report, together with a CD Rom electronic copy Start: w/c 31st January 2011 16th May 2011 Beginning July 2011 From July 2011 To be agreed with supervisor 20th January 2012 Workshop venue Student Office By email and / or during workshop See Section 1.4 below Contact Sheet to be signed off Student Office

Core textbook Wilson, J. (2010) Essentials of Business Research: A Guide to Doing Your Research Project, SAGE Publications Ltd ISBN: 9781848601338


Workshop Topics Please check your MISIS timetable for the workshop session you are allocated to. Workshops take place every other week and are compulsory.
Workshop number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Workshop topic Introduction to Business Research & Developing a Research Topic Conducting a literature Review & Addressing Ethical Issues Establishing a Research Design Primary Data Collection Using Secondary Data & The Proposal Proposal Discussion Sampling Analyzing Quantitative Data Analysing Qualitative Data Writing up and Presenting your research part 1 Writing up and Presenting your research part 2


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook


This handbook sets out the requirements of the postgraduate dissertation modules MGT4131. The purpose of this handbook is to: Build on the dissertation workshop sessions, to help you develop your research proposal and your research methodology; Identify a timescale for your research; Set out the basis of your relationship with your workshop leader and project supervisor; Guide you in producing your final report.

The dissertation you submit is your final examination for MGT4131 and is worth 60 credits. This piece of work is therefore the most significant assessment in your Masters. It can also enhance your CV, and thus maybe your career and job prospects. Two internal examiners will mark your dissertation. It is also made available to an external examiner.


Module Aims and Objectives

The postgraduate dissertation module allows you to demonstrate your ability to produce academic research which is both systematic and methodical, and within the conventions and rigour of the wider tradition of social science research. This includes a review of the existing literature about your chosen topic area. We also expect your dissertation to address a reallife business and management problem and help improve organisational performance. To this end, you will be expected to demonstrate your understanding of: the design and implementation of applied research, and the limitations and obstacles evident in management research and the availability of approaches enabling these to be overcome

You will also be expected to demonstrate your ability to: critically evaluate other peoples research methods and findings; deploy the appropriate qualitative or quantitative data collection and analysis techniques for problem solving; and use research findings to frame recommendations for change

We expect you to produce an acceptable dissertation that fulfils the requirements of your MA which follows the required structure detailed in this handbook, and which demonstrates articulate and independent arguments, in your own words as much as possible.


Module Requirements

The requirements of this module are for you to do the following: (1) Attend your dissertation workshops,

MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

(2) Produce an acceptable proposal (see Section 3 below), (3) Attend your supervision sessions (see Section 4 below), and (4) Produce a dissertation report of an acceptable academic standard (see Sections 4 7 below). These requirements will be discussed extensively in your workshops. You are required to attend these workshops during January July 2011, and you are expected to prepare for them beforehand and take an active part in them. Failure to attend your workshops without good reason will lead to an X grade (fail incomplete without good reason) as you will not have prepared yourself to complete effectively a dissertation project. Your dissertation project proposal is developed by you during the workshops phase of the module. The proposal is about 2000 words in length, and is to be submitted to the Student Office no later than 16th May 2011 (see Section 3 below about the content and structure of your proposal document). This is assessed both as an academic piece of work and as a project management document. One of the main things we will look at in your proposal is whether you have selected an appropriate business and/or management related topic, since you are on a Masters in Business and Management (see Appendix I for an indicative list of suitable topic areas). During May/June the module leader and workshop tutors will assess your proposal. If it is of an acceptable standard, you will then be allocated to an appropriate supervisor for your project by July. The meetings with your supervisor (around 3 is recommended) will be key milestones in your project plan. The dissertation itself should be approximately 15,000 words in length, excluding appendices. It should not be more than 18,000 words in length, and no less than 12,000 words. Examiners may refuse to assess anything in excess of 18,000 words. Appendices must be limited to essential material that supports the main text of the report. The submission requirements for your dissertation are that: two typed and bound copies of your completed dissertation must be submitted to the Student Office by the deadline of 20th January 2012 Each copy of the dissertation submitted must be accompanied by an electronic version of the submission as a CD Rom.

The due date of the project, and the proposal, is the equivalent of an examination date, and failure to meet this deadline will be reported to the Assessment Board. In the event of illness, late submission will only be accepted if medical evidence is presented along with a deferral form. This must be submitted to Maria Gordon (the Assessment Officer) in the Student Office, and NOT to the individual supervisors, tutors or module leader. Students who have extenuating circumstances for not submitting by the deadline may be given a deferral. Students may, in exceptional circumstances, be required to undertake a Viva Voce examination. Please see Section 6 below.

MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook


Module Timescales: Key Dates

You need to think very carefully about how long things will take: for example, how long will it take to arrange an interview, or wait for an interlibrary loan to arrive? In addition, if you have chosen a survey based approach, it may take over a month for replies to a questionnaire to be returned. Furthermore, you should not underestimate the length of time necessary to prepare the final version of the dissertation, and you will need to leave about a week at the end of the period to get your work bound. Please remember that TWO copies must be submitted to the Hendon Student Office. All of these issues should be considered when you are drawing up your timetable. Here is a table with the key dates: Attend Workshops (compulsory) Submission of your research proposal (compulsory) Allocation of supervisor First meeting/consultation with supervisor Meetings/ consultations with your supervisor (around 3 is recommended) Two copies of final report, together with a CD Rom electronic copy Start: w/c 31st January 2011 16th May 2011 Beginning July 2011 From July 2011 To be agreed with supervisor. Last meeting 6th
December 2011

Workshop venue Student Office By email and / or during workshop See Section 1.4 below Contact Sheet to be signed off Student Office

20th January 2012

The project involves a great deal of work, so it is important that you plan this work carefully, and as early as possible. In particular, do not underestimate the time needed for the writing up, revision and production of the final version of the project. This can take at least four to six weeks from the first full draft, depending on your other commitments.


Key Contacts

General Communications during the module

Communications about the module and with you will be made to your University student email accounts only. It is your responsibility to check your University student email accounts and Oasisplus on a regular basis. Please ensure that all your information and contact details are kept current by using MISIS self-service. With the Assessment Officer The Assessment Officer is Maria Gordon ( If you are seeking a deferral, or need to notify us about extenuating circumstances regarding attendance and/or completion of your dissertation, please contact Maria. Contacting your Supervisor You are advised to attend a minimum of 3 meetings with your supervisor. Please note that it is important to plan for the last meeting with your supervisor to take place no later than

MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

6th December 2011. These meetings need to be arranged in consultation with your supervisor, and will only be changed with his/her agreement. Each meeting must be recorded and signed off at each meeting by your supervisor. If there is no adequate record of attendance your dissertation report may not be accepted for marking. July 2011 Your first meeting Once you have been notified of your supervisor, it is recommended that you contact them by email to make an appointment to meet or visit them during their Office Hours, to confirm when your supervision sessions will be. Staff contact details and office hours can usually be found on their office door (see also Section 4). Alternatively, contact Amanda Guzinska to confirm the most appropriate means of contacting your supervisor. September to November 2011 later meetings Having confirmed your schedule of supervision meetings, we expect you to keep to your appointments and on time. A typical programme of your supervision meetings is: First meeting: to confirm the project proposal and its details for study and implementation Second meeting: a check on your aims and objectives, literature outline, research design Third (and if final meeting): to discuss review of your draft report. No later than 6th December 2011.

MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook



Most of the following points are included here to provide a checklist against which your progress can be assessed. Before considering these points, however, it is necessary to briefly summarise the key expectations associated with a postgraduate dissertation. A postgraduate dissertation is required to be a piece of advanced independent work. It must reflect a students success in undertaking more advanced and intensive study than would a project prepared for a first degree course, building upon and extending prior knowledge and skills. It should be original work, displaying evident critical analysis of both the existing literature and of diverse research techniques, and which seeks as an outcome the resolution of a real life management problem. In short, the postgraduate dissertation is a major piece of academic work, and requires a students full commitment and dedication. It is also, however, a rewarding experience which can also be highly enjoyable, personally fulfilling and may lead to further research, academic or other business/employment opportunities.

2.1 Introduction
The first stage of the dissertation process is to identify the type of project you want to undertake and in what subject area. Sometimes a particular subject area is most suitably explored using a particular research style. Therefore the different types of projects are explained in Section 2.2. The postgraduate dissertation has a number of learning outcomes, in terms of knowledge and skills. A student must demonstrate: An in-depth knowledge of the chosen research topic; Practical ability to manage a higher level academic research project; and The ability to report the findings in the form of a final substantial dissertation. To achieve these outcomes, the student must: Apply research skills to a real management problem; Negotiate access to data with a client organization or other appropriate stakeholders experiencing or engaged with the real business/management or related policy problem; Manage the project and their own time effectively; Make the most appropriate use of supervisory resources; and Be able to evaluate their own performance in the achievement of these objectives. Specifically, a student must show ability to: Define a topic which is focused and manageable given the time and resource constraints; Carry out secondary research, to locate the relevant sources of published information for the topic chosen;

MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

Analyze and critique the secondary data and present them in a logical manner a formal literature review; Collect relevant primary data or secondary data (from survey questionnaires, case studies, interviews, archival research et cetera) within the appropriate research methodology; Justify all decisions with respect to the chosen research methodology, including a demonstration of the rationale for NOT selecting an alternate approach; Analyze and interpret your own data; Synthesize and conceptualize the primary data in a clear and logical way, to provide recommendations, linking them to both the research questions established at the beginning, and within the context described by the literature review; and Evaluate the project and state its limitations. Part of the evaluation process of a postgraduate dissertation involves a clear understanding of the possible deficiencies of your work, and it is important that you both highlight these deficiencies and address the solutions you have put in place to overcome these possible deficiencies. The dissertation process requires the student to demonstrate original thoughts and ideas, but requires that the student fully justifies these thoughts and ideas rather than basing them upon opinion or personal experience. In other words, your work needs to be based upon thorough research and investigation, and presented in an acceptable and recognised academic style or tradition.

2.2 Types of Project

Dissertation projects can vary enormously in their purpose, focus and in their methods. Outlined below are perhaps the main types of projects you can look at to do, but you are advised that almost all projects are, in some sense, a hybrid or mix of types. In your workshops we will be helping you to explore appropriate topics and subjects for your dissertation, and also whether the project is realistically doable, given your knowledge, skills, experience and contacts.

Primary Data Based

This is a dissertation that is mainly based upon original data: i.e. that has not been previously published. Primary data might be collected via a variety of means and may range from the collection and analysis of quantitative survey data to qualitative data such as ethnographic observations. There are many extremely useful books identifying alternate research methods, which are presented in the reading list of this document (Section 7). Please refer to this list for guidance.

Traditional Empirical Research

Collection of statistics and/or data you generate via questionnaires, modelling, fieldwork, indepth interviews, focus groups or archival research. Action Research This is based on critical examination of organizational procedures. Research of this type is best undertaken by individuals working within a company or organization. This is NOT a placement report. It must involve significant critical analysis rather than just description, and the relation of objectives and conclusions to the management literature. Such an

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approach may also involve the generation of primary data via interviews, surveys and observations. Case Studies Based upon the data you collect on a particular case, or set of cases. If a single case is proposed, then descriptive analysis alone is not sufficient. The case must be used to test or explore a significant body of theoretical work. A case study approach can be used to generate a management model with which you can test, hypothesize about or explore current management theory. Students may choose to base their analysis on previously published case study material: i.e., Secondary Based Case Study Analysis. Many of the same concerns mentioned above in relation to case studies are also relevant here. Use of cases must be grounded within the existing methodological literature on the use of case studies, and should not be overly descriptive.

Literature Based
This approach is based upon previously published, and hence secondary, material. Work of this nature may take the form of a review of theoretical works, data, surveys, models, cases et cetera. It must include a significant element of critical analysis, rather than merely a reporting of existing published material. Literature Review This is a review of current theoretical works on a designated topic or title, and is an essential element in any higher research project. The review must be focused, in-depth, critical and not merely descriptive. The review could be tightly focused, and in some depth, upon a small area of study, relating directly to the research questions you is seeking to address. Alternatively, it could be more widely focused, but to a lesser depth. However, please note that a literature review must include a comprehensive overview of the theoretical discipline that you are researching within, and reference to magazine articles, newspaper cuttings and textbooks is insufficient without simultaneous reference to current research in relevant peer reviewed journals.


Research Ethics

Middlesex University requires that all research undertaken by members of the university, including students conducting their dissertations, meet the ethical requirements of the University. Appendix VII contains the research ethics policy of the Business School and details of the online Research Ethics Approval form. Please read this policy and complete and sign the online REA Form and hand this to your supervisor before you begin the main research for your dissertation. Without a completed and signed REA Form, you will not be allowed to proceed with your dissertation. These requirements are subject to change, so please check with your supervisor at the time of your dissertation project work.

MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook


Successful completion of an acceptable Project Proposal is necessary for effective progress onto Module MGT4131. This section outlines guidelines for what needs to be in your proposal. You will work on these details in your workshops. The project proposal has to outline how you see your dissertation will make a contribution to existing knowledge, by solving an outstanding problem, testing an existing managerial concept or theory, or by extending an existing debate. All of the parts of your proposal, as set out below, need to be shown to your assessors your workshop tutor and the module leader.



Aside from developing learning outcomes in terms of Knowledge and Skills, your participation in your core and elective modules, in conjunction with the Management research training sessions that are a part of the MGT4131 module, will have provided you with an opportunity to identify a) a suitable topic or theme for your dissertation and b) the appropriate methodological approach to undertake this project. Having established a theme and chosen a methodology, you now need to prepare a project proposal. Your proposal must be about 2000 words in length (plus or minus 20%), and must conform to the structure as set out in Section 3.2 below.


The Structure of the Proposal

The purpose of this section is to indicate to you both the information your supervisor will be looking for in a project proposal, as well as a checklist of fundamental elements of the proposal that you need to consider and include in your finished project. Aspects of the proposal may change over the duration of the project, but essentially decisions taken at this stage will shape the success of your project, so please give them your fullest consideration. A Draft Title The title must seek to convey the specific nature of your project and should be fully explanatory. Avoid excessively long titles. The recommended title length is about 8 to 10 words. You may have a short title, with a sub-title that sets out more precisely what the dissertation is about. This is really important for your readers, and for you, so you have clear focus about what you are and are not doing in your dissertation. You will explore this in the workshops. Background This brief section sets the scene and the context of your project. This is where you comment on the setting, environment and hence the starting point for you of your project or the topic you are dealing with. The section clarifies where your proposal fits into a wider business and management debate, including in the literature.

MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

Initial Review of the Literature and Key References All of the above require knowledge of the wider academic literature. You should include a short review of the literature featuring at least ten key references (you may have already referred to more than one of these in the Background section), in addition to indicating the literature sources that will need to be examined in greater detail during the main course of the study. Ensure that you cite these sources correctly and list them in the references at the end of your proposal. Only include references that you have cited. Research Questions The section should provide a clear indication of what your research seeks to achieve. Begin with a general focus research question, or AIM, that then provides a base from which you write a set of research objectives. Overall AIM Specific Research OBJECTIVES Contribution (and Expected Outcomes) This section should provide justification for the selection of the topic and hence the research question(s) that the project is addressing. It helps set out the purpose of your proposed work. It should explain: Your reason for selecting the topic Why the topic is of particular interest to you Whether the topic addresses a real management problem existing within your organization or of which you have previous experience or knowledge The (broad) expected outcomes of the project Why you feel the research that you are planning is worth the effort why is it important? (The importance of doing the study now may be emphasised.) Moreover, it is where you will (start to) demonstrate your grasp of the existing knowledge in the particular field of interest. It will build on what you have written in the background section by showing a clear link between the previous work that has been done in the field of research and the content of your proposal. In essence the section should explain and substantiate that the research project would improve understanding of a particular business or management problem and why/how the findings would be of practical relevance and value to the associated stakeholders. Detailed Proposed Methodology You need to indicate the nature of your research design, emphasizing: Your chosen methodological approach, and the merits of this particular approach given the nature of the chosen research problem. Your arguments against selecting alternate methodological approaches. The appropriate sources of data and/or information. Your strategy and methods for collecting data, whether primary or secondary this should include the data sets you are seeking to access, key persons who may provide you with access for the purposes of interviews or surveys et cetera.

MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

Timetable of Key Activities Management of time is a crucial task for the successful completion of your project, and developing a plan of when you expect key activities to occur by is important. It is recommended that you plot the key activities using a Gantt chart, indicating the timing of key milestones. However, a simple clear list of the start and finish dates for each of the key activities is acceptable. This is also much easier to construct within a word processed document. Resources This section will provide a clear indication of the resource implications of the proposed project and associated methodology. As such it provides an indication of the viability of your proposal in terms of finance, data access, equipment and any other logistical consideration e.g. running a survey to collect primary data.


The Next Stage

Your project proposal will be used to identify a suitable supervisor for you from within the Middlesex University Business School. You may wish to suggest a member of faculty; please indicate this suggestion within your proposal, see Draft Title section previously. This is especially relevant if you wish to follow a research topic already taught to you on your current Masters Programme by that member of staff. The ultimate decision, however, will be taken by the module leader in consultation with academic colleagues. Submission of an acceptable project proposal is required for you to progress to undertake your dissertation research project. CAUTION - IMPORTANT NOTE: Overall, your Project Proposal should present the details of a research investigation proposition that can be completed and submitted by the stipulated submission deadline. Your proposal will be reviewed by the module leader and appointed supervisor soon after its submission. In the event that the nature of the proposition is such that there is doubt that it would be feasible to complete the research and submit the dissertation by the stipulated hand-in date, then you may be required to choose another topic that would be feasible within the timescale or be much more focused within the current proposal. Alternatively, it may be necessary to alter the research design and nature of the research so that the project can be completed on the basis of secondary (literature based) research that does not rely on potentially vulnerable primary data collection exercise(s) in terms of the timescales involved. It is therefore extremely important at this Project Proposal development stage that you are realistic in your project development plans and give due consideration to its likely feasibility and its potential vulnerabilities.


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook




You cannot undertake a project without supervision. Students will almost certainly find it difficult to structure their thoughts and ideas, and provide a focus to their research without some consultation with a supervisor. For example, students often have access to or have collected the relevant information but they do not know how to package or present that information without reference to the experience of a supervisor. To maximize the potential of your project, you must make the most of your specially allocated dissertation supervisor. Historically, students who do not work with their supervisor on their dissertation have greater difficulty in passing the module. In addition, a supervisor who has had no contact with a student may choose not to mark their dissertation or request a viva voce examination. Suggestions for establishing an initial contact with your supervisor were given in Section 1.4 of this document.

The Role of the workshop tutors and module leader

Your workshop tutor is a facilitator. She/he will provide you with guidance during the whole process from choosing a topic to finalizing your project.

Your Role
It is your responsibility to attend meetings with your supervisor either during office hours or at other prior arranged meetings in order to obtain relevant information and comments to ensure the good conduct of your dissertation. If face-to-face meetings are difficult to arrange, it is your responsibility to identify other viable methods of communication. You should set realistic objectives for your research and a feasible time frame. Most importantly, begin the research (and the writing) early. Work on your dissertation steadily and regularly to ensure that you retain a focus on and understanding of your work. Do not underestimate the amount of time that research can take, especially in terms of data collection from either primary or secondary sources and data analysis. A successful dissertation may be subject to substantial revisions, or even redrafts, before it is suitable for submission. Please take this into consideration when planning the progress of your proposed research. Towards the end, it will take a substantial amount of time to edit the dissertation and make sure it is properly presented, in the appropriate format as delineated in the next section. Remaining in the UK during your project Please note that you are expected to remain in the UK and on campus, in order that you are available to meet face-to-face with your supervisor and other people, up until the project is completed. You are not expected to be absent from the University or leave the UK, unless you obtain specific written permission from your supervisor and/or the module leader for a specified period for your research.


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

Managing Your Relationship with Your Supervisor

It is essential for you to keep in regular contact with your supervisor, who will guide your work throughout the development of your dissertation. The supervisory relationship provides a unique opportunity for a detailed exchange of ideas and plans, for the confirmation of good practice, for advice and instruction particularly over empirical investigation, and for personal support and evaluative feedback. In short, the quality of the student supervisor relationship is extremely important. Here are some key points you should consider. You SHOULD: Arrange to meet your supervisor face to face at least three times. Two of the meetings should be in the early stages of your work, with one towards the end when the final touches are being added. These are the absolute minimum requirements and more meetings are encouraged. You are advised to agree with your supervisor what is best for you. Please note that your supervisor is under no obligation to chase you; Consider alternate methods of communication with your supervisor, if arranging face-to-face meetings proves difficult. Students are advised that the use of email, telephone, web, IP telephony or postal communications is strongly recommended if arranging mutually convenient meeting times proves difficult. Secure chat facilities are available within Oasis. Indeed, using email for instance can speed up the reviewing process. Please discuss with your supervisor the most convenient, effective and appropriate method, or methods, of communication. (if you email, you must ensure that your email inbox is not too full!); Plan ahead. Supervisors usually have a very heavy workload and therefore you are advised to make advance appointments and not just show up and expect to be seen. Make appointments for specific dates and times with agreed agendas, which can also act as deadlines and milestones to motivate you to complete particular stages of your work; Give your supervisor sufficient time to read your material in order for you to receive good feedback; and Keep written notes of the comments of your discussions with your supervisor. It is your responsibility to remember what is discussed and to remind your supervisor if necessary. Ensure that the Project Module Supervisor Contact Sheet is duly completed [see Appendix IV] and included in the Appendix of your dissertation. It is important that you comply with this directive. In addition, after meeting with your supervisor, it is required for students to email a brief summary of their discussion, specifically, reiterating the tasks and stated objectives. You SHOULD NOT: Expect your supervisor to be a proof reader. He/she is there to give you guidance, not to do the work for you; and Miss appointments unless it is absolutely unavoidable. If you are likely to miss an appointment ensure that you inform your supervisor as soon as possible.

MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook


Structure of the Project

It is strongly advisable to follow closely the guidelines mentioned in this report in terms of your projects structure. Your tutor will judge your project according to these criteria, which represent common practice in the academic field. Your creativity and initiative should be better put to use in your choice of methodology, analysis and interpretation of data. The following structure is common to all types of projects in all areas of study. The only difference between projects is the relative importance of each section, determined by the type of project undertaken. The elements detailed should be present in EVERY project. Main Outline i. Declaration of Originality (see appendix I) ii. Title page iii. Summary iv. Acknowledgements v. Table of Contents vi. Table of illustrations - List of tables - List of Figures Main body 1. Introduction 2. Literature Review 3. Methodology 4. Findings/Data analysis 5. Discussion and conclusion List of references (actual references used)

The project is arranged in CHAPTERS and use the numbering structure used in this document e.g. 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1. 1.2.2 Appendices

Detailed Outline Declaration This declaration should be at the front of your project and reproduced exactly as in Appendix II. The student must sign it. Title Page This should show: The title Your name Your student number The programme you are on and the year, if applicable The date

MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

Executive Summary A one-page summary which outlines what the report says (this is also referred to in some cases as an abstract). This should concentrate on key points that you might wish a casual reader browsing through the report to notice. It can be thought of as a promotional introduction for the rest of the report. You should write this last. It should be in the third person and present tense. Acknowledgements Acknowledgements are part of standard dissertation etiquette, and allow you the opportunity to thank any organization or person (including your supervisor) who has provided information or given substantial help during the development of your project. Table of Contents This should show: The full list of sections within the report (including any appendices and reference lists); and The page number on which each section begins

List of Illustrations This includes the Table of Figures, i.e. the list of all the figures presented in the body of the report. Please see Section for referencing and numbering of figures; and Table of Tables: This is the list of all the tables presented in the body of your reports. Please see Section for referencing and numbering of tables. Chapters This is where you present your main account of the problem you are writing about. It should be based on analysis, not opinion, and written in the third person, e.g. avoid writing "I feel ". You must back up what you write with evidence and/or argument. This means you must substantiate each assertion you make with references to concepts and models in the literature or by building a logical argument based on previously cited examples/evidence. Chapter 1 Introduction This should give a succinct explanation of the aims/context of the report, and should include brief details of any information necessary for the reader to understand it. It should explain the purpose of the study and the problems you are trying to solve. An introduction should answer the following questions: 1. What is going to be done? 2. Why are you doing it? 3. Who is likely to be interested in it? 4. What exactly is the hypothesis or problem? 5. What is the possible use of research? 6. What is the focus of the study? You should have the answers to these questions in your mind as you undertake the project. However projects evolve over time and therefore writing the final text for this section is often best left until the end of the project

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Sometimes the methodology is detailed here (but only if it is a brief methodology). The introduction must state the AIMS & OBJECTIVES of STUDY. Chapter 2 Literature Review The literature review informs the reader of the relevant works already published in your field of research. You should report the main streams of ideas and concepts other authors have developed and that help understanding and justifying you own study. A literature review is a critical review, rather than merely descriptive. The literature review should answer the following questions: 1. What have others said, written or research about your topic? 2. What theories support your topic? 3. How does the literature relate to your research questions? 4. This section should be fully referenced. That means every statement you make about the theory surrounding this topic must state the author and date of the publication from which you found it. E.g. Holt (1998) in a study of firms who had gained an environmental management standard notes that the main benefits appear to be (see 5. The literature review must conclude with a concise summary of the relevant themes and the main concepts you will use in your study. This may also be an appropriate point to introduce your conceptual framework, theory or hypothesis to be tested. Chapter 3 Methodology In the methodology section, you should report how you investigated the problem at hand. Your approach to the investigation should be fully justified i.e. you should show awareness of other approaches and methods, as well as briefly identifying their strengths and weaknesses compared to the selected one. The scope and limitations of the chosen method should also be discussed. The methodology section should answer the following questions: 1. How did you approach the empirical work? 2. What techniques (or methods) have been chosen? Why? 3. What sample, tests, observations and measurements will be needed? 4. What are the limitations of your chosen method? 5. The methodology section is normally detailed in a separate chapter but may sometimes be placed in the introduction. 6. No matter what type of project your work is IT MUST HAVE A SUBSTANTIAL METHODOLOGY SECTION. Chapter 4 Data analysis & Discussion In this section, you should analyse your data, using the appropriate technique. Consider presenting material in the form of diagrams, charts et cetera, wherever appropriate. These are easier to grasp, and can break up the monotony of long passages of text. The following questions should be answered: 1. What data have been found? 2. What is your interpretation of them? 3. Do they prove or refute a hypothesis?

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4. Your findings should be discussed with reference to the literature presented in the literature review and the stated aims and objectives outlined in the introductory chapter. Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendations This is where you sum up the general conclusions you have reached. Your conclusion should include a summary of your results but must also relate them to the aims and objectives identified in the introductory chapter. Any limitations of your methodology or results should be discussed. Because of these limitations, you should also mention future avenues for investigations. Recommendations may be included in the conclusion or as a separate chapter. It may not always be appropriate to make recommendations. Conclusions, however, are always required. Don't confuse conclusions (where you draw together the threads of the preceding discussion to make some overall points) with recommendations (where you say what should be done about the conclusions you have reached). Recommendations are actions, which your conclusions lead you to believe, are necessary or would benefit the organisations studied. The recommendations must be based on the analysis, argumentation, and conclusions. They should not be unsubstantiated assertion of opinion. The following questions should be answered in the concluding section: How can you summarise the work? Are there any limitations to this project, the methods employed? Because of these limitations, further research and investigation is needed, and you need to indicate what form this extra research will take, and the area in which it is to be located? Are there any actions or recommendations to be taken? Was it all successful? List of References This is the list of sources referred to directly in your report. If you have mentioned a writer or a book (even a course book) you must give full details here. Strict standards should be followed when quoting other authors works in the body of your report and compiling the list of references. This is explained in detail later.

Appendices This is where you place any information whose inclusion is not central to the main body of the report but which explains, amplifies or puts in context the arguments and evidence you have presented there. Its main purpose is to allow you to include important information that, if it were included in the main body of the report, would interrupt the flow of the argument you are developing. Any material in an appendix does not count towards the word length, nor will it attract any marks. You should not, however, load your appendices with material

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central to your argument in order to subvert the word count. Your tutor will ignore this material and the flow of your argument will suffer as a result. You do not put any material (e.g. diagrams) that you have to refer to in order to understand the project. The appendix is an ideal place for, for instance, a copy of your questionnaire, or long lists of numbers, but the main body must include a summary of the information you place in the appendix. A clear reference to the appendix must be made in the main text. Ensure that the Project Module Supervisor Contact Sheet is duly completed and included.


Physical Presentation of the Project

Guidelines for Writing

Writing Style Remember your audience: in academic work, you can aim at someone who has the same knowledge as you had before you began the work you are reporting on. Present one 'theme' per paragraph. Use sub-headings to structure your thoughts. Keep sentences short and construct them carefully. Aim for clarity and simplicity in the wording - do not use long words that only you understand, or which other authors have used but that you do not understand. Draw together key points and implications. Decide what you want to say, and then find the simplest, clearest and most concise way of saying it. Try to avoid jargon. You will need some technical terms, but use them sparingly, and define them if your readers are not familiar with them. Be careful about tenses (past, present, future). Use an impersonal style: - "I" is usually to be avoided; - "We" means "you and me together" and should be avoided as well. Read out your work to a friend, or failing that, read it out loud to yourself. Re-write and re-write: you may have to rewrite a sentence or paragraph several times before you are satisfied that it conveys the idea that you are trying to communicate - although you will eventually have to stop. Check for spelling and proper usage of words. If you do not know the correct usage or spelling of a word then look it up in a dictionary. If you are using a word processor then run the spell checker regularly, but remember that this will not pick up incorrect usage.


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

Abbreviations Avoid them where possible. For example: write Figure 1 not Fig. 1, write number not no., and write 20 to 30 not 20 > 30 or 20-30 (although the financial year 1995-96 is acceptable, and 20-30 can be used in tables). Even standard abbreviations are best spelt out: e.g. (which is usually followed by a comma or colon, so many people prefer to omit the full stops) can be replaced by for example or for instance; i.e. is best replaced by that is; etc. can often be replaced by and so on; viz. is short for videlicet, which means namely. The word versus (shortened to v. or v in British English, and vs. in American) should probably be reserved for legal cases and sport; try replacing it with against, as opposed to, or in contrast with. Word Processing Here are some basic rules: The text will 'word-wrap' - don't insert extra hard returns. Leave two spaces after the full stop at the end of a sentence. Never use underlining. Never use the space-bar for laying out text or tables. Number all pages. Use a proportionally spaced roman font, preferably 12 point

Data Analysis and Presentation

Numbers Don't say: Annual turnover was 75294600. It is better to say: Annual turnover was 75,294,600. But even better is: Annual turnover was 75 million. Tables - keep simple, follow the guidelines. Do not use very small font sizes. Graphs - don't use unnecessarily. If you do, ensure you observe proper conventions on labelling and annotation. They must be directly relevant and referred to, in the main text. Figures Reference in text: Figures should be referred to in the text as Figure 3-2 illustrates... or The results of the survey show a high concentration of relevant cases in the high income groups category (Figure 3-2). Do not use abbreviations. Write Figure 2-1 and not Fig. 2-1, with a capital F. Figure titles should be written in title case and centred underneath the figure. Figure numbering: Figures should be numbered chronologically within each chapter (Figure 3-4: Fourth figure in Chapter 3), using Arabic rather than Roman numerals.

MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

Tables Explain what data are included in the table: Always give a clear title, and clear row and column headings. State the units of measurement; and give the source of the data. Simplify the data values if possible. Give all values to 2 effective digits (where an effective digit is defined to be one which can vary, in the kind of data displayed, over the full range 0 to 9); thus percentages should usually be given to the nearest whole number, unless all or most of them are less than 10%, in which case one decimal place should be used. Numerals in a column should normally be 'decimal-aligned' (decimal points vertically above each other), or 'right-aligned' if no decimal places are given. As with numerals in text, use a comma (or possibly a space) as a 'thousands separator'. Include column or row totals (or summary statistics such as averages) where these are meaningful. Simplify the layout if possible: Consider transposing the rows and columns - a table with more rows than columns will be easier to fit on the page, but it is easier to compare figures down a column than across a row. If there is no natural ordering (for instance by year, or on a scale from 'very bad' to very good'), then consider ordering the rows and columns numerically- using totals, or the values in the most important row or column. Minimise the use of space, lines and other 'junk' (shading, fancy colouring, and so on) - vertical lines should be avoided except where absolutely necessary, and horizontal lines used sparingly; in large tables, blank space can be used to separate the rows into groups of about 5. Use the same numbering method and referencing in the text as you would for figures, except that Roman numerals should be used instead of Arabic. Table titles should be written in sentence case above the table, and aligned with the left edge of the table.

Guidelines for Presentation

The report should be typed using one and a half spacing and proportionally spaced fonts (e.g. Times Roman, Calibri or Arial) of 12 point. Pages should be numbered throughout, though you will probably prefer to use small Roman numerals for the 'front matter (items I to V) and start the main body of the report with page 1. Diagrams, tables etc. should be numbered. The project should be case bound and appropriately titled on the front and spine. Details of the specifications for the technical production of the dissertation are given in Appendix III.


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

You must submit TWO copies of the report. You are strongly advised to make three copies and keep one for yourself. The University will keep the copies you submit. It is your responsibility to arrange and pay for typing, photocopying and binding. Many students prefer to type their own reports using appropriate word-processing software. If you do this, make sure you have an adequate back-up system. Loss of material due to accidental deletion, or damaged, lost or stolen discs, will not be considered an acceptable reason for late submission. Use Oasis as a backup. There will be NO allowances made for late submission due to IT and computer failures, corrupt disks etc. It is your responsibility to make sure that the project is finished within a reasonable timescale to allow for problems of this nature.

General Considerations When preparing a dissertation you will need to consult the published literature; books, journal articles, conference reports, etc. Your completed written work must acknowledge the sources from which you have obtained your information. This section provides guidelines on how to cite (refer to) those sources in your final text and how to compile a list of reference. You need to use the Harvard referencing system. First, some clarification about the terms bibliography and list of references should be made. A bibliography is the list of all the work consulted to carry out a research project. A list of references is the list of all the publications quoted from or referred to in the text. What is required for the dissertation is a list of references and NOT a bibliography. Why is it important? (1) To acknowledge debts to other writers, (2) To demonstrate the body of knowledge upon which your research is based, (3) To enable all those who read your work to identify and locate your sources easily. If you do not acknowledge the source of your material it is in fact theft of someones material and therefore may be treated as such. How do you compile your list of references? Keep a list of the full bibliographic details of every work consulted during your research. Index cards or computer files are useful for that as new items can be added into an alphabetical sequence without any trouble. What are full bibliographic details? These are the publication details of the works themselves. The details vary according to the type of material used: book, article, thesis, video etc. Bibliographic style can vary from one discipline to another; make sure you are using the appropriate style for the discipline. Where do you put your list of references in the finished work? The list of references should come at the very end of the work after the appendices. It should take the form of one alphabetical list of the cited works. Where more than one author has the same surname,

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initials determine the alphabetical sequence. Where more than one work by the same author are given these should be arranged in chronological order. Works by more than one author are entered under the name which first appears on the title page and are listed after works written or edited independently by this author. Citations in Text Citations within the text direct readers to the list of references at the end of the text. The author's surname, year of publication and page number(s) (only when quoting) should appear in the text. If the author's name does not form part of the statement in the text, put name, date and page number in brackets. Example: There is evidence (Smith 1990) that the statistical analysis is unsound. If the author's name forms part of the statement put the date and page number in brackets: Example: Smith (1990) has provided evidence that the statistical analysis is unsound. If there are two authors, the surnames of both separated by and should be given before the date: Example: Smith and Jones (1990) have provided evidence that the statistical analysis is unsound. In the first citation of a work with three to six authors, give the surnames of all authors (order in which authors are given is that of the title page), separating the names of the authors with commas, the last comma followed by and. Example: Smith, Jones and Jones (1990) have provided evidence that the statistical analysis is unsound. Subsequent references should be in abbreviated form, the surname of the first author followed by et al. Example: Smith et al. (1990) have provided evidence that the statistical analysis is unsound. For a work with six or more authors, give only the first author's surname followed by et al. Special Cases Secondary sources are referred to as citing the work of one author found in the work of another. Example: Supporting evidence appears in a study by Black (cited in Smith and Jones, 1990, p. 64). You should acknowledge that you did not consult the original source; cited in indicates that the references to Blacks study were found in Smith and Jones. Include only Smith and Jones in the bibliography. Articles in edited works: Cite under the name of the author(s) of the paper not under the name of the editor. Works published in the same year by the same author: If an author has more than one publication in the same year, suffixes a, b, etc. are added to the year. Both date and letter are used in citing the source.


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

Example: Smith (1990a, p. 23) has provided evidence that the statistical analysis is unsound. Direct quotations: Quotation marks are used to enclose direct quotations from speech and writing. Quotes of less than three lines can be included in the text. Example: Smith (1990, p. 23) concluded "there was a fundamental discrepancy in the original data". Do NOT use quotation marks for longer quotations. Quotes of more than three lines should be separated from the text, single-spaced and indented.

List of References - General Principles

Lists of references are arranged alphabetically by author's surnames, letter-by-letter (ignoring word spaces). Separate surnames with commas; use initials, NOT Christian name, use "and" to separate surnames. For articles use capitals for the first letter of the first word of the title, the first letter of the subtitle and proper names; use small letters for all other words. The title of books and journals should be italicised and written in title case (use of capitals for the first letters of key words). Do NOT underline the title of articles. Separate the parts of the reference i.e. author, date, title etc., with a full stop. NOTE: You may need to combine examples to provide the necessary information on a source. Books - Order of details: Author (surname first) Date of publication (in round brackets). Title (in italic), Edition (NOTE if not first edition), Place of publication: publisher. Examples: Claxton, G. (1990), Teaching to learn, London: Cassell. Rogers, C. (1983), Freedom to learn, 2nd. ed., London: Bell and Howell. Articles in Journals - Order of details: Author of article (surname first) Date of publication (in round brackets), Title of article (in single inverted commas), Title of journal (in italic), Volume number Issue number, Page number(s) (abbreviated to p. for single page or pp. for multiple pages) Examples: Hyland, T. (1993). 'Professional development and competence - based education', Educational Studies, Vol. 19 Iss. 1, pp. 123-132. Putnam, J. (1985). 'Applications of classroom management research findings', Journal of Education for Teaching, Vol. 11, pp. 145-164. Newspaper Articles - Order of details: Name of author(s) (If no name given, miss this out), Title of article, Name of newspaper (in italic), Full date of publication, Page number(s) Column number (in brackets). Example: 'Mr Pattern's question paper put to the test', The Guardian, Guardian Education, Tuesday 8 June 1993, p. 2, (1). Chapters in Books - Order of details: Author of chapter Date of publication, Title of chapter (in single inverted commas), Editor (Initials first), Title of book (in italic). Place of publication: publisher, Page numbers(s). Examples: Higginson, G. (1990), 'A levels and the future', in G. Parry and C. Wake (Eds.) Access and Alternative Futures for Higher Education, London: Hodder and Stoughton, p. 97.


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

Brown, J.B. and Armstrong, M.P. (1986), 'Transfer from junior to secondary: The child's perspective', in M.B. Youngman (Ed.), MidSchooling Transfer, Windsor: NFER, p. 23-47. Government Reports - Order of details: Government Department Date (brackets), Title of report (in italic), Popular title [in square brackets], Place of publication: Publisher, Series details, (if any). Example: Central Advisory Council for Education (England) (1967). Children and their primary schools. [Plowden Report]. London: HMSO. Government Circulars - Order of details: Government Department Date (brackets), Title (in italic), Circular details, Place of publication: Publisher. Example: Department of Education and Science. (1989), The Education Reform Act 1988: The School Curriculum and Assessment, Circular 5/89, London: HMSO. Videotape and other non-print materials - Order of details: Director Producer Date (in brackets). Title (in italic). Medium (in brackets). Place of publication: Publisher. Example: Wright, J. (Director) and Smith J. (Producer). (1991). Supporting students in flexible learning. (Videotape). London: National Council for Educational Technology. Electronic References The wide use of the Internet among students led to the development of a system of referencing for this medium. It has to be noted that Internet references are not refereed, and therefore are not always reliable. Internet references should be listed in a separate section, after the general references. When downloading documents from the Internet and using them as references for your project, you should indicate the full details of where the document can be found, as well as the date of the search. It is important to mention the date of the search as Internet pages are being up-dated on a regular basis. As a consequence, the information you found might not be available in the same format at a later date. Example: Middlesex University Home Page. 16 June 1997.

When you are in this home page, if you want more information on faculties and schools, you should click on the hyperlink Faculties and Schools. The following address will appear on the screen and should be mentioned in full, with the date of the search: Example: Middlesex University Faculties and Schools., 16 June 1997. If more information about the School of Management is needed, click on the hyperlink School of Management. Example: Middlesex University School of Management., 16 June 1997. There are a number of electronic journals and other authored works on the Net. These are referenced as a hard copy would be, but including a site address and a date. Further information is available on the Universitys Library web pages at


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

Middlesex University takes a very serious view towards plagiarism; the penalty can be very severe. In summary, you should avoid the use of over-lengthy quotations, and MUST NEVER QUOTE FROM ANOTHER WORK WITHOUT ACKNOWLEDGING THE SOURCE. Relevant material, lecture notes or handouts may be included but must always be acknowledged. To quote without acknowledgement is plagiarism, which is considered equivalent to cheating in an examination. In other words, your project must be entirely in your own words. The only exception is clearly acknowledged, properly quoted (enclosed in ), very short extracts from important documents. The easiest way of ensuring this is to include in your report only the work that you have done. Apart from brief introductory material, chapters repeating standard textbook material are best avoided; if you really feel that your report would not be intelligible without such material then include a short summary, with appropriate references, in an appendix. There are also guides available at your disposal to help you avoid plagiarism, these are available from your module contents page in Oasis.


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook


The Marking Criteria

The final report will be read and marked by two members of staff, one of whom will normally be your supervisor; they will normally agree on a mark for your project. If the two markers do not agree, a third opinion may be sought from the Module Leader.


Assessment Criteria Guidelines

The nature of individual projects will differ, as will the form of their outcomes. The project process however will be fundamentally the same for all students. Each individual investigation requires the design and execution of a relevant and justifiable rigorous research process, based on collection, analysis and interpretation of data or evidence. Such a process dictates that there will be a number of common elements. These common elements form the basis of the dissertation evaluation criteria that the markers will employ. You should ensure, therefore, that your dissertation addresses each of the following: Research Question(s) Aims and Objectives Interpretation Literature Review Contribution Content Methodology Data Analysis Conclusions Recommendations Language and presentation These assessment criteria guidelines are reflected in the MGT4131 / MGT4151 Dissertation marking template reproduced in Appendix V, and should be viewed in conjunction with the University Assessment Criteria for Level 4 Modules detailed below.


University Assessment Criteria for Level 4 Modules

MU Level 4 - Summary of level descriptor Learning accredited at this level will reflect the ability to: display mastery of a complex and specialised area of knowledge and skills, employing advanced skills to conduct research, or advanced technical or professional activity,


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

accepting accountability for related decision making including use of supervision.

Level descriptors i. Intellectual skills and attributes Knowledge: Display mastery of a complex and specialised area of knowledge and skills. Skills: Demonstrate expertise in highly specialised and advanced technical, professional and/or research skills. The most significant characteristic is the exploration of boundaries where preceding levels focused on knowledge and skills within them. ii. Processes Process: Conduct research, or advanced technical or professional activity. Role and function: Design and apply appropriate research methodologies. Communicate results of research to peers. Highly complex tasks and procedures are featured at this level. iii. Accountability Autonomy: Accept accountability in related decision making, including use of supervision. Accountability is usually to peers rather than to superiors. The learner is responsible for initiating supervisory and peer support contacts.


Final Remarks

The dissertation gives you an opportunity to demonstrate how you are able to work on your own and tackle a problem in depth. More specifically, you will be required to demonstrate: extensive and relevant reading an understanding of the theories that underpin the research meticulous empirical work a knowledge of academic conventions the ability to report effectively. Although the project involves a great deal of work, it is something that you should find interesting and enjoyable.


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook


Viva Voce Examinations

Basic Outline of the Viva

In exceptional circumstances, a student may be asked to undertake a Viva Voce examination. A Viva is a verbal defence of the students work in front of their supervisor and/or second marker. The viva is an opportunity for the markers to gain a better understanding of the project objectives, methodology, and conclusions. It may last up to 45 minutes. If you are requested to sit a Viva examination, you should come prepared to answer questions about your project, which may include the following issues: your reasons for a choice of topic; a clarification of your objectives; more details about, and a justification of, your chosen methodology; an explanation of the sources and location of primary and secondary data presented during the dissertation; a justification of the conclusions reached and recommendations made; areas where you dissertation could have been improved; and the knowledge that you have acquired during the research. You should bring with you a copy of your dissertation and be able to refer to the appropriate pages, if required.


Why you Might be Called for a Viva

The decision to request that a student undertakes a Viva is typically taken by their supervisor. Typically, students may be required to face a Viva for one of three reasons: The supervisor is concerned about the possibility of plagiarism; A student has not attended sessions with their supervisor; and There may be particular aspects of the dissertation that the supervisor needs to clarify, which may have a bearing upon the grade awarded. With the exception of proven instances of plagiarism, a Viva examination can not result in the reduction of an awarded grade. The best way to prepare for a Viva is to read through your project, and be prepared to answer questions such as those outlined in Section 6.1. The best way to avoid the need for a Viva is to establish and maintain a good working relationship with your supervisor.


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook



The core text for this module is:

Wilson, J. (2010) Essentials of Business Research: A Guide to Doing Your Research Project, SAGE Publications

We also strongly recommend that you buy or have access to one of the following texts: M. Saunders, P. Lewis, P., Thornhill, A. (2009) Research Methods for Business Students, FT Prentice Hall, Fifth edition (with companion website). M. Easterby-Smith, R. Thorpe, P.R. Jackson (2008) Management Research, Sage, Third Edition (with companion website). C. Fisher, (2006) Researching and Writing a Dissertation for Business Students, FT Prentice Hall, Second edition. However, there are numerous other good texts on research methods, many of which are available in the Hendon library. The following reading list is divided into two main sections: 1) How to conduct research, and 2) Text books of methodology. The module tutor for the research workshops will recommend specific books from this list of useful texts.


How to Conduct Research

a) The Research Process There are many useful texts which provide insight into the beginning, management and successful completion of management research projects. The following texts are strongly recommended: Business Research: Collis, J. and Hussey, R. (2003), A practical guide for undergraduate and postgraduate students, Palgrave, Second Edition, ISBN 0333 983254 Partington, D. Editor (2002), Essential Skills for Management Research: Sage Publications, ISBN 07619 70088 Other Useful Points of Reference include: Bell, J. (1999), Doing Your Research Project, Open University Press, ISBN 0335 203884 The Good Research Guide: Martyn Denscombe, Open University Press, 1998, ISBN 0335 198058 Baxter, L. Hughes, C. and Tight, M. (1996) How to Research Open University Press, ISBN 0335 194524


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

Orna, L. (1995) Managing Information for Research, Open University Press, ISBN 0335 193978 b) Elements of the Research Process There are also many guides which provide insights into particular data collection and analysis approaches available to the researcher. Among these are: Pallant, J. (2001), SPSS Survival Manual, Open University Press, ISBN 0335 208908 Keats, D. (2000) Interviewing: A Practical Guide for Students and Professionals, Open University Press, ISBN 0335 206670 Yin, R.K. (2003) Case Study Research, Third Edition, Sage. Holloway, W. Jefferson, T. (2000), Doing Qualitative Research Differently, Sage, ISBN 07619 64266 de Vaus, D. (1996), Surveys in Social Research, UCL Press, ISBN, 085728 5425 Taylor, S. and Bogdan, R. (1984), Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods Wiley, 2nd Edition, ISBN 0471 889474 O Dochartaigh, N. (2001), The Internet Research Handbook, Sage, ISBN, 07619 64401 Silverman, D. (2001), Interpreting Qualitative Data : Methods for analyzing talk, text and interaction, Sage, 2nd Edition


Research Methodology

Once again there are numerous high quality text books which address methodological approaches to business research. Among books recommended are the following: Oliver, P (2003], Writing Up Your Thesis, Sage Publications - strongly recommended. Gill, J. Johnson, P. (2002) Research Methods for Managers Sage Publications 3rd Ed, ISBN 07619 40022, another classic text Real World Research: Colin Robson, Blackwell, 1993, ISBN 0631 176896 (A highly comprehensive general methodology text) Cooper, D. Emory, W. (1995), Business Research Methods Irwin, ISBN 0256 137773, 5th Ed another highly comprehensive general methodology text, although principally aimed at a US/International audience). May, T. (1997), Social Research Issues, Methods and Process, OU Press


Library Resources

The above are just a small selection of the large number of methodological texts available. The library holds a large quantity of other books dealing with aspects of methodology, and students are referred to the library catalogue. Most methodological texts can be located in the 300.72 catalogue mark. Additionally, there are a number of resources are made available by the colleges Learning Resource service which can be seen in the Sheppard Library and via Oasis.


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

Please refer to your MA Programme Handbook for further guidance on LR services available to you.


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Appendix I: Staff Interests in the Business and Management Group Appendix II: Declaration of Originality Appendix III: Technical Production of the Dissertation Appendix IV: Project Module Supervisor Contact Sheet Appendix V Other Relevant Information Appendix VI: Dissertation Marking Template Appendix VII Research Ethics Information


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook


Appendix I: Staff Interests in the Business and Management Department

General interests of the Business and Management department include the following: Business and the Environment Business Strategy Change Management Corporate Culture Corporate and Community Governance Cross-Cultural Management Enterprise and Economic Development Ethics and values in management (CSR) Innovation and Organisational Learning Management Education Management of Change Management of Diversity Management of Equal Opportunities Management of New Technology Management Systems Not-for-Profit / Third / Voluntary sector Management and Service Quality Operations Management Organisational theory Project Management Public Sector Management and Service Quality Quality Management and Systems (incl. TQM) Regulatory Policy and Compliance / Enforcement Retailing Management Small Business Start-up & Management Social Enterprise Strategic Management Supply Chain Management Tourism

Please avoid specialist technical topics unless these focus on business and/or management issues. Also, please avoid Marketing, HRM, Financial and Banking related topics unless these focus on business and/or management issues.


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook


Appendix II: Declaration of Originality


Declaration of Originality I hereby declare that this project is entirely my own work and that any additional sources of information have been duly cited. I hereby declare that any internet sources, published or unpublished works from which I have quoted or drawn reference have been reference fully in the text and in the contents list. I understand that failure to do this will result in a failure of this project due to Plagiarism. I understand I may be called for a viva and if so must attend. I acknowledge that is my responsibility to check whether I am required to attend and that I will be available during the viva period. Signed Date ........................................................ ........................................................

Name of Supervisor


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook


Appendix III: Technical Production of the Dissertation

1.3.1 Paper Size and Typing The dissertation should be typed on A4 white paper, and lines should be one and half spaced. 1.3.2 Margin The left hand margin should be not less than 40 mm and the other margin not less than 20 mm. 1.3.3 Page Numbering All pages should be numbered consecutively throughout the dissertation, including the appendices. The page numbers should be located centrally at the bottom of the page approximately 10mm above the edge. Tables should be numbered consecutively throughout the dissertation. The opening pages (Abstract, Acknowledgements etc.) may make use of Roman numerals, with text having Arabic numerals. 1.3.4 Binding The project must be produced to a business and professional standard. Usually this has meant the binding is case bound in black such that the pages are permanently secured between board that has sufficient rigidity to support the weight of the work when standing upon a shelf. The normal binding size is 297mm x 210mm. The title of the project and the name of the author should appear on the front cover. The spine should contain (reading from top to bottom): the course title, the initials and surname of the author, and the year of submission. For convenience, a selected list of companies which have been used in previous years by our students for the binding of projects is given in appendix V below.


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook


Appendix IV: Project Module Supervisor Contact Sheet

This form MUST be completed by you and your supervisor and submitted at the back of your final project Project Module Supervisor Contact Sheet Student Details: Name: ................................................................................. .................................................................................

Title of Project:

..................................................................................................................... Contact Details: Email Address: ........................................................ Telephone Number: ................................................ Supervisor Details. Name: ................................................................................. ............................. Email : ....................................... ................................................................................. Signature of Supervisor

Room Number: Time of Meetings: Date 1

Agreed Actions/ Purpose of Meeting First Meeting to review Proposal agreed action points Schedule of Meetings: to be confirmed at this meeting

March / April 2

Literature Review


Research methodology

Data analysis and discussion

4 Sept.

Draft Report


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook


Appendix V: Other Relevant Information

Suggested bookbinders for Dissertations you may wish to consider Avalon Associates Tel: 01245 468706 Tel: 01245 462685 Mobile: 07768 955822 Bardel Bookbinding Ltd Unit D2 Alladin Business Centre 426 Long Drive Greenford Middlesex UB6 8UH Collis-Bird & Withey Thesis & Dissertation Binding Specialists 1 Drayton Park London N5 Tel: 020 7607 1116 Brian Hall 20 McKenzie Road Broxborne Herts EN10 7JH Tel: 01992 449344 David Ball Bookbinder Tel: 020 8202 7116 after 4.30 pm D.J. Bookbinders 90 Culver Road St Albans Herts AL1 4ED Tel: 01727 835369 Ex-Libris 105a Westbourne Grove Bayswater London W2 4UW Tel: 020 7229 4134 Homerton Bookbinders 166a Glyn Road London E5 0JE Tel: 020 8986 4424 Keypoint Bookbinders Ltd Unit 8, Balmoral Grove Islington London N7 9NQ Tel: 020 7609 1050 Fax: 020 7609 1020


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook


Appendix VI: Dissertation Marking Template


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

MGT4131 Dissertation Grading Form Student Name Student Number


Submission Date

First Marker / Supervisor

Second Marker

Provisional Mark (in %)

Provisional Mark (in %)

Agreed Mark (in % and on the 20-point scale)

The assessment criteria for the Dissertation embraces six areas of the work which are differently weighted as follows: Area 1: Research Objectives (10% of Total Marks) Area 2: Literature Review and Conceptual Framework (25% of Total Marks) Area 3: Methodology (20% of Total Marks) Area 4: Findings and Analysis (20% of Total Marks) Area 5: Conclusions and Recommendations (15% of Total Marks) Area 6: Language and Presentation (10% of Total Marks) The minimum requirement to pass the dissertation is to achieve a pass in all six areas.

General Comments including how mark agreed


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

Research Objectives. (10%): Research subject valid and relevant to the programme; Clear statement of the research aims and objectives, with a comprehensive, persuasive and justified rationale

(70%+ Distinction) (mark between: 7 and 10)

Research subject valid and relevant to the programme; Clear statement of the research aims and objectives, with an appropriate and justified rationale

(60-69% Merit) (mark between: 6 and 6.9)

Research subject valid and relevant to the programme; Statement of the research aims and objectives reasonably clear, but some shortcomings in clarity of purpose Rationale included, but somewhat lacking in clarity, relevance and justification

(40-59% Pass) (mark between: 4 and 5.9)

Subject is largely invalid with little or no relevance; No identifiable statement of the research problem/question and associated objectives; No rationale, or one which is inappropriate/irrelevant; Markers Additional Comments

(Below 40% Fail) (mark between: 0 and 3.9)

Mark proposed


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

Literature Review and Conceptual Framework (25%): Evidence of a comprehensive knowledge and full critical review of the literature relevant to the study; Development of a coherent, and fully justified conceptual framework to underpin the research undertaken; Clear links to aims and objectives; Up to date, with a strong emphasis towards journal material; Citation and referencing entirely accurate and consistent, using the Harvard method. (70%+ Distinction) (mark between: 17.5 and 25)

Evidence of a sound knowledge and critical review of the literature relevant to the study; Development of a clear, appropriate and justified conceptual framework to base the research upon; Clear links to aims and objectives; Up to date, with a strong emphasis towards journal material; Citation and referencing entirely accurate and consistent, using the Harvard method.

(60-69% Merit) (mark between: 15 and 17.4)

Evidence of a satisfactory knowledge and limited critical review of the relevant literature, but with obvious gaps and omissions; Development of an appropriate conceptual framework, but which is not clearly stated and/or complete and justified; Links to aims and objectives; Adequate reading, concentrates mainly on text; Citation and referencing generally accurate but with omissions and inconsistent.

(40-59% Pass) (mark between: 10 and 14.9)

No convincing evidence of an understanding of the literature, with a very limited selection of relevant sources and no critical comment; No development of an appropriate conceptual framework for the research. Limited/no link to aims and objectives; Limited reading, not enough relevancy; Poor, inconsistent citation and referencing Markers Additional Comments

(Below 40% Fail) (mark between: 0 and 9.9)

Mark proposed


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

Methodology. (20%): Highly relevant and appropriate methodology with clear links to aims and objectives; Clear justification, with supporting and referenced evidence, of methodology adopted indicating a full understanding of its values and recognises the limitations of the methods adopted; Implementation of data collection methods highly appropriate and relevant (70%+ Distinction) (mark between: 14 and 20)

Relevant and appropriate methodology with clear links to aims and objectives Clear justification, with supporting and referenced evidence, of methodology adopted indicating a full understanding of its values and limitations. Implementation of data collection methods highly appropriate and relevant

(60-69% Merit) (mark between: 12 and 13.9)

Suitable methodology with links to aims and objectives Justification of methodology present, but some shortcomings in supporting and referenced evidence, of methodology adopted An attempt made to show understanding of its values and limitations. Appropriate implementation of data collection methods but lacking in clarity

(40-59% Pass Second) (mark between: 8 and 11.9)

Inappropriate and irrelevant methodology presented No evidence of any real understanding of the methodological foundations of the work. Markers Additional Comments Mark proposed

(Below 40% Fail) (mark between: 0 and 7.9)


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

Findings and Analysis (20%): Clear presentation of fully justified findings with extensive evidence of the validity and reliability of findings present; Clear and extensive evidence of a high level of analysis using appropriate technique, and in line with the aims and objectives; Exceptional and critical appraisal of issues arising from findings. (70%+ Distinction) (mark between: 14 and 20)

Clear presentation of fully justified findings with evidence of the validity and reliability of findings present; Clear evidence of a high level of analysis using appropriate technique, and in line with the aims and objectives; Very good and critical appraisal of issues arising from findings.

(60-69% Merit) (mark between: 12 and 13.9))

Presentation of findings with evidence and justification of the validity and reliability of findings present; Evidence of a sound and satisfactory level of analysis using appropriate technique; Analysis of issues present.

(40-59% Pass) (mark between: 8 and 11.9)

Little or no evidence and justification of validity and reliability of findings present; Presentation of some findings, but which are inaccurate, incomplete, and/or illogical. Little or no evidence of appropriate analysis;

(Below 40% Fail) (mark between: 0 and 7.9)

Markers Additional Comments

Mark proposed


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

Conclusions and Recommendations (15%): Excellent, clear and logical conclusions, based upon the research evidence, which demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate the research results; Demonstrate clear linkage to aims and objectives Critique of accuracy of recommendations, and of contribution of research to knowledge and/or practice (70%+ First Class) (mark between:10.5 and 15)

Clear and logical conclusions, based upon the research evidence, which demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate the research results; Demonstrate clear linkage to aims and objectives Critique of accuracy of recommendations, and of contribution of research to knowledge and/or practice

(60-69% Merit) (mark between: 9 and 10.4)

Clear and logical conclusions, based upon the research evidence, which demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate the research results; Demonstrate linkage to aims and objectives Critique of accuracy of recommendations, and of contribution of research to knowledge and/or practice

(40-59% Pass) (mark between: 6 and 8.9)

Presentation of some conclusions, but which are either inaccurate, incomplete, and/or illogical. Little or no evidence of the ability to critically evaluate the work undertaken Markers Additional Comments

(Below 40% Fail) (mark between: 0 and 5.9) Mark proposed


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook

Language and Presentation (10%): Conforms to all the required specifications and has an excellent layout in terms of structure and logical argument; Clear and correct use of English characterised by a very clear and logical style of expression, with no imprecise and/or incorrect statements; Outstanding presentation. (70%+ Distinction) (mark between: 7 and 10)

Conforms to all the required specifications and has a very good layout in terms of structure and logical argument; Clear and correct use of English characterised by a clear style of expression, with few imprecise and/or incorrect statements; Good presentation.

(60-69% Merit) (mark between: 6 and 6.9)

Conforms to all major specifications and has generally good layout in terms of structure and logical argument; Reasonably clear and correct use of English characterised by generally clear expression, with relatively few imprecise and/or incorrect statements; Presentation is tidy.

(40-59% Pass) (mark between: 4 and 5.9)

Does not conform to the required specifications and has generally unacceptable layout in terms of structure and logical argument; Generally poor use of English characterised by numerous errors, unclear, incorrect and/or illogical statements; Presentation inadequate, with numerous deficiencies. Markers Additional Comments

(Below 40% Fail) (mark between: 0 and 3.9)

Mark proposed


MGT4131 Dissertation Handbook


Appendix VII Research Ethics Information


Introduction The universitys mission and vision statements require both staff and students to take an ethical approach to their work. In 2002 a University Ethics Committee was established to advise on policies and procedures in relation to ethical issues. In 2005 the Business School created its own ethics committee (SEC) which has the following among its terms of reference:
to ensure that suitable procedures are in place for approving both staff research proposals and all student projects; to liaise with the University Ethics Committee and other Business School committees on ethical issues; to ensure that ethical issues form part of the curriculum within Business School programmes.

It should be emphasised that SEC is concerned both with research and other areas where ethical issues arise, for example, teaching and assessment. Although anyone is entitled to refer matters to the SEC, for most students the subject of ethics will be raised as part of the curriculum and in relation to projects. Students who have any concerns about general ethical issues in relation to their studies should normally contact their Programme Leader in the first instance. Research ethics approval (REA) forms All students intending to conduct any form of research as part of their programme must complete an on-line ethical self-assessment form on the web, print off a copy and obtain the written approval of their supervisor/lecturer before proceeding. This form (as updated in 2010) is at:

In most cases, there will be no major ethical implications in the work being undertaken. The use of the form ensures that students consider whether any ethical issues may arise and either develop strategies to deal with them or modify their project to ensure that it is conducted in accordance with university policies. Where there is doubt about research ethics issues, the student must consult with their supervisor /lecturer and, where necessary, the matter should be considered by the Academic Groups Research Leader. Particularly difficult cases may be referred to the School Research Committees Ethics Panel.


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