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Regular verbs: Verb + ed

Irregular verbs: These are ALL different!

Work-Base form / Working-Present participle / worked-Past simple/ Worked-Past participle

No. Base Form Past Simple Past Participle

1 Hear Heard Heard

V. ‫ معلوم ہونا‬,‫ پتہ چلنا‬,‫سننا‬

Have you heard the news?
I hadn’t heard about that.
I hear (that) your house is up for sale.
I’ve heard a lot about you from my sister and am glad to meet you.

2 Hide Hid hidden

V. ‫ مخفی‬,‫ چھپ کر رہنا‬,‫ روپوش ہو جانا‬,‫ چھپانا‬,‫ ڈھاپنا‬,‫پوشیدہ کرنا‬

She used to hide her diary under her pillow.
Probably his horse would be close to where he was hiding.
She is hiding out in a cabin in Montana.
I like wearing sunglasses - I feel I can hide behind them.
She tried to hide her disappointment at not getting the promotion.
N. ‫جانور کی کھال‬

3 Hit Hit hit

V. ‫ مارنا‬,‫ضرب لگانا‬
Teachers are not allowed to hit their pupils.
This type of glass won't shatter no matter how hard you hit it.
She hit her thumb with the hammer.
‫ اثر انداز ہونا‬,‫متاثرکرنا‬: to have an unpleasant or negative effect on a person or thing:
Production has been badly hit by the strike.
Commuters are going to be hit hard by the rise in gasoline prices.
Demand for transatlantic flights has been hit by fears of terrorist attacks.
‫ کسی خیال کا اچانک ذھین میں آنا‬: If an idea or thought hits you, you suddenly think of it.
That's when it hit me that my life would never be the same again.
It just hit me that once she leaves, I may never see her again.
‫ حملہ کرنا‬,‫میزائیل داغنا‬: to shoot at or bomb a place or person, causing damage or injury:
Two schools were hit during the air raid.
He was hit in the neck by a bullet from a sniper.
Try to hit the middle of the target.
‫ پہنچنا‬: to arrive at a place or position:
If we turn left at the next junction, we should hit the main road after five miles or so.
‫اسکور کرنا‬: to succeed in reaching or achieving something:
Our profits hit an all-time high of $20 million last year.
He hit 300 points in the past season.
‫ مار ڈالنا‬,‫قتل کر دینا‬: to kill someone:
Three drug dealers were hit in the city over the weekend.
n.Hit ‫ مقبول‬,‫ مشہور‬,‫کامیاب‬: a thing or person that is very popular or successful:
Your cake was a real hit at the party - everyone commented.
They've just released an album of their greatest hits (= their most successful songs).

4 Hold Held held

V. ‫پکڑنا‬
Can you hold the bag while I open the door?
The little girl held her mother's hand.
V. ‫سہارادینا‬: to support something:
Will the rope be strong enough to hold my weight?
The parts are held together with glue.
V. ‫ اندر رکھنا‬,‫رکھنا‬: to contain or be able to contain something:
One bag won't hold all of the shopping - we'd better take two.
Computers can hold huge amounts of information.
V. ‫ مستقبل میں کچھ ھو نا‬: If you say that the future holds something, you mean that that thing
will happen:
Who can tell what the future holds?
V. ‫عہدہ رکھنا‬to have something, especially a position or money, or to control something:
He currently holds the position of technical manager.
V. ‫انتظا م کرنا‬to have something such as a meeting or an election:
Could we hold a meeting to discuss this tomorrow afternoon?
The election will be held on 8 August.
I find it's almost impossible to hold a sensible conversation with her.
V. ‫ خیال کرنا‬,‫ سمجھنا‬, ‫ قرار دینا‬to believe an idea or opinion:
You sold it to me, so if it breaks, I'll hold you responsible (= consider you to blame).
A legal decision that we hold to be unconstitutional
V. ‫ رکنا‬,‫ روکنا‬to wait, or to stop something temporarily:
They've decided to hold all future deliveries until the invoice has been paid.
How long can you hold your breath (= stop breathing)?
She's on the phone at the moment - will you hold (the line) (= wait on the phone until she can
speak to you)?

5 Hurt Hurt hurt

V. ‫ درد میں مبتال ہونا‬,‫ درد محسوس کرنا‬,‫ چوٹ پہنچانا‬,‫زک پہنچانا‬: to feel pain in a part of your body, or
to injure someone or cause them pain:
Tell me where it hurts.
My head hurts.
She says that her ear hurts her.
Stop! You’re hurting me!
Several people were seriously/badly hurt in the explosion.
V. ‫ ٹھیس پہنچانا‬,‫ دل آزاری کرنا‬,‫ دل توڑنا‬,‫ عزت نفس مجروح کرنا‬: to cause emotional pain to someone:
She criticized my writing quite severely and that hurt.
She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests.
He hurts me.
I feel very hurt by what you said. (upset or unhappy)
That was very unkind," he said in a hurt voice.
V. ‫ نقصان پہنچنا‬: to cause harm or difficulty:
Our business was hurt by the new competition.
These allegations have seriously hurt her reputation.
Hard work never hurt anyone (= does no one any harm).

6 do did done

V. ‫ کوئی عمل کرنا‬,‫ بجا النا‬,‫ پورا کرنا‬: to perform, take part in, or achieve something:
That was a really stupid thing to do.
The only thing we can do now is wait and see what happens.
You should be able to do it by yourself/on your own.
What are these toys doing here? (= Why are they here?)
What do you do (for a living)? (= What is your job?)
V. ‫ بنانا سنوارنا‬,‫ دھونا‬,‫ صاف کرنا‬: to clean something, or make something look neat and attractive:
I was doing the kitchen.
She did the dishes after supper.
I cooked the dinner so you can do (= wash) the dishes.
Do your hair/make-up/nails.
I want to do (= clean) the living room this afternoon.
Who does your hair?
You've done those flowers beautifully.
V. ‫پکانا‬
Who's doing the food for your party?
I'll do you some scrambled eggs.
V. ‫فاصلہ طے کرنا‬: to travel a particular distance or to travel at a particular speed:
It's an old car and it's done over 80,000 miles.
My new car does 50 miles to the gallon (= uses one gallon of fuel to travel 50 miles).
V. ‫ کافی ہونا‬،‫ مناسب ہونا‬،‫ قابل قبول ہونا‬: to be acceptable, suitable, or enough:
Will this room do, or would you prefer one with a shower?
This kind of behaviour just won't do.
I don't have any grapefruit juice, but I've got some orange juice. Will that do (you)?
Is that enough potato, or would you like some more?" "That'll do (= be enough for) me,
V. Have to do with. ‫تعلق ہونا‬: concerning; related to
Why did you want to talk to me?" "Well, it has to do with a complaint that's been made about
your work.
I have refused to have anything(more) to do with him after he was arrested for his corruption.
I thought I should tell you I saw your son bullying (‫حکم چالنا‬,‫ حراساں کرنا‬,‫ ) دھونس جمانا‬some
students today. "Mind your own business! What my son does has nothing to do with you!"
It has to do with your marks in entry test.
Money has a lot to do with that.
What does it have to do with me?

7 draw Drew drawn

V. ‫ تصویر کشی کرنا‬,‫ پینسل سے بنانا‬,‫ لکیر کھینچنا‬,‫ خاکہ بنانا‬: to make a picture of something or
someone with a pencil or pen:
Sheeza can draw very well.
The children drew pictures of their families.
Draw a line at the bottom of the page.
I'll draw you a quick map if you're worried about finding the hotel.
V. ‫ متوجہ کرنے واال‬,‫ اپنی طرف کھنچنے واال‬to attract attention or interest:
He's an excellent speaker who always draws a crowd.
Could I draw your attention to item number three on the agenda?
Does he wear those ridiculous(‫ نامعقول‬,‫ ) احمق‬clothes to draw attention to himself?
Do not draw suspicion.
V. ‫نکالنا‬
Draw water from the well.
Drew a gun
He bit me so hard that it drew blood.
V. ‫ نتیجہ اخذ کرنا‬, ‫ موازنہ کرنا‬to make or show a comparison between things, to consider the
facts of a situation and make a decision about what is true, correct, likely to happen, etc.:
You can't really draw a comparison between the two cases - they're completely different.
It's sometimes very difficult to draw a clear distinction between the meanings of different
I had seen them together so often, I drew the logical conclusion that they were friends.
Did you draw any conclusions at the meeting this morning?
You are really drawing parallel/comparison between apples and oranges.
It's sometimes very difficult to draw a clear distinction between the meanings of different
V. ‫ آہستہ آہستہ آنا‬: to move in a particular direction, especially in a vehicle:
The train slowly drew into the station/drew in.
V. Draw near, close, etc. to become nearer in space or time:
As Eid draws nearer, the big stores start to get unbearably crowded.
As she drew closer, I realized that I knew her.
V. Draw the curtains – ‫ کھینچنا‬: to pull curtains so that they are either together or apart
V. to get a feeling, idea, etc. from something or someone:
She drew comfort from the fact that he died peacefully.
V. to get money from a bank, account, etc. so that you can use it:
I drew some money out of my account to pay for our trip.

8 Dream dreamed/dreamt dreamed/dreamt

V. ‫ خواب دیکھنا‬: to experience events and images in your mind while you are sleeping:
What did you dream about last night?
I often dream about/of flying.
I dreamed that I was a president.
I dreamed that I was in a boat on a big lake, and I was trying to get back to land.
V. ‫خیال کرنا‬/‫ تصور‬: to imagine something that you would like to happen:
He never dreamed that one day he would become president.
I dream of living in big castle.
N. ‫ چاہت‬,‫ تمنا‬,‫ خواہش‬,‫ سپنا‬,‫ خواب‬:
I had a very strange dream about you last night.
Rashid had a dream that he won the car.
It's always been my dream to be studying in medical college.
Becoming a engineer was a dream come true.
This is my dream job in airline.
V. Daydream: ‫ خیالی پالو بنانا‬, ‫سوچ کرلطف اندوز ہونا‬
People daydream of becoming rich.
Ph.V: Dream up something: to invent something new by using a lot of imagination:
Aykiz is not a common name in Pakistan/India, who dreamed it up?
Ph. V: dream about/of sth : to think about something that you want very much:
I dream of one day working for myself and not having a boss.
Dream on: used to tell someone that what they are hoping for is not likely to happen or to be
Watch. I go to city one day and buy a new car. Dream on, my friend.

9 Drive drove Driven

V. ‫ گاڑی میں جانا‬: to move or travel on land in a motor vehicle, especially as the person
controlling the vehicle's movement:
I'm learning to drive.
Are you going by train? No, I'm driving.
I’ll drive you to the station (= take you there in my car).
I drove my daughter to school.
We drove 40 miles to visit my aunt.
V. ‫کسی کو کچھ کرنے یا کہیں جانے پر مجبور کرنا‬: to force someone or something to go somewhere
or do something:
It was his bad behavior that drove everyone away from him.
Due to recent Russia-Ukraine conflict has driven the gas price to its highest level.
She finally drove him to change jobs.
He drove a nail into the wall. ‫ٹہوکنا‬
V. Drive sb mad, crazy, etc.
My mother-in-law has been staying with us this past week and she's driving me crazy.
He leaves dirty clothes all over the floor and it's driving me mad.
N. Drive : used in the names of some roads, especially roads containing houses:
12 Maple Drive
Robert Drive
N. a private area in front of a house or other building onto which you can drive and park your
car : Also Driveway.
I parked in/on the drive.
N. ‫ مقصد‬,‫ تحریک‬: a planned effort to achieve something:
The latest promotional material is all part of a recruitment drive.
The university sponsored a blood drive (= effort to collect blood) for the Red Cross.
N. energy and determination to achieve things:
We are looking for someone with drive and ambition.
He has the drive to succeed.
Intelligence isn’t enough – you’ve got to have the drive to succeed.

10 Drink Drank drunk

V. ‫ شراب پینا‬, ‫پینا‬

He drank three glasses of water.
She drinks a glass of orange juice every morning.
Would you like a glass of wine? No thanks, I don't drink.
He used to drink heavily.
N. ‫ نگلنا‬,‫ پینا‬,‫پیاس بجھانا‬
May I have a drink of water?
Who's buying the drinks?

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