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Panel to look into lifting AFSPA in Nagaland
RAIN/DRIZZLE. SHALLOW TO MODERATE FOG The committee would submit its report to the government within 45 days: Nagaland CM Neiphiu Rio 3,47,86,802
SERVICE The committee was
the present scenario in
Nagaland and the deci-
mittee. The committee
was formed following the
The identified persons
who would face the enquiry
Chief Minister impressed
upon the Union Home 76,766
KOHIMA, 26 DECEMBER formed following sion about formation of the vociferous demand to will be placed under sus- Minister to replace the
RAINFALL: Nil the vociferous committee was taken in repeal the AFSPA from the pension with immediate Assam Rifles unit in Mon
RELATIVE HUMIDITY committee has demand to repeal that meeting. entire north-eastern region effect. The December 23 district with immediate
been formed to the AFSPA from the The committee, head- after the killing of 14 civil- meeting also decided that effect," an official statement
Max: 97%
Min: 62% look into the
demand of with- entire northeastern
ed by Additional Secre-
tary of the Union Home
ians by armed forces per-
sonnel due to "mistaken
the state government would
provide government jobs
said. It said that the state
government appeals to all 7,286
Max: 21.4°C (-1) Min: 09.8°C (+2) drawal of the Armed Forces region after the Ministry, North East, would identity" at Oting in Mon to the next of kin of the slain sections to remain calm and
07:13 hrs
17:33 hrs
(Special Powers) Act, 1958
(AFSPA) from Nagaland
killing of 14 civilians
by armed forces
submit its report within 45
days and withdrawal of
district of Nagaland on 4
and 5 December.
people.“To initiate this
process, the Deputy Com-
to continue to maintain
peace. The democratic 4,79,682
MOON RISES MOON SETS and the panel would sub- in Mon district Disturbed Area and AFSPA According to the Naga- missioner and the Super- and peaceful nature of the UNION HEALTH MINISTRY
01:03 hrs 12:34 hrs
mit its report to the gov- from Nagaland would be land chief minister, a Court intendent of Police of Mon civil society groups, 'trib- SUNDAY 26 DECEMBER 2021
ernment within 45 days, based on the recommen- of Enquiry would initiate district, would carry out al hohos' and mass based
chief minister Neiphiu Rio land chief minister, Assam dations of the committee. disciplinary proceedings necessary procedures in organisations in our col-
Tomar clarifies on farm laws: Days after his said here on Sunday. chief minister Himanta The Nagaland Chief Sec- against the army unit and consultation with the con- lective quest for justice Delhi: The national capi-
remarks snowballed into a controversy, Union The committee was Biswa Sarma, Nagaland retary and Director Gen- army personnel, who are cerned village councils and truth has been well tal on Sunday recorded
agriculture minister Narendra Tomar on Sunday formed after Union home Deputy chief ministerY. Pat- eral of Police, Inspector directly involved in the and government jobs received and has created 290 fresh Covid infec-
clarified that the government has no plan to minister Amit Shah on 23 ton and Naga People's General of Assam Rifles Oting incident and action would be given on com- a positive image of the tions, which is the high-
bring back farm reform laws. Tomar had describ- December in New Delhi Front (NPF) legislature (Nagaland) and a senior would be taken immedi- passionate grounds on the Naga people to the rest of est single day rise after
ed the repeal of the farm laws as a step back, and chaired a meeting which Party leader T.R. Zeliang. official of the CRPF are ately on the basis of fair basis of eligibility. A Naga- the global community, the June 10.
said the govt could still go ‘two steps forward‘. was attended by Naga- The meeting also discussed other members of the com- enquiry. land delegation led by the statement added.

Rajnath lays foundation

stone of Brahmos-NG
production unit in UP
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE The new centre will
NEW DELHI, 26 DECEMBER be ready over the
next 2 to 3 years and
Pointing out that India has will commence produ-
never been an aggressor,
Defence minister Rajnath
ction at a rate of 80-
Singh, in an obvious reference 100 missiles per year
to China and Pakistan, today
declared that the country two units would play a piv-
was prepared to defend its peo- otal role in bolstering nation-
ple against any nation with al security, defence produc-
hostile intentions. tion as well as the economy
He was laying the foun- of UP.
dation stone for Defence On BrahMos-NG, he said
Technology & Test Centre the more advanced missile sys-
and BrahMos Manufactur- tem, which has proven its
ing Centre, established by firepower in land, water and
Defence Research & Devel- air would greatly strengthen
opment Organisation (DRDO) the modern combat capa-
in Lucknow. bility of the Indian Army in the
The BrahMos Manufac- coming years.
turing Centre, announced by He said the purpose of
BrahMos Aerospace, is a mod- the BrahMos supersonic cruise
ern, state-of-art facility in missile system was to act as
the Lucknow node of UP a deterrent. He said, the sys-
Defence Industrial Corridor. tem not only reflected the tech-
It will cover over 200 acres and nical cooperation between
produce the new BrahMos-NG India and Russia, but also
(Next Generation) variant, the long standing cultural,
which carries forward the political and diplomatic ties.
lineage of the BrahMos He termed BrahMos as the
weapons system. This new world's best and fastest pre-
centre would be ready over the cision-guided weapon which
next two to three years and will has strengthened India's cred-
commence production at a ible deterrence in the 21st cen-
rate of 80-100 BrahMos-NG tury.
missiles per year. BrahMos, he said, has
Congratulating the scien- empowered the armed forces
tists and engineers of DRDO and raised India's military
& BrahMos Aerospace, Rajnath stature at the international
exuded confidence that the level.

Modi cautions nation

over Omicron in 84th
‘Mann ki Baat’ session

Prime Minister Narendra

Modi in his 84th 'Mann Ki Baat'
monthly broadcast to the
nation over All India Radio on
Sunday exhorted people to
welcome the New Year 2022
with a sense of 'self awareness' years. We stood by each other
and 'self discipline' for a deci- like a family in every difficult
sive victory over the corona moment. To help someone in
virus and its new variant one’s locality or city... every-
Omicron. one tried to do more than what
“We also have to keep in one could have done."
mind that a new variant of has The Prime Minister
already knocked at the door. recounted the manner in
Our experience of the last which the country had
two years is that our own achieved its vaccination tar-
effort as a citizen is very gets, a reflection of people's
important to defeat this glob- trust in the system, science and
al pandemic. Our scientists are scientists.
continuously studying this “If we compare the vacci-
new Omicron variant. They nation figures of the world
are getting new data everyday today with those of India, it
, their suggestions are being feels that the country has
worked upon. handled such an unprece-
In such a situation, self- dented task... how big a goal
awareness, self-discipline is has been achieved. Crossing
in itself the country’s strength the 140 million vaccine dose
in fighting against this vari- mark is an achievement of
ant of Corona. It is this very each and every Indian. This
collective strength of ours shows the trust of every Indi-
that will defeat Corona; with an in the system; shows trust
this very sense of responsibility in science and in scientists;
we have to enter into 2022," and is also a testament to the
he said. Modi further said it willpower of we Indians who
was "because of everyone's are fulfilling our responsibil-
effort that India could fight the ities towards the society. But
biggest pandemic in a 100 friends,” he said.

ith New Year round
the corner, let us
Adieu 2021!
take a look at some t the end of 2021, Del-
of the ancient churches of hi’ites are sleeping
Delhi which have withstood well. Pollution is cre-
the test of time for nearly a cou- ating records. Traffic jams
ple of centuries. The oldest run into kilometers. Saro-
church of Delhi, nay in North jini Nagar and Lajpat Nagar
India, is the Central Baptist markets are teeming with
Church in Chandni Chowk, shoppers. But Delhi sleeps
opposite Gurudwara Sis Ganj. well, with no big worries, as
It was established in 1814 by it had in 2020-end. Omicron
the Baptist Missionary Soci- has announced its arrival,
ety of London and its struc- but people are prepared.
ture is a fine specimen of They learnt a few lessons
European architecture of that during the Covid peaks.
time. Its southern side entrance The government has re-
has a large deep colonnaded imposed restrictions on
porch supported by heavy gatherings in public places.
circular columns. Likewise, the Almighty. The basic design of the 1857 Mutiny. Built in the The alien infection which
other two sides have double the Church is of Renaissance Italian Gothic style, it was took peace out of every-
height verandahs with semi- Revival style with three por- established by the Anglican body’s mind for months is
circular arched openings. The tico-porches, elaborate stained Missionaries, later support- under control. If not com-
church has been well main- glass windows and a central ed by the Cambridge Mission, pletely subjugated, it is
tained with its original motifs octagonal dome, similar to that and apart from its ornate identified, and given a fit- ies and spending time in Chandni Chowk is wearing the city, in any case. Some ple are used to air and
and carvings. Not far away, on of the Florence Cathedral in walls and ceilings, the baroque ting reply. For a year and parks and gardens. The a new look, with its main things have not changed, noise pollution, and have
Lothian Road, near Kash- Italy. The church houses sev- styled church has arched win- half, it had made offices and city does today what it passageway pedestrianised. and will continue in 2022. dealt with them for years.
mere Gate is the more his- eral tombs including that of dows which allow the sunlight shopping centres, schools thinks it must do. Realis- But those keen on rick- The traffic jams at Ashram There are plenty of laws to
torical St. James Church estab- Skinner himself, British Com- to brighten the interiors. The and colleges, hospitals and ing that many things could shaw rides will not be dis- Chowk, for example. The control them, but the prob-
lished in 1836 by the Eng- missioners of Delhi, William circular stained glass win- even parks out of reach go out of their lives invol- appointed; the rickshaws area is getting an underpass lems need much more.
lishman warrior Col. James Fraser and Thomas Metcalfe, dow overlooking the main for everyone. The city gave untarily, the citizens have are all over the place. Con- which does not seem any- People enjoyed the inter-
Skinner who's credited for rais- and a few victims of the 1857 hall is unique to this church a deserted look. It was dif- resumed their living in full. naught Place is without where near completion. national trade fair recent-
ing the country's only Cavalry revolt. Successive Viceroys and one of its kind in Delhi. ficult to visit even gro- Revenge eating, revenge its pavement shops which So is the condition of the ly, and soon a big book fair
regiment, Skinner's Horse, have attended Church here till The church received the Urban ceries, vegetable vendors shopping, revenge holi- gave the premier shop- underpasses by the side of may be held. Every other
which later became India's the Cathedral Church of Heritage Award in 1993 for its or milk booths. People daying, people are enjoy- ping centre a weekly mar- Pragati Maidan. And they major store is calling cus-
much decorated 61st Caval- Redemption was built near gothic architecture that has realised life could not be ing every bite of life to the ket look for years. The will not be available for use tomers to its 'Sale'. The
ry. It's believed that Skinner Gurdwara Rakab Ganj in been maintained since its taken for granted. At the full. It is obvious, they had colonnaded corridors of any time soon. For that Metro rides are available for
once lay grievously injured in 1931.The third church in the inception. Interestingly, St. end of 2021, people are to catch up with life, and the shopping centre are, matter, the city remains the asking. Those violating
a battlefield and was saved by Walled City is the St. Stephen's Stephen's Church was the back not only to socialis- compensate for the time however, yet to be cleaned dusty ever. The high con- Covid, or Omicron norms,
a woman who gave him some Church on Church Mission precursor to two of Delhi's ing, attending weddings lost. The city is in its colours up. There is no dearth of tent of particulate matter will not escape challans.
water and nourishment. Road, Fatehpuri, towards iconic institutions -- St. in large numbers, but vis- at the end of 2021, even if shopping centres, east or will not disappear at the Otherwise, the year-ending
Founding the church was Khari Baoli, which came up Stephen's College and the iting their favourite eater- a bit of caution is ignored. west, or any direction, in sight of smog towers. Peo- is trouble-free for the city.
Skinner's thanksgiving to the in 1862 close on the heels of St. Stephen's Hospital.

Whereas you are inten-

tionally evading service of
Mrs. Bhavna Bhatnagar, w/o
case on the 27-01-2022 at 10:00
a.m. fixed for the final dis-
summons, it is hereby notified Mr. Pradeep Bhatnagar, D- posal, it will be heard and ccording to the New defences. Among the many as “AH-muh-kraan”, accord- ond syllable sounding like an
that if you shall not defend the 3085, Sector-D, Pocket-3, Vas- determined ex-parte.
case on the 08-03-2022 (10:00
York Times, scientists mysteries surrounding this ing to M-W. The UK Prime Min- English ‘me’. The prognosis,
ant Kunj, New Delhi-110070. Given under my hand and
A.M.) the day fixed for the Also at:- B-3/103, Arawali the Seal of the Court this 23-
in South Africa have new variant, named after the ister was heard just the other by comparative linguistics,
final disposal, it will be heard found that the newest vari- 15th letter of the Greek alpha- day spelling it as “OH-me- shows that such divergences
NOTICE is hereby given that my clients Smt. Lila and determined ex-parte.
Apartment, Sector-34, Noida- 12-2021.
Banerjee and Sri Subrata Banerjee intend to pur- Given under my hand and
201301, U.P. (Previous Address) District Judge, (Commer- ant Omicron has spread more bet, there is one how it is pro- kraan” while the new Oxford have to do with the name
Also at: - Rose & Rose D-73, cial Court)-2 than twice as quickly as Delta, nounced. Pronunciations in English Dictionary (OED) being adopted as a loanword
chase from Mrs. Namita Mukherjee wife of late the Seal of the Court this 08-
12-2021. Sector-7, Noida, U.P. Shahdara District
Subhendra Nath Mukherjee her entire two-storied
Additional District Judge- Also at: Mother's Pride Karkardooma Courts
the latter having been previ- English of this highly conta- gives a pronunciation that is from another language more
residential building situated at 211/1B, Prince 03 (SE) Galaxy, D-56, Phase-I, Vivik Delhi ously touted as the most dar- gious new arrival have been different from M-W’s, some- than its prolific usage by Eng-
Anwar Shah Road, Police Station: Jadvpur, District Saket Courts vihar, Delhi-92, Seal of the Court ing version in the Corona having several versions already. thing like “o-MIKE-ron”. This lish speakers in different
Tollygunge, Kolkata-700033. If any person/s Complex, Whereas you are inten-
New Delhi tionally evading service of
IN THE COURT OF family. Omicron’s rapid strides One pronunciation, accord- could be a compound from places. So how about “OH-my-
has/have any claim over the said property or Seal of the Court MS. SHEETAL CHAUDHARY in multiplication results from ing to Merriam-Webster (M- the Greek “o mikron” mean- kraan” then? It seems the mys-
summons, it is hereby notified
having any objection is/are requested to submit PRADHAN
PROCLAMATION REQUIRING that if you shall not defend the
a combination of contagion W), is “OH-muh-kraan” with ing “small o”. In classical tery surrounding Omicron
claims/objections with proper documents to the ATTENDANCE OF case on the 06-01-2022 the and an ability to dodge the a stress on the first syllable. In Greek, the word has often been will continue just like its pro-
(South East)
undersigned within 15 (fifteen) days from the date DEFENDANT day fixed for the final dis-
(Order 5 Rule 20 of the Code posal, it will be heard and Room No. 203 human body’s immune the US, it is often pronounced pronounced with the sec- nunciation.
of publication of this notice, failing which it will be Saket Courts, New Delhi
of Civil Procedure) determined ex-parte.
presumed that the said property is free from all In the Court of Given under my hand and SS-188/2021
encumbrances and no claim/objection will be Sh. Naresh Kumar Laka the Seal of the Court this 22- Balvinder Singh, s/o Balveer
Additional District Judge-03 Singh, r/o H. No. 2, Old Geeta

entertained and not be accepted in the Court of law. 12-2021.
(SE) Civil Judge, Shahdara Colony, Delhi-110031. ovid has improved levels of medical literacy among all ages; its lasting lesson is expected to be moderation in every
Address for contact Room No. 316, Third Floor —Petitioner
District activity.
Sri Malay Das District Saket Courts
Karkardooma Courts Versus
Advocate Complex, New Delhi 1. State Bank of NCT of Delhi,
63W, Tollygunge Road
CS DJ 1265/2018
Seal of the Court Through Concerned (S.D.M) (Contributed by Deepak Razdan, Bhaskar Roy and Arijit Choudhury)
BSES Rajdhani Power Ltd.
Tollygunge Versus PROCLAMATION REQUIRING 2. UCO Bank, Through its
Kolkata-700033 Vikas Kumar ATTENDANCE OF
To, Branch Manager 164, Church
Ph. No. 9433183455 DEFENDANT Road, Bhogal, Nizamuddin,
Vikas Kumar, s/o Devi (Order 5 Rule 20 of the Code
Prasad, Plot No. E-96-B, KH New Delhi-110013.
of Civil Procedure) 3. Balvir Singh, s/o Late Kar-
Centre DSIDC, Delhi-110041. No. 487, Ground Floor, Vill.
LEGAL NOTICES Whereas you are inten- Peera Garhi, Nangloi Pole No. In the Court of
Ms. Sukhvinder Kaur
tar Singh, r/o H. No. 2, Old
tionally evading service of 23, ND-87. Geeta Colony Delhi-110031.
summons, it is hereby notified Whereas you are inten- District Judge, 4. Harjeet Singh, s/o Balveer
IN THE COURT OF that if you shall not defend the tionally evading service of (Commercial Court)-2
SH. AVIRAL SHUKLA Singh, r/o H. No. 2, Old Geeta
case on the 08-03-2022 (10:00 summons, it is hereby notified Room No. 56, Third Floor
Civil Judge-01 Colony, Delhi-110031.
A.M.) the day fixed for the that if you shall not defend the Shahdara District
(South-East), final disposal, it will be heard Whereas on application U/s.
case on the 01-02-2022 (10:00 Karkardooma Courts,
Court No. 608, and determined ex-parte. 372 of the Indian Succession
A.M.) the day fixed for the Delhi

Delhi to be under night

Saket Court, Complex Given under my hand and Act. 1925 has been made by
New Delhi-17 final disposal, it will be heard CS (COMM) No. 326/2019
the Seal of the Court this 08- and determined ex-parte. Balvinder Singh successor of
CS SCJ/1278/2020 12-2021. Punjab National Bank
Given under my hand and Late Charanjeet Kaur for grant
Next Date: 03-02-2022 Additional District — Plaintiff
(O. 5 R. 1, 5) the Seal of the Court this 08- of Succession Certificate in
Judge-03 (SE) 12-2021. Versus
SUMMON FOR SETTLEMENT respect of debts/securities
District Saket Courts Additional District Judge- Vinod Pal & Ors.
of deceased.

curfew as Covid cases rise

OF ISSUES Complex, —Defendants
Union Bank of India 03 (SE) And whereas the said appli-
New Delhi To,
Versus Seal of the Court District Saket Courts cant shall come for hearing on
Sharda Industries Complex, —Defendants No.1
PROCLAMATION REQUIRING Vinod Pal, s/o Sh. Khem 01-02-2022 at 10-00 A.m.
To, New Delhi
ATTENDANCE OF Seal of the Court Chand, H. No. 314, Gali No. 7, Therefore, the public at
Sharda Industries, Through
Its. Propreitor, Mr. Tej Narayan DEFENDANT Boudh Vihar Vijay Nagar, large is hereby given notice if
(Order 5 Rule 20 of the Code PROCLAMATION REQUIRING any person has objection to
Sharma, s/o Sh. Shiv Nath ATTENDANCE OF Ghaziabad, (U.P.)-201009.
Sharma, Regd. Office- Shed of Civil Procedure) the grant of succession cer- STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE to 0.076 per cent. The Covid
DEFENDANT —Defendants No. 2.
No. 12, DSIDC, Okhla Phase-1, In the Court of tificate in favour of the said
New Delhi-110020. Sh. Naresh Kumar Laka (Order 5 Rule 20 of the Code M/s. Desire Infracon Pvt. NEW DELHI, 26 DECEMBER death rate in the city stands
of Civil Procedure) Ltd. Thorugh its Director C- applicant, he may appear and
Additional District Judge-03 at 1.74 per cent, while the

Also at: B-62, DSIDC 20, Feet In the Court of file objections in writing, in
(SE) 1/326, Yamuna Vihar, Delhi-
Road, Om Enclave, Part-1,
Room No. 316, Third Floor Ms. Shruti Sharma 110053. person or through duly night curfew will be number of Covid contain-
Amar Nagar, Faridabad - Civil Judge,
121003. District Saket Courts —Defendants No. 3. appointed pleader, on the imposed in the ment zones has risen to 279
Complex, New Delhi Shahdara District said date and time.
Whereas Uniond Bank of
CS DJ 1263/2018 Court No. 33,
M/s. IDEA Builders Pvt. Ltd. national capital with in the city.
India has instituted a suit Through Its Directors C-10, Given under my hand and
against you for you are here- BSES Rajdhani Power Ltd. Karkardooma Courts, Delhi
Ramprashta, Ghaziabad (U.P.) the Seal on 08-12-2021.
effect from tomorrow Meanwhile, a total of 52,947
Versus Civ Suit No. 489/2018 (Monday) from 11 pm to 5 new tests -- 50,059 RT-PCR and
by summoned to appear in 201011. ACJ/CCJ/ARC
Raj Kumar State Bank of India
this Court in person, or by a Whereas you are inten- (South East) am, according to sources in 2,888 Rapid Antigen - were
To, — Petitioner
pleader duly instructed, and tionally evading service of Saket Courts,
able to answer all material Raj Kumar, Shed No. 48, Versus the Delhi government. The conducted in the last 24
Work-48, Shed Camp No. 2. Rashi Bhatnagar & Anr. summons, it is hereby notified New Delhi
questions relating to the suit,
Centre DSIDC, Delhi-110041. —Respondents that if you shall not defend the Seal of the Court decision has been taken in hours, taking the total num-
or who shall be accompanied
by some persons able to view of the single-day fast ris- ber to 3,23,99,242 so far.
answer all such questions, ing cases of Covid-19. Out of 1,09,032 vaccines
on the 03-02-2022 at 10-00 The number of positive administered in the last 24
O'Clock in the forenoon, to
answer the claim and further cases of the coronavirus on hours, 37,964 were first dose
you are hereby directed to Sunday rose to 290 from 249 and 71,068 second dose. The
file on that day a written
statement of your defence KOLKATA MUMBAI yesterday, the highest in six these, 23 have been dis- said that Delhi had recorded total number of cumulative
Burdwan Road
and to produce on the said Statesman House, Above Vishal Mega Mart
months, with one patient charged from hospitals. highest 1,357 active Covid beneficiaries vaccinated so far
day all documents in your 5, Kasturi Buildings, Jamshedji losing his life due to the dead- The number of active cases on July 1. Presently, stands at 2,55,57,615, accord-
possession or power upon 4, Chowringhee Square Siliguri-734005, West Bengal
Kolkata-700 001 Tata Road, Mumbai-400 020 ly virus. The tests conducted Covid cases has also crossed 583 Covid patients are being ing to the health ministry's
which you base your defence Ph.: 9832082429
or claim for set-off or counter- Tel: (033) 22127070-76, Tel: (022) 2202 1045, numbered 52,947. 1,000 mark in the city and cur- treated in home isolation. data.
claim, and where you rely on Email: Email:
(033) 41071700 Delhi has so far detected rently stands at 1,103 which With a 98.18 per cent Covid The positivity rate also
any other document whether
Fax: (033) 2212-6181 / 7107-
in your possession or power or 79 cases of the Omicron vari- is the highest after July 1. recovery rate, the active Covid jumped to 0.55 per cent from
not, as evidence in support of 1780 SHIMLA
your defence or claim for set- ant of the coronavirus. Of The health department has case rate in Delhi has gone up 0.43 per cent.
Email: Cabin No. 305, P. C. Chambers
off or counter-claim, you shall
enter such documents in a Near Jodha Niwas The Mall Shimla-171001, H.P. CHENNAI
Delhi's air pollution in ‘severe’ category Omicron patient
list to be annexed to the writ-
ten statement. Tel: 0177-2815000 Fagun Mansion (4th floor), 26,
Take notice that, in default
of your appearance on the DELHI Email: Ethiraj Road, Chennai-600 008, recovered without use
day beforementioned, the suit
will be heard and determined
in your absence.
Statesman House,
148, Barakhamba Road,
Tel: (044) 28278037, 28224800
Email: for the sixth consecutive day of oxygen, steroids
Given under my hand and New Delhi-110 001 m
the Seal of the Court, this Tel: (011) 2331 5911 STATESMAN NEWS "AQI is expected to be in the Today was the sixth con-
08-12-2021. HYDERABAD SERVICE ‘Severe’ (category) for the secutive day when the city's Patients who were suffering
Civil Judge-01 Hiten Rathore
The Statesman Limited, 2nd LUCKNOW NEW DELHI, 26 DECEMBER next two days. On the 28th AQI showed air pollution in from Omicron variant of
Saket Court, Complex Mob: 9212192123 Floor, UNI Building, 2/2, Butler Palace (Near Jopling onwards, slight improve- the "severe" category. COVID-19 have recovered
New Delhi-17
Seal of the Court Tel: 011-43043793 A.C. Guards, Hyderabad-500004, Road), Lucknow-226 001, The national capital's air ment in air quality is like- In 2021 so far, Delhi has without the use of oxygen sup-
PROCLAMATION REQUIRING BHUBANESWAR Mob: 9866323009 Ph.: (0522) 2206705 quality index (AQI) as pro- ly due to relatively high passed through 23 "severe" port, steroids, Remdesivir or
ATTENDANCE OF Plot 3A, Zone B, Sector A, Email: Email: vided by the System of Air wind speeds and on the air quality days. ventilator, said Dr Suresh
DEFENDANT Mancheswar Industrial Estate, Quality and Weather Fore- 29th significant improve- The city recorded 11 Kumar, MD, Lok Nayak Jai
(Order 5 Rule 20 of the Code
Bhubaneswar-751 010. c a s t i n g a n d Re s e a rc h ment is expected due to high such days in November, Prakash Narayan Hospital.
of Civil Procedure)
In the Court of Tel: (0674) 2588060/61/62/ (SAFAR) reached 500 at easterly winds at a height the highest in the month "Majority of the patients
Sh. Naresh Kumar Laka 2586371, Telefax: 0674-2588061 BANGALORE RANCHI
6.39 pm on Sunday, touch- of 700-800 m as well as at since the Central Pollution who have come to us were
Additional District Judge-03 Email: No. 68, First Floor, Gold Tower,
(SE) 11/C, Road#1, Ashoknagar, ing the end of the "severe" 10 m that results in strong Control Board (CPCB) start- either asymptomatic or had
Room No. 316, Third Floor 50 Residency Road, Bangalore-
District Saket Courts m 560025. Ranchi - 834 002 category scale, sounding ventilation of pollutants. ed maintaining air quality minor symptoms. All the
Complex, New Delhi Tel.; 080-22229129, 080-22234813 Fax: (0651) 2247054 alarm bells for the author- Mixing layer height con- data in 2015. patients are recovering, not a
CS DJ 06/2021 Email: ities engaged in controlling tinues to be low (less than An AQI between zero single patient needed oxygen
BSES Rajdhani Power Ltd. SILIGURI
— Plaintiff pollution in the city as also 1.0 km). and 50 is considered "good", support, steroids, Remde-
Versus Spencer Plaza, 18/19, 1st for those living in Delhi. The net effect is that 51-100 "satisfactory", 101 sivir or ventilator," said Kumar.
Raj Kumar Floor
—Defendants The AQI in the morning AQI remains to be within - 200 "moderate", 201- 300 "So far 51 Omicron patients
To, AIR-SURCHARGE; Kathmandu - Re. 2, Eastern Region - Re. 1 was at the 430 level in the ‘Severe’ till the 28th, and on "poor", 301- 400 "ver y have come to LNJP hospital,
Raj Kumar, Shed No. 48, All other stations in India - Re. 1
Work-48, Shed Camp No. 2.
"severe" category. the29th it is likely to improve poor", and 401- 500 out of which 40 patients have
According to SAFAR, to ‘Very poor’." "severe". been cured & discharged. ANI
Archbishop Desmond Tutu was the voice of the voiceless. He
played a key role in steering society towards better days and
held a special place in the hearts of people across the world.

Migrant workers
clash with cops
in Kerala, burn
Kerala Congress PM to revive 30-yr-old hydel project in HP
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE water supply. Besides, Mr Modi the country. “One of the steps crore. It will lead to generation

warns Tharoor
NEW DELHI, 26 DECEMBER is also slated to lay the foun- in this regard has been to of over 750 million units of elec-
police jeep dation stone of Luhri Stage 1 utilise optimally the hydropow- tricity per year. The modern
Prime Minister Narendra Modi Hydro Power Project and er potential in the Himalayan and dependable grid support
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE will visit Mandi, Himachal Dhaulasidh Hydro Power Pro- region," according to the PMO. will prove beneficial to other
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, 26 Pradesh, on Monday to inau- ject. He will inaugurate Sawra- As part of Modi’s vision of states of the region as well.

At least five police person-

nel were injured while try-
ing to stop clashes between
over K-rail stance
‘Those who refuse to toe party line would have to move out’
gurate and lay the foundation
stone of hydropower projects
worth over Rs 11,000 crore.
The Prime Minister’s Office
here announcing this on Sun-
Kuddu Hydro Power Project.
The Prime Minister will
also preside over the second
ground breaking ceremony
of Himachal Pradesh Global
cooperative federalism six
states of Himachal Pradesh,
Uttar Pradesh, Haryana,
Rajasthan, Uttarakhand have
been brought together for
Modi will also lay the foun-
dation stone of Dhaulasidh
Hydro Power Project. This will
be the first hydropower pro-
ject of Hamirpur district. The
two groups of migrant work- day said Modi is scheduled to Investors’ meet at 11:30 in making the Renukaji project 66 MW project will be built at
ers , who work in Kitex com- STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE lay foundation stone of Renuka- the morning.The meet is possible. The 40 MW project a cost of over Rs 680 crore. It
pany, apparently over the con- THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, ji Dam project, pending for expected to give a boost to will be built at a cost of around will lead to generation of over
duct of Christmas carols in 26 DECEMBER three decades. “The project has investment in the region Rs 7000 crore. Once completed 300 million units of electric-
the Kizhakkambalam area of been made possible by bring- through start of projects worth national capital Delhi will be ity per year.

Kerala's Ernakulam district n a strict warning to Shashi ing together six states under around Rs 28,000 crore, the able to receive around 500 The 111 MW Sawra-Kuddu
late Saturday night Tharoor, MP, over his stance the Prime Minister ’s vision of PMO note said. million cubic metre water sup- Hydro Power Project has been
Sources said the clashes on the Kerala Left Front cooperative federalism,” the The inauguration and foun- ply per year, the PMO stated. built at a cost of around Rs 2080
erupted in the camp, where government’s Thiru- PMO note stated. dation laying of dam projects The Prime Minister will crore. It will lead to generation
labourers of Kitex company vananthapuram-Kasargod Sil- The PMO said the Renuka- in Himachal Pradesh is part lay the foundation stone of the of over 380 million units of elec-
were staying, in the middle verLine (K-Rail) project, KPCC ji Dam Project will prove to be of PM Modi’s focus on fully uti- Luhri Stage 1 Hydro Power Pro- tricity per year, and help the
of the night while Christmas president K Sudhakaran on immensely beneficial for Delhi lizing the untapped potential ject. The 210 MW project will state earn revenue worth over
celebration was going on. The Sunday said those who refuse by substantially adding to its of the resources available in be built at a cost of over Rs 1800 Rs 120 crore annually.
initial police force that arrived to follow the party line would Tharoor has refrained from signing a memoran-
to control the situation faced have to move out
hostility from the clashing Speaking to media per-
dum of all Congress MPs from Kerala asking the
groups. They attacked the sons in Kannur on Sunday, the Railways Minister not to sanction the K-rail pro-
ject, saying he was not fully convinced
police, pelted stones at them.
Five police officers, includ-
state Congress chief said party
MP Shashi Tharoor would be cases in
ing Kunnathunadu Police
Circle Inspector V T Shajan
shown the door, if he fails to
stick to the party line on the
ment comes as Tharoor con-
tinued to flout the stand of the
our state deserve opportuni-
ties that the current econom-
MP’s Indore
were injured. K-rail project. party on the K-rail project ic situation does not offer STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE
The workers also set “Tharoor is only one of the and praised chief minister them.” BHOPAL, 26 DECEMBER
ablaze one police jeep and MPs in the party and if he fails Pinarayi Vijayan in public. Tharoor’s reluctance to
two other police jeeps too to toe the party line, he would Last week, Tharoor has sign the petition against the rail The omicron variant of SARS-
were damaged. The workers have to move out. If he is not refrained from signing a mem- corridor, coupled with his CoV-2 has reached Madhya
also hurled stones at locals yielding to the party line, he orandum of all Congress MPs tweet that “political differ- Pradesh, with the state's first
who reached the place after would not be in the party. If he from Kerala asking the Union ences should be set aside on 8 cases of the variant being
hearing the commotion. is yielding to the party stand, Railways Minister not to sanc- some issues”, created anger and confirmed in its business
Armed police personnel he would be in the party,’’ tion the K-rail project. Tharoor resentment in the Congress capital Indore. All the eight
have been deployed to bring said Sudhakaran said he was not fully convinced leadership against the MP are Indians who had come
the situation under control. “Be it Tharoor or Sud- by the demands of fellow MPs, Former KPCC president from various foreign countries.
A probe is underway to zero hakaran, nobody has the right which was why he refrained Mullappally Ramachandran MP home minister Narot-
in on who triggered the clash. to reject the party stand. If a from signing the petition lashed out at Tharoor for heap- tam Mishra said that of the
Around 150 migrant work- party takes a stand, all should Tharoor had also praised ing praise on chief minister eight cases, six patients have
ers were taken into custody stick to that,’’the KPCC chief Chief Minister PinarayiVijayan Pinarayi Vijayan and for his been discharged after recov-
and two cases were registered added for his push for development. stance on the K - rail project ering while two are still under-
against them over the clash- The KPCC has earlier He had then tweeted, “Enjoyed Referring to the murders in going treatment. He said
es and the attack on police. sought an explanation from discussing Kerala’s develop- the state, Sudhakaran said around 3,000 people recent-
Sources said most the Tharoor on his controversial ment with CM @vijayan- Pinarayi Vijayan has no con- ly returned to Indore from
migrant workers involved non-cooperative stand on the pinarayi. On some issues it is trol over the Kerala Police. abroad and after testing, 26 of
in the clash hail from the party line on the Silverline pro- necessary to put political dif- The police in the state are them were found positive for
North-Eastern states, Jhark- ject ferences aside & get on with unable to prevent the killings, Covid-19. Omicron was con-
hand and West Bengal. The KPCC chief’s state- growth. The young people of Sudhakaran added. At the Kolkata Maidan on the last Sunday of the year. �SNS firmed in eight of the 26 cases.

Few options before Chhattisgarh IPS officers Tibetan settlements in Elusive peace: 2021 leaves behind
bouquets and brickbats in J&K
recommended for compulsory retirement remote Ladakh get 24x7 INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE countries, 2021 has been a


service of a public servant is no
longer useful to the general
This also has a perspective
of the desired line of succession
Chhattisgarh Police and its
administration is being run by
electric connection JAMMU, 26 DECEMBER

Year 2021 saw fortunes of the

remarkably peaceful year for
people living in border villages.
Ceasefire violations on the
administration, the officer can among a set of IPS officers who a set of junior IPS officers along people of Jammu and Kash- LoC and IB virtually ceased as
The Chhattisgarh government’s be compulsorily retired in the do not want to see headstrong with a State Police Service offi- mir swing between peace and life remained normal for thou-
recommendation for compul- public interest. Compulsory officers like Gupta, Kalluri, and cer, a very senior IPS officer violence. It was a mixed bag sands of border villages in
sorily retiring them from their retirement simply is not pun- GP Singh head the entire police told ‘The Statesman’ on condi- that left some good and some 2021. Children went to school,
services, very few options have ishment.Itisdonein'publicinter- force said a veteran police offi- tion of anonymity. All these offi- bad memories behind. cattle moved about to graze
been left with these once high est and does not cast a stigma cer who is sulking on the side- cers with their names starting The biggest positive of the and men and women engaged
profile Indian Police Service on the government servant. lines. Instead, their preferred line from latter ‘A’ are now called year that went by was a mod- in agricultural activities in
officers, experts believe. However, the question of succession is Pradeep Gupta, ‘Quad-A’. One of them is a DG icum of peace in the lives of scores of villages in Kathua,
A committee chaired by Chief remains unanswered as to what Himanshu Gupta, Amit Kumar, rank officer, one is IG, one a DIG, thousands of people living Samba, Jammu, Rajouri,
Secretary Amitabh Jain recom- happened to the government Anand Chhabra, and Arif Sheikh and the last but the most promi- close to the Line of Control Poonch, Baramulla and Kup-
mended compulsory retire- suddenly that prompted it to for the top post. nentamongthemisanAdditional (LoC) and the International wara districts of J&K where the
ment to Mukesh Gupta (1988 compulsorily retire an officer (GP Therefore, disquiet has crept SP rank officer, a disgruntled Border (IB) in the UT. LoC and the IB are located.
batch), GP Singh (1994batch), Singh) who till last year was into the power corridors of this senior cop said. STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE Skumarkha, said an official 'Border dwellers' as these Levels of infiltration came
SRP Kalluri (1994 batch), and a heading its most powerful wing predominantly tribal state. Sens- What is surprising is that JAMMU, 26 DECEMBER spokesman. are called, people in villages down during 2021 as compared
junior officer Mingtow from ACB & EOW. ing a bumpy ride with Chief Min- the officer of state Police service Located between Nyoma close to the LoC and the IB have to 2020 and 2019 as alert
Nagaland.This proposal was car- What pressed them to retire ister Bhupesh Baghel ahead, has emerged as the key between As a Losar (Buddhist New and Tsokar Lake, Rebal Sumd- paid the highest price during troops kept round the clock
ried by a special messenger on SRP Kalluri who is credited with several offended bureaucrats his senior IPS officers and the Year) gift, two largest Tibetan ho and Sumdho TR is home the escalation of tension vigil at the borders.
6th December to MHA, New eliminating Naxals from Sarguja headed early for central depu- CM secretariat where he alleged- settlements in southern Ladakh to more than 70 households. between India and Pakistan. Separatist violence con-
Delhi and it was finally delivered and flushing them out from tations but those who chose to ly reports to another junior offi- were on Sunday connected Earlier the households were Their lives and livelihood have tinued to mar the lives of the
on December 7, sources said. much of Bastar. Mukesh Gupta stay, are now facing the music. cer of state administrative ser- with 24x7 electric supply while electrified through a small both remained at the mercy people in the Valley as the foot-
If the union home ministry has time and again mentioned Some very senior officers have vicewhoisconsideredthedefacto the cold desert region is reel- solar SPV power plant however, of shells fired from across the fall of the security forces
accepts the proposal, then the in his petitions in Supreme been either shunted out of deci- ruler of Chhattisgarh, the veteran ing under freezing tempera- the DDUGJY scheme has now border. In terms of human lives increased due to require-
officers whom the government Court and High Court that he is sion-making or faced with insults IPS officer claimed. tures. connected the villages with lost, houses destroyed, cattle ments for higher vigil. What
proposal referred to as “dead- being targeted for lodging an FIR and prosecution. Traits such as MukeshGuptaranoutoffavor The power development Northern Grid to better serve killed and agricultural fields has caused serious worry in
wood” will be entangled in a legal against Bhupesh Baghel in 2018. seniority, hierarchy, perfor- with CM Bhupesh Baghel, the department (PDD) of Ladakh the community. Additionally, destroyed, the border dwellers 2021 has been the shifting of
battle at a time when they should Perhaps this is why DGP mance,andexperiencehavenow day the current Congress regime union territory provided 24X7 the project was executed in the have lived life at its sharpest terror focus from south Kash-
be at the zenith of their careers. DM Awasthi was replaced by become irrelevant in the Chhat- took office on 17 December electricity to the largest Tibetan deep-freezing temperature edge. mir districts to those of cen-
They will have an option of Ashok Juneja as he would not tisgarh government which is 2018. GP Singh however, fell settlements — Rebal Sumd- of the cold desert by the Team Thanks to the decision tral Kashmir, especially Srinagar
judicial scrutiny as the Supreme have toed the idea of compul- outlandish in many ways. from grace following his reluc- ho and Sumdho TR - in Nyoma of TKC TATA Projects and taken by the armies of the two city.
Court on several occasions has sory retirement of these officers. An IAS couple with an impec- tance to be dictated by Saumya block of Leh district under the PGCIL (PIA).
upheld the government’s right IndianPoliticalsystemisnoto- cable track record was humili- Chaurasiya. and Anil Tuteja. centrally sponsored scheme The residents of these areas
to compulsorily retire officers rious for badly screwing up our ated to the extent that they Since then he has been booked Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram were beaming with joy as
underFundamentalRulesofCen- constitutional‘steel-frame’ that silently withdrew themselves under grievous charges includ- Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY). Res- their households were con-
tral Civil Services (pension) is bureaucracy, Chhattisgarh from the state and opted for dep- ing sedition. idents of the two remote vil- nected with stable electric
56(J). government, however, is a clas- utation with the central gov- It is an open secret that NAN lages have been successfully supply. They said the provision
The officers retired under this sic case of administrative mess ernment. accused Anil Tuteja, a promot- connected to the national of electricity will bring eco-
rule for ineffectiveness and where veterans of Indian Admin- The situation has turned so ed IAS, and Chaurasiya have grid. Other villages connect- nomic development and also
doubtful integrity devoid of istrative, Police and Forest ser- alarming that soft-spoken for- emerged as an irritant to sever- ed under DDUGJY scheme in help improve the livelihood of
their pension right. They can vices are incensed as subordi- mer CM Raman Singh warned al IAS and IPS officers trained Leh district are Chilling Sumd- people. With access of elec-
approach Central Administra- nate officers from the state district collectors and SPs to under legendary officers but ha (Aezang, Sumdha Chun & tricity 24×7 from the grid, the
tiveTribunal(CAT)andthencourt. cadres are deciding their role and mend their utter partisan ways, most officials are tight-lipped and Chilling), Kumgyam, Wanla, local children will also be able
The Supreme Court observed destiny while some subservient or they will be punished when often don’t discuss the issue Fotoksar, Shara, SAGY Line to access tele-classes, some-
in State of Gujarat v/s Umedb- IAS and IPS meekly playing the BJP comes to power. Power- because defying the ‘duo’ is a (Achinathang & Hanuthang), thing they weren’t able to do
hai M.Patel (2001) that when the ‘rubber-stamps’. corridors are abuzz that the recipe for disaster. Teri, Youlchung, Harhipti and before.

CUCET must
for admission TENDER
in central

The admission
process in most of
the central univer-
sities will change
from the upcoming
academic session
as Central University
Common Entrance
Test (CUCET) will
come into force for
admission to all
courses in different
central universities
across the country.
The Union Edu-
cation Ministry and
the University
Grants Commission
have informed cen-
tral universities
about the manda-
tory entrance test
from next academ-
ic session. ANI
He is saying all this to be in the limelight.
Govt indifferent to Modi hails India’s extraordinary
talents and their unique deeds
Omicron threat: Cong
Surjewala said a population of 36.50 crore people were yet to get vaccinated
vative methods are also being
adopted to ensure its bene-
fits reach people based across
Prime Minister Narendra seven seas,” he further added.
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE above the age of 18 years Modi on Sunday in his week- Modi said there is a grow-
NEW DELHI, 26 DECEMBER were yet to get their second ly Mann Ki Baat address to ing interest in the world to
dose. nation referred to people know about Indian culture.

he opposition Con- He also pointed to inad- who were silently serving “People from different coun-
gress party on Sunday equate supply of vaccines. He the nation through their tries are not only curious to
lambasted the Modi said as against 35.70 crore peo- unique deeds. to open a big library...He know about our culture but
government over its ple eligible for booster dose In this context he referred started a library with his are also helping to spread it.
alleged indifference to the only 17.74 crore does were to Nilesh ji, a resident of own books. He put his life's One such person is Serbian
threat being posed by Omi- available. Lucknow, for his unique earnings into this. Gradual- Scholar Dr Momir Nikich. He
cron, a variant of Corona Citing data from the Cen- Drone Show in Lucknow. In ly, people started joining has compiled a Bilingual
virus considered three times ter for Global Development the Drone Show held at the and contributing to it. In Sanskrit-Serbian Dictionary.
Aspirants of UPSC, SSC, IIT- more infectious than the (Harvard University), Surje- Residency, different aspects this library at Ramannapet More than 70 thousand San-
JEE, IBPS, SBI, RBI, etc & all
Delta variant, and lack of wala alleged that between Jan- of the Indian freedom strug- Division in Yadadri-Bhu- skrit words included in this
other Central Govt. Exams
demanding 2 Years of age
any intention to deal with the uary 2020 and June 2021, 30 gle were brought to life. Be vnagiri District, there are dictionary have been trans-
relaxations & compensato- situation. to 47 lakh people in the coun- it ' Chauri Chaura Andolan nearly 2 lakh books… lated into Serbian language,”
ry attempts for all due to “If somewhere the infec- try had died in the second ' , the ' Kakori Train ' incident Today he feels very happy he said.
Covid situations , at Jantar tion of Omicron virus spreads wave of Coronavirus pan- or Netaji Subhash's to see that a large number of “A similar example is that
Mantar, in the capital on rapidly then the government demic. He also slammed the indomitable courage and students are getting its ben- of 93 (Ninety-three) year old
Sunday. ��SUBRATA DUTTA has neither a policy not the government approach to giv- valor, this Drone Show won efits. Inspired by his efforts, Professor J Gendedharam
intention or vision to deal with ing compensation to the everyone's hearts, Modi said. people of many other villages of Mongolia. In the last 4
the situation” Congress families of people who had Modi said India is endowed have started setting up decades, he has translated
Two elephants run over spokesperson Randeep Sur- died due to Covid-19 infec- with many extraordinary tal- libraries,” Modi said. about 40 ancient texts, epics
by train in Odisha: In the jewala stated here asking, paredness to deal with the court in this regard and said tion. ents, whose work inspires The PM referred to Bhan- and compositions of India
latest case of pachyderm “If this is not playing with peo- Omicron virus. with just five days to 31 “The government was others to do something. One darkar Oriental Research into Mongolian language.
fatality, two elephants ples’ lives then what is?” The Congress leader December it was nowhere ordered to pay compensation such person is 84 year old Dr Institute in Pune. This insti- Many people are working
including a tusker were Surjewala charged the accused the Center of being near the target it had set to the families of those who Kurela Vithalacharya ji from tute has started an online with this kind of passion in
mowed down by a goods central government with tak- far from anywhere near the upon itself. died of Corona, but till date Telangana. Vithalacharya ji course to acquaint the peo- our country too. I also got to
train near Bhusandpur ing recourse to empty words target of giving both doses of Referring to the govern- neither the total death toll has exemplifies the fact that ple of other countries with know about the efforts of
Railway Station under and asserted that such empty vaccine to all 94 crore citizens ment’s plans to start the vac- been revealed nor the com- when it comes to fulfilling your the importance of Mahab- Sagar Mule ji of Goa, who is
Tangi Forest Division in words coming on television above the age of 18 years by cination drive for people in pensation been given to the dreams, age does not matter harata... “When the Insti- involved in saving centuries
Khordha district, the for- would not heal the wounds 31 December. the age category of 15-18 deceased families,” Congress at all, he said. tute started a course with old 'Kaavi' painting from
est officials said on Sun- inflicted by its criminal neg- He reminded the govern- years, Surjewala said a pop- spokesperson Randeep Sur- “Right from childhood regard to this, it received extinction,” the PM pointed
day. SNS ligence and absence of pre- ment of its affidavit in the ulation of 36.50 crore people jewala further charged. Vitthlacharya ji had a wish tremendous response. Inno- out.

SAGAR mission: Navy sends

INS Kesari to Maputo port
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE Tons of food aid using the ship chelles, Madagascar and
NEW DELHI, 26 DECEMBER INS Kesari to support the Comoros, including deploy-
efforts of Government of ment of Medical Assistance
India deployed another naval Mozambique to cope with Teams of the Indian Navy in
ship INS Kesari in the Port of ongoing drought and con- multiple locations.
Maputo in Mozambique to current challenges of pan- Since May 2020, the Indi-
strengthen its naval security demic, he said. an Navy has deployed ships
by deploying Indian Navy He said would remain to 15 Friendly Foreign Coun-
ships in friendly countries. committed to supporting the tries under SAGAR missions.
This is the 18th such capacity building efforts of the These deployments spanned
deployment in consonance of Armed Forces of Mozam- over 215 days at sea and deliv-
India’s vision of Naval secu- bique. ered a cumulative assistance
rity and Growth for all regions, The INS Kesari is carrying of more than 3,000 MT of
said a senior officer of the two Fast Interceptor Craft food aid, over 300 MT LMO,
Defence Ministry here on and self defence equipment 900 Oxygen Concentrators
Sunday. to be handed over to the and 20 ISO containers, he
These deployments were Armed Forces of Mozam- said.
conducted in solidarity with bique, he said. While undertaking these
India’s extended Maritime INS Kesari, a Landing Ship missions Indian Naval Ships
Neighborhood and highlights Tank (Large) had undertaken have sailed a cumulative dis-
the importance accorded by a similar mission in May – June tance of close to 40,000 nm
India to these special rela- 2020 to provide humanitari- which is nearly twice the cir-
tionships, the officer said. an and medical assistance to cumference of earth, the
India has also shipped 500 Maldives, Mauritius, Sey- Defence Ministry said.

Winter session ends: Opposition and

government clashed on several issues
day of the session when 12 of charging its principal mandate
its MPs were suspended from of not allowing any legislation
the House for the rest of the get Parliamentary approval in
session. haste.
An official motion was While the suspended mem-
brought to punish them for bers spent their days outside
the conduct on the last day of the House, before a Mahatma
the previous session and it was Gandhi statue, the Govern-
DEEPAK RAZDAN quickly approved by a voice- ment reiterated the mem-
NEW DELHI, 26 DECEMBER vote. bers must apologise for their
While an old contentious unruly behaviour towards
Parliament’s Winter Session issue of the three farm laws the House and its marshals.
ended last week after 18 was resolved, a fresh ground The session continued
stormy sittings that left none for discontent had emerged. with protests and adjourn-
happy about their course. The Opposition questioned ments, and minimal partici-
There was no dearth of leg- if the Rules provided for pun- pation of members in the
islative business transacted ishment during a session for debates even on issues like
during the session. But all acts committed in a previous Omicron and the Election
through the working days, session. Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2021
the Opposition and the Gov- The Rajya Sabha could not which sought to link the Aad-
ernment clashed on several be expected to be peaceful after haar numbers with electoral
issues. There was hardly any that, nor was Lok Sabha unaf- rolls.
day when slogan shouting fected. The Lok Sabha too lost its
was not heard or placards Six of the members were peace early in the session
not shown. from the main Opposition over SIT revelations in Lakhim-
The Opposition rushed to party, the Congress, while pur Kheri violence.
the wells of the two Houses, two each were from the Tri- Members demanded res-
while the Government pushed namul Congress and Shiv ignation of Minister of State
business as long as possible. Sena, the two parties which for Home Ajay Mishra for his
The session was expected to have posed major challenges son’s alleged involvement in
bring relief to farmers who to the ruling BJP in different the violence that targeted the
were agitating in cold and States. Both sides kept explain- agitating farmers there. The
hot weather at Delhi’s border ing their positions on the Bill to increase the marriage
for a year. suspensions. of girls from 18 years to 21years
They did get relief with There were quick adjourn- was introduced in the Lok
the quick repeal of the three ments as no early solution Sabha and referred to a Par-
controversial farm laws on the appeared likely. Chairman M liamentary Standing Com-
first day of the session itself. Venkaiah Naidu said the sus- mittee for scrutiny after a
But the manner the Repeal Bill pensions were approved by the strong demand by the Oppo-
for their annulment was House and they were final. sition.
rushed through in both Hous- The two sides could not sit Treasury Benches can have
es left the Opposition unhap- together to sort out the issue, their way in Parliament
py. as suggested by the Chairman. because of their majority, but
In a way, the Opposition Leader of the House Piyush unless the Opposition is
was neither heard at the pas- Goyal, on more than one occa- encouraged to open up on dif-
sage of the three laws nor at sion, gave a detailed account ferent issues, its voice is not
their repeal. of what the suspended mem- heard.
The Opposition had sup- bers had done at the end of If it speaks, the Parlia-
ported the farmers who the previous session. mentary debates get com-
charged they were not con- The warfare over Rules pletion, and lead to wider
sulted on the three laws. and precedents continued, public debates.
Therefore, the Opposition preventing any sound debate The Rajya Sabha Chair-
MPs wanted a chance to on any issue. The Bills were man said his main concern was
express themselves, but this rushed through in the din and discipline. Speaker Om Birla
was not to be, although it slogan-shouting. offered members to speak
can be said the Government Every time an Opposi- on their issues, if they vacat-
kept its word to abolish the tion member rose to speak, ed the well of the House.
laws. there was demand for revo- The Opposition could have
Before the Opposition cation of the suspensions. placed on record its views,
could rejoice over the devel- The House of Elders, making good use of the Rules
opment, it got a shocker in the assigned the role of a Second that have been framed with
Rajya Sabha on the very first House, was paralysed in dis- everybody’s consent.

Incorporating and directly descended

Pakistan’s Handiwork A MEMBER

from THE FRIEND OF INDIA - Founded 1818

In every situation of not completing the fights that they had initiated, the West had ASIAN VOICES
FS in Myanmar precipitated incalculable miseries on the common person. To now leave half of the population
Exodus of
I ndia’s response to developments in Myanmar over
to face possible starvation is not a moral option. While not recognising the Taliban regime
or recognising the disastrous role of Pakistan in leading to the prevailing crisis in Afghanistan
the past three decades has largely been measured,
but it has been based on twin fears ~ that it could
is one thing, ensuring vital supplies of relief material, food, medicines, and clothing for
Nepal’s youth
rock the boat in the sensitive north-east, and that it he movement of humans seek-
could push the country’s military rulers even more desperate Afghan civilians is an absolute necessity ing greener pastures is not a new
firmly into China’s camp. Ergo, the two-day visit of phenomenon. Since time imme-
the foreign secretary to the neighbouring country is morial, people have trudged across
doubtless a critical instance of meaningful diplomacy. mountains and valleys, searching for
Rightly has Harsh Vardhan Shringla called for the better opportunities. While many go
restoration of democracy “at the earliest”, indeed the on to achieve economic success,
revival of a concept of governance that has been a countless numbers perish too. While
migration is usually seen as the move-
scarce commodity in the neighbouring country, ment of unskilled people, it wouldn’t
specifically during the prolonged incarceration of be appropriate to view it solely from a
Aung San Suu Kyi and the predominance of a repres- single-sided perspective. Nepal has
sive military. Sad to reflect that the foreign secretary’s been suffering exodus on multiple fro-
request for a meeting with Suu Kyi was turned down nts. On the one hand, we have those
by the military leadership that is now in power. Mr leaving the country for the Gulf states
Shringla did meet the leadership of the National essentially to fill shortages in unskilled
League for Democracy. Rightly too did he raise the or semi-skilled jobs. The other migra-
ambush of an Assam Rifles convoy in Manipur’s Chu- tion is of highly skilled professionals
and of those who have often failed to
rachandpur district, in which seven people were killed
be classed under any category ~ the
last month, specifically the Commanding Officer of students. The departure of Nepal’s
46 Assam Rifles, Colonel Viplab Tripathi, his wife, their youth boils down to a lack of econom-
six-year-old son and four jawans. The foreign secre- ic opportunity. The mushrooming
tary has underlined the imperative to maintain peace number of educational consultancies
in the periphery of Myanmar, which shares a 1,600- testify to the fact that billions of dollars
km border with India. The junta has assured India are being spent on higher education.
that it will not support the “anti-India” insurgent In some cases, unscrupulous consul-
groups. Both India and Myanmar have stressed their tancies have sent gullible students to
commitment to ensure that their respective territories institutes without any accreditation.
While many find skilled jobs and earn
would not be allowed to be used “for any activity that
valuable experience, Nepal has not
is inimical to the other”, going by the MEA statement.

been able to reap the dividend that the
Mr Shringla has called for measures that are akistan was the sole oddi- months back. The dual curse of istani soil and many more who demands nothing short of a new youths have invested in acquiring
rather unlikely to be pleasant to the ruling junta. Chief ty that celebrated the terrorism and the accompanying will be forced to migrate across age ‘Marshall Plan,’ as the com- knowledge and skill.
among these are the release of detainees and prison- storming of Kabul by the economic doom is mutually felt the Durand Line, to avoid the mon person on the street has Instead, we tend to lose the ser-
ers, pre-eminently Suu Kyi. Other suggestions include Afghan Taliban. Islam- on both sides of the invisible and hell-like situation in Afghanistan. very little to do with reckless geo- vices of our skilled professionals, pri-
the resolution of issues through talks; and “complete abad had some psychological often unaccepted Durand Line. Pakistan knows that it has politics, statecraft, and misplaced marily doctors and nurses who are
cessation” of all violence. The MEA statement is not reasons to celebrate the return of Pakistan sits with well over tied itself up in knots and has ideologies.
its proxy ~ it was reeling under 80,000 casualties to terrorism dramatically changed its tone The estimated $2.3 trillion
explicit on whether the words “all violence” include
unprecedented economic stress, and an estimated economic cost from that of an unabashed victor spent by the US in Afghanistan
the almost relentless repression since the coup in Feb- international ‘pariahisation’ and of $100 billion since 2001, when to a desperate caretaker with fer- since 2001 is practically invisible, homegrown, to the allurement of the
ruary this year and the imprisonment and the recent decreasing importance. its selfish ‘Strategic Depth’ in vent pleas and threats, simulta- as is the multi-billion aid in infra- developed nations. While it is true that
sentencing of Suu Kyi to four years in jail. The foreign The success of its creation, Afghanistan was believed to have neously. structure, social sector, and dev- the remittances sent home by those
secretary has sought to give an impetus to the return the Taliban, forced Pakistan to been compromised by the rout At a recently convened elopmental projects by various working abroad have helped to uplift
of democracy. “India has been involved in the process the global forefront, yet again. of Taliban after its first coming meeting of the Organisation of countries (including India) that families from extreme poverty, we as
of democratic transition in Myanmar. India proposes Ominous signs to the contrary, (1996-2001). What had rankled Islamic Cooperation’s (OIC) have been squandered at the a nation would benefit significantly
to renew these efforts for Myanmar to emerge as a Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Pakistan since then was the Council of Foreign Ministers to altar of religious extremism and from their wealth of knowledge and
stable, democratic and federal union.” The MEA needs Khan had applauded the Taliban growing influence of New Delhi discuss the failing situation in Pakistan’s ‘Strategic Depth’. experience. This begs the question
to walk the talk not the least in the context of the rag- success by stating that they had, in the form of $3 Afghanistan, Prime However, Western Powers why the reverse trend hasn’t happened
“broken the shackles of slavery.” billion investment, Minister Imran too must introspect on their own despite living in peacetime. What is
ing ferment in Myanmar.
Today, Pakistan spearheads five diplomatic mi- Khan warned about history in Afghanistan to honest- seen is that the authorities haven’t
Notably Mr Shringla’s visit also had a social facet, the struggling Taliban’s cause for ssions and much the potential “big- ly acknowledge their own ‘Great taken greater initiatives to prioritise
chiefly humanitarian and medical support. Apart international engagement, legiti- public goodwill gest man-made cri- Games’ (including fueling reli- sectors that could be of importance in
from announcing a grant of rice and wheat, the for- macy, and support, whilst remai- amongst the mass- sis in the world.” giosity during the Cold War) that uplifting the country out of economic
eign secretary is reported to have handed over Covid ning one of the few countries to es. What Pakistan The patent Pak- had entailed unwarranted inter- woes. The country has suffered im-
vaccines to the beleaguered country. Pledging sup- maintain an official mission and has ‘won’ over now istani double-speak ferences, bloodshed and destruc- measurably while the authorities are
port for the Asean initiative, the foreign secretary many more covert platforms, for is a war-ravaged was on full display tion for Afghanistan. busy jostling with rivals over internal
hoped that progress would be effected in a pragmatic facilitation. land ruled by intol- when at one end he Each time they had pursued politics. Wanting to improve people’s
and constructive manner. Regretfully, the two cannot However, the chickens of the erant and uncon- requested to delink their own geopolitical interests lives has become a political slogan. A
be taken for granted by the government in Naypidaw, ostensible Pakistani ‘success’ in trollable extremists, the Taliban govern- and abandoned Afghanistan in mere statement during elections has
Afghanistan are coming home to who now preside BHOPINDER ment from the Af- ruin and despair once their always been confined to lip service. If
helmed by the military. roost as the initial euphoria over an unrecog- SINGH ghan people to so- objective was either achieved or serious initiatives were taken, we wou-
wears out, and the complex reali- nised regime that is The writer is Lt Gen PVSM, licit international had proved to be unsustainable ld have been able to keep back the

Biden’s blockade ty of Afghanistan stares, beyond

the emptiness of the so-called,
completely depen-
dent on the outside
AVSM (Retd) and
Lt Governor of

Andaman & Nicobar Islands

support, while on
the other hand he
(like the recent US abandon-
scores of people who had returned du-
ring the first wave of the pandemic.

‘victory.’ world for survival. and Puducherry dished out justifica- In every situation of not But instead, as soon as the restrictions
resident Joe Biden has tightened the economic Those supporting the Tal- The emerging tions for the Taliban completing fights that they had were loosened, people queued up to
screws on the human rights abuses in China, iban, and even those who oppose humanitarian crisis can be not respecting its commitments initiated; they had precipitated cross over from various borders. Ironi-
most hideously against the persecuted Uighurs, the entity, agree on the invalu- gauged by the World Health Or- of human rights, women rights incalculable miseries on the cally, people leave Nepal, which has
a minority segment in Xinjiang province. The Ameri- able role and hand of Pakistanis ganisation’s catastrophic warning etc., when he mumbled straight- common person. To now leave abundant arable land, sometimes to
can President has signed a Bill into law to block in the Taliban takeover of Afgha- of one million Afghan children faced, “the idea of human rights half of the population to face work in countries that have built a flo-
imports from the region unless corporate enterprises nistan. In the landlocked and (under five years of age) dying is different in every society”. possible starvation is not a urishing agricultural economy in de-
still-isolated Afghanistan (no this winter, with a UN refugee In a barely veiled threat, moral option. sert-like conditions.
can prove that the items were made without forced
country has recognised the new agency predicting, “Nearly 23 Imran warned the US of more While not recognising the Instead of signing labour agree-
labour. On closer reflection, Mr Biden’s blockade, so to regime, yet), the ruling Taliban is million people ~ that is 55 per terrorism by alluding to the im- Taliban regime or recognising the ments with other countries, the auth-
speak, is the latest in a slew of US penalties against openly beholden and increasing- cent of the population ~ are fac- minent chaos and said, “chaos disastrous role of Pakistan in orities in Nepal should constructively
President Xi Jinping’s China for human rights abuses. ly dependent on Islamabad for ing extreme levels of hunger and means the inability to fight ter- leading to the prevailing crisis in think of how we can provide training
Before the Bill won its final passage in the Senate, sustenance ~ whereas most civil- nearly 9 million of them are at rorism.” Afghanistan is one thing, ensur- to our youths to allow them to make
reports had suggested that initially there was some ian Afghans who have tradition- risk of famine.” Ironically, the leader of Pak- ing vital supplies of relief materi- valuable contributions at home ~ cre-
hesitation on the part of the White House and corpo- ally held a dim view of Pakistan, Pakistan’s own ability to sur- istan, who is also known by the al, food, medicines, and clothing ating a favourable environment free of
rate enterprises. attribute the new reality and re- vive economically hangs by a moniker ‘Taliban Khan’ had con- for desperate Afghan civilians is bureaucratic hurdles. A blanket state-
Clearly, this is the latest in the series of penalties gressions to the pernicious hand thin thread of recurring doles veniently forgotten his ‘broken an absolute necessity. ment encouraging people to come
of Pakistan. and lifelines offered by China, the shackles of slavery’ bravado, Memory runs deep in the back and invest will not suffice.
that have been intensified since Thursday. Going by Perceptions of Pakistan are IMF, or some Sheikhdoms; these and is now seen pleading for unforgiving swathes and emo-
the terms of the bipartite Uighur Forced Labour Pre- on the line, depending on the have pushed Islamabad well help, from all those whom he had tions of the Afghan lands, and
vention Act, the United States of America will “con- evolving fate of socio-economic beyond the ‘debt-trap’ stage, with accused of ‘slavery.’ they will never forget or forgive
tinue to use every tool at our disposal to ensure that conditions in Afghanistan. As an outstanding and unservice- Beyond politics and Pak- Pakistan. But today’s crisis is
supply chains are free from the use of forced labour, things stand, Pakistan is coming able debt exceeding $100 billion. istan’s amoral conduct on Afgha- beyond Pakistan’s known machi- GANGULY SHUDHANSHU KUMAR
notably from Xinjiang and other parts of China”. under unbelievable pressure for Add to this, the three million nistan since time immemorial, nations, it is about the survival of — Left us on December 27, 1980.
Thursday’s legislation is the latest in a series of its imagined ‘victory,’ just a few Afghan refugees already on Pak- the grim situation in the country innocent Afghans. Missed by Chhanda, Babu, Munmun.
attempts by the United States to get tough with China
over its alleged abuse of human rights of ethnic and
religious minorities, most particularly in its western LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
region, especially the Muslim Uighurs of Xinjiang.
Arguably and in a sense, President Biden may have
proceeded from conclusion to premise. The legisla- Abuse of nature unheeded depression, suicide, we are exclud-
ed from past habits. We would eat
tion is seemingly embedded in the presumption that in peace, drink in pleasure. We SIR, I am resident of C R Park, New Delhi and one of my family mem-
goods from Xinjiang are invariably made with forced SIR, Apropos J P Gupta’s article the cost of nature comprising used to see and hear in joy, talk in bers was found Covid positive about four days ago and is under home
labour. Business enterprises will have to prove that “Ecological harmony” (The States- water and air. Deletion of exclu- glee. We would love and believe isolation.
forced labour, including that that by workers trans- man, 6 December) concerning cli- siveness, democratic pressure and and trust and live in happiness. To our utter surprise, a person introducing himself as a “Civil
ferred from Xinjiang, was not used in manufacturing mate change, the abuse of nature reckless political affairs have been Yours, etc., Tapan Patra, Defence Person” came to us and stated that he had been deputed by
the product before it is allowed into the United States. and her prostitution by man went alien to nature, resulting in climate South 24 Parganas, 15 December. the Delhi government to be stationed outside our house for the next 7-
unheeded a long time. It has dis- change. Expansion of the urban 10 days. He also started gathering information about our house mem-
The terms of US-China trade have, therefore, been rupted peace and we are going style of life in existing villages RIDICULOUS bers/visitors. He was neither carrying any ID nor any document of the
redefined. through the pain and perils. should be accounted for climate SIR, Apropos your report “TMC Delhi government.
Washington has alleged that China has been com- His earnest appeal to see cli- degradation, with disbalance win is handiwork of CEO Sourav Firstly, is it true that Delhi government has instructed Civil Defen-
mitting “genocide” in its treatment of the Uighurs. mate back, throttle down tempera- between farming and industrial Das: Suvendu”. (December 22), I ce personnel to stay put at all Covid-afflicted houses for 7-10 days? If
Rights groups and the media have been riveted to ture, pollution, check the melting sides. He has highlighted in partic- would like to comment that the yes, then it poses a big security threat as well as invades privacy, since
forced sterilization and large detention camps where down of glacier and exclude fur- ular the bad effect on human statement of the Leader of the an unknown person is authorised to constantly monitor a home and
Uighurs are allegedly forced to work in factories. ther disaster requires controlled behaviour that needs to arrange Opposition in the West Bengal its occupants for days.
China has consistently denied the charge of abuses; exploration of nature. And this climate change. Besides health Assembly is per se defamatory and A person being posted at a house having a single Covid case is
it claims that the repressive steps that it has taken includes anything that we make at issues like quick resentment, prosecutable. I fail to understand nothing less than treating the patient as a criminal. Such surveillance
will do more harm than good, for its intrusive nature will stop people
are necessary to counter terrorism and a separatist
from getting themselves tested.
movement. If there are 10,000 cases in the future, will 10,000 civil defence
In its immediate reaction, the government in Bei- personnel be deployed? Rather than wasting resources in this manner,
jing has condemned the move. “The measure mali- technology should be used for monitoring.
ciously denigrates the human rights situation in Yours, etc., Maneesh Kocher,
China’s Xinjiang province in disregard of fact and New Delhi, 22 December.
truth,” is the counter-blast from the foreign ministry n
Beijing. “It violates international law and basic norms
governing international relations and grossly inter- how a responsible leader can sioner to be so negligent in failing
feres in China’s internal affairs. China deplores and openly show disrespect to the Elec- to create the right ambience for
tion Chief in the state only for the conducting a free and fair poll? He
firmly rejects this.” sake of political gain? Does is after all answerable to the Chief
The nub of the matter must be that this US-China Adhikari believe that the TMC reg- Election Commissioner for any
kerfuffle is rather unlikely to change the condition of istered a landside victory in the misconduct. The Leader of the
the Uighurs even a wee bit. It is the consistent perse- Kolkata civic polls only by fraudu- Opposition is making a laughing
cution that must end. Towards that objective, both lent and violent means? This is stock of himself.
China and the United States must strive together. At ridiculous. How can Adhikari Yours, etc., Arun Gupta,
stake is the human condition. expect the State Election Commis- Kolkata, 22 December.
A grim year for journalists

Mr. Gandhi's address to the All-India Con-
gress Committee intimates that if the non-
violent non-cooperation movement does
not achieve its purpose "with lightning
speed" after the commencement of the
new year, he is prepared to consider the
dissolution of the compact of non-vio-
lence. A full report of his remarks is not
available, and it is impossible, therefore,
to ascertain whether he still believes that
the wrongs of the Punjab, the Khilafat
question, and Swaraj can all be settled by
means of his famous panacea or whether
he is now coming to the conclusion that
non-violence is useful only as a prepara-
tion for open violence. His critics have
always contended that violence was the
inevitable goal of the movement; some on
the ground that non-violent non-cooper-
ation is, as events have shown, merely the
cultivation of a spirit of lawlessness, others
for the reason that they could not see how
non-violence, if really practiced, could
produce the effects predicted by Mr.
Gandhi. Only five days remain for the
attainment of the triple purpose which fig-
ures in all Mr. Gandhi's oratory and writ-
ing, and his new claim that victory must
come with lightning speed after the
appointed date is reminiscent of the
methods of the late Michael Baxter, who
foretold the end of the world from time to
time, always substituting a new date for
an old date which had proved premature.


DINA MATAR tary coup of February has been fol- ning some journalists from press form the basis for a legal framework expression and provides the basis for DECORATIONS IN
lowed by a crackdown on free expres- conferences. that can guarantee freedom of the function of journalism, conduct-
undreds of journalists sion. In China, where the Communist Such practices, which include expression and access to information ed by individuals, to be protected –
killed or arrested, rising party continues to tighten its grip, interference in the daily work of and ensure journalists carry out their independently of broader institu- The Government School of Art plays such
numbers of female media and Hong Kong, where the Beijing- media outlets, as well as implicit and jobs. tional press or media rights. In inter- an important part in the social life of Cal-
workers targeted, floods of backed regime is using the dracon- explicit threats to journalists doing Throughout history, people prac- national law, freedom to express cutta that it is only to be expected that its
misinformation and hate speech and ian national security law to punish their job, are well documented in the tising journalism have faced intimi- opinions and ideas is considered tribute to His Royal Highness would be
ineffectual or hostile governments dissidents, it gets ever more perilous 2021 report by the One Free Press dation and attacks for a variety of rea- essential at both an individual level, both impressive and graceful. Under the
unable or unwilling to protect the to oppose the increasingly authori- Coalition which mapped such acts in sons, whether it is governments wor- insofar as it contributes to the full direction of Mr. Percy Brown, the route
public’s right to know. The 2021 press tarian regime of Xi Jinping. a variety of European countries since ried about exposure or partisan and development of a person, and also as from Government House to the Victoria
freedom index released recently by These findings linking authori- 2014. Elsewhere, including in Iran, private interests worried about their a foundation stone of democratic Memorial, that is the whole length of our
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) tarian governments to human rights Syria, Mexico, Sudan and Guatemala, profits. But what the increasing num- society. magnificent Red Road and the Casuarina
makes for grim reading. abuses are not surprising given the intimidation is creating a climate of ber of attacks suggests is that jour- International human rights law Avenue, has been decorated with an
The report reveals that 488 jour- tendency of such governments to use fear among media professionals. This nalism is becoming more and more a requires states to respect and protect avenue of columns whose white perspec-
nalists were detained in 2021 – an local and global crises – such as Covid prevents the free circulation of infor- contested domain and space for the lives of all within their jurisdic- tive heightens the beautiful effect of this
increase of 20 per cent compared to at present – to clamp down on press mation, opinions and ideas. It also struggle over information, ideology tion from attacks and threats of thoroughfare. Each column has its appro-
the previous year – while a total of 46 freedom under the guise of national allows for the wider circulation of and politics. attacks and to provide an effective priate panel, and the pillars, Corinthian
were killed and 65 held hostage. Of interest and security. fake news and misinformation. These attacks violate human remedy where this has not been the and Ionic, harmonise with the general
those detained, 60 were women (33 Journalists are facing increasing What is of concern is the risk that rights: both of journalists and the case. But so far there is no interna- architecture of our city. At each end of the
per cent higher than 2020). As you threats for doing their jobs – whether such acts of intimidation against societies they serve which are being tional framework dedicated to the route are placed pairs of pylons, one at
might expect, it tends to be autocrat- that is physical intimidation, hate journalists and the media can deprived of their right to information protection of journalists from physi- the beginning of the Red Road, the other
ic regimes with dismal records for speech directed against them or become normalised – even in west- – something that should be at the cal attack or ending impunity for at the entrance to the Queen's Way.
freedom of speech and human rights online trolling. Some European coun- ern democracies. heart of all free public debate and the crimes against journalists. If journal-
which crop up once again as the
worst offenders.
tries have used the law to prevent the
dissemination of information that
In response to the alarming rise
in attacks against journalists world-
democratic process. They underscore
the need for adequate legal protec-
ists are deliberately targeted and
threatened while those who attack ALL-INDIA
The latest report notes an upturn
in repression against journalists in
political actors see as threatening
their hold on power and legitimacy.
wide, the United Nations designated
November 2 each year as the Inter-
tion for journalists that goes beyond
rights to communicate and free
them go unpunished, the media can-
not be free and democracy will con- KHILAFAT
Belarus – where opposition politi-
cians and commentators have been
We’ve seen that in Spain, for exam-
ple, where parties on both sides of
national Day to End Impunity for
Crimes Against Journalists. The des-
speech recognised in particularly in
Article 19 of the Universal Declara-
tinue to be threatened.
targeted in the government crack- politics have gone out of their way to ignation is symbolic – but a serious tion of Human Rights. The writer is Professor, Political AHMEDABAD, DEC 26
Communication and Arab Media, SOAS,
down since the August 2020 election stigmatise the media and hamper the engagement with ending impunity Article 19 recognises everyone’s University of London. This article was Presiding at the All-India Khilafat Confer-
– as well in Myanmar, where the mili- free flow of information, even ban- for crimes against journalists can right to freedom of opinion and published on ence this morning Hakin Ajmal Khan said
the Moslem kingdoms in the Middle East,
IT CAME TO MIND | MANISH NANDY and above all the regeneration of Turkey,
gave promise of a great future for Islam.

Experiencing the New

He congratulated Afghanistan on the con-
upbeat and happy. They jolt me into clusion of the Anglo-Afghan treaty. He
remembering that there are quite a contended that Britain alone was stand-
few things in my life to make me very ing in the way of a real solution of the
cheery. Even when they carelessly Near Eastern Question, and hoped that

ere I am, on the eleventh jostle me, it fazes me no more than that different from the exotic foods soon Italy would follow the example of
floor of a downtown build- the lightest drizzle, and I walk on. that I have variously probed. The France and conclude a separate treaty
ing, looking out on the city Here sometimes it drizzles without leisure, the ease, the company, valu- with Angora. Referring to the situation in
from an outsize window notice, suddenly while the sun is at able as they are, are not a category India, the Hakim said that no threats
extending from wall to wall. It is a its dazzling best, and I am content to apart from the time and pleasure I could move them from their determina-
sunny day, and I have a panoramic walk and let my jacket gather the have had with others at other times. tion. They wanted peace, but only by safe-
view of Bogotá, packed by homes and moisture. What is new is the time I have guarding the rights of citizenship and
offices, and fringed by green-gray I know an accomplished dress- given myself to taste the newness. The national honour. The president pleaded
mountains. One day I will amble past maker and I playfully ordered a freedom I have suddenly assigned for toleration for the Moderates and all
those homes and offices and walk up bunch of shirts, of a special design myself to look at things, to listen to those who differed from them.
to the mountains. that had caught my fancy. I cannot people, even to taste what I eat with-
I am in this town for the past
three weeks. I speak Spanish and the
even remember when I last had a
shirt made to order, but the person
out rushing to judgment and asking
myself how they really are. Perhaps SUBMARINES TO
Latin culture intrigues me. I know a
few people, but generally I am on my
seemed cordial and the price more
than reasonable. Now that the shirts
unknowingly, but wisely – with the
wisdom born of a thousand regrets BE OUTLAWED?
own. I walk the streets, I haunt the have come, I wear them with the and disillusionments – I have freed Public opinion in Washington is strongly
museums, I sip divine coffee in the enthusiasm only a naïve adolescent myself to experience the beauty that behind the British plea that submarines
innumerable bakeries and consume should feel. I honestly don’t think I lies both hidden and open around us. should be outlawed, despite the fact that
endless croissants. Here it is never felt a kindred thrill when I bought a When I woke up this morning and the failure of the proposal is a foregone
too warm or too cold. A light parka is new Mercedes Benz. rolled up the window screen, the sun conclusion. All the delegates reiterate that
enough to keep me comfortable What is this special feeling I was just coming up. My disorderly the submarine is indispensable for coast
when I emerge late from a nightclub. have? Is it just the fun of experiencing room filled instantly with a gentle defence and mine laying. American naval
I am amazed at how much our the newness of my world, the sharp light. There seemed a kindly promise opinion, moreover, questions the British
lives change when we move from one taste of unaccustomed sights and foreordained in the quiet unveiling of conclusion that the submarine is an inef-
Illustration: Debabrata Chakrabarty
country to another. I am the same sounds? Is it the hope of some kind of the day. No great event is planned for fective defensive weapon. This opinion is
person whether in Washington or notice in me a seismic shift, in the woman with tousled hair who serves a new beginning, which is always full the day, no plan for a mountain tour or based on beliefs in improvements in sub-
anywhere else, very much a creature way I react to people and things. the drink misses a step and spills a of promise? Is it just my body a great outing with a special person, marine construction in the near future. It
of habit. Why should my life change I get up in the morning and cross drop or two on my jeans, I am uncon- responding to the freshness of a new not even a candlelight dinner to look is thought, however, that Lord Lee's pro-
at all, except very peripherally? Yet I the street into a tiny coffee shop and cerned and gladly tip her more than land, new lodging, new air? I could forward to. Still, I felt a strange plea- posal may compel reductions, and at least
find that my routine has changed order for breakfast a bowl of changua, she expected. disregard it as the naive enthusiasm sure as I stood in the shower, smelled lead to some definite pledge that will
dramatically. I am eating differently, a bread-and-egg soup, or arepas, When I walk, I look at every shop of a casual visitor to a new country. the towel and put on my new shirt. restrict the possibility of a repetition of
spending my time differently, even ground maize patties with cheese and every passerby. Everything seems Then it occurred to me how little is The world has something to offer me, German methods. In this connection the
thinking differently. Convenience and avocado, followed by a chocolate to have a strange aura of newness. the newness of my new environment. and I have something to receive. Morning Post's Washington correspon-
may have something to do with this, drink. These are nowhere near what I The new faces of men and women This apartment, charming as it is, is dent says that whatever France's demands
but surely my habits and inclinations eat in Washington. In taste and tex- strike me with a curious piquancy. not so very different from all the The writer is a US-based international are the British will offer no obstruction.
development advisor and had worked with
would work in the opposite direction ture, they are very different, but I eat Many look preoccupied, some look apartments I have lived in. The food, the World Bank. He can be reached at
and keep me in my place. Instead, I them contentedly. When the young sad or indifferent, but many look intriguingly different as it is, is not all
Such progress has been made by the Gal-
ACROSS annual holiday (4) 29 Patent legend in US returned 6 Spotted poor soul being 18 Priest perhaps secure in St laudet Aircraft Corporation with their sys-
1 Celebs inching extremely
17 Arguably highbrow point in for end of rugby match (2-4) restrained by staff (8) James’s area (8) tem, in which three Liberty aero-engines
unnoted opening talk (6,4) 30 These stir soil, ultimately 7 When could it be this 19 Shares with awfully sick
close to John Virgo, say (4,4) are mounted together in a framework, dri-
19 Gang deployed Emile to making uneven places (8) uncouth? (5-4) miners, backing shelters (5,2)
5 Unctuous host pursuing
pinch house trailer (6,4) 8 Husband may ask to alter 21 Ancient citizens in bar finish ving through gearing one large air-screw,
controlling sex (6)
20 Equipment cut by northern
DOWN veil (7) off these when getting that it is to be installed in giant American
10 Gas from uncontained fart
expanded to the max? (5)
contract (4) 1 Neighbours, as one, going on 9 Parasites found in stream round (7) triplane flying-boats destined for patrol
11 Use coasts to manoeuvre?
23 Concise when penning article strike for campaign platform POW churned up (9) 22 Source of fizz in cellar work over the Pacific. In the Gallaudet
about British conchie (8) (7) 14 Take a deep breath originally acquired by fluke
We might (3-6) plant the three motors, two side by side
24 Creator of said Holy Land? (6) 2 Conjecture sport will return and oppress play (6)
12 Row by inlet secreting navy
27 They travel gratis to arrange after one month (5) despite not knowing the 25 Chap with no money having and one between them at the rear, repre-
base (6)
half of league fixtures (9) 3 Take a cocktail, having time score (5-4) switched sides (5) sent, in the force they can exert simulta-
13 Dog leash may hurt (8)
28 Bouquet inamorata holds out for a chat maybe (6) 16 Challenging circuit is to lap 26 Addict given bum steer off neously on the screw to which they are all
15 Uncle abroad cross about
back (5) 4 Cut good wood (4) old university (9) and on (4) coupled, a total of 1,200 horse-power. It is
the intention, normally to have only two
operating, the third being held in reserve
so that it can come into play should some
NOTE: Figures in parentheses denote the number of letters in the words required. (By arrangement with The Independent, London) defect manifest itself in either of the
motors running.
On the domestic front, rising Covid cases and various restrictions by the
state governments are a key concern for the market.

Economic recovery loses Booster dose, child vaccination to help in

countering new Omicron variant: FICCI
momentum as demand flags industry as well as the citizens
of India,” added Mehta.
The Prime Minister has
Pent-up and festive consumption demand has dropped in intensity: Report announced that the nation has
18 lakh isolation beds, 5 lakh
INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICES The agency said that the pitality, entertainment, and oxygen-supported beds, 1.4
NEW DELHI, 26 DECEMBER tractor as well as two-wheel- tourism sector, seems to be lakh ICU beds, and 90,000 spe-
er sales, a key harbinger for a suggestive of such an out- cial beds for children. There

conomic recovery has recovery in rural demand, come." are over 3,000 functional PSA
lost some momen- recorded a significant con- "While mobility around Oxygen plants and 4 lakh
tum as pent up and traction amidst excess and essentials has continued to Oxygen cylinders have been
festive consumption unseasonal rains in some trend upwards, discretionary provided to all states. Apart
demand dropped in intensi- pockets of the country along movements i.e., retail and from research on the vac-
ty, Acuite Ratings and Research with delayed harvest in kharif recreation as well as parks has cine, the government is also
said in a report. crops which impeded rural also improved significantly. working on approval process-
Accordingly, there has been cash accruals and thereby Mobility to 'workplaces' is STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE senior citizens with comor- es, supply chains, distribution,
a loss in the momentum of eco- fresh purchases. also inching towards the base- NEW DELHI, 26 DECEMBER bidities, which will help us pro- training, IT support system,
nomic recovery in November "On the other hand, the line, indicating another sig- tect our high-risk population and certification.
2021. shortage of semiconductors nificant step towards nor- Commenting on the given the rising concerns Mehta also added that the
"We observed that after the has crippled the entire sup- malisation." announcements by the Prime from the forecasted 3rd Covid industry has been at the fore-
expansion in two consecutive ply chain weighing on auto sec- According to the agency, the Minister Narendra Modi, wave.” front, supporting the gov-
months our proprietary AMEP the average of around 6.5 per was primarily driven by a tor which thwarted festive data for December 2021 FICCI president Sanjiv Mehta “With 61 percent of the ernment at every stage dur-
(Acuite Macroeconomic Per- cent recorded in the last two weak trend in tractor sales, e- season sale." Nevertheless, released so far has further said, “We are deeply thankful population fully vaccinated, ing the pandemic and assures
formance) index fell to 111 in years in the month of Novem- way bills, auto sales, exports, it cited that demand for high improved with the average to the PM for his announce- this rightful expansion of its continuous collaboration
November from a post-Covid ber." and power generation," the contact services sector has index tracking at around 12.8 ment on launching the vac- India’s vaccination campaign and assistance towards pro-
peak of 124.9," Suman Chowd- As per the agency, out of agency said. been witnessing a strong from 11.1 in November 2021. cination campaign for children is a significant step towards tecting the nation from any
hury, Chief Analytical Officer the 16 indicators covered by "While inadequate in terms resurgence of late. "However, going forward, in the age group of 15-18 our continuous fight against further adversities.
of Acuite Ratings, said. AMEP index, only five post- of offsetting the latter weak- "Continued improvement we remain watchful of the risks years who form a major part the COvid pandemic and will FICCI urges all to follow the
"The contraction of the ed a sequential expansion in ness, a healthy traction is vis- in passenger freight and emerging out of the new Covid of the unvaccinated, suscep- aid in tackling the new Omi- protocols announced by the
index sequentially by 11.2 November, whereas 11 saw a ible in indicators such as pas- increase in PMI services to a variant Omicron as it could tible population in India. We cron variant. The prepara- state governments and main-
per cent MoM in November contraction, highlighting a senger freight, PMI manu- near decade high of 58.4 and possibly lead to renewed are also grateful for opening tion announced by the PM for tain Covid appropriate behav-
is partly driven by seasonal- slowdown in the breadth of facturing, GST collections, 58.1 in October and Novem- restrictions on mobility and the booster or precaution managing the pandemic in ior, without which it is impos-
ity. However, the magnitude economic recovery. employment, and credit ber respectively due to grad- impede the nascent improve- dose for the healthcare and coming months is indeed sible to manage a pandemic
of deceleration is higher than "The decline in the index growth." ual normalisation in retail, hos- ment in services sector." frontline workers as well as the very encouraging for the of this scale.

Fresh IPO inflows, low oil Rising global Covid cases to impact Resurgent Covid, macro
prices to strengthen rupee data to drive equities
INDO-ASIN NEWS SERVICE Last week, the rupee cov-
capital flows, heighten inflation: Ind-Ra INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE
result in better momentum
on the upside."
MUMBAI, 26 DECEMBER ered lost ground on the back INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVIVE risk of Covid-19 in some of the tainable economic growth. inched up by 20 to 50bp Notably, market partici-
of decisive intervention by the NEW DELHI, 26 DECEMBER developed economies," the "However, the RBI has depending on the tenure and Rising Covid-19 cases as well pants are expected to track
Fresh FIIs' inflows for upcom- RBI and slowed FPI redemp- agency said in its credit mar- been actively operating credit profile." as derivatives expiry and key macro-data such as the Index
ing IPOs as well as lower tion in Indian equities. Rising Covid cases globally ket tracker report. through changes in the mar- Furthermore, the com- macro-economic data points of ECI (eight core industries)
crude oil prices are expected Gupta expects Indian rupee have the potential to impact Besides, the agency said ket micro structure by taking mercial paper issuances by cor- will impact the Indian equi- and fiscal deficit numbers
to strengthen the Indian rupee to test 74.50 this week on a capital flows as well as height- that there could be an adverse steps to nudge money mar- porates in November 2021 ty market's trajectory during which will be released during
during the upcoming week. strong note. en inflation, said India Rat- impact on the society because ket rates towards the bench- remained benign at Rs 727 bil- the upcoming week, opined the trade week starting Decem-
However, concerns over Rupee had closed at Rs ings and Research (Ind-Ra). of a successive lockdown, mark policy repo rate rather lion due to no immediate experts. ber 27.
Covid-19 variant Omicron 75.03 to a USD on Friday Accordingly, the agency and particularly when the than the reverse repo rate." need for funds and a timid Besides, flow direction of "Indian market post the
will keep the Indian rupee's after a strong show. cited that uncertainty relat- domestic growth condition is Consequently, the RBI demand, whereas the foreign funds along with recent pullback, recouped
strength in check. "On the domestic front, ed to a third Covid wave has still not broad-based but announced a three-day vari- issuances by non-banks crude oil prices will also influ- some of the losses amidst
"Last week of December investors will be keeping an already started showing signs capex cycle is showing green- able rate reverse repo auction, increased to Rs 1,616 billion ence investors' sentiments. volatility and ended almost
is strong for rupee and Indi- eye on the fiscal balance in equity markets. shoots. instead of seven- or 14-day in November 2021 from Rs 292 "On daily charts, Nifty has flat," said Siddhartha Khem-
an equities on a last 10-year number and increased expen- It pointed out that for- In terms of capital flows, auction; the auction saw billion in October 2021. formed a 'Bearish' engulfing ka, Head - Retail Research,
track record," said Sajal Gupta, diture could restrict sharp eign portfolio investors were it noted that the hardening banks park Rs 811.60 billion "The number of ultra- pattern. A move below Friday's Broking & Distribution, Moti-
Head, Forex and Rates at appreciation for the rupee," the net sellers in the Indian domestic inflation and a rever- as against the notified amount short-term commercial paper low, i.e., 16,909 could result lal Oswal Financial Services.
Edelweiss Securities. said Gaurang Somaiya, Forex markets to the tune of Rs 103 sal of the ultra-loose policies of Rs 2 trillion. issuances has increased; con- in faster fall in the coming week Furthermore, derivatives
"Oil prices are expected to & Bullion Analyst, Motilal billion in November 2021 in advanced economies have "The cut-off rate for vari- centration of issuances in which also may see low vol- expiry on December 30, Thurs-
be below $80 per barrel in near Oswal Financial Services. while the net sell-off in debt built up pressure on the able rate reverse repo has the seven-day bucket is large- umes as most institutional day will be the other major
future on a slow down in "FII participation has been has been Rs 27 billion during Reserve Bank of India (RBI). come closer to the 'Repo ly due to the initial public offer players are on year end leave," theme for the week starting
demand on back of Omicron subdued in the last few ses- the month. The Monetary Policy Com- Rate', in sync with the rising financing in the equity mar- said Deepak Jasani, Head of Monday. Last week, FIIs sold
re-emergence. sions, but increased inflow as "One of the main reasons mittee earlier this month left overnight rates and drained- ket. Easy liquidity had kept the Retail Research, HDFC Secu- equities worth Rs 6,600 crore,
“Possibility of bond index we get into the New Year for the sell-off has been con- interest rates unchanged and out liquidity, while money yields low across the buckets rities. while DIIs bought worth Rs
inclusion and IPO flows shall could further support the cerns over the global infla- reiterated that policy sup- market rates have moved up." in November 2021," the report "However an upward 6,900 crore in the cash mar-
be helpful," he added. currency." tionary pressure and higher port was needed to ensure sus- "Overall, the rates have said. breach of 17,118-17,155 could ket.

E-commerce, pharma to Three textile

stocks turn RBL Bank interim CEO says bank has full support of RBI
revive demand for multibagger
in 2021
ments in technology," said
to face the same.
“We recognise that micro-
packaging paper: Crisil NEW DELHI, 26 DECEMBER Mumbai-based private sector
lender RBL Bank Ltd on
Earlier, to calm investors,
RBL Bank had informed the
exchanges that business is
finance sector is likely to face
challenges. We have to be
careful. We have been diver-
over 80 per cent this fiscal from Shares of Bhilwara Spin- December 26 said the bank as usual at the bank. RBL sifying a lot. This segment has
65-70 per cent in the last. ners, Nitin Spinners and and its top management has also told the stock exchanges vulnerability but we will cau-
Increased sales volume and Nahar Spinning Mills have the full support of the Reserve that its business and financial tiously start growing it, Ahuja
6-7 per cent higher realisa- witnessed a sharp rally in Bank of India (RBI) and asset trajectory continues to be on said. Ahuja said he isn't aware
tions mean revenue growth 2021. All three companies quality issues are addressed. improving trend. of any RBI enquiries related
will be healthy this fiscal." deal in textiles. The shares "The (recent) develop- “The financials of the bank to any governance issues in
Furthermore, the report of Bhilwara Spinners, Nitin ments are not on account of remain robust with a healthy the bank.
cited that a gradual recovery Spinners and Nahar Spinning asset quality, advances issues. capital adequacy of 16.3 per- "Clearly they (RBI) make
in apparel sales, too, will Mills companies rose 219 per The bank has the full support cent, high levels of liquidity an appointment in the best
support revenue growth. cent to Rs 47; 231 per cent of the RBI," said Rajeev Ahuja, as reflected through liquidi- interest of the banking system.
Notably, Crisil expects to Rs 239; and 524 per cent Managing Director & CEO of of leadership, it (RBI appoint- Everybody has their job cut ty coverage ratio of 155 per- They are clearly of the view that
operating profitability of to Rs 488, respectively, dur- RBL Bank (Interim), in a con- ing additional director on the out,” Ahuja added. cent, stable net NPA of 2.14 the bank is making progress
packaging paper players to ing the year-to-date period ference call with the media. Board) has nothing to do with The bank is grateful for the percent, credit deposit ratio financially. But I don't think
reach the pre-pandemic level of 2021, exchange data On December 25, the RBI the developments within the contribution of outgoing CEO of 74.1 percent and leverage they have any questions
of over 17 per cent this fis- showed. appointed Yogesh Dayal, the bank. All business funda- Vishwavir Ahuja for the growth ratio of 10 percent, for the quar- around the long-term sus-
cal, compared with 15.5 per Analysts feel that much chief general manager in- mentals are intact,” Ahuja of the bank in initial phase, ter ended September 30, tainability of the bank," Ahuja
cent last fiscal, backed by bet- of the rally in these stocks, charge of department of com- said. Rajeev Ahuja said, adding 2021,” the bank said. said.
ter operating leverage and or all of those in textile trade, munication, as an addition- Ahuja said there are some that the decision of Ahuja to Responding to a question Asked whether the RBL
higher realisations. is because of the Centre's pro- al director on the board of the learnings from the recent go on the leave is a personal on challenge ahead on cus- Board requested Vishwavir
INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE "Also, the costs of key duction-linked incentive bank. developments and adverse decision. “I don’t want to tomer faith in the bank, Ahuja Ahuja to reconsider his deci-
NEW DELHI, 26 DECEMBER inputs such as waste paper, schemes in the key manu- Later in the day, the bank market conditions. speculate on RBI’s objective,” said the bank is prepared to sion to go on leave well ahead
which saw a sharp rise last fis- facturing sectors, which communicated to the “There are some deep Ahuja said. face the challenges. of his tenure, Ahuja said he can
A strong revival in consumer cal, have now stabilised, include textile. On Sep- exchanges that RBL Bank’s learnings. Some of the mis- The bank is well capi- “We have to deal with what only speculate what tran-
spending amid waning impact which will help improve oper- tember, the Union Cabinet long-term MD and CEO Vish- takes we made…clearly one of talised and doesn’t have any we have,” said Ahuja. “RBI is spired between the Board
of the Covid-19 pandemic will ating profitability," the agency had cleared the PLI scheme wavir Ahuja, a veteran banker, the biggest lessons is to have immediate capital require- standing behind us and sup- and the outgoing CEO.
help the paper packaging said. The nationwide lock- for the textile sector with an has gone on leave with imme- more granularity in deposits ments, Ahuja said, adding porting us,” Ahuja said. “I’m sure the board would
industry bounce back with a down to contain the pan- estimated budget outlay of diate effect. Subsequently, and balance between secured, the bank will continue with All the fundamentals are have had a lot of active dis-
revenue growth of 15 per demic had hit sales of appar- Rs 10,683 crore. Govern- Executive Director Rajeev unsecured is essential (Sic),” its investments. The bank in place, reiterated Ahuja. cussions with him. I’m sure
cent this fiscal, ratings agency el and consumer durables ment through the scheme, Ahuja was named the inter- Ahuja said. doesn't need capital for the Ahuja also said that the conversations would have
Crisil said. during last fiscal. aims to provide a big fillip im MD and CEO of the bank Management prepared next eight to 12 months, Ahuja microfinance segment has happened. Beyond that I will
The industry had report- Apart from the lockdown, to the man-made fibres and subject to regulatory approvals. “We are a very well devel- added. "We are going to accel- faced challenges during the not make any comments,”
ed a decline of 8 per cent in lower growth in domestic technical textiles. IANS “Frankly, in terms of change oped management team. erate many of our invest- COVID-19 and may continue Ahuja said.
the previous fiscal. pharmaceutical sales had
Besides, the agency said impacted revenue of paper-
that capacity utilisation and
operating leverage will also
improve and, together with
packaging companies, which
had seen healthy compound
annual growth of 7-8 per
Pre-paid smart metering, power accounting top priority for govt
continued high realisations cent in the preceding five fis-
and almost stable raw mate- cals. VIJAY THAKUR dation of billing and other expected to send their pro-
rial prices will help in improv- "A moderate third wave, NEW DELHI, 26 DECEMBER IT/OT systems in their Action posals shortly, the Power Min-
ing the operating profitabil- if it occurs, is unlikely to plan to reform and revamp the istry said.
ity of packaging paper play- materially impact recovery for Pre-paid smart metering and Power sector. Key interventions envi-
ers this fiscal. the packaging paper seg- total energy accounting in With this the States would sioned under this program
Consequently, with capac- ment. However, movement the power sector is going to be able to ensure financial via- include providing support to
ity utilisation improving, in prices of key raw materi- be the top priority of the Modi bility of the fiscally stressed Dis- DISCOMs to undertake activ-
players are also likely to com- als, such as imported wastepa- Government in the coming coms implement tariff reforms ities for ensuring 100% System
mence capital expenditure for per, will bear watching," four years for which it has and take measures to mod- metering, implementing Pre-
enhancing capacity by 10 Crisil said. As things stand, already kept a budget outlay ernize its consumer services. paid Smart Metering, Energy
per cent over fiscals 2023 the domestic paper industry of Rs 3,03,758 crore. Following the exemplary Accounting, and implementing
and 2024. is dominated by the paper The Centre would give an initiatives taken by two states, infrastructure works for Loss
"A stronger-than-antici- packaging segment, account- estimated budgetary support several other states are com- Reduction.
pated growth in e-commerce ing for 50-55 per cent of the of Rs 97,631 crores to state ing forward to reform and The states have also been
sales due to increasing safe- sector's capacity, followed Power companies, which revamp their power sector. told to modernize and aug-
ty and hygiene consciousness, by writing and printing paper, would be available till FY As per the scheme, Centre Assam have become the fron- prepaid metering of the major- Most of the states are in the ment their power infrastruc-
healthy double-digit growth newsprint and specialty paper 2025-26. would provide assistance to trunners in planning their ity of their consumer base, and advanced state of submis- ture to give quality and reli-
in domestic pharmaceuti- and other segments. The The Power Ministry has DISCOMs for modernization operational and financial 100% feeder level energy sion of their proposal. ability of power supply, the
cal sales, and revival in con- paper packaging segment already launched a reform- and strengthening of distrib- reforms as well as the under- accounting by financial year Besides, 39 out of 55 ben- Ministry said.
sumer durable sales are dri- comprises paperboard and based results-linked, ution infrastructure to improve lying works to accomplish 2023, the officer said. eficiary Discoms (Nodal Agen- Government has also pro-
ving demand for packaging kraft paper used in packing Revamped Distribution sec- the reliability and quality of the same under Revamped Dis- Centre has also asked states cies REC and PFC) have already posed segregation of feeders
paper," said Anuj Sethi, Senior of pharmaceutical, e-com- tor Scheme targeting to supply to end consumers, tribution Sector Scheme. to include reconductoring of submitted their draft pro- dedicated only for supply of
Director, Crisil Ratings. merce goods, consumer improve the operational effi- said a senior officer of the Power Their Action Plans include old / frayed conductors, con- posals and are in active dis- power for agricultural pur-
"Consequently, capacity durables, fast moving con- ciencies and financial sus- Ministry. multiple reform measures version to LT ABC, bifurcation cussions with Nodal Agencies poses, which are proposed to
utilisation of paper packag- sumer goods and ready-made tainability of state owned Presently, state Govern- aimed towards loss reduc- of feeders, segregation of agri- for their finalization, while the be solarized under the KUSUM
ing players is seen rising to garments. DISCOMs. ments of Meghalaya and tion, implementation of smart culture feeders, and upgra- balance Discoms are also scheme, the Ministry states.
Our defence capabilities are needed not only for deterrence against North
Korea, but also for the autonomy of our country stuck between great powers.

Save The Children says two staff Heated debate erupts in Pakistan
over Sharif’s possible return
missing after attack in Myanma INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE
NAB case.
"To make Nawaz Sharif
The remains were burned beyond recognition; children’s and women’s clothes were found together eligible (to run for the high-
ASSOCIATED PRESS tions, but a report in the state- He did not see the moment A heated debate has erupted est office of the country)
BANGKOK, 26 DECEMBER run Myanma Alinn daily news- they were killed, but said he in Pakistan over the rumours again, it is being rumoured that
paper on Saturday said that believed some of them were of PML-N supremo and for- the Bar Council is filing a

wo members of the the fighting near Mo So broke Mo So villagers who report- mer Prime minister Nawaz petition in court," said Akbar.
international human- out on Friday when members edly got arrested by troops on Sharif's possible return to "It is not appropriate for
itarian group Save of ethnic guerrilla forces, Friday. He denied that those the country ahead of the next the Bar Council to file a peti-
the Children were known as the Karenni Nation- captured were members of general elections, Geo News tion in court. I do not under-
missing Saturday after Myan- al Progressive Party, and those locally organized militia reported. stand how it is legally viable
mar government troops round- opposed to the military drove groups. PML-N President Shehbaz Imran Khan-led government, to make him the Prime Min-
ed up villagers, some believed in “suspicious” vehicles and Myanmar’s independent Sharif, who is also the former Geo News reported. ister of Pakistan for the fourth
to be women and children, attacked security forces after media reported on Friday premier's brother, categori- "This fake government has time."
fatally shot more than 30 and refusing to stop. that 10 Mo So villagers includ- cally said that Nawaz Sharif accepted its defeat from Nawaz He said the President of the
burned the bodies, according three burned-out vehicles. eling home for the holidays The newspaper report said ing children were arrested by will not return until he has fully Sharif who is the present and Supreme Court Bar Council
to a witness and other reports. A villager who said he went after conducting humanitar- they included new members the army and four members recovered. future of Pakistan. By target- had recently met Nawaz Sharif.
Purported photos of the to the scene told The Associ- ian response work in a near- who were going to attend of the local paramilitary Bor- In a statement issued on ing a towering personality, the "I believe the Supreme
aftermath of the Christmas Eve ated Press that the victims had by community were “caught training to fight the army, der Guard Forces who went Saturday, Shehbaz Sharif said stature of a pygmy cannot be Court Bar Council taking up
massacre in eastern Mo So vil- fled the fighting between up in the incident and remain and that the seven vehicles they to negotiate for their release that Nawaz Sharif might stay elevated," she tweeted. the issue is a political decision,"
lage, just outside Hpruso armed resistance groups and missing.” were traveling in were were reportedly tied up and in the UK legally until the Special Assistant to the he said.
township in Kayah state where Myanmar’s army near Koi “We have confirmation destroyed in a fire. It gave no shot in the head by the mili- immigration tribunal rules Prime Minister (SAPM) on "The Supreme Court Bar
refugees were sheltering from Ngan village, which is just that their private vehicle was further details about the tary. on his appeal against the Accountability and Interior is a professional body, so it
an army offensive, spread on beside Mo So, on Friday. He attacked and burned out,” killings. The witness said the vil- British Home Office's rejec- Barrister, Shahzad Akbar ques- should avoid indulging itself
social media in the country, said they were killed after the group added in a state- The witness who spoke to lagers and anti-government tion for extending his visa. tioned whether Nawaz Sharif into political matters. Sub-
fueling outrage against the mil- they were arrested by troops ment. “The military reportedly the AP said the remains were militia groups left the bodies Meanwhile, PML-N Vice could participate in the coun- mitting an application from
itary that took power in Feb- while heading to refugee forced people from their cars, burned beyond recognition, as military troops arrived near President Maryam Nawaz, in try's politics despite the the council regarding Nawaz
ruary.The accounts could not camps in the western part of arrested some, killed others and children’s and women’s Mo So while the bodies were a tweet, said the visa issue had Supreme Court declaring him Sharif's case was not appro-
be independently verified. the township. and burned their bodies.” clothes were found together being prepared for crema- again proved how her father guilty and disqualifying him priate. They have not taken up
The photos showed the charred Save the Children said that The government has not with medical supplies and tion. The fighting was still was on the nerves of the for life and an accountabili- the step so far. I call upon them
bodies of over 30 people in two of its staff who were trav- commented on the allega- food. intense near the village. members of the incumbent ty court convicting him in an to review it and avoid it."

Taliban-run government dissolves Suicide bomber attacks bar in eastern Congo, killing six
Afghan election commissions ASSOCIATED PRESS
responsibility for a suicide
bombing near another bar in
iday season,” he said in a
statement. “In the city and ter-
really horrible.”Among the
dead were two children,
bomber and another explo-
sion that same day at a Catholic
Beni who had caused no ritory of Beni, it is difficult, in according to Mayor Narcisse church that wounded two
ASSOCIATED PRESS sary institutes for the cur- Both elections commis- A suicide bomber attacked a other casualties. these times to know who is Muteba, who is also a police people.
ISLAMABAD, 26 DECEMBER rent situation in Afghanistan.” sions were mandated to restaurant and bar Saturday The latest violence only who.” colonel. Residents of the town have
He said if there is a need for administer and supervise all as patrons gathered on Christ- deepens fear that religious Rachel Magali had been at At least 13 other people repeatedly expressed anger
The Taliban dissolved the commissions in the future, types of elections in the coun- mas Day, killing at least six oth- extremism has taken hold in the restaurant-bar for about were wounded and taken to over the ongoing insecurity
Afghanistan’s two election the Taliban government can try, including presidential, ers in an eastern Congolese a region already plagued for three hours with her sister-in- a local hospital.“Investiga- despite an army offensive
commissions as well as the revive them. parliamentary and provin- town where Islamic extrem- years by rebels. law and several others when tions are underway to find the and the presence of U.N.
state ministries for peace and The international com- cial council elections. ists are known to be active. Gen. Sylvain Ekenge, she heard a loud noise outside. perpetrators of this terrorist peacekeepers in Beni.
parliamentarian affairs, an munity is waiting before Karimi said the Taliban Heavy gunfire rang out spokesperson for the gover- “Suddenly we saw black attack,” he told The Associated From 2018 to 2020, the
official said Sunday. extending formal recogni- also dissolved the Ministry for shortly after the bomb went nor of North Kivu, said that smoke surrounding the bar Press. town also suffered through an
Bilal Karimi, deputy tion to Afghanistan’s new Peace and the Ministry of off, with panicked crowds security guards had blocked and people started to cry,” she The town has long been tar- Ebola epidemic that became
spokesman for Afghanistan’s rulers. Parliamentarian Affairs. fleeing the town’s center. the bomber from entering told The Associated Press. geted by rebels from the Allied the second deadliest in his-
Taliban-run government, said They are wary the Taliban He said they were unnec- Saturday’s attack marked the crowded bar and so the per- “We rushed to the exit Democratic Forces, or ADF, a tory.
the country’s Independent could impose a similarly harsh essary ministries in the gov- the first known time that a sui- son instead detonated the where I saw people lying group that traces its origins to More than 2,200 people
Election Commission and regime as when they were in ernment’s current structure. cide bomber has killed vic- explosives at the entrance. down. There were green plas- neighboring Uganda. But in died in eastern Congo as vac-
Electoral Complaint Com- power 20 years ago — despite The Taliban had previ- tims in eastern Congo, where “We call on people to tic chairs scattered every- June the Islamic State group’s cination efforts were at times
mission have been dissolved. their assurances to the con- ously shut down the former an Islamic State group affil- remain vigilant and to avoid where and I also saw heads and Central Africa Province said thwarted by insecurity in the
He called them “unneces- trary. Women’s Affairs Ministry. iate earlier this year took crowded areas during the hol- arms no longer attached. It was it was behind the suicide area.

Palestinians, Israeli forces clash near West Bank outpost Israel plans to double settlement
ASSOCIATED PRESS The military also said shots lagers to be on alert. Palestinians has seen a sim-
in occupied Golan Heights
TEL AVIV, 26 DECEMBER were fired from a passing The clashes come amid ilar increase during the olive ASSOCIATED PRESS is the moment of the Golan
vehicle toward a military post an increase in Israeli-Pales- harvest. MEVO HAMA, 26 DECEMBER Heights,” Bennett said.
Israeli forces clashed with near the West Bank city of tinian violence elsewhere in In mid-November, Jewish “After long and static years
Palestinians in the West Bank Nablus, which is south of the West Bank and in east settlers attacked a group of Israeli Prime Minister Naftali in terms of the scope of set-
in an area that has seen a recent Homesh. Jerusalem. Palestinian farmers with pep- Bennett said Sunday the coun- tlement, our goal today is to
uptick in friction, the Israeli It was not clear if the shoot- On Thursday, thousands of per spray and clubs in the farm- try intends to double the double settlement in the
military and Palestinian medics ing was related to the clash- Jewish nationalists marched land surrounding Homesh, amount of settlers living in the Golan Heights.”
said. es. to Homesh to mark the end injuring four people. occupied Golan Heights with Entrenching Israeli control
The clashes late Saturday The Palestinian Red Cres- of the mourning period for A week before, a Hamas mil- a multimillion-dollar plan over the territory would com-
were part of days of tension cent said 10 people were Dimentman and on Friday, itant opened fire in the Old City, meant to further consolidate plicate any future attempt to
in the area surrounding a wounded by live fire. Israeli forces dismantled struc- killing an Israeli man. Israel’s hold on the territory forge peace with Syria, which
West Bank settlement out- The Palestinian Health tures that settlers had erect- Both attackers were killed it captured from Syria more claims the Golan Heights.
post and a spike in violence Ministry said one of them, a and established an unautho- Jewish nationalists marched ed at the outpost. by Israeli forces. than five decades ago. Israel occupied the Golan
elsewhere in theWest Bank and 17-year-old, was seriously rized outpost at the site. to Homesh to mark the end Earlier this month, an ultra- Israel captured east Speaking at a special Cab- Heights in the 1967 Mideast
east Jerusalem. wounded. Dozens of others Last week, at least one of the mourning period for Orthodox Jew was left seriously Jerusalem and the West Bank inet session being held in the war and later annexed the ter-
During the clashes, the were wounded by rubber bul- Palestinian gunman opened Dimentman and on Friday, injured after being stabbed by in the 1967 Mideast war, and Golan Heights, Bennett said ritory, promoting settlement
military said, hundreds of lets. fire on a car filled with Jew- Israeli forces dismantled struc- a Palestinian attacker out- the territories are now home the recognition by the Trump and agriculture there as well
Palestinians threw rocks and A soldier was lightly wound- ish seminary students next to tures that settlers had erect- side the walls of Jerusalem’s to over 700,000 Israel settlers. administration of Israeli sov- as creating a thriving local
burned tires and shots were ed, the military said. the outpost. ed at the outpost. Old City. Most of the international ereignty over the swath of tourism industry.
fired in the area. Homesh, in the northern Yehuda Dimentman, 25, According to Israeli media A week before, a Hamas mil- community considers Israeli land, and the Biden admin- The U.S. was the first coun-
The military said forces West Bank, was dismantled as was killed and two others reports, Jewish settlers were itant opened fire in the Old City, settlements illegal obstacles istration’s indication that it will try to recognize Israel’s sov-
responded with live fire and part of Israel’s withdrawal were wounded near Homesh, expected to march again to the killing an Israeli man. to peace.The Palestinians seek not at this point walk that deci- ereignty over the Golan, which
“riot dispersal means,” typi- from the Gaza Strip in 2005. which is considered illegal outpost on Saturday night, Both attackers were killed east Jerusalem and the West sion back, prompted the new the rest of the international
cally tear gas and stun But in recent years, Israeli by the Israeli government. drawing calls on Palestinian by Israeli forces. Bank as parts of a future inde- investment in the region. community regards as Israeli-
grenades. settlers have returned to pray On Thursday, thousands of social media for nearby vil- Settler violence against pendent state. “This is our moment. This occupied.

HOSPITALS 22586262, 22585007 � Punjab Roadways 23867842,
port 011-25671580; Terminal I-
� AIIMS 26588500, 26588900
B 25671576, Palam Road
� Moolchand Medcity (formerly
RAILWAY INQUIRY � Rajasthan Roadways
25671579, 18001803838
General Inquiry 139 23864470
� JET AIRWAYS Flight Inquiry
Hospital) 42000000 & 24-hour � U.P. Roadways 23868709
and Reservation 39841111
Chemist Shop 42000447 � Toll Free Nos. 1800112511
� EMIRATES Flight Inquiry and
� Vidyasagar Institute for Men- � SMS Inquiry Nos. 57886,
FLIGHT INQUIRY Reservation 33773377
tal Health and Neuro-Sciences 54959, 5676747 � Air Canada Flight Inquiry
26924300, 26924304 � AIR INDIA Flight Inquiry and
25656421/25656431 Reserva-
� Batra Hospital & Medical ROADWAYS INQUIRY Reservation 18001801407 tion 41528181
Research Centre 29051280, � ISBT (General Inquiry): � INDIGO AIRLINES New Delhi � Air France Flight Inquiry and
29958747 23868836, 23865181 City Office 43513185, Call Cen- Reservation 23466262 (City)
� Deen Dayal Upadhyay � Haryana Roadways 23861262 tre 09910383838,
25652294 (Airport)
25496320, 25494403 � Himachal Roadways 18001803838, Reservation � Kuwait Airways Flight Inquiry
� Guru Tegh Bahadur 23717473, 23325320 43513186; Indigo Airlines Air- and Reservation 23354373

RED EYE/Bill Yates & Mel Casson SUDOKU

1 Haystack (4) 2 Pictures (6)
4 Billboard (8) 3 Small barrel (3)
8 Marsupial (8) 4 Large insect (8)
9 Nimble (4) 5 Solemnly affirm (4)
10 Educator (7) 6 Take apart (9)
12 Deadly (5)
14 Dependent (7) 7 Usual (6)
17 Sorcery (5) 11 Bodily tissue (9)
18 Widespread (7) 13 Negligent (8)
20 Prima donna (4)
21 Angelic (8)
15 Spittle (6)
16 Forearm bone (6) DADDY DAZE/John Kovaleski
23 Famished (8) 19 Resound (4)
24 Prying (4) 22 Vase (3)
7 letter word from the
ACROSS 11 Seen, DOWN 7 Sure, letters in each row.
13 Fountain 12 Energised, Add points of each
1 Fission, 1 Folk, word, using scoring
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5 Ships 15 Asks, 16 Sheen, letter words get 50- Sudoku is a number-placing
(Fish and 3 Italian, point bonus. "Blanks"
puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with
17 Twinge, 4 National 18 Apex, used as any letter
chips), 20 Parvenu, 19 Stye, have no point value. several given numbers. The
8 Larva, Trust, All Judd’s words are
object is to place the numbers 1
22 Onset, 5 Spuds, 21 Run. in The Official
9 Trucker, 23 Xenon, Scrabble Players to 9 in the empty squares so
10 Indigo, 6 Ilk, Dictionary(Merriam-
that no row, no column and no
24 Treadle. Webster) and OSW
Official Scrabble answer to 3x3 box contains the same
By arrangement with The Independent rabble and Scrabble Tiles are registered trademarks. All Words(Chambers).
number. The difficulty level
Figures in parentheses denote
rights in the game are owned in the U.S.A by Hasbro Inc., Judd’s solution previous
in Canada by Hasbro Canada Inc., and elsewhere by J.W. increases through the week.
the number of letters in the words required Spear & Sons Limited, a subsidiary of Mattel, Inc.
After every argument, don’t let the day end without making peace.

Desmond Tutu, South African Flight cancellations snarl
holiday plans for thousands
equality activist, dies at 90
HONG KONG 22 15 H ASSOCIATED PRESS according to FlightAware.
TOKYO 13 4 R NEW YORK, 26 DECEMBER American spokesperson Derek
LONDON 8 6 R Walls said the cancellations
DUBAI 27 22 H Airlines continued to cancel stemmed from “Covid-relat-
SAN FRANCISCO 11 7 R He died peacefully at the Oasis Frail Care Center in Cape Town, the Archbishop Desmond Tutu Trust said hundreds of flights Saturday ed sick calls.” European and
NEW YORK 10 7 R because of staffing issues Australian airlines have also
MOSCOW -5 -13 R ASSOCIATED PRESS community outside Cape Nicknamed “the Arch,” tied to Covid-19, disrupting canceled holiday-season
S= sunny, CL= clear, JOHANNESBURG, 26 DECEMBER Town.Throughout the 1980s Tutu was diminutive, with an holiday celebrations during flights because of staffing
H=hazy, R= rainy... — when South Africa was impish sense of humor, but one of the busiest travel times problems tied to Covid-19.

esmond Tutu, South gripped by anti-apartheid became a towering figure in of the year. For travelers, that meant
THUMBNAILS Africa’s Nobel Peace violence and a state of emer- his nation’s history, comparable FlightAware, a flight-track- time away from loved ones,
Prize-winning gency giving police and the mil- to fellow Nobel laureate Nel- ing website, noted nearly chaos at the airport and the
activist for racial itary sweeping powers — Tutu son Mandela, a prisoner dur- 1,000 canceled flights enter- stress of spending hours
justice and LGBT rights and was one of the most promi- ing white rule who became ing, leaving or inside the U.S. standing in line and on the
retired Anglican Archbishop nent Blacks able to speak out South Africa’s first Black pres- Saturday, up from 690 flights phone trying to rebook flights.
of Cape Town, has died, South against abuses.A lively wit ident. Tutu and Mandela scrapped on Friday. Over 250 Peter Bockman, a retired
African President Cyril lightened Tutu’s hard-hitting shared a commitment to more flights were already actor, and his daughter Malai-
Ramaphosa announced Sun- messages and warmed oth- building a better, more equal canceled for Sunday. ka, a college student, were sup-
day. He was 90. erwise grim protests, funer- South Africa. FlightAware does not say why posed to be in Senegal on Sat-
An uncompromising foe of als and marches. Short, plucky, In 1990, after 27 years in flights are canceled. urday celebrating with rela-
apartheid — South Africa’s bru- tenacious, he was a formida- prison, Mandela spent his Delta, United and JetBlue tives they hadn’t seen in a
tal regime of oppression against ble force, and apartheid lead- first night of freedom at Tutu’s had all said Friday that the decade. But their 7:30 p.m.
the Black majority — Tutu ers learned not to discount his residence in Cape Town. Later, omicron variant was causing flight Friday from New York
worked tirelessly, though non- erated South Africa,” a statement Sunday. canny talent for quoting apt Mandela called Tutu “the peo- staffing problems leading to to Dakar was canceled, which
violently, for its downfall. Ramaphosa said in a state- Tutu had been hospitalized scriptures to harness righteous ple’s archbishop.” flight cancellations. United they found out only when they
The buoyant, blunt-spoken ment. several times since 2015, after support for change. Tutu campaigned inter- spokesperson Maddie King got to the airport. Their new
clergyman used his pulpit as “From the pavements of being diagnosed with prostate The Nobel Peace Prize in nationally for human rights, said staffing shortages were flight, for Monday evening, has
the first Black bishop of Johan- resistance in South Africa to cancer in 1997. 1984 highlighted his stature especially LGBT rights and still causing cancellations a layover in Paris, and they are
nesburg and later Archbish- the pulpits of the world’s great “Typically he turned his as one of the world’s most effec- same-sex marriage. and it was unclear when nor- worried there will be issues
op of Cape Town as well as fre- cathedrals and places of wor- own misfortune into a teach- tive champions for human “I would not worship a mal operations would return. with that one as well. They
quent public demonstrations ship, and the prestigious set- ing opportunity to raise aware- rights, a responsibility he took God who is homophobic and Delta and JetBlue did not have already missed a big
to galvanize public opinion ting of the Nobel Peace Prize ness and reduce the suffering seriously for the rest of his life. that is how deeply I feel about respond to questions Satur- family get-together that was
against racial inequity both at ceremony, the Arch distin- of others,” said the Tutu trust’s With the end of apartheid this,” he said in 2013, launch- day. scheduled for Saturday.
home and globally. guished himself as a non- statement. “He wanted the and South Africa’s first demo- ing a campaign for LGBT According to FlightAware, FlightAware’s data shows
Emergency room nurse
Sonia Harrat takes a break
Tutu’s death on Sunday sectarian, inclusive champi- world to know that he had cratic elections in 1994, Tutu rights in Cape Town. “I would the three airlines canceled airlines scrapped more than
while working on Christ- “is another chapter of on of universal human rights.” prostate cancer, and that the celebrated the country’s multi- refuse to go to a homophobic more than 10% of their sched- 6,000 flights globally for Fri-
mas day at the la Timone bereavement in our nation’s Tutu died peacefully at the sooner it is detected the bet- racial society, calling it a “rain- heaven. No, I would say, ‘Sorry, uled Saturday flights. Amer- day, Saturday and Sunday, with
hospital in Marseille, farewell to a generation of Oasis Frail Care Center in ter the chance of managing it.” bow nation,” a phrase that cap- I would much rather go to the ican Airlines also canceled almost one-third of affected
southern France.� AP outstanding South Africans Cape Town, the Archbishop In recent years he and his tured the heady optimism of other place.’ more than 90 flights Saturday, flights to, from or within the
who have bequeathed us a lib- Desmond Tutu Trust said in wife, Leah, lived in a retirement the moment. about 3% of its schedule, United States.

NZ detects 7 new Omicron

cases at border: New
Zealand has detected
seven fresh Omicron cases
German foreign minister vows Putin to mull different options if West refuses guarantees
in international arrivals
over two days, taking the to tighten arms sales rules ASSOCIATED PRESS
launch security talks with
Russia next month to discuss
recent weeks that has fueled
Western fears of a possible
country's total number of ASIAN NEWS its concerns. invasion. U.S. President Joe
infections caused by the INTERNATIONAL Russian President Vladimir Putin said the talks with the Biden warned Putin in a
new Covid-19 variant to BERLIN, 26 DECEMBER Putin said Sunday he would U.S. will be held in Geneva. video call earlier this month
45. New Zealand reported ponder a slew of options if the In parallel, negotiations are also that Russia will face “severe
136 cases of Covid-19 over German Foreign Minister West fails to meet his push for set to be held between Rus- consequences” if it attacks
two days, including 126 Annalena Baerbock said on security guarantees preclud- sia and NATO and broader dis- Ukraine.
community cases and 10 Sunday that a new law is in ing NATO’s expansion to cussions are expected under Russia has denied an inten-
imported cases at the bor- the works to revise the coun- Ukraine. the aegis of the Organization tion of launching an inva-
der, said the Ministry. IANS try's military export regula- Earlier this month, Moscow for Security and Cooperation sion and, in its turn, accused
tions after Angela Merkel's submitted draft security doc- in Europe. Ukraine of hatching plans to
government was exposed to uments demanding that NATO In remarks broadcast Sun- try to reclaim control of the
Global Covid caseload tops have approved a record vol- deny membership to Ukraine day, Putin said that Russia sub- territories held by Moscow-
279.4 million: The global ume of foreign arms sales this and other former Soviet coun- he said in comments aired by mitted the demands in the backed rebels by force.
coronavirus caseload has year. tries and roll back its military Russian state TV Sunday that hope of a constructive answer Ukraine has rejected the
topped 279.4 million, On Saturday, German "We as a [new govern- the world's biggest arms sell- deployments in Central and “it could be diverse,” adding from the West. claim.
while the deaths have news agency DPA reported, ment] coalition have clearly ers together with the United Eastern Europe. without elaboration that “it will “We didn’t do it just to see Russia annexed Ukraine’s
surged to more than 5.39 citing Economy Ministry data stated that we would reassess States, Russia, France and Putin has urged the West depend on what proposals our it blocked ... but for the pur- Crimean Peninsula in 2014
million and vaccinations requested by a lawmaker, the policy of defence exports Germany. to move quickly to meet the military experts submit to pose of reaching a negotiat- and shortly after threw its sup-
to over 8.92 billion, that the Merkel government of recent years. According to the Stock- demands, warning that me.” ed diplomatic result that port behind a separatist
according to Johns Hop- approved over 9 billion euros That is why we are work- holm International Peace Moscow will have to take The U.S. and its allies have would be fixed in legally rebellion in the country’s
kins University. The CSSE ($10 billion) worth of weapon ing on a defence exports law Research Institute, Berlin was “adequate military-technical refused to offer Russia the binding documents,” Putin east. Over more than seven
revealed that the current contracts in 2021. that will provide clearer cri- responsible for 5.5% of glob- measures” if the West con- kind of guarantee on Ukraine said. years, the fighting has killed
global caseload and the Over half of the contracts teria for the approval of al arms exports from 2016 to tinues its “aggressive” course that Putin wants, citing NATO’s The Kremlin presented over 14,000 people and dev-
death toll stood at were approved during Merkel's defence export," Baerbock 2020, with South Korea, Alge- “on the threshold of our home.” principle that membership is its security demand amids the astated Ukraine’s industrial
279,454,484 and last days as chancellor and told DPA. ria and Egypt as its biggest buy- Asked to specify what such open to any qualifying coun- tensions over a Russian troop heartland, known as the
5,396,449. IANS went to Egypt. Germany has been among ers. Moscow’s response could be, try. They agreed. however, to buildup near Ukraine in Donbas.

French coronavirus infections EU envisages strategy to counter China's Belt and Road Initiative El Salvador frees three
spike over holidays ASIAN NEWS est. Eurasia have been incorpo- women convicted of abortions
INTERNATIONAL The BRI is an economic and rated into the BRI, the brain-
ASSOCIATED PRESS variant infections in recent WASHINGTON, 26 DECEMBER geopolitical necessity for Bei- child of President Xi Jinping, ASSOCIATED PRESS their homes,” Herrera said.
PARIS, 26 DECEMBER months is pushing up hospital jing as it tries to unlock the a foreign policy narrative that SAN SALVADOR, 26 DECEMBER She said she had no addi-
admissions. More than 1,000 European Union has envis- potential for new sources of exports the "China Dream" tional information about the
France has recorded more people in France with the aged better planning to growth and export markets for that was cemented into the President Nayib Bukele’s gov- decision, though she noted
than 100,000 virus infections virus died over the past week, counter China's Belt and China's excess industrial Chinese Communist Party's ernment has freed three Sal- that petitions were pending
in a single day for the first time bringing the overall death Road Initiative (BRI) and capacities in its struggling constitution during the Nine- vadoran women who were before the Supreme Court to
since the pandemic struck, and toll to more than 122,000. become a stronger geopolit- industries (construction, steel, teenth Party Congress. sentenced to 30 years in prison commute the women’s sen-
Covid-19 hospitalizations The government is hold- ical entity. and cement) which could be To put this into perspec- under the nation’s strict anti- tences.
have doubled over the past ing emergency meetings Mon- Eight years after the done through advance inno- tive, since the launch of the abortion laws after suffering The three are among at least
month as the fast-spreading day to discuss next steps. announcement of the Belt and vation. BRI in 2013, the EU and the obstetric emergencies, accord- 17 Salvadoran women activists
omicron variant complicates Some scientists and educa- Road Initiative (BRI)--con- Despite Beijing's significant United States together have ing to abortion rights groups. consider unjustly convicted
the government’s efforts to tors have urged delaying the ceived first as One Belt, One stood the Chinese econom- investment to strengthen the contributed USD 800 billion Morena Herrera of the Cit- and imprisoned following
stave off a new lockdown. post-holiday return to school, Road, the European Union ic and geopolitical designs. BRI's narrative power--focus- to global development--more izen’s Group for the Depe- obstetric emergencies and
More than 1 person in 100 or re-imposing a curfew. (EU) has a good plan to In line with this vision, ing on the mantra of a "win- foreign aid to developing nalization of Abortion said late who have been at the center
in the Paris region has test- But the education minis- counter it and become a Beijing is expanding Chinese win" strategy, promising to countries than China's BRI Friday that the group was of a campaign against El Sal-
ed positive in the past week, ter says schools should open stronger geopolitical actor outreach in the global econ- advance global development, loans, writes Valbona Zeneli told one woman would be set vador’s absolute law against
according to the regional as usual Jan. 3, and other in an era of strategic compe- omy, reducing its technolog- and presenting China as a for the National Interest. free at presidential order, but abortions.
health service. Most new government officials are work- tition as European policy- ical dependence on the West- benevolent rising power-- Further, a grant repre- when they went to the prison Several celebrities —
infections are linked to the ing to avoid measures that makers seem to have awak- -in line with its "Made in BRI has become controver- sents a much bigger financial to greet her, three were including actors América Fer-
omicron variant, which gov- would hammer the economic ened to Chinese economic and China 2025"--and maintain- sial and caused a backlash in contribution than a loan, and released. rera, Milla Jovovich and
ernment experts predict will recovery. geopolitical designs, accord- ing a favorable external influ- several countries, according the EU's donations alone “We presented ourselves Kathryn Hahn — last week
be dominant in France in the Instead the government is ing to National Interest. ence while addressing domes- to National Interest. ($550 billion since 2013) are at the prison in Zacatecolu- asked Bukele and El Salvador
coming days. hoping that stepped-up vac- Therefore, European pol- tic challenges writes Valbona Since its inception, 2013, greater than the BRI's infra- ca and Karen, Kathy and Eve- in general to let the women
Meanwhile a surge in delta cinations will be enough. icymakers seem to have under- Zeneli for the National Inter- most Chinese projects in structure lending thus far. lyn left. They are free and in return home for Christmas.

Pope’s three key words

for a marriage: ‘Please,
Another Covid Christmas brings anxiety, but also optimism
thanks, sorry’ WASHINGTON, 26 DECEMBER
and the world”) speech.
“Grant health to the infirm
and inspire all men and
“This year, especially, I under-
stand why.’’
Thousands of people across
Asia’s largest Roman Catholic
nation, spent Christmas with-
out homes, electricity, or ade-
ASSOCIATED PRESS led to difficulties. Christmas arrived around the women of goodwill to seek the Britain got a vaccine booster quate food and water after a
ROME, 26 DECEMBER “Pre-existing problems world Saturday amid a surge best ways possible to overcome shot for Christmas as new powerful typhoon left at least
were aggravated, creating in Covid-19 infections that kept the current health crisis and cases hit another daily record 375 people dead last week and
Pope Francis is seeking to conflicts that in some cases many families apart, over- its effects,” Francis said from of 122,186. devastated mostly central
encourage married couples, became almost unbearable. whelmed hospitals and curbed the loggia of St. Peter’s Basil- The Good Health Phar- island provinces.
acknowledging that the pan- Many even experienced the religious observances as the ica. “Open hearts to ensure that macy in north London was one Gov. Arthur Yap of hard-hit
demic has aggravated some breakup of a relationship,” pandemic was poised to stretch necessary medical care — of dozens of sites that stayed Bohol province, where more
family problems but urging Francis wrote. into a third year. and vaccines in particular — open Saturday to administer than 100 people died in the
couples to seek help and He offered his closeness to Yet, there were homilies of are provided to those peoples “jingle jabs” amid a govern- typhoon and about 150,000
always remember three key those families and reminded hope, as vaccines and other who need them most.” ment push to offer booster houses were damaged or
words in a marriage: “Please, parents that the breakup of treatments become more In the United States, many shots to all adults by the end destroyed, appealed for help.
thanks and sorry.” a marriage is particularly available. churches canceled in-person of the year. He was happy many Fil-
Francis penned a letter to hard on children, who look to Pope Francis used his services, but for those that did The Rev. Alex Karloutsos, op David Bonnar, who The head of intensive care ipinos could celebrate Christ-
married couples that was their parents as a constant Christmas address to pray have in-person worship, cler- of the Dormition of the Vir- presided. at a hospital in Marseille, mas more safely after Covid-
released Sunday, a Catholic source of stability, love, trust for more vaccines to reach the ics reported smaller but sig- gin Mary Church of the Hamp- In Britain, Queen Eliza- France, said most Covid-19 19 cases dropped, but he
feast day commemorating and strength. poorest countries. While nificant attendance. tons in Southampton, New beth II noted another year of patients over Christmas were pleaded: “Please don’t forget
Jesus’ family. It came halfway “The breakdown of a mar- wealthy countries have inoc- “Our hopes for a normal York, said attendance at the pain — particularly person- unvaccinated, while his staff us.”
through a yearlong celebra- riage causes immense suf- ulated as much as 90% of Christmas have been tem- Christmas Eve liturgy was a al after losing her husband, are exhausted or can’t work At least one American
tion of the family announced fering, since many hopes are their adult populations, 8.9% pered by omicron this year… third less than last year’s, with Prince Philip, in April — and because they are infected. Christmas tradition was revived
by Francis that is due to con- dashed, and misunder- of Africa’s people are fully still filled with uncertainties “the reality of the omicron virus urged people to celebrate “We’re sick of this,” said Dr. after the pandemic drove it
clude in June with a big rally standings can lead to argu- jabbed, making it the world’s and threats that overshadow diminishing the crowd, but not with friends and family. Julien Carvelli, the ICU chief online last year: the annual
in Rome. ments and hurts not easily least-vaccinated continent. us,” the Rev. Ken Boller told the fervor of the faithful pre- “Although it’s a time of at La Timone Hospital, as his reenactment of George Wash-
In the letter, Francis said healed,” he said. “Children end Only a few thousand well- his parishioners during mid- sent.” great happiness and good team spent another Christmas ington’s daring crossing of
lockdowns and quarantines up having to suffer the pain wishers turned out for his night Mass at the Church of St. Patrick’s Church in Hub- cheer for many, Christmas Eve tending to Covid-19 the Delaware River in 1776.
had forced families to spend of seeing their parents no noontime address and bless- St. Francis Xavier in New York bard, Ohio, held Mass on can be hard for those who have patients on breathing Reenactors in three boats
more time together. But he longer together.” ing, but even that was better City. “Breakthrough used to be Christmas Eve in a nearby lost loved ones,” the queen said machines. “We’re afraid we completed the crossing in
noted that such enforced He urged parents to keep than last year, when Italy’s a happy word for us, until it high school because of a in the prerecorded message won’t have enough space.” about an hour Saturday.
togetherness at times tested seeking help to try to overcome Christmas lockdown forced was associated with Covid. And church fire this year. broadcast when many British On the other side of the Crowds were in the hundreds,
the patience of parents and conflicts, including through Francis indoors for the annu- in the midst of it all, we cele- The Mass drew about 550 families were enjoying their globe, hundreds of thousands down from the usual thou-
siblings alike and in some cases prayer. al “Urbi et Orbi” (“To the city brate Christmas.” people, said Youngstown Bish- traditional Christmas dinner. of people in the Philippines, sands.
Getting louder by the day
Disparate voices Justice Jeevan Reddy Committee for
New districts
from the North- repealing the Act, terming it a sym-
bol of hate, oppression and an instru-
east and beyond ment of high-handedness.
The forum claimed that the secu-
are demanding rity forces were taking advantage of
that the Armed the immunity that is guaranteed by
the AF(SP)A provisions and hence The Nagaland government recently cre-
Forces (Special they are still killing innocent Naga ated three more districts, bringing the
men, women and children. It total number of districts in the state to 15,
Powers) Act, ridiculed the view that the security says a report in the Guwahati-based
1958 be forces fired upon the vehicle as its
warnings were not heeded. The forum
Assam Tribune.
The state cabinet announced the for-
repealed asserted that the Union home minis- mation of the three new districts in Kohi-
ter’s statement over the Oting mas- ma. The newly created districts are
sacre was factually incorrect and mis- Tseminyu, Niuland and Chumukedima.
NAVA THAKURIA leading. While Tseminyu has been formed by
The Hong Kong-based Asian bifurcating Kohima district, Niuland and

he recent special Assembly Human Rights Commission also Chumukedima were carved out of Dima-
session of Nagaland was issued a statement in which it implied pur district.
unique in many ways. First, a that the special unit of the security Nagaland had 12 districts, namely
state Legislative Assembly forces involved in the operation had Dimapur, Kiphire, Kohima, Longleng,
took a pertinent position against the killed unarmed civilians returning Mokokchung, Mon, Phek, Tuensang
controversial Armed Forces (Special By then, the incident had created structure used as a training camp for troversy has complicated matters from work in cold blood flouting stan- Wokha, Zunheboto and Noklak. Noklak
Powers) Act, 1958. Second, it a massive uproar among the villagers armed volunteers or utilised as a more. dard operating procedures. They had district, formerly a sub-division of Tuen-
demanded an apology from the and soon they arrived at the location. hide-out by armed gangs or abscon- Earlier, Indian Army authorities opened fire without any warning (to sang district, was the youngest among
Union government in New Delhi for Once they charged the security per- ders. They are also empowered to also expressed its regret over the inci- the passengers travelling in the vehi- them. It was created on 21 December 2017
the military atrocities against com- sonnel about the killings, the situa- arrest, without warrant, any person dent. Nagaland Police, on the other cle), it observed. by the Naga People’s Front government
mon Naga people and wanted an tion slowly turned ugly and seven who has committed a cognisable hand, lodged a first information “When the kith and kin of the led by former chief minister TR Zeliang.
assurance of justice for the victims. more villagers were killed. The next offence or against whom a reasonable report against the 21 para-comman- miners set out to look for them once Jacob Zhimomi, minister of public
Third, summoned by Nagaland day, another villager died during suspicion exists that he has commit- dos claiming that the intention of the they did not return in time, the sec- health engineering, Government of Naga-
governor professor Jagdish Mukhi on protest-demonstrations where one ted or is about to commit a cognis- security forces was only to kill and ond round of gory killings unfolded. land, expressed his happiness at the cre-
20 December to discuss the AF(SP)A soldier of the Assam Rifles also lost able offence, etc. injure unarmed civilians. More specif- As reported by media houses, when ation of Nuiland and Chumukedima dis-
in the backdrop of civilians’ killings, his life. Moreover, it gives immunity to ically, the FIR stated that “at the time the villagers spotted vehicles of the tricts. Taking to Twitter, he wrote that he
the Assembly session demanded the Oting lost 12 villagers in the the men in uniform as no prosecu- of incident, there was no police guide unit, they were told that they were was delighted to share that Niuland and
law’s repeal, not from Nagaland series of incidents and the Konyak vil- tion, suit or other legal proceedings nor did the security forces make a being taken to hospital. On checking Chumukedima, under his constituency,
alone, but the entire North-east, so lagers demanded that the AF(SP)A be can be instituted (unless there is prior requisition to the police station to themselves, the villagers found dead had become new districts.
that the ongoing peace initiative to abolished from the whole of Naga- sanction from the Union defence or provide police guide for their opera- bodies and it was there that all hell “18.12.2021 a Historic day!
resolve Naga political issues can be land. Konyak Union, the apex body of home ministry for the Army and tion”. broke loose, ending in a repeat firing,” TSEMINYU, the 13th District of Nagaland.
strengthened. It further elaborated tribes, urged everyone to support the paramilitary forces respectively) for Speaking to this correspondent stated the AHRC statement. On behalf of the Rengma Naga, I express
that the people’s voice must be heard cause of justice for the victims. anything done or purported to be from Kohima, a journalist, on the National Human Rights Com- my heartfelt gratitude to @CmoNagaland
and respected. A conducive ambience Soon, Nagaland chief minister done while exercising powers con- condition of anonymity, claimed that mission chairman Justice Arun Shri @Neiphiu Rio & Cabinet members
for a final peace accord was also high- Neiphiu Rio and his Meghalaya coun- ferred by the Act. the 21 para-commandos did every- Mishra, however, commented that it for fulfilling our long-cherished dream
lighted in the special session. terpart Conrad K Sangma joined the When the Oting issue reached thing according to their convenience. would be wrong to generalise that the (sic),” advisor to animal husbandry and
The spark for these recent anti- voices to repeal the AF(SP)A. Rio was Parliament and Union home minis- When the first batch of victims were AF(SP)A leads to rights violations in veterinary services, R Khing tweeted.
AF(SP)A outrages was created with extremely critical while paying trib- ter Amit Shah made a statement returning home from work, the para- the North-east. He asserted that the Khing represents Tseminyu constituency,
the incident at Oting village in Naga- utes to the victims. He did not hesi- admitting that it was a case of mis- commandos did not ask them to stop NHRC always takes the issue of cus- home to the Rengma Nagas, in the Naga-
land, where 14 civilians lost their lives. tate to comment that the Oting taken identity, there was resentment the vehicle but started firing indis- todial deaths or extra-judicial killings land Legislative Assembly.
From local villagers to state-level killings were a clear example of the on the ground. The Central govern- criminately for reasons best known extremely seriously. But he admitted
organisations, North-eastern to
national and international outfits,
AF(SP)A’s misuse.
Notably, Rio himself moved the
ment expressed regret and offered
condolences to the victim families
only to them. So, it must not be
termed as an incident brought about
that the Commission cannot exam-
ine or hold a debate on the legality or Ultimatum issued
almost everyone seems to have joined resolution to scrap AF(SP)A in the but made the claim that the security by mistaken identity, he asserted. constitutionality of the AF(SP)A.
in the chorus to demand the repeal special Assembly session. After day- forces had fired after the vehicle The journalist, who later visited Talking about the Nagaland inci-
of the six decade-long Army Act. long deliberations, the Nagaland ignored its direction. Shah also the area, alleged that initially the dent, Justice Mishra revealed that the
Many activists from the region have Assembly unanimously adopted the informed that a special investigation security personnel had tried to cover NHRC had taken up the case and sent
challenged the Centre to enforce the resolution. Rio asserted that the Leg- team was formed and asked to sub- the dead bodies with camouflage notices to the Union defence secre-
same law in the Naxal-stricken areas. islative Assembly must respect the mit its report within a month. dresses, but the villagers who already tary, Union home secretary, Nagaland
Sad news broke on 4 December, people of Nagaland and presently, the The Konyak Union vehemently arrived at the location immediately chief secretary and state police chief.
when the on-duty security forces common people are in favour of opposed Shah’s statement and even identified the victims. They also “The incident triggered several other
opened fire on a vehicle of villagers repealing the Act. Proper action demanded an apology from him, engaged in verbal confrontations with events of arson, rioting and attack on
in Nagaland’s Mon district, who were against the security forces, who went alleging that the Union home minis- the security personnel. It led to the soldiers and an Assam Rifles camp,
returning from daily work at the Tiru on firing indiscriminately, was also ter had misinformed Parliament unfortunate killings of seven more resulting in more injuries and deaths,
valley coal mine. The personnel urged. about the Oting massacre. Shah must people and injuries to many others. including that of one soldier,” said the On 18 December, the All-Arunachal
belonging to the 21-Para Special The widely debated AF(SP)A, clarify, apologise and ask for forgive- “The 21 para-commandos were NHRC statement. Pradesh Students Union gave a 15-day
Forces of the Indian Army (not Assam which is enforced in different areas of ness from the Konyak people and res- not familiar with the area and its resi- The Assam government, where ultimatum to the state government to
Rifles as initially assumed) followed North-east India till date, legally idents of Nagaland, it asserted in a dents. But they did not inform the the Act was first imposed in Novem- carry out the census of the Chakma and
an input about the movement of empowers any commissioned officer, media release. The forum also Nagaland Police and even the Assam ber 1990 and continues with repeated Hajong refugees.
armed insurgents in the Tiru-Oting warrant officer or non-commissioned expressed anguish that some satellite Rifles (which has been engaged in extensions every six months, is yet to Aapsu general secretary Tabom Dai
rural area and laid an ambush. officer in a disturbed area (if he news channels, based outside the those areas for decades) about the decide on any proposal against it. told reporters in Itanagar that the “enu-
Soon the vehicle of village- believes that it is necessary for main- North-east, tried to present it as a ambush. In haste, they fired at the Chief minister H B Sarma recently meration process came to a halt” after the
youths arrived there and the security taining public order) to fire upon or frontal confrontation between the vehicle following inaccurate inputs. commented that AF(SP)A would con- state government reportedly received a
personnel reportedly ordered them to otherwise use force (after giving due security forces and armed rebels. But later, the Assam Rifles’ camp had tinue until lasting peace is achieved in letter from the Prime Minister’s Office on
stop. But the vehicle did not slow warning), even to the point of causing The National Socialist Council of to face the villagers’ fury. I hope all the state. The government in Dispur 7 December. “The enumeration process
down and hence the security forces death, against any person who is act- Nagaland (Isak-Muivah) came out these facts will be out in the probe,” recently extended the disturbed area of the refugees should continue as usual,”
started firing at it after suspecting that ing in contravention of any law and with an official statement that the he stated. tag for another six months. Sarma Dai said, urging the Arunachal Pradesh
insurgents were inside. At least six order issue. ongoing Naga peace talks would not The Nagaland Goanburha (vil- apprehended that militants would government not to succumb to “inter-
passengers died on the spot leaving If necessary, the security person- be fruitful under the shadow of the lage heads) forum has sent a memo- take advantage of its repeal to disturb vention from external forces”. He said that
two with serious injuries. After real- nel can also destroy any arms dump, AF(SP)A. As the talks have reached a randum to President Ram Nath the peace and stability of Assam. the census of Chakmas and Hajongs is a
ising their mistake, the security per- prepared or fortified position or shel- dead end with NSCN-IM insisting on Kovind demanding the AF(SP)A’s regular administrative exercise to main-
sonnel took the injured villagers to a ter from which armed attacks are a separate flag along with a separate repeal from the region. The forum The writer is the Guwahati-based Special tain data required for safeguarding
nearby hospital. made or are likely to be made or any Constitution, the latest AF(SP)A con- cited the recommendations of the Representative of The Statesman indigenous people.
Earlier, the Chakma Development
Foundation of India in a petition to Prime

Fresh policies needed Minister Narendra Modi and Rashtriya

Swayamsevak Sangh chief Mohan Bhag-
wat alleged racial profiling of 65,000
Here’s a look back at the Chakmas and Hajongs in Arunachal
Pradesh. Aapsu also sought to know the
challenges that emerged in the status of the Assam-Arunachal Pradesh
boundary dispute and demanded deploy-
North-east this year ment of adequate security personnel in
sensitive areas to maintain peace. PTI

SHIBDAS BHATTACHARJEE got a free hand to operate and volatil-

ity increased as the Arakan Rohingya MTB championship

n 25 November this year, Salvation Army escalated tensions for
Union home minister Amit the Rohingya community. Such devel-
Shah claimed that peace opments, in turn, substantially aggra-
and political stability had vated the worsening security situa-
been restored in the North-east. He tion in North-east India.
also focused on the agenda of devel- While it is true that the Myanmar
opment through three e’s -- “empa- Army got some victories against the
thy, empowerment, enabler”. During terror camps of the North-east India-
these dying days of 2021, however, it based insurgents located within that
is important to consider the things county, it was not enough to restrict a high alert against Pakistan’s Inter-Ser- religion-based insurgent outfits. against the federal spirit of India.
that kept the region on boil. terror upsurge. This year witnessed vices Intelligence, which was plan- There are certain elements in The botched ambush in Naga- Manipur’s first ever state-level Mountain
Security issues have always been several subversive activities which ning to carry out a terror attack in Bangladesh that propagate anti-India land on 4 December triggered a fresh Terrain Bike Championship was held
sensitive, and some concerning were executed from the Indo-Myan- Assam targeting security establish- rhetoric on a regular basis. During spell of unrest. Naturally, the insur- under the banner “MTB Manipur: Dance
developments took place during the mar border by the People’s Liberation ments and religious places. Although Durga Puja, fanatical outfits van- gent outfits of Nagaland came down of Sangai” at Awaching, a picturesque
year in various North-eastern states. Army of Manipur, Dimasa National nothing serious happened, it is unde- dalised several temples in Bangladesh heavily and statements were made by eastern hill range in the outskirts of
In the last few months, new zones of Liberation Army, United Liberation niable that the Pakistani agenda has alleging defamation of the Holy other separatist leaders, including Imphal recently, says a report in The
conflict opened and exposed newer Front of Assam (Independence), always been to sabotage India’s secu- Quran and those incidents prompted UlfA’s Paresh Baruah. Students’ Assam Tribune. The day-long champi-
dimensions of strategic and security National Liberation Front of Tripura/ rity and strategic interests in the violence in several parts of Tripura. organisations of different North-east- onship was organised in three categories -
challenges. They are worrying as the National Liberation Front of Tripura North-east through East Pakistan and The prevailing political narrative and ern states arranged protest rallies - Cross Country Olympic U15, Open and
region shares international borders (Biswamohan) and others. later, Bangladesh. social media propaganda aggravated demanding punishment for the secu- Down Hill -- under the aegis of the
with China, Myanmar, Bangladesh In the Pakistani strategic note- the situation in Tripura. It is certainly rity personnel involved. The Naga- Manipur Adventure and Mountain Bik-
and Bhutan. Chinese & Pakistani connections book, North-east India figures promi- a new menace in North-east India, land People’s Organisation also with- ing Association, or Maamba.
Similarly, the identity affiliation It can be said that through Myan- nently and that is evident from Zul- and it will be tough to handle for the drew from the Hornbill Festival. Phulen Meitei, director, youth affairs
of people in the North-east and their mar, China has been making every fikar Ali Bhutto’s book, The Myth of security establishment. All these are worrying develop- and sports, Government of Manipur,
close ties with neighbouring coun- effort to instigate terror in the North- Independence. In it, Bhutto explicitly ments and demand fresh policy ini- attended the closing function as chief
tries are too complicated to resolve. east. Pakistan’s agenda is an open stated the same and mentioned East State versus state & administration tiatives. There should be separate guest. Maamba’s president Dr Ng Arunk-
The difference between mainland secret as well. Pakistan as a strategic base for Islam- versus people policies for every state as the age-old umar Singh, vice-president Nongthom-
India and the region persists and the China has allegedly provided safe abad on the Eastern frontier of India. Another significant development ones have failed to address issues in bam Kamalkanta and joint secretary
situation is, as always, delicate. The havens to the insurgent leaders of in 2021 has been the declining rela- the North-east and there is no harm Denis Phuritsabam were the event direc-
people are also not ready to be identi- Ulfa and the National Socialist Coun- Bangladesh & religious fanaticism tionship among different North-east- in recognising individual identities. tor, event joint director and race director
fied as a single entity. And therefore, cil of Nagaland (Isak-Muivah). The One of the most important char- ern states. Nothing can be worse than There are certain positives as well respectively for the day-long event where
there can be no single formula to execution of the recent Manipur acteristics of insurgency in the North- what happened between Assam and with the foremost among them being 30 riders participated.
address the multi-dimensional issues ambush and the improvised weapons east is that it is mainly based on eth- Mizoram. The police forces of the two the approach and attitude of the pre- Speaking to The Assam Tribune,
of this region. used by the terror outfit indicate the nicity. Religion has never been a states clashed at a contentious bor- sent generation in the region. They Arunkumar said, “The state has many tal-
direct connection of China with the prominent factor despite the Jamaat- der area on 26 July that left six want to be equal stakeholders in the ented cyclists and organising such a
Myanmar & the North-east region’s insurgents whereby logistical ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh, Harkat- Assamese policemen dead and more development of India, and their par- championship will help in producing
The Indo-Myanmar border in support is provided to them through ul-Jihad al-Islami, Muslim United Lib- than 70 people injured. In response, ticipation can only bring worthwhile competitive cyclists and we hope our
Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Myanmar. Security officials in India eration Tigers of Assam and some some residents of Assam blocked changes. That said, governments boys and girls will bring medals from
Manipur and Mizoram have been stated that it was retaliatory action by other groups continuing efforts to supplies to Mizoram. The two states must display greater accountability to international competitions soon.” It may
transit points for North-east India- China against India’s association with instigate insurgency in the name of filed murder cases against senior offi- leverage it. be mentioned here that Manipur had fin-
based insurgent outfits. After the Feb- the anti-China lobby in Taiwan and religion. The political narrative in the cials on the other side and Assam ished as the runners up team at the 18th
ruary 2021 coup in Myanmar, ethnic Tibet. North-east today is also communal even advised its locals against travel- The writer is a freelance contributor. National MTB Championship in Pune last
terror groups of that country virtually This year, Assam Police issued a and that provides a fertile ground for ling to Mizoram. This is undoubtedly The views expressed are personal month.
The England and Wales Cricket Board has condoled the demise
of Ray Illingworth CBE, the former England captain, head
coach and chair of selectors, who died at the age of 89.
Illingworth, who represented Yorkshire and Leicestershire
with great distinction, enjoyed a 15-year international career
(1958-73), making 61 appearances for his country. Domes-
tically, his first-class career spanned a remarkable 32
years, debuting in 1951 and hanging up his boots in
1983. He captained England 31 times including on
the victorious Ashes tour of Australia in 1970-71.
For more updates Postal Reg. No. DL (ND)-II/6088/2018/-19-20

Yearender 2021: The glittering high of Tokyo Games

AGENCIES tion included karate, skate- final. However, Indians staged the 23-year-old rolled in five
NEW DELHI, 26 DECEMBER boarding, sports climbing, a remarkable comeback to birdies to be placed a famous
and surfing. Baseball/soft- grab a 5-4 win over Germany fourth on fifteen-under 201
The Tokyo 2020 Olympics ball made its appearance to clinch a historic Bronze ahead of Australia's Hannah
had created a dramatic pre- once again after missing in the medal at Olympic Games. Green and Denmark's Ped-
lude to its 2021 resumption, previous two Olympic Games. Meanwhile, the Indian ersen who tied for fifth. The
after being postponed last Meanwhile, the Tokyo Par- Eves, who faced three losses Indian finished the final day
year. Fans could barely con- alympics featured 22 sports in the initial matches, went with 68 (-3) at the Kasumi-
tain their excitement and as and were held from August 24 on to pull off arguably the gaseki Country Club.
the biggest global event final- to September 5. Badminton biggest upset as they beat Shuttler PV Sindhu also cre-
ly unfurled, Indian athletes and taekwondo were newly the world number three Aus- ated history as she became the
served up a great volley of vic- included for the 2020 Summer tralian side in what was their second Indian athlete to win
tories that completely captured Paralympics. first-ever quarter-final of the two individual Olympic
the heart of the country. In both the Olympics and Olympics. Rampal Rani and medals. She defeated Bing Jiao
This year the Games were Paralympics, India witnessed Co. lost both the semi-final and 21-13, 21-15 in the bronze
held with COVID-19 induced a record medal haul as the photo) clinching a gold medal country was the Indian men's the Bronze Medal Play-Off medal match that lasted 52
restrictions from July 23 to country's athletes gave their for the country. Flamboyant team clinching the bronze match against Argentina and minutes. Sindhu had earlier
August 8 and all sports were best ever performances in Chopra secured a top-podi- medal and ending the 41- Great Britain, respectively. returned with a silver medal
played behind closed doors. Japan. um finish with a throw of year-old medal drought. Man- Hence, finishing fourth at at the Rio Olympics 2016.
About 11,000 athletes from In Olympics, India record- 87.58m. With this, he became preet Singh and Co. finished the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Other medallists for India
over 200 countries compet- ed its best-ever haul with the first Indian Olympian to second in Pool A winning In the golf event, Aditi were wrestler Bajrang Punia
ed in the Olympics as Japan seven medals (one gold, two claim the yellow metal in ath- four out of five group phase Ashok also narrowly missed (bronze), weightlifter Mirabai
witnessed sporting excel- silver, and four bronze). The letics and only the second indi- matches and defeated Great out on an Olympic medal Chanu (silver), boxer Lovlina
lence across 33 sports. Newly highlight of the Games for India vidual gold medallist after Britain 3-1 in the quarter- after finishing a brilliant 4th Borgohain (bronze), and
added sports for the 2020 was definitely, javelin throw- Abhinav Bindra. final before losing 5-2 against in the women's individual wrestler Ravi Kumar Dahiya
Summer Olympics competi- er Neeraj Chopra (in ani Another highlight for the Belgium in their historic semi- stroke play. On the final day, (silver).

Rahul's sublime ton The Ashes: Australia dominate England on Day 1

was rewarded for some tidy
bowling, as he picked the

helps India rule day 1

wicket of Stokes, who arched
Australia showed their dom- back in the crease to play the
inance with both bat and cut shot against a shorter
ball and were in a com- ball and got out at point.
manding position against England slipped further with
INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE Rahane was off the mark England at the end of the Jos Buttler (3) falling to Lyon
CENTURION, 26 DECEMBER on his second ball, cream- opening day of the Boxing Day as the visitors went to Tea at
ing a Ngidi half-volley Test at the Melbourne Crick- 128/6.

sublime century through covers. Rahane et Ground, here on Sunday. England's struggle con-
from KL Rahul (in began to deal in bound- Marcus Harris (20 off 51) tinued in the final session.
ani photo) helped aries, slicing Ngidi through and Nathan Lyon (0 off 5) were Mark Wood (6) survived for
India dominate day off-side, flicking Marco unbeaten at the crease as 15 balls before falling lbw to
one of the Boxing Day Test Jansen through mid-wicket, Australia finished Day 1 of the Boland, who claimed his
at the SuperSport Park here cutting off backfoot through third Test at 61/1, trailing by maiden Test wicket. Bairstow
on Sunday. At stumps, India backward point off Maharaj, 124 runs. (35), who had held on until
are 272/3 in 90 overs with and punching off backfoot After bowling out Eng- then, bravely holding onto one
Rahul (batting 122) and through over off Mulder. land for 185 in their first end, was undone by Starc's
Ajinkya Rahane (batting 40) Rahul brought up his innings, Australia began con- watchman Nathan Lyon who along with Malan added short ball that reared onto him
at the crease on a day that seventh Test century by fidently and were cruising ensured no further damage 48 runs for the third wicket. and had to be awkwardly
totally belonged to the steering Maharaj through for the most part. With the was done, returning unbeat- The pair complemented each fended off to the man at gully.
tourists'. backward point despite a pitch easing out, opener en to the pavilion. other well enough to keep Aus- Lyon then wrapped up
Captain Virat Kohli began desperate dive by Keegan David Warner and Harris Earlier, Australia opted to tralia at bay for most parts until the innings, getting Jack Leach
the final session with a flick Petersen. He also became the negotiated the initial overs bowl after a 30 minutes a lapse in the final minutes (13) and Ollie Robinson (22)
through square leg off Keshav second Indian opener to expertly. delayed start due to a slight of the first session. Cummins in back-to-back overs as Eng-
Maharaj. Kagiso Rabada score a Test century in South The 35-year old Warner, in drizzle. Returning skipper was rewarded for his spec- land were bowled out for a
troubled a bit but Kohli Africa after Wasim Jaffer's 116 particular, was the aggressor Pat Cummins started strong, tacularly consistent bowling meagre 185.
came forward and unfurled at Cape Town in 2007. of the two and hit some crack- bowling testing lengths and as Malan (14) nicked in the After defeats in Brisbane
his cover drive. Rahul too was After reaching his hun- ing boundaries as the pair soon lines to trouble England's last over of the morning ses- and Adelaide, England trail the
troubled by Rabada but dred, Rahul upper-cut Jansen brought up their fifty part- openers. He drew first blood sion. best-of-five series 2-0 and
managed to caress a drive over the slip cordon. Rahane, nership. in his opening over when The second session start- now face an uphill task to keep
through extra cover. Rahul on the other hand, leaned England finally got a break- Haseeb Hameed poked at a ed well for England with Root this Ashes alive.
then went on to smack into a square drive off Jansen through when James Ander- fuller delivery that shaped getting to another fifty. But
Maharaj for a pulled four and nailed one along the son got Warner for 38 in the away a tad bit, falling for a 10- their misery continued when Brief scores:
through mid-wicket, fol- ground pull on a bouncer penultimate over before ball duck. Root fell to Mitchell Starc England 1st innings 185 in
lowed by dancing down the from Rabada through back- stumps. Warner looked to The skipper then dismissed soon after reaching the land- 65.1 overs (Joe Root 50, Jonny
pitch to hit a six over long- ward square leg. dab a good-length ball towards Zak Crawley (12) in his fourth mark. Ben Stokes (25) and Bairstow 35; Pat Cummins
on and enter the 90s. Brief scores: third man but got an outside over, leaving England teeter- Jonny Bairstow then forged 3/36, Nathan Lyon 3/36) lead
Lungi Ngidi bowled seven India 272/3 in 90 overs (KL edge to gully, where Crawley ing at 13/2 early in the third a stand and kept the runs tick- Australia 1st innings 61/1
consecutive dot balls to Rahul 122 not out, Mayank took a good diving catch in Test. ing without taking too many (David Warner 38, Marcus
Kohli and on the eighth free chased a delivery wide gave an easy catch to Wiaan Agarwal 60, Lungi Ngidi 3/45) the front. However, England's fight- risks. Harris 20 not out; James
ball, Kohli in a bid to break outside the off-stump and Mulder at first slip. against South Africa) However, Harris and night- back was led by skipper Root, However, Cameron Green Anderson 1/14) by 124 runs.

Man City hope to extend winning run Indian Arrows hold TRAU Himachal Pradesh beat Tamil Nadu
festival period in top-flight
English football is always a dif-
chester on Sunday.
City go into this game on
KOLKATA, 26 DECEMBER TRAU went for an attack
as soon as the whistle blew
to clinch Vijay Hazare Trophy
ficult time for the clubs and an eight-match winning streak TRAU and Indian Arrows as Joseph Olaleye moved to ANI
Boxing Day is usually the managers to ensure the play- in the league and having won started their I-League 2021- Indian Arrows half from the JAIPUR, 26 DECEMBER
busiest Day in English foot- ers negotiate this period with- 11 of our last 15 in all com- 2022 campaign with a goal- right flank. But his low cross
ball with all Premier League out any long-term damage to petitions. Guardiola's side less draw at the Mohun Bagan inside the box was picked up Himachal Pradesh batters
clubs in action. Teams usu- the players and their cam- sit top of the Premier League Ground in Kolkata, West Ben- by goalkeeper Ahan Prakash. played out of their skins to beat
ally have to play three match- paign. table, with a three-point gal on Sunday. In the 6th minute of the Tamil Nadu in the final ofVijay
es within a week leading to The team owners and advantage over second-placed Despite both the teams match, a run from Parthib Hazare Trophy here at the
New Year Day. However, the managers have already Liverpool. Leicester saw their getting plenty of shots on tar- Gogoi against the run of play Sawai Mansingh Stadium.
Covid-19 pandemic has informed the Premier League two previous league fixtures get, they shared points after stunned TRAU's defensive Himachal Pradesh captain
caused havoc in the 2021 of their concern over the postponed due to COVID-19. the conclusion of the game forces. Gogoi managed to Rishi Dhawan won the toss and
festival season with many crowded fixtures during the The Foxes beat Newcastle as the match ended in 0-0 get a shot from close distance, chose to bowl first. His decision
matches getting postponed vacation period despite the United 2-0 last time out and draw. Indian Arrows started but goalkeeper Amrit Gope to bowl first proved to be the
due to Novel Coronavirus Covid spread. have won four of their pre- with a 4-4-2 set-up with skip- made a clean save. right one as Vinay Galetiya
spread and injuries. With Covid-19 forcing vious 10 league contests. per Parthib Gogoi leading the TRAU will next face dismissed Tamil Nadu open-
This week, three of Sun- postponement of three On Saturday, City manager attacking troops. TRAU, who Sreenidhi Deccan FC on er Baba Aparajith for just 2 in
day's nine matches have matches, defending cham- Pep Guardiola said he will had finished in third position December 30 at 2:00 PM the 5th ball of the match. Cap- was introduced into the attack on 60 runs for the opening wick-
been postponed with teams pions Manchester City will be assess his squad after the last year, started with a 4-3- IST, meanwhile, Indian tain and medium-pacer Rishi and even he went for plenty con- et in just 8.5 overs. Left-arm spin-
unable to put up a proper play- looking to extend their lead pre-match training session 3 attacking set up with Krish- Arrows will face Sudeva Delhi Dhawan introduced himself in ceding 35 runs in three overs ner Ravisrinivasan Sai Kishore
ing XI due to Covid-19 pos- atop the table with a win and the next round of PCR nananda Singh and Joseph FC on December 31 at 2:00 the first change and dismissed at an economy rate of 12.66. But was introduced into the attack
itive cases and injuries. The against Leicester City in Man- tests. Olaleye in front line. PM IST. ANI the other opener Narayan Rangi finally broke the part- and he dismissed Prashant
Jagadeesan caught behind by nership dismissing Baba Indra- Chopra out bowled for just
wicket-keeper Shubham Arora jith for 80 of just 71. 21.

Defending champ Gokulam Kerala FC begin I-League campaign with solid win for just 9. Ravisrinivasan Sai
Kishore tried to steady the
In the next over Karthik too
was dismissed after playing a
In the next over Washing-
ton Sundar cleaned up Digvi-
ship for Tamil Nadu but he too brilliant knock of 116 of 103 balls jay Rangi for a three-ball duck.
AGENCIES balls behind the opponent's half aiming to up the ante in was dismissed by medium- smashing 8 boundaries and 7 Nikhil Gangta came in and he
KOLKATA, 26 DECEMBER last line of defence. the encounter. The Red pacer Pankaj Jaswal. sixes at a strike rate of 112.62. hit 2 sixes but was dismissed
The Malabarians found Machines increased the Medium-pacer Rishi Karthik was dismissed by Sid- by Murugan Ashwin for 18 as
Defending champions Goku- the first breakthrough of the tempo of their play and start- Dhawan took his second wick- harth Sharma who bowled an Himachal looked in a spot of
lam Kerala FC began their I- match after being awarded ed to combine well togeth- et of the match as he got the economical spell of 34 for 1 in bother at 96 for three.
League title defence in solid a penalty in the 16th minute. er as a team, but could not wicket of Murugan Ashwin for his 10 overs. Amit Kumar walked in to bat
fashion with a 1-0 win over As the pacy Ngangom Ronald create any clear cut scoring 7 and Tamil Nadu were left tot- Shahrukh Khan came in and forged a partnership with
last season's runners-up Singh skilfully surged with the chances to put the Gokulam tering for 40 for four in 14.3 overs. to bat and he wreaked havoc wicket-keeper batter Shub-
Churchill Brothers at the ball into the Churchill Broth- Kerala goal under threat. With Tamil Nadu in deep on Himachal bowlers hitting ham Arora. Amit Kumar scored
Kalyani Stadium here in ers box, he was impeded In a game of few chances trouble team's most experi- three sixes and three bound- a half-century of 57 balls. Open-
Kolkata on Sunday. and brought down by a mist- in the second half, Gokulam enced batter, Dinesh Karthik aries scoring 42 runs of 21 er Shubham Arora notched
Gokulam Kerala skipper imed challenge from the Kerala continued to defend came in and forged a much- balls. CaptainVijay Shankar also up his maiden century in List
Sharif Mohammad scored Lebanese Shadi Skaf. Goku- well and maintained their needed partnership with Baba scored runs at a brisk pace scor- A cricket which came of just 95
the solitary goal of the match lam Kerala skipper Sharif one-goal advantage, keeping Indrajith. The duo steadied ing 22 runs of 16 balls hitting balls as Himachal's total went
from the penalty spot early Mohammad stepped up to a clean sheet in the process the ship and slowly increased one six and one boundary and past the 200-run mark and
in the first half. Both teams take the resultant spot kick and opening their I-League the current run rate of the in-process took his team's total the duo also struck a century
made a nervy start to the and calmly slotted the ball 2021-22 campaign with a team. Both the batters target- beyond the 300-run mark. partnership.
game as they cancelled each into the bottom left corner precious three points. ed the left-arm spinners Mayank Pankaj Jaswal's four wick- Brief Scores: Tamil Nadu 314/10
other out in the opening to give his side the advantage. Gokulam Kerala will come Dagar and AkashVasisht as they ets and skipper Rishi Dhawan's (Dinesh Karthik 116 (103),
exchanges of the game. As Churchill Brothers' first big up against Neroca FC in conceded runs with over 7 3 wickets helped Himachal Baba Indrajith 80 (71), Shahrukh
each team began to grow into chance of the game fell the their next match on 30 runs per over. bowl out Tamil Nadu for 314 Khan 42 (21); Pankaj Jaswal 4-
the contest, their intentions way of Bryce Miranda in the Santos which sent Miranda with a fantastic save from December, while Churchill Dinesh Karthik notched up in 49.4 overs. 59, Rishi Dhawan 3-62) vs
were laid bare as both Goku- 21st minute, thanks to a bearing down on goal. Miran- Gokulam goalkeeper Rak- Brothers will look to get their his century and Indrajith scored Chasing 315, the Himachal Himachal Pradesh 299/4 (Shub-
lam Kerala and Churchill sublime piece of control and da produced a fierce volley shit Dagar. campaign on track against a half-century as the duo went Pradesh team got off to a fly- ham Arora 136*(131), 74 (79),
Brothers looked for a direct deftly played through ball by one on one with the keeper, Churchill Brothers restart- RoundGlass Punjab FC on 31 on to put 202-run partnership ing start as openers Shubham Rishi Dhawan 42(23); Baba
attacking threat by way of long Brazilian Guilherme Dos but his effort was matched ed the match in the second December. for the fifth wicket. Digvijay Rangi Arora and Prashant Chopra put Aparajith 1/45).

Printed and published by VINOD KUMAR GUPTA for THE STATESMAN LTD, Statesman House, 148 Barakhamba Road, New Delhi ��Editor: RAVINDRA KUMAR ��Executive Editor: ARYA RUDRA ��Printed at Vibha Publication Pvt Ltd, D-160 B, Sector 7, NOIDA 201301 (UP). ��The Statesman Ltd. RNB REG. No. M-8905,RNI No. 507/57

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